  • Report:  #306604

Complaint Review: Stylus Canada - Toronto Ontario

Reported By:
- North York, Ontario,

Stylus Canada
296 Richmond Street West, Suite 400 Toronto, M5V1X2 Ontario, Canada
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am contacting you as my last resort with regard to obtaining money owed to me by Stylus Canada for work completed well over 6 months ago.

Brief history of how I became involved with Stylus: I ended up working with them when they scouted me from my profile on OneModelPlace.com on April 18th, 2007. I went for an interview, discussed the fact that I work a full-time 9-5 job with no intentions of quitting at that time and I was hoping to have this extra work on the side etc. which they agreed to and took me on their roster. I worked for them until September 2007 when I informed them that I could no longer continue due to the fact that the auditions etc. were beginning to interfere with my day job.

On July 18-19-20, 2007, I worked on an Industrial Commercial for OMVIC as a French Youth lead role. The wage was $500 per day for 3 days. I have yet to be paid, despite several attempts over the last 4+ months.

I first attempted to retrieve payment from Stylus on October 3rd, 2007 and have continued to contact them almost weekly until last week when I finally realized that I wasn't going to get anywhere with Stylus by the current route, so on January 28th, I decided to send a written letter by courier, to let them know that I will no longer be contacting them directly with regard to this money owed. I stated that I would from this point on, pursue other means including media and/or legal proceedings (small claims etc.). I also mentioned my disappointment in the unprofessional way they were conducting themselves and that is in unfortunate that they have basically forced me to chase the money that I rightfully earned.

I am appalled at the utter unprofessionalism being displayed by this supposedly reputable agency.

It has now been 10 days since sending that letter and I have gotten no response from them whatsoever.I feel I have been left with no choice here.I have spoken to the other actor that was doing the English version of my role and he got paid months ago (He is from another agency). I am the only one who has not been paid.

They owe me $1,500. They are supposed to get a 15% commission off of that but I don't feel that is right because I fulfilled my obligations and completed the work - they HAVE NOT done their job. The fact that I am having to go through all of this just to get paid shows how undeserving they are of a commission, but whether I can get my pay without them getting a cut or not, is another story. For now, all I want is what is owed to me. Period.

Please, please, please help..I'm at my wits end.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Below is a description of the timeline of events since I first began contacting Stylus Canada for payment:

1.October 3rd - First attempt at receiving payment :

Answer from the agent : I will speak to Ted (Ouellette) about it

Result: No further response from them until I sent another email on October 25th

2.October 30th - I finally received a reply from the Director, Thomas Tharakan, stating that he would ake care of me and that I am in good hands. He then referred me to Karen Pierce whom I called and left numerous voicemails for over the following week and a half and got no response. I then sent an email to her, and it bounced back - the account did not exist.

3.November 11th - Still no reply from anybody, so I sent another email to Thomas. Nothing

4.November 20th - Sent yet another email, this one's tone was a little more firm. I mentioned that this is getting out of hand. The same day, I get an apology about the incident from Thomas and told that Karen will call me the day after to settle this.

5.December 11th - Still nothing! No call from Karen no calls from ANYONE at Stylus, no emails, no cheque - nothing. By this point I was so fed up that I sent Thomas an email stating that I was feeling I had no choice but to go BBB.com or some other alternative means (Small Claims etc.) in order to have this settled since they were so blatantly unwilling to resolve this. I stated I would give him 14 business days to send a cheque before I would proceed.

6.December 24th - I receive another apology from Thomas Tharakan telling me that the cheque is ready!! FANTASTIC! I thought.I was working that day and therefore unable to go get the cheque however I wanted to arrange for a courier, at my cost.I stated that in my email back to him and got. NO REPLY!

7.January 9th - Received a phone call from Ted who apparently is in charge of Accounts Payable, telling me that he will be taking care of my situation and he would touch base with me the next day.

8.January 17th - Still no response from Ted in accounting, so I decided to sent another email to Ted to find out what the delay was. I then called Ted directly to discuss this because as per Thomas Tharakan, my cheque has been ready for pick up since December 24th. He told me that my cheque was never ready, in fact, he couldn't even trace any of my paperwork and that he needed to retrieve them in order for me to get paid! I couldn't believe what I was hearing! I sent him another email the same day, and then he told me that my cheque would finally be ready by the day after. Finally, I was getting paid

9.January 18th - I received an email from Ted telling me that my cheque was ready to be picked up, not today as promised, but the next Wednesday (January 23/08).

