  • Report:  #596494

Complaint Review: Sandra Johnson..Gone 2 The Dogs training - Orlando Florida

Reported By:
Goldendoodle World - cleveland, North Carolina, USA

Sandra Johnson..Gone 2 The Dogs training
7414 Anstead Circle, Orlando Florida Orlando, Florida, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
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Sandra Faye Johnson of 7414 Anstead circle,  Orlando Florida, has been fraudulantly posting absurd over the top claims and accusations about myself,  Dee Gerrish of Goldendoodle World/Lake Ridge Kennel since 2006.  Her postings have appeared here on ROR as well as multiple websites across the internet under 100 assumed alias user names thus far.

Why is she doing this, is anyone's guess.  Her postings make wild claims that she has to date,  failed to produce supporting evidence to back up what she has posted.  In May of 2009 I personally recorded seven 90 minute telephone conversations with this woman (an estranged sister of mine) because she has a problem with telling the truth.  This woman claims on ROR that I am a puppy mill and yet,  I only have 1 to 4 litters of puppies a year.  This woman claims she has knowledge about my business and my dogs and me as a person and yet,  she has never to date been to my home; we have never been friends and I've not had any type of sister relationship with her since we were kids.  Sandra Johnson has not personally ever been to my home nor has she ever met any of my dogs.  The last time I physically saw Sandra Johnson was at our mother's home in Kissimmee Florida in 1996.  My mother had called me to go and pick up a dog that Sandra Johnson had abandoned at her home.  My husband and I drove to my mother's home to get the dog.  I immediately took the dog to my vet upon returning to my home in North Carolina because she was exhibiting health problems.  She was diagnosed by my vet as having an inner ear infection.  In 1999,  she went into renal failure and my vet had to put her to sleep.  I personally spent alot of money on the dog trying to nurse her back to health.

Sandra Johnson is a very vindictive, unquestionably disturbed invidividual.  She is full of inner hatred and has spent since 2006 specifically targeting me as a person and my dog business.  She is an estranged sister of whom I had to report to the Orlando Sheriff's department several times for all of the hateful content she has posted in more websites than I can even keep track of.   Many reputable websites has deleted her as their member as well as deleted her similar content.  She has copied my personal photos and added them to her derogatory content that mentions my personal name and my business name.  Our mother was diagnosed with dementia in 2006.  If you have stumbled upon other websites where the same derogatory nonsense has been posted regarding my name and business name,  it is very easy to put the content side by side to show it has been written by the same individual.  Sandra Johnson has even gone so far as to pretend to me over the internet, posting garbage using my name .   Her smear campaign only serves on purpose and that is to ruin my personal and business reputation and cause financial ruin to my business.  Sandra Johnson has used over 100 alias user names pretending to be supposed "wronged" customers and making over the top claims.   Her postings here on ROR make claims that I am into the occult; that I have tried to extort money from her and our mother;  that my husband stalked her at her home in Orlando Florida;  that I operate some puppy mill; that I've sold sick puppies all over the place and the list of her absurd claims simply go on and on and on.

First of all,  my business was started by me from the ground up, in 1996.  Since 1996,  my company has had many years of successful canine adoptions and placements.  There is no such thing as any company not having a few ligit complaints in all the years they are in business.  Sandra Johnson wants people to believe that my company has had "tons" of complaints when that simply is not true at all.  Since 1996,  we've had very few ligitimate complaints and out of those very few ligitimate complaints the issues were resolved amicably.  Perhaps only about three of four complaints were not able to be resolved amicably because the customer failed to submit supporting documentation to us so that we could properly assist them.  Unfortunately with any business,  there are some people you can't assist, no matter what you do.  I have been in business for fourteen years as of Jan. 1996.  Sandra Johnson has never operated a business and yet she claims to be a professional dog trainer in Orlando Florida called "Gone 2 the dogs".   She wants to tell people how I should conduct my business and yet she has never operated a business at all to know what or how a business should conduct themselves.  Sandra Johnson wants to try and minimize my military service when I think that is the most disgraceful thing any person could do regarding a soldier serving their country.   Sandra Johnson nor her son or daughter has ever served in the United States military.  If she or any of her family members ever did,  she would not make light of any job performed by a soldier while serving their country.  Perhaps Sandra Johnson should visit a "motor pool" to see how hard the soldiers work to keep vehicles running so that they can perform their duties over seas and around the world.  Perhaps Sandra Johnson should spend time at a "motor pool" so that she can then appreciate the fact that without soldiers maintaining vehicles for the military.....they can not transport weapons, food or other important essentials that allow soldiers around the world to perform their jobs.  I do not recall Sandra Johnson running five miles a day along side me;  I do not recall Sandra Johnson spending weeks at a time in freezing weather while performing training exercises;  I do not recall Sandra Johnson EVER standing or walking or so much as marching along side me to know what I did as a soldier of the United States Army...something I am very proud of doing.  Her hatefilled words and comments only show how emotionally damaged this individual really is.

