  • Report:  #216212

Complaint Review: T-Mobile - Internet

Reported By:
- Wylie, Texas,

t-mobile.com Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Please inform me immediately if this problem sounds like an issue that you have had with your TakeControl phone:


The letters below go from most recent to oldest (at the bottom). You may want to start from the bottom to understand the issue. The document is available in MS Word format upon request. I have removed personal information from the below letters and replaced with dashes.



October 17, 2006

Dear Mr. Robert Dotson,

Enclosed you will find some updated information to the letter that I wrote on October 4th, 2006 which I have quoted below, along with the letter I wrote on September 29th, 2006. Again, this is in regards to:

Customer ID: -------------

Telephone Number: ---------------------------------------------------

On October 10th I decided to pursue this issue further with T-Mobile. I called in and spoke with someone at Customer Service. This person asked me to hold while they investigated further, and then forwarded me, without a notice to Tier 2 Technical Support. I spoke with Laura (Rep ID# 1220413). I described the issue to Laura. Laura put me on hold for almost 15 minutes while she investigated the issue.

When Laura came back on the line, she said that she found the problem. The problem was that the information on the Network Settings tab of the HLR system, does not match the information in the Billing System. One says SmartAccess, and the other says TakeControl. I asked her to fix it, and check my wife's account as well. She found the same problem on my wife's account. She fixed that one as well. I asked further questions about how this would have caused the problems I was having. She said I would have to talk to someone in billing about that.

Laura transferred me to the Customer Service calling queue. I spoke with Latasha (Rep ID# 388216). Latasha said that the only information she could give me was that the SmartAccess and the TakeControl were the same thing, and that what Laura told me did not sound correct. I asked to speak to her supervisor. I spoke with Argilia (Rep ID# 388077). Argilia told me that the changes that Laura made were incorrect. She said that the HLR system should be marked as TakeControl on the networks settings tab while the billing system is marked as SmartAccess. I asked for it to be corrected, and she said that technical support would need to look at it. She then transferred me to technical support upon my request.

Once I got back over to technical support, I was speaking with Phil (Rep ID# 3730592). I explained the complete problem to Phil. Phil reviewed the account. Phil determined that Laura had made an error when she attempted to correct the account. Phil fixed the problem. Phil then noted that the ticket #3472386 was already open and being worked to resolve the issue, and that I must allow 30 days for resolution. I thanked Phil and hung up.

I decided to escalate the matter further.

I had not received a satisfactory response through the Customer Escalations fax line. The representatives kept updating my account with notes that said they left messages, but I never saw their number on my caller ID, or received a message at any phone. So I went online and found the email address of one of your VP's posted on a website. Her name is Sue Nokes, and she is the VP of Customer Services. Here is the email I sent her:


-----Original Message-----

From: -------------------------------

Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 11:19 AM

To: [email protected]

Subject: Customer Complaint, account being billed incorrectly.

Dear T-Mobile,

My wife and I have a severe billing problem that we need help with. The account is --------------------. I've sent two faxes to Customer Relations. The representative from customer relations keeps noting the account that they called and left me a message. They are lying. They aren't even trying to contact me. There have never been any messages. Also, I put my work number and my cell number on the fax, if they really wanted to talk they could easily get a hold of me.

I have attached my second fax to customer relations in this email. I

don't think the customer relations representative Melissa, or the other representative even read my letters. For instance, my letter says that I used #999# to prove my problem to T-Mobile on several occasions. In Melissa's response she says to inform me of how to use #999#. That's what she notated in the HLR system on October 5th 2006 at 11:09pst. Not cool. This means she didn't even read the letter completely.

There is a ticket opened on my issues, #3472386. The problem is being

worked. The issues are:

a) take control plan wont allow for outbound calls during free off-peak time when at zero minutes on the accounts, or allows for outbound calls during this time occasionally.

b) take control plan uses minutes during free off-peak time.

c) IDR system when I call in says 200 more minutes available on my account then my phone says I have when I do a #999# (which proves something is not in synch).