10. January 22nd - I sent an email to Ted, to let him know I would be by to pick up my cheque and I was told it WAS NOT READY!!!! He then told me that he would get back to me to give me another firm date to pick up the cheque.

11.January 28th - I sent a letter, via courier, stating that if they were not willing to resolve this asap that I would be pursuing other methods at retrieving the money owed to me.


North York, Ontario


5 Updates & Rebuttals

Toronto Police


#2Consumer Suggestion

Fri, March 27, 2009

Any victims of STLUS CANADA or WORLD MANAGEMENT GROUP Please contact Detective Constable Warren Entwistle #5497 Toronto Police, 52 Division Frauds (416) 808-5270 [email protected]


North York,

#3Author of original report

Mon, May 26, 2008

Stylus Canada did reconcile the payment due to me. There was a delay, as they were going through a transition with outsourcing their Accounting Department and they showed great customer service to resolve the issue. The owners apologized, explained the reason for the delay and understood my frustration. I have nothing but good things to say about this agency, putting aside the delay of payment, this was by far the agency that gave me most auditions that I could handle!


North York,
STYLUS CANADA - $1500 - Balance Outstanding owed to me 8 months ago! Toronto Ontario

#4Author of original report

Tue, March 18, 2008

Update: March 17th, 2008. I received an email form the "Accounting Department" of Stylus Canada stating that if I want to get my money from them I must do the following first: 1. Remove my posting from Ripoff Report 2. Go into their offices to sign a "release agreement" How DARE they demand that I do what they want before they hand over the outstanding money that they OWE me. Money that I EARNED nearly 8 months ago! Now I'm getting an ultimatum in order to get what is rightfully mine? I have to assume that this "release agreement" they want signed is to protect themselves from me trying to sue them down the line - why? because they KNOW what they are doing is wrong. They are also stating the wrong amount!! They owe me $1,500.00 minus their 15% commission - I'm pretty positive that 1,500 - 15% = $1,275 but they are trying to tell me they only owe me $1,120.00....??? So, not only am I not removing this post - but I will continue to update it each time they play these games. What Stylus does not seem to realize is that they have brought this all upon themselves. When someone agrees to do work for pay - when the work is complete - they get PAID! That is how it works, very simple. This has been ongoing for 8 months now - posting this report is not out of line and I am not making up lies about them. It is all PURE truth and I have ALL the documentation - PROOF -to back it up. Not only that, but I sent a letter in JANUARY that WARNED them I would be taking further steps INCLUDING media etc. - I consider this a form of "media" since it can be viewed by anyone worldwide - in order to get the money they owe me. Obviously they thought I was bluffing.


North York,
STYLUS CANADA - $1500 - Balance Outstanding owed to me 6 months ago! Toronto Ontario

#5Author of original report

Tue, March 11, 2008

Good day Ripoffreport.com A little update from March 10th. 2008 - 12:08 pm Once again, I got an email from the "Accounting Department" telling me that my cheque is ready and to let them know when I will go to pick it up. Of course, immediately after receiving such good news, I replied to the email that I will send a courier ASAP to get the money for me. After a few hours or silence, they finally reply to me that (and suddenly) they need to clarify something on my cheque and they will contact me again by the end of the day when it is ready! I couldn't believe it ! This is becoming a joke, a prank. It seems they use the same game all the time "Your cheque is ready, BUT we will get back to you when it is ready" This is the fifth time I'm being promise a cheque, than they find an excuse when I mention I'm going to pick it up. PS : Of course, nobody contacted me by the end of the day, but I'm getting used to that. Even as of now (March 11th, 16:25 h ) no emails, no phone calls.


North York,
STYLUS Canada - Toronto, Ontario, Outstanding Payment owed 1500$

#6Author of original report

Tue, March 11, 2008

Good day Ripoffreport.com, The saga continue. So finally, somebody from the "Accounting Department" sent me an email on March 10th, 2008 that my cheque was ready ( for the fifth time I've been told that in the 7 months period) to pick up and to contact them when I'm ready to get my money. So immediately within seconds, I replied to the email telling them that I will send a courier ASAP to pick up my money. A few hours later, I received a reply that they need to clarify some information on my cheque and they will contact me by the end of the day when the cheque is ready !!! I couldn't believe it. Once again, the same pathetic pattern. "Your cheque is ready, however, we will contact you when it is ready" What kind of business it that? Ripoffreport, please help! PS : Of course, no one contacted me by the end of the March 10th day. I'll keep you updated folks.

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