  • Report:  #157070

Complaint Review: Signtronix Dramicie Condra His Boss Lance - Torrance California

Reported By:
- Jasper, Texas,

Signtronix Dramicie Condra His Boss Lance
1445W. Sepulveda Blvd. Torrance, 90501 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Dramacie Condra came into my business and talked me into purchasing a 6 ft.sign, which he claimed would fit above the awning of my shop. I did not agree because the telephone pole and lines are within four feet of the awning. He measured out the distance and assured me that the space was 1 to 2 ft. away from the line,and the sign wasn't too large. He agreed to give me 2 days to get someone out to be sure that the lines would not interfere, and I signed a contract. He took my check, went straight to the bank, and cashed it and left town. That evening I had someone come out to look at the lines, and they informed me that the lines were too close and the awning was too steep. I called Dramacie and left several messages that evening on his cell phone. The next day about 2:30 p.m. he returned my call. He was already 150 miles away. His opinion was, if I got the right man out he was sure that they could make the sign fit.

Well, the phone company told me it would not work. I asked Damacie about an inside sign, but he wasn't interested in selling me one. He wanted to sell me an upright outside sign. Again, the one that he wanted to sell me was too large.He would not talk to me about a smaller inside sign. I went immeadetly to the bank and stopped payment on the ACH payment on my account. I called him again and told him that I had stopped payment on the ACH, and I found out that he had already cashed my check for the amount of $400.00 dollars. I told him that he had lied to me, and I would not accept a sign if it was shipped to me. He told me that the contract could not be broken. I demanded his bosses name and number, but before I could contact him, Dramacie called him. When I did get through to his boss, Lance, I explained the situation to him. His reply was what a good salesman Dramacie was, and he wasn't good with inside signs. He would get him to email me a picture of a moving sign that I could use inside. I agreed to look at it but said I was not agreeing to purchase anything. The new sign was smaller but too large to use in the space that I have available for display and the price was still $6000.00 dollars.

Dramacie emailed me. His words were " I'm glad that we have found a solution to the problem." I called, and told him no solution had been found. He had lied to me, and I wanted my money back. He pretended like there wasn't a problem and didn't know what I was talking about. I called his boss,a couple of times and had to talk to a recording. No one returned my calls. I called the 800 number and was told I had signed a contrac,t and they would put my $400.00 toward another sign. I became angry and told the young lady that I did Not want a sign because they were trying to take advantage of me and rip me off. I left a message for Dramacie that I would file charges against him if he did not return my money. No answer to this date. I have tried to get in contact with Dramacie, his boss Lance, and the 800 number, which I am always given the voice mail. I faxed a letter stating the same that is printed here, to Signtronix, I also mailed the same letter to the Northern Leasing company in New York. I havent received an answer from anyone. I have been ripped off. These people pulled smiliar scams on several other businesses here. Even taking some to court to collect what they say is owed to them. I think it is a shame that large businesses like Signtronix comes to small towns to pull scams and rip people off.


Jasper, Texas

8 Updates & Rebuttals


Unbiased 3rd Party

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, May 09, 2007

In reference to the comment: "I DID NOT SIGN ANYTHING AND "WILD BILL CHILDERS" OF SIGNTRONIX HAD MY MENTALLY UNSTABLE WIFE FORGE MY SIGNATURE AFTER I TOLD HIM ABSOLUTELY NO TO THE DEAL.Robert - Paris, Tennessee U.S.A." I feel pretty confident that Robert above is quite honest and would never do anything dishonest. But I think it's always a good idea to make sure mentally unstable family members are monitored by others. if for no other reason, at the very least so that they don't come to harm, or unintentionally cause harm to others. When this rule is followed, situations like the above are not likely to occur. Also, I know of a situation in the southwest U.S. where a spouse would always 'arrange' to be absent for one reason or another when sales reps or delivery trucks were due to arrive. the 'known unstable' spouse would be the only one available to sign for deliveries and orders. One of their vendors once told me that the business owner boasted to him that he didn't pay for 'half' of his inventory because the idiot vendors would accept the impaired spouses signature. Apparently, they could usually argue out of the invoice or contract using this method. Now, I know the merchant in Tennessee wouldn't be guilty of something like this. but a quick survey of past business dealings and similar suits would certainly clear the merchant of any such impropriety. But, I think the rather obvious safeguard of not leaving the impaired family member alone, especially in public locations like a business would certainly solve problems like this before they arise. It isn't appropriate to push such mentally ill individuals into positions like this anyway. that's too much pressure on them. And no matter what 'nice' people say. customers don't appreciate it either.