Here's what I want from you. I understand that the ticket is open and being worked. I need it escalated. Then I need someone from your group to follow this ticket closely, and to review the problem's resolution

from the ticket once it is closed. There IS a problem, although Melissa and other customer relations people keep saying there is not a problem. My usage is not being calculated correctly.

I am demanding that the problem be resolved. I am also demanding that if this matter continues, my wife and I are let out of our contracts. I am also demanding that my wife and I are credited 2 full months for the intermittent service we have received due to this problem. I will settle for no less than two full months credit, if the problem continues until 11/08 I will be demanding 3 months of full credit.

If the matter has not been addressed to my satisfaction within 3 days, I will report T-Mobile to the BBB.

Thanks for your full attention to this matter,

After sending this email, on October 10th, 2006 I received a call from Cindy from Customer Relations about two hours later. Cindy provided me her direct line, and let me know that she was going to contact the billing department to determine what the issue was. Cindy seemed very polite and helpful when she was on the phone with me.

At about 3:45pm on October 10th, 2006 Cindy called me once again. Cindy informed me that her investigation has provided a detail of the problem. Cindy let me know that the problem is a system issue due to the fact that my plan was moved from the TakeControl 29.95 plan to the TakeControl 39.95 plan. Cindy told me that my minutes were still being calculated like I was on the 29.95 plan, even though I was on the 39.95 plan. Cindy verified that my wife's account ------------ had the same problem.

I asked Cindy if this problem is just on our accounts, or on other's account as well. Cindy said From what I am hearing, this is a known issueThey've actually been dealing with the same issue across many accounts.

At this point in the conversation Cindy appeared eager to get off of the call. She instructed me that the problem would take a full billing cycle to resolve, and that until the first day of the next billing cycle I would be allowed to call in to customer service and be credited minutes on the nights and weekends to retain the ability to use my account on the nights and weekends. Cindy seemed to think that this type of workaround solution would suit me fine until the problem was fixed.

I let Cindy know that up until this point with her I had very professional by not mentioning anything about a credit on my account to her. I let her know that the problem is now expected to persist until November 10th, 2006. This would make three months of intermittent service on my cell phone. I let her know that I would be asking for three full months of credit on my service, as well as on my wife's service.

Cindy said that she would rather wait until the problem was resolved to make any credits, but that it probably would not be a credit as large as three months. I told Cindy that intermittent service is as good as no service. Calling into customer services for more minutes is not a solution, it is a workaround. I let her no that since the problem was across multiple account, then I would be seeking legal counsel regarding a class action lawsuit.

Cindy stated Well, I do know that T-Mobile does not guarantee that the customer will be provided continuous wireless service during the entire length of their contract.

I asked Cindy to let the legal department know about the class action lawsuit, and to expect me to file one if I do not receive the three months of credit to both my account as well as my wife's account. Cindy stated that it was up to me if I would like to do that, and she would let the legal department know. She said for now let's just plan on talking again on November 10th, 2006.

I would just like to note that the following representative ID's were unable to locate this issue while I was speaking with them on the phone, which cost me hours of time on the phone. These are just a few of the many representatives who were not able to find the problem on my account:








Many other representatives.

We had important phone calls that we needed to make quickly during this time, and we were unable to make them because of this problem. I am truly hoping that T-Mobile does the right thing, and provides our accounts with three full months credit.



October 4, 2006

Dear Mr. Robert Dotson,

I would like to add some new information to the letter that I wrote on September 29th, 2006 which I have quoted below. Again, this is in regards to:


Just to refresh our memories on what the issue is, I have proven beyond all doubt that T-Mobile's Take Control plan uses my minutes during the off-peak time which is supposed to be free. Here is how I proved it:

Used #999# to check my minutes. Had 0 minutes in my account at 11pm on Friday September 22nd, 2006.

