  • Report:  #776662

Complaint Review: Rampal Cellular Stockmarket Inc - Nationwide

Reported By:
David - Holliwood, California, United States of America

Rampal Cellular Stockmarket Inc
Nationwide, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I am a businessman with activites in Israel, USA. I have had the very unpleasant experience of dealing with RCS Inc. (Rampal Cellular Stockmarket), losing money in the process. To this day, I have not been able to recuperate the funds lost in these dealings (some tens of thousands of dollars). 
Indeed, Mr. Feller, along with his lawyers, has his methods to avoid paying and even to avoid providing any redress for the mess and loss caused by RCS to our company.

After reading some postings on the net and going over information I obtained from my franchise agents in Israel, I realized (albeit too late) that I was not the first one cheated by RCS and Mr Feller. 

I decided to post the additional information I found on Feller and his company on the web, as a means of educating any individual or company that is deciding to deal with Rampal Cellular Stockmarket, Rampal Solar and/or Mr Rami Feller.  Had I known two years ago what I know now through business associates, colleagues and some illuminating posts on business forums I would have avoided any and all contact with these entities.

Below you will see the information I obtained so far and I heartily and emphatically invite you to browse through it BEFORE GOING INTO BUSINESS WITH THESE PEOPLE.  In the quotes, links and documents below you will see the history of the founder of RCS Mr. Rami Feller. 

 Caution advised. 


Link: Rip-Off Alert on RCS 17,000 USD lost by victim

Full text in link: http://www.ripoffreport.com/cellular-phone-companies/rcs-rampal-rampal-ce/rcs-rampalrcs-rampal-rampal-c-2fe34.htm


RCS Rampal, Rampal Cellular Stockmarket Ltd. DO NOT DEAL WITH THEM!! Stole $17000 usd - never delivered merchandise. Still has not issued refund. Bnei Brak, Israel.

My suggestion is DO NOT DEAL WITH RCS or ALLAN G's. For RCS to be involved in something like this is just sad and you would think something that should be beneath them as far as business practices.

Court case from 2009 over breach of contract by Rami Feller and RCS - September 8, 2009.

Selected parts:

The suit revolves around a breach of contract for providing 7,000 cellular phones and damages inflicted on the plaintiff as a result of the claimed breach....

The Plaintiff insisted on his right to receive the devices ordered as per the agreement between both sides and in response the defendant sent on the 30.8.06 a laconic answer notifying the plaintiff that the deal is cancelled. Upon checking the plaintiff had found out that the devices meant for him were actually sold to other retail providers in the New York area. The way the defendant has conducted himself was affected by extreme dishonesty, caused considerable damage to the plaintiff, loss of immediate and expected profit, severe damage to reputation and severing of business relations with companies it was working with in large volumes.

The defendant's new and unexpected claim about the personal knowledge of its manager, Mr. Rami Feller, in regards to the decision not to return the devices to Dubai but to sell them to a different source than the one they were purchased from amounts to a change of claims and only serves to make the unreliability of the defendant more obvious.

Criminal court case from 1995 on R. Feller dealing with illegal cellphone devices:

Criminal Case (Tel - Aviv - Jaffa) 3838/90:

State of Israel
1. Rami Feller
2. Yagel Gershon
Magistrate Court in Tel - Aviv Jaffa
Selected quotes:
...and since defendant 1 (Rami Feller) was about to travel abroad and was concerned about the possibility that these devices would be stolen, defendant 2 was asked to keep the devices. He said he was unaware of any illegality of having the devices. So his part ends at being a free keeper of those devices while he has no partnership in this.

To the question of the prosecutor How is it that the phones provided to him by defendant 1 (Rami Feller) to 'keep' at his house were also found in his car, he responded by explaining that the second defendant was supposed to take these devices home together with the other ones.

He said that the devices seized in the kitchen at his home above the cupboard had not been hidden there, but were kept for defendant 1 (Rami Feller). Second defendant was tried together with another; defendant 1, who during the hearing of evidence pled guilty, was convicted of unlawfully holding radio-telegraph devices, an offense under Section 5 (a) +7 (a) the Wireless Telegraphy Ordinance (New Version) 1972.