#3Consumer Comment

Fri, October 06, 2006

I am getting calls from a Mr. Louis Cucinota from Northern Leasing and he is threatening me with ruining my credit with the credit bureaus and that legal proceedings against me will be filed to recover monies due, including interest and attorney's fees. I DID NOT SIGN ANYTHING AND "WILD BILL CHILDERS" OF SIGNTRONIX HAD MY MENTALLY UNSTABLE WIFE FORGE MY SIGNATURE AFTER I TOLD HIM ABSOLUTELY NO TO THE DEAL.



#4Consumer Comment

Mon, August 14, 2006

Dear Mr. Jamyes Ryan. When you said: when you sign your name several times to contracts or write out a deposit check you are entering into a legal contract. I DID NOT SIGN ANYTHING. As far as being educated I had enough to smell a stinky rat and say no to the deal.


Gee, It Couldn't Be the Unstable Wife's Fault, Could It?

#5UPDATE Employee

Sun, August 13, 2006

Dear Rip Off Report Patrons: This will be my last rebuttal, as I simply refuse to go back and forth on something that will forever be a fruitless debate. Furthermore, I do not have the time to respond to every comment posted. Regardless of my comments, you will always have people who feel wronged, and they are not going to change their position no matter what evidence and reason is presented before them. No company nationwide with over one million customers has satisfied customers only. It's impossible. However, in response to "Blah, blah, blah," the customer in question admitted that his wife was UNSTABLE. Are we as representatives to Signtronix supposed to be certified psychologists as well??? I am sure Mr. Childers had no idea the woman he was working with was unstable, and he is certainly not qualified to make that diagnosis. Doesn't it seem more likely that an unstable wife might have gotten excited about something that could increase her family's business substantially, and that she "forged" her husband's name without any prompting from Mr. Childers (if this is even in fact what happened). Then when confronted by an angry husband, blamed the entire event on the "evil salesman." I can tell you that I personally wrote a contract with a woman who was excited to have a sign for her barber shop, told me that it was her business, and that she had no one else she had to answer to regarding her decisions. However, when her abusive husband found out, he actually beat her. Given having to answer to this kind of terrorizing behavior is it any wonder she told a very different story to her husband and my company??? Yes, after his reaction I was the "evil salesman" that "coerced" her into signing her name several times and writing me a deposit check. I said it before, and I will say it again. We work with small, small businesses. Most of these people are hanging on by a thread when we find them. They are desperate and need something to get them out of the hole they've dug for themselves. Most are not college educated, and are what I like to refer to as "people in business" rather than "business people." We spend a lot of our time educating these people on the facts regarding advertising, signs and their effectiveness in attracting new customers through their doors. We do a lot of convincing because their futures and the futures of their families are on the line. I am personally reponsible for literally saving three different businesses from extinction, and have made literally hundreds of businesses tens of thousands of additional revenue dollars in the very first year of using our sign products. With this much potential riding on whether they get a sign from me or not, you bet I walk a fine line between pushy and persisitent. Lastly, here is a warning to all "people in business" that I actually feel silly giving ("business people" need not read further because you already know this): When you sign your name SERVERAL times to contracts and write out a deposit check to Signtronix or one of its dealers, you are entering into a legal contract. If you don't want to, then don't do it. Frankly, the only person who signs my name and writes my checks is me, and you will NEVER here me complaining about how someone "coerced" me into doing something I did not want to do. Signtronix is accredited with the Small Business Adminstration. Our founder sits on the boards of most of the prestigious sign organizations nationwide. For every negative comment, I can produce hundreds of postive results. Good luck and God bless. Jaymes Ryan District Manager Signtronix of Denver


