  • Report:  #164359

Complaint Review: Sean Battle - Rashaan Battle - Shreveport Louisiana

Reported By:
- La Place, Louisiana,

Sean Battle - Rashaan Battle
Shreveport, 71104 Louisiana, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
It pains me to write this, for I do not want give even the slightest credence to his name. He will believe that I am giving him the merit he deserves by even uttering it. The truth, however, is that his name is blasphemy, and there are some things that are left to be said.

Sean, how is it that you are still alive? How is it that you truely believe that vomit that spews from your mind? Do you not realize that you reap what you sow, and that now, and for many years, you have reaped pain and chaos with your placid indolence? How can it be that you not realize the gravity of events over the past few years, and take that as a token of your own value as a witless, spineless amoeba?

As a man, it is abhorrent to me that a husband would sit back and watch his wife as the breadwinner of the family. As a man, it is disgusting that one such as yourself would see your family crumbling around you and do nothing, placing the burden solely upon your wife's shoulders.

No offense to the mother of your children, but I would feel like a nutless coward sitting at home, waiting for my wife so that I could be fed. I would feel as if someone came and severed my testicles from my body knowing that there were more bills than there was income, and I lazily stirred inside the house.

For most men, when children come into the picture, you want to be a better person. You want to shelter and protect those little innocent lives, giving them every comfort and nicety that you can muster. You want to take care of the family you created because there is some inner well that springs up, compelling you to be the leader of your pack, and make sure that they prosper. That inner well is testosterone, and it is something that you are bereft of, and have been from the cradle, and will be so to the grave.

How is it that a real father can spout malignancies about their own children, faltering when a birthday or other special event comes around? I suppose it is possible for a pusillanimous imbecile such as yourself, who cares nothing for the well being of the family you created.

Deep down within your soul, you know what I am saying to be true. Men do not sit idly while bills go unpaid or while the female of the house begins to sprout balls several times larger than the useless, shriveled ones that you wear like a badge.

You know that you failed them long before you made the decision to leave. In fact, you actually left them a very long time ago. The only difference between then and now is that your waste of flesh is gone.

Oh, yes, I did fail to mention that you are and were working, now for quite some time. But how does it reflect when you proudly bring home a paycheck less than half of what it should be, due to some real or imagined illness, knowing that your wife works rain or shine, and when she gets home her job is still not done?

And what of the relationship with your wife? What if that should fail? It did, but that does not give you the excuse of taking your inadequacies out upon your children, the little lives you created that look to you for love, support, and devotion. Most men feel the compulsion to shield their kids from harm. You, however, seem to revel in it and leave for someone else to clean.

There is truth to the adage that you reap what you sow. Sean, you sow indolence and bitterness and will reap disdain and ire. And I don't mean from your former wife- I mean from your children, especially your daughter.

How do you think she will reflect upon these times, remembering when her father left their family and shacked up with another woman whom he professed to love? How do you think she will feel when she remembers when Mommy went to work, took her to appointments, cared for her when she was sick, and Daddy wasn't there.

How will you feel when the pattern repeats itself and she finds herself working her fingers to the bone to provide for her children, and all the while there is a man in her house sitting there, idle with false promises and false hope? Will your heart be placid, or will it awaken with anger and sorrow, remembering the example of a man you set before her?

You are one of the most pathetic examples of a man that I have ever had the displeasure of meeting. You truely make the rest of us look like selfish, lazy cowards, hiding like a whipped dog under a woman's skirts.

You openly mock and insult the sanctity of fatherhood, and for this one day, sooner than you think, you will find true misery. One day when your child is grown and wants nothing to do with Daddy because he made his own plans- that will be the day that you dispair. And then I will revel in it.

"I want to find someone like myself

To shoot me in the neck"

(or some such rambling)

Let me be that person.


shreveport, Louisiana

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Dead Beat Dads and Moms

6 Updates & Rebuttals


i hate to see all this happening...