Newspapers on Mr. Rami Feller:
News articles ca. 1985:

Scheduled to be Arrested on Smuggling Telephones
Reporter: Buki Na'eh

Rami Feller, Head of a Orthodox organization Yad Leachim, will be arrested by the police upon his return to Israel.
Feller (38), currently overseas, is suspected to have been the man behind a network smuggling Illegal cordless phones to Israel. The police has in custody 3 other suspects, claimed to be the ones assembling and distributing the devices.

---------And another article the subject:

Smuggling of illegal phones exposed

Page edited by Uriel Reingold

Dan Region police exposed a network of importers suspected of smuggling illegal phones to Israel.

Yesterday police investigators, assisted by inspectors of the engineering department in the Ministry of Communication, raided a house in Bnei-Brak and arrested 3 people suspected of membership in the network. Four illegal devices were captured. The devices are forbidden for use due to the fact that they make use of frequencies used by the Defense Force and the Israeli Red Cross.

The police suspects that the network members imported the phones to Israel, distributed them and installed them in the home of the client.

----------Yet another one...

30 Phones Caught by the Police
Reporter: Buki Na'eh

The police and the Ministry of Communication are raiding these days houses around the Dan County and confiscating illegal phones. Per estimation there are tens of thousands of illegal devices in Israel, devices the police is intent on finding and confiscating. The devices can listen in on calls done by the Defense Force and the Israeli Red Cross.

Yesterday morning, agents of the Engineering Department of the Ministry of Communication and police investigators from Dan Region raided a house in Bnei-Brak and a workshop in Petach-Tikva. 30 illegal devices were captured in the raid. The police said that 3 suspects were arrested during the operation, and a part of the gang that smuggled those devices and put them together in clients' houses was exposed.
There are two kinds of phones in use in Israel. The legal phones have a range of 300 meters, and can be used because their power capacity is less then 0.1 watt. Recently devices were imported to Israel with a range of up to tens of kilometers and power capacity of over 0.1 watt. The Ministry of Communication claims that the use of those phones can block communication lines used by the Defense Forces.The Ministry says that people using these phones will be tracked down during the current broad operation of detection, be indicted and have their device confiscated.

----------And the most detailed report, on the network of smugglers which Feller was the head of at the time:

Pirate Line from Bnei-Brak
Reporter: Zeev Yefet

The police and the Ministry of Communication exposed a network selling non-standard mobile phones, devices which interfere with Army Communication lines.  The head of the network is Rami Feller, a millionaire at age of 25. In 1980, after his business had collapsed, he repented to Judaism.

The story begins half a year ago, during a routine meeting with friends on a Saturday evening. One of those present spoke about how he had recently bought a mobile device, at which point an officer from the Israeli Defense Force, specialist in communication devices, intervened and spoke of the many problems the army is suffering as a result of the use of non-standard mobile phones, smuggled from abroad, which are illegal for use in Israel.

This phones interfere with the system the army is using and block some frequencies used by the Security Forces.

In Israel a priority is given to the army and the Security Forces when assigning broadcast frequencies. While in Western countries about two thirds of the wireless frequencies are given to the civil sector, in Israel it is the opposite.
This year the cellular became very popular: this wireless device doesn't present any problem - it operates inside the approved and standard frequencies designated for use by civil sector only, its signal's power is very low and there are special relay systems built to allow for phone calls to be made from a distance of tens of kilometers.


But why pay subscription fees for standard wireless phones, air time and tens of thousands of dollars for the system itself, a price that includes the cost of the infrastructure itself when the price of a smuggled system is lower and the rate of a phone call is calculated as if there was only one minute talk? This would have been acceptable if wasn't for the fact that the smuggled systems had broadcasting power up to 500 times the allowed level in Israel, and they transmit on frequencies used by the Israeli Defense Forces.

A short while later, I received a complaint from a civilian who purchased a wireless phone and then found out that the system is not standard and is illegal for use. The seller who sold him the device didn't agree to take it back. The seller was the Rampal company from 10 Alkalai st. in Bnei-Brak.

This company used to be owned by Rami Feller, the superstar in the business world of Israel in the mid 70s.  Feller sold TVs, turntables and stereo systems, was considered a genius in business and was a millionaire at age of 25. In 1980 his business collapsed and he had debts of 2 million Dollar, and he simply disappeared.

