  • Report:  #180366

Complaint Review: Schooloftantra.com Dr Lessing - Notsure Hawaii

Reported By:
- altamonte, Florida,

Schooloftantra.com Dr Lessing
schooloftantra.com Notsure, Hawaii, U.S.A.
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I went to this person for an srt session, thinking he was a shaman and expert in spirit releasement therapy. His fees are 150/hr. the first session, I went to seemed ok, he did work the entire hour, and he ended the session telling me that I needed ?more work done.' I left the session feeling not too great, as the ?past life' reading he did, along with healing was left completely unfinished and it seemed dangerous to me, and I felt awful.

I went back for a 2nd session thinking he knew what he was doing and would cotninue with the SRT I was interested in, and what he claimed I needed 'more work in.' Huge mistake. First off, I didn't know that I was talking to people who are like phonesex operators, and into tantra and sex. It's pretty disgusting, and not something you really want to get involved in. during the 2nd session, he asked me what I wanted done. I said SRT, but he didn't really do srt except for 5-10 minutes. The rest of the session was him just chit chatting and asking me ?what I wanted to do with my life' which was a ridiculous waste of my time and money. 150 dollars for some supposed phd asking me what my future plans were- I paid for a healing session, not to chat with some guy about what I was going to do in the next week.

I knew I was being ripped off and just kind of 'kept on the phone' while he was doing basically nothing and taking my money. I felt uncomfortable, ripped off, and wanted to get off the phone right away, but my credit card was already charged the 150. to top it all off, not only was there really no healing involved in the session, I felt worse afterwards, he was trying to get off the phone 15 mins prior to when the hour was over claiming ?that's enough for today.? That's enough for today? I paid 150 for a full hour of healing work, in which not only did I not receive the healing work I paid for, but was being jipped of 15 minutes of time. I'm not sure how these people get away with charging 150 an hour and not even giving people the full hour they pay for. It it terrible business practice and a huge scam. I had to almost force the guy with questions to stay on the phone an extra 6 minutes. Not having a lot of money, this was a huge burden on my account and I was desperate for the SRT session, not chatting with some guy about what I planned on doing with my life. I tried getting a refund from my credit card but because it's a ?healing session' they claimed it can't be disputed. This is a huge ripoff, and stealing of people's money.

I'm just warning people to stay away from this so-called healer, for not only do they not do healing work on you, and just sit on the phone chatting about irrelevant nonsense, they try to get off the phone 15 minutes early and even rip you off of the time you are paying for. I also warn people to stay away from spiritual healers and so-called ?lightworkers' in general. Im sure there are good ones out there, but most of them do not know what they're doing, will only make you feel worse, will even violate you in many ways and do work o nyou if you ask them not to, can really affect you in a negative way, and most will just try to steal your money. They are not ?lightworkers' they seem to be working for the dark as they rip off clients, affect them in negative ways, are interested only in taking people's money not helping them, and refuse to refund money for their bad healing work.

I have been to many healers?never once has a healer ripped me off of my time and said ?that's enough for today.? Their healings may not have been that spectacular, but you always get the full hour you pay for. In this situation, these jerks literally rip people off not only during the session but with time limitations as well which is an incredibly terrible business practice. their main interest seems to be collecting that 150 prior to the session, and then just sitting on the phone with the clients doing really nothing and then even getting off the phone earlier than the hour. Stay away from them and most spiritual healers...they're just money stealers if anything...


miami, Florida

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