  • Report:  #234538

Complaint Review: Res-Com Environmental Environmental Services USenviro.com USIEC Zackary Paul Fuelling - Sacramento Nationwide

Reported By:
- Sacramento, California,

Res-Com Environmental Environmental Services USenviro.com USIEC Zackary Paul Fuelling
usenviro.com Sacramento, 95660 Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
So, I went down to Res-Com's office to request a w-2 or 1099 for the brief time in 2006 that I worked for them and guess what???? THEY ARE GONE!!! THE COWARDS CLOSED UP SHOP AND MOVED!

Their contract was just recently resigned at the end of 2005 to renew the lease for three more years. As part of the deal, they got new carpeting installed for FREE.

But, as in all of their other obligations (like all con men), Zackary Paul Fuelling (aka richard sanders, phd, aka ricky, aka billy bob, and many others), Sara DeVitt, DOnald Fuelling, Nicholas Evan Fuelling, Adam Donald Fuelling (aka account services, aka cardmember services, aka James Faulkner, and many others), and Peggy Fuelling (aka Peggy Frazee, aka linda) skipped out and left their landlord high and dry!

I am glad to see that these con artists have had to skip the area in order to try and escape their obligations. Don't worry, the police have a way of finding people!! You can run but you can't hide COWARDS!

The District Attorney's Office and investigator Gault is coming after you!!You will be held accountable for your crimes around the country. You will pay for what you did to innocent people around the country. I will testify no matter what you try and do to me! I am sure others will too!!

You and people like you who profit from the misery of others are the armpits of the universe and Karma has a way of catching up with you. You will get yours in one way, shape, or form. Either way, the universe has a way of flushing its toilet. And you will be dealt with by god and by the law. I can't wait to see yor faces on the defendants chairs.

You are some sad, sorry people and you will soon see! running will get you nowhere and just goes to prove that you know that you are scam artists. You are probably working out of one of your garage now but you will be found. The investigation continues and the statute of limitations won't be expiring anytime soon. Look over your shoulders for the police. They will be coming for you sooner or later.


Sacramento, California

7 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
They are Back

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, April 23, 2012

They have resurfaced again in El Dorado Hills....4217 Golden Foothills .Environmental Services..big new building, no signage of course (its a secret) the whole gang and of course different versions of their actual last names.

Zack, Sara, Adam & Don....new players include Shawn Woods (director of operations & accountant), Kelly Lucas (director of reports & customer service).

Same shady smoke & mirror type of business.....consumer beware is all I say.


res-CON and the FUELLINGS are the FRAUDS!

#3Author of original report

Mon, February 19, 2007

Dear Mr Fuelling and res-CON: Smoke and mirrors will get you nowhere. You are just a sorry, sad person for bringing uninvolved parties into this posting. You guys are nothing more than pathetic con artists. Nothing you can write here to slander me and my family will stick because LIES mean nothing. Your lies are cowardly at best. Let me address your (cut and paste jobs from previous postings) rantings with some FACTS: FIRST. You are the only one who stepped up??? what a blatant LIE. you only stepped up from your present location and RAN Away to your current PO BOX address. The sign of a true CON. If you were a real businessMAN, you would have stayed at your present location and addressed each claimant individually. However, you RAN AWAY like all con artists do! The address that ZACK FUELLING has provided for the AABIE is my HOME ADDRESS. I am not afraid of anyone! and EVERYONE is welcomed to stop by my home to discuss the FRAUD that RES-COM has conducted on their accounts. Also, When you come, you will notice the neighborhood in which I live. Not FAIR OAKS or other high income neighborhoods like the Fuellings live in. You will also notice that I dont drive fancy cars like the Fuellings' (mercedes SL500, Nissan 350Z, new trucks, fake (former) police car (dont worry you guys will soon see what the back seat looks like), . The Fuellings are only retaliating against me with lies because the TRUTH hurts them. They are REAL COWARDS. They are treating me like this because I am a whistleblower. Its OK, their lies dont mean anything to me. THe truth will only hurt res-COn and Environmental Services. Only a Fraudulent company would name itself Environmental Services, a vague name that has plausible deniability. 1. They only post their lies and accusations here because they know that they can not be held accountable for their words in a court of law. All this is hearsay and it could be said that neither they nor I wrote any of these comments. I wish it were different, but it is not. I know because I spoke to my attorney and he confirmed that nothing written in this forum can be construed as fact. So they have carte blanche to write their slander. Thats all OK and fine by me because the lies are meaningless. However, I will address everything they write with the truth. They can never change the truth. I know that my intelligence level is much more sophisticated than the Fuellings' CON games. You guys always act on impulse and ALWAYS LOSE because of it. And you always will. You will never win an argument in any rational forum because you never address the truth. In this forum, you have failed to address a single solitary accusation that I have made against you or your family! Why? Because the truth is the truth and there is no smoke and mirrors to change it. You try and twist the truth so bad that no rational person will believe a word you write or speak. You are a CON! 2. Please do not call that 916-204-2392 number. That phone is to some poor person who changed his number. I have long ago changed my personal cell phone number. Zackary Paul Fuelling knows this and yet still causes harm to this other person by posting his number here. This clearly demonstrates his willingness to hurt innocent people. His willful disregard to human beings will not go unnoticed where he will eventually be judged, in front of the courts and eventually in front of god. The truth is the truth and shall always remain the truth regardless of what these people write. 3. Zack states that I am attempting to get him to drop charges? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I will see you at your arraignments ZACK, NICHOLAS, ADAM, DON, & PEGGY! We shall see who is trying to get charges dropped! HAHAHAHAHHAHHA You guys are true CON ARTISTS. FOR THE RECORD, THERE ARE NO CHARGES AGAINST ME IN ANY JURISDICTION AND FOR ANY OFFENSE. 4. Zack states I was C.O.O? hahahahha I don't think so. As john clearly stated in other posts, his independent investigation showed only Fuelling names in the articles of incorporation. Nothing with my name on it. As I stated before, I was hired as the microbiologist/inspector and was then promoted to general manager. THat is all. My bank accounts prove it. The DA's office has all of this info. The DA's office also has all of their bank info (US BANK, Washington mutual, river city bank, etc. etc.) The truth is the truth buddy boy. You guys LOSE again!!! bwahahahaha! Evil TOM!! You guys are the crooks. not me! 5. My father's SUCCESSFUL auto glass business has nothing to do with anything and I would appreciate it not being mentioned in any other postings anywhere as it has no bearing on anything that you did to defraud the people of this country. As I stated many times before, these con artists are cowards and when they have nothing truthful to attack with, he goes after others I love in order to divert attention away from himself. It will not work with me. I am not your average Joe. I know you guys better than you know yourselves. You are true CONS. Why don't you stick to the issues at hand? I forget; that means you would have to write the truth and you don't know how! By the way, many reputable auto dealerships use my dad's Auto Glass business because he has a great, honest reputation and does not sell air to people like Res-CON did. I do not work for that business. If I did, I would be proud of the fact that I did! I did not go to school and get a masters degree so that I could install windshields. although there is nothing wrong with that profession. Its just not my cup of tea. 6. As for my wife Kimberly, she was the Res-Com secretary and nothing more. Anyone of you who called in to the office spoke to her and can attest to the fact that she answered the phone. There were also others like Zack Fuelling and Nicholas Fuelling's mom Peggy who answered the phone under the name LINDA or Nicole. THese people are con artists to the end. When the case against them comes to fruition, the chips will fall where they may. And justice will prevail. They have a false sense of security because the investigation is still ongoing at this time. THey feel invincible. I assure everyone that the investigation is ongoing and although it may be slow, it will conclude soon enough and I will post the results here on this forum with pictures of the arraignment!! 7. YOU GUYS WANT TO STEP UP? Here goes: OPEN CHALLENGE TO ANYONE: CALL THE SACRAMENTO COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE, ASK TO SPEAK TO INVESTIGATOR SAM GAULT. SCHEDULE A POLYGRAPH AND/OR ANY TYPE OF BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION OR INTERROGATION, I WILL SHOW UP. AND SO WILL YOU. I AM WILLING TO BYPASS A TRIAL AND GO TO JAIL DIRECTLY IF I AM FOUND TO BE MORE DECEPTIVE THAN ANY PERSON ASSOCIATED WITH res-CON! NOW STEP UP LET'S SEE WHAT YOU GOT? TOO OFFICIAL FOR YOU? FINE! OPEN CHALLENGE #2, I WILL ALLOW JOHN OR ED MAGEDSON FROM THIS SITE TO SET UP AN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO GET TO THE TRUTH. i WILL ALLOW ALL DOCUMENTS TO BE EXAMINED. I WILL ALLOW ALL ACCOUNTS TO BE CHECKED. FULL UNRESTRICTED ACCESS, SO WILL YOU. LETS SEE WHAT HAPPENS! LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY! YOU WANT TO STEP UP NOW? LETS GO. BRING IT ON! Mr. Magedson, SET IT UP! NO PROBLEM HERE ON MY END! I have nothing to hide!! 8. res-CON reps here state that I was in charge of making all charges? I didn't even know how to get to the charging screens on the computer in ADAM FUELLING'S LOCKED OFFICE. THe Fuellings controlled all of the charging. All I know is that they used authorize.net and 4-5 other companies to charge cards. Each time, their accounts got closed due to fraudulent charging and/or too many chargebacks. If you don't believe me, contact Mr. Sam Nair of Authorize and he will confirm. I don't offer only rantings. I offer FACTS! Unlike the Fuellings. They could not spell FACT much less know what it is or how to live by it! Also, you want to talk about stepping up? Answer this? How did I charge people's credit cards the week when you guys charged all accounts ($150 or $38, double charge or other random charges) when I was out of town and conveniently all employees were off. We came back into the office that Monday and the phones were ringing off the hook because peoples' cards were randomly charged. And like the true heartless frauds that you guys are, you guys did all this near christmas time! Unbelievable! When I confronted you about it, you laughed and said it is in the fine print. it is not and was not in any fine print. So I ask again, how do you explain that? YOU CAN NOT! 9.I hired felons and criminals? How is that relevant? No one could charge any accounts except ZACKARY PAUL FUELLING and ADAM DONALD FUELLING AND/OR NICHOLAS EVAN FUELLING. At first PEGGY FUELLING used to charge everything. Later, Adam Fuelling charged everything. I am unsure of Nicholas' involvement in the charging scheme but I am sure he knew about it. Yes, I gave people with records a second chance. Everyone deserves a job to feed their family! I did hire people with records. That was no secret. When I checked the local backgrounds through saccourt.com, if anyone came back with a case on their record, I asked Mr. Fuelling if it was OK to bring them aboard, he approved and made the decision to hire. I never had independent hiring or firing authority. My employees will verify everything I write here. I can arrange for anyone to speak with some of my old employees at res-CON upon request. Hell, zack even brought back someone i fired for using marijuana while at work at res-CON! Zack is the true crook here! He only brought the guy back because he could sell courses. Which is the only thing that these guys care about. MONEY! I dont care if the guy can sell ice to eskimos, i will not tolerate drug use on company property. But apparently, it is ok with the Fuellings. 