  • Report:  #362261

Complaint Review: Steven Campolattaro - Stephan Compolattaro - Chubbuck Idaho

Reported By:
- brick, New Jersey,

Steven Campolattaro - Stephan Compolattaro
435 East Chubbuck Road Chubbuck, Idaho, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This low-life pond scum, inhuman, uneducated, narcissist is nearly $40,000.00 in child support arrears. He ran like the rat that he is from NJ to Idaho to avoid paying for the upbringing of his children, abandoning them. Pinprick has used his brothers, and fathers names to hide his business and property, also destroying their credit.

Steven has come from Idaho to NJ and poa'd my 1998 mustang convertable into his name leaving me without a vehicle. I left him in March of 1990 with a final retraining order due to his violent outbursts with my 9 month old, the dog and a 1983 mustang packed with baby things. Homeless, as my mother passed away 6 months before the sponge married me at the nieve age of 19

The Psyco took my beloved dog and hid him at his chicken coop for nearly 2 weeks when it struck me to drive over and check, to my disbelief grizzy boy was there. Left in the dark, alone without any care. He broke a puppys leg, and I still have the picture.

Sloth butchered the pig I raised from a piglet, and would torment animals, I beleive to intimidate me. I never learned to detach myself before this lesson. Self preservation.

At the beginning of my daughters freshman year of high school she was the class secretary and was doing well in school. I made the mistake of filing a motion to enforce child support, thats why he stole the car and when I told him to drive it up his a**. Let the war begin!

Ultimately it turned into a 2 1/2 year child custody trial in which he hired Claire Calinda, esq , the ocean county family civil bar association commitee head, as his representitive. After the initial medeation I informed my attorney that I could not finance this endevor and went pro se, with no legal background. I went through Pysh evaluations, drug tests, hair stand tests (negative), in-home counciling, dyfys battles, parenting classes and performed every circus act they requested, although not always willingly.

My daughters grades steadily fell: suspentions, depressions, smoking, drinking, suicide attempt, mental ward stay all followed. My flower was rapidly deteiorating. My heart breaking. She believed "daddy" when he promised her the princess life, mommy was the enemy. Dyfs wouldnt even let me take her cell phone away for bad behavior, as if it was abusive. great agency...

After snatching a lit ciggarette out of her hand, Steven called the police, she went back to the er for a psych eval and the result was dyfs gave her permission to smoke IN my house!! I have two younger children!! There went parental respect.

As the long torturous trail continued Steven bought a Harley, partied, and parasited off his family,Charming Mary Turesh, the caseworker, who I later had removed from the case, as she was a drunkin banchee who accused me of pulling a knife on her and chasing her out of the house while 6 children were in my care! It was a voice activated tape machine. She didn't call the police and "save" the children after this supposed incident, thereby proving me innocent. She'll rot in Hell to.

As it turns out the useless mortal has filed both chapter 13 and 7, although by law he is not releived of support obligations he hasn't sent a dime in nearly a year. Federal law for hiding out of state to. Great government.

There is Triumph!! I prevailed over that fat disgusting sow, Claire Calinda, esq. and perhaps showed the Honorable , allowed this bullshit to go on, Judge Hoffman of Ocean County Court, that this MaMa does question authority, has aquired compulsive filing disorder, stands up for her children and isn't your typical pushover, "druggie dancer".

Stay as far away from this sucubus dirtbag as you can !


brick, New Jersey


15 Updates & Rebuttals


Chisholm ,
The real Steve

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, January 17, 2014

I worked for steves company in the late 90's and witnessed much of the statements in tracy's report.I found her report to be unfair and to say the least untrue. Tracy spent her life trying to distroy steve and his ability to pay support which he did.steve sctatched to build a company providing a qualiy service. His profits were lean getting established. Steve didn't avoid his kids and went in debt on the mustang tp help tracy. when i.was there steve had his kids.Tracy permited it because of the car deal.  


