  • Report:  #162156

Complaint Review: Saskatoon Health Region - Saskatoon Saskatchewan

Reported By:
- Saskatoon,, Saskatchewan,

Saskatoon Health Region
3rd Floor, 410 22nd St. E., Saskatoon, S7K 5T6 Saskatchewan, Canada
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Dr. Ubhi of St. Paul's Hospital in this Health Region issued Atavan to my husband, when he entered hospital with a long standing heart/lung problem. Atavan has a caution on it not to be given to people over 60, among other adverse effects to old people, causing massive stroke and heart attack and death.

The first night my husband suffered a severe reaction to the Atavan needing to be strapped down from head to foot. On the morning, he called me, terrified. He as ADD and we have Dr. Barbara Fisher, of Detroit, neuropsychologist as our doctor because she is doing brain research. I called her and she immediately called St. Paul's and could not reach the doctor, but she talked to my husband and took his clinical state. She reported to the drug company at their request, and they in turn reported to Ottawa and asked permission to speak with Dr. Ubhi.

Dr. Ubhi did not return Dr. Fisher's call from Detroit when Don was in hospital, where she wanted to advise him of Don's neuro findings and the seriousness of this medication for him. Nor would Traci Laycock, social worker, Dr. Joel Yelland speak with her or let her come to Saskatoon to assess my husband's neuro condition after the stroke threatening to have her arrested by the lawyers and the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Thus he has been denied in rehabilitation a crucial examination to his possible rehabilitation. Something is wrong in Canada when they do not have doctors with this expertise, but deny the patient access to those who do. This should be a criminal offence.

He then discharged my husband from hospital much more ill than when he went in. I sent him back to hospital the next day where he was again discharged in the afternoon supposedly being stabilized, but obviously very ill on return home.

I contacted Michelle Lange, social worker at St. Paul's who advised that I send him back in ambulance if he deteriorated more and she would be a prompter on her computer to followup.

Home care came and I and would wash his stomach once a week and Physio gave him a d little tin walker. I requested a nurse with stethoscop and blood pressure monitor. Request denied.

I called a private oxygen tech who said intake was 94 but when he walked him down the hall - his heart rate dropped way below 50 and hefelt there was a serious heart problem.

I had been without sleept for some 4 days, and when he went to rest I dropped off to sleep. Sometime between 2am and 6am he had a massive stroke and heart attach and we found him about 6a collagpsed paralysed beside the bed.

My granddaughter, who suffers post traumatic stress disorder found him beside the bed and lifted him up until ambulance came has been retraumatized and is in danger a total breakdown, having difficulty concentrating and studying.

I am disabled with multiple sclerosis, legally blind with macular degeneration from an adverse drug reaction, cataracts waiting to be operated on, sic sini syndrome with bradychardia and tachycardia and a pacemaker that has caused infection upon infection since installed, blistering, fungi, and inflamation, to say nothing of the pain in the left shoulder - my heart is between 120 and 180 all the time and only in resting position is there any relief for six years. Doctors will do nothing as you see from the thousands of other victims on Pacemaker Club. It is a racket too.

Even though I did not give permission for the Atavan, they could do nothing to help him at Royal University Hospital without my leaving my traumatized granddaughter and signing - This has to change - no contra medication with signature either, or else help immediately when they can. It cannot be both ways. Dr. Voll thankfully agreed to come with a friend to my house and get the signature, but it still delayed my husband getting help through that time.

Next they called for a "do not resusitate" permission, again to put the responsibility on me for a condition doctors had induced by their deliberate treatment - because the dangers of this drug is well-known for some time and class actions are in progress against it. Enough already, stop administering it. I am told by a doctor he will continue until someone in authority tell him to stop. That authorit is the Saskatoon Health Region and they have met their responsibility in monitoring and ensuring the patients are not endangered by this behaviour on the part of the doctors.

