  • Report:  #506670

Complaint Review: Rumson Bolling & Associates - Sherman Oaks, California

Reported By:
Brian - Yorba Linda, California, USA

Rumson Bolling & Associates
4570 Van Nuys Blvd. #331 Sherman Oaks,, 91403 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
THIS COMPANY IS A SCAM!! STAY AWAY!   We made the mistake of doing business with this company to collect on accounts we have not been paid for.  Yes, they are aggressive!  Yes, they did collect from a handful of customers!  They also claimed a few others had to be sued and we must submit to them $850 for "attorney's fees" and "court costs".  I have been calling every month for a year to inquire as to the status of the lawsuits.  I would always be given the run-around!!!!  Two weeks ago I called "MaryAnn" and told her I am tired of getting jerked around, I want some documentation or my money back; she hung up!  I began to do some research on CII, aka Rumson Bolling & Associates, aka Forensic Case Managent, aka, Joseph, Steven & Associates, aka Forensic Forwarder, aka Randy Chang- licensed CA attorney!!  http://members.calbar.ca.gov/search/member_detail.aspx?x=237618



I sent them a fax firing them and told them they have 10 days to refund my $850 and turn over all the monies I am owed for other accounts they have collected from.  11 days later, nothing!  I found Rumson, Bolling, & Associates- their 2009 SCAM and began posting reviews and filed a complaint with the BBB along with faxing my reviews, I got a phone call within 10 minutes!  13 phone calls to be exact!!  I told them I want my money or I am coming after them, and do not call me again.  These scumbags now claim I made death threats, threaths of sexual harrassment, and terriorist threats in a letter written by their attorney Randy Chang.  I called Randy Chang, left a message for him, he called me back from Commercial Investigations phone number!  He is one of the criminals apparently. Here is the letter from attorney Randy Chang: 


[email protected] :


It has been brought to our attention that you have made death threats to a Commercial Investigations, Inc representative. Commercial Investigations, Inc (CII) has documented your statement I am going to track you motherfu*kers down and kill you! In addition to the criminal statement, CII has documented all the harassing faxes, threatening correspondences which reinforce the death threats and phone calls. CII is a legitimate collection agency and takes offense to your ridiculous diatribe and tirade. Simply stated, rely on hearsay statements at your own risks. CII will no longer tolerate your foul languages like b***h, thieves and overall offensiveness toward its employees. Furthermore, CII has several female employees who will testify that you have sexually harassed them with your foul expletives. Accordingly, we demand that you immediately cease and desist any further contact with CII. In the event that you failed to comply, CII is prepared to file a police report, pursue a Temporary Restraining Order and a civil action against you. We are providing you this one last opportunity to resolve the dispute on an amicable basis. Please direct all future communication to this office only. Sincerely, Randy Chang Attorney At Law CC Client


upon receipt of the aforementioned letter is when I left Randy Chang a message to call me.  He did, from CII phone number!!!!


Later after posting more reviews of them they now claim I owe them money to fire them and they send this letter:


Even more alarming, Mr. xxxxxxx is the fact that CIIs attorney instructed you to cease all contact directly with CII or a Police Report would be filed against you. You ignored Mr. Chang and have continued to contact our offices. You continue to send harassing communications. Whatever you have read on the internet, or think you know is immaterial and hearsay. Trust me, CII possesses over and above any licensing and regulatory credentials. The ONLY crimes committed have been the ones you have now committed against our company and its employees.


You owe CII an outstanding balance. I have personally called you to attempt to solve this problem in an effort to end the violent rampage you are on to no avail. I believe at this point, you have made it impossible to resolve this matter amicably. In light of that CII is now prepared to take the following actions: 1) Ask the Detective assigned to your case to press formal charges 2) Seek an immediate Temporary Restraining Order against you. 3) Add your name to an Internet Defamation Suit currently pending in Federal Court 4) File a lawsuit against you for sexual harassment on behalf of at least five female employees for your insults and explicit vulgarity. 5) Initiate civil proceedings to recover the $2954.10 presently due and owing CII. At the end of the day Mr.Rejniak, it is you who will have expended tens of thousands of dollars in legal defense fees. CII has done everything in its power to resolve this with you amicably. It then referred the matter to its attorney who you have ignored and continue to directly harass CII. After successfully working on your behalf for two years, you embarked on a destructive, violent campaign all because in your words, you inconsiderate b***h put me on hold for 5 minutes. Mr. xxxxxxx this is your final warning to cease and desist. If you want a resolution, have your attorney contact Mr. Chang immediately. Be Governed, David Hensch Operations Supervisor Commercial Investigations, Inc A California Corporation


Later I told them I want my $850 back and I want a list of clients they collected from but have not paid me for, this is what I received back:


Mr. xxxxxxx, All of your accusations are false; there is lawful substantiation for each of CII's business practices, all of which are beyond the scope of your expertise, just as what type of motor to use in a filter pump is beyond our expertise. However, we both generate complaints. I told you in the beginning that refunding you is no problem, but instead of accepting that you chose to inflict harm against our company and its employees. I will offer you one more time a refund of $850, offset your closing invoice to zero, and end this. But you must sign a mutual release and end this forever and agree to stop inflicting harm. Let me know, I will prepare the release now and happily overnight your payment once you fax back the signed release. David Hensch


I agreed to this letter, however when they sent this "release" aka gag order they would only give me back MY $850.00.  Nothing for all the accounts they collected form, I refused!


Just today they had a detective call me to get a statement.  I acquired her name and badge number and asked for the PHYSICAL address for this company.  She said they did not provide that, she only had a post office drop mail box.  I told her to call me back when she has a physical address.  I advised her of what this company has done and the number of complaints they have online.  I have called the FBI, they state all the victims must file a complaint with the FTC first at www.ftc.gov at that point they will launch an investigation.