#2Consumer Suggestion

Sat, November 19, 2005

Sean and Kim...I really hate to see all of this out there, just because some nosy guy decided to put his two pesos (not even two cents) in. I am really fond of both of you, so it kind of pains me to see all of this out there. I know that there are some "issues" but don't let someone like "j" stand in the way of what's most important- a good working relationship between parents. Its that simple. Evidently this guy has been seething over something for a while and just wants to give you a big, heaping pile of crapp stew. Just walk away from it. Don't eat it or ask for a different menu item. Just walk away. For those of us that love you both and grew fond of both of your company (like me) stuff like this hurts. Lets all just forget this d**n thing because it isn't helping anyone. It can only be destructive, and by all of this hatred J is getting what he wants. *oh, PS , Sean- I know you had thought this was my friend that Kim recently met, but there's not a confrontational bone in his body. He doesn't even know about some of the stuff in this, so please don't think it's him. You have my word that it's not him.



#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, November 19, 2005

Well, obviously I am a bit late on this, however I assume possibly right on time?.. I came to this site and looked up Sean battle to try and find out what all the d**n commotion is about. Sean called me to find out if I could tell "J" to remove this listing.. but I dont know J... I definately dont know why the Hell you people are being so d**n childish about this whole FREAKING thing. I will go ahead and set this record straight.. once and for all.... Sean.. I thought we were suppose to be friends for the sake of the kids,,, suppose to leave each other alone about s**t..and move on.. why the Hell did I see some hurtful comments on this page.. which obviously arent true. After this .. I dont want to see s**t.. cause this is ignorant. I may not know how to use all the beautiful sentence structures, and lovely descriptive words, but I do know bullshit when I see it. Sean, you say your not a dead beat dad? I understand you feel you are doing a great job.. and truth be told, you are better than some of the dads I read about on the news. I think that you have been scolded by your dad one too many times, and you feel that tough love is the way to go.. so what... thats just the way you grew up.. As long as you do everything you can for them.. from this day forward.. I would in turn have to start calling you a good dad.. however.. after this afternoon.. I would say you suck really bad.. I know people over sleep sometimes.. but Kylie was at school waiting on her daddy to pick her up.... and watching the cars come and go .. picking up all her friends.. and no one for her... .. at least when it comes to the kids.. and you cant deny this.. I am always over protective and way ahead of time to get them. OF course EVERYONE makes mistakes.. and thats fine. dont let that s**t happen again.. I had a feeling that that was going to happen. the s**t that I didnt tell J???? well seeing as I dont know J.. and frankly I dont understand why he is posting all this s**t?. What s**t?. You wanna tell him that when we met.. we both worked.... you delivered pizzas, I worked at a hotel, then a convenience store.. then when I was about 3 months pregnant, I quit.. I sat at home.. eating, getting fat, and running through a range of emotions, being 18 years old.. pregnant and with a man that was obviously never going to get a real job.. because he was content with delivering pizzas, and waiting on his music career to take off. I yelled at you when you would have practice that lasted from 8 in the morning till about 10 at night.. and mean while.. it wasnt like the people were off in another side of the house.. people walking all around, smoking pot, drinking, etc.. and me just by myself. pregnant, depressed. and oh.. it was every sunday.. but on weekdays.. someone i.e Matt would drop by .. just on a whim to sit and ruin my night... I cant help it I hated your stupid friends. You are right.. I didnt want you to go to bars and play.. since I was underage and couldnt go.. I felt like that wasnt fair.. having to sit at home being pregnant with your child.. and just waiting on you to return.. being insecure and lonely. I was very insecure.. which is why that happened.. I have grown up now.. and realize that this is not how you should behave, but theres nothing I can do to change that... Everyone told me to leave you.. before you got sick.. you still didnt want to lift a finger to help me out... I had to borrow money from my mom.. had to ask favors of my dad.. to help fix things around the house, etc. I am not trying to attack you.. but you seem like you have some s**t to talk about me.. well bring it.... I will tell all my faults.. and own them.. because they were part of me... .. I have yelled at you, I have flirted with other people.. hell its in my nature.. and so have you.. you flirted with many people.. maybe not online.. which .. oh wait.. yeah .. ( online there was ms kitty, and cm pretty eyes, .. not to mention the other ones I probably have no idea about.. ).. hell we met each other off the internet.. and about two weeks later we were living together.. I remember you fixed me spaghetti and wine the first night.. was soooooo sweet.. then you asked me to marry you.. after a few weeks of knowing me.. telling me I was the girl you dreamed of.. that there was some cosmic link between us.. that I was all you ever wanted... bull s**t.. you tell michelle the same thing im sure.. LOL.. so dont try and say that in two months .. which it hasnt even been two months yet..that she has made you happier.. becuase I was once just like michelle.. and any relationship is perfect in the beginning.. Hell otherwise we wouldnt even have relationships. Its not until michelle is faced with the trials and tribulations that I was faced with, that you can say she is perfect. K. She hasnt had to be pregnant, gain weight, deal with Matt..., go through many sleepless nights with children, driving her insane... a husband that wouldnt even cut the grass when I was 8 months pregnant... but lets go ahead and address the sickness now... you only got sick when your mom left and moved back to california... you just all the sudden ( which after we had a huge argument and you were drinking).. came up with the heart fibulation.. well this part is true..you stressed yourself out soooo much.. that you started to panic.. and when we called 911.. the first ones came out.. said nothing was wrong.. I went back to bed.. little while later you were