  • Report:  #69090

Complaint Review: STEPHEN RODDICK - MIAMI Florida

Reported By:

8420 SW 27 LANE MIAMI, 33155 Florida, U.S.A.
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I order a 52" RAC tv from Stephen Roddick and never receive it. He was on ebay but ebay cancelled all his sells. He said it was because of Java some internet site, I guess. I took a chance any way and email him and ask if I can still but the tv. After a number of email he said I could buy one from him.

I know I was taking a change on this and ebay said use your own judgement. I just was hoping that he keep his word. To make a long story short I wanted to send a money order but he said that he does not work with money orders at least not right now. It took a while for me to agree to send the money to he through a moneygram.

He wouldn't take anything else. I sent him $650.00 and paid $55 dollars to send the money to him. I told my mother about it and she said I need to report it because she does not think I will ever receive my tv. I call different freight truck company, since he said thats what he shipped it by and they said that it could take from 10 days to 21 day to receive it. He said 6 day. I'm trying to wait to see if I receive the tv, I sent him alot of emails asking he for the tracking number and company to check on the tv to see where it is and how long will it take for me to get it.

But he never answer any of my emails, before he did but he just stop. It would be nice if he did, it would really put my mind at ease. Because I really do fill like a fool!!! I don't know if he use he real name and address or what, my mother said it's probable a fake to. He suppose to have his own little business on the side.



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