  • Report:  #378304


Reported By:
- Durham, Ontario,

3038 Hurontario St MISSISSAUGA, Ontario, Canada
905-268 0620
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
So I'm not sure where to even begin with this saga.

It had been a hectic week bustling around the area, as well as farther south of here, interviewing for numerous job positions.

I was searching on monster.ca and saw a job opening ad that read 'Advertising - ENTRY LEVEL! PLAY PLAY PLAY! Innovative Sports Marketing Company is in need to fill Entry level Positions ASAP. * Paid Training * Must work well in fast paced environment. * Must have strong PR skills and professional image. No experience necessary, we will train.'

Thinking 'Okay.. entry level, paid training, and no experience necessary?' This could be a good thing. So I called and asked for 'fake name' 'fake name isn't in right now, but I can go ahead and set up an interview if you'd like.' 'Awesome,' I thought. (they use fake names not to have anything traced back to them)

Thursday, March 20, 2008, I drive down the office. I text my boyfriend and my mom and told them both to wish me luck.


A monkey wouldn't have even needed luck for this lousy job- But I didn't know that yet.

I waited in the lobby for about 20 minutes until 'Thomas' comes out and greets myself and another girl for our interviews, and takes us both back to another man, "presidents", office. He talks about the business and how they sponsor advertise for businesses and sports teams such as the Marlees, Pizza Pizza, etc. He said it wasn't sales- it was 'servicing existing customers.' I was told i would get a callback if I qualified for a 2nd interview. I couldn't have been more excited when he asked me to come back @ 9:30 a.m. the next morning for a job shadow.

The next morning, Friday, March 21, 2008, I arrive 9:30 a.m. in nearly the same attire that I had on the previous day. After all, that is what he told me to do. I arrive in black dress pants, stilettos, a blouse, and a light leather jacket. 'You look very professional,' I was told. I wait in the lobby with approximately 10-12 other poor souls for about 25 minutes until we all begin to get called back one by one and matched up with an 'awesome rep.'

I get matched up with this girl. I am told: 'Whatever she tells us about you at the end of the day will weigh heavily on whether we ask you to come back or not,' some tall man named 'Nick' told me. 'I hope you've cleared your day out until about 7 or 7:30 p.m.'

What the HELL? 7:30 P.M. for a GD JOB SHADOW?! Holy sh*t I kept telling myself... But whatever.

Shawn took me in some back room and asked me if I drove- in which I did. She told me that that was a good thing because there was another person coming with us and we were going to an 'event.' The vehicle they were planning on taking wasn't going to fit the 3 of us, and their stuff.I didn't think it was going to be that big of a deal.. So I'd drive myself. Whatever. It was probably for the better. Until she asked me to pop my trunk and started putting the s**t in my car.

Hm.. Maybe there wasn't enough room in their vehicle for the both of them AND their stuff...? Until she climbed in the backseat of my 2008 2-door cobalt, and a 400 lb. man got in my front seat. I couldn't help but look at them both and say 'What the f*ck.' Confused, unhappy, disgusted, irritated, and even more confused, they said we were only going up the road a few miles and they'd give me directions as we got closer to the roads.

The event we were doing today was at low rent grocery store. I still had no idea what the hell an event was, nor did I have a clue as to what my job was really going to entail. All I knew was that I was stuck. We were in MY car, in an area I was certainly NOT familiar with, and I really needed a job that Thomas told me would make me about $80-120 a day, and anywhere from $32k-$38k a year.

As we arrived at the grocery store and pulled their s**t out of my car...I went and parked while they 'set up.' As I walk back towards the inside of the store, I realize that they have set up OUTSIDE of the grocery store, next to the cart corral. This wasn't funny in the least bit. And when I saw Shawn and the fat man, Adrian, begin to pull out COUPON BOOKS from a box, I knew I was screwed.

The way they advertise for all those companies is by making COUPON BOOKS for them- and compiling them all together with numerous other businesses.

The book included sit down restaurants, pizza, automotive, entertainment, and golf. 'A little something for everyone.' - Get bent! 50 cents of every book sold is what supports the charity - and the SALES PEOPLE get paid $10 per book they sell, which costs $40.

So here I was, standing next to wet, snowy carts all day long from 10:15 a.m. until 6:45 p.m. in my stilettos and dress clothes- freezing my a*s off getting snowed on myself while getting wind burn on my face.

I couldn't believe what the hell I had gotten myself into. I was ANGRY.

I was stuck listening to Shawn say the books were just '35 bucks'... which couldn't have sounded any more unprofessional. How about dollars? Wouldn't that sound nicer? And the fat man Adrian who had gastric bypass surgery certainly STILL couldn't have given a sh*t about his weight because every time I looked at him he was guzzling yet ANOTHER energy drink (WITH sugar) and taking a smoking break every 20 minutes. Not only did I not want to smell his ashtray breath, I'm sure that every disgusted grocer that he tried speaking with didn't want to either.

