  • Report:  #654954


Reported By:
SICKANDTIRED - , Florida, United States of America

TALLEHASSEE, Florida, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have been dealing with the State of Florida's CSE, branch for over a decade now and it is horrible.  I am a non custodial parent and I pay state enforced child support.  Here is my complaint First we will goto the begining back in 2000, I had a child with my ex-wife after the child was born the ex-wife wanted a divorce.  After a few months of living in hell in a aptment with her and our newborn trying to make it work, me and her came to the agreement of me getting thrown out, or I moved out because it was a very unhealthy co habitation.  After that happened I started to visit my child every week, and give money orders to my ex.  Next thing that happened she moved to another state, did not bother telling me where she took our child and disappeared for about a year.  She returns to town does not bother looking for another job, and just goes straight to the welfare office.  Now she is on welfare and the CSE gets involved. 

About a year later after dealing with all the debt my ex-wife left me and the emotional grief we got the divorce finalized and the judge ordered the CSE, to enforce my child support payments.   Here is one of the biggest problems with CSE, instead of both parents taking care of a child monetarily 50/50 it is determined based off of what each parent makes.  For example If I have a job and I make about 1700 a month and she has no job I will end up paying 225 dollars every two weeks for my child.  Its not that big of a problem but if you lose your job or make less  money within a 18 year time span it is very hard to adjust that amount.  It will take facing a judge and pleading your case.  If you cannot pay the amount or lost your job or even try to pay the amount but you cannot pay all of it, you will get punished, and up to going to jail.

For example.  Back in 2005, I ended up going to the hospital at age 28 for a perforated Ulcer.  Lost my job and could not work or make any money for about a month or so, I sent a certified letter to the CSE, in Tallahassee, trying to explain what happened and even called the local office, about a week or two after I was released from the hospital with staples and tubes still hanging out of my stomach I received a delinquent letter..  To make a long story short I ended up having to reformat my child support payments to pay for the time I was hospitalized, I think it went up another 20-30 dollars.  So now every two weeks I am paying over Two hundred and fifty dollars.  So Now I got back on my feet and have not missed a payment in over 4 years, yet at least two to three times a year I receive a final notice over Four hundred dollars or so, and everytime I get this letter I check my payment records and scratch my head, I call the local CSE office and they tell me not to worry about it.  Well I am sick and tired of it, I am not behind on my child support payments as a matter a fact in the month of August, I made 3 payments!!!  I am going to have to take time out to goto the CSE office once more, and get treated like a criminal and looked down upon, not to mention its not good for my health to be worrying about what the state is talking about.  Each time I goto the CSE, office they cannot find where I am behind.  Every single time, and they pass the buck or say they don't know, or even blame me for the error!!

I pay my child support each time on myfloridacounty.com, this website is awesome I can go back and check every payment I have made.  My point is I am considering my legal options at this time, I am once more going to goto the CSE office taking time out of my life over another mistake they have made.  In addition this mistake is not good for my health and I am sick and tired of it. 

I just wanted to bring this to the attention of the people out there, as you can see this is a horrible way to treat a human being, I was taught while growing up if you don't do anything wrong you have nothing to worry about, well boy was I taught wrong. 

Thanks for reading,


3 Updates & Rebuttals


West Chester,
The Law Perverted- Govt by design not broken Govt

#2General Comment

Sun, October 31, 2010

The Law Perverted!   Child Support and Politicians alike have taken the position of Marxist Principal in the Freeworld by dominating and exploiting the working class. Made to perform more labor than is necessary. Alienation-denotes the estrangement of people from their humanity. Child Support has nothing to do with justice, it is a panoply of plundered pops, and overwhelmingly now more than ever, Child Support is a regime whereby a father is forced to finance the filching of his own children. What is most striking is that this witch hunt of zealots has come entirely from government officials. No public outcry ever preceded these measures. The public never demanded that the government take action, nor has any public discussion of this alleged problem ever been held in the national or local media.


Needless to say the voices of pursued parents are seldom heard amid the chorus of condemnation. The bipartisan certainty of their guilt is sufficient to set aside their right to trial and declare them public enemies by general acclaim. Yet there is reason to believe that this problem is an optical illusion and that what is being portrayed as irresponsible fathers is in reality a massive abuse of government power. In recent years, a few cracks have appeared in the monolith. William Comanor writes that child-support obligations the only form of obligation or debt that most of the debtors have done nothing to incur- are now treated far more harshly than any other form of debt.  Attorney Ron Henry characterizes the system as an obvious sham a disaster, and the most onerous form of debt collection practiced in the United States.  The overwhelming majority of so-called deadbeat dads are judicially created, says another attorney. Why all this talk about so-called deadbeat dads? Because there is a lot of money to be made through that myth.


