  • Report:  #101080

Complaint Review: Telecheck - Houston Texas

Reported By:
- olney, Illinois,

5251 Westheimer Suite 1000 Houston, 77056 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have lived in Olney Il for 19 years. I have done business in Motomart aka FKG Oil Olney Il for the same period of years. My check was refused with a code

3. I called the number they gave me and was unable to reach anybody at this phone number. All I got was a recording. After you go thru all their numbered steps of the recording waiting to talk to an individual, the recording hangs up on you.

At the time I wrote this check for $46.01, I had in excess of $5000 in my bank account. I told Motomart I had been coming in this business for 19 years and if they did not accept a check from this account, I would not ever buy anything from their business again.

After being told in front of other customers I must have bad credit, they would not give my blank check back to me until I had to go out of my way to find other resources to pay the $46.01.

I can tell thru your organization that this has happened to other persons trying to pay their bill to a company using Telecheck. I will join any class action suit against Telecheck and FKG Oil for defamation of my character in front of other customers and being forced to go out of my way because of a company policy not posted in Motomart store or on the gas pumps that a customer has no advance warning that payment of the bill may not be accepted.

Also Telecheck should have a customer service representative to talk to resolve the problem between the seller and the customer right on the location of the business at the time of the transaction. This is very humiliating when you know you are right and haven't done anything wrong.


olney, Illinois

17 Updates & Rebuttals

Howard Sullivan

Observations From A Former Telecheck Employee.

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, October 13, 2009


After re-reading your report, I wanted to step in and explain a few things.

A code 4 occurs if there are bounced checks on the account or something more serious such as fraud.

Code 3's occur for a variety of reasons. Commons ones are check number (What this means is: Let's say you're writing checks in the 420 range, then you go out of order and present one from the 750 range.), amount of check (let's say your last checks were for relatively small amounts ($15-20) then all of a sudden you write one for $456.22) and Check frequency (let's say you presented 5 checks in the space of one day) check writing history (let's say you had a large number of returned checks in the past) as well as a few other possible factors.

The reason for the Code 3 is to reduce the likelihood the merchants will take a bad check as well as to protect consumers such as yourself from becoming victims of fraud.

It is not my place to advise you on what method of my payment to use for goods and services. However, one casual suggestion I would make is to replace the paper checks with cash or a debit card. Both make the process much easier. Plus, the traditional paper check may seem to be more secure than a credit or debit card. But it's a lot easier to commit fraud with a stolen paper check. In the 2 years I was at Telecheck I saw many examples of people who had had a check stolen and were suffering with the mess from it years later on. Paper checks are one method of payment that may soon be consigned to the dust bin of history and not a moment too soon.

I'm sorry you were embarassed. But this is a hard reality of the world today. The innocent end up paying for the bad. Just look at the government.

Are You Serious???


#3UPDATE Employee

Tue, May 19, 2009

Jack from Houston, you are a moron. Plain & simple. And I also find it odd that every single idiot I have spoken to from Telecheck so far, has only the mental capacity to read the prepared statement off the computer screen they are looking at which basically says we have no clue why we rejected your check. In addition, ALL of them speak with a foriegn accent which is almost impossible to decipher. GET OUT OF MY COUNTRY!!!!!!


Situation handled badly...

