  • Report:  #214280

Complaint Review: Sweet Cupcake Candles And Gifts - Leighton Alabama

Reported By:
- Leighton, Alabama,

Sweet Cupcake Candles And Gifts
www.sweetcupcakecandles.com Leighton, Alabama, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This whole company has been a mess. There are only a handful of people who are happy with the company, they just happen to be the loudest. The back office forum is a joke. Just a bunch of bored, lonely women with nothing better to do but sit and suck up to the boss. Nothing has gone as promised with this company. The same excuse is ALWAYS given. "Give it time, they got way more people than they thought, and she is pregnant." If you can't handle starting a business pregnant, then don't! If you got more people than you thought, freeze enrollment.

The boss seems to spend more time on the forum getting her ego stroked than working. If you even think about saying, "Hey, what is going on here, when can we get some answers?", you get the same five brown-nosers personally attacking you. Shipping has taken a month, if they got your order at all. Some people's credit cards were charged twice.

No promises have been kept. If she can't handle it pregnant, how will she handle it with a newborn? The support desk is supposedly up and running, but literally only a handful of people have heard anything back from them. There are TONS of grammatical errors, listing errors, and completely wrong items on the page.

The list goes on and on and on. I was a consultant there. I am no longer. Exponetially more people are dissatisfied than satisfied. Unfortunately they others have WAY more time on their hands. In the sub groups, people are dropping like flies because of all the broken promises of the company. The owner even, in mass emails sent to all the consultants, uses phrases such as, "we was trying." Not making the Alabama educational system look good, or the company.

The whole thing is more of a knitting circle that a company.

Someone who got out

Leighton, Alabama

20 Updates & Rebuttals


Bossier City,
MLM Scams

#2Consumer Suggestion

Wed, October 11, 2006

I too signed up with Sweet Cupcake, but I dared not spend any money until I waited to see how things went. I was really disturbed at the direction the industry was heading with the free sign ups. It's just not reality. Direct sales is based on how well the reps love the products. You can't promote something honestly that you haven't used. I am a business coach to mlm companies and started an organization that is an affordable way for these new start up companies to receive credibility. I see everyday the mistakes many of these start up mlm companies make and wonder just how long they'll be in business. I saw that with Sweet Cupcake. Because I design programs for these companies, I knew that it was impossible to pay out the commissions that she said she would pay out, and the overrides for the recruits. Even if she is legit, her company was headed for failure because the payout didn't match the price of the products. Also, using SMC products for the home decor line-come on-everybody's selling SMC. She didn't do the research. This may have been an mlm scam, but as a business coach, I personally feel that it was someone that just didn't know what she was doing. She probably should have hired me to coach her if that was the case. She was trying to start a restiction-free company. Restictions are in place for a reason, and legit mlm companies know the importance of them. And you can't hire employees among the reps! That's was her biggest mistake right there. If you need to hire someone, you need to physically interview them or hire a credible virtual assistant under contract. You don't give confidential information to people you don't know over the web. One of those she hired probably ripped off the consultants. But, Camilla is responsible for their actions. Then on the flipside, it could be a scam. There are mlm scams everywhere. This could have been one that had a "sweet" disguise. That's why we have the Direct Selling Organization (www.dsa.org), the Direct Selling Women's Alliance (www.mydswa.org) and the Multicultural Direct Selling Alliance (www.mdsalliance.com) . These organizations either have code of ethics or ethics creeds before a company can join their organization. Check with these organizations and the Better Business Bureau before you spend your money.


Vero Beach,
Who Is Database

#3Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 10, 2006

This is public information through Network Solutions Who Is database for the website. Thought I would share this information. I had also signed up with the company but was waiting until all the issues had been settled. This website was never a secured website so all information was up for grabs on the internet. In the future always check the Who Is database to check for security with a website. [email protected] Camilla Nichols 1530 Cane Creek Road Cherokee, Alabama 35616


Cancel Credit Cards-Notify Social Security W-9 Forms

#4Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 09, 2006

I lucked out as an Ex-Employee I purchased the hostess gift only 1 week prior to the account theft of money. I fortunatly told all my customers to hold off on ordering due to the site not even being prepared to take orders and the lack of organization. I didnt want to take any chances and lucky I told them to hold off since we were then notified of the theft of money and someone gaining access to all the personnel information...I didnt have anyone order so none of the info is now in the hands of a stranger and I cancelled my credit card... EMPLOYEES BEWARE: 1: you need to cancel your credit cards that were associated with purchases with this company right away.. 2: you need to have all your customers cancel thier credit cards with any orders involving this company right away...I know this will be embarassing but thier credit is at risk!!!! 3: I hope no-one filled out a W-9 form or tax form because now your social security number is out there. You will need to notify your credit report companies and contact social security department to find out what you need to do to prevent theft of your number.... 4: If you have paypal you need to change your password ASAP you do not know if you were actually on a secure site or not...I didnt use it cause it didnt look right. They could have your paypal account information.. 5: I know a lot of you have money involved but first and foremost is getting the above listed things corrected to prevent credit loss due to someone using your information to open other accounts etc!!!! A charge can show up months later so dont take the chance!!!



