  • Report:  #865750

Complaint Review: Superiorfakedegrees.com - Toronto, Ontario Select State/Province

Reported By:
Miss Stupid - Malaysia, Other, Malaysia

Toronto, Ontario, Select State/Province, Canada
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I'm interested to purchase a degree from 'superiorfakedegrees' and I have been contacting them since last year May 2011 via email, replying my email is the person name Michael all the time, and he given me a few packages to choose for, the prices from USD230-USD1800, because all I wanted is to own a legal degree, and it cost USD1200, discounted orice is USD900, final final price was given is USD650. But I don't have enough money to pay for that moment, so I just give it up.

About half a year later which February 2012,have saved enough money, I sent out my enquiries thru their website, one day later I received a replied from a person name Michael again. From there, I decided to purchase from him, because he's still offering me the same price, that time I really very happy that I can still get the same price USD650. So I decided to transfer my money without searchig all the reviews from internet. Before I transfer my money, he will reply my eamil real fast, within the day or the next day,

after I transferred it takes forever to reply me, I was so upset and keep emailing him, when I about to give up and just accepted the fact that IT'S a SCAM. He contacted me and keep apologizing, saying the gmail have some errors therefore all emails that he sent out all cannot reach me. Again, give me a few options again, 1.) give me back a full refund incuding all the transfer fee or 2.) if I want to continue, would need to do a final payment for USD250, because they have went up the price to USD900, no more and no less.

While I'm thinking to get the refund or continue, he sent me the email as follows:

'We are an honest company and would look forward to exceeding your expectations if given your business.  I'd direct you to Huffington Post - they are a news agency with a reputation similar to the BBC in the UK or CNN in the US - they gave us a favourable review -  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/keith-thomson/how-to-get-your-own-barac_b_251031.html  

We've been in business since 1994 (prior to the internet we relied solely on a network of referrals).  We've had most of these contacts for close to 10 years and have never had an issue.  Our guarantee really does go hand-in hand with our business philosophy.  One successful order for us, generally translates to two  referrals per year, and each of those referrals further referring us.

You can see, you being a satisfied customer for us, is worth 6 figures over the life of a business relationship.  It's imperative we exceed your expectations and we would intend to do just that.  We truly hope to earn your business.It's not just referrals but also repeat business.  We certainly wouldn't be in business today if we didn't respect and over preform with our customers.  If granted your business we'll look forward to exceeding your expectations.  I certainly hope we can earn your business.'

I really just wanted to own a degree, so I kinda of decided to take the risk and continue with him, before I transfer the money, I asks him about all the bad reviews, and he replied as follows:

Good to hear back from you.  I would really ask that you take a look at our review on Huffington Post.  They are a major US media outlet, with a reputation similar to CNN/ABC or the BBC in the UK.  For the story the wrote they were required to do some extensive fact checking -http://www.huffingtonpost.com/keith-thomson/how-to-get-your-own-barac_b_251031.html 

The legal degree would allow you to can use it for government documents, you'll be an official graduate and you could attend further graduate school with it, and it's verifiable to any employers including the government.  You will be able to see your graduation status on the university's website, with a secure login we'll provide you with.  I just find it odd, that if you google any of our competitors (that have been around longer than 3-4 months) and we've been around the longest, that they have the same comments (and I admit most of those comments towards them are false) yet we're the only company with a major US media story, one where fact checking was required.  We're the only one with a credible reference.  Not some anonymous forum where anyone and their dog can post anonymously, but a credible source. 

We've traced the IP addresses of each post, and funny enough the same two locations keep popping up, Houston, Texas and Sydney Australia - the same two cities where our chief competitors reside.  We do hope to earn your business, but that being said we are not desperate as we do very good business from repeat customers and have a very large referrals base through those same satisfied customers. 

I would place a lot more stock in a newsworthy story, over forums that allow anonymous posts, by unaccountable people, in this case our same two competitors using their paid staff to generate fake reviews about not only our company but others within this industry.  You can't find a single company in this industry without finding bogus fake reviews about them.  It's unfortunate and a practice we stay away from. 

We're not naive, and the only way you stay in business as long as we have, having the high ranking we have (number one on google) and the most web traffic, you don't accomplish that without a great system for generating repeat business and referrals.  Repeat business and referrals from satisfied customers accounts for over two thirds of our total business.   

At the end of the day you could gamble with another newer site that might not have any of those comments yet (it takes google 3-6 months to crawl a new site) which I wouldn't recommend.  Or you can chose a company with the only credible media mention in the industry. I do hope you decide to go with us but if not I do wish you the best of luck.'

I'm stupid, I just go ahead and transferred, used up all my savings. I keep thinking once I got my degree, I will be able to change to a better job with a higher salary,based on all my years working experiences, I will be able to move on once I have a certificate on hand, can provide a better living for my family and I will be able to take up some courses to improve myself, but its just not as simple. So I hope there will not have another victim, hopefully it will have somebody to stop them.

Thanks and God Bless

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