#4UPDATE Employee

Mon, February 18, 2008

I've worked for Moto-Mart FKG Oil store for over a year and on behalf of my company I'd like to apologize to the "regular" customer that was treated that way when his check came back as a Code 3. I usually have to run a few checks every shift and once in awhile they do come back Code 3. We as a company are not suppose to take checks that are Code 3 or Code 4, I have never had someone give me a code 4 check. I have received Code3 checks. I was working early in the mourning about to get off from the night shift and a customer came to pay for fuel and other items and his check came back Code 3. I didn't recognize him because I hadn't worked there long and usually got off work before the morning people came in, however he identified himself as a "regular" customer so I quickly went into the office asked the manager if he knew the customer and he said yes and to take the check. The reason for the Code 3 was that the customer had written too many checks in a short period of time, a few days, all over town. The check cleared when we deposited it and that customer still comes into our store. Code 3 are a red flag type warning against all kinds of things. I've seen travelers get them when crossing too many states, I've had to type in multiple bits of information home phone number, drivers license number, etc. when an extremely large check is written. Code3 aren't to be taken lightly though if the check doesn't clear and it's from someone that is not a "regular" then whoever took the check is probably getting the next week or so off. On 10-15-06 a customer came in right at the beginning of my night shift to pay for pretty big amount of fuel he wrote a check and wanted to write it over I told it was fine he gladly presented his out of state ID and the check came back Code3. I said that I couldn't take the check and asked if he had some other way to pay for his gas. He replied no. My co-worker told me it was fine to take a Code3 check etc. Since I'd only worked there a couple months and he'd worked there longer and there was no other employee there I took my co-workers advice and accepted the check. Later on that night after that co-worker left the same customer came back in again this time bought some items and wanted to write the check over again. Without even running the check I immediately went outside got my night shift co-worker who'd worked there way longer than me and she ran the check, it came back Code3 and she told him we couldn't take it, he argued that I'd already taken one earlier she still refused, he left without buying anything even though he still probably had the cash I'd given him back for his check. The check was obviously bad that I'd already taken earlier I knew it almost certainly. I immediately explained the situation earlier. She said to me that's why he came back. A few weeks later on our employee board of random "things that we need to do or not to do" there was a written one page memo. It included a paragraph about not taking Code3 or Code4 checks. It also included name of the customer and the date that a Code3 check was taken 10-15-06 and it said that whoever took it was getting a week suspension. I talked with the manager and let him know the situation and how the problem was taken care of that same night when the customer had returned. I had handled things correctly thanks greatly in part to my co-worker. I did not get suspended for that incident. The reason I brought this up is because this Code3 "bad check" event happened right before the "regular" customer came in with the Code3 check that cleared. From my own experience I can see why she might act this way when a Code3 comes up. When you told her you had been coming there nineteen years though that should have produced different results because there's a big difference between a known customer and someone that we don't know. As I've told you we can trust most people that come in continuously even if they are in a situation similar to your unfortunate incident. All I can say for sure that if you were a good credited "regular" customer and came into any of the seventy-one Moto-Mart the stores that they should have taken your check. I am not saying that we don't help out customers that aren't regulars when their debit cards stop working because they're traveling and the bank declines authorization, because I have. I am not saying that I accept all checks just because they approve from the Tele-Check machine, because I don't always for certain reasons. When the person who's writing the check is a known criminal that obviously beat the Tele-Check system somehow and is using a start up check that doesn't even have his name on the check. It's check fraud. I didn't take a start up check from this person a know criminal but obviously other people did because we had a "memo" not to accept them even though the checks were approving through Tele-Check. When a "regular" customer comes in with someone else's checks buying massive amounts of scratcher tickets pockets the cash winnings and continues writing more checks for more scratchers. It's most likely stolen checks. There's limits on the amounts of checks people can use for this kind of a reason. I watched that happen while I stocked our weekly inventory shipment of candy and other snack items. I was also there stocking weeks later when the person that owned those checks came in begging us to stop accepting the checks but to not call the police and have the "regular" customer thrown in jail. All those checks from "thief" were approved none came up Code3 or Code4. Every situation is different and the associate needs to be smarter than the Tele-Check machine. I am not trying to defend the associate. I hope that the associate was just new and didn't know any better. The situation was handled very poorly and if the associate treats customers the way you described then that worker should be terminated from employment. The customers are the reason we have a job. They are the reason that Moto-Mart FKG oil exists. All I am trying to say is our company bends over backwards to keep "regular" customers coming to our stores. We pride ourself in providing quick quality costumer service. We are suppose to do everything possible that we can to get or give a customer what they need or want so that they will become a "regular" customer. Once again I'm truly am sorry that this incident happened to you. I'm sorry you had the Code3 error when nothing was wrong, from my experience this is a rare thing but usually can cause problems anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. I hope that if you ever traveling and happen to come into my store while I'm working I can try and make up for your past bad experience somehow.