still freaking out.. called 911 again.. they came.. took you.. and had to stop your heart from beating too fast.. thats all.. the doctor only put you on medicine because thats what doctors do.. LOL.. mo'money.. but anyways he said just to make sure there was no problem.. he would start you on a medicine to regulate your heart beat..... then every time we turned around.. you were back at the doctor.. with some new story about what was hurting.. and they gave you more medicine...... I dont know if there is something wrong with ya.. I sure hope so.. because if not.. you look like a freak... You also.. strangly enough told me that Michelle didnt make you sick.. and that once you moved out.. you werent sick anymore.. did you lie to me again.. becuase the other night when I had to come to your house to pick up the kids you said that you were feeling bad.. I thought superwoman could have fixed that for ya.??? hmmm well anyways... ok.. lets sum up some things............. I met you, loved you, gave anything I could to make sure you were happy (( yes I wasnt perfect.. I was young.. but I did the best I knew how), I had your baby, we had some good times, I fought with you.. when you came in late... and fussed at you about you possibly cheating on me,.. I had another baby... fussed at you more.. because I felt like you could have worked more to provide us with all th at we needed.. so I didnt have to borrow from family.. ... I talked to some random people on line.. and yes.. sometimes got a little personal... and then after I had been working for about 3 years .. and you didnt do anything.. not even clean the house well.. ((( which oh yes you will say.. I didnt clean when I was at home pregnant, or watching the kids... your right... but then again you werent making near as much money as I was .. with your pizzas.. and We didnt have near as many bills as we did when I worked.).. anyways i went online and talked to ray.. ray ( just to give everyone a background).. was from ohio... and I talked to him as a friend for a while... told him about how shitty life was with sean.. how I wanted a real man.. to work.. and take care of us.. Ray had a girlfriend.. and he understood things.... we just talked.. .one day things got a little hot.. ya know.. I talked about f**king him.. and how nice it would be to have sex right then... whatever... cybersex basically. It was fun ..and lasted for a little while.... and it took my mind off the fact that I hated sex with my hubby... I didnt feel any emotional attachment with my Sean and it was not nice having sex with him... I dont know why.. possibly becuase I was made at you all the time. anyways.. so me and ray talked for a while.. You found out.. and we decided to seperate... you cried.. told me that we can get past it.. blah blah.. and so we both decided to start over.. and that if either one of us wanted to end the relationship we would come to the other person and tell them.... so .. Sean , you became more and more insane with the illness.. it took over your life.. you couldnt move without something hurting, and when I tried to get you to doctor .. you refused ( which was odd).. I coudlnt take it.. no matter if somehting was wrong or not.. there is only so much a person can take from another human being.. ya know... anyways You started taking an antidepressant.. which made you feel kinda suicidal..we got ya in brentwood hospital.. and while you were gone.. I realized that I was happy without you.. I was peaceful, no worries.. when you got out.. I told ya I wanted a divorce.. you couldnt take it.. we fought bad.. whatever... enter the xbox... We played xbox online.. and I would talk to guys.. some more than others.. but its a f**king game.. not reality.. I didnt have cybersex with them.. just played halo.. same way you did... Anyways I got soooo tired of you staying up all night trying to listen to me talking.. and then not being able to go to work.. that I realized it wasnt worth trying to save... The fact alone that you couldnt go to work everyday.. when you only work 3 days a week.. should have said something to me. ... anyways I think this has turned into an attack.. which I was trying to avoid.. .. d**n..... anyways I suck.. Im a s**t.. whatever..who f**king cares.... just make sure .. not to forget to pick up the kids on the weeks that they are with you.. and I will be fine... stop fighting with "J" here .. because its not worth anything.. youve never been a fighter... so I dont know whats up with that... I did the best I could in that marriage.. it wasnt worth a d**n.. I took care of you .. better than a guy could have taken care of me. You just didnt like the fact that I like to be social.., and sometimes I have to let the freak in me out.. I like sex, I like to talk about it.. hence the phone sex job.. if you would have just been secure enough to let me do that from home, I could have gotten that out of my system.. LOL.. oh d**n... this isnt even making any sense.. but Lets just all stop this s**t. K .. period. We dont need to be spilling ALL our s**t out here in the open. This is what 15 year olds do, come on people... I am probably the youngest one in this d**n argument and I have more maturity than all of you.... this is insane... Sean.. if you know your not a dead beat dad.. it wont bother you .. what people say.. its just words.. you keep up whatever you are doing.. if it cuts to the bone and you are not as good of a dad as you could be.. change... If you have problems with something I have done.. come to me.. well talk.. I am done arguing.. and blaming.. I am done with trying to warn michelle of some faults.. as you should be about my new beau's.. well when I get them.. just mind your own business.. everyone.. come on.. lets all get along.... people that arent worth a d**n.. arent worth anymore of my precious time. PS- how can michelle do a rebuttal.. she doesnt even know you.. or me.. or anyone.. she is from texas.. and she has known you since 9/30/05 ( or at least thats what you said).. there is no way you can possibly know someone enough in that short amount of time.. I mean for all she actually "knows" to be fact.. you could be a f**king serial killer, and of course anyone would look good when you only come over on the weekends.. and the kids are there 8 days out of the month.. most parents would look good.. and the kids would probably appear happy also.. (( not to down talk sean.. just stating facts of human nature))) Kim- soon to be ex wife.. seperated 9/16/05., but mentally detached since 2004, and who is nice enough to have paid for the subscription to yahoo personals.. which helped my not yet divorced hubby .. find his new wife. LOL LOL ROTFLMAO


