  • Report:  #423820

Complaint Review: RBSL - Unsecuredline.com - South Jordan Utah

Reported By:
- Chandler, Arizona,

RBSL - Unsecuredline.com
3630 W. South Jordan Prkwy, Suite 201 South Jordan, 84095 Utah, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This company is a scam. They claim to have a satisfaction guarantee, but they don't.

They claim there are no upfront fees, yet before they can "help" you, they asked for a $398 fee to process your application and assess your credit worthiness. They then come back with a "risk profile summary" which in itself is not a bad thing, but the $398 should pay for it.

They tell you what needs to be addressed on your credit report to "optimize" your credit, and offer to perform the service for $2500. They cannot or will not tell you how much it will improve your score, but they tell you there is a money back guarantee that you will get a loan offer. When asked if they will guarantee the loan will be for a certain amount, they will not guarantee it. What if you pay $2500 for this service, and get a loan offer for $1,000? They consider that a success, and you will owe them 5% of the $1,000 on top of everything else you have paid.

We opted to not pay the $2,500 to "optimize", and in fact decided we would not even apply, as we had just been turned down by M&I Bank due to "excessive obligations relative to income". Because we did not apply, RBSL states we owe them $10,000 (5% of the $200,000 we said we needed on our initial application). Oh, but wait! They sympathize with us, and will reduce that fee to $2,500. SCAM! Run from it; I am turning them in to the UTAH and ARIZONA Attorney General's office.


Chandler, Arizona


7 Updates & Rebuttals


Retraction of Ripoff Report - Misunderstanding with RBSL Completely Resolved

#2Author of original report

Wed, March 11, 2009

Following a pleasant conversation with the owner of RBSC this morning, I want to state that all issues have been completely resolved. I fully retract all previous statements that this company was a scam. The fact that the owner took the time to personally reply was a huge sign that there was a misunderstanding of services by both parties. As with all things, there are two sides to every story and this was a great example of that. After speaking with the owner, the misunderstanding was amicably resolved, and I hold no animosity towards RBSL. I thank them for their time and efforts.



#3Author of original report

Wed, March 11, 2009

I want to clarify that I inadvertently referred to SBFC Group as being a part of RBSL. In my dealings with RBSL, the SBFC Group was in no way connected, and I have never had any dealings with SBFC Group. I apologize for any negative feelings my error may have caused towards SBFC Group. RBSL is the company I dealt with, and I restate that they are trying to get money out of me for a service they did not provide. Thank you



#4Author of original report

Wed, March 11, 2009

I want to clarify that I inadvertently referred to SBFC Group as being a part of RBSL. In my dealings with RBSL, the SBFC Group was in no way connected, and I have never had any dealings with SBFC Group. I apologize for any negative feelings my error may have caused towards SBFC Group. RBSL is the company I dealt with, and I restate that they are trying to get money out of me for a service they did not provide. Thank you



#5Author of original report

Wed, March 11, 2009

I want to clarify that I inadvertently referred to SBFC Group as being a part of RBSL. In my dealings with RBSL, the SBFC Group was in no way connected, and I have never had any dealings with SBFC Group. I apologize for any negative feelings my error may have caused towards SBFC Group. RBSL is the company I dealt with, and I restate that they are trying to get money out of me for a service they did not provide. Thank you



#6Author of original report

Wed, March 11, 2009

I want to clarify that I inadvertently referred to SBFC Group as being a part of RBSL. In my dealings with RBSL, the SBFC Group was in no way connected, and I have never had any dealings with SBFC Group. I apologize for any negative feelings my error may have caused towards SBFC Group. RBSL is the company I dealt with, and I restate that they are trying to get money out of me for a service they did not provide. Thank you


Correction to scam firm involved - SBFC Group not part of RBSL/UnsecuredLine.com

#7Author of original report

Wed, March 11, 2009

The company SBFC Group was inadvertently listed in my rip-off report. I want to clarify they have NOTHING to do with RBSL/UnsecuredLine.com of South Jordan, UT. I have not had any dealings with SBFC Group, and I apologize for inadvertently listing them in my original Ripoff Report. The company that I had dealings with, RBSL/UnsecuredLine.com is a scam to get money out of you under the pretense of business loans and building your business credit. Do not do business with this people!