#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, October 09, 2006

I feel so stupid for trying to diffend this company. We were all lied too from the very start. First the part about not hand pouring the candles and now the money. She won't refund our money. In an email she said that our money would not be refunded if we ended our contract with her, well most of us did not she shut dowm the entire site. I am mad. This is the first time I have ever done this kind of thing and she has made me very worried about going someplace else.


Um Site is Down and No way to Contact

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, October 08, 2006

Great, as if the fiasco that happend over this last week couldnt get worse, IT HAS!!!! Now we have no way of contacting this person, or the company to get our money refunded, or to find out if ALL OF OUR CREDIT CARD INFORMATION HAS BEEN COMPROMISED!!! We deserve an explanation. We as reps spent time on this project, and were excited about it. This is just a complete and total rip off. Did anyone do the math? I mean "if" all 5000 reps did buy that $10 kit, thats $50,000 ladies. COME ON, even if only half bought. Now there is no site, no information, and no emails. Someone needs to do something. I feel really really bad for all the ladies that put sooo much time and effort into this. Look before you leap I guess. I just feel so decieved.



#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, October 08, 2006

I come here totally humiliated, exhausted, and broken hearted! I must apologize for my sticking up for Camilla Nichols (or whoever he/she is!) and SCC. The idea was great! The great majority of the SCC consultants were fantastic people with dreams and plans of their own! But the one who began this fiascal is a PRO! She/he is a scam artist, and have been at it for a long time through numerous venues through the years! She/he is unethical, dishonest, a thief, deceiver, and extremely RUDE! She had closed down ALL SCC sites, telling us to fend for ourselves and has not replied to any inquiries. She even stated she refuses to refund monies that other consultants had paid for non-existant merchandise! I am utterly humiliated! I wanted to believe the best of SCC, I really wanted this to work and had spent huge amounts of time and effort in preparing for launch. I feel very fortunate, because sadly, alot of people are not only out their time and effort, but they are out the initial monies paid, plus their credit card numbers, paypal accounts and social security numbers have been stolen! I just pray that she/he will get their due!


Am Glad Someone Spoke Up!!

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, October 08, 2006

Ok, first of all, the email she sent to everyone "alerting" them to what happened, was very unprofessional. It just sounded like a couple of high school girls having a cat fight. Not to mention the fact that you can't post personal information about someone without their consent...don't know how many laws she broke there. And now the website doesn't even exist?? Does she realize all the legal trouble she could be in?? Refusing to refund people when SHE shut down the site?? If I was one of those people needing a refund, I would file complaints with every place I could....don't let her get away with this. a former consultant


New York,
Camilla Give us our money back and end it

#9UPDATE Employee

Sun, October 08, 2006

1. -- Supplier refuses to do further business with this woman. 2. -- WAS just under 5000 consultants, now -0- 3. -- Owner has deceived her staff and consultants about the business. 4. -- No way do those supposed sales add up, especially when the majority have NOT received product and they want refunds for product not received.


North Carolina,
The crap hit the fan!

#10UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, October 07, 2006

Well let's see... in a matter of hours someone figured out the truth that the owner had been lying about her little family handpouring the candles. A lot of her supporters were "well what if this thing just got so big and she just needed help" blah blah blah. Of course hours later she comes on and says that she did use another company to help get out orders to customers quicker and she didn't regret it. Well then she comes on saying one of the people she hired stole nearly 4,000 from the company and had access to all the customers/consultants credit cards and she's had to deal with that (she didn't even let anyone know about this until people were jumping all over her asking where she had been all day. Nice! Someone is supposedly walking around with tons of credit card numbers and she cant even let anyone know sooner). Ironic how all this hits the fan on the same night! I think the whole thing is a sham. I've filed a complaint with paypal to get the money back from a kit I ordered weeks ago and never got. Word of the wise: If something seems too good to be true, it probably is! As is the case with sweet cupcake candles. This company wasn't sweet to me.. in fact, I have a VERY bitter taste in my mouth.


