  • Report:  #1300879

Complaint Review: Steve Repetti - Nationwide

Reported By:
Recent Victim - Ft Lauderdale, Florida, USA

Steve Repetti
Nationwide, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments


Steve Repetti is a total fraud! I personally worked with Mr Steve Repetti for over 2 years. And, just like the other report that is listed on this site, I too unfortunately fell victim to Steve's fraud and deception. Everything listed in that report is 100% accurate...Steve is a company killer! He tauts himself as a "start up" expert, but nothing could be further from the truth. He also claims to be a start up "investor", and that is also blatenly false.

He has a well documented history of fraudulently inducing investors to invest in his "portfolio" of start up companies only to misuse those funds for his own personal benefit and then the so called companies that the investments were made for become defunct due to a lack of capital.

He has numerous judgements from other lawsuits where he defrauded investors. He owes the IRS over $3 million in tax liens, and is currently in litigation with his partners from Crunchfire Ventures for the exact same reasons.

My advice is stay as far away from Steve Repetti as possible! He has and will destroy any new venture he is associated with. Despite his public claims of being this "technology dude" with over 20 years exp building new start ups, Steve has yet to have even one single success story. Everythjing he touches turns to s**t!!

Like all good con artists, Steve talks a good game, but don't let that fool you...he is a total SCUMBAG!!!

If you dig deep enough you will find that every word here is true and so is the other report that is listed here.

So, if you are considering doing "business" with Mr Repetti my advice would be to RUN....RUN as fast and as far as possible. You will save yourself a lot of time and no doubt a whole lot of money!!

11 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Steve Repetti's California Crime Spree (1991-2001)! Steve Repetti of Radweb Technologies Inc., www.radwebtech.com. www.steverepetti.com and www.steverepettifiles.com

#2UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Fri, September 21, 2018

Steve Repetti California Crime Spree (1991-20010! Steve Repetti of Radweb Technologies Inc., www.radwebtech.com. www.steverepetti.com  and www.steverepettifiles.com Beginning 6/20/1991 & Ending 11/8/2001, When He Fled CA to Start Again In Florida!

After Steve Repetti of Radweb Technologies Inc., www.radwebtech.com, www.steverepetti.com  and www.steverepettifiles.com fled the State of Maryland on Parole after his Criminal Felony Conviction, he moved to California where he began again almost immediately.

Even though he was on a 15 year Suspended Sentence and Parole, this did not stop Steve Repetti from engaging in the same types of activities for which he narrowly avoided entering the Maryland Penal System just months before. SteveRepettiFiles.com has a very good summary of the Maryland Crime Spree and the Florida actions.

This report covers the period when he restarted in California.

Below is a list of every Civil Case that could be found in Orange County California where Steve Repetti was a Defendant and covers the period from 1991-2001. Interestingly it includes the case of the “Defiled Landlord” just below this report as well. We truly feel sorry for Allen Knopf.

It’s an astonishing list and Steve Repetti of Radweb Technologies Inc. averaged a lawsuit every 3 months as a Defendant that he lived in the State of California, and this only includes the cases that we could find. We’re sure there are even more!

The people of California must have breathed a sigh of relief when he finally turned his attention to the people of Florida.

Unfortunately for everybody involved, the authorities (FBI, local police, State police, Judges, DA’s, etc.) did not do their jobs and left it to us, the Public, to uncover this lifetime con-man.

Hopefully because of these reports here and everywhere, no one else’s life will be destroyed by Steve Repetti of Radweb Technologies Inc., www.radwebtech.com, www.steverepetti.com and www.steverepettifiles.com .




Case Number





Robert E. & Irma Maurer




Daniel J. Cooper




Sigma Software DBA Mission Technologies

The Pierson Group




Palmiere, Tyler, Wiener, Wilhelm, & Waldron




Executive Systems Inc.




Saddleback Valley Outpatient




Texas Commerce Bank




Steven J. Feldman




Trans Continental Credit Service Inc. on behalf of DBA Head and Neck Assoc




Grant and Weber on behalf of Mission Hospital Medical




DBA Worldview Travel




GE Capital Mortgage Services Inc.




