  • Report:  #392897

Complaint Review: Red Square Direct - Maidstone

Reported By:
- Oxford, Other,

Red Square Direct
Bank Street, Maidstone, Kent Maidstone, United Kingdom
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I sent my CV in response to a promising-sounding advert for a marketing firm - entry-level, full in-house training, and a pretty good wage (plus commission). The website looked impressively professional - not exactly overflowing with information, but it seemed like the kind of glossy, accessible homepage of a good firm.

I found the place alright - an office above a disused shop (which was in the process of being gutted; how prophetic), and an A4 sheet pointing the way up a staircase. Alarm bells starting ringing. Okay, this is probably just a satellite office, probably just temporary, but it looked like it all be packed up into three cardboard boxes in under half an hour. The receptionist directed me to a waiting room, where I filled out a form, which I found slightly strange given that I had submitted my CV and was now asked to re-supply most of the information. The waiting-room was sparse and lead onto another office, into which people were being called by a very excitable young man. As I sat there, watching everyone else gradually disappearing, I felt a mood of melancholy sweep over the room. I realised why. On the sideboard was a CD player, and it was playing Radiohead. Nothing puts you in the mood more for impressing an employer than existential gloom-rock.

Eventually, a man came in, introduced himself as the one who would be interviewing me, and led me into his office. It wasn't particularly large, but it was disconcertingly empty. First of all, he asked me for my CV (which I had brought as instructed), before explaining how the training worked. There are four parts, he explained, which should take a maximum of 12 months, and he was very keen to emphasise the 'record-breakers' who had completed the whole thing in four. When I asked about the starting salary and pay structure, he told me that would be discussed at the second interview (if I got one). The second interview, he said, would be slightly more hands-on. He kept emphasising the 'aggressive' nature of their campaigns and name-dropping their clients - Disney, Victoria Jackson comestics, and Barclays. I asked him what exactly they did for Barclays, what marketing service they actually provided, and the answer was garbled and vague to say the least. But it was when he talked about becoming an 'owner' after completing the training that I really started to worry. I'm not sure what it was, but it sounded like franchising, and certainly not the kind of talk you would expect from an established and successful marketing company. I didn't see how after a period of intensive training, an entry-level employee would be handed complete control of a campaign. He had, apparently, full control of one of their high-profile campaigns. Fair enough, but brand management (which he claimed was within his remit) is a delicate business, and it seemed somewhat doubtful that an employee of only 12 months would be put in charge of an entire campaign. Something is rotten.

There was the air of desperation in that office; it felt like a loan-shark's, not a professional and 'dynamic' business. The promises of high wages within a year and the lure of power didn't correspond in the slightest to the shabbiness of their workplace. Apart from the training process, nothing else was explained with any enthusiasm, let alone clarity. Unlike other interviews, he asked me no questions about myself (except where I'd come from, and I spent about five minutes explaining why it had taken me 2 hours to drive down, which he vehemently denied was possible), and gave me few actual details about the company. My questions were barely answered or brushed aside entirely, and by the end of this very brief interview, I had no desire to work with this guy or the company. My advice is to avoid Red Square Direct in the same way that you'd avoid a salesman in the street trying to foist cheap make-up bags on you.



United Kingdom

3 Updates & Rebuttals


United Kingdom
Red direct

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, February 12, 2009

I was called yesterday afternoon by the receptionist after being told that my cv was amzing and to be called in for an interview asap of course, i agreed, even though i have another full time job. she emailed me the information and last night i spent some time checking out the company how ever first thing this morning half an hour before i was due to leave for my interview, i did some more checking and thats when i found this website, with lots of reports from women around my age saying what had happened to them, so now when i left i was prepared for what i'd see. The office was situated between 2 take away houses, you'd expect a big builiding right? Wrong It was one dingey door leading to an office of even worse condition. When I entered there was no receptionist and music was being played on a very cheap looking cd player combi. I could hear voices in another room giggling, so i coughed loudly to get someones attention. while waiting i also happened to notice that the employers liabiltity insurance certificate that was hanging on one of the very dingy walls had expired. how bored was i to notice that?? everything i had read in the morning from others that had gone for interviews with this company came flooding back. I wasn't going to be another person to work a minute for this shady, inept,unprofessional company. so when I was handed a form to fill out with details i had already given. I wrote " scam " across it and left with my pride intact. be warned. this company and its owners obviously make their money duping young school leavers into working for them with promises of management positions and a good salary. they boast on their website that their unique in what they do ( no other conmen try theses tricks) and have no competition ( other marketing companies actually work within a normal ethical and moral guide line thats why)


