  • Report:  #456280

Complaint Review: T-Mobile - Bellevue Washington

Reported By:
- Denmark, Maine,

12920 S.E. 38th St. Bellevue, 98006 Washington, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Be afraid, be very afraid. I signed up for this service in July, 2008. It appeared to work alright w/ some outages until January, 2009 when it was down for minutes, hours, days. When the problem occurs it requires you to reset your router each and every time. It was so bad I had to set up a surge protector under my desk, so I could simply use my foot to turn the router on and off, on and off, on and off. When I called to complain, t-mobile told me they were not aware of this problem, well to be frank they are liars. There are postings all over the place, including their own forum on how unreliable this service really is.

They sent me a new router, knowing full well this wouldn't solve the problem - the problem was I believed them. Why wouldn't I, I had VOIP for years from other providers with no real problems. Well - same problems. You are on the phone and all of sudden the person on the other end cannot hear you - reset the router. You call them back or they call you and it drops again - reset the router. You do it a few more times - same thing. Like I said it may be minutes but more likely hours and in the end days at a time. It also takes your internet service with it. Linksys forum also has many postings, look up no blue light.

So I call again - told my case was closed - really, no one called to see if it was working. Told you have to start at the lower level customer service all over again. Email CEO, get call from executive response team. Now they are angry, combative, abusive and threatening - yes, threatening to investigate my phone calls or how I use my phone - I told them - have at it. Their executive response person Beckett spoke over me continually - actually yelling at me. I told her I did not want any more contact with her - find someone else. Oh - did I mention she thought it was funny I had this kind of phone service. Even though the phone continually disconnected while I was speaking with her - she tried to claim it wasn't their problem and they still expected me to pay the bill. Anyway, Beckett had the audacity to keep calling me and I told her emphatically not to call. She said she would continue to call - oh, really - had to inform her this was harassment in writing. Then someone else called but the call kept dropping and they didn't call back.

Senior tech Kevin calls and told me he had the same issue, but it wasn't as bad these days - not as bad - are you kidding me! He was supposed to come to me and bring a new router - well he never showed up. Then a letter from t-mobile they are terminating my service and keeping my activation fees, the money for phones and equipment, but we still want you to pay the balance on your bill or we won't release your number. Keep in mind I paid all along, believing they were honestly attempting to fix the problem - because they said so - like I said - LIARS. In April when the service became unbearable, leaving me without my internet service - I told them I would pay when they fixed the problem - therefore I was disputing my bill. American consumers have to stop being doormats - we have let this happen. Not me - not anymore. I reported them to the FCC, BBB, AG and small claims. An important fact is that you cannot call 911 should you need to when you have no service or it disconnects every minute. Well at least that would get the cops here, since they would figure we were making prank calls to 911. Totally disgraceful company.


Denmark, Maine


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