Next they wanted permission to put a pacemaker in - and knowing the tens of thousands now experiencing difficulty like myself, and that this Health Region does not supervise and see we get good follow up treatment for the problems with it, I was very reluctant to do so, and my husband was paralysed on the right side and could not talk - so I could no discuss it with him

Knowing that I am mult-handicapped, I was summoned to the hospital for 8 am to meet the doctor - I had someone come and help me and got a wheelchair for me - because our hospitals are huge monstrosities of show and very unfriendly to the patient, long accesses to walk through, etc. When I arrived there I was told that the doctor couldn't meet with me because he was a doctor and didn't know when he would get back and I was to wait.

I waited until past ten and my back began to compress very badly and I had to leave alone because my attendant could not wait.

I had to get home alone, couldn't access the apartment building lock and fell, hurting my hip. A neighbour finally helped me in and as I lay waiting for a doctor to come seeme, the telephone started ringing with individual named Madison I think phoning and phoning and phoning saying I had to do this, that and the other thing and I was in so much pain and so sick - you know we have a system in Saskatoon Health where the invalid must look after the invalid and all the others in professional garb just have a good - all of the privileges and none of the responsibility for the patient or the professional's own actions.

My husband saw all the other patients come and leave and heard them talking about not rehabilitating him - just send to a nursing home to warehouse and terminate although Dr. Voll had said it would be three months in a nursing home and then city hospital. They seemed to not understand that though he could not talk - he could hear. I promised him I would search North America over for a place to help him get better.

They heard that and told me it a Massive stroke-and they would tell me my options. I told there was only one - that he come home because I had seen him try to communicate with a nurse and she had simply flipped and walked away in disgust and his face fell and he sobbled in humiliation because he could not talk.

The speach therapist said he didn't time to bother with my husband and the nurses were busy and didn't have time either. My resonse all the more reason he should come home. I had done some research and found in British Columbia a 90 year old lady had a massive stroke and heart attack and had rehabilitation for two and one half years and was doing fine now at 97 - but getting around in a wheel chair - and Saskatchewan cannot do 72? As well the rehabilitation that is offered here is only three months which is nothing compared to what is needed and available in other provinces. It is a human disgrace.

I was told doctors had been over from Parkridge and would not take him. That was fine because that is not where he should be going in his very weak state after the two adverse reactions and the subsequent stroke - Dr. Helmer stated he was optimistic about Don's recovery - that there was a nine month period for the mind to heal, and the mind is the first most important rather than the physical - and then the windown closes, and those therapies were at Sherbrooke.

However, without being advised or notified, there was a piece of paper pinned to his bed the next day saying "we're going to Parkridge." I was told you can go if you want but not until the afternoon - you dont have to go if you don want." I didnt understand the meaning of that then, I do now. Parkridge is aboot camp like rehabilitation for stronger patients and was totally contra indicated for my husband in his waakened condition. The nurses readily said if he can't keep up he shouldn't be here. I agree but could not get him moved to Sherbrooke where the therapies were that he needed.

At Parkridge I was met by Traci Laycock, social worker who told me I had to sign papers I did not want to sign but she said it was routine and I must. This was just one of many times that she and an individual named Jewel intimidated, coerced, harrassed and bullied me. The are just horrible individuals. They would tell me one thing and then the nursing staff would say no you cant have that done - its just not practical and my husband suffered terribily through this conflict between what social worker, nursing staff and food services said.

I got a call one day from Traci saying I had to come in and control my husband because none of the staff could work with him. I went rushing in to find he had collapsed on the floor, had great bruises beneath his eye, and heart racing out of control - his breathing labored and weak. We waited hours for the doctor to appear and then his remarks to me were only "I see in the history you have a do not resusitate order - that was from another admission and had nothing to do with this.

My husband continued passing out - many times and falling over until finally they took him to the pacemaker clinic and found that the medicine being given made his heart run ten times faster. There still is something wrong but we have not chance of finding out because we are not allowed to have our own doctors in the NDP staffed nursing homes in Saskatchewan. Remembers that when it comes to voting - auschwitz. Complete Charter of Rights Denied under NDP.