NO PARENT SHOULD ANSWER TO THEIR CHILDREN...my parents did not answer to me...

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, November 17, 2005

oh yes... and by the way...As far as your half a*s, B.S. remarks about me working...hey a*****e...did you know that I have an atrial fibrillation?? Yeah...it's not imaginary...it's been documented and diagnosed...and those days that I wouldn't or didn't work??? I wasn't working because my heart was failing to catch a steady and solid rythm...have you ever had that??? Where your HEART would not catch a solid rythm?? Do you know what that feels like, a*****e??? Feels like you're dying...because more or less, YOU ARE...see, I don't know if you know about anatomy, but the HEART is a fist sized organ inside your chest (yeah, that bump-bump, bump-bump you feel)...and see the purpose of the HEART is to pump blood all through your body and keep you alive...if your HEART does not do this...YOU DIE. NOT IMAGINARY...YOU DIE...now tell me, mister friggin smart guy...what kind of father am I gonna be if I'm DEAD? What kind of shining example am I going to be if I am no longer here?? You know what?? Money comes and goes...jobs??? There's plenty of them out there...HOUSES?? piss on a house...there are places to go...family members that would take me and my children in...no problem...but there's only ONE ME...only ONE SEAN BATTLE...only ONE FATHER TO THOSE PRECIOUS CHILDREN THAT HAVE BEEN FORGED FROM MY LOINS...NOT YOURS...MINE. I would love to work a full 40 hour week...I would love to provide an infinite cash flow for my children...and until my ex-wife's indiscretions?? I would have LOVED to provide them a stable 2 parent household...but see, the choice for leaving? In a sense was mine...but mostly it was hers...she messed up...she broke the bond..she dashed our vows on a selfish stone...when I fell ill?? and needed someone to love me and help me?? She abandoned me...left me for dead...literally...now how is it my fault that I chose to stop her reign (and rain) of abuse and stress?? Should I have tolerated her infidelity?? Would it make me more of a man if I were to stick it out through a loveless marriage for the children??? What example is that for my son?? "Son...if you make a mess, not only should you clean it up, but you should bare the mark of shame and be sad about it for the rest of your life..." OR FOR MY DAUGHTER..."Daughter, if someone cheats on you...treats you bad...does not love you...if you have children with that man??? You need to stay with him no matter how bad he mentally abuses you...no matter how little respect he has for you...no matter how often he cheats on you...you have children and their happiness supercedes your own..." Piss off, J. You are a spineless, weak, and cowardly fool. NO PARENT SHOULD ANSWER TO THEIR CHILDREN...my parents did not answer to me...I ANSWERED TO THEM...I did not get everything I wanted from them...I hold no grudges for that...it made me a better person...a child who gets everything they want from their parents is given a dishonorable name..."SPOILED". But a shitty father like you wouldn't know that...you only know what type of man you wish you were...you have no idea what type of man you SHOULD be...and if you see some reflection of yourself in my eyes??? You're even MORE STUPID than I previously suspected...there is NOTHING of you in me...there is NOTHING of ME in you...except now...now you have my foot in your a*s...and if I were all the things you claimed I am (which I am not)??? How does it feel, you pathetic excuse of a human being, to be getting your teeth kicked in by a testosterone-less, shriveled man-hooded, puscilanimous amoeba?? What does that say about you, then?? If I am all these things and you don't even deserve to lick the sweat from my furry sack??? What are you then?? A shell of a man??? Hey, atleast you have your big words...your big vocabulary that you throw around obviously trying to compensate for SOMETHING...here's some advice...5 pieces...they're free, don't worry: 1) Get a life...you have so little to do with your own that you have time to make a bogus report about someone you've never met?? Or atleast obviously do not know? You need to be out enjoying the short bit of life you have left...tick, tock...tick, tock...someone else is winding your clock....J 2) If you are going to step up for a cause?? Make sure you know what that cause is and that it's worth it...make sure you know all the facts and that you are not just jumping out there with your p***s in your hand and no shield to keep the coming assault from knocking your little, tiny winky right from your body...kudos to you for the valiant effort, Sir Knight...but you see...you've lost...you've lost this round...you've lost this battle...you've lost this war...and if your don't watch it, perhaps you'll lose much more. My name is Sean BATTLE...not Sean Ran-Away-Like-A-Frightened-Little-b***h....not Sean Got-His-a*s-Kicked....SEAN BATTLE... 