  • Report:  #530459

Complaint Review: Sharmil Mckee Mckee Law Office - Philadelphia Pennsylvania

Reported By:
Jennyfer - Woodbridge, Virginia, United States of America

Sharmil Mckee Mckee Law Office
245 W. Allens Lane Philadelphia, 19119 Pennsylvania, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
Attorney at law, Sharmil Mckee, Hired as one of her virtual assistant-right along with another two persons.- I offered online services as her legal assistant, at the rate of 10USD/hr.

She attempted to pay us via PayPal and her payment bounced, then she sent a check to one of the other two teammates for the total amount owed to all three of us.... that too bounced leaving my teammate with a minus -600+ USD on his account, plus NSF, and a debt to Bank of America in the amount of 900 USD. Not to mention the fact that he hasn't been able to cash a dime from his paycheck working for this "attorney."

On my part, I've tried to pay my teammate for the amount equal to my paycheck sent to his bank. However, I am at the point where I can no longer make any payments... so I deeply believe she is responsible to repay him for all the mess she got him into.

Not counting the part I was paid through my teammate's account, she still owes me 571USD that I keep on requesting via PayPal since every single check she writes bounces! but this "attorney" not only doesn't pay us, she is not picking up any of our calls (unless we blocked our numbers) and when she does answers she bluntly tells us that whenever she gets money she will try to pay us a little bit of money.

With regards to the hotcheck she sent my teammate, she offered to pay him 30 bucks once a month, yet she hasn't made one payment in three months!!! Mind you, this is a business attorney that specializes in debt collection and is constantly blogging and advising business owners to pay their debts.

8 Updates & Rebuttals


New Jersey,
United States
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#2Consumer Comment

Wed, August 01, 2018

  She duped me awhile ago. She's a mega-scammer who does not deny allegations in http://www.pacourts.us/assets/opinions/DisciplinaryBoard/out/29DB2016-McKee.pdf and expresses "remorse" for all the pain she caused. They pulled her attorney license to protect the public. She wound up here career by stealing $296,244.30 , started living "at 'her sister's house'" and filed bankruptcy.


Thank you Thank you Thank you

#3Author of original report

Sat, December 05, 2009

This is not a rebuttal to you, rather a thanks, your comment makes me fee so much better.

I was wondering if you can give us some advice:

Can we file a small claim in the states where we live?, I live in VA and The other Victims in CA, or does it have to be where she resides?

Been that there are two issues involved in this case, can we file separately or do we it as a group? In my case I was paid out over half half what was owed to me through the bounced check my teammate received and so the $571 dollars am still asking her to pay are for another 1 1/2 weeks worth of work I did for her.

Is there anyone out there that could play Santa and help us in our case? I we thinking that we have to fly to Philly and neither one of us have the money for the tickets or even for legal services. However any links to any resources or assistance of any kind would be greatly appreciated

Report Attachments


New York,
Attorney??? WOW!

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, December 05, 2009

"I hired her virtual assistant service because I only wanted to pay for the time that she spent on the phones with the client.  I estimated that a virtual assistant would spend approximately 2 hours a day solving client problems.  But as a virtual assistant, in between calls, I thought she could work on her other client projects. This way, the virtual assistant could still earn money while waiting for my firm's phones to ring. When I hired her company, I explained the pay.  She accepted.

So, being a lawyer you know the value of WRITTEN CONTRACTS.  WHAT does your written contract state regarding services provided and FEES to be invoiced to you?

"I paid her for 480 hours.  So, instead of demanding a refund, I simply stopped my firm's last check to her company.  "

As an attorney you know (or should know) that stopping payment on a check is NOT AN APPROPRIATE method to dispute billing.  Here in NY, you would instantly lose a small claims action against you for this.  You should have WRITTEN her to dispute the billing and request an explanation of services provided.

Are you sure you're an attorney?

" I am not asking her company to refund the overpayments, but I am not paying her last invoice. "

INAPPROPRIATE!  ANY 1st year law student is taught this is NOT the way to dispute billing.  Further, you had previously PAID 2 invoices without question.  She has a VERY GOOD case against you should she pursue the matter in court-YOU KNOW THIS. 

"That is the nature of this dispute.  She choose this forum, as opposed to a court of law, to air this dispute, because my firm's online reputation is our most valuable asset.  It's a shame. "

This is laughable!!!  You've hurt any "online reputation" you might have with this posting.

"However, one weekend, I finally has enough time to closely reviewed her invoices and discovered that she was billing me for 60 hours a week."

I can only hope you are more careful drafting case documents.  Perhaps a refresher English class is in order!  LOL!