New York,
Simple Solution

#5Consumer Suggestion

Sun, December 31, 2006

PEOPLE, In the first place, paper checks are not guaranteed by ANY check writing company. The so called Code 03 you are getting is a decline. Every check company(Scan, Certegy, Checkrite, etc.) issues declines similar to what Telecheck calls a code 03. Each company has their own code number of name to call it. The reason why Telecheck had to invent Code 03s in the first place is because of all the negative external factors in this world like the higher number of returned checks, all the different types of paper check fraud, and other reasons. Also, NOT one check writing company can verify if the funds or money is in your bank at the time the check goes thru the machine at the store. The system is not setup that way. In fact the check systems at the stores do not even have access to your banking information... The check systems cannot verify the name on the account with the bank or the actual name of the driver license. That's how fraudsters get away with check fraud the 1st time around. If they write a fraudulent check one time and it approves, it's because of all the information I just told you above. If they write a check the 2nd time around 1 week later, they most likely will get a decline and get a code 04. Meaning they have a returned check. Anyways, basically people, NOT one check writing company is online or connected to a computer with any financial instituition. This is why check writing companies have had to develop declines like code 03s to lower the percentage of the high returned checks due to fraud. With that being said anyone can get a code 03 on a check, even if you have 1 million dollars in your account. SO, if your normal routinely life encounters a code 03 and you get humiliated, SIMPLE, JUST STOP USING PAPER CHECKS AT RETAIL STORES. GET A DEBIT/CHECK CARD FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. Paper checks are a thieves best friend, as this article link states http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/Banking/FinancialPrivacy/YourPaperCheckIsAThiefsBestFriend.aspx SO, I say paper checks should just eventually be done away with. So what, if doing away with paper checks creates inconvenience for "Rich" people. If you are rich and have alot of money, WHY ARE USING PAPER CHECKS IN THE FIRST PLACE!!? You should be usinga debit/check card. Not even celebrities use paper checks when they are shopping. They don't carry paper checks. They use their credit card or debit/check card. Everyone just stop complaining and understand that this world is coming to changes..


Oklahoma City,
Phone Number for a LIVE PERSON at Telecheck

#6Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 03, 2005

After playing the phone game with Telecheck for about a week...I found an actual number that gets you an ACTUAL PERSON! 1-800-927-0599, dial 0 for the operator - then tell the person that you need to file a complaint (or have a problem that you've been unable to get resolved) and would like to talk to someone in the president's office. The extension for the presidents office is 72761, but you can't connect when you enter it yourself. AND...the the person at this number CAN (if he/she will) look into the system and tell you the reason you got a Code 3. It can be as simple as you are writing more checks than usual. My check/VISA card fell behind my desk, which is much too heavy to try to move. I was using a LOT more checks, waiting for my new card to come in the mail. There were no NSF checks - just more checks than usual. And I agree...the people that work for Telecheck aren't very friendly, and most aren't even remotely helpful. It must be a miserable job, especially when everyone that calls in is mad.


Telecheck doesn't care

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, May 16, 2005

We were hit with check fraud a month ago. It was a bank employee that sold our infomation to a forger along with 57 other people in our area. The employee was caught and fired. The forger was caught and awaits trial. After contacting all credit agencies, all check cashing companies with affidavits of forgery, police reports and bank letters, Telecheck is the only company that WILL not update their or information on the new checking account. Before last month we could have wrote a check for a new car. Today we can't buy gas at our favorite convienience store because they use Telecheck. We spent over $100 a week at our favorite store and now use one that accepts Certegy. The manager at the other store is mad and says he hates Telecheck too. We are trying to get a class action case against the bank that destroyed us. The funny thing is its the SunTrust bank, which we found out, owns First Data, which owns Telecheck.