South Jordan,
Response from Company Owner

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, February 25, 2009

I would like to address the concerns specifically of Mary in AZ. If she will provide her full name, I can research the facts on this case, and respond with specificity, and if we are at fault for anything, I will be happy to make redress. I invite Mary to contact me directly, in hopes of resolving her concerns, allowing her to post a follow up to this report stating that things have been resolved. First, thank you for acknowledging our Scorecard, which is the "Risk Profile Summary" is helpful information. It is a proprietary scoring system developed after years of experience in business finance. We as well feel it has tremendous value to help a client understand how they "score" in trying to get financing. Regarding the optimization comments, we do indeed offer an Optimizer Report which will show you how to improve your the score of your Risk Profile Summary. This is extremely detailed and customized and required a lot of man hours to put out. It also has contains information gathered through our years of working in this business. People usually pay much more for knowlege and experience like this, but we wanted to make it affordable to small business owners. Since she opted not to pay for the Optimizer, Mary does not have all the facts correct. (Understandable as she did not actually pay for it, and is trying to rehearse things from memory). We do offer guarantees that if people do purchase the Optimizer and complete the tasks we specifically outline, that if they do not get financing, that they can receive a refund. We've had to issue some refunds. But by and large people are successful in getting finaning when they complete the outlined optimization tasks. And they're successsful in getting a lot more than the $1000 Mary complains about. It appears Mary decided to go straight to banks instead of going through the Optimization process. Something that many clients choose to do as they do not wish to spend the $2500. We have recently launched the Client Gateway to facilitate the bank application process. Let me give just a bit of background. In our business, we have had difficulty with dishonest people at times, trying to get out of paying us our fees (where we make most of our money) when we line them up for financing from banks. This is because we relied upon the customer to report back and tell us what happened. As we are not a broker, but rather a business consulting firm, banks do not pay us to send them business (generally speaking). Furthermore, with the increasingly difficult lending environment it is incumbent on the client to be intimately involved in the process of getting funding. The days are gone when we can submit a few apps on their behalf and get them $500k. We have a small percentage of clients who are upset when they learn that we can't do everything for them, and that they themselves need to be involved. The Client Gateway, is where we give clients access to the banks or lenders who will best fit their profile and to try and make the process as simple and user friendly as possible. We then try to offer coaching and provide extensive instructions on how to apply for each bank, giving them "insider" information based on our experience in working with thousands of borrowers with tens of thousands of applications with hundreds of different lending institutions. We felt that it was important to keep clients honest, that if we provided to them our proprietary system of banks and instructions, they needed to accountable to make an honest effort to apply and then prove to us that they were either declined (so there would be no fee) or approved (so they could pay the appropriate fee per the terms of the contract). If the client is not approved, they do not pay us. If the client refuses to provide proof, we can only assume it is because they were approved for some amount and do not want to pay us the typical points per the contract. So we have a provision in the contract, which requires the client to pay $250 per bank they choose not to supply us results from. If we did not require this, someone could simply cancel our contract, and go and apply later without ever having to pay us as Mary has desired to do. We hope Mary is honest in saying that she didn't apply. Admittedly in rolling this out last month to several hundred clients, we have needed to tweak a few things in order to ensure people properly understand and are working towards their obligations in the contract. It is possible that is one of the first customers we rolled this new Client Gateway out to, and it is possible that we were imperfect in explaining her roles and responsibilities. But there is no scheme to subtely tie people into some oppressive contract. Such a contract would be unenforcable anyways. As a result of feedback (generally not as abusive as Mary's) from the Client Gateway rollout, we are making sure we make the system as user friendly as possible, along with having plenty of coaching and explanation up front. Had this been done with Mary, undoubtedly she would have understood better the vision of what we're trying to help our clients accomplish, and she wouldn't be so upset. We take seriously the feedback and concerns of our clients. Doing so helps us better meet their needs. In today's difficult finaning environment, we have worked overtime to try and deliver a service that is truly valuable and helpful for small business owners to obtain the capital they need. Mary, if you wish for me to personally address your concerns, please contact me. Sincerely, Richard

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