Touchstone Software Corp.




Saddleback II Assocs




Allen Knopf




William Fisher




Gary Balsamo




State Street Bank and Trust








Fidelity National Title Co.




Fidelity National Title Co.








Affordable Home Inspection Co Inc.




Eric and Deborah Walbergh








Trans World Systems Inc.




Law Offices of Tracy Ettinghoff




Enterprise Rent a Car L.A.




Julie A. Galkin




Mehdi Hatamian




Mandana Hatamian




Myrna Mendel




Myrna Mendel




Carlos Flores & Dorothy Flores




DBA Dansk Dental Clinic


United States
Steve Repetti of steverepettifiles.com and radwebtech.com Defrauded Landlord and Defiled home in Laguna Hills, California in 1998. Letter from original victim reproduced below.

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, May 09, 2018

I received this letter anonymously recently from someone that claims to be one of my LinkedIn contacts. Apparently they know about my past miserable history with Steve Repetti (www.steverepettifiles.com) and Radweb Technologies www.radwebtech.com.

I was so blown away by the contents of this letter that I felt compelled to post it, especially after Steve’s so-called “Rebuttal”.

The letter below was from Steve Repetti’s Landlord in Laguna Hills California in 1998 and was sent to one of his victims in Florida who was investigating Steve Repetti’s past in 2002.

Despite Steve Repetti’s various public denials and continuous lies, the truth is the truth. He can deny the reality of his actions but that doesn’t change the reality of those actions.

If the letter below (and attached), had been made public in 1999, it might have prevented all of the many, many victims of Steve Repetti of www.steverepettifiles.com post 1998, from having their lives destroyed and disrupted and in some cases complete financial ruination of the victim and their families.

Steve Repetti is a sociopath who will destroy anybody who stands in his way and because he is lawsuit and judgment proof he does not fear being sued, but he is very happy to sue anyone who tries to stand up to him. He is a Legal Bully who misuses the legal system to terrorize his victims and destroy lives. This is the reason that his victims remain anonymous on forums like this but the public filings, legal documents and data supporting everything about Steve Repetti’s past is no longer hidden from view.

Steve knows he is in trouble and his life and lifestyle depends upon further grifting so all of these reports are a direct threat to his “livelihood” which explains his bizarre recent behavior.

The FBI does not issue certificates of “authorization and vetting” to do business with startups as Steve Repetti proclaims. That’s how you know things are falling apart for him because the lies just keep getting more outrageous as the truth continues to come out. Perhaps he can post the FBI’s “Startup Seal of Approval” on this website once he reads this.

I feel sorry for his family and friends because like most sociopaths he has done an amazing job of living a lie for more than thirty years and hiding in plain sight. Every single victim of Steve loved him (like me) before they hated him. His gift is to sell and he is one hell of a confidence man and the master of the long con.

The letter below helps explain why Steve Repetti has had more than 20 known addresses and more than 30 failed businesses in the last 30 years because he owns nothing and screws everybody and he manages to get away with it over and over again.

Hopefully never again. Perhaps after this letter he will forever be known as the “Urinator”.

Name Redacted

Fox Point, WI

August 21, 2002


Name Redacted



Dear Mr (Name Redacted)

I must be relatively careful as to what I say in writing, since I have never met you and cannot be sure that this will not fall into Mr. Repetti’s hands. So my comments are limited to facts only. If you wish to hear more, email me with your phone #.