Called in, and rep gave 14 minutes credit at 11:15pm on Friday September 22nd, 2006.

Used #999# to check my minutes at 11:15pm on Friday September 22nd, 2006. Had 14 minutes in my account.

Made outbound call at 11:30pm on September 22nd, 2006 and spoke for 14 minutes before being automatically disconnected without warning.

Used #999# to check my minutes at 11:45pm on Friday September 22nd, 2006. Had 0 minutes in my account.

I'm not sure what other proof you could require to determine that the plan is using my minutes when it should not be. But here is a suggestion. I currently have 0 minutes in my account. Let's get on the phone during off peak hours, and you credit me 2 minutes. Then call me, and talk for two minutes with me, and note that the phone will be disconnected after 2 minutes.

I called in to T-Mobile Take Control customer service yesterday evening (October 3rd, 2006) and spoke with Rep ID# 388213. This representative instructed me that the trouble ticket has already been closed on my account showing that minutes were calculated correctly.

The trouble ticket was opened on 9/1/2006, the second time I called in on the problem and received a credit for the issue. Why would they give me a credit if there was no issue?

The trouble ticket was reviewed on 9/22/2006.

The trouble ticket was closed on 10/2/2006.

There do not show to be any other trouble tickets opened on the account. This disturbs me since I was told by Customer Service Manager Marshall ID# 377215 that he would be opening a trouble ticket on this issue on September 22nd, 2006.

If your Customer Service Manager's can't even do as they promise, then what am I to expect from your Customer Service Representatives.

I need a ticket opened on this problem immediately, and I need a resolution.

I need a credit to my account for a full two months of intermittent service, and to be let out of this contract if this problem continues.

You will continue to hear from me often, until my concerns have been addressed.



September 29, 2006

Dear Mr. Robert Dotson,

I am writing to inform you of some important customer relations issues within the Take Control department at T-Mobile. It appears that although T-Mobile wishes to provide satisfactory service to customers with less than perfect credit through the Take Control plans, some of the technical details may need attention in the areas of customer service representative/call center management training as well as the IT department's ability to track and maintain usage properly.

Before I begin, please allow me to provide some history on my experiences with T-Mobile to date:

Called in to T-Mobile store, and was approved for Take Control plan in July 2006.

Upgraded to 39.99 plan for free nights and weekends in July 2006, to be effective in August 2006.

Phone played a message saying that I must replenish my account before I could make a call after 9pm and on weekends, and was turned off for outbound or incoming calls. Noticed that minutes were being taken away after 9pm, since phone was shut off at 11pm, and minutes were gone. Called in August 2006, complaining that the plan was taking my minutes after 9pm in the evenings, and on weekends, when it was supposed to be free. Representative recognized the issue, and opened a ticket on it. Representative credited minutes that were taken wrongly.

Phone played a message saying that I must replenish my account before I could make a call after 9pm and on weekends, and was turned off for outbound or incoming calls. Called in August 2006 again complaining that the plan was taking my minutes after 9pm in the evenings and on weekends when it was supposed to be free. Representative again recognized the issue and opened a ticket on it. Representative credited minutes that were taken wrongly. This time the representative instructed me to turn the phone off and back on again to get it to work if it played the message.

September 22nd, 2006 was talking on the phone at 11pm in the evening. Suddenly phone disconnected. Tried to call the party back, but the phone said that I must replenish my account before I could make a call.

o Called customer service and let them know about the issue. They instructed me to turn the phone off and back on. Tried that, and it still did not work. I let them know I felt my minutes were being taken after 9pm, because I saw I had minutes on my phone, and now they were gone. Customer service representative said that they needed to get me to the technical specialist.

o Technical specialist called me on my home phone, and tried to work on my cell phone by calling it. Technical specialist said that they did not know what the issue was, but that my phone definitely should be working during this time, and should not be taking my minutes. Technical specialist said they would need to escalate the matter to an Advanced Technical Specialist.

