  • Report:  #1212246

Complaint Review: SJK Photography - Delray Beach Florida

Reported By:
Bob - Chesapeake, Virginia,

SJK Photography
5274 Adams Road Delray Beach, Florida, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

An eye for an eye....

These people were called out on a Website stopstealingphotos.com/sjk-photography-aka-picture-stacie-klein-delray-beach-florida/ for stealing other photographers work, cropping out their watermarks, and then slapping their name on the photo in an attempt to pass off the photo as their own original work. Once they were outted these people went bats*** crazy. They even threatened the owners of the original photos they stole from with 1 star business reviews on social media and their very own Ripoff Report if they did not demand Photo Stealers take down the proof against them.

I am not a photographer, but I do enjoy keeping up of the nut cases. The Photo Stealers Website does expose more than it's fair share. That brings us to "Billcie". They are claiming people are stalking and harrassing them while they are stalking and harassing people like me. They would create fake accounts to comment and bolster their fraudulent claims. You can't make this stuff up! Because of my comments they stalked me. Once they found my personal contact information they used it to write a bogus Ripoff Report about me as retaliation. So in retaliation, I'm submitting a Ripoff Report about them.

Please take the time to visit the above link. There is also a blog by one of the other "stalkers" like me. bullshizer.tumblr.com/post/112096432609/billcie4 It's a good read too.

I've tried to attach a screen shot of Bill Scott's threat to post the Ripoff Report on me... If it didn't come up it's on the Photo Stealers Website.... with ALL the evidence.

If you see a comment by "Conquestor" say "Hi" to Billcie for me.

4 Updates & Rebuttals


Delray Beach,
Ok. Fine, you guys are right.

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, May 14, 2015

So, Stacie Jennie Klein and William "Bill" Scott of ****, Delray Beach, FL 33484.

Former owners of now defunct Lollicakes Gourmet LLC and SJK Photography (aka Picture This by Stacie Klein) here finally to set the record straight so that we can all move on. 

Yes. We stole images that were not our own and posted them as if they were our own in order to gain paying clients.

Yes. Photostealers outed us correctly. All they say about our theiving ways is true. 

Yes. We freaked the f&%k out when they outed us and we started attacking any person who dared share the link to our article on Photo Stealers. 

Yes. We lied and harassed and did things like writing fake reviews against Corey Ann and many others who spoke out about us stealing images (which we did do!). 

Yes. Bill Scott used aggressive and racist language when attacking people.  I called non-whites monkeys and encouraged them to leave the country.  Yes, I posted an image of an ape as representative of one of the black users of Photo Stealers. 

Yes. Stacie Jennie Klein stole more images attempted to make herself appear to be something she isn't. 

Yes, Stacie Jennie Klein made illegal and false claims about being a police officer. 

Yes. We created a bunch of fake FB pages to harass and bully a bunch of people who outed us going as far as threatening them. 

FOR THE RECORD. This is NOT Bill Scott and Stacie Klein. This is what they SHOULD have said from day one when outed for stealing images and using them to represent their work.  Had they done that it would have likely all gone away!

Read the original article on Photo Stealers here: (((link redacted)))

See part five of the on-going saga here:(((link redacted)))

Report Attachments

Trolls of Delray Beach, FL

#3Author of original report

Thu, April 30, 2015

As I put very little stock in the Ripoff Report these trolls filed against me I'm not going to sugar-coat this rebuttal to their lame rebuttal. I suspect EXPOSING THE TRUTH is none other than Stacie Klein, or her partner Bill Scott (AKA BILCIE), of SJK Photography out of Delray Beach, FL. They have a delusional way of interpreting anything anyone writes as a threat. "Lying b****" would sum up my description for both of these Internet trolls. As there are now over 5,000 comments on the Photo Stealers Website regarding their continued cyber-stalking and harassment activities I would like to link this condensed version that documents their activity. http://petapixel.com/2015/02/10/photo-thieves-get-caught-photo-thieves-get-mad-really-mad/



#4Consumer Comment

Thu, April 30, 2015

The author of the rebuttal "EXPOSING THE TRUTH" is in reality one of the people behind SJK photography and is trying to fool people into thinking they're innocent. Everything that was said in this RoR (and more) can be verified as fact by doing a Google search of Bill Scott and Stacie Klein of Delray Beach, Florida. Nothing these two worthless losers say is the truth.

