  • Report:  #86858

Complaint Review: Saint Matthew's Churches - Tulsa Oklahoma

Reported By:
- Everett, Washington,

Saint Matthew's Churches
PO Box 22148 Tulsa OK 74121-9909 Tulsa, 74121-9909 Oklahoma, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I, too, fell for these letters, believing God for a Miracle,I sent money I really didn't have but was reaching out in Faith.

I learned a lesson but I agree this has to stop. It is preying upon people in need in a very deceptive way!!


Everett, Washington

2 Updates & Rebuttals


To B, way too long ...it will be ignored by nearly everybody

#2Consumer Suggestion

Wed, June 18, 2008

B, Your info will likely be ignored as it is way too long and not totally relevant. St Mathews (this one) is a fake 'scam' setup. Its been proven multiple times that its a fake...and anybody who defends them is part of their evil.


N A,
Where'd my $$y Go!

#3Consumer Suggestion

Tue, January 11, 2005

Subject: Where did my $ Go ? , ... ... Give to Charity . Take a Tour . Follow a Paper Trail . Conclude about error . Volunteer in order to show How to keep from any When a Prayer Don't work Other than the ants & pants of time itself . I am sure a prevented harmed way could be calculated by man and mechanical computation . I think and love to learn from it . Sometimes No Hram is the Tuffer Love . I won't panic , to pray for that . And sometimes taking the mental blinders off is hard . However dealing with undoable time laps and the such , with the blinders off is easier . Even if my Prayers don't work . I know and have learned , ... that God heard them . . Amen .All material is documented by two or more persons & copyrighted . Please refer to I or the Authorities about implementing a KIND solutive cud of learning and taintless EDUCATIVE resolve . Thanks Bob . - I am an understudy to what a mind can do at the thinking pads placemat . But because I can read the minds feeling of any human on earth . Most all whom I come in contact with can cause good things to happen . Becauce Good feelings , come with Good guarentees . I was put here on this earth to lend a helping hand . But Instead I am forced to recal just thoughts from that avenue . As soon as discovered , people figure out there is , legitimate ability . And at that one could turn on it . However that involves turning on Genius which even while under study , is 100% real also . It "Blows some folks minds and that can cause falls off of rockers in a world around us if one moans in a transport of jealousy like a brainy gluuten ! Using pencil & paper , ... a handy device . ... Thinking breeds intellect . Which involves study . Plenty of makes learning available . But to learn we need and use a memory . Memorization requires recall .Which takes practice . Practice makes perfect . When and then intelligent gathering takes place Being a Just Amount About an exempt ill , and it's tarry . There is an until impacted upon first policy . But yet still , there is also a no throw back first . Just by being defenseless . To prove the Armour truly alien , to obey what hides . That isn't innocent of standing , without any ! Within healthy array , a harmless projection . Of what is free ! _No Time to Gloat _A True Champion of Challenge , ... never accepts the award . Because it's always good , to want to become one . As from that standpoint , he knows of others who are . That cannot , without support . Subject: How To & How Do ? How To and How DO ? An instrument's Placemat . About the thinking pad's tablet . Since the rock , sand , and the wheel are somewhat round . Why don't we have round tablets ? Well it may be , that with one . Our thoughts would take on more of a roundness in mental shape . Such as faces and ears . But with a square tablet , focus on straitened , realistic things , is automatic . Although both have their advantages . To the round . ... Elliptical , yet ever so smally , square . And to the square , rotated upon format . Practical Strait and Line like . Almost Impossibly , Smally , Round . So what is this ? Just something to know , when finding the square tablet hard to read , when lost or found ! For in any event , to console both . Is simply quite profound . Subject: Nothing But , ... ... ... Nothing but Impossible is impossible . Although , be pleased to accept the fact that of all ways that lead up to it . ... To that point , are not . A Locater does not just have a detachable or not , piece of equipment that can or cannot . Have to be located . A Locater has to always be , and is , a human . And after all who is the Greatest Spanner of the great divide ? From all points , to their locale ? Wy the Supreme locater is God . The image maker , and the icon . Who gave us a choice . To locate each other , or stand on our own ! Subject: SPEECH'S FREEDOM is EVERY VOICE HEARD Page # 1 SPEECH'S FREEDOM is EVERY VOICE HEARD We learn what we teach . When I heard the World's " Smartest " man is in a wheelchair . I knew , when I had heard little about him . And close to nothing from himself . That no one considered his handy cap and wrote him , or asked him about anything . Literally anything . Anything at all . I felt a tad uneasy . Because the door would open if knocked upon , even if you're disrespectively abled . So why no response , from super experts ? What do they or how do they handle input , when at the point where , most people can not ? ... ... They are expected to answer a question . Without being called upon , by normal passage . They take the blame , for the interpretation of genius . Which , when calculated by only one person . In position , and place . When able to span the great divide between two people of , or in communication . Miss's the wordy impact of speech's freedom . True intention spells out all that's needed . But man has trouble being capable , of having all requested question . Be put to him . Sometimes , our problems are the only things , that we demand Genius for . But true genius has solvent for all . Much more than our demand for it . The only form I've ever heard of that didn't resort to our demands , as they are too small to preserve it . Is truly out of this world ! Our first recorded discovery of that carefully planted seed , suggests just that . ... ... A grater absolute , and constant . In a world riddled , with all forms of success . So what do measures of dials , and tests mean , when detecting strength beyond reason ? Measures of force , of strength . Of either I - Q , or work . Give way to a split scale . The less practiced , the bigger the split ! However , if you measure accomplishment of ability , ... and effort .You'll find equal results from the later as well as the first . Subject: Visiting The Future From The Past Visiting The Future From the Past Coincidental recognition comes from mental detection . However premonition plays a part . But detects repetition . Used properly it can calculate odds of capability using numbers and timing within equatively correct momentum , when mental detection of coincidence exists . This almost always plays out a theory that after calculating all odds from a sequence of coincidence . That from those repetitively correct calculations .. A conclusion of futuristic reasoning can take place . And when done correctly dispels suspicion of the term , Predicting the Future . Subject: Defeating ILL Direction Defeating Ill Direction Mental aggression is sometimes silent behavior . After detecting the obvious give away nature of Rage . Hidden Rage is the number one hidden mental illness . Rage cannot be controlled , however it can be hidden . It's mental direction is usually outward . But there is a silent rage that contains a hidden