New Jersey,
United States of America

#3General Comment

Tue, March 23, 2010



New Jersey,
No Rest for the weary

#4Author of original report

Mon, June 08, 2009

I'm well "over it" but will continue till my dying day to enforce court orders so JUSTICE can be served. I've even contacted the Governers Office for assistance in putting a fire under Idahos butt. If succubus Steve would have made even a monthly effort to pay his support after moving to Idaho, to AVOID PAYING, he wouldn't find himself in this position. As far as my daughter calling the LOSER for money, isn't that what teenage girls do? She calls me for money now that she's in college and GEUSS WHAT! I SEND IT! He came to save his daughter from abuse?! I've well proven myself to the State of NJ that I'm far from abusive so i'd watch my SLANDEROUS comments, remember i'm well-versed in law, Fish-eyed Trish. The only time my daughter encountered problems in school AND mentally is when Steven is within 100 miles, maybe thats why my promise to kill him myself if he comes near me or mine, in court, didn't land me behind bars. Transcripts available and Judge Hoffman agreed "This Ones ALL MINE". As far as the crap of $20,000, i'll beleive it when I see it. Then you can start paying back the other $30,000 still in arrears. YOU get over it and start PAYING it! Suck it up, Nows the time! I know NJ child support and the Governer WILL get sick of my weekly calls and certified letters, and after the 2 1/2 year circus you all created for me you've still got some coming, don't you agree? As far as the laws In Jersey go he will pay child support as long as the child is in full time school, so figure it out, get a job, hell, you think your so hot why don't You start stripping and you could have the "glamorous" life you imagine I have. Support your "man". Are you married again cause last I checked in Public records you divorced to protect his ASSets.. . Paybacks can be such a _itch!

Knows The Whole Story

good god tracy

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, May 17, 2009

You need to contact sam hopkins office about the 20 plus thousand they are holding on to that was supposed to have gone to child support months ago if you dont believe me. When you find out for yourself that it is true then I hope you feel like an a**. Your daughter is almost 20 years old now so why dont you quit hanging on to the past, get over it and move on. Steve tried everything he could and knew how to do to reach out and help his daughter in 2004 and got it shoved up his a**. He left his home and business in Idaho and came to New Jersey for 7 months because his daughter called him about the abuse she was receiving in your home. This caused him to have to file bankruptcy and loose almost everything he had. So dont tell me that he doesnt love his daughter because love goes beyond money. You have raised her to be just like you because the only time she calls him is when she wants him to pay for something or when she needs money. Not on fathers day, birthdays or christmas though.


New Jersey,

#6Author of original report

Sat, April 04, 2009

Update: Treats his dogs like his kids and his kids like dogs!! Still haven't seen a dime much less thousands! Contacted Governers office in this matter, maybe daughter can finish college!! Either way should see some enforcement soon!! Trish says... Tracy was with him for 5 years and I have been with him for 16 years so no I am not the new woman, I have been around for a long time. I have never seen him abuse any animal. In fact we breed dogs and always have no less than 3 here. He spoils his dogs rotten and treat them like they are his kids. They even sleep on our bed when it is not too hot in the house.


New Jersey,

#7Author of original report

Sat, April 04, 2009

Update: Treats his dogs like his kids and his kids like dogs!! Still haven't seen a dime much less thousands! Contacted Governers office in this matter, maybe daughter can finish college!! Either way should see some enforcement soon!! Trish says... Tracy was with him for 5 years and I have been with him for 16 years so no I am not the new woman, I have been around for a long time. I have never seen him abuse any animal. In fact we breed dogs and always have no less than 3 here. He spoils his dogs rotten and treat them like they are his kids. They even sleep on our bed when it is not too hot in the house.


New Jersey,

#8Author of original report

Sat, April 04, 2009

Update: Treats his dogs like his kids and his kids like dogs!! Still haven't seen a dime much less thousands! Contacted Governers office in this matter, maybe daughter can finish college!! Either way should see some enforcement soon!! Trish says... Tracy was with him for 5 years and I have been with him for 16 years so no I am not the new woman, I have been around for a long time. I have never seen him abuse any animal. In fact we breed dogs and always have no less than 3 here. He spoils his dogs rotten and treat them like they are his kids. They even sleep on our bed when it is not too hot in the house.


New Jersey,

#9Author of original report

Sat, April 04, 2009

Update: Treats his dogs like his kids and his kids like dogs!! Still haven't seen a dime much less thousands! Contacted Governers office in this matter, maybe daughter can finish college!! Either way should see some enforcement soon!! Trish says... Tracy was with him for 5 years and I have been with him for 16 years so no I am not the new woman, I have been around for a long time. I have never seen him abuse any animal. In fact we breed dogs and always have no less than 3 here. He spoils his dogs rotten and treat them like they are his kids. They even sleep on our bed when it is not too hot in the house.