Been In Self Denial wont make the Debt go away

#5Author of original report

Sat, December 05, 2009

.... Debt, Debt, go away... come another day

At the time you hired us....Are you sure that you hired Bilingual VA Solutions  or did you hired TEAM MVM Enterprises? You surely didn't interviewed or contacted me directly.... so make sure you get your "side of the story" right!

The minute I feel there is something wrong with a bill receive, I call the billing company and demand them to explain the charges. The first time we suspended our services to you, we've asked you if you wanted us to work less hours and your insisted for us to cover the 12 -hour shift (8 a.m. to 8 p.m. EST).... Have you forgotten?

You claim not to have looked closely at the bill, but we provided you with summaries via Skype every time you would be available. We weren't only hired to handled calls, and we didn't do you other assignments for our health either!!!

If you thought our services were so expensive, why on earth did you raised our salary? ... you didn't hired us at the rate of 10 USD/hr .... our initial rate was of 8!

You claim the company you hired, which by the way  was not My Company, it was Team MVM Enterprises, was supposed to work on a "Pay-Per-Call" basis.... However, you had a list of at least 5 items per day on each of our to-do list. I was to research the court website for you, been that I was the person to cover most of the shift YOU Required. I was also to transfer any calls to you in case of an emergency and when you were in your home office. Let's not talk about the endless hours of training - which you clearly told us was paid- and scheduled at 9:00 EST... Do you seriously Think that any Virtual Assistant will be working and not charging  you???

Yes, the calls were initially at 2-4 calls per day. However, they started fluctuating - once YOUR clients Knew we were there to assist them... Also, anyone with common sense would know that an internet search cannot be done within two minutes (same length a short conversation would take).... That is if you want a credible sources.

Free adds do not post themselves !!!! You requested me to search for every single free advertisement site and publish your site services.... Do you seriously think I could do that in two hours?

Please explain how does a chat operator monitors a chat services by not been on her or his PC, according to your rebuttal to my post you only pay for the calls... So what about the chats??

... You know, I'm beginning to feel even more sorry for your clients ( even more then when I used to work for you!) What you are saying is that your future virtual assistant ( AKA Victim) is supposed to work on other assignments and not give your client his or her undivided attention, if this virtual assistant answers the phone or chat well and if not .. OH WELL!

The fact is this: your assingment paid by the hours of work - WHICH WE DID. The hours of operation were from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. as Far as I know, you asked my team leader, Maria Victoria Martinez, owner of MVM Enterprises, to work all those hours by herself during by herself during the interview. It was then when she introduced you to hear team (Carlos and I.) She would otherwise been more than capable to manage 2-4 hours worth of calls per day... Why did you even hired three assistant if what you expected was 2-4 hours of phone calls?

About the payment, ooh so infamous payment, you didn't pay us, Sadly Carlos bank account did. You are stating that you "stopped the payment.' I beg to differ! there are various there are various e-mails that came from your PayPal and YOUR own emails -written by you.- In these, you claim one of your clients gave you a check that bounced due to NSF and you didn't' know - I should not that so conveniently you found out about this, the same day  we first contacted you to inform you of the issue with the bank leaving our teammate out of his life savings!!

Shame indeed that I have to use this forum to get your attention. I called you, e-mail you, oh and Skyped you while you had all of your Skype IDs on invisible mode. I would think that if you had an issue with the billing charges you would first contact us and required us to explain the charges. You don't just hide! I had to block my phone number three times just so you would answer and tell us, " I don't have any money... I don't know... I pay you when I get some money"

That didn't sound to me like you had issue with our charges... more like you had issues managing you money. Besides that, let's do the math 2 hours a day *$10/hours *5 days come out to $100 a week and your bill was on average of $500/ a week... didn't you feel like something was wrong since according to you, we were only supposed to charge for answering phone? And you let it got for TWO WHOLE MONTHS OHHH GOSH!!

Thank you for your little joke! it cost late fees with my utility bills, and eventually disconnection. Also to have my 5 kids living in a house with no gas, or water for two months. We had to go to my in-laws 5 miles away from my house to bathe and use the bathrooms. but I hope this post wasn't too long to make your apple martini to warm that you can't longer drink it.... I in the meantime I am here thinking how to repay all my loans to keep our utilities going. It amazes me that you claim not to check your billing charges, and yet you are going around bloggin about debt collection... I mean WOW!!!!


Colonia Lucio Blanco, Rosarito,
The Truth, and Only but The Truth, Is what is stated below

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, December 05, 2009

I would like to state that all three of us involved in this dilemma are very hurt by Sharmils action, emotionally and monetarily.

It is not by choice that we chose this forum to vent our situation; it is out of desperation.

We truly believed in Sharmils good intentions to pay us back when she informed us that she was sorry for the check bouncing because a client paid her with a check that bounced and that caused her payment to us to bounce.