United Kingdom

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, January 07, 2009

I worked with redsquare direct for a year and half, i now left the company and i am currently an estate developer. I came accross this report a couple of months ago and didn't really bother to reply. But looking back at what i have achieved so far i kind of felt i need to give my own version. To cut the long story short, my situation was the following, was 22 before i joined redsquare, didn't have any job,no money and a 3000 loan to pay back to my parents for the university i didn't complete, to make things even worse i was about to get thrown out from my room where i owed 2 weeks rent to the landlord, not the best yeah. 3 years down the line i'm know 25, just newly registered my own property devloping company, have a positive cash flow on my financial statement, few investment out there and although people are mourning about credit crunch, the future looks well bright for me. Sound like a dream yeah. My journey at redsquare thought me one thing, FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE, it wasn't the best job out there, but for me it was the best opportunity. There a lot of company out there just like redsquare which actually provide similar opportunity, you just have to go and find out for yourself and just believe in what you see, not what people tell you. The catch you are going to work you a*s if you want to succeed, but trust if you SMART enough you could make the best out of that experience. Happy new year to all by the way


United Kingdom
Same company, different location, same advice - run hard, run fast

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, December 10, 2008

I worked for this company for three months in London. The experience is the same as everyone else who worked for this "innovative, edgey company", so I won't talk about how you got the job and the fragile state of mind that you have while working 18 hours a day while earning next to nothing. What I'm here to talk about is the management. The company tell you that as soon as you hit management, you can sit back, relax and you have all the time in the world to do what you like. While working for red square direct, you are told about the immense money that you make when you become a manager. This can be true, but most of the time new managers are still going to the field and trying to sell make-up. The manager of Maidstone used to work in the London office when I was there. He achieved all the requirments to become manager, had 10 people on his team and I watched him get promoted. From this, everyone thought that he would be rolling in money - wrong. It took 2 years for him to become manager, but after 2 weeks of becoming a manager, 9 of his team left and it was only him and one trainer. This meant that the he had to go to the field and recruit people again, while earning next to nothing still. Once I had witnessed all this, I decided to quit. Seeing a manager going out everyday to sell make-up and having to recruit again, watching him go back to square one, that's when I knew what this company was all about - they strip you bare of time and money and then chuck you. About 3 months after quitting, I went to London to visit my sister. I was waiting at Liverpool Street station and who do I see still trying to sell make-up? yep, the same "manager" ( I won't say his name because he was a good guy). He was carrying two bags, his eyes were bloodshot and his shoes were all scuffed. He had 2 people on his team and by the look of it, he was working harder then before he became a manager. Now that he has opened an office in Maidstone, he can relax, but for how long?. What happens when, not if, everyone leaves again? The company will promote you to management, give you an office and then leave you. They leave you to recruit people and you're the one who has to pay the bills and rent for the office. After a year, if your underachieving or your behind on bill payments on the office, they get rid of you. The thing is as well, if your behind on office bill payments, then you obviously have no money for yourself and the reality is, your not making any money at all. I know most people on this site have written about how the company treat you while on your way to trying to get to management, I decided that if I talk about how management is no different, then people working for this company will think hard about what they are doing. There are managers that are making money and that have all the time in the world, but how many years did it take them? a lot longer then they tell you. And how much money are they actually earning? a lot less then they tell you. So if you have just started with this company and you have bills like rent, car insurance, house bills, I suggest you leave. If your a trainer, read what I have written and think about it. Ask your manager about what really happens when you get to management, make sure they don't try and sell you some pitch so you can get straight answers. After this, if your not happy, leave. If you want to carry on, I wish you all the luck in the world, becasue your going to need it, probably even more so if you become a manager...

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