  • Report:  #979566

Complaint Review: RAM Cabinetry - West Chester Pennsylvania

Reported By:
Bob M. - West Chester, Pennsylvania, United States of America

RAM Cabinetry
209 S. Bolmar St. West Chester, 19382 Pennsylvania, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Questionable work ethics. 

Poor business practices, poor attitude.

Schedule conflicts.

Poor communication from staff and workers.

Constant prodding to get the work done in 6 continuous working days as promised, but it never happened.

Inaccurate proposal.

Only fixed incomplete job details when I insisted it be done in a professional manner.

Required constant badgering to get details done properly.  Not a detailed oriented person as he claims to be.

No concerns or respect for my renovation schedule which would continue after he was done.

Had constant interruptions and delays for an inconsistent workday schedule.  
Crew worked 2-3 hours most days before being pulled off to go to another job, when there was much more work to be done on mine.
Unprofessional attitude, poor people and customer service skills.
The work was good, but is over-shadowed by all of the above happenings.
14 working days and 7 weeks for a "6 day job". What a disgrace to the profession.


RAM Cabinetry was contracted in June, 2012 to start their work right after the completion of other work from another contractor, with whom RAM has worked with in the past on similar types of situation.  In June, the first contractor said his work would begin around the middle of Sept, 2012, and would give a definite date at the beginning of Sept.  He and RAM were in touch with each other to coordinate this 3 months before my project began, and both told me there should be no problems in making this happen (a quick transition of the completion by the 1st contractor, and the start of RAM's project).

At the end of August, 2012, the 1st contractor's start date was to be Sept. 17, and would take about 7 working days to complete, and RAM was told by him of these dates so RAM could quickly follow up with the minimum of delays for starting his part.

The 1st contractor completed his part as promised, in 7 working days, ending on Tues. Sept 25., and several days before completion, had informed RAM of the projected completion date.  I contacted RAM with the same information and had to wait several days before being contacted that RAM"S start date would be Wed. Oct. 3, and the job would take about 6 working days with his crew being there every day.  (This would be an expected completion date of Thurs. Oct 11).  At this point I had no choice, but was not happy about the delay in starting.

This is where I started hearing a lot of "I'm sorry, I forgot, I don't know, I apologize,"  responses from the staff, the crews and Russell March, the owner of RAM.  When I asked if the crew was coming back the next day, the response was "I don't know, that is up to Russell".  Russell would be lax in returning my calls to answer my questions about this, then had his staff call a day or two later, at times.  Remember, he said 6 straight working days.  With a lot of badgering on my part to get the job done quickly as promised, RAM's last day was Thurs. Oct. 25 for what they considered the job as being completed, 12 working days after starting.

I withheld the final payment pending the completion of a few items that RAM had not fixed.  Russell called me Wed. Oct. 30 asking for the balance due, and we both had heated conversations about the job.  When the dust settled, I said he would get the balance due once the remaining items were completed.  The next day, bright and early, he arrived to fix it, I paid the balance, and asked him to install a trim piece along a panel that was damaged by the crew.  He didn't have it, but said he would get it and have it fixed.   Two weeks later on Thurs. Nov. 15,  I called him to find out what the delay was.  Friday I got a call from the staff stating that the "trim piece was in the shop ready for me to pick up".  Turns out he wanted me, not him or his crew, to install it on my own, because he couldn't make it for 2 weeks due to his schedule.  Mind you this is a 5 minute job for him with all the tools and equipment.  And to think I trusted he would at least keep his word after an amicable parting when I paid the balance.  

I should have withheld some of the balance until the job was really done.  Foolish me.  It took until Nov. 20th, the date I picked up the trim, to truly complete the job. 

3 Updates & Rebuttals

Bob M.

West Chester,
United States of America
RESOLVED - REVIEW IS RESCINDED. We have mutually agreed there were unusual and non-typical circumstances involved in this renovation. We both rescind our comments and put our differences behind us.

#2Author of original report

Thu, February 21, 2013

RESOLVED - REVIEW IS RESCINDED.  We have mutually agreed there were unusual and non-typical circumstances involved in this renovation.  We both rescind our respective comments and have put our differences behind us, in order to move forward.

Bob M.

West Chester,
United States of America

#3Author of original report

Mon, December 17, 2012

***** I honestly do not know what I could have done differently. (Last line)

Read on to find out.

