  • Report:  #1108682

Complaint Review: Sacramento Web design group Tracy - sacramento Select State/Province

Reported By:
Linda - Iowa,

Sacramento Web design group Tracy
sacramento, Select State/Province, USA
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Report Attachments

This man Tracy Bernardo is a known scam artist online, has been pursued in court many times over. He's now pretending to be a web design company, if you look at all his clients, he basically installed a cheap $40 responsive template for them and charged them $700+ dollars for something they could have done for free after reading a few instructions.

All his advertisements and images on his websites are all stock images he bought, his whole website is a responsive theme called "Doover", his company has no design skills nor do they provide them, yet again Tracy is out to take advantage of unsuspecting web illiterate victims.

You buy a web hosting, click on the control panel, click on install wordpress then choose a theme, BOOM! Your’re done while Tracy charges you $700+ for doing just that. Go read on his other scams he has pulled like his bait and switch pig scams, he also marked up his pigs by over 40% for what his broker was selling them to reap the financial benefits, he does not care for the pigs only the money.

This man is a total fraud and disgusting, he has bad business ethics and his a total failure at being a decent human being to society.


 Full Name: Tracy Bernardo






2 Updates & Rebuttals


Fraud and a fake.

#2General Comment

Sat, December 21, 2013

How are you going to call yourself a web design group yet your whole website is a template called "Doover" that was created by another design company. That's like me claiming to be an artist but buying other artist work to display and promote my company. That's deceiving clients, how embarrassing. At least customize it in someway but they don't even have the talent to do that all they know how to do is install a template and change the folder root name from Doover to Sacramentowebdeisgngroup, how pathetic, look at this template and compare it to his website.


It's the exact same website.


No surprise here!

#3Author of original report

Sat, December 21, 2013

You can trace out his character once you've put everything you see together, he gets billed for a service he chose, didn't like it so he went on Ripoff.com and attacked them, kept sending the company threats through email and the phone. Another person Tracy hired to do work and did not receive the pay agreed upon posted a complaint on Ripoff.com, Tracy yet again went on the attack, threating to sue him for 250k. A person who created Tracybernardo.com to expose Tracy after they were scammed through his teacup pig bait and switch scam, again Tracy threaten with a lawsuit and tried to intimidate them. You see the pattern here?

This scum bag never wants to admit when he’s wrong; he has a few screws lose in his head, he wants to win at any cost. He does nothing but LIE, LIE, and LIE that it’s so ridiculous. A client of his who he scammed spoke out on him, he wrote that she was a competitor and was slandering his business; she proved with voicemails and documents that she was a client then he started claiming she was a bad and irresponsible client, then she wrote something that was the absolute truth about Tracy and how she felt about him, this angered him and on the same page he then wrote that she was a child molester.

This is the piece of s** you’re dealing with all because you did business with him. You’re better off flushing your money down the toilet than to deal with this monster. Sooner or later you’ll kick yourself not researching this monster before doing business with him, dozens of people have come out about this man who has done business with him and they all tell you the same story. This man is a lunatic, a hot head, a narcissistic piece of s** who believes the worlds revolve around him.

Many people do believe this man has an underlying mental illness, he does not know how to connect with people, he see’s them as objects which is why he has no problem stepping over them then pouring fuel on the flame. This man is a danger to your money, health and overall wellbeing, this is a warning to everyone. Study his name and face closely and run the hell away if you ever come across him or risk being scammed and attacked afterwards. This man is one nasty son of a b**!

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