The results of that search will show you that these two will say or do anything to cover up the truth about themselves, and I mean ANYTHING. They have cyber-bullied, stalked, attempted to extort, harrassed, left false reviews on people's business pages and even threatened anyone who speaks out about them. They have made numerous claims against people like Cory and other people on stopstealingphotos.com and have claimed to have all this evidence proving that the people on that site are bad people but it's all a lie, they have nothing but empty words.

They will also say or do anything to make themselves look like the victims. Notice how the author of the rebuttal took one of the comments made by the person who wrote this RoR as a threat on their life even though there was nothing threatening about it, and in fact they have made WAY more threats than everyone else involved in this combined. They're just cowards that try to twist people's words to condemn them and to justify their own actions even when those actions are the same actions they accuse everyone else of doing which is hypocritical and that alone proves their words means nothing.

I repeat: everything that has been said in this ROR is 1000% true and some research into this situation will prove that. The two people behind SJK Photography are thieves, cowards, bullies, hypocrites and basically scumbags that spend every waking moment attacking people they disagree with online. Oh and they've made more than enough racist, and bigotted remarks as well. 

I guess the username is accurate if you think about it, they have indeed exposed the truth. What they don't get (and probably never will) is that they unintentionally exposed the truth about themselves when they decided to steal photos to promote their own business and then went on the warpath when they were exposed. How ironic. 

Don't believe me? Like I said, a Google search will show you all you need to know. Actually, let me make it easier for you:

(((link redacted)))(((link redacted)))(((link redacted)))(((link redacted)))

^It's all there. Some of the things said in the comments about these two may be a bit harsh but it's nothing compared to what these two have said and done. Some people just don't deserve any courtesy.  


Exposing the Truth

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, March 22, 2015

 Bob Hunter, owner of Royal Coach Limousine Company, PO Box 13243 (1515 Philmont Ave), Chesapeake, VA 23325 (757) 420-9331 came on here only to give my companies and myself a ripoff report for "retaliation" or what he called it "eye for an eye".  This man came onto my company(s) pages and spoke libel of them. This man has also called me the most nastiest names (white trash being his most recent).  You can see his mentality by the foul language that he uses. For being a business owner, this just proves he is classless, rude, unprofessional, childish, amongst many others... but I will stop there. I never once threatened ANYONE as he stated. Bob Hunter is a member of this internet mob called Photo Stealers which is owned and founded by Corey Ann Doyle Balazowich.  These members, Bob included, like to spread false blogs, facts, statements about the "accused" that she mentions.

Bob Hunter accuses myself of making fake sock accounts, when I never have.  What these mob members can't get though their thick skulls is that they have made a lot of other people upset and are frankly getting sick of being attacked, myself included.  They have done this to 100's of others. Bob Hunter has personally admitted to sending out emails to all local photographers in my area which could endanger my life and lead people to rob me due to him providing my personal address (on here).  Since he: "enjoys keeping up of the nut cases"

If I were a client of this man, I'd be scared and nervous if you were in disagreement with him.  If he acts this way to someone that has NEVER dealt personally with him, I'd hate to be face to face with a man such full of hatred that he feels that he has to be empowered over a women!  It takes a sick minded person to go to these lengths to try and ruin a person's business and reputation only for fun as previous stated.

The blog that he links is based on 98% false assumptions, which this group is known for.  When someone butts these people, they get nasty!  What has really scared me is that he stated this on the photo stealers website (in which I have a screenshof of):

"Either these clowns don't realize how deep they are digging their own hole... or they just don't care. This stuff will follow them to the grave. I get down to FL quite a bit. I have never posted any of their personal information. Pissing me off with that RR was not a good move for them. They just made themselves my part-time job and their own personal scary movie. I just may have to contact every photographer and wedding coordinator/planner in the Yellow Pages down there and send them the link for this site....."

The two things that stood out to me is that he A: mentions that he comes down to FL often and B: wants to make us a part of a scary movie!  I have taken this as a threat on my life and have handed it over to the local authorities!  So when I say client beware... I mean it!!  Who knows what he's capable of doing!


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