  • Report:  #1053873

Complaint Review: Stony Brook Hospital CPEP - Stony Brook New York

Reported By:
Seth Davis - Stony Brook, New York,

Stony Brook Hospital CPEP
101 Nicolls Rd, Stony Brook Stony Brook, 11794 New York, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I expierenced a couple of bad weeks in my life and decided to drink myself into obliteration. I ran my mouth off a little too much in my dispair and my mother, not used to seeing me in this state and being the poor naive woman that she is called for help. She later told me she expected me to sleep it off under the care of mental health experts. In my drunken stuper I willingly went to Stony Brook CPEP. I spent around 15 hours in their "care" before I was cut lose to go back to my life. In that time I was exposed to the sad truth of modern medicine.

I've never been to a place like this. While there, I witnessed and experienced some of the worst things I've ever seen with my own two eyes. Considering the circumstances, people who are brought there should be recieving healthcare. There was NO healthcare being provided what-so-ever. You are being PUNISHED for falling weak. It is obvious that the system is used as a money racket for the hospital. In the meantime the staff gets off on the pain and suffering of the patients. This facility needs to be investigated and the truth needs to come out. It is a machine, it operates without any checks and balances. It is out of control.

With the exception of a few lower level employees the staff was horrible. I liken the human sympathy they had for the people in there to that of Auschwitz, no exaggeration. Some of them wouldn't even look you in the eye. They talk down to you like you are a sub-human. Patients would knock on the glass and try to talk with the staff and they wouldn't even acknowledge them. The director was one of the most angry condescending people I've ever met. She was a short indian woman, and she makes it very clear that she does not care about you or your situation. God forbid you approach her and ask a question. I don't care what her justification in her mind is, it might not be a crime but IT IS WRONG! It literally reminded me of the n**i woman in the labor camps. One female patient found out she was going to be released and she went to hug her. It broke my heart to see the director push her away and laugh, "No no no, Hahah sorry, you can't touch me" and then walk away. It was obvious that she loved saying that and being a "better" human being. The best part is these people are not "better", I don't consider them to be productive members of society. They are a stain on humanity and I know history will reveal it that way.

If the dehumanizing treatment wasn't enough, the medical negligence put it over the top. A lot of patients and myself included were on various forms of medication. CPEP did not provide necessary medication to any of the patients. Some of them were supposed to be taking Xanax, a couple guys were in need of Suboxone, and other medications that induced forced withdrawl symptoms and health risks. I considered this to be a form of cruel and unusual punishment.

The living conditions were a disgrace... The bedrooms were disgusting, ants crawling on the floor, feces, food, dirty cloths. This place should be condemned. SHAME on anyone who is involved in the care of patients at this facility. In our modern era, how does stuff like this go on in this world.

To the staff of Stony Brook Hospital, you should be ASHAMED of yourself. You are a disgrace to everything it is to be human. You should all be investigated. I hope one day you know the true meaning of JUSTICE! You don't have a clue to what psychiatry really is. Your education was derived strictly from pharmaceutical companys. You don't have a mind to think for yourself and realize the inherent inhumanity in the work you do. Or worse, you get off on the suffering of others. I got more human interaction from the orderlies than I got from the Doctors and Nurses. Sure, some patients come through like a revolving door. But most people that come into your care are at a hard spot in their lives. And you do a great job reminding them how our society has lost it's compassion for human life. IF I WORKED at CPEP, I would QUIT tommorow and testify to the human rights violations that go in there. THERE'S NO EXCUSE! It might be a long way from Auschwitz but I could never allow myself to bare witness to these abuses and not say anything. Maybe the only people who are left to employe are the narsastic control freaks... Maybe, THEY NEED TO BE IN THERE. I wasn't the only one who felt this way. There was some staff that agreed 100% with my disposition. Some of them expressed a sense of sorrow for what they've let go on for too long. One man said to me, "I'm not like them (The doctors and nurses), I'm not gonna put my feet up on the desk and play on my phone while a patient is waiting to be seen. I'm gonna talk to them and see if they need anything, and do what I can to see that they get it." One of the staff members even expressed his intention to work his way up and change the way CPEP deals with mental health. Both of them came out and sat with myself and the other patients at the table and we spoke with no pre-concieved notions or condescending attitudes. Thank you gentelman for being one of the few humane people left. You should be running that place.