In 2006,  my mother was horrifically taken advantage of by Charlotte Estes, Karyn Kelly, Carolyn Rogers and Sandra Johnson.  My mother was diagnosed with dementia and unfortunately she fell victim to the above con artists.  By April of 2009,  my mother had been removed from her home by the above named people and the above named people stole everything my mother had that wasn't nailed down inside and outside of her home at 615 south thacker avenue Kissimmee Florida.  WHen I found out about just a bit of what had been going on in September of 2008, I tried to help my mother.   At my mother's request,  I went down to her home and took her to an attorney.  I also took her to the Kissimmee DCF's agency and I also notified the Kissimmee Police Department.  I only had been at my mother's home for 3 days.  As soon as I left my mother's home,  my sisters...the above named people...posted absurd claims on a Michelle's VOY forum that I had gone to my mother's home and trashed the home.  The story is about as over the top as I thought one could be when I read it.  THey then went to my mother's home and further began stealing from my mother right under her nose.  My mother unfortunately has not been able to understand the scope and magnitude of her situation, due to her illness with dementia.

Sandra Johnson furthered her absurd postings under multiple fictitious user names so that my business would be ruined,  as payback for my trying to help my mother from their thieving and conning.   In May 2009, Sandra Johnson appearantly stabbed Charlotte Estes and Karyn Kelly in the back by taking over control of my mother's home, back lot and finances.  She appearantly had "cut them out" of the deal they all had with each other.  Charlotte Estes, from 2006-April 2009, stole thousands of dollars from my mother's bank accounts.  Her sister, Carolyn Rogers, opened many credit cards in my mother's name and maxed out each credit card.  Charlotte Estes paid for those credit cards out of my mother's bank accounts through the internet.  My mother was never aware of the money missing nor was she ever aware of all the credit cards and theft.  Charlotte Estes had all of my mother's mail going to her home in Mobile Alabama.  My mother lived in Kissimmee Florida.  Sandra Johnson contacted me in May 2009 trying to convince me that she was trying to help my mother from "the other sisters".   I knew Sandra Johnson was lying which is why I recorded the conversations.  I wanted her own words on tape...for future reference.

She tried to get me to send her all the credit card and banking documents I have in my possession that proves and supports all the thievery that happened to my mother.  I refused to send Sandra Johnson anything other than supporting evidence that Carolyn Rogers obtained a cell phone in my mother's name and failed to pay the bill.  That was the only document I agreed to email her.  After many emails from Sandra Johnson that contradicted what she said to me over the telephone during the recorded conversations,  I told Sandra Johnson that I was suspicious of what her true motives were.  She then continued posting fabricated stories about me and my business.   She continues to this day,  doing the same thing repeatedly.  Folks,  this is not a teenager or a child.  Sandra Johnson is nearly sixty years old.  If you think for one minute that Sandra Johnson has posted one single shred of truth regarding me and my business,  ask her to provide to  you supporting documentation to back up her wild claims.  THis woman has gone so far as to file copyright infringement claims on my own personal videos and photos.  She has filed false harassment claims as a means to squelch my blogs that talk about the truth of what she and the other sisters have done to my mother since 2006.   She continues to try and suppress the truth about the fact she is nothing but a liar, con artist and emotionally disturbed individual who is merely seeking "revenge".

I on the other hand have supporting, factual, documentation that proves Sandra Johnson, Karyn Kelly, Charlotte Estes and Carolyn Rogers have wrongfully removed my mother from her own home in Kissimmee Florida; obtained credit cards for their own personal usage; Blew through thousands of dollars that belonged to my mother and stole every personal belonging my mother ever had.  Every one of them took full advantage of my mother's illness.  Every one of them exploited her illness and Sandra Johnson wants people to believe she has done nothing wrong and that she is a loving care taker for her mother.  Sandra Johnson wants people to believe that my mother wants nothing to do with me or my brother when the fact of the matter is,  Sandra Johnson refuses  to allow my mother to speak to me, see me, visit me, or accept cards, letters, flowers or gifts.   Sandra Johnson is a very evil person who's personal agenda is to take everything my mother ever had.

