  • Report:  #1094688

Complaint Review: Subway - Glendale California

Reported By:
The SNITCH - Los Angeles, California,

249-D N Glendale Blvd Glendale, 91206 California, USA
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I went into this restaurant on 10/21/2013 at 15:00. I walked up to the counter and I saw a sign that said this and only this: $6 subway Combo. 6-inch sandwich, your choice of two soups and a drink for just $6. It showed a picture of a Italian style sandwich. I pointed at the sign and told the male Armo that I want this particular deal. He said: "okay what would you like?" I said I will have a "Subway Melt" with extra meat. He took out a six inch white mini loaf of bread and he set it down on the counter. He then told me that the Armo woman at the cash register will finish my order. She then finished cashing someone out and then proceeded DIRECTLY to help the 3rd person down in line. I am standing there and noticing that two people behind me, who are Armenian, (ME being the only White person in the store) all have their sandwiches being made while I have nothing but a loaf of bread still sitting there. Finally, after a few more minutes, I said: "Excuse me but I think that I should be halped BEFORE the 3 people that came in AFTER me!" The Female let out a SIGH like I was an interruption to her day and came over and said: "Okay what would you like?" I said again what I had ordered from the male clerk. she slapped it together and rolled it up in paper and handed it to me. then she handed me a cup and asked me for $8.88. I thought to myself... $8.88 for a $6 combo? i know we have a Democrat Governor destrying eveything the State of California ever was but tax can't be THAT high yet! I asked her where my soup is. She sighed again and gave me a cup of soup.

When I protested about the price, she said that its because I ordered the double-meat. I said: "I paid $1.25 extra for the double meat separately and its clearly on the reciept!" She said oh, then it's because you ordered a sandwich that costs $1 more than the oned that are included in the sandwiches that you can get in the combo. I asked her why the male clerk did not tell me when I oredered it that my sandwich will cost $1 more. she said: "SORRY"... VERY insincerely. I said "You are going to give me that dollar back plus the tax you charged on it or I am going to call the POLICE. The MANAGER came out from the back. A large gray haired SMELLY Armenian man. He said: "What's the problem?" I said: "Your employees are strealing money from people and/or ripping people off! Or are YOU training them to do that?" He said that he will give me $1.10 in store credit. I said: "You are giving me back the cash your employee stole from me or I am calling the Glendale Police." He RELUCTANTLY gave me back the $1.10. I got home and I called the Regional Manager "JENNY" at the phone number it gave for her on the reciept if there are any "problems" so I guess they get this a lot. the phone number listed for Jenny was a different phone number than the one of the store, so I called it thinking I can make sure this never happens to someone else. (323) 698-2665 was the phone numbher listed. I called it and there was a TV on in the background with some man yelling at at least 2 kids. She, another Armenian told me to hold on a minute, obviously so she could get away from them. I told her what had happened. she said she was very sorry and she invited me to come back in the next day at 15:00 and meet her personally and have a meal "on the house". She asked my name and phone number. i gave it.

The next day I arrived at 15:00 SHARP. I saw the same male clerk from yesterday. I asked if Jenny was there and he said no. I asked her if she had left any messages saying I was coming and he said no. I told him that she told me to come in at this time and meet her and have a meal on the house. He said he knows nothing about it. I called her on the phone. she said that she had talked to the Manager and said that since he gave you the $1.10 back, I am not entitled to the free meal she invited me to come and have. I asked why she didn't call me back and let me know so I don't appear for nothing. she said in a very insincere voice: "SORRY." At this time I was very angry. i am handicalled and it puts me in considerable pain to travel. i thought it was not fair that they stole a dollar from me and I had to argue to get it back and that I was asked to come in for nothing. SO, I advised Jenny that I am going to go over to the Burbank Superior Court on Olive Street and spend $27.50 to sue her, the manager, the store and the Subway Corporation itself and the President of the Company. I contacted the Legal Department of Subway and obtained their person of "service" so I know whos name to put down on the suit. I will get the Manager/Owner/Franchisee persons name off of the city permit from the city of Glendale tomorrow.

I will sue them for the cost of my travel plus the pain and suffering to do it. The NEGLIGENCE here, (which has to be proven in civil cases) is that she had my name and phone number and failed to tell me not to come in after she had made a verbal agreement (and therefore a contract) to have a meeting with me the next day and failed to appear or show due dilligence by at least telling someone there to give me a free sandwich when i show up.  It isn't the thousand or so dollars that I am going to sue these people for that is the point here. It's the fact that they are stealing from people. Lying to people. and this time it's going to cost them more than the price is a sandwich.