10. I never lied to anyone about any record. As I stated previously on all my other postings, I dont have any felonies. Frankly, the accusations are getting old. Any investigator is welcomed to check it out. ITS A BLATANT LIE. Don't worry, you guys will all have a long rap sheet soon enough. RICK SANDERS, BILLY BOB, RICKY, Richard Sanders, PhD. I don't remember what the heck else they called themselves! ZACK would hang up the phone after he talked to someone (on the rare occasion that he took a call) as an AKA and would snicker and laugh. He also had a contemptuous look on his face. The look of satisfaction that he got one over on somebody. what a bunch of losers! The reason that anyone and everyone will remember talking to me is because the FUELLINGS NEVER, EVER took any calls. They always said to transfer THEM (the callers) to voicemail. I actually like to address issued immediately (up to the authority level I am authorized) and so I took most of the calls that came in. Heck, the first thing people would tell me was, "I have been calling for weeks/months, its nice to finally speak to a real live person." Yes, I answered my phone! Fuellings never answered their phones! BECAUSE THAT IS HOW THEY BEHAVE. 11. Call anyone you want, I never plaigarized anything. Zack Fuelling and Res-Com however, plaigarized and sold some courses that they copied word for word from restoration consultants (restcon.com) courses that DON FUELLING took! One was for Project Management training and the other was for Remediation. I think. I am unsure of the other course. But they sold up to 20 of these plaigarized courses to people at the RHA Expo 2002 held at the Cal Expo. Also, I am allowed to publish anywhere anytime. As a matter of fact, I was just published in our local newspaper. The article was about the importance of inspections to a real estate transaction. Dont believe me, contact me and I will give you details and you can check it out for yourself. I just dont want to say the name here because the res-CON people will call that paper and make false accusations. I do not want anyone else to have to deal with these con artists. But I would be happy to provide anyone with any details about my recent publications, especially an independent investigator. NOT res-CON people here!! He will only be published in americas dumbest crooks. Wait that was a TV show wasn't it? Whatever! 12. I have never been fired from any job. You must be thinking about one of your FUELLING brothers or other family members. Oh yeah, I just saw ADAM Donald Fuelling over at the JOB FAIR at the Scottish Rite Center where my company had a booth!! What's the matter? Business not so good without the fraudulent charges to peoples' accounts? As a matter of fact, Adam Donald Fuelling put his name and number (916)768-1914 down to sign up for some training courses through my company for office assistant! What a winner! Bwahahahahaha I am glad to see that your business has crumbled and that you have been reduced to working out of your garage! If this last statement is not true, AND YOU ARE A REAL MAN, why don't you tell us what the new office address is? I am sure that people you want to REFUND would love to come down and speak with you!! Also, the day after they responded to my original posting here, they mailed me a 1099 that showed I earned over 47K between January and March. WHat a JOKE! I only made my normal wages. My bank accounts demonstrate my earnings. Oh well, I did not expect any less and I do have an appointment with an IRS investigator next week. I am sure that they will be audited for this behavior! THis is the second time that they did this to me. They did it at the end of 2006 and now. I went to the IRS then and I am going now. It did nothing to me then and it will do nothing to me now!! However, I have the SATISFACTION of knowing that there is nothing more that the Fuellings can do to me!! But there is plenty that will be done to them by the federal, state, and local authorities. 13. THe rebuttal posted here also states that i have lied about earning a degree in biology? HAAAAHAHAAAHAHAAAA!! I am surprised that these guys can spell biology! YES! I have an undergraduate BA degree in Biological Sciences from California State University Sacramento. I also have a masters degree and hold 27 different industry certifications. Yes! I have earned them all. How about you res-CON guys? What do you have besides a (marginal at best) contractors license (with NO INSURANCE)? Nothing huh?? BWAHAHAHAHA. You should have never gone there with me! You SILLY LITTLE CON PERSON! Wait I almost forgot, Adam will soon be an office assistant student! FUNNY! 14. I have never lied about being in the armed services. This is another one of their pathetic little ploys. They made this up in order to try and make me look like a violent person when Nicholas Evan Fuelling (of all people) tried to get a bogus restraining order against me. The judge saw right through this and dismissed the case against me. I have never threatened anyone for any reason. I am a well-spoken, well-educated man and I DO NOT need to resort to violence to solve my problems. You are all incompetent CON MEN. You are dropouts. Con men don't last long in any walk of life and neither will you. Like I said before, Karma is a mother Trucker! And what goes around, comes around! your day is coming soon! I will be there through your hearing and your trial. I will testify, you will go to jail! You are a disgrace to your family and to the rest of humanity. I am personally apalled that I have to share my air with you people! These are my counterpoints to res-CON's comments. THe rest of this rebuttal writing is a cut and paste job from other previous writings that nicholas or sara or other FOOLING family faithful wrote! To this end, let me address some of their FALSE points: ask yourself this question: if ZACK is in charge of Tom and Tom in charge of the rest of the staff with Zack's review and approval, who is really in charge? ZACK IS! That's Who! Heck, the above almost sounds like a word problem from back in school! haha! Sorry, but unraveling con artist lies is a complicated affair! I have provided emails and communications memos (to the DA's investigator) between Adam Fuelling and Zackary Fuelling about refunds to people. These emails state, "ADAM FUELLING: What about refunds? ZACK FUELLING: None right now, maybe later. I'll talk to you about it later." This clearly demonstrates that Zack is in charge. He gave direction to Adam who had the passwords and everything else needed to charge people's cards. FROM THIS POINT, ZACK CUT AND PASTE NICHOLAS' POSTINGS FROM BEFORE: He restates the same lies here and it is quite repetitive. It goes to show their limited intelligence and education and impulsiveness! One point that I do agree with in his whole statement is that YES!!Please. PLEASE. P-L-E-A-S-E! Contact DA investigator Sam Gault with the Sacramento County District Attorney's office! He will take your statement and may even meet with you to discuss your options. PLease tell the truth and he will add your name to the case against Res-Com. I am not afraid of anything in the least bit! I did nothing wrong. The Fuellings thought that I was an idiot when they hired me! I am not as dumb as they think. That is why I know everything that I do. I am an intelligent person. I copied everything, I backed up all of my hard drive, I even took Adam's little SEAGATE hard drive and gave it all to Sam Gault. This stuff was a gold mine. Investigator Gault is waiting until he has all available/possible victims in the case to come forward with their information. Like Zack said, "...these investigators are sharp people..." You will get yours ZACK. I promise you! You will get yours from the DA, and from GOD! ONE MORE POINT. How come you do not address usenviro.com? why? why don't you respond to any facts that I post? why did you close up shop at 4608 roseville road suite 105? why do you list fraudulent credentials on your usenviro website? who is your microbiologist? what lab do you go through? who is your industrial hygienist? Address the facts. THe best defense is not a strong offense! Defense wins games. But this is not a game and the truth will come out sooner or later and let the chips fall where they may when it does! Anyone reading this post will clearly see that you guys are the fabricators here. I have posted two open challenges to ZACK, NICK, ADAM, DON, or PEGGY, or SARA DeVitt, or any other FOOLING family member or res-CON devotee! If you are MAN/WOMAN enough STEP UP TO THE PLATE! If not, go away like the sorry cockroach that you are! You are nothing more than CON MEN and you will always be CON MEN. Society will weed you out. Just like they weeded out other well known con men of our time. They weeded out DONALD WALTER FUELLING. It is a matter of public record. He actually tried to sell a Dairy Queen franchise for $140,000 plus equipment costs. HE was not a franchisee! The buyers found out and wanted their money back but the money was gone! Gee Whiz. HE WAS CONVICTED OF A FELONY and served jail time. go to saccourt and verify for yourself! As I posted before, these guys already have long rap sheets and documented fraud cases against them for everything from Fraud to failure to meet contractual obligations. Felonies to small claims to family court! They are CON ARTISTS and there is nothing that they will say to address the facts. Notice that everytime they post anything, it is to attack myself or others. They fabricated others like Jim from SANTA ROSA to act like someone was on their side. People side with the truth! THey have NEVER defended or presented any evidence or facts to the contrary of my postings. They can not! As for me, I have a successful, HONEST, environmental consulting firm of my own with 14 yellow page ads (some out now, some coming out soon-depending on publication dates) contracted. I am doing great regardless of what res-CON people DON'T know. I also work with a great nationally recognized company in the Education field through the State of California - EDD. So sorry to disappoint you! You are CON MEN and you will be in jail soon enough and I will still be successful and happy as always. I feel sorry for you and what you are putting your mom through. SHe has cancer! You guys make her do everything. I am ashamed to have ever crossed paths with you and your family. NOW GO AWAY and crawl under the rock from which you crawled out!