What's the problem and why this is such an injustice? It is well documented that many suicidal people are struggling with complex personal histories of trauma. For these people, involuntary psychiatric treatment further traumatised them, often worsening or indeed sometimes triggering suicidal feelings. More generally, if we understand suicidality as a crisis of the self i.e. rather than the consequence of some "mental illness" then it simply does not make sense to further attack an already fragile sense of self. It is hard to imagine anything less helpful for the suicidal person than to be assaulted by those you seek help from at a time of such crisis. After making the mistake of feeling sad, a doctor meets with you and asks you some questions. After about a 10 minute interview the doctor is going to JUDGE YOU and your life, tell you what YOU NEED, and whether or not you can go home.

The truth will come out about this facility and god forbid, others like it. I had NO IDEA it was like this. I remember seeing a video on the news a few years ago about Esmin Green, a woman who keeled over and died in a Brooklyn facility like Stony Brook CPEP. She was left to die on the floor as the staff watched on and did NOTHING. I can promise you had the same thing happened at Stony Brook CPEP, the patient would recieve the same reaction and care. This is my warning to society, I've seen the inside of this place. IF YOU DON'T TAKE ACTION NOW, THERE WILL BE ANOTHER ESMIN GREEN. Let it be known on this day that you were warned. If we fail to act, and my prediction comes true, look back on this review in shame.

I believe if the rest of the world saw what I saw they would be outraged. Stony Brook CPEP should be shut down immediately. Anyone involved in the care of patients should be investigated. This is a serious problem in healthcare. It is a broken system. I feel so sorry for the poor and indigent people that are subject to the abuse of this system and that don't have a voice. Obviously nobody will listen to them. We have to change our thinking about healthcare and approach to people in crisis. People who justify their involvment in these places should be held accountable. I might not have went to medical school, but I know what right and wrong is. SHAME ON YOU. If you're saying to yourself "I'm just doing my job." and you think you're immune from prosecution, you might want to crack open a history book and look into "The Nuremberg Trials"

7 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Consumer Comment

Wed, November 13, 2013

 Seems there is a consensus that some agree with me and YES they can hold you!  As for your response - well you had some hard times like all people do.  But the Hospital has a liability - read the release papers they gave you.  If you are a harm to yourself or others then you can be held for as long as needed. 

YOU checked yourself into the facility, had at some point to sign papers so if you did not read them then that is on you.


New York,
I am surprised

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, November 11, 2013

I am surprised that the people that work there haven't come face to face with a former 'patient' outside the psychiatric locked doors walking to there cars after work yet.

Maybe they have started being nicer to people.


Your time...

#4General Comment

Fri, November 01, 2013

 I feel you are bashing because you had a "bad" experience. If you have spent anytime in there you would have seen what the employees have to deal with. You claim they dont care, well they do. But they cant take any bull from the patients. You have to have a very stern demeanor and a very think skin to put up with that level of crazy. I also feel youre overexagerating your experiences. Everyone has a bad day, and they are no exception. You have no idea what they were dealing with other then your issue. So before you go blasting ppl who perform a VERY important service, I would suggest that you step back and look at your experience with a bit more pity. Im betting you were not the best client they had that day and you did not behave yourself. Im also betting that you were restrained. And Im sure that pissed you off. Your anger is understandable but misplaced.

Ask yourself this....Do you think you could do THIER job?? I know I couldnt. And I tried. I spent 6 months working in a mental health facility dealing with a super dose of crazy on a daily basis. I wasnt strong enough. Do you really think the ppl that are in there are fit enough to interact with society?

Point is, before you judge them, try and see it from a position that allows you to clearly understand. YOU CANNOT DEAL WITH THAT LEVEL OF CRAZY AND BE EXPECTED TO BE SUNSHINE AND LIGHT!! They are only human, they are locked up daily for hours and hours dealing with the nutty. How do you think YOU would feel having to deal with that much unreality??


New York,
The comparison to the NAZIs is valid

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, October 29, 2013

Read the Nuremberg code

The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential . This means that the person involved has capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him/her to make an understanding and enlightened decision...

Look up and read the entire Nuremberg code, psychiatry violates it routinely.

Psychiatry just labels a person sick with no tests know to medical science to confirm it then starts the dumb you down shut you up brain disabling "meds". When the person doesn't like the effects of there chemical lobotamy they make threats of forced injections and lockup in the state hospital to coerce the pills , the persons reaction to all this abusive treatment is usually labelled a 'symptom of the illness' requiring more of the same disgusting treatment like  the get naked stand barefoot on the hospital floor intake strip search, 'mouth checks' to be sure you swallowed your brain disabling mind wrecking nerve toxins called 'medication', abusive sadistic staff who act like COs in a high security prison.