Fort Walton Beach,
Team Leader

#11UPDATE Employee

Sat, October 07, 2006

It was discovered that SCC is not in fact hand pouring their candles as they say. That is not entirely the problem. The problem is that from day 1 the owner has been saying that SHE is handpouring them and that it was slow because SHE needed to buy more molds for the candles. Today it was discovered that she is dropshipping from another company. A reliable source then called the 3rd party to verify that this is in fact correct - and it is! The fact that she is dropshipping is not a problem. The problem is that from day 1 the company used false advertising as well as unethical and unprofessional actions.


Couldn't have said it better.

#12Author of original report

Fri, October 06, 2006

First off, you ladies all proved the poster's point by personally attacking her. So, in turn, you helped the cause. And the person that said that, "more of a knitting circle that a company," didn't make sense, and was a grammatical error, come on! It was obviously a typo and the only one in the whole post. If that is all you got, go home. That was the best line in the whole thing. So true! It is amazing how much time is spent on the forum by some of you. I am still an employee, but only because I want the money. Purely selfish reasons. I am not in it to make friends. And trust me, there are TONS of people who are doing the same thing I am. And what I think is deplorable, is the censorship on the forum. Better always be smiling and sucking up because big brother is watching and will now delete you from the company if you don't! That is ridiculous. Bonnie herself wrote that she would delete anyone she wanted. This company just reeks of unproffessionalism. The people that you all said were impatient, and "negative" are the ones who would have made you guys money. The ones who are fiscally minded. All they wanted to know was where the product was that they were not only promised, but paid for. That is responsibility. That is business ladies! You can't do handholding in business if you want to be successful. Peace ladies.


I'm Sorry

#13UPDATE Employee

Thu, October 05, 2006

I am sorry that you had a bad experience with Sweet Cupcake. I am sorry that your gratification needs were not met. I am sorry that you were not able to take the virtue of patience and apply it in the circumstances that have presented themselves. I am sorry you were not able to overcome the obstacles that are prevalent within new and flourishing companies, like Sweet Cupcake. I am sorry that this once in a lifetime opportunity did not meet your standards. I am sorry that you felt the need to attack a company that is working hard and diligently to get on the right track, overcoming the obstacles that present themselves every day, regardless of how long a business has stood. Just as in our personal lives, problems, obstacles, and blessings present themselves. If we react in our personal lives as some have reacted in their experiences with Sweet Cupcake, we would find our existance to be miserable, lacking of the very core of human compassion. I'm not going to ask anyone to not believe the poster, simply because she is entitled to her own subjective opinions. What I am going to ask from anyone who reads these reports is to consider that these reports come from those who did not have the fortitude to deal with obstacles and difficulties in a professional, mature manner, and that opinions are not based upon objective facts, but rather emotional responses. It is better to be proactive, getting involved to make things better, more efficient, than to be reactive, which only tends to come from reactionary vindictiveness and hostility.



#14UPDATE Employee

Thu, October 05, 2006

If you do not like what is happening, fine. If you think the company is poorly managed, fine. If you think the whole thing is going to blow up in our faces, fine. You are entitled to your opinion. Yes there a lot of things that still need to be worked out with the company. But some of us just don't mind waiting around to see how it goes. Some of us have been blessed with the gift of patience. I'm sorry your experience with SCC was a bad one. And you have left the company, and that for you is good. But why not just leave and go. Why do you have to slm and slander the company? Why do you have to ridicule those of us who want to stay? We are not sucking up to the boss. We are supporting her. We are giving her a chance to get her company up and rolling. We want to help her make it a success not only for her but for ourselves as well. And there is nothing wrong with that. What is wrong is you going around telling everyone who will listen how terrible the company is. The company has not had a chance to BE terrible. It's brand new and you obviously wanted a get ritch quick opportunity that is not ever going to happne. So please, just leave and let us be. You do not have to go around trashing us or the company because we choose to stay and wait it out. We believe the company will be great and we are entitled to our opinion!



#15UPDATE Employee

Thu, October 05, 2006

If you do not like what is happening, fine. If you think the company is poorly managed, fine. If you think the whole thing is going to blow up in our faces, fine. You are entitled to your opinion. Yes there a lot of things that still need to be worked out with the company. But some of us just don't mind waiting around to see how it goes. Some of us have been blessed with the gift of patience. I'm sorry your experience with SCC was a bad one. And you have left the company, and that for you is good. But why not just leave and go. Why do you have to slm and slander the company? Why do you have to ridicule those of us who want to stay? We are not sucking up to the boss. We are supporting her. We are giving her a chance to get her company up and rolling. We want to help her make it a success not only for her but for ourselves as well. And there is nothing wrong with that. What is wrong is you going around telling everyone who will listen how terrible the company is. The company has not had a chance to BE terrible. It's brand new and you obviously wanted a get ritch quick opportunity that is not ever going to happne. So please, just leave and let us be. You do not have to go around trashing us or the company because we choose to stay and wait it out. We believe the company will be great and we are entitled to our opinion!



