  • Report:  #1022767

Complaint Review: State Senator Tom Patton Ohio 24th District - Columbus Ohio

Reported By:
MD - Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.

State Senator Tom Patton Ohio 24th District
1 Capitol Square, 1st Floor, Senate Building Columbus, 43215-6117 Ohio, United States of America
(614) 466-8056
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
State Senator Tom Patton, Ohio 24th District, is going along with Anita Steinbergh DO & Lance Talmadge MD, current longstanding Members of the State Medical Board of Ohio, fabricating 'confidential' cases at the State Medical Board - for years-to-decades now.  Both Members have been re-voted to continue on the State Medical Board of Ohio for 5-year terms while participating in fraudulent cases, blaming the woman MDs with no patient complaints.

The Legislative Senate Health Committee is 'in' on the con - there are never any new names to appoint to the State Medical Board of Ohio - the old ones are just re-cycled and the 'game' continues.  There are no term limits at the State Medical Board of Ohio, but Tom Patton voted one for himself?  What's the profit, or the bluff?  

The mantra at the State Medical Board of Ohio is: blame the woman MD, and get her psychiatrically evaluated multiple times until she admits the false case to get her medical license back.  There are case workers assigned to this bullying - whose whole job is calling the MD lawyers & telling them to admit the case.  That is the State investigation - blackmailing cases.  If you can't work, you can't pay the lawyers.

There is no external review of cases, or decisions, at the State Medical Board of Ohio.  Fraud rules, and nothing has anything to do with patient complaints.  Senator Patton has been there for the last 5 years, and done nothing.  He pretends to be Catholic, and the 'Catholic girl MDs are supposed to be easy' for the boys in practice - doing the personals, not the patient stuff.  Catholic RNs, and women MDs, are abused daily in hospitals in Ohio, ie Hillcrest Hospital (now part of Cleveland Clinic Foundation) - while the padres at St. Francis watch the physical, medical & emotional abuse and say nothing (the padres are not doing the abuse, but parishioners are like Dr. Robert Botti Sr).    

Women MDs are not allowed to get medical care-to-function, will have their licenses taken for not going along with bad care, and no one says anything about this because of the 'code of silence.'  If women MDs won't do the 'code,' then they don't 'deserve' to practice medicine or have a medical license.  The Medical Schools trained these women to be honest, to admit mistakes - they passed Medical School with this 'code.' 

The 'code of silence' is difficult to non-workable if the woman MD is the patient being lied to, the patient whose care is being botched.  It's the 'code of silence' vs the 'admit the mistakes' code.  The Harvard Partners & Massachusetts General Hospital systems have a code to admit the mistakes, correct the problems, and pay small cost compensations - it works.

Blood work, bone density testing, routine ob-gyn care, and having a family are not allowed women MDs falsely accused - they are damned to life cycles of psychiatric abuse that they reported bad care - that they 'make too much of admittedly bad care which should not be going on anywhere' - care that however IS going on in Ohio.  Fractures are not supposed to be psychiatric criteria. 

Senator Patton is going along with one woman MD not getting proper treatment for a bone condition - for 20 years now so that she dies without the State having to 'pay out' for the damages & liability.  He, and Governor Kasich, watch while she continues to fracture bones.  The Cleveland Clinic won't do treatment until assured that they will not have licenses taken for the 'confidential' of treating a bone condition that the State Medical Board of Ohio won't admit exists despite multiple fractures over 20 years. 

This is as unethical as Hitler was, as unethical as Osama was.  This woman MD's case has no merit.  There currently is 'no case,' but there is no statute of limitations and no procedural way for the State Medical Board of Ohio to admit a mistake - so the woman MD's license has been taken for 20 years - while Tom Patton smiles the smile and gets heavier.  This is done to inflate the stats at the State Medical Board of Ohio, and for the profit of Members who vote for cases that have no merit to get hospitals & hospital systems out of liability. 

The payback is in hospital contract jobs, hospital appointments, hospital privileges, and retirement funds & arrangements - but it's all 'confidential.'  The conflicts of interest of State Medical Board Members are never investigated - because everything is 'confidential' about why certain cases are investigated, and others not.  Current Interim Director Kimberly Anderson has been in charge of these pseudo-investigations for years now, bringing anything into cases including sexual & dating histories.  The Members of the State Medical Board of Ohio never have to recuse themselves from a case - it's all 'confidential.'   

Cases at the State Medical Board of Ohio have to have transparent criteria, statutes of limitations, and allow for proper medical care of the physicians until the case is proven or not proven.  Board Members with conflicts-of-interest need to be required to recuse themselves from ALL votes & investigations that they are involved in, or a party to.  To this end there needs to be no 'provisional' suspensions - so that the medical malpractice & health insurances of the accused physicians are continued to help the physician cope with the costs of the investigation, and continue to get adequate health care.  Destroying an innocent physician's health should not be the way to blackmail a case into existence.

Senator Patton needs to find his moral compass, and insist that the State Medical Board act with due process, with respect for physician confidentiality & health care needs, and in a timely fashion; 20 years is not timely or appropriate.  Cases going beyond 7 years need to be dismissed - as at every other State Medical Board - if Tom Patton did the research & his homework on this issue.  The pre-laws in his office should be on this 'case,' doing something besides filling out their applications for law school, and inflating their resumes with State of Ohio dysfunction.   

1 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, March 03, 2013

Rita, pretty soon you're going to run out of people to complain about. You haven't been a practicing physicial for 20 years. Give it up!

The true definition of insanity is repeating the same behavior and expecting a different result. Haven't you learned this yet? Your complaints fall on deaf ears because of your long history of psychiatric problems.

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