#4Author of original report

Sun, February 18, 2007

Smoke and mirrors will get you nowhere Zack. You are just a sorry, sad person. I will pray for your soul! You are a pathetic con man. Nothing you can say to slander me and my family will stick up in a court of law. You are a liar and a coward. Let me address your (cut and paste jobs from previous postings) rantings with some facts: FIRST. You are the only one who stepped up??? what a blatant LIE. you are a coward who stepped up only from your present location and RAN Away to your present PO BOX. YOU COWARD. If you were a real businessMAN, you would have stayed at your present location and addressed each person's claim. However, you RAN AWAY like a little GIRL!! FURTHER, The address that ZACK FUELLING has provided for the AABIE is my HOME ADDRESS. I am not afraid of anyone! and EVERYONE is welcomed to stop by my home to discuss the FRAUD that RES-COM has conducted on their accounts. When you come, you will also notice the neighborhood in which I live. Not FAIR OAKS or other high income neighborhoods like the Fuellings. You will also notice that I dont drive fancy cars like the Fuellings (mercedes SL500, Nissan 350Z, new trucks, fake (former) police car (dont worry you guys will soon see what the back seat looks like), . The Fuellings are only retaliating against me with lies because the TRUTH hurts them. They are REAL COWARDS. 1. You are only posting your lies here because you know that you can not be held accountable for your words in court. I wish it were different...but I know that my intelligence level is much more sophisticated than yours ZACK. You always act on impulse and ALWAYS LOSE because of it. And you always will. You will never win an argument in any rational forum because you never address the truth. In this forum, you have failed to address a single solitary accusation that I have made against you or your family! Why? Because the truth is the truth and there is no smoke and mirrors to change it. You try and twist the truth so bad that no rational person will believe a word you write or speak. You are a COWARD! 2. do not call that 916-204-2392. That phone is to some poor person who changed his number. I have long ago changed my personal cell phone number. Zack Fuelling knows this and yet still causes harm to this other person. This clearly demonstrates his willingness to hurt innocent people. His willful disregard to human beings will not go unnoticed where he will eventually be judged...in front of the courts...and eventually in front of god. The truth is the truth and shall always remain the truth regardless of what that coward ZACK writes. 3. Zack states that I am attempting to get him to drop charges? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I will see you at your arraignments ZACK, NICHOLAS, ADAM, DON, & PEGGY!!!!! We shall see who is trying to get charges dropped!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHHA You are a true Coward. FOR THE RECORD, THERE ARE NO CHARGES AGAINST ME IN ANY JURISDICTION AND FOR ANY OFFENSE. 4. Zack states I was C.O.O??? hahahahha I don't think so. As john clearly stated in other posts, his independent investigation showed only Fuelling names in the articles of incorporation. Nothing with my name on it. As I stated before, I was hired as the microbiologist/inspector and was then promoted to general manager. THat is all. My bank accounts prove it. The DA's office has all of this info. The DA's office also has all of their bank info (US BANK, Washington mutual, river city bank, etc...etc...). The truth is the truth buddy boy. You LOSE...again!!! bwahahahaha! Evil TOM!! You are a crook and a coward. 5. My father's SUCCESSFUL auto glass business has nothing to do with anything and I would appreciate it not being mentioned in any other postings anywhere as it has no bearing on anything that you did to defraud the people of this country. As I stated many times before, Zacky Poo Fuelling is a coward and when he has nothing to attack, he goes after others in order to move attention away from himself. It will not work with me zack. I am not your average Joe. I know you better than you know yourself. You are a true coward. Why don't you stick to the issues at hand? I forget...that means you would have to write the truth and you don't know how!!! You SAD and PATHetic excuse for a human!! By the way, many reputable auto dealerships use my dad's Auto Glass business because he has a great, honest reputation and does not sell air to people like Res-CON did. 6. As for my wife Kimberly, she was the Res-Com secretary and nothing more. Anyone of you who called in to the office spoke to her and can attest to the fact that she answered the phone. There were also others like Zack's mom Peggy who answered the phone under the name LINDA or Nicole. THese people are con artists to the end. When the case against them comes to fruition (COME ON INVESTIGATOR GAULT...DO YOUR FREAKING JOB!!!!!THE PEOPLE OF THIS STATE (AND MANY OTHERS) ARE COUNTING ON YOU TO BRING THIS CASE FORWARD TO THE DA!!!YOU SEE WHAT THESE GUYS ARE DOING ON THIS FORUM! What they did to the people who bought their courses is far worse than these accusatory proses against me and my family), the chips will fall where they may. 7. YOU WANT TO STEP UP A-HOLE? Here goes: OPEN CHALLENGE TO ZACK FUELLING AND ANYONE ELSE: CALL THE SACRAMENTO COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE, ASK TO SPEAK TO INVESTIGATOR SAM GAULT. SCHEDULE A POLYGRAPH AND/OR ANY TYPE OF BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION OR INTERROGATION, I WILL SHOW UP...AND SO WILL YOU. I AM WILLING TO BYPASS A TRIAL AND GO TO JAIL DIRECTLY IF I AM FOUND TO BE MORE DECEPTIVE THAN ZACK OR ANY OTHER FUELLING! NOW STEP UP SPORT AND LET'S SEE WHAT YOU GOT? TOO OFFICIAL FOR YOU? FINE! OPEN CHALLENGE #2, I WILL ALLOW ED FROM THIS SITE TO SET UP AN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO GET TO THE TRUTH. i WILL ALLOW ALL DOCUMENTS TO BE EXAMINED...I WILL ALLOW ALL ACCOUNTS TO BE CHECKED...FULL UNRESTRICTED ACCESS, SO WILL YOU. LETS SEE WHAT HAPPENS! LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY! YOU WANT TO STEP UP NOW? LETS GO COWARD. BRING IT ON! Mr. Magedson, SET IT UP! NO PROBLEM HERE ON MY END! 8. Zack states that I was in charge of making all charges? I don't even know how to get to the charging screens on the computer. THe Fuellings controlled all of the charging. All I know is that they used authorize.net and 4-5 other companies to charge cards. Each time, their accounts got closed due to fraudulent charging and too many chargebacks. If you don't believe me, contact Mr. Sam Nair of Authorize.net and he will confirm. I don't offer only rantings. I offer FACTS! Unlike the Fuellings. They could not spell FACT much less know what it is or how to live by it! Also, you want to talk about stepping up? Answer this then A-Hole? How did I charge people's credit cards the week when you guys charged all accounts ($150 or $38, or other random charge) when I was out of town and conveniently all employees were off. We came backe into the office that Monday and the phones were ringing off the hook because peoples' cards were randomly charged. When I confronted you about it, you laughed and said it is in the fine print...it is not and was not in any fine print A-Hole. So again, how do you explain that? YOU CAN NOT! COWARD!! 9.I hired felons and criminals? How is that relevant? No one could charge any accounts except ZACKARY PAUL FUELLING and ADAM DONALD FUELLING AND/OR NICHOLAS EVAN FUELLING. I am unsure of Nicholas' involvement in the charging scheme but I am sure he knew about it. Yes, I gave people with records a second chance. Everyone deserves a job to feed their family! I did hire people with records. That was no secret. When I checked the local backgrounds through saccourt.com, if anyone came back with a case, I asked Zack if it was OK to bring them aboard, he approved and made the decision to hire. I never had independent hiring or firing authority. My employees will verify everything I write here. I can arrange for anyone to speak with some of my old employees at res-CON upon request. hell, zack even brought back someone i fired for using marijuana while at work at res-CON! Zack is a true crook and COWARD! He only brought the guy back because he could sell courses. Which is the only thing that ZACK cared about. I dont care if the guy can sell ice to eskimos, i will not tolerate drug use on company property. But apparently, it is ok with ZACKY POO FOOLING. 10. I never lied to anyone about any record. I dont have any d**n felonies. Frankly, the accusations are getting old. Any investigator is welcomed to check it out. Zack is a d**n LIAR. Don't worry ZACKY POO, you will have a long rap sheet soon enough. RICK SANDERS, BILLY BOB, RICKY, Richard Sanders, PhD. I don't remember what the hell else he called himself...the coward! He would hang up the phone after he talked to someone (on the rare occasion that he took a call) as an AKA and would snicker and laugh...ASSEYES! The reason that anyone and everyone will remember talking to me is because the FUELLING Cowards NEVER, EVER took any calls. They always said to transfer THEM (the callers) to voicemail. I actually like to address issued immediately (up to the authority level I am authorized) and so I took most of the calls that came in. Hell, the first thing people would tell me was, "I have been calling for weeks/months, its nice to finally speak to a real live person." Yes, I answered my phone! Fuellings never answered their phones! BECAUSE THAT IS HOW COWARDS BEHAVE. 11. Call anyone you want, I never plaigarized anything. Zack Fuelling and Res-Com however, plaigarized and sold some courses that they copied word for word from restoration consultants (restcon.com) courses that DON FUELLING took! One was for Project Management training and the other was from remediation...I think. I am unsure of the other course. But they sold up to 20 of these plaigarized courses to people at the RHA Expo 2002 held at the Cal Expo. Also, I am allowed to publish anywhere anytime. As a matter of fact, I was just published in our local newspaper. The article was about the importance of inspections to a real estate transaction. Dont believe me, contact me and I will give you details and you can check it out for yourself. I just dont want to say the name here because that A-Hole will call that paper and make false accusations. I do not want anyone else to have to deal with these con artists. But I would be happy to provide anyone with any details about my recent publications, especially an independent investigator. NOT ZACKY POO!! He will only be published in americas most stupid crooks. Wait that was a TV show wasn't it? Whatever! 12. I have never been fired from any job. You must be thinking about one of your stupid brothers or other family members. Oh yeah, I just saw ADAM Donald Fuelling over at the JOB FAIR where my company had a booth!! What's the matter? Business not so good without the fraudulent charges to peoples' accounts? As a matter of fact, Adam Donald Fuelling put his name and number (916)768-1914 down to sign up for some training courses through my company for office assistant!! What a winner!!! Bwahahahahaha I am glad to see that your business has crumbled and that you have been reduced to working out of your garage! If this last statement is not true, AND YOU ARE A REAL MAN, why don't you tell us what the new office address is? I would love to come down and ask you in person to give me an accurate 1099! A-Hole! I can't believe that you had the nerve to try and state that I have earned over $47,000 between January and March 2006. You are a true CON MAN. I am going to the IRS to report your a*s. you are a fraud with a capital F. You will be held accountable for your lies. 13. Zack states that i have lied about earning a degree in biology? HAAAAHAHAAAHAHAAAA!! I am surprised that ZACKY POO FOOLING can spell biology! YES! I have an undergraduate BA degree in Biological Sciences from California State University Sacramento. I also have a masters degree and hold 27 different industry certifications. Yes! I have earned them all. How about you Zack? What do you have besides a (marginal at best) contractors license (with NO INSURANCE)? Nothing huh?? BWAHAHAHAHA. You should have never gone there with me! You are a sorry & pathetic little SILLY CON PERSON! 14. I have never lied about being in the armed services. This is another one of their pathetic little ploys. They made this up in order to try and make me look like a violent person when Nicholas Evan Fuelling (of all people) tried to get a bogus restraining order against me. The judge saw right through this and dismissed the case against me. I have never threatened anyone for any reason. I am a well-spoken, well-educated man and I DO NOT need to resort to violence to solve my problems. You are a coward and an incompetent one at that. You are a dropout, your brothers are dropouts, your whole family is a bunch of con artists. Con men don't last long in any walk of life and neither will you. Like I said before, Karma is a mother....ucker! What goes around comes around! your day is coming soon! I will be there through your hearing and your trial. I will testify, you will go to jail! You are a disgrace to your family and to the rest of humanity. I am personally apalled that I have to share my air with this malformed offspring! These are my counterpoints to ZACKY POO FOOLING'S comments. THe rest of his writing is a cut and paste job from other previous writings that nicholas or sara or other FOOLING family member wrote! To this end, let me address the facts: ask yourself this question: if ZACK is in charge of Tom and Tom in charge of the rest of the staff with Zack's review and approval, who is really in charge? ZACK IS!!!That's Who! Heck, the above almost sounds like a word problem from back in school!! haha!!! Sorry, but unraveling con artist lies is a complicated affair! I have provided emails and communications memos (to the DA's investigator) between Adam Fuelling and Zackary Fuelling about refunds to people and these emails state, "ADAM FUELLING: What about refunds? ZACK FUELLING: None right now, maybe later. I'll talk to you about it later." This clearly demonstrates that Zack is in charge. He gave direction to Adam who had the passwords and everything else needed to charge people's cards. FROM THIS POINT, ZACK CUT AND PASTE NICHOLAS' POSTING FROM BEFORE: He restates the same lies here and it is quite repetitive. It goes to show his limited intelligence and education. One point that I do agree with in his whole statement is that YES!!Please...PLEASE...P-L-E-A-S-E!!!!! Contact DA investigator Sam Gault with the Sacramento County District Attorney's office! He will take your statement and may even meet with you to discuss your options. PLease tell the truth and he will add your name to the case against Res-Com. I am not afraid of anything in the least bit! I did nothing wrong. The Fuellings thought that I was an idiot when they hired me! I am not as dumb as Zack thinks. That is why I know everything that I do. I am an intelligent person. I copied everything, I backed up all of my hard drive, I even took Adam's little SEAGATE hard drive and gave it all to Sam Gault. This stuff was a gold mine. Investigator Gault is waiting until he has all available/possible victims in the case to come forward with their information. Like Zack said, "...these investigators are sharp people..." You will get yours ZACK...I promise you! You will get yours from the DA, and from GOD! ONE MORE POINT. How come you do not address usenviro.com? why? why don't you respond to facts? why did you close up shop at 4608 roseville road suite 105? why do you list fraudulent credentials on your usenviro.com website? who is your microbiologist? what lab do you go through? who is your industrial hygienist? Anyone reading this post will clearly see that you are the sole liar here. I have posted two open challenges to ZACK, NICK, ADAM, DON, or PEGGY, or SARA DeVitt, or any other FOOLING family member! If you are MAN/WOMAN enough STEP UP PUNK! If not, shut the hell up and go away like the sorry cockroach that you are! You are nothing and you will always be nothing. As for me, I have a successful, HONEST, environmental consulting firm of my own with 14 yellow page ads (some out now, some coming out soon-depending on publication dates) contracted. I am doing great regardless of what you DONT know. I also work with a great nationally recognized company in the Education field through the State of California - EDD. So sorry to disappoint you ZACK! You are a CON MAN and you will be in jail soon enough and I will still be successful and happy as always. I feel sorry for you and what you are putting your mom through. SHe has cancer! You guys make her do everything. I am ashamed to have ever crossed paths with you and your family. May gor have mercy on your soul at the day of judgement. The truth WILL come out there! You will pay one way or another. Maybe not today...but one day...god will make you pay! You are a sorry excuse of a human being. I will pray for your mom yet! NOW GO AWAY and crawl under the rock from which you crawled out!



