  • Report:  #399221

Complaint Review: St. Mary Parish Government - Franklin Louisiana

Reported By:
- Morgan City, Louisiana,

St. Mary Parish Government
500 Main Street, Fifth Floor Courthouse Building Franklin, 70538-6198 Louisiana, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On December 10, 2008 the St. Mary Parish Government sent me for a physical at Bourgeois Medical Clinic. I was being offered a position as a Psych Tech at $10/hr with a night shift differential of $12/hr.

I went to Bourgeois Medical Clinic and after waiting while I was given a drug screen. After waiting quite a while longer I was finally called in the back for the actual physical. I was examined by Dr. Donald P. Thibodaux. He stated that because I had not seen a doctor recently he could not give me a passing test. I was told that I would have to go to my own doctor to get an A1C test done. If the test came back within acceptable range he would pass me, otherwise he would say that I was not physically fit for the job.

I called Tammy C. Doucet, Director of Personnel for St. Mary Parish Government, and explained to her the situation. She told me that the doctor did not have the final say in the matter, that she had the final decision on whether to hire me or not.

The test results did come back and my level was higher than normal. So, I take it he lied and said I was not fit to do the job. I called Jennifer Fisher, HR for the local Fairview Treatment Center. She kept saying she had not heard anything from Tammy C. Doucet.

Tammy C. Doucet finally called me, however, she was very rude, unprofessional, and obtuse. Instead of the normal, "How are you?" that "professional" people do, she started the conversation, after confriming who I was, with "What's this I hear about you keep asking Jennifer if you got the job? Didn't the Bourgeois Clinic clearly explain to you about this?"

I take it she was trying to hint at what the incompetent Dr. Donald P. Thibodaux told me he was going to say. However, I clearly remember talking to Tammy C. Doucet on the phone and she told me herself that SHE had the final say in the matter. When I reminded her of this she responded, "Oh. Well you didn't get the job because you did not fullfill the requirements." I asked her about what requirements she was talking about.

She stated that I failed to get another blood test done at Bourgeois Medical Clinic. I explained to her that I never got any blood work at Bourgeois Medical Clinic. I was told by Dr. Donald P. Thibodaux that I had to get the blood work from my own doctor. Of which I did, however, the test results were not to Bourgeois Clinic's satisfaction.

Next she started to blame me for not getting the job. She said that I should have just gone and gotten another test done. I clearly explained to her multiple times that an A1C test can NOT be done only a couple weeks apart. The test results would be no different. An A1C is usually done about ever three months.

She seemed to ignore what I would say because she would just rudely comment that it was my fault for not getting the blood work done at Bourgeois Clinic. This was a very clear example of a woman that has little to know comprehension skills. She seemed to speak English fluently. However, her comprehension skills of English are about that of a three year old child. What's scary is this woman is in charge for the Human Resources division of the entire St. Mary Parish Government!

I did file a complaint with the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission). Unfortunately, the EEOC is "By the government, for the government." Despite the Fact that the EEOC had found in favor of a diabetic ina previous federal case (http://www.eeoc.gov/briefs/echaza.txt), they seemed to find in favor of the St. Mary Parish Government this time.

The EEOC investigator that investigated my case, Yasmin G. Thomas, pretty much had the same comprehension level as Tammy C. Doucet. When I spoke to Yasmin G. Thomas, I explained the same situation to her. When I filed the complaint with the EEOC I forwarded copies of the court cases that have dealt with A1C discrimination.

Despite all of that, Ms. Thomas stated, "..well the ball was in your court and you dropped it." How is that for equality?! The EEOC has already found in favor of diabetics in regards to discriminating against them on the basis of an A1C as it has been found that a diabetic's A1C has no direct or indirect correlation with a diabetic's physical abilities and/or limitations. Now, I remind Yasmin G. Thomas of this and she tells me in a harsh and rude voice, "I already know. I read the papers." Well, obviously not!

This is a clear and cut example of the corruption in Louisiana and in the U.S. Government. The office that handled the EEOC complaint was in Dallas, TX as the New Orleans, LA office was too backed up with cases.

My advise is to stay away from Louisiana! The agencies they have here that are there to "protect" you don't do anything at all. It is for this reason why I have decided to write a book on Louisiana and the corruption within the state.

I will be writing to the headquarters of the EEOC in Washington, D.C. as well as sending a letter to Hon. Paul P. Naquin, Jr. (St. Mary Parish President), as well as a letter to the Bourgeois Medical Clinic. I have a separate RipOffReport about Bourgeois Medical Clinic.


Morgan City, Louisiana


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