So much for these people being such high professionals that work at the 'youngest, most sought-after advertising firm.'


Over lunch I learned that she, Thomas, and another man, Darren, all moved here from one of their other offices. They were currently renting an apartment together (called a merch house)... and were going to do the same again in May when they transferred again. Once again...3 co-ed co-workers living together...? Sounds even more unprofessional to me...

I got back to their professional APPEARING office around 7:15 p.m. to tell them this was NOT for me. I don't want your job. This is a joke. The advertisement I had read was an absolute bluff and there wasn't any way in God's creation I was going to spend my days and earning a living selling COUPON BOOKS in front of grocery stores, businesses, and even door-to-door for the poor residents that happened to be home when they knocked on your door. 'Are you sure..?' some young kid Drew asked me? 'Shawn had nothing but positive things to say about you and we'd like you to start as early as Monday?'

I couldn't have been more in shock. I didn't want this job. I couldn't stand this job. I couldn't have been paid a million dollars to go back to that job. It was an absolute JOKE. A ripoff. A scam.

I drove home in tears, with no paycheck, an empty gas tank, damp clothes, and FROZEN finger and toes.

After all, I had been standing outside for 8+ hours in stilettos with no gloves, hat, scarf, etc. My boyfriend, and his friend Derrick looked at me like I was insane when I tried to tell them about the numerous catastrophes I had encountered in my day. I was hungry, tired, and pissed. I had wasted 2 days and a full gas tank on a lie...what a joke.

I don't recommend ANYONE for this job. Get away.. get out.. run away...far away if you're in this business and/or are interviewing with them.


Durham, Ontario


1 Updates & Rebuttals

Leonard C.

each situation is different

#2UPDATE Employee

Fri, October 31, 2008

ok this is how it goes lets jus say u went to a regular job interview not everyone is going to like the job....secondno one forced u to go thru with anything u could have stopped at any point......i can't blame u for not liking it though because of the type of people u had to show the business to. I am in the same business but different division but we all do the same interview second interview but we don't lie on our interviews i especially make sure i let everyone know exactly what they are going to get into.....lets jus clarify one thing about the add name only reason why we use made up names is because we run different ads and want to see which one is pulling in more people so that we can keep our advertising costs down(wouldn't except u to understand that) n9ow for the generic interview that was givin to u i don't know why they still do that. that was how it was done in the 90's we are alot more upfront about exactly what we do i am sorry u had to indure that...if i was doing the interview u wouldn't have made it that far...but jus to tell u we have some vice presidents that say that if they were told upfront what they were going to do they wouldn't be in the position they are in now and yes i make good money doing what i am doing and know i didn't have to buy into the company and yes u will see people that are not at all professional but they are trying to succeed at it....if u never try then whats the point....guess what Bill Gates went door to door too, now look at him.... as for the term "35 bucks" as i know u wouldn't understand this because this is just a form of marketing which is also used by mainstream companys..bucks doesn't register to the brain as spending alot of money but "dollars" sounds like alot and make people think of bills and makes them hold on to their money more but u wouldn't understand that if u would have made it to the next day u would have understood that because they would have taught it to u but this job is not for everyone and not everyone succeeds in it it takes a certain type of person to succeed in it and only 5% of the population has this inside of them and u don't and thats not a bad thing i can see u working at the mall looking pretty in those heels of yours smiling at folks its cool girl...remember everyone is entitled to there opinion and i am sorry that u had to go thru what u went thru i apologize for them lying to u they could have gave u and outline now some of it we can't tell u because it all has to do wit a marketing strategy that unless u have done it before u wouldn't understand it this business was started in canada and is now in 100 countries and everyone starts at the bottom and has to work hard like anybody else but when we get promoted we make more money than the average joe thats been working his but off jus to get a 50 cents raise....i hope u did find a job that u like though oh yea one more thing since you think that 50 cents is not enough to donate to a charity(the charity that i am talking about loves our company) and also that is what other companys do to look at cheerios and breast cancer and so on....but look at the math which i am going to give u some pretty low numbers because we have more offices lets say there are at least 10 guys in each office and there are only 120 offices(super low ball). now each guy moves only 5 books a day for 6 days( super low ball again) now that is 30 books now with 10 guys thats 300 books an office...now 300 books times 120 offices, thats only a measely 36000 coupon bks moved in 1 week which sucks.(also thats only if that is the only promotion we have in that office we have alot more) ok so take that number and times it by 50 cents.. ok the number is 18,000.00 bucks(lol) now lets jus say we don't open up anymore offices for a whole year anywhere(which is impossible because then there wouldn't be an oppurtunity) we would only raise 960,000 Dollars(seems like alot huh) for the charity we are doing the promo for.... now that sucks still think we are a rip off i bet if we said hey interview person we want to take 50 cents out of everything we sell for the whole year and give it to u so that u can see that we actually do good business and make people happy and change their lives....yea right the company would go broke but like i said its cool not everyone can do what we do sincerely, LC

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