  • Report:  #736613

Complaint Review: Sonia Nicholas - Ft. Lauderdale Florida

Reported By:
Fromrr - Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A.

Sonia Nicholas
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Listed herself as a psychic on Craig's List under the name Lena Nicholas or some variation.  She offered a free question or reading.  I see 2 other reports on Ripoffreport.com and I guess I got off easy.  She answered my question and did seem psychic and I am not naive about who is and is not psychic.  I was very down at the time and she insisted she could get more answers for me if I paid her to meditate and I could pay through Western Union.  I should have known better, as every rip off psychic I have dealt with used WU. 

If they are paid by mail, that is a federal crime as it is mail fraud, so they know not to do this. - But she convinced me somehow, she is very good at this.  Sincere, intense and convincing.  And like others of this ilk, disappeared with my money.   This after offering a written guarantee by email.  I knew when I got it that by email that it was no good as I was 2000 miles away and how would I enforce it, but I wish I had gotten more identifying info on her.  Considering how good a con artist she is, it might have been fake anyway, but I wish I had tried.

Though I lost a relatively small amount of money as compared to some others here, the worst part of it was the feeling of betrayal.  Psychics like this either ask or know things you would not share with most.   To be so betrayed after one gains your trust after opening up is a horrible feeling and very violating.  I called and emailed, but of course, she did not answer.  I tracked her address through her cell phone and found it was in another state, GA if I remember correctly.  Also it was a disposable phone so likely she has changed her number by now. 

The police wanted me to file a report in the state where I got her address in GA, but I figured nothing would happen so didn't bother.  She picked up the money in FL, so either is there or else this is a family ring of thieves operating.  She told me her name was Lena, but said to wire the money to Sonia Nicholas, and likely that is her real name considering she has to show ID at WU to pick up money.  I would guess she has a lot of people after her from the reports filed and she doesn't advertise much.  I could look into this further, but due to finding she has a history of this and likely is operating from a family ring in multiple states, decided not to pursue it.  I do believe in karma and that she will get hers.

I was more hurt by the betrayal than anything else, though no one likes losing money in a scam.  I know she does have psychic ability and it would not have taken her long to use it.  I have heard criminals do their crimes for the 'high' they get and that must be the reason here, as she could easily have done the extended reading for me that I paid for.  I advise anyone looking for a reputable psychic to at least get one that uses PayPal so they can pay online and immediately and the person doesn't have a chance to take off with the money.  If a so called psychic says they won't take it or don't know how to use it, I would run.  I should have known better, but she was much more convincing than most. 

5 Updates & Rebuttals


Sonia Nicholas' Contact Information

#2General Comment

Thu, October 02, 2014

If needed, I have Sonia Nicholas' current residential address. 


Not an opinion

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, June 05, 2011

There has never been any 'psychic' who was even close to being able to prove their ability under any kind of controlled conditions.  If they ever do, I will be among the first to support them.

There is even a standing offer from JREF foundation to award over a million dollars to any 'psychic' who can pass tests that have been agreed upon by the 'psychic' and the testers.  This is a very fair arrangement but none has ever succeeded.  I would love it if they could do what they state they can do but, alas, they cannot.

The psychics you think are successful are merely lucky or good at cold reading.  If you predict enough things to enough people, you will occasionally get something close to correct.

No, they are ALL 100% scam artists.  Until there is some kind of independently documented proof I will maintain that you are, unfortunately, a sucker and will continue to lose money while they sit at home laughing their asses off at you.

Incidentally, anecdotes and stories are proof of nothing.

Good luck. 


New Mexico,
Not an ignorant sucker

#4Author of original report

Sun, June 05, 2011

Though I was taken by this person, I find this comment offensive.  I know there are people truly psychic but it is the scam artists that give them all a bad name.  Admittedly, maybe 5 in 100 are truly psychc, but they are out there.  I do not condone the 'blame the victim' mentality.  There are good con artists in every field - doctors, dentists, sales etc.  Not to put psychics on this same level, because they are not, but I am just trying to make a point.  Most people go to a psychic when they have a problem and are vulnerable.  I once had a psychic guide me accurately to avoid surgery.  This was not through hocus pocus type stuff, but guided meditation on my medical problem as to what path to follow.   -- No, I was not a fool to try to get the police involved.  I have studied police work and knew it would go nowhere and was a waste of time.  Interstate crime, such as I am talking about here involves the FBI and they are not going to get involved in something this petty - relatively speaking.  The police would have taken a report and that would have been it. - Now I did have one other bad experience with a rip off psychic and I did contact the police where she lived as she had a shop in the area and not an out-of-state address.  When she heard this, she did make good on giving me my money's worth.  Of course, I could not really trust her because she was doing this under pressure of police action against her.  But, at least, it was not a total rip off and she was forced to do something.   Good con artists like this Sonia Nicholas can pull off amazing things.  There is no one in any area of life that has never been fooled - period.  And yes, I did learn from this.  For one, remember first and foremost that anyone asking for money through Western Union or Moneygram alone is a scam artist.  An honest psychic will take PayPal.  It is obvious from your post you don't believe in psychics at all and you are entitled to your opinion.  I do not agree, but there are real ones and there are the scam artists.   Even the best psychic cannot guarantee their accuracy and some will even state in their ads 'for entertainment purposes only.'  But the really bad ones are the ones who gain your trust and get you to send them money and brazenly take off with it without even making an effort to make good on their promises.  People betray each other in all walks of life every day.  They change or things happen or maybe they were never any good and it took a while for their true colors to come out.  This is a lamentable situation, but I think it is hitting below the belt to start name calling and blaming the victim.  The police have no magic wand as you seem to think.  And I doubt very much you were never fooled in your life.  How would you like it if you were hurting from this and someone then kicked you when down and more or less said you deserved it?  It is more constructive to get the word out on these rip off artists and many people will not come forward precisely because of people like you and fearing to look a fool.  Sorry, but everyone has been a fool at one point or another in their life - and I am sure that includes you unless you are God.


Another ignorant sucker

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, June 04, 2011

Unfortunately you are just another ignorant sucker and you will continue to be ripped off until you have no money left. 

There are NO, I repeat NO psychics, they simply do not exist anywhere at all.

If the police offered to attempt to do something you were a fool to not at least let them try.

Anyone claiming to be 'Psychics' is the lowest form of scum imaginable and they have no morals and no shame.

I feel sorry for you because you have learned nothing yet.



#6Consumer Comment

Sat, June 04, 2011

There is no such thing as a "psychic, spellcaster, love guru, voodoo doctor" etc etc.  There IS such thing as a con artist and that is all these losers are.  Stop wasting your money on these scammers and spend it on your loved ones or send it to charity.

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