Mr. Repetti attempted to purchase my house in Laguna Hills, CA beginning in September of 1998. He claimed to be selling a business some months later, at which time he would have the funds to complete the purchase. My realtor “checked him out” and a lease option to buy was drawn up. He did come up with a substantial payment and paid the rent for about 4 months, then failed to make the second payment on the option which was then void. He payed some rent, but eventually ceased that and had to be evicted. That process was very drawn out and expensive, with him trying to declare bankruptcy. He was unable to do this secondary to the fact (according to my attorneys) that it was his third bankruptcy in 5-6 years. He had to be forcibly evicted, and I had to move all his belongings out which were eventually sold at auction. Apparently he had left a large # of cats in the house sans litter boxes, and the fleas prevented movers from removing his belongings for several weeks while multiple sprayings were done. The damage from the cat urine was far more extensive and expensive, requiring months to repair and the importation of various exotic chemicals and biological preparations to neutralize the odor. Bottom line was about $35,000 damage, $25,000 legal bills and 10 months of payments on an empty house. The use of the cats was particularly diabolical, since my insurance specifically excluded pet damage, even though I had never approved or known of him having any cats in the house. It would have been far better for me if he had used a sledge hammer instead. My attorneys did the research that the realtor failed to do, and came up with page after page of legal and credit information on Mr. Repetti that would have precluded me having any dealings with him whatsoever.

The above is all true to the best of my recollection, if you want any clarification, I strongly urge you to email me back with your phone #.



California Civil Case #027958


Ft Lauderdale,
United States
In Response to Steve Repetti's Rebuttal

#4Author of original report

Thu, May 03, 2018

As usual. Mr Repetti has a problem with the facts. And, like all good conartist, (and sociopaths), his goal is to slander and defame those who speak the truth and try and explain all this away as just a bunch of "affluenza-impaired individuals throwing a tantrum to get what they want". Nothing could be further from the truth!

Maybe Mr repetti should instead explain why:

1.) He has so many legal judgments against him (over $1million) from other prior start-ups he was involved with (none of these originated from his Partners in Crunchfire).

2.) He has over $3 million in tax liens stemming from one of the same companies who also recieved a judgement against him for "Fraud" and "Misrepresentation"for over $700k. (this is all supported by court and other public documents)

3.) He does not have a single success story or partnership he can site, yet he has been involved with many start-ups.

4.) Why companies like Play2Shop and LevelRE are now defunct due to his mis-use of funds and poor technology development.

5.) Why did his partners at Crunchfire disband and then pursue litigation against him.

6.) Why was he sued by Jeff Brown at Honey Tree Holdings for failure to repay a loan.

6.) Why are there so many complaints and posts on this site about you that are contrary to everything you claim in your rebuttal.

The truth is, Steve Repetti is still nothing more that a fraudster and conartist! His background and years of screwing over investors and start-up founders is finally catching up with him. His claim that this is all about his disgruntled partners at Crunchfire is just totally false! He has a long and well documented history of this behavior by many other victims other than just Crunchfire. Most of which are public knowledge and can be proved by court records and other legal documents (see links in other posts on this site). He was also formerly under FBI investigation for his fraudulent behavior, yet he will have you believe they were "vetting" him. This is also a patently false! He is a convicted felon (again this is public record) for passing bad checks and therefore, he would never pass an FBI clearance.

So, maybe Mr Repetti can respond to the claims made above in his next rebuttal? Maybe he can explain why so much fraud, misrepresentaion, and failed start-ups that he was associated with? Maybe he can specifically address why he has over $3million in tax liens? maybe he can explain why he was sued by Jeff Brown? 

The reason he fails to mention any of this is because it is the truth he cannot hide from. The cats out of the bag now and everyone knows the scam he runs. it is thanks to sites like Ripoff treport that have helped expose this serial fraudster and it is now effecting his ability to lure new victims, hence his reason for responding.

Don't be fooled! Steve Repetti still lacks any integrity or conscience for that matter. Please do not make the mistake of doing business with him...you will regret it!

A Recent Victim (NOT a member of Crunchfire)


United States
Response to the 'Anonymous' Attack Against RadWeb's CEO, Steve Repetti

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, May 03, 2018

It is unfortunate that people that hide behind the veil of anonymity think it is ok to personally attack others with inuendo, mischaracterizations, misrepresentations, and out and out lies. This has been happening to me in increasing amounts since I filed litigation against a South Florida company consisting of several semi-affluent individuals.

Thus far I have taken the position to ignore their ‘anonymous’ rantings, and instead maintain focus on family, customers, business partners, and associates. My responses to their actions have mostly been through the legal system, much of which is still ongoing. Others have responded unsolicited on my behalf (thanks for that!).