Knows The Whole Story

not new

#10REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, March 17, 2009

Yes I agree this is a mess and it has been going on for a long time. The animal abuse story is once again just one side of the story. Tracy was with him for 5 years and I have been with him for 16 years so no I am not the new woman, I have been around for a long time. I have never seen him abuse any animal. In fact we breed dogs and always have no less than 3 here. He spoils his dogs rotten and treat them like they are his kids. They even sleep on our bed when it is not too hot in the house. She just has her own opinion of him and accuses him of being violent when in fact after they split up the last time he let her borrow and drive one of his trucks and she would go out looking for him and when she would find him at his new girlfriend at the time she ran the truck she was driving into his truck that was parked and damaged both of them. If that doesnt qualify for a violent nature then I dont know what does.



#11Consumer Comment

Mon, March 16, 2009

why do people have children with people without checking their background out first? Why do people have children when Trojans are cheaper than child support? If all this abuse was really taking place, you should have had a clue BEFORE you got married what kind of guy or gal you were going to marry. people need to WAIT at least three to five years before they have a kid. kids are very expensive and demanding and you have to be mature yourself and be able to offer a kid some stability and be able to support them... this is a mess! a real ugly mess of he says and she says and the new woman jumping in... maybe she hasn't been abused yet because IF this guy is a psychopathic abuser he will start in on her too. animal cruelty and murder is never good and any guy who does this is capable of anything. lots of serial killers started out as animal abusers and murderers.. IF this is true but when you have he said and she said, you don't always have the truth. you have Jerry Springer show material. Maybe playing loud classical music while the people on stage fight and break the chairs on each other would add some class to the proceedings...

Knows The Whole Story


#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, March 16, 2009

First of all Tracy I do not have a bad boob job you would never know by looking and I paid about 1/3 of the $10,000 that you paid so now cry poverty when I couldnt afford to pay that and why would I when I got a better look for $3000.00. Maybe if you were so worried about supporting your children you would have reconsidered that decision. He did have to file bankruptcy and that was because his daughter called him telling him that you were abusing her so he left his business and his home to come to New Jersey for 7 months and try to help his daughter. It sounds like you are totally unaware of what he was told but we have the pictures of his daughters face and neck after you finished with her. His chapter 7 did not happen so get your story straight and when he filed his 13 they made sure that you received a pymt every month for 3 years but I see that you fail to mention that and there was also a pymt of over $20,000 that was sent out in January to child support to be applied to his arrearages. I actually believe that it was 22 or 27 thousand and that would leave his balance at about 13 thousand. Once again you dont tell the whole story. As for you misinformation about him carrying drugs across state lines and getting a weapon charge... you are so wrong on both accounts. Nothing you say is the whole truth so why in the hell would anyone believe you. I am not jealous of your wrinkley a*s. As I hear it from several people in your area... your insides are showing and you look older than your age and your wrinkles are progressing nicely and cover the majority of you (face included). I am older than you and dont have wrinkles and never have so AGAIN you just talk s**t and need to come out of that fairy tale world you live in and for once be honest and tell it like it really is. He did not make enough money monthly to pay his child support. He has living expenses such as rent and groceries and gas for the vehicle to get to and from the jobs believe me you make more than he does and have more assets hidden in your sisters and aunts name than alot of people have so do me a favor and dont cry poverty to me when you live in a $200,000 home with a full size pool in the backyard that you pay the payment on and your autos that you pay payments on yet you fail to report these to the state and child support and keep them hidden in your families name. You should also let it be known that when Steve filed for a modification on his child support that the judge reviewed his financial information and the scarce financial information from you (hidden assets not included of course) and dropped his child support from 1230.00 to $350.00 a month and 200.00 pymt to his arrearages and if you add those 2 pymts together they dont equal half of what the original order was for due to your scandalous manipulation of the court and child support system. See you have been lying for the entire 15 years that I have had steve in my life. Maybe you forget our long phone calls and yes internet checks are great for information. Get real and get a life because as far as Steve is concerned you dont exist and he sends his child support to the Idaho office and only thinks of his daughter when he does it. You are going to burn in hell and we will pity you from heaven and dont ever forget that Karma is an amazing thing and what goes around comes around ten fold. LOSER!!!! As for the mustang that was my car originally and we felt sorry for you when the father to your other children left you and took the only vehicle so he brought the car with the agreement that you would pay the pymt and have the insurance transferred into your own name and from your own state within 1 year.We had insurance on it under our business and for Idaho. You paid the pymt for the insurance except a couple of months that we helped you out and paid it but you did not transfer it as agreed. He waited for 3 years and was more paitent then I liked and you were left messages and e-mails with chances to take care of it and our intentions if you did not. When you ignored those for 60 days he repoed the car and you have nobody to blame but yourself.