Next we saw and heard he was sleeping 24/24 except for a few minutes when his eyes would open in a very glazed manner and he would try to eat something. He failed so badly from when he entered this centre, that on Thanksgiving day we took him out for dinner and he always wore a suit, the only one that would fit and it was large, was one from 1980. They kept him so drugged on Respirdol that he couldnt eat, so they saved on food, his bottom was not broken open but red and sore from bacteria from a dirty catheter - drugged you cant caomplain about that either.

This drug is given to patients to warehouse them to termination and research has shown it leads to death, and if you take them off it - itleads to death. What are they doing to our loved ones in the home, and it diminishes the lucidness ofthe patient and precludes any return to a quality of life. This should bing

criminal charges as well in any humane society but not in Saskatoon Health Region, in the Good old Tommy Douglas style care of the NDP. Remember this when you are voting. Tell Jack Layton what a buffoon he is when he wants to save health care so his pals and friends can live in style off the population.

My husband had a runny nose all the time in the hospital, no doctor helped him, he had a sore through that increasingly stopped him from eating, not attended by the doctors or nurses, he had a reddened bottom from bacteria in the catheter that made it painful for him to sit and to do the exercises they gave him, and last Thursday we were informed after going across the city, where this home is located from us in a $50 cab ride, that he is quarantined and they dont know what he has and when we will be able to see him.

Next I received a request for our 2004 taxes and I promptly called our accountant, because I am not visually able, and my husband did not do taxes. Mr. Norris advises me that he in turn promptly contacted Ann Little at Parkridge Centre and faxed the 2004 tax to her.

Then my accountant phoned and said Traci Laycock social worker wanted me to sign blank forms - same old thing - which I would not do. I was upset as to how she knew he was my accountant and who told her -because information given to Ann Little was supposed to be confidential - it is not. Do not believe them. In NDP lan it is a dictatorship. They have sent me three more requests that I provide the 2004 figures which I dont have - the accountant has. Revenue Canada advises they accepted Mr. Norris submission and have found him quite accurate. I phoned the drug plan because I know they are submitted there and was told that they were happy, but then the head sent me an intimidating and coercing, bullying letter demanding that the 2004 figures be supplied by me. What is this - they can make the blind see.

Good old NDP Saskatoon Health Region. Never come to this province. Well I can't see so they will have to enact their threats like Hitler.

In Saskatchewan when one spoouse goes into a home, the other must get a divorce or legal separation, in order that I can get funds for my own care and the equivalent to the spouses allowance so my granddaughter and I can eat. Trevor Siemens tell me that its just a friendly thing but when I phone Revenue Canada Winnipeg they advise me Saskatchewan does not set the rules for them - they do and I have to get the separation or divorce if I want to eat - and that is the way it is for all seniors in Saskatchewan or disabled people - or otherwise I should consider moving out of province where the taxes are more favorable to seniors and where benefits are more.

Now the mystery of why he was unable to come home. The doctors and their families and friends own the nursing homes I learn from the network and their contacts in each hospital sit and try and get victims for each home - those that have resources they can suck out of - this not only should be a crime, it all slso should be prohibited by conflict of interest.

Then they are able to drug them with medication known to keep them in a stupor so the home saves money on staff if they cant ask for a drink of water and bother them and also they cant eat much so they save on food. Yes this is Tommy Douglas health care for his friends, and relatives, and nepotism and imprisonment for the population. Please wake up and go for private healthcare with insurance companies, because these companies monitor the doctors the institutions and give you some protestion and some resource for complaint - you have none now in NDP Saskatoon health region.

My husband is billed for a grungy, dirty little room with bad air, and the government pays additionally - my husbands share I am told now nearly $1700. Look about you - Rosedale Estates in Edmonton for one - $1300-$1900 for a luxurious assisted one bedroom apartment for two of you and hospital nearby, shopping nearby, and lifetime rehabilitation opposite on the street.