directive where a person can't control calling others mentally ill . Or causing others to feel raging , ill feelings , while at the same time overly suppressing their own to produce a new found guilt in any one who isn't suffering or curing that same condition . When another feels rage or fears mental illness because of the hidden directive that's aimed at them . The person with the real condition feels less anger . That is the number one objective of the illness . The most popular way the madness is incorporated is a silent form where the person pretends not to understand or properly answer back to normal every day input from others . The misleading dialog is an anxious trait of that illness . When the intended frustrates .The director of the ill intention's , mad feelings , temporarily subside . Such intentions existed and were reported on by then , the young Dan Rather , in the seventies . Where it was revealed , that mentally ill people were being horribly mistreated on thorozine , even unto death . ( A drug invented in the thirties that is now classified as a potential poison. ) Because of the illness's obvious nature of throwing off detection . It is hard to tell if the condition worsens or not . Because it can cause those who aren't ill to display that same fit or condition . CURE ? Subside from conditioned reacting . In order to induce detection and eliminate the mentally ill characteristic . Which if undetected , disables the ability to contemplate orientation .After completing domination of ongoing mental compression . Subject: Shared Response Shared Response There are those , who were trying to denote weather or not they could , or thought they could . Pull off an easily made , easily thought up , proto - type. To an invention that had been written or talked about , before and without a secure claim to success . While seeking to invent it , they panicked and felt much fear over the fact that they would have to assume responsibility . Not only for the innovation itself , but also over the fear that there must have been a reason the invention or concept was not taken to that level of acclaim . Seeing that it then would be revealed to all on an ownership level . They realized the writing or talk that showed silence towards revealing or patenting , was justified . Because of the possibility that even an army couldn't handle what someday , may be put in the hands of all the people . Although the U . S . Army addressed and assured on national T V , they are the best and most prepared army on earth . And given it's " stealth " technologies that one should assume that they could and would , if more technology was to come . Hide it and be able to lead in production , no matter who marketed or possessed it . There are inventers who long for or wish at some time or another . That people will understand the modern ramifications of patenting , and the reasoning behind allowing more room for shared discovery . It is simply more modern to recognize , that there are many people who share , over a period of time , the same innovativeness and ability . So then , one invention , is not exclusive to one inventor . There is always another who at an earlier time invented the same , but saw fit not to patent . Besides , upgrading I - Q , simply requires study . Then through study , the patience needed to upgrade I - Q , is acquired . And when done produces a much needed Shared response . I REMEMBER an OLD SAYING If you have to educate yourself . In order to keep out of a good Doctors care . It could be easier to jam a crowded class room . Instead of a crowded waiting room Then again , for the Talent Giver , it is just plain easier to Heal ! Even with pamphlet in hand , and lending and ear . We sometimes , still , need a Helping Hand . To make the Good Doctors Wish come true . That his office be empty of people in need . And the Educators Dream , that his class be full ! We All Heal We all heal , ... a form of Genius . And Each one of us heals the very same way ! So whether we read from Bible , mind , or Heart . a healthy education that repairs us is the key . For what is good shall always be ! In you and me . And I think , ... in My Heart . Because we are only human . Our version of what God already is , a Genius . Is a man , that despite a disability . Has an Ability _You know , also , ... ... When the time came that I felt I had better cover any possible camera outlets that may or may not have been installed in any of the intergraded digital or not electronics near my electro mechanical device and thinking pads placement . Thought gave way to reason out that face of my writing environment was to be blanked out with righteous fore thought . However the next day the Space Shuttle burnt up . I wrote about it in " _ Did I make a mistake ? In a Beautiful Balloon - As Beautiful From Above Although it sounds awful funny . To go outside the earth . We are so put and placed . And planted as Earth's creatures . That we have to wrap ourselves in a piece of it ! Like housing inside a shell . Just to go there and back . Like a balloon the Earth has a shell . Of clouds that float . A perfect shield for Life . Earthly traps need earthly flaps . That float and carry earth to heights . With repair in action of earthly device containing humans , and Heavenly advice . When you see a helmet on the ground . Left in finality of life . Remember the fruit and the seed . A seed prepares for . It lives to sow some more . And Life is the fruit it enjoys . From the beat of the heart , to the drum of it's Toy's . To se that it's similar . To all if familiar . That we Believe in and of . The Man Up Above ! Then we'll start saying , All are worth saving . Of and in the Human Race Today . _ Subject: Just watching - Just Watching the sky#2 JUST WATCHING - JUST WATCHING THE SKY Since the beginning of time . At the dawn of man . In the twinkling of an eye . Man has gazed upwards . Just looking . Just looking at the sky . And it gazed back . A-watch from above . Down a celestial staircase , from which we came . And always looking for what we cannot grasp . ... What ? ... Wy floating houses filled with life . Literally houses in the sky . Because of a rekindling faith . That we were planted from a seed , from out of this world , and our reach ! But since that beginning , for those observations . Some sky watchers have been told , their focus was selfish . Told they were wishing or willing movement , by just their own presence . Of a far off sun . A step Beyond calling out a diluted vision . And that they were trying to toy , or alter the path of an ancient craft . As big as a star ! A cowardly act that the opposite of good was warned not to perform . So the watchers exclaimed , that while during all usual watching . They focused on Other parts up above , for mental conformation . Then also checking the surrounding area , and it's things . Even measuring weather and knot - speed . To self document , whether or not visionary correctness took place ! And in all do respect , they are simply humanity . In place on the ground . Studying under the Master of Practiced Perfected Observant Craft ! ... Though the Heavens moved while being watched . ... Now and then , we all look up to the heavens of space for signs of life . Not just by our own willing . But instead by a belief , in a Super Star ! To realize , when looking up to , and wishing .That the universe we see , is exploded . And would have many colorful life inhabiting planets . ... Not to question when looking upward . That we are not supposed to be so planetairily alone . And to know , when studying and staring at the stars , for signs of life . If a craft lands , and you