New Jersey,
Karma Kops a comin'

#13Author of original report

Tue, March 03, 2009

Hello Trish, ex #2, Bad boob job in Utah-ta. You did such a wonderful job accounting for this "hard working" sperm donor that he went chapter 13 and 7 while under your genius, causing more people to lose their hard earned money on deposits. Perhaps i'll inform them of this list in my idle time. I LOVE public records!! Current arrears are about $45,000. Child in college. Current order is about $700 a month with $150 going towards arrears IF IT WERE EVER PAID!!! Update from family member states love of Trishes life now facing 40 years in the Federal pen for running drugs across state lines and a concealed weapon charge. Who would have geussed! Everyone in jail is innocent.....ask any prisoner! At least he'll have his basic needs met, more than he ever gave both of his children! To bad he'll be bending his wrinkled a*s over now! Truth: My a*s ain't wrinkled, jealous? I wish I made a grand a day!

I Once Loved

New Jersey,

#14Consumer Comment

Mon, March 02, 2009

Every story DOES have two sides, BUT if your gonna state your case you should try to sound a little more realistic. Lets all do the research of what a go go dancer really is... a dancer who are employed like strippers that DONT TAKE OFF THEIR CLOTHES to entertain at a entertainment venue. Okay now thats clarified: $1,000 a night? Don't you think if that was the truth EVERYONE would be one?? The statement: "Now he is left paying child support on an older child of 140 a month and 1230 per month to this selfish conniving and deceitful woman until his daughter was 15 years old. It was clearly impossible to pay as his actual wages for those years (once he moved to Idaho and found a true woman that took all his paperwork to an accountant) ranged between 16,000 and 25,000." When you have a CHILD that child is supposed to be a top priority, even though thats half of his earnings, between two children HALF of it SHOULD be given to the children. Thats being a responsible parent. And what you fail to inform is that this "true women" would steal the child support checks for herself! So truth be told that maybe she wasn't so TRUE afterall.


Jail is where Dead Beat Dads belong

#15Consumer Comment

Fri, February 20, 2009

In the previous rebuttal, the indivdual stated the following: "Yes he did move to Idaho because this greedy scum of the earth took every opportunity she could to have him thrown into jail for being behind on his child support where he would wait for 17 days each time before he could even appear before the judge to plead his case. It was impossible for him to run a business in that situation." If the father would have paid his child support, or was even attempting to catch up on what he owed, he would have never ended up in jail. It is time that all men who father a child do the respectable thing and provide the support for the child you helped father and bring into this world.

Knows The Whole Story

Lets get SERIOUS Every story has 2 sides

#16Consumer Comment

Sun, February 15, 2009

Lets start off by telling the other side of this fabricated tale of make believe. Yes Steven was uneducated but could work very well doing physical labor therefore opened his own siding business depending on his selfish self centered wife of the time to help him handle the paperwork end of the business. Well she did that one allright!! She did not bother to file any income tax on the business in 5 years (yet she spent money an a so-called accountant) and when it was all said and done managed to find a 1099 for the business to have his child support calculated by not bothering to inform the judge that out of that money also came employee wages, materials and other job costs and what was left in the end was profit for the business and his wages. She also failed to inform the judge that she was a go go dancer that would come home with $1,000 plus every day that she worked and she in truth actually made more than him. Now he is left paying child support on an older child of 140 a month and 1230 per month to this selfish conniving and deceitful woman until his daughter was 15 years old. It was clearly impossible to pay as his actual wages for those years (once he moved to Idaho and found a true woman that took all his paperwork to an accountant) ranged between 16,000 and 25,000. So now lets see who cries poverty and who actually really lives it. Yes he did move to Idaho because this greedy scum of the earth took every opportunity she could to have him thrown into jail for being behind on his child support where he would wait for 17 days each time before he could even appear before the judge to plead his case. It was impossible for him to run a business in that situation. She also fails to leave out the fact that she is just as guilty about hiding things in her families names such as houses, vehicles and etc.. in her aunts and sisters name so she would qualify for welfare and whatever else she could suck off the state. You see it is hard to qualify for welfare when you are buying a $150,000 home that costs $900 per month with a car payment on top of it all. That goes back to hiding her cash tips for flashing her fake b***s and wrinkly OLD a*s go-go dancing.

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