The best response, I think, will come from the court transcripts when this is all over, and where they all will be held accountable for their actions. In the meantime, just a few comments:

  1. These actions are not from anonymous parties, they are associated with a company called CrunchFire, (of which I am a former co-founder) whose principal active parties are: Frank Nemanic

      Eric Picchetti, also goes by Eric Park   Scott Dresden

  2. They say I am a scammer, con man, and felon (and SO much more), yet, as a result of my work with startups, the FBI and other law enforcement agencies have fully vetted me and authorized me to do business in the law enforcement industry – as required by law -- as such, I have dealings with hundreds of law enforcement officials every day.
  3. They don’t like that I am a board member of the StartupBus and they have gone out of their way to contact the founder, executives, other board members, and even StartupBus alumni to spread their vile.
  4. They don’t like that I have active successful relationships with multiple startups, so they have contacted the startups, the principals, board members, and even their shareholders to spread their lies. (One of the startups, a significant VC-backed firm, has filed a lawsuit against CrunchFire for tortious-interference and other claims for these very actions).
  5. They don’t like that CrunchFire was thrown out of two companies that we were mutually involved with, yet I was asked to stay.
  6. They don’t like that they have been unable to manipulate the court system against me and were forced to withdraw a motion that essentially constituted a fraud against the court on their part (a significant action that is still pending against them).

There is SO much more to respond to, but I’ll trust the legal system to resolve all of this. The damage they have caused is significant and ongoing, and their day of reckoning is coming. Also, they may try to hide under the umbrella of anonymity, but now you all know it’s just a bunch of affluenza-impaired individuals throwing a tantrum because they can’t get their way.

Thanks to all of my family, friends, and other supporters.

Nashville Crime Watch

United States
WARNING: Victims of Steve Repetti of Radweb Technologies, www.radwebtech.com and SteveRepettiFiles.com, Speak! Interviews with Insiders from the BRT/5G/Affirmative Insurance/Zude (2001-2010)

#6UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Sun, April 08, 2018

WARNING: Victims of Steve Repetti of Radweb Technologies, www.radwebtech.com and www.SteveRepettiFiles.com, Speak!

Interviews with Insiders from the BRT/5G/Affirmative Insurance/Zude (2001-2010) Scam, give the inside details.

We are writing an expose on Steve Repetti of Radweb Technologies Inc. (SteveRepettiFiles.com) and finding all these past reports about Steve Repetti on the Ripoff Report, ripoffreport.com/reports/specific_search/steve%20repetti, have been an invaluable source of factual information.

As part of our investigation about his Nashville activities, we were tipped to reach out to past employees and partners of Steve Repetti from 5G/BRT/Affirmative Insurance/Zude to learn the truth. The Court Order removing Steve Repetti as an Officer and Director of BRT can be found here on Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Steve_Repetti_Court_Ordered_Removal_As_Officer_%26_Director_of_BRT.pdf and it was the starting point for my investigation.

The people involved here and elsewhere, have asked to remain anonymous for their protection, so we have honored their request. We have decided to pre-emptively post these quotes as a warning to anyone considering doing business with Steve Repetti, because our Editor may decide to kill or shelve the story.

These are some of their “money” quotes that will appear in the potential, upcoming article:

He wows upfront with the technology and gets everyone excited and shows tremendous progress very quickly to get you hooked. He then hits you up for more money to finish the project. At that point you still trust him and you give him more money. He then proceeds to do nothing except make more promises, miss deadlines, lie about deliverables and then hit you up for more money again. If you give him the money he keeps working on it but it is always on the 5 yard line. If you don’t give him money, he shelves your project and finds a new sucker to work on and spends the money. I saw him do it over and over.”

“I wanted to file a report with the State about his activities but my partners just wanted to move on.”

“He showed me his $5 million dollar disk. The Binder of code, Binder of technical stuff, the Binder of operations. He showed it all to us.”

“(REDACTED) knows where all the bodies are buried. He would drop Steve Repetti in a heartbeat if he could find an alternative.”

“I left work (BRT) every day thinking, I need to take a shower because I feel dirty.”