see a face of humanity like our own . Make no question . People are familiar with trouble . Any man , ... would recognize that . And being accustom to , would explain themselves . Without disclaim , or dismay . Right away ! But say one lands with occupants that have no troubles in life . And appear to be far greater , that do Not show , a human side ! Question , what they do or don't do , that helped throughout time . That may , or may mot have been , of a Great help . To man . Not to fear the greatest beings coming from outside of what we can see from this world . And their things . That it seems , without a human touch , may have done little to help . But to fear Their greatest need ! The Master sewer of All life . Whether trouble free or not . And of All human form . A Super Star ! So if for some reason when he comes . Instead of he doesn't . He Does Draw Near . Local NewsWe might be in good luck here ! I'll send you a story about what originally was said as plans went to the table about it's first being built and who's "baby it was & still is . And how the future of it's safety was foreseen by it's designer . Also how deregulation was predicted to be a massive mistake beforehand . Basically because "It's not their baby " . And the designers comments debunking anyone other than being able to keep a live updateable, log file , a system diagnostic computerized two or more way safety checked patient & Doctor approvable [ or in this case , Govt. approved parent & younger family of workers ], updating emergency help & pain preventative summoning device . ( A " Locater . The news teams , ... .. -----have said for maybe 20 30 times "Davis Besse nuclear power plant is ready and scheduled to restart this week " , etc. It drives us locals nuts ! They said it today , ... again ! After the newspaper says their under subpoena by a Federal Grand Jury not two days ago ! Now do you see why I freak out ? Yessss , ... I know the TV isn't the press but is that sensationalism ? Or antagonism ? Or is it "keeping the truth from the TV watcher to prevent panic ? Or misinforming to start one ? Or are they paid off by First Energy ? Or do they support their claim in spite of the Federal concern . Or does the TV industry just plain feel powerful and above , the people . And want to harm them in an unprofessional temper tantrum ? Subject: FirstEnergy Wants to Restart Davis Besse They shut 6 nuclear plants down for a precaution . That's why the big blackout still . Here on beautiful Lake Erie however the nuke. plant has been offline (meaning I have elect.) because of (not the atomic energy comm.) , but the manager corp. of the plant . For blundering all maintenance . A mistake that could have took all North Westerners lives . What makes people be so uncaring ? I think they are like people that experiment with their temper in order to win any fights that life might throw at them . Then it sets in that their negligence may become highly suspect . Afraid of their potentially massive deadly mistake . They become as if suicidal but with a twist . Not wanting to be caught they anonymously let go repair so if anything goes wrong in their comfy life , at the plant . Not just themselves but all others are going to pay . They could not self govern . But our govt. spotted that very problem in the nick of time . I worry other agencies are quite the same pertaining to guarding the plant . There is no guard or protection at it , at all . Subject: #1Yo - Yo -- Dear sirs , ... ... I was malpracticed upon , at Magruder Hospital . It has a reputation of malpractice against any delirious person , drug abuser or not . Because of immense pain , ... either or , even including cops ! People must act as a bastion for all Port Clintoners who also , were so mistreated . Here's one , ... (my most resent complaint ) . Emotion as you know is on the guilty party's hands . I simply have a block of sorts as I can't type ! But April 19th 2001 I was mistreated for a severe second burn on three fingers , after picking up a 400 pound mower up and off of a rut in the lawn here where I work & live . After it had been running for 5 hours . They refused me the medically proven treatment of running the 2nd degree burns under Luke warm water to preserve fleshy material & to end hour long literal screams of utter pain . We have a unmentionable , ... even by local nurses . We need Justice & most of all , when you listen to my and others cases , event style stories . I Hope & Pray FOR YOUR EAR AND HEART , TO LISTEN . to port Clinton's & my plea , ... FOR ACTUAL REAL AND ATTENTIVE PERTINENT HELP . There are probably up to thousands of witnesses , so I can afford to get on with my life , After I help all those others , who I might add are in my corner and willing to stand up and say just what those doctors did to us on a regular basis . They are from all walks of life , and reside in this county . No one is being co ursed or paid off . It is simply time for the malpractice to pay the piper . Preventing undue and preventable death , I think prevails over your persistence to only see me not fail and "save face" by getting on with a fear that I shall be hurt more if I need medical assistance in Port Clinton Ohio . Just because once statistically the local news reported a high alcohol abuse rate by over 80 and at times 90 % of the area workers . No I won't be malpracticed , just so dirty health care workers can rake me and all of my community and friends over the proverbial "he's just a sinner your honor - coals" ! ! ! I really only want to report emergency room miss treatment . I will have to insist on finding that A M A phone # if it is still in service , or the proper govt. agency to report the painful doctor & or staff committed crimes . I figure that if Magruder can make excuse for my undying pain and purposefully misdiagnose . Using I might add state of the art computers , it seems only to print up a follow up treatment but not including what transpired during the time spent in emergency room . Think of all the others ! I know of two to five cops and three EMS workers , (two of which have quit within the last two years and made front page news here for "whistle blowing" stating un needed death due to lack of proper care and equipment) , that most likely will volunteer to testify against the Docs etc . And as you know the emergency room got hit by a tornado which makes me want to bring the facts honestly without prejudice . And I will offer the futuristic "Locater as one part of a solution . That or a security guard listening to a baby monitor that has been placed in the Emergency room itself , which is what the docs in our small town act like . Big Babies ! So what do you think of my fine new endeavor ? Should it prove to be worthwhile at least for the next guy who is wheeled in on a gurney ? We shouldn't be afraid to go to the "da-ta" . Well I have most of it on paper and don't forget the trauma chart , that shows just how to and why someone won't or seemingly can't make a just and forward complaint . The above combined with mention of a landmark case . Where a Policeman and the bad guy who had moments before shot him and he the assailant were hauled into an emergency room on gurneys . and the policeman spoke saying the man next to him in surgery is a heroin addict . And that they have a choice to sedate him as well . But the cop explained to the doctors in charge that he may not make it . But to teach the addict a lesson he asked them not to sedate the perpetrator . The docs said if they do that because the bad guy has an addiction . Even if they give him the pain medication required for surgery because of his tolerance either way his chances are