In addition dinner is supplied, linens, light housekeeping, Get you up in the morning and to bed at night, homecare in addition available, pick mail and garbage. Full restaurant open 7/4. Is that not more in keeping with what you would liketo have even if a loved one is ill, be with them with help to care for them not see them warehoused in some private house, or these chicken like Parkridge.

The other thing about the charges, the Saskatoon Health Region through their doctors induced his state by their failure to curtail these drugs and be firm on it, but now they want me to pay for their actions, not only for the room but to pay for the drugs that caused my husband harm. These are no "no fault inurance" issues that Judge Sinclair spoke about. They arepure and simple criminal actions because both the Saskatoon Health Region and the doctors have known for some time of the advice and harm to paitents, but they deliberately use them to cause harm, I believe, and to fill up their nursing beds, creating jobs for their extended familes, as Calvert the brain drain thathe wants to bring home. Their not very brainy, not any of them, Ralph Klein is doing much better asking for the top brains anywhere in the world to come and build up Alberta and bring comfort to his citizens. This should be criminal and police investigate without any delay, but they dont -why not?

i.e Rosedale Estates has no means test - the rent is- and is two thirds or more more than the dingy room my husband has, for one third of the cost of the Sask Government provision.

If you phone Regina you are told Parkridge Centre is Private - What private in a public health atmosphere Jack Layton - come on what's going on here. The staff tell me they dont understand it because they are government workers, union paid - I understand it they are charging the patient and the government is paying as well, and the whole taxpayer is being hosed while Calverts brains

that he brings home rips all of us off.

As well as having only certain doctors,they have a pharmacy that rips the patient off too assigned for each one - i.e. Earl's for Parkridge and charges and periodic up charge for reviewing the meds - send him home our pharmacist is a lot cheaper, but then this is ripping off the taxpayer in the NDP public health system, right, the gravy train and no one must miss the boat.

How much do the police and lawyers get for closing their eyes to this horrendous abuse, murder and rape of the taxpayer.

My husbandis in quarantine in a very deteriorated condition and they will hurt him because of this report more, but obviously they intend to kill him - and kill is the operative word as this condition from day one did not warrant admission to the facility except to warehouse to termination. He has suffered so, but perhaps others will come forward, for there are many links to similar things happening and pleas for help with the administering of the contra indicated medications.


Saskatoon,, Saskatchewan

8 Updates & Rebuttals


Saskatoon Health Region, Saskatoon, Sask

#2Author of original report

Wed, November 30, 2005

As ward gradually opened, some nurses became friendlier, but my husband very ill, and never for this ward. Others vey surly and clearly did not want him there. He is very sad and afraid and felt he was going to die alone during the thirty odd day quarantine. I have not received word how he got there, who put him there and why he has essentially been denied stroke rehabilitation in Sherbrooke as written by his doctor. I have received word from Regina that we should have been calculated as three on health card - Saskatoon knew that three on health card, and Tracy Laycock and Jewel along with Head nurse aware. Regina does not think divorce should proceed. His lung is very bad and he is very painful in the private area but his nurse thinks he should move himself and he cannot. I found him sitting up alone a few times, but the last few times he is sleeping constantly, so I await the bill to see the drugs assigned to him - he thinks he is being drugged. He had not been told of his mother's inheritance from April through November and now he is appearing drugged again. The Income Tax had sent a form through requested by the Accountant to the Heart Specialist who in turn wrote a letter and passed it to his Family Dr. H F Ma, who in turn advises he cannot handle it - Dr. Yelland must do it under contract. Revenue Canada advised they wanted it done so that not so many would turn up at once. WE simply complied with their request but no doctor did in this instance -I don't know about others. My husband is now deteriorating again and the handling of his case defies explanation even in the Public Health System. I am not hopeful of his recovery unless he is transferred to Sherbrooke immediately and that does not seem possible. The nurses are resentful because they never wanted him there. We are resentful we never wanted to be there. Who takes the blame for this, my husband was too sick after the doctor fed him aatavan - and then the massive stroke and heart attack, and the ppacemaker, given medicine for weeks that made his heart run faster than it should and knock him out.