Unfortunately, we do not have the monetary resources to go against a lawyer; we are Freelance workers that have been unfairly taken advantage of by someone that has the power to do so.

We are publicly requesting if there is anyone out there that can help, please, please, help us.

We just do not have the resources to pursue it, specially being that Sharmil is an attorney herself, representing clients that like have been taken unfair advantage.

It is not by choice that it has it come to this point; we have no other recourse but to use the resources we have available free.

Below I state our facts in regards to this situation all of this information is factual all of this information is the truth and nothing but the truth:

~~I applied for the job Sharmil posted on oDesk, which is a freelance website

~~The post clearly states it is hourly, and would be paid per hour, not per minute or per calls answered

~~During the interview process, after Sharmil had hired me, she explained that  she would be hiring other Virtual Assistants, depending on how many hours each applicant could work in order to cover  8a to 8pm ET

~~I explained that I had two other associates under my team in oDesk, MVM Enterprises, and that after interviewing them, and she agreed to hire them, we could cover the complete shift between the three of us

~~The three of us were hired in July via MVM Enterprises, not via Bilingual VA Solutions, which is Jennys team

~~I as the team leader/manager for $12 an hr, and Jenny and Carlos as receptionist at $8.50 an hour, with a maximum weekly hourly limit of 75 hours for each of us

~~Sharmil was so happy with all of our jobs that on July 31 she raised Carlos and Jenny to $10.00 an hour

~~During the month of July we received notifications from oDesk informing us that McKee Law Office account was suspended, our assignments were on hold, and no additional hours could be logged in until the account was re-instated

~~We notified Sharmil, she explained it was due to her bank puts a security on her credit cards and it would not let anyone collect over $500 dollars for one transaction, that she was working on a solution and the account would be re-instated

~~That happened twice, and each time the account was re-instated and we got paid

~~In August it happened again, and we offered, if it would help, for her to pay us via PayPal

~~She paid us via PayPal, however after 10 days we found out that the Checks bounced and we would not b paid

~~Sharmil stated that it was due to the same reason, which is that her bank has a limit of $500 per transaction, which is for her protection against fraud etc.

~~We then asked if she could withdraw cash, she could deposit the total amount due to us three to Carlos B of A checking account, he would in turn pay us, and she agreed

~~She deposited $1700 dollars, which she informed us it was in cash, to Carlos bank account

~~The bank notified Carlos funds were available and he transferred to Jenny and I our due amounts into our PayPal accounts

~~Five days later the bank notified Carlos that the check was returned NSF; it was not a Stop Payment

~~Since Carlos had already transferred the funds to Jennys and mine PayPal accounts, the funds were no longer there, so they took his balance that amounted to $900 dollars

~~We are still paying the $800 dollar balance plus the multiple check bounce fees that this caused; Carlos is in turn paying the bank; this has to be paid in full within 120 days of the date the NSF check posted; this date is fast approaching

~~Late September Carlos sent Sharmil a request for payment via email, and Sharmil offered to pay back at a rate $50 dollars a month

~~Carlos explained that the bank would not accept that since it has to be paid within 120 days

~~She never responded with any new offer and that was at the end of September

~~The calls and emails from us requesting payment from Sharmil resumed during the month of November, prior to that we were waiting, hoping, and praying, that Sharmil was saving up the money to send Carlos in a lump sum

~~It is not true that she hired us to do per minute or per time on a call

~~We did much more than just answer calls

~~We were assigned tasks according to our expertise

~~Jenny and I did blog postings, updated Network Calendar, and conducted research as needed

~~Carlos did different IT work for her webpage and Intranet

~~We had various training sessions after the office closed at 8pm and Sharmil told us was paid time

~~Sharmil at all times told and wrote to us that we were the best team she ever had, we felt like family working with her, we truly enjoyed our job and working with her, and we did everything like if we were working for our own company

Sharmil, as you and God knows those are the facts. Please touch your heart. Please do the right to us and pay the $1700, and the fees accumulated due to your NSF check.

Please pay Jenny the $500 dollars you owe her for two weeks in August that she worked diligently for you.

You know that Jenny has 5 children; you know that her and her husband work hard, and that this money is money they need.

Please talk to God; please touch your heart, and do the right thing Sharmil. And please start telling the truth.

The truth and only but the truth is what we have stated here. You know it; we know it; and God knows it.

We hope that you will pay the money you owe us, and that we rightfully and diligently earned.


United States of America
Sharmil you have a problem with the truth

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, December 05, 2009

Sharmil, you really have some nerve. I woke up at 5:00 am each day to work for you (i'm in a different time zone) and worked till 8:00 am. You know what your saying is not true, I was one of your employees at that time. You gave us work beside answering phones, I did website design for you, research, making appointments, among other things.