3) NEVER...and I mean NEVER slam somebody who knows more than you...EVER...cause you'll just get your teeth kicked in again...and I don't mind doing it...NEVER fight a guy with a last name like Battle...oh yes, and NEVER use copyrighted material when trying to bash someone...makes your arguments weak and flimsy...makes it look like you have no original concepts...and actually...sense you read enough of that poem to find the last line...not only find the last line, but to commit it to memory...it must have been pretty good...much like your attack on me...it was bullshit, but might I say, it was eloquent bullshit...you almost sounded intelligent...you almost sounded like you knew what the hell you were talking about...but then I remembered that you're full of horse dung and cow fodder and then I laughed as I prepared myself for this retalliation...you really are an idiot, you know that!!??? But, "thank you"...I haven't laughed this hard in a LONG time. You're asking yourself a stupid question right now.... 4) Go deal with your kids before talking to me about mine...it just looks bad when you come back down on yourself after bashing someone else...ya know?? Like, "I'm not really mad at you...I'm mad at myself..." what the flip is that? After chattering on and on and on about me and how bad I am...after building a whole "ripoffreport" (which has GOT to be the DUMBEST thing I think I have EVER seen someone do to get "revenge"...you must really be a nerd...and if you're the teacher?? The English teacher?? You know what they say about those who can't?? As in those who can't make it doing what they want??? They can't hack it in the real world doing what they'd love to....SO THEY TEACH...cause they can't really DO ANYTHING...they can't make it....and from what I read in your rebuttal to my girlfriend's rebuttal...you can't even kill yourself...what a waste of flesh...what a disgraceful human you've become....what a vile and wretched thing you've grown into...a hypocrit...a liar...an ungrateful snivling liottle s**t. Do you know what the Bible says about liars??...where they will spend their time??)...but after creating a ripoffreport and claiming how bad I suck, you basically admit that you have no proof that I am anything that you claimed I am and that YOU, in fact, are the dead beat dad...but then I guess reporting yourself WOULD seem a bit STUPID, huh?? Tell you what...you're so eloquent with your deconstruction of people...create one on yourself and I'll have mercy on your soul...lay all of it out there...every sordid detail about your pathetic existence...and perhaps I won't burn your immortality...your only other choice is fire, son. 5) Well...number 5 is sort of a repeat of all the previous pieces of advice...it goes something like this....DON'T f**k WITH ME!!! EVER....IF YOU HAVE BEEF WITH ME??? YOU HAVE MY NUMBER...YOU BE A MAN AND YOU CALL ME...YOU LAY IT OUT THERE...AND IF I SMACK YOUR FACE, YOU GET YOUR FACE SMACKED...IF I AGREE, I'LL THANK YOU FOR HELPING ME FIND A BETTER WAY TO BE...but the day that I need advice from a coward like you is the day I'll take my own life...GLADLY...you have a limited time to take this page down before I begin legal proceedings...I already have a lawyer...get it done. p.s. the x-es in my last rebuttal? (i.e. xxxxxxbelsouth.net) were actually numbers and my email address...call me and I'll gladly give you my home address and we can discuss this face to face, coward. As I said...I'll fill you in on all the details she didn't...we'll see how much sympathy you have for...her...then...you're pathetic....bad news for you...I just read that these reports will not come down even at your request...I'd call me as soon as you have free time if I were you, idiot.