“He is a snake oil salesman. He lies about everything and misrepresents everything.”

“I don’t understand why the IRS hasn’t put him away. He stole payroll taxes.

“Steve stole shareholders money”

“Steve was stealing money from the company to pay off his IRS bills.”

The technology and Steve’s talents were greatly exaggerated and the technology in particular was never stable enough to work in a production environment.”

“Every deal we got into with Steve blew up.”

“We had the best investors you can imagine, seasoned people were taken.”

“Anybody that has ever done business with Steve has ended up regretting it.”

“He is always looking for new sucker investors”

“The “Repetti Hover”. The Repetti Hover is when you hover the cursor over a button and something appears to happen but nothing is actually clicked. It’s all fake and for show.”

“Steve has left many, many people in a terrible state, financially and emotionally. I once rented a meeting room at (REDACTED) to accommodate a 50 person meeting to discuss dealing with Steve – all people hurt by him.”

“He was caught in numerous lies in various depositions and we should be able to find the details in a search”

“Putting him in jail is a good goal.”

The reason why Steve Repetti of Radweb Technologies, www.radwebtech.com, and www.SteveRepettiFiles.com can keep getting away with it emotionally and otherwise can be best summarized by this victim’s painful statement:

“Steve sucks the life out of you. He is a sociopath. Not like dealing with any normal human being at all.”

Concerned In California

United States
Steve Repetti of www.RadwebTechnologies.com is still at it! Former business partner from Advanced Desktop and Perfect Menu in California speaks. Read more at www.steverepettifiles.com Nashville Tennes

#7UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Mon, April 02, 2018

I was a victim of Steve Repetti in 1992-94 from California, when he was running Advanced Desktop and Perfect Menu, which is mentioned in the sub-report below along with 30 other companies that seemed to be as screwed as I was by trusting Steve.

In my defense, there was not much info back then so I completely trusted the guy and I thought he was awesome. It seems like that’s one skill he hasn’t lost.

I have never gotten over getting ripped off by Steve Repetti. I took it personally and I still do.

Another report says he’s being investigated by the FBI and I say so what? I have no confidence that the cops will do anything about the guy if they haven’t done something already.

After his run-in with the Securities & Exchange Commission in California and at least 20 lawsuits in California that I know of and what he’s done in Florida and other places, you would have thought that would have been enough to put him away.

It seems he fled California for what seem to have been greener pastures in Florida. Where according to www.steverepettifiles.com he worked his magic again and scammed a lot of people out of a whole lot of money.

Looking at his LinkedIn profile, https://www.linkedin.com/in/steverepetti/, it seems that he is still at it, but from what I can tell even the companies he is listed for his experience hate his guts. For a guy with 30 years experience, he sure has a tiny resume and I can’t find one winner that he has been involved with. Maybe his lifetime of conning startups is finally catching up with him.

What the hell is he is he doing on the Board of the Startup Bus, www.startupbus.com? Someone should warn those people.

Man I wish I could have helped which is why I am writing this now. I hope this helps somebody in the future from getting their lives destroyed by Steve Repetti of Radweb Technologies Inc, www.radwebtech.com.

He needs to be kept far away from startups.

Yours truly, Concerned In Callfornia.


Win Chung

United States
Steve Repetti of www.RadwebTechnologies.com is Still at it! Read more at www.steverepettifiles.com Nashville Tennessee

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, March 31, 2018

I was a victim of Steve's from the 90's. I am shocked to see he is still at it.

Check out steverepettifiles.com for more info on the Felony history and other stuff.

I was shocked when I found this link when I was searching for Steve Repetti & Radweb. venturenashville.com/venture-notes-9-december-2015-cms-1198

STEVE REPETTI, a tech entrepreneur, Angel organizer and investor, formally resigned earlier this year from the board of Tullahoma-based Agisent Technologies (officially J2 Software Solutions, according to State information online). Agisent provides software for law-enforcement agencies. VNC understands Repetti is providing tech-software services to Agisent via his six-year-old RadWeb Technologies (Del., Fla.) and could eventually return to the Agisent board. Repetti continues to hold a stake in Florida-flagged Crunchfire Technologies, which VNC understands holds stakes in Agisent, Bay Area-based Pando Daily, Memphis-based Vivicast (VOD content licensing). An Agisent predecessor was founded in South Carolina in 2007. J2/Agisent has attracted more than $9MM investment from LaunchTN, Solidus, Relevance Capital, and two TNInvestcos, NEST-TN and XMi High Growth Development Fund, according to CrunchBase. Agisent converted from legacy technology to SaaS offerings, this year.