When one begins to research the objective data and the research of independent scholars, it turns out that the problem is mostly the creation of government officials. In fact the myth of deadbeat dad has already been discredited conclusively by Sanford Braver and other scholars. We have already seen that few married or not married fathers seldom voluntarily abandon their children. Beyond this Braver has also shown that little scientific basis exists for claims that large numbers of fathers are not paying child support. Braver found that government claims of nonpayment were derived not from any compiled database or hard figures but entirely from surveys of mothers, and these alone, in setting enforcement policy against fathers, and no effort is made to balance them with surveys of non-custodial parents. Yet Braver found that fathers overwhelmingly do pay court-ordered child support when they are employed, often at enormous personal sacrifice.



A look at government machinery reveals that it was created not in response to claims of widespread nonpayment but before them, and that it was less a response to deadbeat dads than a mechanism to create them. Like new divorce laws (and shortly after their enactment), the child-support regulations and criminal enforcement machinery were created while few were paying attention.

Under pressure from bar associations and feminist groups, President Gerald Ford signed legislation creating the Office of Child Support Enforcement in 1975, warning at the time that it constituted unwarranted federal intrusion into families and the role of states. Contrary to professions of concern for the children, the principal purpose was never to provide for abandoned or impoverished children but to recoup welfare costs for the government. In fact, no study has ever been undertaken by the Department of Health and Human Services, Congress, or any branch of government to explain the reason for the agencys existence.

Almost immediately the program began to expand exponentially, increasing tenfold from 1978 to 1998. The massive growth of law-enforcement machinery and reach was federally driven. In 1984, the Child Support Enforcement amendment to the Social Security Act required states to adopt child support guidelines. The legislation was promoted by the OCSE itself and by private collection companiesagain less to help children than to save the government money under the theory that it would help get single-mother families off of welfare by making fathers pay more.  Because most unpaid child support is due to unemployment, and because most non-custodial parents of AFDC [welfare] children do not earn enough to pay as much child support as their children are already receiving in AFDC benefits, according to researchers Irwin Garfinkel and Sara McLanahan, higher child-support guidelines could not help these children.

Then, with no explanation or justification (or constitutional authority), guidelines and criminal enforcement machinery conceived and created to address the minority of children in poverty were extended, under pressure from OCSE and other interests, to all child-support orders, even the majority not receiving welfare, by the Family Support Act of 1988. This vastly enlarged the program and transformed a welfare provision into an entitlement. Today welfare cases, consisting mostly of unmarried parents account for only 17 percent of all child-support cases, and the proportion is shrinking. The remaining 83 percent of non-welfare cases consist largely of previously married fathers who are usually divorced involuntarily and who generally can be counted on to pay.  With wage withholding, the number of dollars passing through the government collection system exploded, mostly from non-welfare cases for which the system was never designed, which currently accounts for 92 percent of the money collected.

The 1988 law also made the guidelines presumptive and, for all practical purposes, compulsory. By one estimate the new guidelines more than doubled the size of awards. Yet that point was already known among policy makers and scholars that, with the exception of the relatively small number of poor and unemployed fathers, no serious problem on nonpayment existed. Not only was Braver presenting the results of his research, but a federal pilot study commissioned four years earlier by OCSE itself was published with similar findings. Originally the full-scale government-sponsored study was planned to follow up the pilot, but that was quashed by the OCSE when the pilots findings threatened the justification for the agencies existence by demonstrating that non-payment of child support was not a serious problem. The Congressional Research Service also concluded at about the same time that no serious problem existed.

Promoted as a program that would reduce government spending, federal child-support enforcement has incurred a continuously increasing deficit. The overall financial impact of the child-support program on taxpayers is negative, the House Ways and Means Committee reports. Taxpayers lost $2.7 billion in 2002.

