Brilliant! I knew this guy during his residency training at Einstein. I have also heard that he made one of my colleague's children, who is a med student at Sackler Med feel awful. From what I heard he was trying to revamp the school, but cut some corners in the process and turned the screws on the students.
Good to see he has fulfilled his "potential." I hope that Kaplan Inc drops the hammer on him for plagiarism. Shame on him. He was always very good at speaking in front of others, but there was always an eery lack of substance and follow through. During training I learned that, on more than one occasion, he made up data in the lab and used it for his own publications. I didn't do anything at the time, because I knew it would catch up with him at some point, that he would eventually get caught and fired. Now, I feel kind of guilty because he probably permanently scarred a few med students at Sackler Med.
Medical school is for medical students, and this is the last kind of person you want to put in charge of looking after student well being. If I was on a faculty hiring committee at Sackler, I would probably pick someone who was American and put American students first, someone that was on the cutting edge of modern medical education. I have known a few people that graduated from Sackler, and they all were brilliant students and did medicine for the right reasons. There is no need to make it harder on a group of American students than what their peers at US med schools go through, by torturing them with exposure to ultra-conservative frauds like Rael Strous.