El Paso,
Blah blah blah

#6Consumer Comment

Sat, August 12, 2006

What about the salesman who had the unstable woman forge her husband's signature? Hmmm? Touting one success story doesn't negate the fact that unscrupulous tactics are used on a regular basis. And RUNNING DIRECTLY TO THE CUSTOMER'S BANK to cash a check is a red flag right there. Legitimate businesses go through a normal deposit process with their own banks.


Jasper has one of our best customer results...

#7UPDATE Employee

Sat, August 12, 2006

There are plenty of very satisfied Signtronix customers in Jasper, Texas, and contrary to this customer's suggestion, we do not go to small towns to prey upon unsuspecting business owners. In fact, we have dedicated our products to helping small businesses survive in an increasingly difficult economic climate. Jasper, Texas is home to Smith & Barnhart-the Communications Location, a family-owned and operated Cingular Wireless store. In December of 2004, I placed a beautiful 5x10' sign and time & temperature units for this business. At the time, Smith & Barnhart was investing an average of $3000 to sustain the new activations needed to achieve residual income from Cingular. Furthermore, this small store supported a father, stepfather, and several sons and stepsons and their families! My signs helped them to see an immediate increase of over 60%! Recently, they were given an award by Cingular for being the top producer in all of South Eastern Texas--Jasper is just 8,000 people and South Eastern Texas includes Houston! This is truly an amazing accomplishment. However, what's even more amazing is that just a year and a half later, Smith & Barnhart is reporting new activation increases of 300%! Signtronix is a great company. However, many of the small business owners we work with are in dire straits, watching their dreams go down the drain, and looking for a way out. They sometimes experience buyer's remorse, especially when someone who wasn't there for the presentation (perhaps a friend or family member) tells them they have made a mistake. Although we try our best to accomodate all of our customer's needs, we will not ignore signed, contracted orders simply because someone has a change of heart. Signtronix is not a perfect company. No company is perfect. However, we have helped far more businesses succeed in a very challenging climate than we will ever hurt. Sincerely, Jaymes Ryan District Manager Signtronix of Denver


Fight Against Northern Leasing Systems - FIGHT BACK

#8Consumer Suggestion

Sat, May 13, 2006

IF YOU WANT TO FIGHT NORTHERN LEASING FILE THE COMPLAINT!! Hello: My wife and I have a similar problem with northern leasing, and I assure you they are not going to win. What you need to do is go to the following website: FTC.GOV and click on file a complaint and take the time to fill out the complaint form and send it, it probably does not take more then ten minutes to fill out, and fill out as complete and factual as you are able. We have done this and their response states that if enough people file complaints they will start investigating this company. WE MUST UNITE TOGETHER AND FILE THE COMPLAINTS AND FIGHT THESE PEOPLE. AGAIN GO TO: FTC.GOV AND FILE A COMPLAINT


Signtronix -"Wile" Bill Childers-Forgery

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, May 09, 2006

A salesman named "Wile" Bill Childers pressured my wife into forging my signature towards purchasing a sign from Signtronix. My wife is mentally instable and takes Ambien and other drugs for the condition and does not recall anything. I was there at the time when the salesman wanted me to sign the contract and I told him absolutely no. I then walked out the door to go somewhere and that is when he pressured my wife into forging my signature. She did not know what she was signing. "Wile" Bill Childers immediately went to the bank and cashed the down payment check.I am now getting threats from Northern Leasing Systems, Inc. for non-payment.

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