  • Report:  #1094769

Complaint Review: Rodney S. Shepard - Los Angeles California

Reported By:
Jean - Los Angeles, California,

Rodney S. Shepard
8021 S. Vermont Avenue Los Angeles, 90044 California, USA
(310) 215-3108
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

 Rodney S. Shepard is the landlord for M L Shepard Manor Senior Citizen Apartment Complex.  He has 89 apartments in the apartment complex.  All of the apartments are one bedroom apartmets for senior citizens only it is a 100% senior citizen building.

All of the seniro citizens are on the Section 42 Low Income Housing Credit Program.  The program is an Interal Revenue Program governed by the Section 42 Interal Revenue Code.  The program is monitored by the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee in Sacramento, California.

The landlord is violating the program by charging each and every senior citizen in the program 80% of their rent if the are on SSI.  SSI receipients are only supposed to pay $251.00 per month in rent, but he is charging them $675.00 per month which is 80% of their income. 

The Internal Revenlue Service has told us we should only be paying 30% of our imputed income.  We are paying 80% of our income if we are on SSI.  The Internal Revenue Code state very explicitly that we are not to pay any more than that.  Mr. Shepard threatens to evict us if we don't help he violate Section 42 Low Income Housing Credit rules and regulations.

Mr. Rodney S. Shepard threatens to kill us.  His mangement team Solari Enterprises, Inc. managers threatens to kill us.  They bring the would-be hit man into the building to threaten us.  The move the would-be hit men into the building to remind us of what will happen to us if we do not do what he wants us to do when he wants us to do it.

Rodney S. Shepard has hired this gangerster law firm, Kimball, Tirey & St. James to illegally evict us by paying some of the tenants of Mr. Shepard's other building to type up and sign fraudulent declarations aganinst us and go to court with him to say that we are disturbing and harassing all of the other tenants in the building.

They pay about four of them to lie in court against any senior citizen that does not do what they want them to do.  The senior citizens in the building are all too old to fight back.  Some of them are blind, in wheel chairs, one has no leg many are on walker etc., etc. and have no where to go except skid row if he puts them out, which is what he threatens to do.

His gangster management company Solari Enterprises, Inc. his gang law firm, Kimball, Tirey & St. John and his gangster would-be hit men are all working together to defraud money from not just us but the Federal Government.

Mr. Shepard is supposed to only charge 30% of our income in return for the many millions of dollars he is getting in tax credits from the Internal Revenue Service.  He is stealing from both sides from the tenants and the Federal goverment.  He has stolen millions of dollars in tax credits from the Internal Revenue Service over the past ten years and millions of dollars from the tenants over the past ten years.

Rodney S. Shepard is comitting Income Tax Fraud and evading income tax, because he has lied to the Federal government he is not running a Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program he and his gangster management company Solari Enterprises, Inc. and his gangster law firm Kimball, Tirey & St. John are all running a masive fraud scheme masterminded by Kimball, Tirey & St. John law firm against the Federal government and it has been going on for quite some time.

That is why Rodney S. Shepard, Solari Enterprises, Inc. and Kimball Tirey, & St John has hired these hit men to come into our building to threaten to kill us if we do not stop reporting them to Diane Feinstein's office.

Several of us have filed complaints against him with Diane Feinstein's office and that is when they started sending the hit men into the building.  They have even moved these young hit men into the building as a reminder to us of what will come in the future if we don't stoping talking about what Mr. Shepard is doing.

This is a senior citizen building where there are not to be any young people here at all.  Mr. Shepard has moved in several young men into a senior citizen building he even moved eight people into a one bedroom apartment.

Rodney S. Shepard, who owns M L Shepard, his management company, Solari Enterprises, Inc. his law firm Kimball Tirey & St. John should not be allowed to murder the witness/victims of their crimes just to they could cover it up and continue to steal millions of dollars from the Federal government for the next twenty years.

These people are not running a Section 42 Low Income Housing Tax Credit building they are running a Criminal Enterprise complete with murder.

I am trying to find some authorities to help me put an end to their crime spree.  If anyone has any information on these three companies, please notify me so that we can all get together and get these people put out of business before they wind up killling all of their witnesses.


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