I was a victim of Steve's from the 90's. I am shocked to see he is still at it.

 designing Police Safety Software would be hilarious if it wasn't so wrong. It's a head-scratcher to think he keeps pulling this fox in the henhouse trick over and over. There msut be one hell of a story over there.

Check out steverepettifiles.com for more info on the Felony history and other stuff. He needs to be kept far away from startups

Steve Repetti, a well known con artist and fraudster with many complaints on this site is now currently under FBI Investigation!!

#9Author of original report

Sun, September 17, 2017

Repetti and his company Radweb Technologies has defrauded investors out of millions of dollars through his involvement in many different "start-up" companies. He is also a convicted felon (passing bad checks) and has over $3 million in TAX Liens, largely due to him stealing funds that should have gone to Payroll Taxes at companies where he was the principal. He also has other judgements against him for "Fraud in the Inducement", and "Misrepresentation" totalling over $1 million. His Twitter page says he is an: "Investor, Inventor, Entrepreneur, & Technolgy Dude" It should read: "Con-Artist, Serial Fraudster, Convicted Felon, & Sociopath" Be warned...he is a bad dude! But, hopefully now the FBI Investigation will finally put an end to his BS and with any luck he will soon be arrested!

WARNING: To The Nashville Start Up Community

#10Author of original report

Tue, August 23, 2016

 Steve Repetti Expose' WARNING: To the Nashville Start-Up Community! To all my fellow entrepreneurs and start-up investors in Nashville. I'm sure you can all appreciate the incredible hard work, dedication, and tremendous sacrifice it takes to launch any new business or "start-up". While it's true, technology and the internet have made it easier and more affordable than ever to launch a new business today, in most cases though (as I'm sure ALL of you can attest), it will still usually take a lot of investment capital to scale that business and reach the milestones needed to have a successful outcome and provide shareholders and investors with a profitable return. However, we all know it takes more

than just money to build a successful business. It takes a team of talented and dedicated people committed to doing whatever it takes to make that business a success. In fact, in my opinion, selecting the right 'team" is probably the most important thing you can do to ensure your long term success and avoid future problems...or worse - total failure! As a start up founder myself, I regrettably have learned that lesson the hard way. Unfortunately, I chose the wrong partner and it cost me years of hard work and cost my investors over $500k. That is why I decided to write this expose' in the hopes that it will help prevent others from suffering a similar fate. I want to try and make sure no one else is duped or

misled by this professional con artist and fraudster that now appears to be preying on the Nashville start up community. The person I'm referring to is Mr. Steve Repetti (https://www.linkedin.com/in/steverepetti) of Crunchfire Ventures, Crunchfire Technologies, (www.crunchfire.com) and Radweb Tech (www.radwebtech.com). As you will see from all his various websites, Steve Repetti appears to have a very impressive background and represents himself to be an "accredited" angel investor, software programmer, speaker, author, and all around start-up expert. He proudly promotes his affiliation with other reputable venture capital firms like the New World Angels and The Miami Innovation Fund. He

regularly attends and speaks at many different start-up events & conferences, including sponsoring one of the recent well publicized "Start-Up Bus Tour" events in Nashville. He also has numerous YouTube videos featuring him speaking at different events espousing his philosophy, credentials, experience, and his so called expertise? As you can imagine, given his impressive credentials and online reputation, my original thought was we just hit the proverbial jackpot..right? WRONG!! Herein lies the problem and again, why I chose to write this? Like most good con artists, Steve Repetti is a MASTER at "talking the talk"! However, I can tell you from first-hand experience that Steve Repetti is not who he

