  • Report:  #943843

Complaint Review: TELACU HACLA and LOMOD - Los Angeles California

Reported By:
Victim of TELACU-HACLA - Los Angeles, California, United States of America

Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles, 90018 California, United States of America
Apt 528
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The Saga continues with HACLA, even though Rudy Montiel is gone along with a 'partial group' of the people in his little circle of corruption.  KCET did and in depth audit and story on this scandal as a TV SOCAL series.  But there's so much more to this corrupt system.

THAT lesson wasn't good enough for these slugs. 

WHILE Montiel was here, TELACU became out property management, we never needed on in the past and we don't need them now, since they have not managed anything at all except themselves.
OBVIOUSLY there are people still at HACLA who are playing dirty pool with HUD money that is for housing, for the needy, not for private companies to use the money for themselves and to make profits with it.  

LOMOD, property investments, no longer pays taxes since they got non-profit status.  
That's simply insane.  Nobody is going to tell me that they fork over all profits to HACLA,
LOMOD now calls itself HACLA.

After TELACU was here for a bit, we were told we had to give up our sec. 8 vouchers for a UNIT BASED sec. 8 voucher.  Nobody was thinking it would be something bad, but what they have done is taken away our personal vouchers that let us move around.  Now, the units have the voucher???  What a complicated mess they went through to get this new billion dollar funding by using TELACU as a mega expense to deliver housing to the people.... NOT TRUE!  In my opinion, it is nothing more than money laundering so there have to be people still at HACLA who are a part of Montiel's gang of mobsters.  

Just like when Montiel first took over, it's been over a year that these people refuse to do repairs and upgrades, while at the same time, they have moved into all of our rooms on the first floor.

They took away our computer room.  Nothing but rental offices and for properties other than this one!  They are here to make more money.  They are independent, not government, and they are spending every penny on themselves. 

They have all new everything... carpets, paint, desks and all office equipment, electronics.
And just like under Montiel, nothing but meetings which turn out to be huge parties with all the fixins, while they showed a movie and wanted us to pay $2 to watch it.

If we lose a gate key they want $50 to replace it.  What do they do with that money?

THey have taken over our home.  We feel like we are in the way, they strut around like they are very important executives and have little smirks on their faces AS IF we are a joke and a necessary evil for them to have cushy jobs, and not a one of them, that I know of, is qualified for their jobs. 

Approx 200 units...  3 maintenance men. I have asked to see there licences or certification, same for our manager and I am simply ignored.  One custodian who works  days normal hours.  Nobody at night or over the weekends.  This place is festering with disease and vermin, mold, rot and trash. 

They are remodeling the vacancies like brand new...  they are planning to get more rents for those obviously, because they won't spend a nickel on the resident's apartments.  A Daniel Lopez from TELACU inspected my apartment and agreed it needed a lot of remodeling.  He then told me that Walter Maynard approved the remodel, and then Tina Booth, who runs the Asset Dept at HACLA told me that Maynard wasn't even working there when this joker told me that huge lie. 

Roy Roque did the identical thing a couple of weeks earlier.  THey are pathological liars and have no standards or sense of decency.  

Tomorrow a group is coming here for me to give them a tour.  They did the exact same thing when Montiel was spending all our money and this turned into a filthy dump.  THEY KNOW HOW IT IS HERE, they are humoring me.  And especially that Roy Roque will be coming with them?  I just have to laugh at that one.  He told me so many lies.  These people are the scum of the earth.

They are not going to get rid of TELACU, but if they did, we'd have MILLIONS, maybe BILLIONS to spend on these housing units and tenants.  They are using OUR money.  Why doesn't anyone care?  After the fact, KCET cared, but did they really?  It was a great story for them to air and to get donations.  AS IF THEY HELPED CLEAN UP THE MESS AT HACLA.... NOT

I write to them and leave comments that this is a BETTER story, so far no response.
I have the legal offices that some tenants used to sue HACLA when they were illegally evicted for doing what I am doing.  I have nobody on this planet to go to, I would be in the streets.  They call people who tell the truth and want justice 'whistle blowers'... REALLY?  They think they are justified in stealing ALL the money that is supposed to go to housing.  They already have their jobs to serve us.  Somebody has to investigate TELACU AND GET THEM OUT OF OUR BLDG!
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1 Updates & Rebuttals


Los Angeles,
HACLA->TELACU->The John Stewart Company

#2Author of original report

Tue, May 07, 2013

The submit date of my last post was 9/09/2012 (or close).  I think I already reported how on 10/31/2012 I was 'set up' to be ostrasized for forcing TELACU/HACLA to spend money. They got their plan in order and carried it out in 6 weeks, to turn me into a criminal so they could evict me.  HOW MANY CRIMES WERE INVOLVED?  I should make a list. 