Norwalk Virus - visited husband briefly

#3Author of original report

Wed, November 09, 2005

Was briefly allowed to see husband on two days. He is very weak and confined to his room that does not have a shower. He smells badly - his whole body, especially under arms and private areas. He has a cream to put under arms for fungus. I was going to go in and wash his underarms and body today but was told isolation on again. I was told because of Norwalk he cannot use the bath, but I don't understand - older people exude a great deal of bacteria and are told to shower or bath twice a day if possible to avoid illness. Illness is here and the bacteria is all over him and he cannot bathe in a shower or bath for days and days. I understand that a common bath could not be used, and I think should not be used in these homes, which facilitates the spread of anyones else's bacteria, but each room should have a bath or shower to keep the patient clean and comfortable through their stay in nursing homes and to contain the buildup of the virus and stop the spread. The cost of not having a bath facility is astronomical. From four to five people announced, the complete building is now shut down, and my husband had something that would not let him eat for many weeks prior to the Ocrober 18 shutdown. As well as not having anyone to talk too, he feels dirty and unclean, as he always showered morning and evening. The government pays in public health dollars $50,000+ for each bed plus the patient pays $1700 + monthly, there needs to be a building law the requires a full service bathroom for each patient because of just this type of scenerio expected to play out in the future - if you cannot wash, how can you contain it, sponge bathing has repeatedly been reported as not being effective. He is too frail to sponge bathe himself. The government advises it pays $26.51 for a family physician visit and $90.00 for an emergency room doctor. A lawyer here now gets $500 - $800 per hour for a consultation on paper work, how much more valuable is a human being and more complex when ill. A family doctor has to see 19+ patients to make the salary a lawyer does, and emergency doctor 5.5 patients to make the same salary. Surely someone can see that it is better to pay the family doctor $500 - 800 for his consultation so that it is in depth and as accurate as he can be when life is on the line and the emergency doctor, much more appropriately, so he can take time to make the right decision. The consequences of not doing so are manifested in this case, and multiplied tens of thousands of times over in our country, and are the reason pulic health costs are so out of whack, not because of the doctors' salaries, because of the lack of doctors salaries, so they attract the best and brightest into the fields, and get the necessary diagnosis first off. When considering public versus private - you have to ask yourself "would you work for $26.51 when you can get whatever you are worth in a less stressful arena?" Of course you would not, and neither will the people who would serve us well as doctors, and prevent these heart rendering events, that lead to astronomical expenses for taxpayer, patient, etc. Patient - you have to ask "would you have paid $500 -----? to any amount to have had a capable doctor be there for your loved one when he needed him, rather than go through the suffering of my husband - "of course you would" that my friend is private, and remember that when you vote. No matter how free it is, if it does not work, it is not free - it cost us dearly.


hospital stay

#4Author of original report

Fri, November 04, 2005

Entered St. Paul's for heart/lung problem, wrongly treated and discharged twice more ill than when he went in, - no diagnosis todate for what he went in for - but we now know by taking him out for assessment - afraid to disclose in the event they treat him with more unnecessary medications. Entered Royal University after discharge from St. Pauls with Massive stroke and Heartattack, early June, shunted to Parkridge and let deteriorate to northing about two weeks later. They played gavmes - one group telling me not to come in so he would get used to them, another group - saying come in we rely on family to entertain them during the day, and another even different. He has been in isolation? quarantine?????? for ?????? since October 20 and I have not seen him, were told maybe today, now told maybe Monday - still no indication what is truly wrong. Did speak with him on phone yesterday and today. First thing wanted to know why I had not come to see him - that he was very sick. I told him they would not let me or I would have come. Understand he speaks not clearly but you get the idea 'where were you and you ask the question to see if you are getting him and he will respond "yes".


