  • Report:  #10903

Complaint Review: SMW Direct! - White Rock South Carolina

Reported By:

SMW Direct!
P.O. Box 502 White Rock, 29177- 0502 South Carolina, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
SMW Direct Mailing appears to be related to SMC aka "Specialty Merchandise Corporation." I recognize the catalog from their web site. (the book with WORLD of PRODUCTS written up the right side.) I tried another one of their at home business "products". Where the membership/renewal payment was 35.00 They sent me a kit, (Full contract price was nearly $375) They have another address they use for this company. It's 9401 DeSoto Avenue, Chatsworth, California 91311-4991. And they have Phone number and Email address. 818-998-3300,FAX: 818-709-5535 Email: [email protected]. I tried to call this number but their customer service was not avaliable. World news also posted an article regarding the SMW company, it appears the 35.00 buys us a nice "flier" advising us to place ads in local papers. I sent the money beginning of December, here it is Jan. Nothing.

13 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Consumer Comment

Sun, March 20, 2005

I have been reading many comments about SMC here on this website. I can say I have had a great experience with them and I have been with them for over 3 years now. I do a ton of shopping for birthdays and Christmas. There's been minor problems. However, they have been quickly resolved by calling an associate. If items are broken they quickly subsitute them for another. what is new. Good luck in everything you do.


Time+Committment+ SMCORP = A Successful Business!

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, January 19, 2005

UNDERSTAND THIS. I AM NOT AN EMPLOYEE and am definitely a member. I have read some of the complaints and rebuttals about SMCORP. What I am reading are all minor complaints that should be addressed to the company not to a rip off report. When I come to this site, I want to find out about companies that are "really" ripping you off due to overcharges or contract breaching to name a few. I joined the company at the most frustrating time of the year..Christmas Holiday season! They were offering a great deal for new members and I did not want to pass it up. Were there a lot of mistakes during the set-up process? Absolutely! It is true that you may not get in contact with your coach for 2-3 days or even a week after joining. THis is why in most cases, your coach will give you a week extension on your 60 day free coaching. Sometimes the hold times for member support may be longer than usual. You can express your dissatisfaction immediately after the call with the phone survey. It is also correct that at times items may go out of stock with no member support to tell you when the item will come in exactly. However, YOU must take the time to check the inventory on these items. SMC is a wholesaler/dropshipper. They can only give to us what is given to them. If they are given estimated dates on shipment we get those estimated dates via online or via member support. YOU must research them. This is YOUR business and YOU must act responsibly. Keep in mind people, SMC is HUGE! Tons upon tons of items arriving, countless papers, catalogs, manuals being generated along with new memberships. It is not easy for them to be a well established company themselves and give us the tools we need to become established and successful businesses like them. But something must be working for both them and us because they have been in existence for 50+ years with continuous faithful members. To all who have gripes with SMC...relax and be responsible and please have PATIENCE. Give it time and stick with it. Ask yourself if you have done everything you could do to make your business work. Maybe showing the catalog didn't work but mail order or internet will vice versa. With all the companies I have tried and lost money on, this is the ONLY company I have managed to have success with. To any one reading this post, research all companies and chose the one that works best for you and offers the most ideas for business development. SMC goes beyond that with phone support, personalized catalog and business card printing, dropshipping, etc for less than $400 on payment plan or less than $250 if full membership. What other wholesale/dropshipping company out there is doing this? BOTTOM LINE: SMC is not going to spoon-feed you into creating a successful business. SMC is NOT a quick fix to existing financial mishaps. SMC is not a predictor of your financial future or business outcome. SMC is not perfect. No company is perfect. SMC IS a tried and true wholesaler/dropshipper available to those who are PATIENT and SERIOUS about starting a successful business. SMC will give you the most effective ways to make your dream a reality. If it happened for me it can happen for you. The question is ARE YOU SERIOUS?



#4Consumer Comment

Thu, April 22, 2004

You should contact the FTC if you lost money through this venture. In November 2002, the Commission filed a complaint in federal district court alleging that Richmond promoted his business opportunity using the names: Bargain Shoppers Network Direct!, BSN Direct!, Speciality Merchandising Wholesale Direct!, ***** SMW Direct! ***** (etc) The part of interest: "In addition, the settlement requires Richmond to pay as consumer redress all proceeds from the sale of his assets, including the sale of his house and automobile, and to return all uncashed checks to consumers within 20 days after entry of the order." http://www.ftc.gov/opa/2003/07/darrellrichmond.htm Good luck


Holly Ridge,
North Carolina,
SMC was honest with us

#5Consumer Comment

Sun, April 18, 2004

My wife got into SMC and every order she made came and if anything needed replacing it was done. She wasn't very successfull and that is mainly because we didn't push our business. Not their fault, but ours.