Hope you can sleep well at night, your little check stunt cost me my life savings and my good credit. You know you sent me an email apologizing for the bounced check and that you would repay me as soon as you could. 2 months later, I've yet to see a single cent, and my bank is threatening me to put me on a credit bureau so I won't be able to get credit or open any bank account.

While we worked for you, I only heard praise. You never complained about our fees or asked us if we could work less hours. On the contrary, you raised it 1 month into the job.



What Bigger Shame then Denial Mrs. Sharmil McKee

#8Author of original report

Sat, December 05, 2009

I am replying to the rebuttal from Sharmil McKee....

A couple of questions to you Sharmil:

 At the time you hired us... Are you sure that you hired Bilingual VA Solutions or did you Hired Team MVM Enterprises? You surely didn't interviewed or contacted me directly... so make sure you get your "side of the story right"!

Why on earth did you give us a raise to Carlos and I? ... you didn't hired us at the rate of 10 USD/hr... our initial rate was of 8!

Second, you claim that my affiliated company, TEAM MVM Enterprises was supposed to work on a per-call basis... however, you had a list of at least 5 items per day on each of our to-do lists. I was to research the court websites for you, been that I was the person to cover most of the s**t YOU REQUIRED. I was also to transfer any calls to you in case of an emergency and when you were in your home office. lets not talk about the endless hours of training at 9:00 EST... Do you seriously think that any Virtual Assistant will be working on and not charging you??? yes the calls were initially at 2-4 calls per day. However they started fluctuating-once YOUR clients- knew we were there to assist them... Anyone with common sense would know that an internet search cannot be done within two minutes (same length a short conversation would  take) .. that is if you want reputable result.

Another thing is, free ads do not post themselves!!! you requested for me to search for every single free advertisement and publish your services ... you do seriously think I could do that in two hours?

About the Payment. oohh so infamous payment, there was no such thing.. you are no stating that you "stopped the payment"  but there is various e-mails that came from both your PayPal and YOUR own email, and calls where you  claim  one of your clients gave you a check that bounced due to NSF and you didn't know -I should note that so conveniently you found out the same day We found out the check bounced and left our teammate out of his  savings!!!-

Shame indeed that I have to use these online forums to finally get your attention. I indeed called you and email you... oh an Skyped you while you had all of your skype IDs on invisible mode. I would think that if you had an issue with the billing charges you would first contact your biller and required for them to explain the charges. You don't go on hiding! I had to change my phone number three times just so you would answer and tell us, " I don't have any money... I don't know.... I pay you when I get some money"

That didn't sound to me like you had issues with our bills... Besides that, let do the math 2 hours a day times 10/hr * 5 days comes out to 100 USD .. and your bill was on average of 500 USD/ a week .... didn't you feel like something was wrong since according to you we were only supposed to charge for answering phones???


United States of America
Both Sides of the Dispute

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, December 04, 2009

There are two sides to every story.  Jennyfer has publicly posted her side, which forces me to publicly discuss this dispute.  I hired Jennyfer's company, Bilingual VA Solutions,(((Redacted)))

to answer my firm's phones. Her job was to provide customer service to the clients that called about their case.  My firm receives approximately 2 client calls a day.  However, our business hours are Monday through Friday from 8 am to 8 pm.  So, I hired her company to cover the phones during those hours.  She had her choice as to whether she wanted to cover the entire period or merely a portion.  She elected to cover the entire period, roughly about 60 hours a week. 

I hired her virtual assistant service because I only wanted to pay for the time that she spent on the phones with the client.  I estimated that a virtual assistant would spend approximately 2 hours a day solving client problems.  But as a virtual assistant, in between calls, I thought she could work on her other client projects. This way, the virtual assistant could still earn money while waiting for my firm's phones to ring. When I hired her company, I explained the pay.  She accepted.

Everything went well for the first two months She sent invoices, I paid them but I didn't have time to review them closely.  I was focused on other things, like preparing for trial.   However, one weekend, I finally has enough time to closely reviewed her invoices and discovered that she was billing me for 60 hours a week.  In essence, I was paying her to wait for the phone to ring.  That is exactly opposite of what we agreed to.  When I reviewed the phone records for that 2 month period, she talked to clients for collectively 32 hours.  I paid her for 480 hours.  So, instead of demanding a refund, I simply stopped my firm's last check to her company. 

She has called my office, my cell phone, and my home phone every day since.  Every other day, she sends me emails, chat messages, and posts to my facebook and myspace pages.  We have the same conversation over and over and over again.  I am not asking her company to refund the overpayments, but I am not paying her last invoice. 

That is the nature of this dispute.  She choose this forum, as opposed to a court of law, to air this dispute, because my firm's online reputation is our most valuable asset.  It's a shame.


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