  • Report:  #1125201

Complaint Review: Real Property Management Cedar City Utah - Cedar City Utah

Reported By:
ML 2014 - Enoch, Utah,

Real Property Management Cedar City Utah
603 S Main Street Cedar City UT 84720 Cedar City, 84721 Utah, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments


1. Reported musty smell from bedrm closet since October of last year. Faxed list of things that needed to be repaired. They didnt start on that list until January 2014 when I offically starting living in the apartment full time.  Each time they would send the maintenance man out to tell me he doesn't smell anything and when confronted the owner of the company regarding the mold. His response was what do you expect for 400.00 a month rent. I had to call out a professional to come out and test the mold and paid 375.00 I didnt have to spend on something they should have done. The test was sent to a lab and came back as Chaetomium and Stachybotrys mold that was making me sick from October of last year when I moved into the apartment.

2. The renter insurance they encourage their tenants to have is FRAUD! It is a program for the Real Property Management. The tenant such as myself is paying 15.00 monthly for a coverage that bascially most of the coverage is for the property and very little for the renters things in the home. And get this the owner is the insurer. Some little detail they fail to tell you when you are signing up for their insurance coverage. You are thinking that you are the insurer. I called the company "Renters Legal Liability 800-770-9660 and found that my name was never on the policy as the insurer. Fraudulent

3. After confirming the worst kind of mold one could have and making me sick I moved out. They knew I could not go to the apartment and left messages for them. They waited 48 hours to contact me back via email claiming they didnt have my updated cell phone. Mean time I had to make other arrangements by paying for a hotel accommodations and looking for another place to live. They end up giving me my deposit back and letting me out of the lease however; i have not completely moved out of the apartment and turned in the keys yet and they were in my apartment without me knowing. How do I know this? I suspected this after leaving my cell phone that had mold pictures on it turned up missing in my apartment. I had forgotten my cell phone and left it on the kitchen counter on 02/15/2014 and came back it was gone. So I left a recorder in the vent that night and listen to the recording the next morning and they have been in my apartment on 02/15/14 and 02/16/2014 without me knowing while I was not there. Keys were turned in to them on Monday 02/17/14.

4. They are not trust worthy business and would not recomment Real Property Management to anyone! They will steal from you in more than one way. You will be fustrated living on their property while they take there time responding and they don't answer their phone should you call them 90% of the time it will go to a voicemail. You will have to show up in person each time like I did. Their maintenance guy will enter your property and NOT leave a note on what was done and when he came over. A tenant has the right to know who, when and why they were in the property.


3 Updates & Rebuttals

ML 2014


#2Author of original report

Mon, February 24, 2014

This statement from the rebuttal owner MIKE!

"I personally left my home and family on monday February 17th which was a holiday to meet with Monalisa, inspect her property, reiceve the keys to the property and refund her full deposit".

1. I never met with you Mike (owner) on 02/17/2014. I met with your accountant Cecil Seright! At NO time did I meet you at all on that day. It was Cecil that helped me that day and did the walk through my apartment and text you that day regarding the deposit that I recieved in a form of check of 405.00 and you all kep 95.00 of the 500.00. Alaina the office Manger walked Cecil through the transactions because he doesnt normally do this job. Again, the above statement is only parcially true but how you personally left your family on a stinking holiday just makes me laugh! RIGHT! Trying to make youself look somewhat credidable when that was a PURE LIE!

2. As far as COMMUNICATION! I have proof of my communication to your company regarding problems and issues with the apartment especially the mold. If i didnt have great communications skills I wouldn't have gone this far in getting my deposit back and out of the lease. So you know what I will take the credit for that! Communication is all I've been doing with your company for the last 6 months! My fustration was because of my lake of communication but the LACK OF response from you and your company in a timely manner and because of it I had no OTHER CHOICE but to move out your rental property infested with MOLD AND trying to rent me another apartment with hight RENT was not an acceptable SOLUTION. MY FUSTRATION WAS WITH YOUR COMPANY NOT RESPONDING IN A TIMELY FASHION. GET IT RIGHT! And by spaying down the Microscopic MOLD with bleach is not going to help the next TENANT without getting a professsional to handle it. Good luck to the next tenant!~


ML 2014


#3Author of original report

Mon, February 24, 2014

1. First off learn to spell my name correctly! Its Monalisa! NOT MONICA! Thank you! Here is a UNprofessional company that can't even get your first name right! That's customers service for you! My whole point was I've been telling you all about this mold since October of last year 2013 and all you could do is send your maintenance person over to tell me that he doesn't smell anything when clearly there was an unnoticable god aweful musty smell coming from my bedroom closet. It was'nt until I called a professional out there is when you guys got off your behinds and did something about it!  Its sad that a person like me have to go out of her way and spend money she doent have and to the root of the problem when you all should have handled it properly in the first place that is the exact reason why I didn't had over a copy fo the report.  I can gaurantee you I would have never agreed to signing on another lease with you all with know this Stachybotrys mold issue that you all take lightly. You know 48 yours later after I advised your company of this or your office manager knowing I had NO where to go and not offer to pay for my motel stay. I had no other choice but to look for other means or accomodations on a place to live. Yes, she emailed me and could have said in her email what you all intentions where go to be. Its a form of communication in which alot of professionals do! Try responding to tenants emmergency in a timely fashion!