o Advanced Technical Specialist was very short with me to begin. I told the issue about my phone not making outbound calls and played a message instead. The Advanced Technical Specialist assumed that she knew what the issue was before I finished speaking and said that it was just a warning message and that if I would stay on the line, the call would go through. I let the Advanced Technical Specialist know that the calls do not go through, and that is why I am talking to her. I also let her know that the phone was taking my minutes after nights and weekends, and that I need a credit. Advanced Technical Specialist said to take the battery and the SIM card out of the phone, then put it back together, turn the phone on, and try to use it. Phone worked again for outbound calls. The Advanced Technical Specialist said that they did not see any record of my phone taking my minutes after hours, and that she would only credit 14 minutes to my phone. I was upset at how short with me she was, because I had been on the phone for an hour and a half at this point, but all she was doing for me is giving me 14 minutes for a total of $1.40 credit. I tried to discuss further but my headset ran out of batteries and the call was disconnected.

o The time was around 11:30pm on September 22nd, 2006. Checked the phone using #999# and saw that the 14 minutes made it to the account. Made a call to the party I was originally speaking with and began conversation. Exactly 14 minutes later the phone disconnected. On a hunch I dialed #999# and sure enough, the minutes were at 0, proving that the phone was using my minutes after 9pm and on weekends.

o Called customer service back using 611. Spoke with representative 388243. Told the representative the situation and demanded a credit be issued to the account for the minutes that were taken wrongly from me, as well as the issue to be resolved immediately. Customer service representative said that they did not see a record of any minutes being used after 9pm or on weekends. I let them know about the 14 minutes that were just used up before I got on the phone with them. Customer service representative 388243 put me on hold while the reviewed the account information. When the representative came back on the line, they informed me that they could not issue any credits to the account until the problem was resolved. I instructed the customer service representative that previous representatives had seen the same issue and had credits me minutes to the account. The customer service representative said that she could not speak for what previous representatives did, but she could not issue a credit until the issue was resolved. I demanded to speak with a supervisor.

o Customer Service Manager Marshall ID# 377215 arrived on the line. Informed Marshall of what the issue was. Marshall also said that he could not speak for what previous customer service representatives did, but he could not issue me a credit. Let Marshall know that T-Mobile has a technical issue that they need to resolve, and that resolution should be at T-Mobile's expense, not at the customer's expense. I let Marshall know that if he did not issue a credit then I would be without service until the issue was resolved. Marshall stated that I could purchase more minutes if I wanted to continue my service further. I let Marshall know that this would be at my expense and that my minutes were being used wrongly after 9pm and during the weekends. I asked to speak to Marshall's supervisor. Marshall said that there was no one else there at that time, and that even if I called during business hours, I would not be able to speak to anyone beyond his level. He let me know that I would have to send a fax to Customer Escalations.

o At this point in the conversation Marshall became rude. I asked Marshall a simple question about what to include in the Customer Escalations fax so that the department could properly identify my account, and Marshall bluntly stated that I should include whatever you want to include. I asked Marshall again what I should include, and Marshall stated what do you see on your bill?. I felt that he was attempting to belittle me for asking what to include in the letter.

Upon reading the information included above, I hope that you will understand that there is a severe issue in T-Mobile regarding usage in the area of the Take Control plans. I also hope that you will understand that there is a customer service representative and manager training problem. The manager was rude to me, and both the representative as well as the manager did not understand the concept that the customer's wireless service should go uninterrupted regardless of T-Mobile's technical issues.

Here is what I am asking for: I need to be let out of my contract if this issue continues. I need to be credited two months of service for the intermittent services that I have received for the last two months. But most importantly, I need someone to proactively look into this problem from an IT perspective to see why usage is being processed from the Take Control phones during off peak time when the rate plan they have chosen is free during off peak time.

I wish to continue service with T-Mobile at this time. However, I hope that you can provide me with an experience that will change my perspective on T-Mobile and the service that is provided by your company.




Wylie, Texas

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