  • Report:  #740591

Complaint Review: Riviera Fitness Center Fort Walton Beach - Fort Walton beach Florida

Reported By:
blondi182 - fort walton beach, Florida, United States of America

Riviera Fitness Center Fort Walton Beach
234a Eglin pkwy Fort Walton beach, 32547 Florida, United States of America
RivieraFitness .com
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After being the Head Instructor and Fitness Director at  Ladies Only Riviera Fitness in Fort Walton Beach Fl. for 8 Years starting in 2001, The owner who I had alwys worked along side, hired a New Manger (SHEA) who came in and proceeded to run the facility with a Hitler style approach.. meaning No ONe makes a move with out talking to her and having her approve it first.
She was mean, hateful and down right Rude with all the sticky notes and ugly messages that she would leave All over the Facility She treated absolutley no one with respect.... UNTIL the owner Walked in..and then she was all up the owner's Butt( for lack of a better word )showing her All the memberships that she had sold hhmmm (stolen) from her sales team who were working their butts off walking the streets trying to sell memberships to people in other businesses  such as at the cell phone store, the grocery store, even in parking lots where you honestly in my opinion should NOT ( FOR SAFETY REASONS) be approaching people, so when potential members came in she (SHEA) would "take " the sell for herself LAME!!!!!!!

In 2010 we moved locations and went CO-Ed which I wasn't extremly happy about and alot of our members were upset as well. they continued to sell memberships to LADIES not telling them we were going co-ed in  less than 2 weeks. these ladies had signed up for 2 year memberships at an ALL Ladies Facility and now they are members of a Co-Ed Facility... Not COOL!!!

When employees were FINALLY told we were going Co-Ed I went to the Owner whom I have always worked under and asked for a Raise for me and my Instructors who had been 13.00 a class for the last 3 years.
I felt like I had built a Fantastic Team of Instructors and they Deserved, as well as I a raise as we were do for one Anyway!!!!

The owner ignored my request and told me she was putting to much money into the New facility to be able to provide any additional raises at this time, "Besides we are a Budget Gym " and can not afford to pay our instructors very much because they are not Full time Employees. By this time I had been there for 9 years and had added 2 more Formats to my profile teachingand had also became an American Red Cross Instructor so that I could certify employees for the facility, up to 3 classes a day  up to 12 classes a week as well as subbing alot.. I was not reinmbursed for any of the certifications workshops, music, clothes, shoes or time spent preparing for classes. I do know as a Instructor that WE do this for the Love Not The Money, However there is such a thing as appreciation for your employees and making them feel as though they are wanted and needed.

After being Co-Ed for 6 mos. or soo I noticed that the front sales people obviously had No Clue of working with the human body or how to help clients, realizing at that point that they were now hiring Uncertified people to basically "Sell" these people on the idea that they will get all the help and support they needed to "get in shape and feel Great" if you only sign this 2 year membership only to be given minimal instruction on how to use the equipment. and support what a JOKE!!!
 Yaa Right!! 

Only if you want your fat butt and thighs to be talked about while you run on the treadmill or the elliptical!!!

Soo after bringing this to the Manager about having un certified people working with clients she then decided to basically destroy my whole entire schedule,get rid of Instructors that who like me could obviously see what was going on by right out firing them (REMEMBER I am there Boss NOT HER)
or making up lies that members diden't like them all of a sudden Really!!!! and then It was my Turn!!! I fought hard on the fact that at least Instructors should have to be Certified!! Don't you Agree??  I had set up an AFAA workshop which my flyers got taken down to put of ZUMBA flyers for Classes going on at other locations!! WTF!!

 When I felt the pressure from her and then started to hear things that she had said through the grapevine knowing it would get back to me I went to the owner who I felt was a Friend and would be fair in hearing that all these things were happening under her nose. She was s****.>
Shea continued to dissassemble my team and my schedule and make up lies about me even when I had people vouching for me that what she was saying was not true.

After fighting for my job, and my emotional stability for over 2 years i decided to turn in my 2 weeks notice and start and an All Ladies outdoor Boot Camp...  I totally fulfilled my obligation to my classes and to Riviera Fitness as I am a Loyal Honest Dependable person  and I LOVED MY Members, and my classes and I miss them EVERYDAY!!!! I was Not spoken to by Shea or Julie the whole 2 weeks. I offered to help fill my time slots etc. Nothing!!! Whatever!!!

Julie Ragas, Shea Hackney and Riviera Fitness are very Sad Pathetic and poor excuses for anyone that you may want to work for, be a part of their facility, or even have as a friend as I have recently become aware that she had an affair with one of the Instructor's boyfriend. that Instructor still works and trains there and I feel sorry that she can't see the devil in the red hair..............

When I called to have my 2 Year membership that I paid for "UNFROZE" so I could go with my husband who had signed up 2 mos before so he could come do a cycle class with me.. You would think after being there for 10 years being the director that my Spouse could come take 1 of my classes , not workout, not tan, not Group Fitness but1 cycle class a week sometimes every other week bot NOOOOO .
Julie has since banned me and my husband from the facility saying Because of EVERYTHING I had done I was no longer wanted there as well as the husband.. so I am now suing them for the 1500 dollars they have stolen as well as emotional suffering.!!!

I hope you see this before you even think about driving into the parking lot!!!!

Love and Peace To All

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