Another "Victim" of Telecheck

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, May 11, 2005

First of all, the check I presented was number 2705 and no checks have been stolen. I have had this account for four years and have been declined by Telecheck twice (both Code 3's). The first time was nearly 1 1/2 years ago the most recent was two weeks ago. I had an account with another local bank for five years with no incidents from Telecheck. The funds were available and I didn't have any checks outstanding for collection with Telecheck. I watched my online account and the mail for several days for some indication that a check had bounced after being told from the clerk at Superpantry that I received a Code 3 and the store couldn't accept my check. Yes, it is an embarrasing situation even if the retailer doesn't know you personally(as in my case). I used my debit card to cover the transaction. Okay, all checks have been paid by the bank so I call the dreaded 1-800 number for Telecheck. I went throught the recorded options, entered all the information, and received a recorded message stating that the check "could not be approved at this time." Hell, that's history. That's why I'm calling. Next step was to call the 1-800 number again but this time I didn't enter the check number, amount, or account information. Yeah! The Telecheck phone system connected me with a live human being, which spoke very good English, and, unlike Jack, was a courteous person. (Sidebar: The previous occasion with Telecheck was not so pleasant as the customer service representative came off as being rude). Of course, they cannot give any detailed information over the phone (Privacy Policy or something I'm sure) except that the check did not meet Telecheck's guidelines when presented (dollar amount of check(s) presented, number of checks written in a short period of time, recent history, etc.) The best I can figure out is that I had written four checks with three Telecheck retailer within a two day period. In any event the Telechck customer service representative told me the information I provided would be entered in their system and I would be able to present checks in 6 days. Yeah! Right! Not if I have anything to do about it. Secondly, the clerk positions at retailers are usually low-paying positions with persons who have GED or High School educations. I haven't ran across many college graduates working as convenience store clerks. In any event, they are only following established company guidelines as how to handle a situation when a Telecheck code comes up. They usually don't have the authority to supercede thses policies. So here's how I am resolving this issue. First of all I try avoiding any merchant that has a Telecheck emblem (Superpantry (Tristar)and Walmart specifically in my area). If I have to absolutely do business with a Telecheck merchant I use my debit card (same account). No Telecheck code, no embarassment, and possibly no history. Finally, Jack, if I were a Manager at Telecheck Manager reading this posting I would be conducting some type of disiplinary procedure for your obnoxious, rude, offensive comment. I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't have any authorization to post your comment on the company's behalf. You would have been better off by informing your Supervisor of the original complaint and letting a more diplomatic, better qualified employee post a comment (if necessary) to the original complaint. I know there is at least one courteous employee that works at Telecheck. Especially if there are any from Texas. If I thought it would do any good I would send a copy of your response to the CEO of Telecheck. Unfortunately, I would probably get a Code 3 in response and my letter could not be accepted. I am not a check bouncer and do not deserve to be treated as such. It seems that with Telecheck everyone who writes a check is guilty of some type of check crime before being tried. Telecheck could use some major overhauling in their customer service department. I would almost lay money down(cash, not a check) that there are no college graduates handling the customer-service phones at Telecheck either and that these are also lower-paying positions as well.


If you don't like working retail; then get another job

#9Consumer Comment

Mon, May 09, 2005

You think only customers are unreasonable? How about trying some common sense. No one here whined about having to show ID. Don't be another snotty, unhelpful retail worker. And yes, by the way I am successful in the retail business. And let me tell you from recent experience: NOT EVERYONE DID SOMETHING TO DESERVE BEING IN THE TELECHECK DATABASE. I had my checks stolen and I now cannot get anyone from that awful Houston office to take care of this.


If you don't like working retail; then get another job

#10Consumer Comment

Mon, May 09, 2005

You think only customers are unreasonable? How about trying some common sense. No one here whined about having to show ID. Don't be another snotty, unhelpful retail worker. And yes, by the way I am successful in the retail business. And let me tell you from recent experience: NOT EVERYONE DID SOMETHING TO DESERVE BEING IN THE TELECHECK DATABASE. I had my checks stolen and I now cannot get anyone from that awful Houston office to take care of this.