#5Author of original report

Sun, February 18, 2007

Smoke and mirrors will get you nowhere Zack. You are just a sorry, sad person. I will pray for your soul! You are a pathetic con man. Nothing you can say to slander me and my family will stick up in a court of law. You are a liar and a coward. Let me address your (cut and paste jobs from previous postings) rantings with some facts: FIRST. You are the only one who stepped up??? what a blatant LIE. you are a coward who stepped up only from your present location and RAN Away to your present PO BOX. YOU COWARD. If you were a real businessMAN, you would have stayed at your present location and addressed each person's claim. However, you RAN AWAY like a little GIRL!! FURTHER, The address that ZACK FUELLING has provided for the AABIE is my HOME ADDRESS. I am not afraid of anyone! and EVERYONE is welcomed to stop by my home to discuss the FRAUD that RES-COM has conducted on their accounts. When you come, you will also notice the neighborhood in which I live. Not FAIR OAKS or other high income neighborhoods like the Fuellings. You will also notice that I dont drive fancy cars like the Fuellings (mercedes SL500, Nissan 350Z, new trucks, fake (former) police car (dont worry you guys will soon see what the back seat looks like), . The Fuellings are only retaliating against me with lies because the TRUTH hurts them. They are REAL COWARDS. 1. You are only posting your lies here because you know that you can not be held accountable for your words in court. I wish it were different...but I know that my intelligence level is much more sophisticated than yours ZACK. You always act on impulse and ALWAYS LOSE because of it. And you always will. You will never win an argument in any rational forum because you never address the truth. In this forum, you have failed to address a single solitary accusation that I have made against you or your family! Why? Because the truth is the truth and there is no smoke and mirrors to change it. You try and twist the truth so bad that no rational person will believe a word you write or speak. You are a COWARD! 2. do not call that 916-204-2392. That phone is to some poor person who changed his number. I have long ago changed my personal cell phone number. Zack Fuelling knows this and yet still causes harm to this other person. This clearly demonstrates his willingness to hurt innocent people. His willful disregard to human beings will not go unnoticed where he will eventually be judged...in front of the courts...and eventually in front of god. The truth is the truth and shall always remain the truth regardless of what that coward ZACK writes. 3. Zack states that I am attempting to get him to drop charges? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I will see you at your arraignments ZACK, NICHOLAS, ADAM, DON, & PEGGY!!!!! We shall see who is trying to get charges dropped!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHHA You are a true Coward. FOR THE RECORD, THERE ARE NO CHARGES AGAINST ME IN ANY JURISDICTION AND FOR ANY OFFENSE. 4. Zack states I was C.O.O??? hahahahha I don't think so. As john clearly stated in other posts, his independent investigation showed only Fuelling names in the articles of incorporation. Nothing with my name on it. As I stated before, I was hired as the microbiologist/inspector and was then promoted to general manager. THat is all. My bank accounts prove it. The DA's office has all of this info. The DA's office also has all of their bank info (US BANK, Washington mutual, river city bank, etc...etc...). The truth is the truth buddy boy. You LOSE...again!!! bwahahahaha! Evil TOM!! You are a crook and a coward. 5. My father's SUCCESSFUL auto glass business has nothing to do with anything and I would appreciate it not being mentioned in any other postings anywhere as it has no bearing on anything that you did to defraud the people of this country. As I stated many times before, Zacky Poo Fuelling is a coward and when he has nothing to attack, he goes after others in order to move attention away from himself. It will not work with me zack. I am not your average Joe. I know you better than you know yourself. You are a true coward. Why don't you stick to the issues at hand? I forget...that means you would have to write the truth and you don't know how!!! You SAD and PATHetic excuse for a human!! By the way, many reputable auto dealerships use my dad's Auto Glass business because he has a great, honest reputation and does not sell air to people like Res-CON did. 6. As for my wife Kimberly, she was the Res-Com secretary and nothing more. Anyone of you who called in to the office spoke to her and can attest to the fact that she answered the phone. There were also others like Zack's mom Peggy who answered the phone under the name LINDA or Nicole. THese people are con artists to the end. When the case against them comes to fruition (COME ON INVESTIGATOR GAULT...DO YOUR FREAKING JOB!!!!!THE PEOPLE OF THIS STATE (AND MANY OTHERS) ARE COUNTING ON YOU TO BRING THIS CASE FORWARD TO THE DA!!!YOU SEE WHAT THESE GUYS ARE DOING ON THIS FORUM! What they did to the people who bought their courses is far worse than these accusatory proses against me and my family), the chips will fall where they may. 7. YOU WANT TO STEP UP A-HOLE? Here goes: OPEN CHALLENGE TO ZACK FUELLING AND ANYONE ELSE: CALL THE SACRAMENTO COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE, ASK TO SPEAK TO INVESTIGATOR SAM GAULT. SCHEDULE A POLYGRAPH AND/OR ANY TYPE OF BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION OR INTERROGATION, I WILL SHOW UP...AND SO WILL YOU. I AM WILLING TO BYPASS A TRIAL AND GO TO JAIL DIRECTLY IF I AM FOUND TO BE MORE DECEPTIVE THAN ZACK OR ANY OTHER FUELLING! NOW STEP UP SPORT AND LET'S SEE WHAT YOU GOT? TOO OFFICIAL FOR YOU? FINE! OPEN CHALLENGE #2, I WILL ALLOW ED FROM THIS SITE TO SET UP AN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO GET TO THE TRUTH. i WILL ALLOW ALL DOCUMENTS TO BE EXAMINED...I WILL ALLOW ALL ACCOUNTS TO BE CHECKED...FULL UNRESTRICTED ACCESS, SO WILL YOU. LETS SEE WHAT HAPPENS! LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY! YOU WANT TO STEP UP NOW? LETS GO COWARD. BRING IT ON! Mr. Magedson, SET IT UP! NO PROBLEM HERE ON MY END! 8. Zack states that I was in charge of making all charges? I don't even know how to get to the charging screens on the computer. THe Fuellings controlled all of the charging. All I know is that they used authorize.net and 4-5 other companies to charge cards. Each time, their accounts got closed due to fraudulent charging and too many chargebacks. If you don't believe me, contact Mr. Sam Nair of Authorize.net and he will confirm. I don't offer only rantings. I offer FACTS! Unlike the Fuellings. They could not spell FACT much less know what it is or how to live by it! Also, you want to talk about stepping up? Answer this then A-Hole? How did I charge people's credit cards the week when you guys charged all accounts ($150 or $38, or other random charge) when I was out of town and conveniently all employees were off. We came backe into the office that Monday and the phones were ringing off the hook because peoples' cards were randomly charged. When I confronted you about it, you laughed and said it is in the fine print...it is not and was not in any fine print A-Hole. So again, how do you explain that? YOU CAN NOT! COWARD!! 9.I hired felons and criminals? How is that relevant? No one could charge any accounts except ZACKARY PAUL FUELLING and ADAM DONALD FUELLING AND/OR NICHOLAS EVAN FUELLING. I am unsure of Nicholas' involvement in the charging scheme but I am sure he knew about it. Yes, I gave people with records a second chance. Everyone deserves a job to feed their family! I did hire people with records. That was no secret. When I checked the local backgrounds through saccourt.com, if anyone came back with a case, I asked Zack if it was OK to bring them aboard, he approved and made the decision to hire. I never had independent hiring or firing authority. My employees will verify everything I write here. I can arrange for anyone to speak with some of my old employees at res-CON upon request. hell, zack even brought back someone i fired for using marijuana while at work at res-CON! Zack is a true crook and COWARD! He only brought the guy back because he could sell courses. Which is the only thing that ZACK cared about. I dont care if the guy can sell ice to eskimos, i will not tolerate drug use on company property. But apparently, it is ok with ZACKY POO FOOLING. 10. I never lied to anyone about any record. I dont have any d**n felonies. Frankly, the accusations are getting old. Any investigator is welcomed to check it out. Zack is a d**n LIAR. Don't worry ZACKY POO, you will have a long rap sheet soon enough. RICK SANDERS, BILLY BOB, RICKY, Richard Sanders, PhD. I don't remember what the hell else he called himself...the coward! He would hang up the phone after he talked to someone (on the rare occasion that he took a call) as an AKA and would snicker and laugh...ASSEYES! The reason that anyone and everyone will remember talking to me is because the FUELLING Cowards NEVER, EVER took any calls. They always said to transfer THEM (the callers) to voicemail. I actually like to address issued immediately (up to the authority level I am authorized) and so I took most of the calls that came in. Hell, the first thing people would tell me was, "I have been calling for weeks/months, its nice to finally speak to a real live person." Yes, I answered my phone! Fuellings never answered their phones! BECAUSE THAT IS HOW COWARDS BEHAVE. 11. Call anyone you want, I never plaigarized anything. Zack Fuelling and Res-Com however, plaigarized and sold some courses that they copied word for word from restoration consultants (restcon.com) courses that DON FUELLING took! One was for Project Management training and the other was from remediation...I think. I am unsure of the other course. But they sold up to 20 of these plaigarized courses to people at the RHA Expo 2002 held at the Cal Expo. Also, I am allowed to publish anywhere anytime. As a matter of fact, I was just published in our local newspaper. The article was about the importance of inspections to a real estate transaction. Dont believe me, contact me and I will give you details and you can check it out for yourself. I just dont want to say the name here because that A-Hole will call that paper and make false accusations. I do not want anyone else to have to deal with these con artists. But I would be happy to provide anyone with any details about my recent publications, especially an independent investigator. NOT ZACKY POO!! He will only be published in americas most stupid crooks. Wait that was a TV show wasn't it? Whatever! 12. I have never been fired from any job. You must be thinking about one of your stupid brothers or other family members. Oh yeah, I just saw ADAM Donald Fuelling over at the JOB FAIR where my company had a booth!! What's the matter? Business not so good without the fraudulent charges to peoples' accounts? As a matter of fact, Adam Donald Fuelling put his name and number (916)768-1914 down to sign up for some training courses through my company for office assistant!! What a winner!!! Bwahahahahaha I am glad to see that your business has crumbled and that you have been reduced to working out of your garage! If this last statement is not true, AND YOU ARE A REAL MAN, why don't you tell us what the new office address is? I would love to come down and ask you in person to give me an accurate 1099! A-Hole! I can't believe that you had the nerve to try and state that I have earned over $47,000 between January and March 2006. You are a true CON MAN. I am going to the IRS to report your a*s. you are a fraud with a capital F. You will be held accountable for your lies. 13. Zack states that i have lied about earning a degree in biology? HAAAAHAHAAAHAHAAAA!! I am surprised that ZACKY POO FOOLING can spell biology! YES! I have an undergraduate BA degree in Biological Sciences from California State University Sacramento. I also have a masters degree and hold 27 different industry certifications. Yes! I have earned them all. How about you Zack? What do you have besides a (marginal at best) contractors license (with NO INSURANCE)? Nothing huh?? BWAHAHAHAHA. You should have never gone there with me! You are a sorry & pathetic little SILLY CON PERSON! 14. I have never lied about being in the armed services. This is another one of their pathetic little ploys. They made this up in order to try and make me look like a violent person when Nicholas Evan Fuelling (of all people) tried to get a bogus restraining order against me. The judge saw right through this and dismissed the case against me. I have never threatened anyone for any reason. I am a well-spoken, well-educated man and I DO NOT need to resort to violence to solve my problems. You are a coward and an incompetent one at that. You are a dropout, your brothers are dropouts, your whole family is a bunch of con artists. Con men don't last long in any walk of life and neither will you. Like I said before, Karma is a mother....ucker! What goes around comes around! your day is coming soon! I will be there through your hearing and your trial. I will testify, you will go to jail! You are a disgrace to your family and to the rest of humanity. I am personally apalled that I have to share my air with this malformed offspring! These are my counterpoints to ZACKY POO FOOLING'S comments. THe rest of his writing is a cut and paste job from other previous writings that nicholas or sara or other FOOLING family member wrote! To this end, let me address the facts: ask yourself this question: if ZACK is in charge of Tom and Tom in charge of the rest of the staff with Zack's review and approval, who is really in charge? ZACK IS!!!That's Who! Heck, the above almost sounds like a word problem from back in school!! haha!!! Sorry, but unraveling con artist lies is a complicated affair! I have provided emails and communications memos (to the DA's investigator) between Adam Fuelling and Zackary Fuelling about refunds to people and these emails state, "ADAM FUELLING: What about refunds? ZACK FUELLING: None right now, maybe later. I'll talk to you about it later." This clearly demonstrates that Zack is in charge. He gave direction to Adam who had the passwords and everything else needed to charge people's cards. FROM THIS POINT, ZACK CUT AND PASTE NICHOLAS' POSTING FROM BEFORE: He restates the same lies here and it is quite repetitive. It goes to show his limited intelligence and education. One point that I do agree with in his whole statement is that YES!!Please...PLEASE...P-L-E-A-S-E!!!!! Contact DA investigator Sam Gault with the Sacramento County District Attorney's office! He will take your statement and may even meet with you to discuss your options. PLease tell the truth and he will add your name to the case against Res-Com. I am not afraid of anything in the least bit! I did nothing wrong. The Fuellings thought that I was an idiot when they hired me! I am not as dumb as Zack thinks. That is why I know everything that I do. I am an intelligent person. I copied everything, I backed up all of my hard drive, I even took Adam's little SEAGATE hard drive and gave it all to Sam Gault. This stuff was a gold mine. Investigator Gault is waiting until he has all available/possible victims in the case to come forward with their information. Like Zack said, "...these investigators are sharp people..." You will get yours ZACK...I promise you! You will get yours from the DA, and from GOD! ONE MORE POINT. How come you do not address usenviro.com? why? why don't you respond to facts? why did you close up shop at 4608 roseville road suite 105? why do you list fraudulent credentials on your usenviro.com website? who is your microbiologist? what lab do you go through? who is your industrial hygienist? Anyone reading this post will clearly see that you are the sole liar here. I have posted two open challenges to ZACK, NICK, ADAM, DON, or PEGGY, or SARA DeVitt, or any other FOOLING family member! If you are MAN/WOMAN enough STEP UP PUNK! If not, shut the hell up and go away like the sorry cockroach that you are! You are nothing and you will always be nothing. As for me, I have a successful, HONEST, environmental consulting firm of my own with 14 yellow page ads (some out now, some coming out soon-depending on publication dates) contracted. I am doing great regardless of what you DONT know. I also work with a great nationally recognized company in the Education field through the State of California - EDD. So sorry to disappoint you ZACK! You are a CON MAN and you will be in jail soon enough and I will still be successful and happy as always. I feel sorry for you and what you are putting your mom through. SHe has cancer! You guys make her do everything. I am ashamed to have ever crossed paths with you and your family. May gor have mercy on your soul at the day of judgement. The truth WILL come out there! You will pay one way or another. Maybe not today...but one day...god will make you pay! You are a sorry excuse of a human being. I will pray for your mom yet! NOW GO AWAY and crawl under the rock from which you crawled out!