This money does not vanish. It ends up in the pockets and coffers of state officials, for whom it constitutes a lucrative source of revenue and income. Most states make a profit on their child-support program, according to Ways and Means, which notes that States are free to spend this profit in any manner the State sees fit. In other words, federal taxpayers (who were supposed to save money) subsidize state government operations through child-support. This also transforms family courts from impartial tribunals into revenue-generating engines for the state government.

In addition to penalties and interest, states profit through federal incentive payments based on the amount collected, as well as receiving 66 percent of operating costs and 90 percent of computer costs.  (When two states collaborate, both states qualify for the incentive payment as if each state had collected 100 percent of the money.) Federal outlays of almost $3.5 billion in 2002 allowed Ohio to collect $228 million and California to collect $640 million. There is a $200 million per year motive driving this system in Michigan alone, attorney Michael Tindall points out. It dances at the strings of federal money.

To collect these funds states must channel payments through their criminal enforcement machinery, further criminalizing involuntarily divorced parents and allowing the government to claim its perennial crackdowns are increasing collections despite the program operating at an increasing loss. In January 2000, HHS Secretary Donna Shalala announced that the federal and state child-support enforcement program broke new records in nationwide collections in fiscal year 1999, reaching $15.5 billion, nearly doubling the amount collected in 1992. Yet these figures are not what they appear.

In simple accounting terms, the General Accounting Office, which appears at face value all the official HHS assumptions and data for what is legally owed but unpaid, found that as a percentage of what it claims is owed, collections actually decreased during this period. In fiscal year 1996, collections represented 21 percent of the total amount due but dropped to 17 percent of the total amount due in fiscal year 2000, writes GAO? As a result the amount owed at the end of the period is greater than the amount owed at the beginning of the period.


These facts are gathered from a book published by Cumberland House Publishing Inc. The Title is Taken Into Custody- The War Against Fathers, Marriage, and the Family. By Stephen Baskerville  For the sole purpose to stir up concern for rights of people. Something needs to be done.


Don't take time off work, do this

#3Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 25, 2010

It appears that you are on top of your game and NOT a dumb a*s like most in this situation. Keep doing what you are doing for the most part.

However, DO NOT take time off work or lose any more time or money over those idiots.

Keep sending certified letters, but be sure you not only send it certified, but do it return reciept requested, AND be sure to put the certified number on the letter itself and keep a copy for your records as this proves exactly what you sent.

This way if you ever get hauled in to court and they take action against you for their mistake, you can sue them very easily.

I would also send several letters by the means above to the Governor's office, as this is a State program.

Also send letters to various consumer affairs offices for the State, and some investigative news channels, etc. Send one to the Attorney General's office in the form of a complaint against a government agency. Not that they have the responsibility to do anything, but they will forward it to whomever does!

Good luck!

Signal 7

CSE is horrible to men in FL

#4General Comment

Mon, October 25, 2010

My ex wife left me for a married man, went and got a bogus restraining order against me (that I proved false), marched down to internal affairs and caused me to lose my law enforcement career.  The day after I was terminated from the sheriffs office, she put me on child support.  I've been backed in a corner ever since (2007).  She received GREAT incentives for leaving me and eventually we divorced.  They gave her everything she wanted.  The house I built with my V.A., custody of our child, court ordered child support, and even my riding lawn mower to top it off.  She makes $100,000 a year.  Yes, I said $100,000 a year.  I asked for alimony only on a temporary basis because I was unemployed due to my ex wifes actions.  The female magistrate DENIED me alimony and a female judge signed off on my divorce.  I was in between jobs furthering my child support debt until eventually they suspended my drivers license.  Im a former marine, no record, B.S. degree, and law enforcement experience.  A friend advised me to go over seas as a protection officer.  I started the long tiresome process.  Almost made it through the process just to find out that the department of State will not issue me a passport because im more than $2500 to rear in child support.  I would have been making nearly a six figure income almost tax free and I could have made good on my child support debt (in full) within a couple months.  So, I'm at a point where I just dont care anymore.  The laws are designed to keep men hands tied behind their backs.  Take my entire entire income tax return, place child support debt on credit, seize bank accounts, refuse passports, suspend drivers license, and then eventually you go to jail.  With the economy the way it is now, alot us men behind on child support will end up filling up all the jails in florida with no room left for murderers and child molesters.  I know its frustrating being that you are current.  They did the same to me when i was current.  As long as they show where you are current youre fine but dont take their word.  Get documentation.  Hang in there.  Hopefully someday they will revise their child support laws and guidelines.  God Bless.

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