slim . But better if they do perform the required sedation . The cop exclaimed that since the crook is a smack addict who shot a cop , himself , one near death demand is do not give the addict anything before operating . The crook exclaimed in immense pain that it was not fair . Imagine the screams as the crook died from trauma as the doctors obeyed the policeman who lived . Split second on the scene decision making ? Or malpractice , malice , forethought , and negligence ? Subject: Yo - Yow Personal Injury Name: Robert Corogin Address: 1545 North East Catawba Island Road City: Port Clinton state: State of OHIO zip: 43452 home phone: 149-797-3062 daytime phone: 419-797-2377 email: [email protected] date of incident: April 29th 2001Around five thirty in the afternoon . location of incident: Magruder Hospital One of thousands of rural hospitals sited for having these types of problems before , years ago , when I was younger . A " Sight , ... Unseen by most who don't believe it or therein reside . describe accident: I picked up a 400lb. or so riding lawnmower after it had been running for five hours strait as I filled it up while still running that day .I picked it up by the muffler that was hidden underneath a front guard plate , painted the same color as the mower . I got second degree burns on the first three fingers of my left hand . I thought the guard actually went all the way underneath , like the fire guard they have for mowing dry grass . It was stuck in a rut when I attempted it , & on marina property out here at Harbor Park Marina Inc . I live here also . Other than the deceptive guard , my other trouble started after I located my buddy right away , at the nearby house where we stay .Where I was mowing marina front lawn up by the Catawba road . I yelled to him to let me in to get the ems on the phone , he dialed 911 . And I stuck my hand into the kitchen freezer up side a lot of frost . But I fast found out that the ice was producing a burning feeling also . By that point I had to scream constantly , in pain , so much I actually couldn't cuss just any semi polite swear words . I felt at the time I had to scream the worst words I knew , " God Am " . While doing so I realized I have to run the fingers under flowing water . Also I remembered from T V news watching that in Toledo the ice baths used for burn victims have since documented Luke warm water as a much less painful treatment . I remembered because working in any marina those tips come in handy . I ran to the tub where there is a wide dispersion of H2o . Then I came to realize in seconds , Luke warm water soothed the pain enough that I could quit what I thought to be involuntary cussing . At this point my friend and co-worker here at the marina informed me that the ems was on the way from this township , Catawba . A township policeman came to me in the tub in the bathroom first He as you might think wanted me to seek emergency room treatment . But every time I tried to remove my fingers , the awful pain , and swearing started up involuntarily . I know the policeman somewhat . So I asked him that since he was in a foreign war didn't he know of the proper amount of time to leave the burns under the water treatment . He replied he was "over there" to fight , and said sadly no he didn't know anything about this treatment I was applying . He tried to talk me into taking my hand out from under the faucet . Telling me I'd at least get something for the pain there at Magruder . However every time I pulled away the unbearable pain persisted . So time after time I put it back under . Then the ems workers entered and tried to apply after talking me into the temporary treatment , what I thought to be older style burn ointment cloth , or gauze pads . They smelled like kerosene or thinner . Like I say an old outdated treatment .I screamed in pain and the bandage seemed to do nothing . By that time I was completely out from under the tub , and they had me talked into taking the ride in the van to Port Clinton . Well as it turns out , there was no running water to put my hand under in it . The one worker had to hold me down as the pain got very strong and lengthy . After we arrived I immediately after being escorted to a room got up off the gurney and proceeded to the sink and ran my burns under their water faucet The doctors screamed for the orderlies . They literally pulled my hand from the running water and strapped me down with a strap on each arm . I yelled and yelled that all I wanted to do was kill the pain . I remember as they were tugging at me to strap me down , I explained to them the running water is the proven method to ease the burn and stop my screaming I even told them I am fair and if they will let me ease my burns under their faucet that I had enough money in my pocket to pay for the water consumption in full . Just to let me run my fingers under the water . While strapped down by each mid arm , they denied that the H2o would help They shot me up with what they claimed to be "demoral " , in both upper arms . I explained I might be allergic to it as I was poisoned by phenylthyzines when I was 16 years old . I am now 41 . So they shot me up with what they referred to as a coagulant to counteract it . During the ordeal the Catawba policeman had one of the workers from the van come and apologize to me . I asked him why or what for ? He replied that's all he could say . Apparently the policeman arrived way before the ems guys and told them to say sorry . After a half an hour of confusion one of the doctors or nurses applied a break to activate , ice pack but wouldn't refresh it . Then they took even it out from under my hand . My father came in and told one lady doctor those were my guitar fingers , ( I play guitar , write , and draw ) . And informed them I have no insurance and argued about workers comp . , because I had two 24 ounce Busch beers before continuing mowing but that I wasn't drunken and that I was indeed still on duty at work . My father owns the marina and lets me and my buddy live here also . At this point no running water , and warm ice pack removed . I was given after complaining , a metal bowl to put them in . It had room temp. water in it . And didn't help . But after my father got there they unstrapped me . And just as I stated when he said could they stop the pain for me , because they were my guitar fingers . The lady doctor said my fingers might have to come off . Drawing a line with her fingers just before the knuckles that attach the fingers to the hand . I by then was furious and actually walked half way out of the emergency room itself . A male doctor said to my dad , he couldn't stop me . Yet they did stop me from the water treatment and suggest just before hand amputating half of my hand . By then about 50 or so minutes had past , and I gave up to do exhaustion and returned to the gurney . They came in with a gauze bandage containing another jelly in it . Claiming it was a narcotic jelly . They then after I exclaimed I don't have a regular doctor as at the time the local office was closed . They informed me that my records were in storage there at the hospital . And to come in the next morning at seven thirty , to have the bandages freshly re rapped . Once their , in the morning , I asked to be treated . The one male doctor was there from the night before . But was as usual , at a computer display peering . The same thing he does every time I've been there . Looking up the treatment plans I suppose for the victims of pain . But you see they never type up just HOW they treat you , just what to do for each specific problem ONLY after that period of time . So another doctor came into the patient