How long has he been in the hospital?

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, November 04, 2005

Are you saying you have not been with him at all during his hospital stay? Huh?


Saskatoon Health Region respond to my husband's real estate lawyer but no communication with this site or myself to date

#6Author of original report

Thu, November 03, 2005

Nov. 1st, I learned he was doing well in isolation not quarantine. Nov 2 he was sitting outside his room and doing well and maybe we could see on Friday. Nov 3 was allowed to speak with him on telephone for a moment, he wondered why I had not visited him during illness. Received communication from husband's real estate lawyer that the Public Trustee lawyer angry at this report. Why he did not contact this site with his rebuttal or myself - I am not sure. I am angry too, six month of angry at having my husband imprisoned and not able to go to the type of facility that would have facilitated his recovery, rather than watch him deteriorate to a shadow of the person he was - without one person communicating why they were doing this to him. Other people were getting well, but he was not and from the very day after the stroke - he wanted to come home. Many, Many witnesses. Received letter from real estate lawyer today advising they had received correspondence from Saskatoon Health Region, and of course they are not acting for us in this matter as the site implies. I have left a message on their telephone to that effect, and beyond that there is not much I can do but carry on assembling evidence and documenting. I do find it odd that they have not responded on the site but perhaps to the [email protected] and off line. I have a great deal more evidence to present which I will hold until the appropriate time and they know I have, they have dodged two previous lawsuits I wished to have aired by settling, and under the terms of the agreement I was bound with then, I was prevented from proceeding to court The evidence is still pertinent, and as I am at the end of life, this site is the very place to put it on file, so that it will be in history for all the other victims, that need the support of it. What they have done to my husband is unconscionable, and everyone needs to learn of the evidence I have. It is an inheritance I will leave to the 1,500,000 other aged people documented on another website, trying to get help for these antics. Intimidation, coercion, harrassment, threats, bullying and death will not move me. The information will come out any way. At any time in the last six months as my husband failed daily, they could have prevented this report, but they encouraged it by their continued silence and his continued deterioration by medicating, and not being moved to an appropriate setting for help that he sorely needed. My husband shall not have suffered in vain.


husband still in quarantine for West Nile, two doctors say West Nile not quarantined

#7Author of original report

Tue, November 01, 2005

Still no further information on my husbnad except Donald Clark is fine. He is eating. Quarantine still on, check back tomorrow. In meantime, two different doctors phoned, long distance, saw media report by health officer and advised quarantine not necessary for West Nile - that something is wrong. This is now nearly two weeks. Today was told same lone except he is now back in his room - didn't know he was out of his room. That quarantine still one. I mentioned to nurse the doctors calls and their information.


inheritance and insurance connection revealed connected to my husband's lack of treatment