In 2009,  Sandra Johnson and her son, Jason Holka took my mother to the Osceola Courthouse and had my mother complete a new will.  The will made Sandra Johnson sole beneficiary to my mother's assets even though there are six children.  Sandra Johnson and Jason Holka then filed a quick claim deed to my mother's house and personal back lot putting the property in their names.  This is public record folks.  This fact is located on the website for the Osceola county courthouse.  Lorraine Evans of 615 s. thacker avenue kissimmee florida 34741.  Sandra Johnson and Jason Holka's signature is on both quick claim deeds.  THe ORlando DCF's agency (Mr. Ron Bledsoe) is fully aware of what has transpired regarding my mother, her asssets, her money and her property.  I spoke to a detective Mason of the Kissimmee Florida police department in 2009 regarding what has been going on.   He told me that if Sandra Johnson did not stop making up such tall tale claims, she was going to find herself arrested for failure to contact a legal agency for criminal activity she was "aware" of.  He told me himself that Sandra Johnson has a credibility issue.  I completely concur.

Sandra Johnson is a liar.  She has zero credibility.  She continues her smear campaign because is mentally and emotionally impaired.  Sandra Johnson was diagnosed in either 2006 or 2007 as having some type of mental health problem.  It clearly shows.  I have told the Orlando DCF's agency that I am very concerned about my mother's wellbeing because Sandra Johnson keeps my mother under lock and key at her home in Orlando Florida.   I do not know why Sandra Johnson continues posting all over the internet her crazy content.  She puts my personal photos with the content knowing she has infringed upon my copyrights using my personal photos without permission. 

ROR is a deceptive website and anyone reading content on it should beware of this fact.  Sandra Johnson is NOT an individual who has ever been ripped off by me.  She has never lost anything by my hands or from my finger tips.  However,  Sandra Johnson is an evil, vindictive, con artist who uses this website to further her campaign smear.  Anyone with half a brain could follow her postings to know that she clearly is mentally unstable and has no factual complaint.  What she has been doing since 2006 is out of sheer hate and this is all she has been spreading over the internet.

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3 Updates & Rebuttals



#2General Comment

Sun, June 20, 2010

all of you... seriously... stfu please god. nobody cares about none of this!!

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#3General Comment

Sun, June 20, 2010

what we have here are some people with nothing better to do. how can you two people get anything done if youre spending time typing, reading and babysitting the google search results as you continue to see if the other has posted about you? get a life people.

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United States of America
Cyber Bullied By Dee Gerrish

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, May 27, 2010

I am filing this rebuttal against Diane "Dee" Gerrish because she is supposed to be a 'professional' business owner/operator but continues to post slanderous blogs about me on the Internet.

My reputation is not at stake here because I do not have a business. Diane Gerrish DOES have a business and by posting derogatory, malicious and slanderous accusations about me makes her look like the idiot that she is. No reputable business owner would stoop so low as to air personal grievances for the public to read. It's quite obvious that Diane Gerrish runs her mouth like she runs her 'business'. Badly.  http://dianegerrish2.blogspot.com/

The link posted above is where Diane likes to post her long and slanderous blogs about me. She is so obsessed with me that if you look at the dates of the posts, they are pretty close together which means she is blogging about me almost on a daily basis.

This woman is supposed to be operating a dog breeding 'business' and selling puppies online. Instead, she is sitting at her computer day and night writing about things she can't back up. Because Diane doesn't know a truth from a lie, she makes up what she doesn't know and fills the rest in with speculation. I've never seen anyone so dedicated to harassing another person like she does.

I have reported her on this website because she is running a business and she should not be harassing me, cyber bullying me or blogging about me.
However, on the bright side, the more Diane Gerrish blogs, the more the blogs are picked up by Google and the more they are made public, the more the blogs are read. The more the blogs are read, the more the public begins to see that Diane Gerrish is a person who is full of hate and why would anyone want to do business with her?

The only way Diane Gerrish can save her business now is to use another name and change her business name. She has ruined her name by blogging slander. She has ruined her business by selling Parvo stricken puppies to unsuspecting buyers. She has ruined any credibility she ever had if any by behaving like a child online.

Diane Gerrish has ruined her relationships with all of her family members as well except for one cousin. Diane has five siblings and none of them will have anything to do with her because Diane is one of the most hateful, vengeful, spiteful people on this planet.

In Diane's complaint against me she admits to recording a telephone conversation that we had last Summer. I was unaware that I was being recorded and what she did is against the law. Not only did she record what I said, she posted the recording on several websites. She claims that I recorded her as well but I didn't. If I did, why isn't HER voice on a website? I had no reason to record her. Diane is a sneaky snake in the grass who cannot be trusted. Diane is my sister and since she was old enough to talk she learned how to lie from our dad. Not only is Diane a habitual liar, she created a fantasy world for herself when she was a child and she still lives in it today.

Diane Gerrish is involved with the paranormal, witchcraft and the occult. She uses Tarot cards, collects wizards and fairies and probably holds seances for all I know.

Maybe she also dabbles in Voodoo and has dolls that she sticks pins in.
She is evil, pure and simple. Don't piss her off because she might cast a spell on you or make a doll that looks like you and stick pins in it. If you feel a pain in your side, that's probably from her sticking the pin in.

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