  • Report:  #278580

Complaint Review: Samsung And HH Gregg - Avon Indiana

Reported By:
- Danville, Indiana,

Samsung And HH Gregg
samsung.com Avon, 46123 Indiana, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
We purchased a Samsung HD TV from HH Gregg in Avon, IN in July of 2006. This TV cost us over $750.00 and up until recently we were very pleased with it. However, as of the beginning of October 2007 ,the set started "acting up". It would flicker, turn itself off and on...in general, just wasn't working correctly. We contacted the Samsung customer service number provided on 10-2-07...that's when the "run-around" began.

Our "service repair" ticket was sent to one of their local contracted repair shops, so as to set up an appointment to come to our home ( as it is a 30" TV - qualifying for "in-home repair". We waited for a call from the repair shop which never came. We called Samsung again and found out a "repair ticket" was never set up. They assurred us one would be sent out that day..and it was.

I got a call from the repair shop stating, he received the repair request but is declining the work...it seems he was in a dispute with Samsung over mileage being paid for these repair runs. Needless to say we again contacted Samsung and have received more of this same kind of treatment ( the run-around ).

I called HH Gregg in Avon, IN ..where we purchased the TV..to see if they could be of any help...or at the very least, appeal to their sense of fairness...I asked them to put themselves in our position and asked if they would be satisfied with this treatment. Of course they were sympathetic, but it was now an issue betwen us and Samsung. I explained I understood that...BUT, HH Gregg sold us this product and would be linked to this product (in our minds, at least ) forever.

The customer service rep looked up the date we bought the TV...stated that he thought it was out of warrenty and there really wasn't much he could do. He did call Samsung ( after my insistance that Samsung confirmed the TV was still under warrenty )...I held on while he called. He came back on the line, confirmed that Samsung did say the TV was under warrenty...at which point he sounded "disappointed" in that fact. I believe he thought he had "got" me...I'm certain he thought that "I" had made an error and that there was nothing else that could be done.

Needless to say, he said Samsung had set us up with the "Regional service engineer" who has yet to get in touch with us....we are told it could take as long as 7 to 14 "business days"...in the mean time our TV now is fading into complete darkness...no picture at all....and there are no plans from Samsung to expedite any help and repair their "outstanding" product.

My point is this...what has happened to companies ?....where did their pledge of "standing behind their product ( and service )" go ? It is TRULY a shame when we consumers are made to feel we have to constantly be on the defensive....it's TRULY sad, when we do have a problem with their product, we get the "How DARE you call us " attitude from the "customer SERVICE" reps. I believe sharing experiences like these on a web site such as this is very beneficial...I hope this helps others become aware of what might happen if ( I mean WHEN ) their high priced purchase breaks down.

Upset in indiana

Danville, Indiana


1 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Blaming the retail location for the fault of the manufacturer?

#2General Comment

Mon, November 15, 2010

I find it rather unreasonable that you expect the retail location(HH Gregg) to handle your issue. I have worked, and am still working, retail for 3 years. At no point in time do I find it to be 'poor service' to remind the customer that the product is longer store responsibility after it is no longer covered under the store guarantee. From a business standpoint, I cannot take a $700 hit for an item that I'm not even responsible for.

You also stated that you had the TV from July '06 to Oct '07, almost half a year. Standard in store warranty is 30days for a reason-the store only needs to deal with immediate defective products, that is, broken upon arrival(At which point the store can send the item back to the original company and receive either a replacement or a credit). Your TV not working after 6mo does not fall under these conditions and store/cooperate policy only allows for so much. There's also the fact that the store/company has no idea what you've done to the TV-maybe you didn't treat the TV as you should of and now it's broken. There's also the fact that the TV could no longer be in production/carried at that location. What were you expecting HHGregg to do? Replace your (maybe still carried)TV? That's a ridiculous request. (That's like going to a car lot a year after you've had the car and expect the dealership to give you another car off the lot because the gas pump isn't working. It doesn't work like that)

Were you expecting them to repair it? How would you like them to do that? They're not trained as TV repair men. Call Samsung? They did that, and it's not like they can order Samsung to do whatever they want. As for the customer service rep being 'disappointed'- Of course the CSR was disappointed when he found out that your warranty was still valid-he then had to further deal with you-I doubt you were very nice or understanding, and he had to give you the bad news that he knew you weren't going to take very well. I've been in his shoes-they're not fun with angry customers who aren't willing to listen to logic.

You did however, contact Samsung, which were the only people that you should of contacted. Tech support sucks, we all know this, but you need to keep contacting the company. If your TV is still not repaired, here is my suggestion: Call Samsung, explain to them the large amount of frustration and issues you've had with the company. Tell them that they have [insert time frame] to either fix or replace your television to working order as it is still under its guarantee. Further explain that if this is not resolved by [time frame] that you will be seeking legal council, as they have not held up their end of the warrant contract that came with your TV.
Follow through. Your TV will either be fixed, or you'll have a wonderful lawsuit.

But TRULY, don't blame the messenger just because they couldn't (not wouldn't, but couldn't) magic up a solution for you. You were there once too, I'm sure. Have some sympathy...or better yet, empathy.

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