represents himself to be. Although he may be competent at writing code, building a website, or spewing the latest "buzz words" to a group of investors or wannabe entrepreneurs, he doesn't have a clue about how to run a company, how to treat people with respect, and he is really nothing more than a total bullshit artist and pathological liar! In fact, my experience working with Steve Repetti was so highly dysfunctional, unprofessional, and contentious that it's actually hard to articulate into words that which would fully convey the tremendous waste of time, money, and disrespect myself, my employees, and all of my investors had to endure by choosing to work with Mr. Steve Repetti! Now, you're probably

asking yourself, why would I say all that? Well, let's review the facts... According to public records, Steve Repetti has a long history of fraud and deceit! He has been sued numerous times and currently has close to $3 million in previous judgments and other various tax liens, including liens for failure to pay payroll taxes at one of the companies he was previously associated with. He also has a current judgment against him for over $700k (+ another $533K in legal fees) which originated from a "Fraud in the Inducement" claim. He has another judgment for over $300k which represents a "Misrepresentation" claim. Both of these were from previous start up companies whereby Steve Repetti was serving as

the CTO or was hired to develop their technology. He is also currently facing litigation from his previous partners at Crunchfire Ventures / Crunchfire Technologies, as well as, another investor who was kind enough to provide a personal loan to him for $12,000. See the links below to confirm all of my claims made above: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/specific_search/steve%20repetti https://www.muckdocs.com/search?q=steve+repetti https://officialrecords.broward.org/oncoreV2/search.aspx?bd=1%2F1%2F1978&ed=11%2F9%2F2015&n=repetti%2C%20ste&bt=O&d=11%2F9%2F2015&pt=-1&dt=ALL%20DOCUMENT%20TYPES&st=fullname&vbt=M

So, how does Steve Repetti continually get away with this type of fraud and deceit? Again, let's look at the facts... Steve Repetti has at least 12 different tax liens and other judgments levied against him from previous lawsuits. As any smart lawyer will tell you, this now in essence makes him "judgment proof"! This is also something Steve Repetti is keenly aware of and in my opinion also why he has no remorse or reprehension for his fraudulent behavior. Why? Because he knows there will be no financial repercussions for him. He's well aware that any smart business person is not going to continue throwing good money after bad paying attorney's fees pursuing litigation when they know even if they prevail,

they will never collect! So, Why am I addressing the Nashville Start-Up community? Well, given Steve Repetti's now very documented reputation and history of fraud and deceit here in Florida, combined with his defunct partnership in Crunchfire Ventures and Crunchfire Technologies, he apparently has now set his sights on the Nashville start up community where he appears to continue his pattern of fraud and misrepresentation. Needless to say, Steve Repetti has worn out his welcome here in Florida and, like most "Grifters" who burn there bridges in one location, they will typically relocate to another community to further perpetuate there fraud and deceit on new and unsuspecting innocent victims.

Again, this is a classic trait for any good con artist and why I chose to write this expose'. My goal and motivation behind this scathing expose' is to truly try and help others from becoming another victim of Steve Repetti's fraud and misrepresentation! So, PLEASE, PLEASE don't be fooled!! Everything I've said here is 100% true and I have the documentation to back up all the claims I've made here (see the links above). Look beyond the public facade and readily available info you will find on Google or YouTube? The reason you'll find what appears to be so much "positive" information about Steve Repetti this way is by his own design. Like any good con artist, they are great at self promotion

and Steve Repetti is one of the best! DON'T BE FOOLED...it's all bulls*** and he is nothing more than a crooked fraudster, and a convicted felon! But, don't just take my word for all this...review the public records for yourself. Ask to speak with all or ANY of his Crunchfire partners? Ask to speak with any other founder in his supposed portfolio of companies. Ask him why he's no longer associated with the New World Angels Group, or The Miami Innovation Fund? Ask Steve Repetti to provide any proof of another startup he's been a part of that's had any success? I'm confident if you do, you will learn everything I've outlined here is 100% true and based on facts! Steve Repetti is NOT an accredited investor.