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5 Updates & Rebuttals


Rant away...

#2General Comment

Wed, November 06, 2013

 You can rant all you like. Nope I dont know them or work for them, but thats what weak minded people with no real basis for thier argument do. I certainly do hope you can attempt to be succesful in your battle for nothing. They gave you the DOLLAR back. They owe you nothing. You claim they are inconsiderate, but your own post shows that you are nothing more then racist trash. Give it up, or better yet, why dont you call the police and have them meet you at that store. Make it a surprise!! And then once you get your ticket for reporting a false crime and maybe a few nights locked up for disturbing the peace, spent with REAL criminals, it may give you the clairity to read the vile and insulting trash you put out on the web. Its understandable to be upset, but not over a buck. Like I said before, your pain must respond to that free sammich.

This tells me that you DID what something for nothing. And that you are racist. Period. You can deny the evidence of your own words all you like, but you DID post them. The web is not out there for you to put your particular brand of poisonous speech out there with no rebuttal. This is America, as such you have the right to freedom of speach. That freedom means sure you can say whatever you like, but that freedom has a cost. When you yell fire in a crowded area and someone dies and there is no fire, you are still held responsable for that persons death. Even though you had the right to say what you want.

This site is meant for people and individuals who have ACTUAL ripoffs or scams. NOT a site for you to put your hate speech. Had you left out any trace of thier heritage and kept it to just the facts, you might have been taken more seriously. But since you really couldnt keep your mouth shut and had to spew your vileness across the web, Im the someone who calls you on it. If you have a problem being called a racist, perhaps you need to reevaluate your world perspective. This is NOT your land, its OUR land. You are one of many. Immigrants make up a large section of the American population. They come to America looking for the American dream that the white American gets handed to them. For you to go to such lengths to call out thier heritage, tells me youre one of the "entitled whites". Do you feel threatend by the fact that THEY have a subway? Why do you feel its ok to bash a entire culture because you had to pay a extra buck? These are questions you need to ask yourself because YOU have a race problem.

Your over use of the word "idiot" shows that you have no critical thinking skills and probably was lucky to make it through highschool. If you are indeed a college grad then you really wasted that money. Too much beer and partying would cause that. Cant you come up with better words to use so you dont sound repetative. You know, like a child stuck, stomping thier feet because life isnt fair.

You need to address YOUR problem with racism. This event should go to show you that you have some work to do. You can rant all you like. I will be safely watching the local news on the web for your area. I certainly hope you get no where fast with your issue. Your bitching because YOU had to travel to get a free sandwhich even after you situation was resolved and you didnt get it. Your comment that it was a verbal contract is so d**n laughable I almost couldnt type, Your understanding of the Law is pitiful and you really need to read your subsections. You wont get a dime out of them and Im pretty sure you dont want them having ALL your information. Lets face it, with your delusional state the next thing we are going to see is that Arminians are out to take over the world and ruin the economy by stealing $1.10 from every customer!!

Grow up and get over yourself buddy. Your situation is LAUGHABLE!! Your explanations are DEPLORABLE!! And your world view just sucks. But hey Youre in cali so I guess its true what they say. You really must be stupid to live there because it really is fruits, nuts and flakes.


Los Angeles,

#3Author of original report

Thu, October 31, 2013

 You have obviosly never spent a single day of your life in a civil trial. But I will fix that.