#16UPDATE Employee

Thu, October 05, 2006

If you do not like what is happening, fine. If you think the company is poorly managed, fine. If you think the whole thing is going to blow up in our faces, fine. You are entitled to your opinion. Yes there a lot of things that still need to be worked out with the company. But some of us just don't mind waiting around to see how it goes. Some of us have been blessed with the gift of patience. I'm sorry your experience with SCC was a bad one. And you have left the company, and that for you is good. But why not just leave and go. Why do you have to slm and slander the company? Why do you have to ridicule those of us who want to stay? We are not sucking up to the boss. We are supporting her. We are giving her a chance to get her company up and rolling. We want to help her make it a success not only for her but for ourselves as well. And there is nothing wrong with that. What is wrong is you going around telling everyone who will listen how terrible the company is. The company has not had a chance to BE terrible. It's brand new and you obviously wanted a get ritch quick opportunity that is not ever going to happne. So please, just leave and let us be. You do not have to go around trashing us or the company because we choose to stay and wait it out. We believe the company will be great and we are entitled to our opinion!



#17UPDATE Employee

Thu, October 05, 2006

If you do not like what is happening, fine. If you think the company is poorly managed, fine. If you think the whole thing is going to blow up in our faces, fine. You are entitled to your opinion. Yes there a lot of things that still need to be worked out with the company. But some of us just don't mind waiting around to see how it goes. Some of us have been blessed with the gift of patience. I'm sorry your experience with SCC was a bad one. And you have left the company, and that for you is good. But why not just leave and go. Why do you have to slm and slander the company? Why do you have to ridicule those of us who want to stay? We are not sucking up to the boss. We are supporting her. We are giving her a chance to get her company up and rolling. We want to help her make it a success not only for her but for ourselves as well. And there is nothing wrong with that. What is wrong is you going around telling everyone who will listen how terrible the company is. The company has not had a chance to BE terrible. It's brand new and you obviously wanted a get ritch quick opportunity that is not ever going to happne. So please, just leave and let us be. You do not have to go around trashing us or the company because we choose to stay and wait it out. We believe the company will be great and we are entitled to our opinion!



#18UPDATE Employee

Thu, October 05, 2006

Why are you so hostile? Your comments I find could have been more productive if you tried a little harder in contacting the owner, rather than name calling other consultants? As far as grammatical errors, Aren't we all human? Aren't we? Let's not be too judgemental, lest we be judged, and let me tell you friend, your actions speak louder than any grammatically spoken word you have written here!!! Many will agree, and have. As I've often said, a little kindness goes a long way. We as women tend to be very hot headed instead of thinking things through. Things are starting to ship out now, and if you had pointed out the grammatical errors to Camilla, she would have changed them immediately. Instead, you decided to do this. Well, I have to say, if you are unhappy with your situation, then you did the right thing...but filing a report because you didn't do anything productive to correct it...isn't the right thing. Have a great holiday season.


New Hampshire,

#19UPDATE Employee

Thu, October 05, 2006

I know for a fact that these are comments taken out of context from the Forum, and this person who first reported it is just an angry Ex Employee that is upset because she was rude in the forum and was spoken to about it. When You have a problem or a question with a Company shouldn't you post it in a Professional way? This person did not. Sweet CupCake has a TON of people who received EVERYTHING perfect and NOT ONE person has made a complaint staing different. I think its a shame just because you are angry that you can make up lies to TRY and hurt a Company- Don't believe one word what has been reported here folks ! And I for one would like to have this person reported for making slanderish Allegations, Rip Off should do a Investigation! PS You made accusaions about grammer .. Umm You should maybe take a look at your own posting. see below. "The whole thing is more of a knitting circle that a company." .. ? Makes no sense:)


Fort Lewis,
Sweet Cupcake

#20UPDATE Employee

Thu, October 05, 2006

Sweet cupcake is a brand new company. The company took off faster then expected. I have had no complaints from my customers or anyone. Candles in our company are hand made so yes things will take time to make and to ship. I do not believe the person who posted this. I believe they were upset because things were taking off slow. Sweet Cupcakes is a great company and I will continue to support it. It is a shame that people are like this. And no one is perfect. things will be misspelled. This is a great company


Del Ray Beach,
Thank You

#21Consumer Comment

Thu, October 05, 2006

Thank you for coming forward and being honest about Sweet Cupcake Candles. If more people would do this, maybe the 5 people screaming just be patient, would be honest with themselves and leave too. Glad you got out. So did I.

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