room and asked why I was there . I told him I have no doctor and that I was instructed to return at this time for new bandages . He said that isn't the way things are done there and escorted me to a raisable food tray . It contained two or three different kinds of regular "Band-Aids" . He said to me since I probably was told to come back that I was entitled to two or If I wanted he supposed three Band-Aids . I asked is that all you can do ? He exclaimed I was lucky he offered me the Band-Aids . describe injuries: 2nd degree burns emotional trauma and denied access to a water faucet . Subject: The Locater The Locater Quarter inches , and mms. . The weight in the water , and the need to float . Chickens , eggs , and living robotic , stress recovery beds . When careful thought was first introduced to all . While during , or after being collected and put together . The learned knew they had to some how , sooner or later . Catch up , ... to the learner . Not by physically finding them , and checking up upon . But by enabling from only a piece of paper . The quotient of the learner's presently thought out , learned locale . Using the very same first , original , learning gathering process . Locating a mapped out movement's source . For a safe , motivated , navigational locomotion . A programmed capable , self driven sensory equipped . Humanitarian effort recovery motion locater . Of automated environmentally friendly . Mapped , calculated , tortoise speed . Slow but sure , Live Travel . What did we get from ancient aqueducts , Carved pieces of Stone , hollowed out to the end . A good eye . And at any given point , a good sense of direction . Besides a way to haul water and Flow through , Flush ? ... Medicine ! When troubled by others about solution's location , and locating solution . The goal is to combine the best comparable thinking power . With the high speed futuristic computerized mind . In order to humanely locate anyone . And effect non malpractice - able , morally correct , automated stress recovery . Tried and True The locater , is thought out to be placed , detachable or not . On a movable stress recovery pad . Of automated design . A STRESS RECOVERY AUTOMOTON . That is controlled by a computers calculations . During and after live input from the live being's mental and physical electrically collected stimuli . And the input from a self profiled tried and true medically moral , high speed futuristic computerized mind ! The locater becomes a prime directive of scheduled tasks . And after monitoring a thousand tasks , undertaking at fifty times faster than humanly possible . Shuts down if any heart less humanitarian effort is detected ! The Future's Spokes and Wheels . We often think about the future of what rides on , spokes and wheels . But do we ever think about the future of those who are in them ? By exercising mobility of automated design for the spoke and wheel bound ? Inching and micronicly discerning while in motion . Low differences from high . ? As the mind is pressure sensitive to an elevation of quarter inches . The body , ... to an elevation of centi and millimeters ! Tipy toe tipy toe . As when if you run around heavy equipment , you tip toe with coordination . And side step with balance . Spending the time getting out of them alive . As well as when we enter . Simplicity . Just like a pillowed pocket of air around the arms of a young swimmer , that keeps them afloat and entertained . While being lively to stop future need . For unnecessary complicated , well meant treatment . In the entire body , and whole mind . As well as just the future of spokes and wheels . > Subject: A good doc will , ... ... As a Technician went over sensitive internal area in need of repair , with an electronically gathered direct sensory detecting bio acceptable low current electro radiating external probe , to peer and picture the fantastic living structure from within , ... I pondered this situation .Spread good cheer , spread good cheer , to those worse off . They deserve it . And Pray for their prevention that's built in , to heal . To live life to the fullest , Pray for the doctor in another . Pray for a home doctors' bag to be as good a measure ! And pray to research the signs you perceive . And the good doctor does as well . Like , how would a location stations matted stress recovery couch's input aid in the art of emergency healing . Given the formulation of all due process of automated "living or live updated implemented decompressed organ flotation , safely ringed , for a robotic , timed , angled rest and stress recovery bed . Yes , why a locater ? Where is the answer ? What does the monitor in the mind tell us to do . Subject: Bullwinkle - Clowning Around . ... Pie in face , Pale in hand I'll tell you what . I'll tell you who invented a clown . God . Don't ask me how I know or why . Just please don't let one cry .They know something that we should all try . Because , ... about the tears of a clown , I cannot lie . Of course one will tell you . That of tears of joy there are no such thing . No such product . No such pang . ... No such demand . With pie in face and pale in hand . Then what are the joys of a tear ? ? When we know , no fear . ... When we turn a tear to joy . With a present or a toy . And help out with a kind feeling . Then , as well as the Clown , ... that Joy we'll know first thing . You might see the tears of a clown seem sad . Why not laugh all the time ? ? Presenting a remark of simplicity From a clown and a man . Pie in face , pale in hand . " Out of Respect for those who cannot ! " You see a clown , at his own expense . Makes smiling look easy , like hopping a fence ! After all , and by then . Who would pick a frown ? Over such a great friend ! So what makes someone special ? ... In a way . Ask any Clown ! Love thy neighbor , ... Every Day . Subject: Amphitheatrical Problems AMPHITHEATRICAL PROBLEMS - SINCE ANCIENT DAY , ... Properly Explaining Amphitheatrical Problems , ... due to rights of silence and privacy . And the mentally frustrating condition of unclear speech . Do to only realizing the utter excitement of fame . And the thought that it is all desirable , do to the possibility that speech from all can be enabled , and heard . Through That , physically complicating medium . WITHIN THAT FIELD , ... Asking Wishfully and Mentally . With out first Knocking on the door . Once there was handed in to an amphitheatrical , nationally bound . Wide , audio waived , Visio transmitting device action . Of live purposely entertained fact . To all public transceivers . A report where a scientist stated that Two Genius's worked on a yet unfinished project . Where they predicted that . And Only on their level . Mind transfer , ... from two separate shelled organic stranguler , neuro - transmitters . Between two different living mammals . Could take place if , when , and however . The device activated , or not . Mental call was placed . A shared response was sought . They wanted an expert , or a reasonable equal , with similar interest . To explain while coming forward to acknowledge their effort . Problems with stride , ... within that technique they thought they could compete with . By proving they're smart enough to Use ! Or , ... to prove it Doesn't work . To suggest liable , for it's Intended - Evolve ! A fear of prevent - less , tele - directive , speech . Because of not narrowing down their greatest need , and making that path strait ! During mentally transpired expertise . NOT IF , ... BUT A . A God Like person Always gives credit to , the first and oldest recorded mention of the term , and name , Genius . But Doesn't use fame when completing their work . Even after the job's done ! Freeing concern for others , and thanks . As at times , amphitheatrical fame , is at another's sake . BESIDES God's already famous . Fame not taken . And not forced upon . If taken , ... it's greedy . If forced upon it can abandon , and banish . And is frowned upon . But properly explained , those problems , All Usually , are Solved . God created life . ... God's Invention is love . Love , ... is pure Genius . And Humanity is God's Spool of Thread ! Subject: Talk or Listen I'm embarrassed to say that I may have been mistaken or the victim of a bazaar hallucination induced hoax . I had to study weather or not I had mental illness . While watching TV , I felt I heard the news and entertainment industries anchors on many different occasions , uttering comments that had nothing to do with normal programming , towards someone that wasn't really there in the general area of the broadcast , or able to respond to the almost muffled comments . Those utterances did not match the program criteria almost flawlessly . I sensed in their uttering , towards whom ever their underlying communications were to . A build up of anticipation of another's submitted or not , work . Confusing because they would never mention who they were doubling up normal national communications with other than the obvious scheduled programs where they were addressing the entire audience . Was there some sort of message being sent to an wanted yet unknown person ? I felt they , while speaking their regular programming . Were trying to sustain a mental link to someone who obviously didn't respond . Or were they speaking out at someone of terrific importance to them ? I had to check and detect cognizance . In order to determine weather hallucination took place . In this case it would be when all of reality is a correct perception , accept for the disturbance in question . If it's a vision not perceptively normal in reality . It can't be recorded from an outside source , other than from the memory of the brains altered state itself . What was I hearing . Could it be God putting people through , by rendering a vision , a public puppet show of our intentions ? Or were the news and entertainment anchors actually muttering utterances to the entire audience , while simultaneously reciting the regular programming dialog . There also is the possibility of through the use of a wireless transmitter . An over riding signal , containing digitally altered synthesized speech and matching photo realistic three D facial compliments . That may or may not include the use of in ones home , hidden cameras and or audio feed back to the spy or reporting anchors from their intended contact or victim . To throw off the persons ability to detect .Through , with live information of that persons actual activity . Only communicating to them when they are in , coming , or going from their viewing area . Because of the obvious complications I perceived about those types of communications . I decided not to record the Visio disturbances . Could this strange talk coming form those professionals actually be intended to effect a cause in someone ? Were those anchors frantically concerned about not receiving another's input because they thought they had through one of the above means communicated to them effectively enough that they should answer ? Along normal lines of communication . I heard once on a morning show a guest telling the anchor about a book someone had written about the mentally ill on TV . He told how they're a misunderstood people , who's voice needn't be absent from the television industry .Could he also be covering up at that same time , for a reporting technique gone bad ? What could be accomplished if any such crude doubled under lying communications actually took place ? I can only conclude that they might have been over exited about the documented fact , that scientific studies were revealed and reported on national TV . That in the not to distant future , genius's will introduce and be physically capable of being able to eliminate the telephone . By communicating through mind transfer , or mental telepathy . By Bob B. Corogin Subject: They should use the super computer ----- Original Message ----- No hard feelings here Mr. Walking Tree , ... ... Well I thought an army with a high I Q would be able to calculate with a team like H Blixs' an un top able , high non casualty rate . Even as the other side repositions it's "Sandbags" ( The civilians most likely ! ) Mister Busch said achieving a very high non casualty rate was first on his list . Here it turns out we only have the same plan Tommy Franks scrambled for in the alquita war . Relying only on pounding with barrage bombing . The President got three IBM super computers donated . They could calculate all instances of movement in any given situation . And at any given time would calculate the most effective life sparing plan or technique with the power of many a super bright mind , even if not one genius offers their help or volunteers . In any event the other side would surely be up against a superior humane intelligence . Point Being , the possibility that exists isn't always the point our leaders follow ! I would at least turn the d**n thinkin machines on and give them a whirl ! Instead of flustering over blunder that simply needs prevented .. Subject: I too , ... ... I too feel Mr.Busch has his army in harms way , that it may help evil folks make their case to the world . Although some of his unction may confuse the enemy into peace , I can hope for that . But you see many people , right here in this land , women included make living the life of a Christ believing person just plain a living Hell ! That I know for sure isn't the Presidents fault . He is focusing on a cleanup effort of bad a*s's . But there are millions in this country that make his focus too strong , avoiding telling the entire Earth we harbor many "axis's of evil" . When he is the only person looking up the laws and interpreting and then enforcing with the fullest of his armed mite . It tells me he is ashamed of the level of mental abuse and corruption such as pushing speed components and professional malpractice . And judges dictating no Prayers To GOD . Well as we found it fools his focus and he probably feels mean that no educated others are fighting the good fight and offering our country's ills help and a chance to correct themselves instead of pointing finger , passing buck , saying it's that other guy's fault , catch me if you can , I did no wrong illegally , all because they feel a Christian is a forgiver but a patsy at being a corrector and not capable of tuff love ! Fooey ! Cheerio Subject: THE SOUP BOWL & the GIANT Once and within certain times . And upon allotted space . There was a man who lived in a bright colored cabin . Who was always thinking and dreaming allot . Know one knew why . At night he would sometimes dream his favorite dream . Where he went out his front door , ... stopped , and waited . And suddenly expanded , right in front of his cabin . Into a Giant . After which he would walk around the neighborhood , and woods . And admire the world around him from above the trees . Then slowly , just before sunrise . He would walk back to his cabin , just where he started from . And he'd shrink back down , and go back in , to bed . He Loved that peaceful walk . But many times , upon his return , he got hungry . So one night , just before bed , when he wanted to dream his favorite dream . He took take a bowl of soup out side , and placed it well out side of the cabin . Then went to bed . And it worked ! This time in his dream , when he expanded just out side the cabin . So did the Soup Bowl ! Now he had something to eat upon return of his journey . But one time , upon return , he found the entire neighborhood at his front door . They said , "we know you live here . You're that dreamer ! How did you get so Big ? " He said , " I protect the neighborhood at night . And nothing has happened " . They looked at the giant bowl of soup , and said . " Surely you will eat up all of our crops ! " " Look around ! " , he replied , " the crops are fine ! " " That soup I set out is mine , that I made myself ." The neighborhood replied . " But if you drink it , you will grow even bigger ! And then eat all our crops ! " The giant exclaimed . " Eat my bowl of soup , and I will shrink back down , and never bother you again " . As they were deciding what to do , he shrunk back down to normal size , and dashed back into his cabin . Just then , they noticed , and ran back in to see . And found him shrunk to normal , and asleep . The one they knew had done this . They woke him up , and quickly looked out side for the giant soup bowl . Only to find it had also shrunk . Then they asked . " How did you get that bowl of soup to become so Big ? " The dreamer replied , " It was the last thing I touched , and set out side before I went to bed " . " Well you should have touched us ! " To which the giant replied . " Without first having something to EAT ? " Subject: - lp I Q's they measure young . In the fifth or sixth grade or so . So from back then , the measurement of my mind as a youngster , is pretty low on the scale ! Even so , while I was writing my stories . I heard an all knowing , practiced and perfected God like man's voice say . " As far as thinking is concerned . You are study happy . For of it , all you do is study . That doesn't make you a genius , no matter what you learned ! And if you study genius . You are simply studding under one . As far as a race towards . Whether faster or slower , ... not to fast or not to slow . If some , want to race to the top . Without letting genius preserve the Earth . Contents and all . They make learning , ... only constant . Not that at the top , or on the way to the top . It always has to be ! Once older , I think people give credit to studding . In the mind only . Usually after most , of all input was mentally received and recorded only once . From , lets say twenty years ago or so . Many many years distance between receiving the information . Before recalling reiterated exacting material . Without any form of gathering that information since that long ago ! Subject: #15ED'S TEST PANEL In the days of one Edgar Casey ,people focused on weather his hypnotized wording was a result of study.Or truly a tap to a higher communication level .Even if people believed instead of discovering how to use that technique themselves .They tended to overload the psychic's ability to help ! Which ,I believe was one to two patients a week .Being a psychic is hard work .When that ability isn't spread out to more than that of one .It is painful to the talent giver ;God.In one of his books he mentioned a cigar shaped craft which was built specifically for gathering scientific and atmospheric data .He believed that man indeed Could invent and launch a craft ,cloak it .Get off the ship ,and it still run on a preset course .While performing the scientific method .(Taken from the Bible - , Methodist.) Operated from inside the ship on a panel that contains a set amount of instruments .Automated to run calculative ,accumulative tests .In Ed's day that was unheard of and seemed utterly impossible .Back then most scientists professed that if there was no evidence it simply didn't exist .Therefore it couldn't exist .They especially professed this when pertaining to God .Slowly ,years later a handful of scientists professed their faith ,in a future with new methods and innovations including surgical invention .First told by Ed Casey .I think even just the belief alone in those maters inspired many modern miracles . #20Lost and Hidden , Files in the Sky . So you might ask ,"How could any man who was innovative enough to construct such a device ,be stupid enough to Tell somebody" ? Or Smart . Because it can be done . All they have to do is put their entire plans in the fully automated computerized robotically controlled futuristic high speed flight machines. Set the control panel ,reveal it's existence .And sigh ,knowing that there is no way to tap that secret .Electronically ,the machine knows how it was built .And it would have self preservation thru self destruction .For a machine a loyal function . Subject: #21 SPIRAL Unlike the airplane .The ufo ,before it's invention can become a reality .Already has a past ! Sightings .There were no sightings before the invention of the airplane .You might ask ,How ufo's could have been seen if they haven't been invented yet ? Probably because the inventers have to hide the possible destructive force of such a craft .Do to human nature .As humans we fight .That alone is enough of a warning sign to halt revealing the ufo as an invention .Such a destructive force was recorded by the space shuttle .It's earth-cam recorded Three circular rotating crafts ,the size of Three counties each .Spiraling out of the earth's atmosphere at furotic speeds .Creating Three cyclonic oceanic storms ,upon their exit . NASA released the footage and innocently exclaimed ,they had no explanation . This would indicate that a ufo is not an act of nature but an active part of nature .Because of the ferocity of their Movement . God warned in the Bible ,(in it's last b ook) ,about "satellites" exceeding a certain amount ,being an invasion of God's space .Could those giant rotating disk shaped crafts be God's . Or modern man's attempt to undertake cloak-able spatial transportation ? Weather or not our understanding of ufo's is fragmented .They are some very interesting astronomical observations ! As for drawings of ufo's .Just like the Russian artist who had to spend Seven years in prison ,for painting only what He wanted to .When drawing or painting ,even in a Free atmosphere ,we tend to have to draw or paint what the people want . If people think that ufo drawings will lead to their eventual discovery ,they will prevent their viewing .Or not view them at all . Given the facts , a believer in ufo's has hope .Even with the only evidence being sightings , It's hope of proof that there is a mode of transportation ,of a higher form than ours .And that we should consider the Earthly applications first , rather than the higher form it self . IDENTIFY ! How come nobody can identify a definite shape of a UFO ?And why does each sighting have a round or cylindrical shape to it ?Probably because the mind ,although probably not just envisioning the craft .Is probably constantly forming ideas ,even fantasizing about the crafts power source .Which is probably an engine .And just like a pretty car ,it includes a pretty hood .Thus explaining an odd appearance to an odd craft .Imagine a couple billion people just sitting there thinking .Are they going to let some dictator cloud there thoughts ?Or are they going to hold there thoughts dear and shroud them with a mental firewall ?I think the mind does when viewing a UFO .People have said that they've seen UFO'S change shape .Could that be there minds formulating ideas ,envisioning ?Or is it the ability of the unidentified craft ?For instance if I saw a piece of text that mentioned an extra ordinary craft ,such as the Bible.;which mentions ,"The perfect craft , such as the Bible . Which mentions , " The perfect craft . Coming from around the side of a mountain , to stop a war ." In my mind I see a silvery saucer