#6Author of original report

Sun, February 18, 2007

Smoke and mirrors will get you nowhere Zack. You are just a sorry, sad person. I will pray for your soul! You are a pathetic con man. Nothing you can say to slander me and my family will stick up in a court of law. You are a liar and a coward. Let me address your (cut and paste jobs from previous postings) rantings with some facts: FIRST. You are the only one who stepped up??? what a blatant LIE. you are a coward who stepped up only from your present location and RAN Away to your present PO BOX. YOU COWARD. If you were a real businessMAN, you would have stayed at your present location and addressed each person's claim. However, you RAN AWAY like a little GIRL!! FURTHER, The address that ZACK FUELLING has provided for the AABIE is my HOME ADDRESS. I am not afraid of anyone! and EVERYONE is welcomed to stop by my home to discuss the FRAUD that RES-COM has conducted on their accounts. When you come, you will also notice the neighborhood in which I live. Not FAIR OAKS or other high income neighborhoods like the Fuellings. You will also notice that I dont drive fancy cars like the Fuellings (mercedes SL500, Nissan 350Z, new trucks, fake (former) police car (dont worry you guys will soon see what the back seat looks like), . The Fuellings are only retaliating against me with lies because the TRUTH hurts them. They are REAL COWARDS. 1. You are only posting your lies here because you know that you can not be held accountable for your words in court. I wish it were different...but I know that my intelligence level is much more sophisticated than yours ZACK. You always act on impulse and ALWAYS LOSE because of it. And you always will. You will never win an argument in any rational forum because you never address the truth. In this forum, you have failed to address a single solitary accusation that I have made against you or your family! Why? Because the truth is the truth and there is no smoke and mirrors to change it. You try and twist the truth so bad that no rational person will believe a word you write or speak. You are a COWARD! 2. do not call that 916-204-2392. That phone is to some poor person who changed his number. I have long ago changed my personal cell phone number. Zack Fuelling knows this and yet still causes harm to this other person. This clearly demonstrates his willingness to hurt innocent people. His willful disregard to human beings will not go unnoticed where he will eventually be judged...in front of the courts...and eventually in front of god. The truth is the truth and shall always remain the truth regardless of what that coward ZACK writes. 3. Zack states that I am attempting to get him to drop charges? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I will see you at your arraignments ZACK, NICHOLAS, ADAM, DON, & PEGGY!!!!! We shall see who is trying to get charges dropped!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHHA You are a true Coward. FOR THE RECORD, THERE ARE NO CHARGES AGAINST ME IN ANY JURISDICTION AND FOR ANY OFFENSE. 4. Zack states I was C.O.O??? hahahahha I don't think so. As john clearly stated in other posts, his independent investigation showed only Fuelling names in the articles of incorporation. Nothing with my name on it. As I stated before, I was hired as the microbiologist/inspector and was then promoted to general manager. THat is all. My bank accounts prove it. The DA's office has all of this info. The DA's office also has all of their bank info (US BANK, Washington mutual, river city bank, etc...etc...). The truth is the truth buddy boy. You LOSE...again!!! bwahahahaha! Evil TOM!! You are a crook and a coward. 5. My father's SUCCESSFUL auto glass business has nothing to do with anything and I would appreciate it not being mentioned in any other postings anywhere as it has no bearing on anything that you did to defraud the people of this country. As I stated many times before, Zacky Poo Fuelling is a coward and when he has nothing to attack, he goes after others in order to move attention away from himself. It will not work with me zack. I am not your average Joe. I know you better than you know yourself. You are a true coward. Why don't you stick to the issues at hand? I forget...that means you would have to write the truth and you don't know how!!! You SAD and PATHetic excuse for a human!! By the way, many reputable auto dealerships use my dad's Auto Glass business because he has a great, honest reputation and does not sell air to people like Res-CON did. 6. As for my wife Kimberly, she was the Res-Com secretary and nothing more. Anyone of you who called in to the office spoke to her and can attest to the fact that she answered the phone. There were also others like Zack's mom Peggy who answered the phone under the name LINDA or Nicole. THese people are con artists to the end. When the case against them comes to fruition (COME ON INVESTIGATOR GAULT...DO YOUR FREAKING JOB!!!!!THE PEOPLE OF THIS STATE (AND MANY OTHERS) ARE COUNTING ON YOU TO BRING THIS CASE FORWARD TO THE DA!!!YOU SEE WHAT THESE GUYS ARE DOING ON THIS FORUM! What they did to the people who bought their courses is far worse than these accusatory proses against me and my family), the chips will fall where they may. 7. YOU WANT TO STEP UP A-HOLE? Here goes: OPEN CHALLENGE TO ZACK FUELLING AND ANYONE ELSE: CALL THE SACRAMENTO COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE, ASK TO SPEAK TO INVESTIGATOR SAM GAULT. SCHEDULE A POLYGRAPH AND/OR ANY TYPE OF BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION OR INTERROGATION, I WILL SHOW UP...AND SO WILL YOU. I AM WILLING TO BYPASS A TRIAL AND GO TO JAIL DIRECTLY IF I AM FOUND TO BE MORE DECEPTIVE THAN ZACK OR ANY OTHER FUELLING! NOW STEP UP SPORT AND LET'S SEE WHAT YOU GOT? TOO OFFICIAL FOR YOU? FINE! OPEN CHALLENGE #2, I WILL ALLOW ED FROM THIS SITE TO SET UP AN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO GET TO THE TRUTH. i WILL ALLOW ALL DOCUMENTS TO BE EXAMINED...I WILL ALLOW ALL ACCOUNTS TO BE CHECKED...FULL UNRESTRICTED ACCESS, SO WILL YOU. LETS SEE WHAT HAPPENS! LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY! YOU WANT TO STEP UP NOW? LETS GO COWARD. BRING IT ON! Mr. Magedson, SET IT UP! NO PROBLEM HERE ON MY END! 8. Zack states that I was in charge of making all charges? I don't even know how to get to the charging screens on the computer. THe Fuellings controlled all of the charging. All I know is that they used authorize.net and 4-5 other companies to charge cards. Each time, their accounts got closed due to fraudulent charging and too many chargebacks. If you don't believe me, contact Mr. Sam Nair of Authorize.net and he will confirm. I don't offer only rantings. I offer FACTS! Unlike the Fuellings. They could not spell FACT much less know what it is or how to live by it! Also, you want to talk about stepping up? Answer this then A-Hole? How did I charge people's credit cards the week when you guys charged all accounts ($150 or $38, or other random charge) when I was out of town and conveniently all employees were off. We came backe into the office that Monday and the phones were ringing off the hook because peoples' cards were randomly charged. When I confronted you about it, you laughed and said it is in the fine print...it is not and was not in any fine print A-Hole. So again, how do you explain that? YOU CAN NOT! COWARD!! 9.I hired felons and criminals? How is that relevant? No one could charge any accounts except ZACKARY PAUL FUELLING and ADAM DONALD FUELLING AND/OR NICHOLAS EVAN FUELLING. I am unsure of Nicholas' involvement in the charging scheme but I am sure he knew about it. Yes, I gave people with records a second chance. Everyone deserves a job to feed their family! I did hire people with records. That was no secret. When I checked the local backgrounds through saccourt.com, if anyone came back with a case, I asked Zack if it was OK to bring them aboard, he approved and made the decision to hire. I never had independent hiring or firing authority. My employees will verify everything I write here. I can arrange for anyone to speak with some of my old employees at res-CON upon request. hell, zack even brought back someone i fired for using marijuana while at work at res-CON! Zack is a true crook and COWARD! He only brought the guy back because he could sell courses. Which is the only thing that ZACK cared about. I dont care if the guy can sell ice to eskimos, i will not tolerate drug use on company property. But apparently, it is ok with ZACKY POO FOOLING. 10. I never lied to anyone about any record. I dont have any d**n felonies. Frankly, the accusations are getting old. Any investigator is welcomed to check it out. Zack is a d**n LIAR. Don't worry ZACKY POO, you will have a long rap sheet soon enough. RICK SANDERS, BILLY BOB, RICKY, Richard Sanders, PhD. I don't remember what the hell else he called himself...the coward! He would hang up the phone after he talked to someone (on the rare occasion that he took a call) as an AKA and would snicker and laugh...ASSEYES! The reason that anyone and everyone will remember talking to me is because the FUELLING Cowards NEVER, EVER took any calls. They always said to transfer THEM (the callers) to voicemail. I actually like to address issued immediately (up to the authority level I am authorized) and so I took most of the calls that came in. Hell, the first thing people would tell me was, "I have been calling for weeks/months, its nice to finally speak to a real live person." Yes, I answered my phone! Fuellings never answered their phones! BECAUSE THAT IS HOW COWARDS BEHAVE. 11. Call anyone you want, I never plaigarized anything. Zack Fuelling and Res-Com however, plaigarized and sold some courses that they copied word for word from restoration consultants (restcon.com) courses that DON FUELLING took! One was for Project Management training and the other was from remediation...I think. I am unsure of the other course. But they sold up to 20 of these plaigarized courses to people at the RHA Expo 2002 held at the Cal Expo. Also, I am allowed to publish anywhere anytime. As a matter of fact, I was just published in our local newspaper. The article was about the importance of inspections to a real estate transaction. Dont believe me, contact me and I will give you details and you can check it out for yourself. I just dont want to say the name here because that A-Hole will call that paper and make false accusations. I do not want anyone else to have to deal with these con artists. But I would be happy to provide anyone with any details about my recent publications, especially an independent investigator. NOT ZACKY POO!! He will only be published in americas most stupid crooks. Wait that was a TV show wasn't it? Whatever! 12. I have never been fired from any job. You must be thinking about one of your stupid brothers or other family members. Oh yeah, I just saw ADAM Donald Fuelling over at the JOB FAIR where my company had a booth!! What's the matter? Business not so good without the fraudulent charges to peoples' accounts? As a matter of fact, Adam Donald Fuelling put his name and number (916)768-1914 down to sign up for some training courses through my company for office assistant!! What a winner!!! Bwahahahahaha I am glad to see that your business has crumbled and that you have been reduced to working out of your garage! If this last statement is not true, AND YOU ARE A REAL MAN, why don't you tell us what the new office address is? I would love to come down and ask you in person to give me an accurate 1099! A-Hole! I can't believe that you had the nerve to try and state that I have earned over $47,000 between January and March 2006. You are a true CON MAN. I am going to the IRS to report your a*s. you are a fraud with a capital F. You will be held accountable for your lies. 13. Zack states that i have lied about earning a degree in biology? HAAAAHAHAAAHAHAAAA!! I am surprised that ZACKY POO FOOLING can spell biology! YES! I have an undergraduate BA degree in Biological Sciences from California State University Sacramento. I also have a masters degree and hold 27 different industry certifications. Yes! I have earned them all. How about you Zack? What do you have besides a (marginal at best) contractors license (with NO INSURANCE)? Nothing huh?? BWAHAHAHAHA. You should have never gone there with me! You are a sorry & pathetic little SILLY CON PERSON! 14. I have never lied about being in the armed services. This is another one of their pathetic little ploys. They made this up in order to try and make me look like a violent person when Nicholas Evan Fuelling (of all people) tried to get a bogus restraining order against me. The judge saw right through this and dismissed the case against me. I have never threatened anyone for any reason. I am a well-spoken, well-educated man and I DO NOT need to resort to violence to solve my problems. You are a coward and an incompetent one at that. You are a dropout, your brothers are dropouts, your whole family is a bunch of con artists. Con men don't last long in any walk of life and neither will you. Like I said before, Karma is a mother....ucker! What goes around comes around! your day is coming soon! I will be there through your hearing and your trial. I will testify, you will go to jail! You are a disgrace to your family and to the rest of humanity. I am personally apalled that I have to share my air with this malformed offspring! These are my counterpoints to ZACKY POO FOOLING'S comments. THe rest of his writing is a cut and paste job from other previous writings that nicholas or sara or other FOOLING family member wrote! To this end, let me address the facts: ask yourself this question: if ZACK is in charge of Tom and Tom in charge of the rest of the staff with Zack's review and approval, who is really in charge? ZACK IS!!!That's Who! Heck, the above almost sounds like a word problem from back in school!! haha!!! Sorry, but unraveling con artist lies is a complicated affair! I have provided emails and communications memos (to the DA's investigator) between Adam Fuelling and Zackary Fuelling about refunds to people and these emails state, "ADAM FUELLING: What about refunds? ZACK FUELLING: None right now, maybe later. I'll talk to you about it later." This clearly demonstrates that Zack is in charge. He gave direction to Adam who had the passwords and everything else needed to charge people's cards. FROM THIS POINT, ZACK CUT AND PASTE NICHOLAS' POSTING FROM BEFORE: He restates the same lies here and it is quite repetitive. It goes to show his limited intelligence and education. One point that I do agree with in his whole statement is that YES!!Please...PLEASE...P-L-E-A-S-E!!!!! Contact DA investigator Sam Gault with the Sacramento County District Attorney's office! He will take your statement and may even meet with you to discuss your options. PLease tell the truth and he will add your name to the case against Res-Com. I am not afraid of anything in the least bit! I did nothing wrong. The Fuellings thought that I was an idiot when they hired me! I am not as dumb as Zack thinks. That is why I know everything that I do. I am an intelligent person. I copied everything, I backed up all of my hard drive, I even took Adam's little SEAGATE hard drive and gave it all to Sam Gault. This stuff was a gold mine. Investigator Gault is waiting until he has all available/possible victims in the case to come forward with their information. Like Zack said, "...these investigators are sharp people..." You will get yours ZACK...I promise you! You will get yours from the DA, and from GOD! ONE MORE POINT. How come you do not address usenviro.com? why? why don't you respond to facts? why did you close up shop at 4608 roseville road suite 105? why do you list fraudulent credentials on your usenviro.com website? who is your microbiologist? what lab do you go through? who is your industrial hygienist? Anyone reading this post will clearly see that you are the sole liar here. I have posted two open challenges to ZACK, NICK, ADAM, DON, or PEGGY, or SARA DeVitt, or any other FOOLING family member! If you are MAN/WOMAN enough STEP UP PUNK! If not, shut the hell up and go away like the sorry cockroach that you are! You are nothing and you will always be nothing. As for me, I have a successful, HONEST, environmental consulting firm of my own with 14 yellow page ads (some out now, some coming out soon-depending on publication dates) contracted. I am doing great regardless of what you DONT know. I also work with a great nationally recognized company in the Education field through the State of California - EDD. So sorry to disappoint you ZACK! You are a CON MAN and you will be in jail soon enough and I will still be successful and happy as always. I feel sorry for you and what you are putting your mom through. SHe has cancer! You guys make her do everything. I am ashamed to have ever crossed paths with you and your family. May gor have mercy on your soul at the day of judgement. The truth WILL come out there! You will pay one way or another. Maybe not today...but one day...god will make you pay! You are a sorry excuse of a human being. I will pray for your mom yet! NOW GO AWAY and crawl under the rock from which you crawled out!