Hey, J...you DON'T know me....

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, November 17, 2005

J... answer me this... if you know me... and you've seen me with my kids...how is that you can dare to say that I am anything less than stellar with them??? How is it thst you are too blind to see the clear and obviously love between them and I?? That both my children love me and that I love them with an adoration usually poured upon idols and gods?? How is it that you know all of my ex-wife's sacrifices and fail to see all of mine??? That I was the only one trying to hold that mockery of a relationship together? You are a blind fool...and your words leave a bad taste in the mouths of the maggots that will devour your pitiful excuse of a brain from which those far from potent ideas came from...yes I called you im-potent. 1) I WAS THE ONE KEEPING THAT RELATIONSHIP TOGETHER WHILE SHE WAS CONSTANTLY DESTROYING IT...yes, I found someone new AFTER we had seperated and she had proven to me that she had no respect for me or our marriage. Did you know that one of her "sacrifices" was my heart when she got online and started flirting with guys and talking dirty to them and then had the nerve to get mad when I wanted to check up on her to mnake sure she wasn't doing it again??? Did you know that when confronted about it, rather than (as you put it) having the BALLS to admit to it and say, "Yes, I'm tired of you and I want something else out of life..." she lied and had the nerve to make me believe that I was in the wrong for thinking she would do something like that?? And even after finding MORE proof about her online infidelities, she lied AGAIN??? YEAH, F YOU...YOU DON'T KNOW s**t. 2) How can you even attempt to downgrade my standing as a man?? Atleast if I was going to blast you on the internet as the a*****e you are?? I'd SIGN MY NAME and say, "Yeah J, you're an a*****e...I don't like you or anything you stand for...you're a piece of s**t that doesn't deserve the air you've been allowed to breath for far too long...my name is SEAN BATTLE...my number is XXXXXXXXX...my e-mail address is XXXXXXXXXbellsouth.net...call me if you have s**t to say about this....p.s. F OFF AND DIE..." For all your rhetoric and quoting and rambling on with your "larger-than-thou" vocabulary, you basically said this, "I, J (which my new girlfriend assures me stands for Jerk-Off or Jack-a*s)am an arrogant, ignorant fecal remnancy...I have no spine nor backbone...I am a coward who will take sides of the quote-unquote damsel in distress no matter if she placed herself in the distress or not...wether I make an a*s of myself or not...wether I place myself in harm's way or not..." because, J?? You did not get my express written consent to quote my copyrighted material (my poem you quoted??? yeah...dipshit)in your slanderous remarks...which brings me to legal matter number 2...you also slandered me...ever hear of defamation of character??? But you also printed it...which means it's liable...and you might think you're annonymous on here?? But have you ever heard of an IP ADDRESS??? Yeah...it's this little number that your ISP (or internet service provider) gives you everytime you log in...now it changes every day or two, but your ISP keeps these numbers on file...who had what number on what day and what time...AND WHAT THEY DID/WHERE THEY WENT..that type of happy horse s**t...plus everything you do on a computer gets an electronic time/date/author stamp...guess what cheese d**k...if I wanted?? You'd be F---ED...HARD...and for a LONG TIME....see, I work for a major ISP...I know how to get ALLL that s**t...I destroyed ex-wife's site on a whim...I can find you right now if I wanted....try me and see...but here's the main place you f up...you can't be a dead beat dad if you've only been seperated for 2 months...not enough time has passed for that type of statement to be so brazenly proclaimed....and more importantly, YOU CAN'T BE A DEADBEAT DAD IF YOU TAKE CARE OF YOUR CHILDREN, a*s. They're hear now, by the way...sleeping soundly and safely....now if you want a bit of truth about your new friend??? MY EX-WIFE??...nut up...grow some balls...and give me a call (xxxxx), d-khead...I'll fill you in on all the details she didn't...I'd type it here? but, it's not my place to put other people's business on the internet, you Jerk Off. I'm done f ing with your b a*s... P.S. My new girlfriend has made me happier in 2 months than my ex-wife did in 7 years...once again...eat s and die, buddy....you take care as well...hope nothing BAD happens to you...not really, but it sounds nice. Sean Battle P.P.S. Sorry it took so long to respond...I just got my internet back...oh yeah, F YOU!! Have a nice f-in day, Smurf d**k!!!