shaped object . But is that really what's there ? Subject: #4 ICOWES About I:C:O:W:E:S Inter-continental oceanic water evaporation systems .In the desert ,with a garbage bag ,a shovel ,and a 2liter bottle .You can be guaranteed a cup a day of fresh drinking water .In emergency survival kits for boats they have plastic bubbles that evaporate the same amount of salt water .I imagine in order to step it up you could build a barge size clear plastic evaporating lens .And attach it to a floating reservoir .Then if the continent in need wouldn't or couldn't install piping .They could motorize the barge and duck it to it's destination Subject:On Line Church In the book of Genesis ,the creator of the perfect craft describes a force that chased or warred with his presence throughout the universe .And that this force was fighting for control .God describes many attempts at creating planetary life being destroyed .Astronomers sometimes talk of a burning or burnt out portion of the universe .Does each flub in the universe have a cause ?Who was the creator fighting ?After all Christ is a man .Was "the devil"? Did they attain knowledge of the perfect craft in order to duke it out ? If said events are true ,Have we Had It ? ? Subject : " All - CLEAR " Not willingly but suppose someone picks you apart . Like a peck of pickled peppers . I wouldn't expect anyone delights in being picked and hosted like a pickle . Seems many just don't wish or will the same back . Remembering certain people practice even when guffawed at , not to . That in order to wipe out live wet mud slinging with haste . And though absent of everything but tears that don't defend . It's O K not to enjoy them . So you can clear a tear . Before it collects . And when you laugh . It's " All - Clear " , that you're Happy . Just like a little boy with broom in hand . Sitting on a stairwell . You gotta Smirk , Grimace , and Laugh . Even if the whole world doesn't smile at you . Just haul off and give them one back . So as to show . And not to forget . That what you feel . Are tears of joy , that are real . And now you know there is nothing to fear . About the joys of a tear . When they become ALL - CLEAR Subject : ... one last thing - When troubled by others about solution's location , and locating solution . The goal is to combine the best comparable thinking power . With the high speed futuristic computerized mind . In order to humanely locate anyone . And effect non malpractice - able , morally correct , automated stress recovery . Subject : A Good Doc Will - As a Technician went over sensitive internal area in need of repair , with an electronically gathered direct sensory detecting bio acceptable low current electro radiating external probe , to peer and picture the fantastic living structure from within , ... I pondered this situation .Spread good cheer , spread good cheer , to those worse off . They deserve it . And Pray for their prevention that's built in , to heal . To live life to the fullest , Pray for the doctor in another . Pray for a home doctors' bag to be as good a measure ! And pray to research the signs you perceive . And the good doctor does as well . Like , how would a location stations matted stress recovery couch's input aid in the art of emergency healing . Given the formulation of all due process of automated "living or live updated implemented decompressed organ flotation , safely ringed , for a robotic , timed , angled rest and stress recovery bed . Yes , why a locater ? Where is the answer ? What does the monitor in the mind tell us to do . Subject : A Shoulder Tap of Faith & A Walk To the Top - One day bright and early out at a table , in a lush green park . A man walking through spotted another . Not picnicking or relaxing , drinking lemonade . But staring hard at a picture , in a book that he was trying to draw . With his eyes bulging , ... pencil in hand . "I can't help it" . The walker says . "I just have to ask . You look like a jeweler examining a watch ! What are you trying so hard to see ?" The picture drawer sighed ... And admitted , "I'm studying the picture of an Ox . I want to make my drawing match completely" . The walker bends closer and looks ... at the drawing and says , "That book , is old !" "What , aren't my lines correct ? Is the rib line wrong ?" "Surely . You need to fill them in ." "Well where would you say it came from if now this book is old ?" "Well for the Ox" ... the walker pointed to the book , "If you lived there , and one day asked , because of pride . They may tell you that it is the true shape of one . But rest assured that Ox could use some fattening up ! Want proof ?" He pulled up his shirt and said , "Look . I eat 'till I'm full . And you see meat on my bone" , he laughed , "don't you ?" The man drawing laughed as well , ... and understood . "Well then since you enlightened me , just what is it you'd like to see ."The Ox I'd like you to draw has a field shoulder high to graze upon ! With fresh dew drops on the grass and leaves , from many a rain . And with a shoulder tap of faith . From the green pasture at bottom of the field , to the trees at the top . A picture that draws a smile as wide as your teeth when you see it . And the Ox's !" As he tapped a pencil on his pad the drawer thought out loud to himself , "hmm . ... A tap of faith and a walk to the top . Hmm , as a drawing paints a picture . I am sure I'd like to see that smile , in real life . From over there first ! Where ever that is .Before I draw it ." The walker observed the other deep in thought . And as he walked away , he tapped him on the shoulder , and said , " Then from the bottom to the top . Go and do . And top of the morning to you . Subject : A Thought for A Thought - Thought over carefully a thought for a thought . I know when I grasp a machine remembering what it does have . I am reminded that the mind also has a small switch . Thought for thought I feel for somewhat of a sleuth . Growing up , I recall a witting game . However a predictable one . And with practice became Quite the gamble to prove , it was not a success . ... The multi colored cubic novelty with those four or five cubes . Of similarly equally colored , four different , two alike , sixfold or six surfaced block . Table sat , side by side .Then after a good look beforehand by the player , they're resorted while he doesn't . Afterward , just think how bright someone had to be , to see what color was around the corner . From any given one of them . Without looking ! What keen intuitive power , {or "sixth sense"} , takes place ? I imagine they mentally flip a small switch . That backs up and places , within a given laps of seconds , like with an hour or minute glass . The event of what cubical pattern is where . Then all moves of what can be taken up and placed , and where , are considered in that measured amount of time . So , along the way , at each point one task is completed . All possible likely outcomes are mentally recorded . As the participant passes from place to place in their mind . The input from every calculated movement must be gathered and sensed . Each possible reality is compared to the one seen at the games start . With careful multiplied revealing thought a likely outcome is predicted . Wrong answer ? Even though all that thought may not be able to prepared in time . Hopefully before , or on a second try . As always , looking for an answer , an expert can "put on the brakes" and "bypass" . First , one program is running mentally . Before the jam , or break , they start a second mindful program to record the stop . As instantly a third is set and monitors the second

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