#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, February 18, 2007

Smoke and mirrors will get you nowhere Zack. You are just a sorry, sad person. I will pray for your soul! You are a pathetic con man. Nothing you can say to slander me and my family will stick up in a court of law. You are a liar and a coward. Let me address your (cut and paste jobs from previous postings) rantings with some facts: FIRST. You are the only one who stepped up??? what a blatant LIE. you are a coward who stepped up only from your present location and RAN Away to your present PO BOX. YOU COWARD. If you were a real businessMAN, you would have stayed at your present location and addressed each person's claim. However, you RAN AWAY like a little GIRL!! FURTHER, The address that ZACK FUELLING has provided for the AABIE is my HOME ADDRESS. I am not afraid of anyone! and EVERYONE is welcomed to stop by my home to discuss the FRAUD that RES-COM has conducted on their accounts. When you come, you will also notice the neighborhood in which I live. Not FAIR OAKS or other high income neighborhoods like the Fuellings. You will also notice that I dont drive fancy cars like the Fuellings (mercedes SL500, Nissan 350Z, new trucks, fake (former) police car (dont worry you guys will soon see what the back seat looks like), . The Fuellings are only retaliating against me with lies because the TRUTH hurts them. They are REAL COWARDS. 1. You are only posting your lies here because you know that you can not be held accountable for your words in court. I wish it were different...but I know that my intelligence level is much more sophisticated than yours ZACK. You always act on impulse and ALWAYS LOSE because of it. And you always will. You will never win an argument in any rational forum because you never address the truth. In this forum, you have failed to address a single solitary accusation that I have made against you or your family! Why? Because the truth is the truth and there is no smoke and mirrors to change it. You try and twist the truth so bad that no rational person will believe a word you write or speak. You are a COWARD! 2. do not call that 916-204-2392. That phone is to some poor person who changed his number. I have long ago changed my personal cell phone number. Zack Fuelling knows this and yet still causes harm to this other person. This clearly demonstrates his willingness to hurt innocent people. His willful disregard to human beings will not go unnoticed where he will eventually be judged...in front of the courts...and eventually in front of god. The truth is the truth and shall always remain the truth regardless of what that coward ZACK writes. 3. Zack states that I am attempting to get him to drop charges? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I will see you at your arraignments ZACK, NICHOLAS, ADAM, DON, & PEGGY!!!!! We shall see who is trying to get charges dropped!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHHA You are a true Coward. FOR THE RECORD, THERE ARE NO CHARGES AGAINST ME IN ANY JURISDICTION AND FOR ANY OFFENSE. 4. Zack states I was C.O.O??? hahahahha I don't think so. As john clearly stated in other posts, his independent investigation showed only Fuelling names in the articles of incorporation. Nothing with my name on it. As I stated before, I was hired as the microbiologist/inspector and was then promoted to general manager. THat is all. My bank accounts prove it. The DA's office has all of this info. The DA's office also has all of their bank info (US BANK, Washington mutual, river city bank, etc...etc...). The truth is the truth buddy boy. You LOSE...again!!! bwahahahaha! Evil TOM!! You are a crook and a coward. 5. My father's SUCCESSFUL auto glass business has nothing to do with anything and I would appreciate it not being mentioned in any other postings anywhere as it has no bearing on anything that you did to defraud the people of this country. As I stated many times before, Zacky Poo Fuelling is a coward and when he has nothing to attack, he goes after others in order to move attention away from himself. It will not work with me zack. I am not your average Joe. I know you better than you know yourself. You are a true coward. Why don't you stick to the issues at hand? I forget...that means you would have to write the truth and you don't know how!!! You SAD and PATHetic excuse for a human!! By the way, many reputable auto dealerships use my dad's Auto Glass business because he has a great, honest reputation and does not sell air to people like Res-CON did. 6. As for my wife Kimberly, she was the Res-Com secretary and nothing more. Anyone of you who called in to the office spoke to her and can attest to the fact that she answered the phone. There were also others like Zack's mom Peggy who answered the phone under the name LINDA or Nicole. THese people are con artists to the end. When the case against them comes to fruition (COME ON INVESTIGATOR GAULT...DO YOUR FREAKING JOB!!!!!THE PEOPLE OF THIS STATE (AND MANY OTHERS) ARE COUNTING ON YOU TO BRING THIS CASE FORWARD TO THE DA!!!YOU SEE WHAT THESE GUYS ARE DOING ON THIS FORUM! What they did to the people who bought their courses is far worse than these accusatory proses against me and my family), the chips will fall where they may. 7. YOU WANT TO STEP UP A-HOLE? Here goes: OPEN CHALLENGE TO ZACK FUELLING AND ANYONE ELSE: CALL THE SACRAMENTO COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE, ASK TO SPEAK TO INVESTIGATOR SAM GAULT. SCHEDULE A POLYGRAPH AND/OR ANY TYPE OF BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION OR INTERROGATION, I WILL SHOW UP...AND SO WILL YOU. I AM WILLING TO BYPASS A TRIAL AND GO TO JAIL DIRECTLY IF I AM FOUND TO BE MORE DECEPTIVE THAN ZACK OR ANY OTHER FUELLING! NOW STEP UP SPORT AND LET'S SEE WHAT YOU GOT? TOO OFFICIAL FOR YOU? FINE! OPEN CHALLENGE #2, I WILL ALLOW JOHN OR ED MAGEDSON FROM THIS SITE TO SET UP AN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO GET TO THE TRUTH. i WILL ALLOW ALL DOCUMENTS TO BE EXAMINED...I WILL ALLOW ALL ACCOUNTS TO BE CHECKED...FULL UNRESTRICTED ACCESS, SO WILL YOU. LETS SEE WHAT HAPPENS! LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY! YOU WANT TO STEP UP NOW? LETS GO COWARD. BRING IT ON! Mr. Magedson, SET IT UP! NO PROBLEM HERE ON MY END! 8. Zack states that I was in charge of making all charges? I don't even know how to get to the charging screens on the computer. THe Fuellings controlled all of the charging. All I know is that they used authorize.net and 4-5 other companies to charge cards. Each time, their accounts got closed due to fraudulent charging and too many chargebacks. If you don't believe me, contact Mr. Sam Nair of Authorize.net and he will confirm. I don't offer only rantings. I offer FACTS! Unlike the Fuellings. They could not spell FACT much less know what it is or how to live by it! Also, you want to talk about stepping up? Answer this then A-Hole? How did I charge people's credit cards the week when you guys charged all accounts ($150 or $38, or other random charge) when I was out of town and conveniently all employees were off. We came backe into the office that Monday and the phones were ringing off the hook because peoples' cards were randomly charged. When I confronted you about it, you laughed and said it is in the fine print...it is not and was not in any fine print A-Hole. So again, how do you explain that? YOU CAN NOT! COWARD!! 9.I hired felons and criminals? How is that relevant? No one could charge any accounts except ZACKARY PAUL FUELLING and ADAM DONALD FUELLING AND/OR NICHOLAS EVAN FUELLING. I am unsure of Nicholas' involvement in the charging scheme but I am sure he knew about it. Yes, I gave people with records a second chance. Everyone deserves a job to feed their family! I did hire people with records. That was no secret. When I checked the local backgrounds through saccourt.com, if anyone came back with a case, I asked Zack if it was OK to bring them aboard, he approved and made the decision to hire. I never had independent hiring or firing authority. My employees will verify everything I write here. I can arrange for anyone to speak with some of my old employees at res-CON upon request. hell, zack even brought back someone i fired for using marijuana while at work at res-CON! Zack is a true crook and COWARD! He only brought the guy back because he could sell courses. Which is the only thing that ZACK cared about. I dont care if the guy can sell ice to eskimos, i will not tolerate drug use on company property. But apparently, it is ok with ZACKY POO FOOLING. 