In 1985 Feller repented to Judaism and since then he lives in Bnei-Brak, member in Netivey Olam Yeshiva and a member of Yad Lebanim organization, which fights missionary activities and mystical cults. Parallel to that he is working in importing and selling Video equipment and wireless phones.

Anyone who is selling legal wireless phone devices must have a license for trading communication devices, And indeed, Feller sent over 2 years ago a letter to the Ministry of Communication asking for a license. He noted in the letter: I work from my house on a small scale, as I have repented and am studying in the Yeshiva half of the day. I also work with 2nd hand equipment, buy from private people and sell to others.

His business turnover is considerable in size. Amongst his clients are many driving instructors that manage their business from their phones in the car, Hadasa Hospital and Levinski College also buy from him, and there are many more private clients. None of them know that the systems they buy are illegal.

Any device purchased from Feller has to, of course, be installed with reception antennas.  In order for it to be installed, Feller got to work with Meital Workshop from 4 Baul St. in Kiryat-Arieh, Petach-Tikva, and their people are making the installations for him.

I called Feller and inquired if I can buy a wireless phone device of the Tamagaba Super-Phone model CT 3000, which is a system that has a very strong signal and forbidden to be imported. I was answered in the affirmative. After I collected the device a problem arose: going public with this can make Feller dispose of all the receipts that show his accounting and the communication systems themselves. So, through the spokesperson of the Ministry of Communication I was able to reach the Ministry's Security Officer and proposed to deliver to him the data so it could be dealt with first.  I was told that the data points to a series of alleged-crimes, but due to bureaucratic work procedures there was no one that could handle the situation seriously.

I turned to the Minister of Communication, Gur Yaakobi, and referred his attention to what is happening. Only then things starting moving fast and effectively. The same day I received a phone call from the Security Officer of the ministry, and he told me that the subject received a top priority, and referred me to Shmuel Klatner, head of the engineering and licensing department in the ministry, who was appointed to handle the situation. For two weeks the personnel of the office made check-ups and inspections. Moshe Tsines, the one in charge of supervision on the subject of wireless communication, and Gidon Tschahanover, the technical assistance, had a meeting with Feller and presented themselves as naive buyers wanting to purchase two wireless radio-telephone systems for long ranges.

Last week a summary meeting was held with the department manager, the legal advisor of the office and the Security Officer. It was decided that based on the material collected and the inspections conducted there is no doubt that a series of alleged-violations of the Wireless-Telegraph Law and the Bezeq Law were perpetrated. Chief of the Dan Region police, Arieh Amit, was briefed on the situation, and it was decided to conduct a series of raids on the houses of the suspects. The raid was arranged for Tuesday this week. Search and seizing warrants were received from the court beforehand.


On Tuesday, 5:00 AM, eight policeman headed by Chief Superintendent Avi Nesher, six employees of the Communication Ministry headed by the Department Head, Klatner, and the head of the wireless supervision department, Tsines, all convened in the office of the Chief of Police. At the end of the meeting, around 6:30, the corps divided into two squads: one went to Fellers home and the second went to Meital workshop. At 9:00 in the morning Gershon Yegel, Rami Feller's assistant, entered the house, and it was decided on the spot to act simultaneously in both locations.

It was found that Feller himself flew overseas a week ago, but in his house-office were found 500 invoices for buyers from the past 18 months. After a preliminary inspection, Tsines said: At least 200 transactions involve illegal and non-standard equipment.  Smuggled wireless phone systems with a frequency signal of up to 500 times the approved standard and using army communication were found and taken. These devices work in a maximum radius of 60km.

It is not surprised that the use of them in central Israel made so much disruptions. Tens of seemingly innocent invoices were found, and it was revealed that it was tourists from the USA that sold the devices to Feller. The head of the operation: we will go to each of the 500 buyers, and because they were unaware that the devices they bought were illegal, we will allow them to place the devices in the custody of the police and file a civil law suit against the seller.

Anyone out there that had dealings with this company and witnessed and/or suffered wrongdoings, which should be made known should alert here.

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