  • Report:  #584317

Complaint Review: Synergy Management / Coast to Coast Auto Glass - Charleston South Carolina

Reported By:
S - Charleston, South Carolina, U.S.A.

Synergy Management / Coast to Coast Auto Glass
1662 Savannah Hwy. Ste. 315 Charleston, 29407 South Carolina, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have been in the auto glass industry for quite some time now. Sadly enough, when times got hard, I went to work for this company. Before I get started, I have read all the complaints posted, and amusingly enough, I must say that they are ALL true! Regardless if you are seeking employment, or simply just researching this company, the one thing I will not do is lie against them, nor will I lie for them. 

If you are responding to one of their many employment ads, you can expect to work 6 days a week, and very long hours. Yes, they paint a very intriguing picture making you feel like you will be making some big bucks in a very short time. That's their game plan, and they are hoping beyond any and all hopes you swallow it. In fact, you will be getting paid $45.00 per installation. They hold back two weeks of pay and you will not receive a paycheck until the third week of employment. The keyword to all of this is being paid per installation. More times than not, due to poor customer service, customers cancel, leaving you without that particular $45.00. Due to this company's lackluster installation rate, you can expect to be making very little money per pay period. 

Unless things have changed, you will be expected to report to work prior to 10 in the morning. You will have to go to their "atmosphere room" and start shouting/screaming over the excessively loud music. There, you will learn their so-called system and begin practicing the "pitch." The pitch trains you to get the customer to their car so you can persuade them to replace their windshield. You can expect to be in the "atmosphere room" for a couple of hours. Remember, you will be a "commission only" employee, but the mandatory training is completely unpaid!

You will not be allowed to come back to the office until after 8pm. Once again, you can look forward to the excessively loud music as you will be there for at least 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the situation, or whether or not the manager wants to conduct one of his many boring meetings. Again, this is unpaid time!

Speaking of the meetings, you can expect to listen to the manager brag about himself and place himself on the highest of thrones. He always, and I mean always, brags about himself. Believe me, if you go to work there, you will quickly discover that he is nothing more than a young pathological liar, constantly feeding you a line of lies to keep you working hard for him. 

Also, working with this company can cost you. Why did I say that? Simple! You will be given a copy of his business license, but oddly enough, it is nothing more than a City of Charleston business license issued to Synergy Management. You will be expected to venture out into areas throughout Greater Charleston and solicit. If the police stop you, you can expect to be issued a "Soliciting Without a License" citation. Uh, that's all on you! Don't think for one skinny second that the manager will pay for it either. In fact, he doesn't care and will send you back out in that very same area the very next day without offering any signs of concerns whatsoever!

Fall for all their hype and it could cost you dearly! Am I a former disgruntled employee? Nope, I'm just not going to do something that could cost me. It's too easy to do things the right way! Unfortunately, this company has no clue how to go about doing things the right way, and that's why I hastily left. For one thing, I will not try and persuade ANY customer to replace their windshield if the damage is remotely questionable. I'm not going to say that they teach their account representatives to commit insurance fraud, but they do teach them how to deceptively overcome objectionable obstacles. Take for example, they will teach their reps to explain to customers why Coast to Coast Auto Glass does not participate in ANY insurance companies glass programs. This is nothing more than looking at an unaware customer and blatantly telling a bold face lie!

Frankly speaking, if you work for them, and you are talking to a potential customer, you are probably doing so illegally! When you do get paid, you will be issued a company check that is handwritten and provided no pay stub. So, you will have no clue about your deductions whatsoever. Your pay WILL BE menial at best, and will leave you wondering where all your money is. In other words, the handwritten payroll practice is downright illegal!

I realize jobs are hard to come by these days, and for the most of us, we have obligations that require an income. By far, this is NOT the type of company you want to get yourself involved with. This is one job that will cost you a lot of gas money, and possibly a run in with the law, one that will definitely cost you big time! 

If you are a former employee, or a misfortunate customer, there are ways to put an end to all their scheming ways. 

1.) File a complaint to the South Carolina Attorney Generals Office

2.) South Carolina Labor Board (803) 896-4300

3.) National Insurance Crime Bureau 1-800-835-6422

4.) South Carolina Fraud Investigations 1-888-95-FRAUD

5.) File a complaint to the FTC. (Federal Trade Commission)

6.) File a complaint to your local police department

If you have just recently agreed to have this company replace your windshield, you can call your insurance company and cancel. Until they have actually replaced it, you can cancel at any time. 

What can we do to warn others? Simply by spreading the word! The good old "word of mouth" is the best form of advertisement known to mankind. By you telling/warning your neighbor, a friend, a relative, a coworker about them, soon enough, a lot of good people will be savvy to their game. If one of their reps comes knocking on your door, the chances are extremely high that he/she is doing so illegally. Get a good description of the individual(s) and call your local police department. If you tell them you just called the police, watch them scurry like a cockroach when struck by light. If they are so legal, so legitimate, then why should they run? That's a good question yet to be answered!


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