2. As far as the Renters insurance. You fail to advise me and many other tenants that rent from your company that in the beggining that YOU are the INSURER! That means that when there is a issue with the property that I rent YOU have full control over that claim. That is misleading and don't appreciate that! You need to advise people of this UPFRONT!!! So where is a claim to file! I will have control over that situation and I will call in the claims and that way you won't get the checks issue to you but to me. This is a NORMAL ISSUE POLICY! I called your Renters Legal Liability for Property Damage Loss Waiver Program and verified that my name was never ON tHE POLICY AND NEVER IN THEIR SYSTEM therefore paying for YOU STINKING INSURANCE AND I DONT APPRECIATE THAT! YES YOU ENCOURAGE PEOPLE TO TAKE THIS INSURANCE BECAUSE IT BENEFITS YOU AS THE OWENR OF REAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT! WHY BECAUSE IT PUTS YOU IN THE DRIVERS SEAT WITH FULL CONTROL OVER THE CLAIMS....

3. As far as hearing you all my recorder placed in my VENTS. I would be happy to allow you to hear it but seeing I got absolutely NO WHERE with your company for months until I did something about it. You all would just say I dont know whose voices that is. When its clearly your people entering my apartment when I wasn't there the weekend of 02/15/2014. As far as communication! To anyone would like to see confirmed fax from October of 2013 with a list that inculdes the mold issue please do give me your fax no#. I would be happy to fax a copy of it and along with everything else.





[email protected]

Cedar City,
Rebuutal to Monica Sayers

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, February 24, 2014

This rebuttal is in response to the allegations made by Mona Lisa Sayers of (((redacted))) Enoch, Utah while she was living at 390 North 800 West unit #5 managed by Real Property Management Cedar City.

We are responding for the following reasons:

  1. We take reviews and constructive criticism not lightly because we are always looking for ways to improve and pride ourselves in providing industry leading customer services to our tenants and owners.
  2. The allegations made by Mona Lisa Sayers are false and will be addressed one by one later in this report.
  3. We work extremely hard in providing not only the best experience for property owners but have and continue to have a solid reputation of providing unrivaled service to our tenants.

Mona Lisa Sayers provided 4 points in which she feels we failed as a property management company. The following is what happened per documented work orders and phone calls.

  1. Each and every time there was a reported strange smell from her basement bedroom we sent not only one maintenance man but three different individuals to look for any signs of water or anything that could cause a musty smell. Our maintenance men honestly could not smell anything. We did not charge the tenant for any of these visits. February 10, 2014 Mona Lisa came to our office and expressed her desire to sign another year contract. The only concern expressed to us was a mysterious appearance of water in the kitchen when she came home nonetheless, she expressed her satisfaction in the apartment by agreeing and wanting to sign a new 1 year lease. Again we did not hesitate in sending a maintenance man to check out the water problem. Again she was not charged for the visit. After signing a new 1 year lease on Monday February 10, 2014, on Tuesday February 11, 2014 she claims to have hired a company out of Las Vegas to come and check her property for mold. She did not tell us about this and did so without our knowledge. The company she hired claimed to have found a small patch of mold under the sink we were unaware of.  She refused to provide the report to us for verification and still we sent over Ally1 Disaster and Restoration to check out the situation. We did not charge her for this visit. Upon receiving the news that indeed there was a small patch of mold under the sink we began preparing to accommodate Mona Lisa by preparing another apartment for her to move into while the mold remediation process was being taken care of. We could not contact Mona Lisa by phone because the phone number provided at move in had been changed. We then proceeded to use the next best means of communication which was email. In the email a personal cell phone number was provided in which she did not try to contact. She did not respond to us until Thursday, February 13th, 2014 upset because she had been unable to contact us and had to rent a room to accommodate her. We then allowed her to break her lease without any penalty and refunded her security deposit in full.
  2. Mona Lisa’s allegation that we encourage a fraudulent renter’s insurance program is completely false. First off per our lease we require renters insurance which is becoming an industry standard. We give our tenants the choice to get their own renters insurance or use the insurance we provide called “Renters Legal Liability”. Mona Lisa had the choice to choose this or provide the paperwork that she had indeed added renters insurance to her car insurance policy. She decided to go with Renters Legal Liability. For more information on what this insurance is and does feel free to visit rllinsure.com.  You will find her allegations to be completely false.
  3. Again as described above. Mona Lisa’s inability to communicate was the reason for her own inconvenience. We began to make arrangements for her to move to another property as soon as we found out about the mold. We were unable to contact her by phone because she had changed her phone number. We emailed her with a personal cell phone number to contact us at her earliest convenience and she did not contact us for 48 hours.

When confronted about her missing phone, we advised her to make a police report confidently knowing that no one in our office would have stolen her phone. She claimed to have had a recorder with “voices” on it proving we were in her property without permission. When asked if she could show us the “voices” or the recording she refused to do so or was unable to provide the “voices”

  1. Again Mona Lisa has made false allegations. We are a trustworthy company. We stand by our claim to provide industry leading customer service and believe we have displayed so in this current situation. We have never stolen anything from Mona Lisa in fact she was never once charged for anything during this process in which many other companies in our situation would have charged service fees each and every visit to her property. Regarding maintenance men entering her home without permission. Mona Lisa multiple times was gone from her apartment for days and in some instances weeks. She verbally gave us authorization each time to enter her property when she was gone. Even when she was gone we still would call and give her notice upon entering her property. Never once did we try or enter her property without her notice.

I personally left my home and family on Monday February 17th which was a holiday to meet with Mona Lisa, inspect her property, receive the keys to the property and refund her full deposit.

Mona Lisa’s inability to properly communicate was the cause of most of her frustration. Why would you sign a new 1 year lease if you were not satisfied with the property in the first place? Real Property Management not only has showed superb customer service but also a enormous amount of compassion to this individual by allowing her to break a new 1 year lease and receive her full security deposit with no questions. Ask any other property manager in any location in the United States if this is what they would have done, I’m afraid they would have not done so.

Mona Lisa Sayers attempt to slander our company is proof of the type of individual she is and what type of character she exhibits. We will continue to provide industry leading customer service regardless of how people treat us and regardless of false allegations.

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