*****Ram Cabinetry was not informed by the contractor regarding his completion schedule.

RAM told me the 1st contractor is really fast and could be done sooner than expected (before last week of Sept.), both of them were in constant communication, almost every day, about this and other jobs. No surprises about the final completion date. RAM over booked the work schedule without any regard for my job.

*****This particular customer was watching his budget

EX 1) Proposal somewhat vague in area of work requested, sometimes inaccurate. Took
constant badgering to get original, worn, dirty framing renewed as part of re-facing on old cabinets, as requested.

EX 2) New counter and sink requested, with sink being identical style (under-mount) as RAM previously installed in 2008. Proper sink installed. Later in the job, RAM said proposal stated a drop-in sink, and my wife changed her mind about the sink style while in his showroom. Untrue. We wanted the same style mounting as installed in 2008, where sink is set below the counter top. RAM even took notes on this request!  I had no argument about paying the price difference for sink and sink protector (was requested and ordered but not on the proposal), and the installation of the microwave oven I purchased myself (also not on the proposal, but requested). Inaccurate proposal.

EX 3) The two items RAM did not invoice me for was his additional cost for the counter top opening for the requested under mount sink (his error, not mine). I paid the additional costs as stated in EX 2. Also not invoiced was a charge for mounting cabinet knobs that I purchased elsewhere because the ones he offered in his showroom were not the kind we wanted. Hmmm.      

*****In order to keep the customer happy many of these items ..

EX 4) Many requests were to do the job as I originally specified, such as making the refrigerator end panel 35 wide to fit a wider refrigerator. It was installed with a 32 wide opening. This created additional work and time to resolve. No communication to the crew.
  Also, a 3 wide, 24 length visible hole at the top remained uncovered. Took much prodding to get RAM to cover it for a professional looking job. More delays, increasing job time line.

EX 5) Existing counter top installed by RAM in 2008 was modified incorrectly to fit over new trash bin cabinet, and was removed to get done at the shop. New rear base panel visibly damaged when top was removed. Counter top was re-installed. RAM forgot to take into consideration the rounded corner of the old counter was not long enough to cover the corner of the new base cabinet. Issue resolved by adding a piece of quartz to end of counter. The seam fusing the two pieces had a very pronounced hump to it, making it look very bad. Two attempts were made to give it a professional appearance, and was acceptable to RAM, but the seam was even worse now. More delays, more work, caused by RAMs  oversight, increasing the job time line.

***** Upon 100% completion of the job and fulfilling the customers every request .

The job was NOT 100% complete (to RAM it was). Issue of the counter top seam was unresolved. I paid 50% of the balance due, and was not going to make any more funds available until it was.

***** It was at this time another piece of trim was requested. This piece was not necessary ..

A week after paying the 50% balance, RAM finally made the seam look professional. Paid the balance in full.  The trim issue comes up now to cover the damaged base cabinet panel   (EX 5). I said a piece of trim will professionally resolve it. He didn't have it, but would get it and have it fixed. Two weeks later, Im told to pick up the trim and install it myself because he couldn't make it for 2 weeks. It took until Nov. 20th to truly complete the job. Poor ethics, poor attitude, poor business practices.


United States of America
Ram Cabinetry is committed to Excellence, Craftsmanship and Professionalism

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, December 12, 2012

Ram Cabinetry is committed to Excellence, Craftsmanship and Professionalism. We fulfilled every request, went above and beyond and did everything in our power to keep this customer happy. 

There are many inaccuracies in the above post:

Ram Cabinetry was not informed by the contractor regarding his completion schedule. Ram received a call from the customer stating his other contractor would be finishing in a few days.  As our schedule was booked we adjusted our schedule and crews in order to accommodate the above customer. 

This particular customer was watching his budget which is totally understandable in these economic times but throughout the job the customer continually requested additional work and supply items which were not initially agreed to and he was not invoiced for. In order to keep the customer happy many of these items were fulfilled at no additional cost to the customer.  Of course, this additional work did add to the time line of the project.

Upon 100% completion of the job and fulfilling the customers every request we were informed he could only pay us 50% of the balance due as the customer did not have the funds available. It was at this time another piece of trim was requested. This piece was not necessary but I agreed to locate it and supply it at no charge in order to keep the customer happy.

I am pleased the customer thought the work was good but it is very unfortunate this customer is not 100% happy as we always strive to deliver only the best. I honestly do not know what I could have done differently.

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