He has never had a successful venture. And, he has burned EVERYONE he has ever been associated with, including members of his own family! So, If you are considering working or partnering with Steve Repetti, please do yourself a favor and take my advice... RUN!! RUN AS FAST AND AS FAR AS POSSIBLE!!

Report Attachments


Do Steve Repetti's (Radweb Technologies LLC) Company's Always Fail?

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, August 07, 2016

Below is a list of companies that Steve Repetti & Radweb Technologies LLC have provided product development and technology for that have resulted in failure, non commerically viable, abandonment of Radweb & Steve Repetti’s services, legal disputes, or the threat of legal disputes.

As always, it’s a great idea to talk with past business partners to get their direct feedback.

You can find out more about these companies at www.archive.org.




International Computer Group

Perfect Menu 


Advanced Desktop

Above Sofware




Affirmative Insurance



DuckCreek Software





OneGlobal Health Net

Touchpoint Global

Vesel Interactive










Report Attachments

Muck Raker

List of known websites and domain names controlled by Steve Repetti

#12Consumer Comment

Sat, July 30, 2016

The following is a list of webstes, domain names and URLS that are assocaited with Fraudster Steve Repetti



angierepetti.com 2007-04-26 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
insfolio.com 2001-05-29 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
place2b.com 2003-06-04 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
place2be.com 2002-05-11 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
qonfer.com 2006-04-07 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
radwebtech.com 2008-10-10 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
scrapplet.com 2008-08-14 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
xwinlib.com 2008-07-17 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC.
zude.com 2003-04-25 GODADDY.COM, LLC
zude.us 2007-04-17 NETWORK SOLUTIONS INC.



1globalhealthnet.com 2011-09-05 GODADDY.COM, LLC
angieandsteve.com 2004-10-25 WILD WEST DOMAINS, LLC
crowdfirstcapital.com 2012-12-14 GODADDY.COM, LLC
godfatherday.com 2012-09-14 GODADDY.COM, LLC
gregfadick.com 2015-06-20 GODADDY.COM, LLC
insmgmt.com 2010-07-26 GODADDY.COM, LLC
jdraganddrop.com 2010-04-01 GODADDY.COM, LLC
jimandkarensmith.com 2011-12-06 GODADDY.COM, LLC
jsdraganddrop.com 2010-04-01 GODADDY.COM, LLC
jsturbo.com 2009-06-08 GODADDY.COM, LLC
levelreluxury.com 2013-06-07 GODADDY.COM, LLC
lifefrommusic.com 2009-05-27 GODADDY.COM, LLC
mystudentbio.com 2009-05-23 GODADDY.COM, LLC
netscout-magic.com 2016-02-07 GODADDY.COM, LLC
nickrepetti.com 2013-05-30 GODADDY.COM, LLC
orepository.com 2010-04-01 GODADDY.COM, LLC
parqmedia.com 2014-07-11 GODADDY.COM, LLC
pobooth.com 2015-10-24 GODADDY.COM, LLC
quatru.com 2015-10-24 GODADDY.COM, LLC
rapyourworld.com 2009-05-27 GODADDY.COM, LLC
repettifamily.com 2016-04-29 GODADDY.COM, LLC
sinfulsoundsnc.com 2013-04-23 GODADDY.COM, LLC
tlcbyangie.com 2012-04-11 GODADDY.COM, LLC
tomrepetti.com 2015-11-15 GODADDY.COM, LLC
twilium.org 2011-11-19 GODADDY.COM, LLC
twillium.com 2009-07-15 GODADDY.COM, LLC
twillium.net 2011-11-19 GODADDY.COM, LLC
twillium.org 2011-11-19 GODADDY.COM, LLC
twoseesters.com 2015-06-11 GODADDY.COM, LLC
twotwistedseesters.com 2015-06-11 GODADDY.COM, LLC
warriorsny.com 2013-10-29 GODADDY.COM, LLC
zcelebrities.com 2010-08-31 GODADDY.COM, LLC
zgamestudios.com 2011-12-29 GODADDY.COM, LLC
zudify.com 2010-08-28 GODADDY.COM, LLC




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