Los Angeles,

#4Author of original report

Thu, October 31, 2013

Thank you for the insults but let's stay on subject, shall we? I KNOW you are uneducated and stupid but can't you read? I SAID that I already paid separately for the extra meat. they ripped me of for the basic price of the sandwich. I could have written the dollar off as a tip IF THEY HAD DESERVED ONE! Again, Tips anywhere are optional and in some countries are non-existant. but you are so stupid and live in your little stupid world so you would not know that. You are right, the DM is not technically responsible to call me back and let me know she won't be there and that I can forget the sandwich. Its also called INCONSIDERATION. Which I am sure that you know a lot about. I am not sniffing around for something for free. I NEVER ASKED FOR ANYTHING FREE. AND, again, if you read the report you idiot, you would also see that I said I was just about to hang up the phone and leave it but she, the DM at the very last second, invited me for it. Who are you? Some friend of this witch? I think you would defend this friend of yours even if she murdered someone. This website is for people to express their feelings for how they got ripped off. Not a forum for you to make personal attacks on those that do. I can tell that you are also an Armenian. Because no other person would act this STUPID. Armenians commit so much fraud and crime that the Progressive Insurance Company had to start an Armenian Task force just to deal with that problem so get your facts straight. Go to the Glendale Police Department website. Look under crime stats. You will see that Armenians are 13% of the population of Glendale and commiting 52% of all the fraud cases in the entire city so are they racist too? I guess you would think that are. the truth stinks doesnt it? The DM has MY personal information? Well I know the feeling. I went to the Glendale City Clerks office at 613 E. Broadway and filled out a form and I now have the names, home address and social security number of the owndership of that business. So, was that some kind of threat? Just let me know. You obviously have personal knowledge of this case and obviously you are either Jenny yourself or are involved with this. I appreciate the terrorist threats. Just another trip down to the Glendale Police Department I'll have to make. I also made a formal complaint against the business license at the city clerk office. I also notified the health department because I felt a little sick after eating there. I also filed a case in civil court, suing the Subway corporation. I got off the phone with their legal department to find out who their official person of serive is. I doubt very highly that the President of Subway is going to show up. they are going to make a reasonable offer to me and then charge your store for it. You are going to be VERY sorry that you ever cheated me out of a dollar. and even more that you made me go down there for nothing and then hung up the phone on me. all for a $6 sandwich. So who REALLY is the cheap b*****d here. YOU ARE IN A WHOLE LOT OF TROUBLE! JUST WAIT! The Los Angeles County Sheriff's office will be entering your store to serve any employee present with a court summons. YOU are going to be SORRY.


I didnt realize...

#5General Comment

Sat, October 26, 2013

 I didnt realize that handicapped meant stupid self-entitled twit, thats good to know!! First, if you ordered double meat then that raises the cost. Second, you ordered a different sandwich that may have had a higher price point. Third, just because you were standing there longer was no reason to start your bitching. You can be indignant all you like. Had you just kept your mouth shut and let her finish with the Armenian customers, she would have probably loaded your sandwich. But since your self-entitled nature wouldnt let you keep your trap shut, this causes you a issue.

You are racist scum. I myself am handicapped but I would NEVER act like you. The difference was a buck. You could have just wrote that off as a tip. You are one of those customers who demands excellence while you get to abuse the employee. I certainly hope you do attempt to sue. Your own blatant racism alone will cost you the case.

The DM is under no obligation to call you back when its VERY clear that you started the issue, the manager resolved it by giving you back your buck, and your just sniffing around for something free. Obviously since you seemed ok to make the trip for a free lunch, but then when you dont get it, now its painful and you suffered. So I suppose a 12" sandwich must be better the drugs, since you didnt get it and you suffered so.

Youre a self-entitled idiot who would NOT be missed if those same Arminians took you out back and cut you from crotch to cowlick. Your a racist piece of garbage who saw a opportunity to get something for free from the same ppl you claim to dislike. Im pretty sure given your HIGHLY racist post that the situation really didnt go down that way and you are sniffing around for free money. Thinking your post might in some way influence someone. Well it has. You have shown me that no matter how well someone actually does thier job, WHITE TRASH like you will always attempt to screw you over.

Grow the hell up you child. You have to live with the world, it DOESNT have to allow you to live. It will go on without you and it will be a better place because some more trash will be cleaned up and buried. Your actions and your post just go to show that you are less then human. Oh you may walk upright, but then again so do the chimps that sling feces.

Youre right....that DM that you so happily slandered and called names DOES have your personal information. I wonder how she and all her Arminian family and friends would feel after reading your post. I would wager that they would want to visit you and show you THIER racism up close and personal.


And when you do..

#6Consumer Comment

Sat, October 26, 2013

And when you do file your suit I hope you post the Docket and Court information.  But when you go to file it be sure that the clerk is not Armenian or they may just "loose" your suit and you may never get your case heard.  Also be sure too put on your suit that you do not want a case heard by an Armenian.

When you go to court, be sure to keep telling the judge that they were Armenian and that we have a Democratic Governor.  Even if the judge says they understand..keep bringing home the point.  Even if the judge tells you that if you continue to mention that he will hold you in Contempt and it has nothing to do with your case..don't believe them and continue bringing up the point. 

Oh and when you get to your "pain and suffering" be sure to claim the maximum allowed for having to file a suit.  But also be sure to get your doctor to declare under oath that this incident has caused you tremendous stress and you need to be compenstated..just make sure he is not Armenian.

Sheeesh....some people.


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