  • Report:  #1219390

Complaint Review: SpeeDee Delivery - Clearwater Minnesota

Reported By:
ihatespeedee - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

SpeeDee Delivery
4101 Clearwater Rd Clearwater, Minnesota, USA
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Our letter to Spee-Dee Delivery's President on down without any response. They are by far the most non-caring, stubborn people I have ever had the pleasure of dealing with.

January 22, 2015

“When Your Package Delivery Service Takes The Wrong Turn And The Punishment Continues”

Dear Don, Timm, Mark, Tom, Frank, and the Spee-Dee Delivery Family,

You should thank me for sending out such a polite letter to our customers and vendors, many of which in turn are your customers, notifying them of the unacceptable services offered by Spee-Dee Delivery to WIS. But from my experience, thanking people is far beneath you and your company. Don, Timm, and other management personnel; myself included, all know that the *** starts at the top and rolls down-hill. Therefore, you can all be proud as you sit on your perches and *** on all those down below. Be it your customers, your vendors or your employees. In this you have succeeded and can stand proud! Really? Succeeded? How and why?

Read on...

...Then at the end of the day you go home to your families or significant others and when they ask how was your day at work? You can proudly tell them that you crapped on another customer today, but you know honey, that's a way of life with me. There will always be more customers. And you know, I've always done it that way and will continue doing the same, because that's what makes me so successful. People look up to me for guidance and direction and I promptly *** all over them. Truth be known, these actions are shameful...

...Now let's talk about employees, perhaps the motto of Spee-Dee Delivery should be, we stand behind bad employees at all costs. If your customers call you out on these actions you need to punish them, and you need to continue punishing those customers until they go away. What punishment are we referring to?...Purposely delaying delivery and put on the night-time delivery route. What a great game plan. FYI: We were punished again on Tuesday. And once again I am forced to share these horrible experiences with my customers and others who were included in your punishment. How is this good for Spee-Dee? I don’t want to have to share these experiences, but Spee-Dee is forcing my hand with their continued bad service. Once again, why?

While we're on this page, let's talk about Mr. Nick P. Cottello, driver extraordinaire. The root of the problem. In the past he would visit our company two to three times per week. On nearly every visit we could count on one thing, him complaining, complaining how much he hates his job, how he hates the weather, amongst other things and how he can't wait to retire and move out East so he can watch NASCAR 24/7. You will like this, on another occasion I informed him that his tail lights, both brake and turn signals on his delivery truck were not working. His response as he smirked, I don't care, it's not my truck. Let's not worry about the drivers following him! By the way, his tail lights didn't work for the following month. Tom, get on that, you are safety manager. Other visits, as you know, he would kick our eight pound dog out of the way, probably because he hates dogs and then to justify the kick he would falsely accuse the dog of biting him. So often that Jessica, our office manager screamed at him to shut-up. Yes we have many witnesses to this. And we all know about the incident where Nick felt it was necessary to have the police involved in a so called injury the size of a pinhead, once again blaming it on the dog, enough has been said on that topic. Nick P. Cottello…what an all-star! As I said in the past, apparently he does indeed walk on water. All he is in our minds is a miserable person who hates his existence. If any of you need recommendations on how to handle bad employees of this nature, please contact me. Myself, I wouldn’t hire him to take out the garbage. Enough on that subject. Let's move on...

…Frank Arellano and Thomas Shay, both of you have told me it is too costly to fix the wrongs within your company. However, with this mindset you are putting a price on integrity. That is disgusting and ridiculous! How and why any company would act in this manner is an unknown and makes no sense? Perhaps it's in the company's business plan? Or perhaps it is just a way of life within Spee-Dee, with no change on the horizon? How sad...

...Don, I’ve read your story. You’ve been doing this for some 37 years and should be proud of your accomplishments. You have the power to make change. Now I don't know the inner workings of your company, nor do I care to know them. I'm more or less an outsider looking in. And all I see is a disastrous path for a company with the ethics and morals you and your company apparently preach. It is sad that this is the road you have chosen. As we all know, bad customer service is contagious. Don, Timm, Mark, Frank, Tom, is there any way that you can somehow justify these actions? Is this business as usual or just a fluke? A fluke it is not. I’ve read all the blogs regarding Spee-Dee Delivery and they’re not pretty. So how does Spee-Dee get back on track and be the company they need to be?

I think all of you, yes all of you need to do some serious soul searching. You’re not perfect, I’m not perfect, but you need to treat others as you would expect to be treated yourselves. More than anything, you need to listen. You need to listen to your most valuable asset, your customers. Perhaps stand back and act as though you are the outsider looking in. The truth is there and the truth may be painful, but it is what it is. You are the ones that need to fix your broken method of conducting everyday business and the broken product you offer. You are the ones that need to make the necessary changes, painful or not. It’s a matter of doing the right thing. Get rid of the trash within and move forward. You say you are a growing company. But when growth slows or eventually ends, what will the mindset be as fingers are pointed? Make the changes now. Change can be good. Change can motivate not only your good employees but also the average middle of the road employees and maybe, just possibly, the bottom dwellers.

And perhaps then you can go home at the end of the day and proudly tell your family that it was a good, I mean a great day! You can proudly tell them that you learned some important lessons today, you acted upon them and you took it to heart and will never let it happen again.

Then change will happen and it will feel good for all involved. And any outsider looking in will say what a great company Spee-Dee Delivery is because of how much they care and respect the people and the companies they serve. Then perhaps someday in the not so distant future all of you can say, I work for a great company, I have great customers, great employees and life is good.

Good luck to all,


For your reference, here are the all-stars who could care less:

Donald Weeres - President   

Timm Papesh - Vice President

Mark Svihel – Sales 

Tom Shay – Safety Director

Frank Arellano – Regional Manager  


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