Let's get this party started

#6Author of original report

Mon, November 14, 2005

Ok, ok. I will admit, the larger portion of the report is probably due to an immense and sudden anger, if nothing else but at myself. Yes, I do have children. Three of them. Yes, I have gone down a darker path, squandering the precious time I had with them. Sadly, I lost one two years ago in a sudden accident. This is where my concern lies- somewhere, deeply hidden, I see a reflection of myself in Sean's eyes. I see the bitterness and the complacency. I see the same relentless confusion, wanting to do what was best but somehow missing the mark. And I wrote this report with vitriol and ire because I hate that part of me. I hate the part of me that carelessly disregarded the innocent lives that I created, and now, one of them is gone. I can't get that time back, Sean. I can't go back and fix what I had broken. Have I seen Sean with his two children? Yes, many, many times. I have known him and his wife for a couple of years. Truthfully, I was not fond of his wife while they were together, but as I began to understand the sacrifices she and my former wife made I began to respect her. You don't have to like someone to respect them. Addressing finances- he may be "on his own", as you say, and doesn't have to answer to anyone, but this is somewhat a false statement. He does have to answer to someone...he needs to answer to his children. Every hour not spent working, not making money, takes away from his kids. I know that from personal experience, too, because I see things that my sons wanted that I couldn't provide. Now, one of them is gone, and I wish like hell I could go back in time and work 80 hours a week to get him every little thing he always wished for. Why am I still alive? That's a great question. I don't know. I failed my family a long time ago and have tried to end it all several times. I guess perhaps the reason I am still alive is because I still have two children who love me, who I can do my best to protect and provide for. Look, here's the thing: It's easy for someone who has been through some of the same things to see the same dark path emerging. I am a lot older than you are, no doubt, but I have a lot of growing up to do inside my head. For the longest, I felt as if having kids were some sort of chore, and when I was asked for the slightest thing (regarding my kids) I would become agitated and sometimes angry. I see now that those feelings came up from fear, for at the time it was far easier to push it all upon their mother than to take responsibility for my actions. I see now that I have very nearly ruined my relationship with my remaining children, and it kills me inside. Don't let your pride overshadow your responsibilities, as I did. I regret it every single day, wishing I could somehow bestow those little things upon the ones I left behind. Take care,


It is easy to believe one side of a story.

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, November 14, 2005

When you hear one side of a story, it is quite often easy to believe. It is a little like gossip. I have seen the above mentioned with HIS children, and he is a great dad. HIS children love him very much. Not only does he love them, but he is there for them. Now, I ask you J, have you ever seen Sean Battle with HIS children. If not, who are you to say. What proof do you have to slam him as a father. Are you yourself a father? If so, why are you taking time away from you children slamming someone else. That is time you could be spending with you children. If you are not a father, who are you to claim that Sean is a so called, "Dead Beat Dad"? Now, you want to comment on his job and how much money he makes, he is out on his own and does not have to answer to anyone. Now, how is it any of your business where he works or how much money he makes. I don't think it is any of your business. Oh yes, and why are you still alive? You ask him the same, so tell me why you are still alive. Of course you mean no offense to the mother of his children, you do know her so well. So, like I said when you hear one side of a story, it is easy to point the finger. Thank you for your time,

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