10. I never lied to anyone about any record. I dont have any d**n felonies. Frankly, the accusations are getting old. Any investigator is welcomed to check it out. Zack is a d**n LIAR. Don't worry ZACKY POO, you will have a long rap sheet soon enough. RICK SANDERS, BILLY BOB, RICKY, Richard Sanders, PhD. I don't remember what the hell else he called himself...the coward! He would hang up the phone after he talked to someone (on the rare occasion that he took a call) as an AKA and would snicker and laugh...ASSEYES! The reason that anyone and everyone will remember talking to me is because the FUELLING Cowards NEVER, EVER took any calls. They always said to transfer THEM (the callers) to voicemail. I actually like to address issued immediately (up to the authority level I am authorized) and so I took most of the calls that came in. Hell, the first thing people would tell me was, "I have been calling for weeks/months, its nice to finally speak to a real live person." Yes, I answered my phone! Fuellings never answered their phones! BECAUSE THAT IS HOW COWARDS BEHAVE. 11. Call anyone you want, I never plaigarized anything. Zack Fuelling and Res-Com however, plaigarized and sold some courses that they copied word for word from restoration consultants (restcon.com) courses that DON FUELLING took! One was for Project Management training and the other was from remediation...I think. I am unsure of the other course. But they sold up to 20 of these plaigarized courses to people at the RHA Expo 2002 held at the Cal Expo. Also, I am allowed to publish anywhere anytime. As a matter of fact, I was just published in our local newspaper. The article was about the importance of inspections to a real estate transaction. Dont believe me, contact me and I will give you details and you can check it out for yourself. I just dont want to say the name here because that A-Hole will call that paper and make false accusations. I do not want anyone else to have to deal with these con artists. But I would be happy to provide anyone with any details about my recent publications, especially an independent investigator. NOT ZACKY POO!! He will only be published in americas most stupid crooks. Wait that was a TV show wasn't it? Whatever! 12. I have never been fired from any job. You must be thinking about one of your stupid brothers or other family members. Oh yeah, I just saw ADAM Donald Fuelling over at the JOB FAIR where my company had a booth!! What's the matter? Business not so good without the fraudulent charges to peoples' accounts? As a matter of fact, Adam Donald Fuelling put his name and number (916)768-1914 down to sign up for some training courses through my company for office assistant!! What a winner!!! Bwahahahahaha I am glad to see that your business has crumbled and that you have been reduced to working out of your garage! If this last statement is not true, AND YOU ARE A REAL MAN, why don't you tell us what the new office address is? I would love to come down and ask you in person to give me an accurate 1099! A-Hole! I can't believe that you had the nerve to try and state that I have earned over $47,000 between January and March 2006. You are a true CON MAN. I am going to the IRS to report your a*s. you are a fraud with a capital F. You will be held accountable for your lies. 13. Zack states that i have lied about earning a degree in biology? HAAAAHAHAAAHAHAAAA!! I am surprised that ZACKY POO FOOLING can spell biology! YES! I have an undergraduate BA degree in Biological Sciences from California State University Sacramento. I also have a masters degree and hold 27 different industry certifications. Yes! I have earned them all. How about you Zack? What do you have besides a (marginal at best) contractors license (with NO INSURANCE)? Nothing huh?? BWAHAHAHAHA. You should have never gone there with me! You are a sorry & pathetic little SILLY CON PERSON! 14. I have never lied about being in the armed services. This is another one of their pathetic little ploys. They made this up in order to try and make me look like a violent person when Nicholas Evan Fuelling (of all people) tried to get a bogus restraining order against me. The judge saw right through this and dismissed the case against me. I have never threatened anyone for any reason. I am a well-spoken, well-educated man and I DO NOT need to resort to violence to solve my problems. You are a coward and an incompetent one at that. You are a dropout, your brothers are dropouts, your whole family is a bunch of con artists. Con men don't last long in any walk of life and neither will you. Like I said before, Karma is a mother....ucker! What goes around comes around! your day is coming soon! I will be there through your hearing and your trial. I will testify, you will go to jail! You are a disgrace to your family and to the rest of humanity. I am personally apalled that I have to share my air with this malformed offspring! These are my counterpoints to ZACKY POO FOOLING'S comments. THe rest of his writing is a cut and paste job from other previous writings that nicholas or sara or other FOOLING family member wrote! To this end, let me address the facts: ask yourself this question: if ZACK is in charge of Tom and Tom in charge of the rest of the staff with Zack's review and approval, who is really in charge? ZACK IS!!!That's Who! Heck, the above almost sounds like a word problem from back in school!! haha!!! Sorry, but unraveling con artist lies is a complicated affair! I have provided emails and communications memos (to the DA's investigator) between Adam Fuelling and Zackary Fuelling about refunds to people and these emails state, "ADAM FUELLING: What about refunds? ZACK FUELLING: None right now, maybe later. I'll talk to you about it later." This clearly demonstrates that Zack is in charge. He gave direction to Adam who had the passwords and everything else needed to charge people's cards. FROM THIS POINT, ZACK CUT AND PASTE NICHOLAS' POSTING FROM BEFORE: He restates the same lies here and it is quite repetitive. It goes to show his limited intelligence and education. One point that I do agree with in his whole statement is that YES!!Please...PLEASE...P-L-E-A-S-E!!!!! Contact DA investigator Sam Gault with the Sacramento County District Attorney's office! He will take your statement and may even meet with you to discuss your options. PLease tell the truth and he will add your name to the case against Res-Com. I am not afraid of anything in the least bit! I did nothing wrong. The Fuellings thought that I was an idiot when they hired me! I am not as dumb as Zack thinks. That is why I know everything that I do. I am an intelligent person. I copied everything, I backed up all of my hard drive, I even took Adam's little SEAGATE hard drive and gave it all to Sam Gault. This stuff was a gold mine. Investigator Gault is waiting until he has all available/possible victims in the case to come forward with their information. Like Zack said, "...these investigators are sharp people..." You will get yours ZACK...I promise you! You will get yours from the DA, and from GOD! ONE MORE POINT. How come you do not address usenviro.com? why? why don't you respond to facts? why did you close up shop at 4608 roseville road suite 105? why do you list fraudulent credentials on your usenviro.com website? who is your microbiologist? what lab do you go through? who is your industrial hygienist? Anyone reading this post will clearly see that you are the sole liar here. I have posted two open challenges to ZACK, NICK, ADAM, DON, or PEGGY, or SARA DeVitt, or any other FOOLING family member! If you are MAN/WOMAN enough STEP UP PUNK! If not, shut the hell up and go away like the sorry cockroach that you are! You are nothing and you will always be nothing. As for me, I have a successful, HONEST, environmental consulting firm of my own with 14 yellow page ads (some out now, some coming out soon-depending on publication dates) contracted. I am doing great regardless of what you DONT know. I also work with a great nationally recognized company in the Education field through the State of California - EDD. So sorry to disappoint you ZACK! You are a CON MAN and you will be in jail soon enough and I will still be successful and happy as always. I feel sorry for you and what you are putting your mom through. SHe has cancer! You guys make her do everything. I am ashamed to have ever crossed paths with you and your family. May gor have mercy on your soul at the day of judgement. The truth WILL come out there! You will pay one way or another. Maybe not today...but one day...god will make you pay! You are a sorry excuse of a human being. I will pray for your mom yet! NOW GO AWAY and crawl under the rock from which you crawled out!


