  • Report:  #1023637

Complaint Review: Samsung - Plano Texas

Reported By:
Abo - Glendale, California, United States of America

2901 SUMMIT AVE SUITE 100 Plano, 75074 Texas, United States of America
(888) 987-4357
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I sent my white Samsung Galaxy SII to Samsung for repair because of an issue that I started to have with the LCD of the phone, and here is the headache I'm having to deal with:

The phone was exhibiting technical issues with the LCD when one day it randomly started to show the screen upside-down once in a while. After numerous "locks" and "unlocks" of the screen, it would return back to normal, but a lot of times the screen wouldn't turn on at all. The interesting thing is that the touchscreen digitizer (glass) would function correctly as if the phone was right side up, meaning the phone didn't know when the LCD part of the screen would be upside-down.

After making sure all updates were intact and after resetting the phone not only through the Android operating system, but also "hard-resetting" it through the phone's BIOS, the problem continued to exist and began to occur more and more often. I had no choice but to call Samsung on February 22, 2013 in order to have a repair be scheduled. Everything went smoothly and I shipped out the phone to Samsung's repair facility in Plano, Texas, and on March 2, 2013 they apparently received my phone and began the "repair" process.

Two days later, on March 4, 2013 (about two hours prior to this posting), I decided to check the status just to make sure everything was in order and that they received the phone okay and to see when I should be expecting my phone to be returned back to me, but to my surprise, I saw what I have pasted below; they had determined that the phone was somehow liquid-damaged.

A little background about my phone and how I use and take care of all my electronics: I had a cover on my phone from the first day that I got it, and as well as a screen protector on the front. I have never dropped my phone in the few months that I have had it, and it has never seen any water, moisture, rain, juice, alcohol, cologne, soda, gasoline, nail polish remover, rubbing alcohol, peroxide, bleach, or any other liquid or derivation thereof. The liquid-damage-indicator was as white as can be when I shipped Samsung my phone.

I only charge the phone and all electronics when it gets to be below ten percent battery life, and I never unplug my phone or any electronic devices until it is fully charged, and when they are fully charged, I unplug it immediately. I always restart my phone after every charge, as they should be because they are essentially micro-computers that need to be restarted once a day or so. None of my electronics, not even my waterproof facial shaver that is meant to be used in the shower and rinsed after every use, have ever even seen the inside of my bathroom.

Long story short, it is physically impossible for any of my electronics, especially my phone, to get damaged in any accidental sort of way, especially liquid-damaged as I am pretty darn OCD when it comes to taking care of my things.

I called Samsung, and they confirmed everything I had seen on their website. I kept trying to explain to them that it is impossible that my phone is liquid-damaged, but they were pretty persistent in trying to convince me that I'm either lying or retarded (obviously I'm paraphrasing and that they did not actually say those things). I asked to speak to a supervisor, but the supervisor was just a broken record on repeat. I continually told them that some sort of mistake has been made, and that I am completely understanding of human errors, and that I would like for another technician to simply take a look at my phone and give their professional second opinion, but they kept telling me that "once the phone has been labeled 'beyond economic repair', your warranty is automatically voided, and there is no way to schedule a second repair".

I am now waiting patiently to have my phone be returned to me so that I could have a few hundred dollar paper weight. I should have listened to my gut instinct when it came to Samsung before I bought my phone, as I have had problems with Samsung phones before, but I always figured it was because they were all cheap old flip phones, and I not once blamed Samsung for any problem that occurred as the phones from my past really were cheap phones. The worker at the store was pretty convincing in explaining that Samsung's expensive smart phones are definitely not cheap phones, and that they will not give me any problems, because "you get what you pay for". I'm sorry, but the company should be called what I have always referred to them as: SamSuck.

Thanks beforehand for reading through everything, and I hope that at least one person learns from my mistake and steers clear of buying any Samsung product in the future. For the short few months that I had the phone, I was very pleased with it, and I recommended it to many people, and I even got some family members and friends to switch from their current phones to my exact phone, but after something like this, I'm just plain disappointed that such a huge corporation would treat their customer in such a way and have such incompetent workers "fixing" their products.

3/4/2013 5:11 PM-PBA Inspection BER: The unit has left the technician. SOLUTION: BER
Liquid damaged on PBA components
3/2/2013 8:42 AM-Dulce Amaya: The unit has been received. Pack Condition: Fair Packaging (Box & Cushion)
3/2/2013 8:42 AM-Dulce Amaya: Accessory: BATTERY

"BER" stands for Beyond Economic Repair
"PBA" stands for the main board of the phone

5 Updates & Rebuttals


Samsung claimed my device had liquid damage

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, May 17, 2013

Here is my problem, I had a Samsung galaxy s3. I was using it then all of a sudden the phone turned it self off. I tried charging the phone and even went out to buy a new battery but had no luck. the phone just wouldn't turn on. so I contacted Samsung a week ago and sent it in for repair. Just today I got a email saying the s3 had corrosion and liquid damage so it was being sent back to me. I know for a fact that my phone had never been near water. i even took it to at&t before i sent it to have them look at it. they told me everything was ok and to send it Samsung for repair. what makes me really mad is that this is my second galaxy s3 with the same issue.

the first one i had i gave to someone as a gift and they told me the phone stopped turning on. i bought a second one for my self because i liked the software so much, but i faced the exact same issue. i even researched this issue and found multiple people facing the same issue i was. I believe it was called sudden death. I also researched about Samsung's repair on this type of problem and found many people having the same problem i have. I have found many people on forums and websites saying they sent their phone to be repaired because it wouldn't turn on , but their phones were sent back because Samsung said it had liquid damage, even though the phone was never near water.

