Canton,#2UPDATE Employee
Mon, October 13, 2008
We strive to provide the best possible service to our customers. In fact, we provide help to more than 50,000 people a month, many of whom accept our free repair help and never order a part from us. I don't have all of the details of this case and so I can only comment in general. RepairClinic offers a 30 day return policy for any item, whether electrical or special order. This is unprecedented in the industry. Jesse could have returned the item within 30 days and would have received a replacement or a full refund. It's hard to dispute a claim that "there were parts missing" from a shipment. Because we re-sell items from the manufacturers, it's often not possible to replace an item within the package because often the items aren't sold separately. If Jesse had returned the entire package we would have shipped a new one out at no cost. Also, it seems completely reasonable that our representative would offer to cancel a spare parts order if a customer says they don't want the product any more. If you don't want the product why would we send out the spare parts? We have more than 1.4 million customers, many of whom shop with us again and again because we offer an extremely high level of customer service.