#8Author of original report

Sat, October 29, 2005

Within two hours of my informing the Region of the report,the Medical Health Officer was on the grounds of Parkridge advising that about five people had West Nile, although a note on the door said flu. Officially I have not been advised and had I not seen the broadcast, I would still not know. Given that I, my granddaughter, or any that had come in contact with us, including Judge Jerry Allbright, might be ill, we would not know until some 9 days afterward by the broadcast and not at all if we had not seen it. Heads UP America this is Canadian Health Protocol and the Avian Flu is coming?? The staff were terse and gave a one line sentence in response to "How is Donald Clark?" - Donald Clark is fine." That is it no other indication to what infected him or anything. Saturday Bev was a little more forthcoming saying "saying he was up eating, but not feeling like being up at lot just yet." The next day I received two letters, one fromEvert Van Olst, Legal Counsel for the REgion (the one who at the urging of Tracy Laycock had our neuropsychologist from Detroit banned on threat of legal prosecution and now you will see why) advising he had "been attempting to contact you with respect to an estate matter involving yourhusband who is currently at Parkridge Centre and is apparently incompetent to deal with complex legal or medical matters". First, he had never tried to contact me. I am either at Parkridge where he could have left a note with my husband for me, told anyone of the dozen staff running around, telephoned me, but nothing every showed on my phone, no one rang the buzzer at my home, and this letter came through promptly in mail. and I presume any other would have too. If my husband is now apprently incompetent to deal with complex legal or medical matters, he was not when he arrived at Parkridge and for several weeks after and I have professional testimony to that. After being illegally drugged against my express wishes with medications even prohibited by our public health department on their website, he may now be telling they have made him incompetent. My husband guded me through very complex legal matter right after the stroke and while in Royal University Hospital and through his early weeks at Parkridge, because only he knew them and I would have been at sea, if he had'nt been able to. He could not talk but he knew everything, and by pointing and nodding yes or no and making signs, he brought me right through the crisis without missing a step. If he is now incompetent, the treatment at Parkridge brought this about, because his doctor, Helmer, was optimistic that he would make a good recovery, and would just start speaking but the drugs preclude this. Apparently legal counsel handling the Estate of his Mother Marion C. Clark, Sawatzky and Balzer had contacted him as counsel for Saskatoon Regional Health Authority with respect to my husband's competency. Why they would do this and not my husband's doctor, neuropsychologist Dr. Barbara Fisher or Dr. Darcy Helmer, or my husband's legal counsel, Aaron Tetu, I have not idea. But now I know why they did not want Dr. Fisher to see my husband, becuase she would readily that he was competent. Yelland is the same doctor who in tandem with social services and the police in Saskatchewan proclaimed himself an expert witness and destroyed the lives of 12 people, four of them dying. I can have no greater alarm that knowing this same combination Yelland, and Social Worker Laycock, working together to destroy my husband for insurance and inheritance. He is not an expert here either, nor is the social worker, and it is for this reason that Helmer said these cases should beat Sherbrooke to help retore mind first. They destroy the mind and have no interest in restoring it because they might get well and go home and no money for the nursing home. The incompetent patient's money may be seized by the nuring and he knew about it for a great long time - my mother-in-law died in the early months of the year. My husband and his family had been estranged since he was fifteen and would not follow the Mennonite Baptist faith. His siblings, Marion, Helen Wayne and Gail had shunned essentially and not bothered with unless they needed something and then they could find us without delay - I believe it is possible they have given instructions that if he died the money should be returned to them. Knowing that he was in such dire circumstances, as the lawyer indicates they knew, and that we were having great difficulty getting medical help for him, they did not offer to help their brother to get him to Windor, Toronto, or anywhere - just watched Parkridge let him deteriorate. So I believe there is a great consipiracy here, that is being perpetrated on our aged across the land by the other entries on the internet. I telphoned the Windsor Police today asking them to take the report down and to hold as background should investigations reveal this is so and gave them the siblings names and the Law firm's names. They should watch this firm for similar involvement in other aged long term care patients, because it is not isolated. Mr. VanOlst further states that "we are unaware of any guardian being appointed, we seek your position with respect to the processing of the estate share to your husband. We are concurrently copying this correspondence to the Public Trustee" Well if they didn't know who to contact, how is is that they contacted me regularly to supply monetary support for my husband, which any grade school students knows cannot be done unless I had power of attorney over my husband's accounts. How else would I, and unemployed retired invalid, get funds to pay them. They knew, he knew, the College knew, the lawyers in Regina knew, when they stopped Dr. Fisher from coming and declaring my husband competent, just