You've been warned!!!  STAY AWAY FROM THESE SCUMBAGS!!!


They will steal money from you for bogus lawsuits and collect from customers without disclosing to you they collected!! This scam is doing business under many names and there is a licensed CA attorney behind it, Randy Chang license # 237618, dba commercial investigations, dba forensicforwarder, dba forensic case management, dba rumson, bolling & associates, dba joseph, steven & associates. If you have been scammed too file a complaint with the CA state bar and the ftc! at http://ftc.gov/ ! They do not have a valid corporation to even do business in CA, it's been suspended


and the wont disclose a physical address. The address on their websites is a ups/ fed-ex mail drop box. They have over 300 complaints combined with the Better Business Bureau and a F rating. http://www.la.bbb.org/Business-Report/Commercial-Investigations-Inc-100055927








This company breaks the law daily, steals money, and tries to apply intimidation tactics to anyone who asks for their money back and threathens to go to the authorities. There are dozens of lawsuits against them throughout the US. Contact the ftc, CA state bar association, the Ventura and Los Angeles County District Attorneys office. Lets shut them down!  It is hard to say who else is behind this crime ring there are so many aliases being used. 


Anyone else who has been scammed feel free to email me, I am collecting fraud victims name, contact info.  My email is (((ROR redacted)))





  CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

4 Updates & Rebuttals

Tech Security

I Found A Way To Get Help

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, October 20, 2009

I was reading another RoR on this company and someone suggested going to an outside source for mediation. They said go to (((Redacted))) and they helped me resolve a situation with RBA. I don't know if they can help everyone but they helped me, it's def. worth a shot on going to them.

 CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


Grand Haven,
Be careful!

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, October 10, 2009

Ok, so the truth is always an absolute defense to a defamation claim. If everything you have stated is factual, you should prevail on such a claim.

As for sexual harassment, I don't know about the laws in California (outside of CA, we call it "hot tub law," because it always seems to be generated by intoxicated elitists wallowing in a bath of their own filth), but generally, if you are not an employee of this company, then the sexual harassment laws don't apply to you.

HOWEVER, standard harassment laws DO apply, and using profane language, such as is alleged, could potentially get you into such trouble.

My biggest concern for you is the potential for HUGE legal fees. If they file the suit they are threatening, you are going to be in a world of hurt, even if you ultimately prevail.

As painful as it may be, my advice would be to apologize to the employees of this company and take whatever refund/settlement you can get out of them.

As a general rule, bill collectors are scumbags and assholes. I hope that, in the least, this debacle teaches you the lesson of collecting your debts internally so that you don't have to deal with such trash.

Best of luck!


They will go to any length to intimidate

#4Author of original report

Sat, October 10, 2009

UPDATE:  Today I received a restraining order request to "stop harassment" from David Hynes of Commercial Investigations, Rumson, Bolling & Associates, Forensic Case Management, Forensic Forwarder.  This was filed by another attorney Dory Raheb  CA state license # 183017 who I will be including in all my internet postings about this company who will threathen and lie about anyone to avoid being exposed.  I am now suing them for $10,000 for filing a false police report, slandering my name and character on top of attorneys fees I will incur to fight this bogus abuse of process.  I will sue directly and person or entity or attorney who harasses me or defames my name or character with lies and libelous claims.  I will be posting daily and adding this to my report I am compiling to the ftc and los angeles county and ventura county district attorneys office.  I am contacting other victims to start a class action lawsuit.




I will back down to NO ONE and be intimidated by NO ONE in exposing their activity and any attorney or entity who dare oppose me or send threatheing materials will be listed online and in my lawsuit, you have been forewarned.    Brian Rejniak ocpoolspa


I posted last night and today I am being threathed by Randy Chang

#5Author of original report

Fri, October 09, 2009

from Randy Change 10/9/2009 less than 24 hours after posting:

Dear Mr. xxxxxxx: This is very simple. Either you remove the defamatory postings (Exhibit A and Exhibit B) and certify that you have not posted other defamatory materials regarding this author and/or his client within 7 days of this email or this author will prosecute you to the fullest extend under California law for defamation of his name. In addition, Commercial Investigations, Inc will prosecute you for breach of contract and defamation. Regards, Randy Chang Attorney At Law

my reply:

Sorry to piss all over your fraud ring. I am contactibg victims daily and obtaining proof you are part of cii scam. Stop contacting me! Sue me, see you in court, all your letters are being sent to the bar

I told you a**holes to refund my money and disclose everyone you colllected from, you failed to comply- I won't capitulate to your threats, which you do to everyone, until you are investigated and the fraud ring you represent is shut down! You and cii together have scammed millions of dollars and I am forming the case day by day. I posted my email address and just yesterday was contacted by 2 more of your victims. I am posting all your emails online and have asked you at least 15 times to stop contacting me! Pay me ALL my money and I will stop posting the TRUTH about you!

I will be bringing the 516 complaints, supoenaing the bbb records, bringing your unfiled corporate record, your suspended corporate records, my check you stole, the check you bounced to me, the names and numbers of all the victims I am in email contact with

All of your letters and intimidation tactics will be posted online and sent to the ftc and the ca state bar as well as the police department.

See you in court! I have other victims contacting me now. You should have sent me my money I have asked for over and over again!!! DO NOT CONTACT ME AGAIN, I am filing a police report against you!

Then in response to my reply:

Perhaps you are mistaking... I am pursuing you personally and I have no part in your contract with my client. My client will pursue you independently. Furthermore, my client offered you a refund which you refused.



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