CPEP is just an ulgy slap in the face to a person thats already hurting, its a kick with a steel toe boot when your already down. I lived the CPEP nightmare and the psychiatric nightmare that followed in Brunsick after foolishly going to the StonyBrook E.R for help after psych meds made me feel like I was going to die. I fell for the "low serotonin scam" and took those toxic pills that just made everthing worse and did nothing for my so called "depression" then like every one else who falls for the scam Im given more pills for the bad effects of the first ones... all the way to this hell hole called a hospital to be abused.


Ya families, when you get that angry desperate call from loved ones don't wonder why, I just told you.



New York,
This place is a nightmare

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, October 01, 2013

 I was abused and treated like a sub human in this place as well after going to this hospital for help.

Here is some helpful information for other victims.

Psychiatric disorders are not medical diseases. There are no lab tests, brain scans, X-rays or chemical imbalance tests that can verify any mental disorder is a physical condition. This is not to say that people do not get depressed, or that people can’t experience emotional or mental duress, but psychiatry has repackaged these emotions and behaviors as “disease” in order to sell drugs. This is a brilliant marketing campaign, but it is not science.

This video is a must see for people or families of people abused by psychiatry.



Psychiatry is a dirty multibillion dollar fraud. The biggest scam on the planet.





Seth Davis

Oh please yourself

#7Author of original report

Tue, May 28, 2013

No, it's not as bad as the holocaust. OBVIOUSLY. Just to keep you up-to-date, The "Nuremberg" reference has become a common internet meme for people who justify and validate illegal deeds. It is used on everything from Military and War to TSA to Government and Big Business.


I have every right to compare MY EXPIERENCE with whatever I'd like. Obviously you have some vested interest in this place, maybe you work there? HMMM

Nobody is saying that the patients need to be sung a lullaby and brought warm milk at night lol. But the whole culture of indeference within this system is not OK. The big problem was denying medications to those that need them. I was supposed to be taking methadone and they wouldn't give it to me so I started kicking. The worst part is I've worked very hard and stayed up on my methadone everyday when I'm supposed to. I havn't kicked in 10 years!! It brought back a lot of bad feelings. That's the main thing that I consider criminal. I'm not a perfect person but I never hurt anyone else.

There is no "Victim Card", I fell on hard times and I ended up in a place that should have helped me instead of shaming and punishing me. My wife left me, I had to move back in with my mother, I lost my job, and my car brokedown amoung many other things. I got drunk and talked crazy. I don't understand how waking up in that place and being treated like that was supposed to help me.

I've been to jail before, A long time ago I caught a DUI. I considered CPEP to be the same if not worse than the county jail. At least in there you know why they're giving you s**t and treating you like an animal. Most the staff at CPEP have horrible attitudes. If you ask them for something they'll say "Let me ask" and then never come back. They HATE the patients. Do you think this form of healthcare is OK? For a peaceful person like myself... It's just not warranted. I'm sure they have to deal with a lot of s**t, but at least give me a straight answer. They shouldn't keep you for 15+ hours after you've already sobered up, just so they can bill the insurance more. They should be humble and caring, and make sure the patient is comftable. Nothing more, nothing less. CHANGE THE WAY WE TREAT PEOPLE.

Either way the place is a money racket, It's obvious.


Oh please

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, May 26, 2013

 The Nuremberg Trials - REALLY??? Guess you have not a clue about what the Nuremberg Trials were about!!! The slaughter of 6 +million people by the hands of the Nazis not about a stay in a mental hospital.  Don't like what happened to you then file a complaint with your local Health and Human Services Department or JCAHO.  You have no right to compare this Hospital to the Holocaust.

THIS is what the Nuremberg Trial was about

The Nuremberg Trials were a series of military tribunals, held by the Allied forces of World War II, most notable for the prosecution of prominent members of the political, military, and economic leadership of n**i Germany. The trials were held in the city of Nuremberg. The first and best known of these trials, described as "[t]he greatest trial in history" by Norman Birkett, one of the British judges who presided over it,[1] was the Trial of the Major War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal (IMT). Held between 20 November 1945 and 1 October 1946,[


Had nothing to do with Hospitals or your inability to comprehend what a real concentration camp was about - were your subject to cruel medical experiments???? Were your loved ones rounded up and put in a gas chamber??

You are pathetic to say the least - get over yourself!!  You have no idea what those people went through!!! You are just playing the victim card!! You make me sick!

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