not yet able to speak but with the proper rehabilitation, would be on his way to recovery. Pertinent at this time, in light of the above, a Mennonite Financial Advisor and Insurance Agent, named Henry P. Block, of Block Financial, whom we knew for twenty five years about and my husband and I unwisely trusted, conned him into signing over his work insurance accumlations, when he retired. He also fraudulently conned us into paying 30% of the premiums, for a 25% that we thought we were getting, but wee not, he had the whole signed to himself in the amount of $200,000. When he and an appraiser defrauded us of some $40,000 - $50,000 on a real estate deal, I started checking and found the fraud here too and cancelled our payment of 30%. This meant Mr. Block was left to pay the $8,000 premium himself. There was apreviousincident of an accident shortly afterward that strongly related to Mr. Block but the police would not investigate and strangely neither did the insurance seem to want an investigation by police, which is their usual way. Now we have Schellenberg discharging my husband from hospital and refusing to treat, and do not know who sent him to Parkridge but I have suspicians, Yelland and Laycock - and the relationship is clear. None of these people are competent to say whether my husband is competent or not, unless they are systematically making him incompetent and their knowledge of the drugs and what they do, could co that. He escaped prison the last time,and was promoted to President of the College, which indicates their collusion in his activities, if he has done this to my husband to facilitate sharing in the $214,000 for him or any of the extended Mennonite family, we can look to hime being promoted to the Head of the Canadian Medical Society. My husband will not have suffered so cruelly and died in vain, because already across this land, advocates are gathering to categorize the millions of complaints about elder abuse and caregiving, to put them on this website and show what a serious problem this is in jurisdictions, and which jurisdictions they are. Insurance and inheritance money in Canada is tax free. It is a natural that the criminal mind will find a way to latch on to everything - it is the government's responsibility to close the door, as the United States did a century ago, and nothing can provoke the Government of Canada to protect our aged, and do the same thing. Again one wonders, is there collusion, are they getting a piece of the action. That is not to say all are involved, but those that are, are powerful as an administrator at Manulife told me. At first she could not release details to me of my husband's policy because now it was Mr. Block's, but when I sent the cheque to the Superintendant of Financial Institutions, whatever happened, her mouth was opened and she could talk. On receiving these letters I contacted the Public Guardian and Trustee's Office immediately yesterday, 28th. He advises me he will speak with my attorney Mr. Tetu and do follow up with Parkridge and I do hope that his happens. He was very considerate and interested. I must tell you the social services learn of your financial business by having their nurses, who should be looking after the patients, like cleaning cathecars so they don't become infected and drive health care costs up by need additional medicines, listen in on your conversations through the intercom - in case any of you wondered how they got the information - that is how. If the patient tells you anything negative they don't like, the patient is punished. If family take anything back in complaint, the patient is also punished, ie. head slammed against the wall in the shower. There is absolutely no where for people to go with their complaints that does not result in harm to the patient. wource: ex workers,ex patients, patients visitors, etc. etc. And to my Florida friend's rebuttal, I did not vote for this dictatorship, it was enforced. Our doctors had an insurance which paid 90% and we paid the rest. They were happy with it, we were happy with it, and many didnt charge the 10% to those disadvantaged, I know that - but it was harder for the politicians to get their families into it and hands on the money, and it had to change not for the paient but for the hierarchy to get their share and its a ripoff of proportions unlimied now. Thank you I agree with your comments on the American Hospitals and doctors. They are great and although we are modest income, none have ever turned us away and made way for us to pay.


Welcome to Canada!

#9Consumer Comment

Wed, October 26, 2005

I am sorry for what you are going through, but here are the facts. You are a Canadian, and sometime in the past, you all decided you wanted your Government to provide all of your healthcare for you. What you got was high taxes, and low performance. You say you promised to get the best medical treatment in all of North America. Fine, you have that just about perfect. What you meant to say was "I am going to smuggle you across the border into America and get you checked into a real Hospital with Doctors who can earn a living. I'll have to smuggle you in because Canada actually has laws prohibitting this from occurring. I'll make sure I do this because the US healthcare system is the best in the world and is the envy of all. I know that even the poorest public Hospital in America has more up to date equipment than all of Canada combined, and there are no waiting lists for any type of procedure, short of a transplant. I know this to be true because every world leader and anyone who can get here for treatment of any sort does, rather than put up with the convoluted healthcare systems of their own countries". That's what you meant to say. If it's not, then ye reap what ye sow. You asked for it, and you got it.

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