  • Report:  #1503706

Complaint Review: Shopzpresso -

Reported By:
Sharon - United States

United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I was searching within their poorly written members portal for more information.  There was a list of additional products that we could offer to potential interested parties.  When I clicked on two of them, I expected to be taken to an information page, then to Paypal to confirm a purchase (which I did not intend to finalize).  Instead, over $100 was automatically taken from my Paypal account.  I was not taken to Paypal or to a page with more information.

My requests for immediate refund were declined.  Here is a copy of the digital conversation with personal info redacted:


Date: 2021-01-04 23:17:19

Name: Sharon xxxxxxxx

Email: [email protected]

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What email did you use to make this purchase? [email protected]

How Can We Help You Today?? Refund My Purchase


Cancel my purchase. I have not received any log in info since my 12/28 Paypal authorization. Paypal Transaction ID  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Date: 2021-01-04 23:38:30

Name: Lou

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I apologize and want you to know that we don't want to lose you from the ShopZpresso family.

I'm trying to get your information for you. But I don't see you in our database of ShopZpresso purchasers.

Did you use a different email to purchase the app?

Please forward me that email and I will figure out what went wrong and get you up and running immediately.




Date: 2021-01-06 04:46:54

Name: Sharon XXXXX

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Yes, I used [email protected] as my email address.

Since my initial request to cancel my original $27 membership order, I have been charged an additional $39 and $67 when checking on info on other products offered.  Specifically the Gold Miners and Endless Profitz, in that order.

After I was finally sent the login info today for the $27 membership order, I logged in and looked around to see what was actually provided in this membership.  It does not contain anything that can be of use to me at all. My request for cancellation was initially made for failure to deliver the product.  Now my request for a refund stands even more strongly.

 Also, while checking things out, I clicked on the Gold Miners and Endless Profitz links, expecting to be taken to a page with more info before submitting a final payment.  Instead, my Paypal account was immediately charged the $39 and $67 without the slightest hint of a confirmation that my authorization was requested.

I am very disappointed that, as an intelligent person, I fell for the claims of the initial membership.  Then to have the  money for the $39 and $67 memberships immediately taken from my Paypal account without the normal request for authorization, I am beyond shocked at the site's setup.

I want an immediate full refund of $133. My only income is social security and these charges are more than I can afford.

Attached Shopz.jpg, Shopz2.jpg, Shopz3.jpg


Date: 2021-01-07 10:08:23

Name: Jeffrey

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Sharon, you clicked the button that says "instant access". it is called a 1-click upsell.

it is clearly stated on our salespage that we do not offer a refund for any reason unless there is a technical issue that we cannot solve. and that we consider all sales as final.

however, if you would like to exchange this purchase for one of our other products i would be willing to consider it, but there is no refund for this product.

Jeffrey, Support Desk Supervisor


Date: 2021-01-08 07:09:44

Name: Sharon Higbee

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Shame on you all! Taking advantage of people!

There was not a clearly explained instant access link, but was from a list of additional products. The member's portal does not provide easy-to-understand instructions and I was simply trying to find my way around.

It has been my experience of purchasing products online since the '90's that purchases have a final payment page that we can exit out of if we did not intend to purchase. I would certainly consider this page setup a technical issue!

Again, I was trying to get more info on the products.

Event though you say there is no refund, I am still requesting a full refund because of the abnormal way money is immediatley taken without benefit of a page that indicates my full intent to purchase. I have not used the products and see no value in them.

I remind you that I am a senior citizen on a fixed income and did not intend to purchase these. You have not been depleted of any inventory, while I am out of $133!!!

Have a heart!!

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