AFter 5 months of trauma (I'm a disabled senior): arrested and held in isolated lock down in the 77th St. Jail, 3 days, having to sleep on a steel shelf.  I have arthritis in my spine, a degenerating disk at the base of my skull, and 2 HORRIBLE injuries. Rear ended on the freeway, & dragged on my back by our criminal Sheriffs. So much corruption the City Atty threatened me if I should file any complaints, so I live with HUGE pain. 

No miranda rights anymore?  Was let go, was a misdemeanor charge, CITIZEN'S ARREST (with the entire housing agencies backing her up) that I GRABBED HER VAGINA!  These people will stop at nothing to keep their money laundering running smoothly. No charges filed, OF COURSE.  Had a real eye witness, the only person in a position to see between me and SANDRA ENRIQUEZ who got paid to get rid of people who rock the boat.  Pathological liar for a bloated paycheck.  

They had a 'plant' at the reception desk.  Mariela Osorio, an exec from HACLA who was found guilty after an investigation, you can see her signed receipts for spending BIG our YOUR DIME!  She was here only for the duration of this 'play'. She wrote a false eye witness report and then left our building.  She was only here for that pre-planned assault on my life. 

Sandra never applied or competed to be manager here.  Tina Booth at HACLA dropped her in that chair during the Montiel Scandal.  When TELACU came in, she kept her a*s in that chair and 'worked for TELACU'. They take all the hacla housing money and simply launder it.  No matter how many complaints people make, because they have BILLIONS, they are not being 'touched'. They spent all the money one month before their 2 years was over.

They left, but of course, Sandra was STILL the manager, because the only people she EVER worked for was HACLA.  

The John Stewart Company, one of the 'rotating mgmts' that launder and steal finally came to manage here.  They force us to sign a lease that takes away our freedom of speech, they have a dress code, they are trying to make me pay $300 pet deposit when I already made one when I moved in.  They are trying to recover some of the money that put HACLA in the 'red' for the 'housing' itself.  THEY have to have money if they are going to PRETEND to manage us.  They took away the benches so we can't sit outside and talk even.  

Their OVERSEER who does not belong in this bldg, is here every day.  I was signing and reading the lease 'signed under protest' and she came in screaming at me that I have to respect her, she doesn't work for us, I have to pay the huge pet deposit because I didn't save an 8 year old lease.  HACLA has to keep these records, and if they don't have them, or lie about it, I couldn't have moved in here with a pet unless I made the pet deposit.  

I am white in South Los Angeles.  I have never had a problem here in 8 years because of race.  This hostile monster is racist to the core, had her opportunity to release it on me, and made me afraid to leave my apartment now.  I have been inside for 6 days now.  I have a package in the office, medications, but I won't go in there and risk being 'set-up' for yet another thing.  

I simply wan't to be left alone and have some peace in my life.

They do not allow it!!!  They are the WORST elder abusers, the people who are given tax money to make sure we are safe and secure are the ones abusing us.  They just put a lady with serious bi-polar IN THE STREET!  No longet senior/handicapped, so the handicapped was evicted with no place to go with serious mental illness.

It didn't matter that they were investigated and found guilty.  They are still there, finding a way to pick up where they left off and hurting the tenants in order to do that. 

BEWARE THE JOHN STEWART COMPANY to the people in low income housing under HACLA/LOMOD (the prop investors who own all the properties, but magically got non-profit status and SOMETIMES call themselves HACLA).  These people don't miss a beat.  Villaraigosa is now a millionaire thanks to the workers all over the country and now Greuel want to slip into his skin so the corruption can continue.  PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS unless they are experiencing it.  

When will something be done?  I NEED HELP!  

CES attorneys want around $2000 up front to sue.  They will win, they have sued them in the past and won.  I have no place to get that kind of money.  I went from real angry to scared beyond belief now.  

I'm going to see if I can compact all the info and take it to small claims.  I at least need moving money and to be excused from paying back rent that they refused to take based on THEIR CRIMES.  I did nothing at all to warrant that eviction.  I was evicted so THEY COULD CONTINUE TO STEAL, they still want to get rid of me but won't simply pay for the move and cancel those payments. 

They also raised the rent.  WE ARE POOR HERE!  I have asked HACLA if there is a new formula to figure what we pay and NO RESPONSE.  They are stealing in bits and pieces directly from the tenants.  


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