So are you guys at Samsung just trying to cheat people out of this warranty. from what i read from other people i am extremely disappointed in Samsung's service. i spent over 1000 dollars on both the Samsung galaxy sIII i bought and both of them turned out defective. i am scared to even buy the new Samsung galaxy sIV. I had tried live chatting with Samsung and after like 30 min they told me i basically had a worthless paper weight . i also called them and they told me there is nothing they can do. So basically i am stuck without a phone and Samsung refuses to fix my defective phone. i don't even have money to buy a new phone because i spent a ton buying the sIII when it came out.

So to anyone reading this dont buy any samsung phone unless you get extra insurance because samsung will try there best to screw you over.After just a simple search I found tons of websites describing the same problem here are the links

(((links redacted))) These are just some of the links after browings for a couple of minutes of found many more people with the same complaint as me. Samsung is telling them that the device had liquid damage. Even though it never did. So the people at samsung are just a bunch of liars and cheats


Exactly similar issue with me as well

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, April 29, 2013


4/29/2013 11:50 AM-PBA Inspection BER: The unit has left the technician. SOLUTION: BER


Liquid damaged on PBA components


*LCD/Touchpanel came scratched*

scrathes on rear


4/26/2013 8:38 AM-William Herrera: Accessory: BATTERY COVER


4/26/2013 8:38 AM-William Herrera: The unit has been received. Pack Condition: Fair Packaging (Box & Cushion)

Its disappointing to be treated in this way. My phone was working perfectly and I have always kept good care of it. There is no reason that any liquid could damage the mother board of the phone and this is the analysis that Samsung technicians claim to make. This is absolutely ridiculous and I'm extremely disappointed. Another issue was that I reverted the phone back to factory settings before sending them for repair and it appeared to be getting started in some language which was not English and I was not able to make a decision as to how to proceed. I asked their customer care to atleast make it work in English before sending the paper weight back to me but they had nothing else but "Sorry". Why the hell they opened a customer care centre. They should call it Customer Time Waste and Money waste center rather. I'll not buy anything from these cheats ever.


Samsung just plain liars and cheats

#4Author of original report

Tue, March 19, 2013

So it has been a few days since I e-mailed my information to Samsung (even though I gave my initial report number in my report on here already and that they should have been able to search and find everything through that), and I have yet to receive some sort of response back from them. I knew that it would have been a complete waste of time trying to contact them, even though after all this time of me being the victim, I have been trying to stay positive with them and not just plain flip-out and curse them, haha.

I have found others who have had my exact issue with their Samsung phone as well, and below I have pasted videos of their troubles. Many others have had the same issue, but unfortunately they did not post a video, but a simple search will yield many results.


Below I pasted what I wrote to Samsung after they asked me to write to them and let them know the details of my troubles to see if we could move forward into the matter a bit differently:

"To Whom It May Concern:

I made a report on RipoffReport.com and I was told that you might actually be able to follow up on my case and help me out, so here goes nothing...

My name is A** G********, my number is (8**) 4**-0***, my phone IMEI number is 3**************, and the best e-mail address to contact me at is this very e-mail, ************@*****.com. The link to the report I made is pasted below, so all the information necessary should be on that web page.

I apologize for coming off a bit strong in the report that I made, but I felt betrayed by a company that I was so happy with before the unfortunate incident that occurred. I recommended the Samsung Galaxy SII and SIII and the Note series to so many family members and friends and business associates alike, and all this without ever being endorsed in any way. Plainly put, I was really happy with the product Samsung put out, and it's disappointing to see that so many customers have been turned away because of obvious flaws that the phones have exhibited numerous times by numerous individuals across the globe.

The best form of contact would actually be through e-mail because I am pretty hard to reach over the phone, but if you give me a time that I can call you, I would be glad to have a conversation or two over the phone to see how we could resolve this issue.

A** G********



Samsung would like to contact you

#5UPDATE Employee

Fri, March 08, 2013


Samsung would like to invite you to contact us to talk about your concerns. If you send us your name, phone number, phone IMEI, and email address to [email protected], we will contact you to see how we can help.

Samsung Support


United States of America
Forgot to mention "repair" ticket number

#6Author of original report

Tue, March 05, 2013

After rereading through my complaint against Samsung a few times, I noticed that I forgot to mention my "repair" ticket number, aka RMA number. Here you go: 4118195451.

Hope everyone's day is going great and that you won't ever have to deal with SamSuck's lies and scandals and just plain absurdity. It's amazing what a big multi-national corporation will do to void a device's warranty and not have to pay for repairs or deal with the actual issue-at-hand.

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