SMC is simply a wholesaler / drop-shipper

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, April 07, 2004

The people that are totally griping about and blasting SMC Corporation, I have come to several conclusions reguarding these people. 1) They expect miracles over night. Made no money in a weeks time or less, and needed someone to blame, so they blamed SMC. Miracles like that just do NOT happen with any business. It can take up to 1 - 2 years for any business to "start". Patience is your friend and one of the many key things required for any business. 2) They have no idea how to market their business, they have no idea how to run a business, yet they blame SMC for their failure. 3) Some are saying, "SMC is a middleman"... basically any "wholesaler" is a middleman so to speak, they buy from a manufacture at uber low prices... the only TRUE way to get REAL wholesale prices is via the manufacture... however if you do it through the manufacture they want mass quantities sold in order to get a REAL wholesale price. Bottom line is SMC Corp is NOT a middle man, they are simply a wholesaler / drop-shipper. 4) You are NOT a "distributor" for SMC, SMC is not an Avon or Herbalife type deal where you sell their brand of products and only make a small % of the sale. Personally, my view of SMC is this... SMC is a wholesaler / drop-ship company. Some think they are the manufacture of the items, they are NOT. SMC is like any other wholesaler / drop-shipper they sell you the item, and in turn you sell it for "retail" value. SMC helps out it's clients (members) to try to accomplish a successful business by providing them phone support, pre-printed catalogs of the merchandise they (SMC) provide, etc. Which is more than most wholesaler / drop-shipper are willing to do. That's ALL they are, a wholesaler / drop-shipper with some advantages. The membership fee is refunded after $5,000 is made (it's basically to see if you have what it takes to run a business). The $30/year is worth it because you get updated info, catalogs, etc. They want their clients to be successful in business! Simple. Bottomline: SMC is simply a supplier for products at wholesale prices and are willing to drop-ship to your customer(s). What SMC is not: SMC is not a rich quick scam. SMC is not an affiliate program. SMC is not responsible if you do not know how to run a business and fail. NO, I am NOT an employee. I am not a soon to be member, who see's SMC for what they really are, a wholesaler / drop-shipper. Simple.


Proud Member since 2000

#7Consumer Comment

Sat, April 03, 2004

No I am NOT an employee, but they have made me feel so welcomed! If I have a question or a return to make bam I have it on demand. This company has given me a boost in self confidence. I am having a ball and appreciate the chance to own my own business without a ton of startup costs a store front would cost you. Thanks SMC for being there and helping out!!!


Proud Member since 2000

#8Consumer Comment

Sat, April 03, 2004

No I am NOT an employee, but they have made me feel so welcomed! If I have a question or a return to make bam I have it on demand. This company has given me a boost in self confidence. I am having a ball and appreciate the chance to own my own business without a ton of startup costs a store front would cost you. Thanks SMC for being there and helping out!!!


Proud Member since 2000

#9Consumer Comment

Sat, April 03, 2004

No I am NOT an employee, but they have made me feel so welcomed! If I have a question or a return to make bam I have it on demand. This company has given me a boost in self confidence. I am having a ball and appreciate the chance to own my own business without a ton of startup costs a store front would cost you. Thanks SMC for being there and helping out!!!


Proud Member since 2000

#10Consumer Comment

Sat, April 03, 2004

No I am NOT an employee, but they have made me feel so welcomed! If I have a question or a return to make bam I have it on demand. This company has given me a boost in self confidence. I am having a ball and appreciate the chance to own my own business without a ton of startup costs a store front would cost you. Thanks SMC for being there and helping out!!!


New York,
New York,
I am another very happy smc member. I am not an employee.

#11Consumer Comment

Mon, December 08, 2003

I just wanted to say that I am also a very happy SMC member. I am not an employee. I have been a distributor with them for 2 years now. I have had much success selling their products. If you feel there are problems with communication, I would suggest, stand your ground. Always get the names of the people you are speaking with at SMC. Being persistent and tenacious is the key. They are a terrific company. One of the best suppliers I have. They are one of the few companies that offer multiple ways to sell their products. It is by far one of the best home based opportunities currently available. It really is up to you though. They offer you the products but it is it up to you to find ways to sell them and there are plenty of inexpensive options out there.


North Carolina,
Have you ever needed to know what products are available? ..most people that rebuttal the comments on the board are actually SMC employees.

#12Consumer Comment

Sat, October 04, 2003

So how do you deal with having a catalog that is filled with products that are out of stock? If you have a website you will know that this company will not help you or let you know which products are not available, even if you ask them. Do you have the time to check thousands of products for their availability? I don't think so. You may be one of the fortunate few that are "real" members of this company. But I have a strong feeling that most people that rebuttal the comments on the board are actually SMC employees. Prove me wrong or prove me right! Provide me with answers to my questions.


SMCORP has been very successful for me

#13Consumer Comment

Sat, June 21, 2003

I am a member of the SMCORP and I have had a lot of success. I have had no problem with them and they have been very helpful to my business. I sell from my catalog and my website. Anytime I need them, I call and I get a quick response. I have been with SMCORP for over 7 years and have been very satisfied with them. Maybe this person miscommunicated with the company or something. Very happy with SMC

Myself and my husband are happy SMC business operators for three years now


Mon, January 14, 2002

They filed the following rebuttal to the above Rip-Off Report: Their email: [email protected] Their name: S.Harrelson Their relationship to the company: Supporter Rebuttal: Myself and my husband are happy SMC business operators for three years now.We bought their subwholesale business program and have had very good luck with it.We use it to sell merchandise retail in a variety of ways.We have not had any problems to date.I have tried other companies and did not have such good luck.Infact I have been royally ripped off myself by Themeware/Leasecom,(there are many letters about them in the rip off reports). There have been other companies that I have had the misfortune to get involved with as well.I feel as if SMC has been the only one that hasnt ripped me off.SMC has answered all my phone calls and correspondence quickly.As with any large companies that have telephone operators and factory workers there can be mistakes or confusion at times. We have been fortunate that any problems we have ever encountered have always been resolved quickly and to our satisfaction. Our products are drop shipped and replaced quickly and free of charge if damaged upon arrival.We are happy with SMC and have found them overall to be one of the best values out there. I dont know what relationship this SMW is to SMC or any other company as I have never heard of it before today.S.Harrelson

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