Tom Anderson, Kim Anderson, Anderson Auto Glass, FRAUD, FRAUD. DO NOT HIRE THESE CROOKS

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, February 16, 2007

A REAL COWARD IS DEFINED AS A PERSON WHO BY DAY DOES NOT HOLD A JOB DUE TO HIS CRIMINAL HISTORY OF TAKING ADVANTAGE OF GOOD PEOPLE. AND BY NIGHT HIDES BEHIND A COMPUTER KEYBOARD AND TYPES UP LIES AND SLANDER. TOM IS SCARED TO DEATH OF WHAT IS COMING HIS WAY. I AM THE ONLY ONE THAT HAS STEPPED UP TO THE PLATE AND CONFRONTED ALL THE CUSTOMERS TOM ANDERSON MISLED. AND PAID THEM BACK WITH MY HARD EARNED MONEY. WHAT HAS TOM, KIM, OR AABIE DONE? NOTHING !! Contact Thomas Anderson directly at his AABIE office: You can tell Tom how you know the real truth about him and his so called AABIE. AABIE Association 3174 Northview Dr. Sacramento, CA 95833 916-204-2392 Tom is attempting to get me to drop charges against him. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! FACTS: - Tom Anderson (may be known to customers he lied to as Tom Gordon) was the COO (Chief Operations Officer) for Res-Com Environmental and OWNER of AABIE Association. - Tom Anderson and his wife Kimberly or Kim Anderson both managed the AABIE Association and Kim helped Tom manage Res-Com Environmental Inc. - Tom also owns Anderson Auto Glass in Sacramento with his father. Car dealerships in town will not use their services due to their reputation as frauds. - Tom was in charge of all operations for the company (sales, refunds, charging credit cards, management, advertising, course development, hiring, etc, etc, etc, etc. YOU NAME IT HE DID IT!!!! - Tom hired felons, criminals, etc and lied to me that their backgrounds were clean. - He lied to me and my family when he applied and did not state he was a CRIMINAL with past felonies for fraud. - Tom is not allowed to publish with any environmental magazines, etc for past plagiarizing. Contact the Indoor Environmental magazine if you want proof. They will give you the details on his record of fraud and other issues with past companies he worked for. - We found out that he has been fired from multiple environmental firms. - He lied regarding having a degree in Biology. - Lied on his application about being in the Armed Services. He claimed he was a Navy Seal. What a joke. Tom is a disgrace to our troops and country. IF YOU WERE A CUSTOMER AND EVER ORDERED A COURSE, PLEASE ASK YOURSELF THESE QUESTIONS TO FIND OUT THE TRUTH: 1)Who did you talk to and did they lie to you? 2)Was it Tom or one of his staff? 3)When you talked to Tom were you yelled at? Did he swear at you, threaten you with a lawsuit, or hang up on you like all the other customers that have stated the same? 4)When you asked for a refund what company gave you the refund? Did Tom deny you a refund in the past or lie to you, threaten you so you would not ask for the refund? If you were a customer you will know the truth after answering those simple questions: - Tom misled customers and told his staff to lie. The only one that talked to customers for sales, disputes, etc was Tom OR HIS direct sales staff (hired by him, managed by him, etc, etc). And since Tom is a crook he easily covered up his fraud until it got out of control. HIS OWN STAFF ARE THE ONES THAT CONFRONTED ME AND MY FAMILY ABOUT HIS LIES AND FRAUDTOM ACTUALLY SAT ONE OF THE STAFF DOWN AND ASKED HER WHY SHE WAS TELLING THE TRUTH TO THE CUSTOMERS. - Tom charged credit cards twice, doubled charges, etc in order for him to get a larger commission and profit share. - Every customer that has requested a refund since Toms fraud was discovered has been refunded by RES-COM ENVIRONMENTAL INC...NOT Tom Anderson or AABIE... DO NOT FALL FOR Tom or Kim Andersons LIES. TOM WILL RECEIVE JUSTICE ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. I WILL MAKE SURE OF IT.... My name is Nicholas Fuelling and I am the owner of Res-Com Environmental Inc. I do apologize that I have not responded any sooner. We have been investigating "Tom" for months now and could not comment until the investigation was to this point. Multiple law enforcement agencies have told us to not contact "Tom" and give him clues about the investigation against him. That is why we have not posted a response on this site. We are now to the point where "Tom Anderson" can be prosecuted for fraudulent activity, not limited to credit card fraud, embezzlement, grand theft, and death threats. Yes Deanna, "Tom Anderson" has made death threats against co-workers, my family, and I. We can almost guarantee he was following you as you claim. Please be careful and get a restraining order. We are all in the process of getting restraining orders against him. He has a past history of violence that has been revealed to me. "Tom" is terrified and knows we have been compiling this evidence against him. This can be clearly seen in his slander and fabricated lies posted on this site. He is a desperate man and a compulsive liar who, as his history shows, will go to great lengths to protect and advance himself through lies, violence, and other criminal acts. The authorities showed me his criminal record. "Tom" was convicted on two felony counts and one misdemeanor for fraud a few years ago. This is why he is trying to place blame on others for his crimes. These crimes will add numerous counts to his record and will undoubtedly lead to a long prison sentence. These records can easily be obtained at the case index at the sacramento superior court web site. Look up Thomas Anderson. It will not be hard to find many past convictions. I am not here to slander "Tom", his family, or to fabricate lies as he has done. I am here to resolve issues with customers he misled and to further our investigation against him by collecting information from these customers. Evidence continues to unfold regarding Thomas Anderson's management of operations with Res-Com and AABIE. "Tom" has a trail of this fraud with some of the customers he dealt with. Some customers were abused by "Tom" under his mismanagement. Res-Com has been correcting this matter by refunding any customer who has been victimized by "Tom" and his AABIE Association. We do apologize for any inconveniences that occurred to customers under "Tom" management of Res-Com and for any delay in our responses since his leave. Please remember that not all customers were misled or defrauded by "Tom". We recommend you review the terms and conditions at www.rescom.cc. If your experience differs from what is in the terms and conditions, you have not received a refund, or if you would like to submit a general comment or statement regarding your experiences with our company or "Tom", please respond. When sending a message regarding the above topics, please provide as much information as possible and be honest about your experience. Be patient after submitting your information as we are thoroughly looking into every claim. We will respond back to you once we have completed our investigation. Please include the following information in your statement: 1)Your full name 2)Mailing address 3)Phone number 4)Email address 5)Dates of events and communications with our company. 6)Names of those you communicated with at our company and what was said. 7)A statement of your experiences with our company. Include any details of these experiences, including phone conversations, emails, or other communications. 8)Include any information pertaining to "Tom", either through direct communication or communication with others. 9)Do you feel you were misled by "Tom" or any other staff? 10)Were you satisfied with the process and the product provided? If not, explain why and provide details. 11)Please state whether or not the policies stated in our company's terms and conditions (rescom.cc/terms.htm) were followed during your experiences with our company. Please provide all of the details on what information was given to you, who you contacted, who contacted you, and any other information you feel is important. Mail it to: Res-Com Environmental Attn: Customer Service PO Box 601942 Sacramento, CA 95860 If you ever presented a complaint to the Better Business Bureau (BBB) or any other agency, please submit a new claim for a refund or complaint directly to Res-Com Environmental using the process above. "Tom Anderson" was in charge of responding to customer complaints and we believe he may not have handled these complaints in an ethical manner. UPDATE: Additionally, you can also contact Sam Gault at the DA's office. Please state the facts of the case as described above and who you talked to and when. This may help with the case against Thomas Anderson. Unlike Thomas has stated, Mr. Gault is investigating all aspects and especially Thomas Anderson. He needs the facts from actual customers not lies from the crook that committed the crimes. But these investigators are sharp people. They can see through the lies. Thomas may think his lies are being heard. But the man can easily see the truth through the customer's direct statements. Thomas Anderson was the COO (Chief Operations Officer) and handled all operations at Res-Com. Including training staff, customer service, managing accounts receivable (charging credit cards), refunds, office operations, course revisions, compliance and monitoring, advertising, marketing, etc, etc, etc, etc . Toms invoices from AABIE to Res-Com for the billing of course sales, etc actually stated: All services are guaranteed for 100% customer satisfaction. Thomas Anderson and AABIE Association guarantees and insures all services for financial and legal loss. We carry errors and omissions, and general liability insurance to protect our clients minimum 2 million aggregate). We found that none of this was true and all his services and products were not insured and neither was he. This is why Res-Com feels obligated to pay back all the AABIE customers that were sold through Res-Com by Thomas Anderson & AABIE. We want to keep our reputation and do the right thing. Since He had no insurance we could not file a claim and be compensated for loss. But, we will recover the money if we have to sue Thomas Anderson for the next 20 years. Res-Com is still in business and has refunded all customers to date that have responded with issues. Thomas Anderson / AABIE have not paid one cent back to the customers they misled. Res-Com has done the ethical thing by handling the situation and refunding customers. Thomas attempts to lie about Res-Com being shut down. But the fact is no charges can be brought against a company when the only one that broke the law was Thomas Anderson. All matters are being handled internally and all customers that were frauded by Thomas Anderson/AABIE are being refunded. As for Thomas Anderson himself that is a different matter. We are pressing charges directly against him and have the proof from customers directly. We would like to thank all the customers that have responded to our requests. Your signed testimonies will undoubtedly lead to jail time for Thomas Anderson. If jail time does not happen we will be sure that he is tied up in court for so long he will not be able to hold a job. But as we know from our private investigator he is not doing much these days. He seems to be spending more time on the computer attempting to hurt my family and I as well as Res-Com. Thomas Anderson will never be able to get a real job due to his past felonies of workman's compensation fraud, assault, etc. And these new charges will surely not help his job search. He has also been banished from the Environmental World due to his plagiarizing in an environmental magazine. He lied to the company and stated that he wrote multiple publications that they printed. Come to find out that he stole the work from other real authors. He may attempt to get a teaching job but will fail due to the fact that the government will not hire a felon. So watch out for the name Tom Anderson, Thomas Anderson, and also his wife Kim or Kimberly Anderson. They were a team that committed the fraud together. She was Tom's side kick through the entire deal! If any customer does find any charges from a Cardmember Services please write to us about your experience. This company was partnered with Thomas Anderson / AABIE. Thomas was supposed to offer its services to his existing AABIE customers. The services included discounts on environmental testing equipment and supplies. We have found that some customers may not have had the process and fees properly explained. Thomas Anderson may have just signed them up and filled in the application with their credit card numbers and names. He was paid a good deal of money from the company for these services and as profit sharing. We have discovered he may not have properly handled this operation either. These customers have also been refunded from Cardmember services directly and there should be no more customers with any issues. Thomas Anderson is a true crook like you see in the movies. He is an expert at deception and putting on a mask when he was lying to your face daily or to customers on the phone. We are making every attempt to undo what "Tom" has done to our customers, our company, and our reputation. We will respond to every claim but please be patient because we must research each case. Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to hearing from you. Nicholas Fuelling Owner Res-Com Environmental Inc.

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