If you don't like working retail; then get another job

#11Consumer Comment

Mon, May 09, 2005

You think only customers are unreasonable? How about trying some common sense. No one here whined about having to show ID. Don't be another snotty, unhelpful retail worker. And yes, by the way I am successful in the retail business. And let me tell you from recent experience: NOT EVERYONE DID SOMETHING TO DESERVE BEING IN THE TELECHECK DATABASE. I had my checks stolen and I now cannot get anyone from that awful Houston office to take care of this.


If you don't like working retail; then get another job

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, May 09, 2005

You think only customers are unreasonable? How about trying some common sense. No one here whined about having to show ID. Don't be another snotty, unhelpful retail worker. And yes, by the way I am successful in the retail business. And let me tell you from recent experience: NOT EVERYONE DID SOMETHING TO DESERVE BEING IN THE TELECHECK DATABASE. I had my checks stolen and I now cannot get anyone from that awful Houston office to take care of this.


Everyone should work in retail just one day!!!1

#13Consumer Comment

Thu, April 21, 2005

OK all you complainers and whiners... All the check verification companies such as Telecheck, SCAN, Certegy, and etc.. If it flags up at a Register in a store for some reason, you obviously more than likely did something to get in those systems. It could be a number of things, you have a new checking account and your number is in the early 100's, HINT - When you open up a new checking account, start your check number off at 1000, this will take care of that. Also if you have a returned check anywhere that uses these systems, then you cant write a check anywhere until that check that is bad is paid off. When they scan your check, they are NOT verifying the funds in your account, they are simply checking to see if you have an outstanding check anywhere or to see if the account is open and not closed. They are doing this to protect you, do you whine and complain when they ask for your i.d. when you write a check??? If you do, then you will whine even more if you ever have your checkbook stolen and someone writes a check on it, then you will be whining and asking why no one asked for i.d. when your stolen check was written. So if you want to whine and act like a little two year old and throw your little childish fit and not shop somewhere else again that is your right, but its not going to do you any good until you get that taken care of with those major three check companies, because the same thing is just going to happen at the next store until you get it taken care of. Also, you probably have never worked retail in a day in your life and don't know what it's like and you are just an unreasonable customer. Get you a part time job in a retail store a couple of days a week and see what we go through. Someone back me up on this because I know I am right. I think all stores should go on the check systems that just pulls it out of your checking account right then and there as soon as you write it. THEY DO HAVE THAT RIGHT!!!! You people that whine and complain are going to force retailers to have to move to this... Later,


Telecheck Employee's Rebuttal is Absurd

#14Consumer Comment

Sat, March 05, 2005

I can sympathize with the frustration Winston from Olney feels, as my check was also declined with a Code 3 at a company I've done business with for years. It came as quite a surprise to myself and the people at this business - who know me by my first name as I know them by their's. And I've written a number of checks to them, prior to their recent use of Telecheck, without incident. In response to Jack's remark about a Code 3 meaning there wasn't proper identification, as I just stated, the business people knew me personally (which IS acceptable identification as I am a Notary Public and know this), and I had all the required identification with me and on my check. I had more than enough money in my account to cover the check, never had a check bounce and had the account with my current bank for over ten years. And no one had stolen my identity and was writing a lot of checks I was unaware of, since I do check my reports frequently because of that possibility and still maintain an A-1 credit history as of today. I called TeleCheck's phone number during regular business hours from the slip I was given and talked with the person who answered. My good credit was being questioned and she completely avoided giving any explanation why my check was declined. I couldn't correct an error even if there was one with that type of response. Needless to say, the business had accepted my check after an embarrassing few minutes and cashed it without incident. TeleCheck lost their percentage on that one. Let's hear Jack from TeleCheck try to insinuate I'm a person who doesn't pay their bills and that's why my check was declined by them. I agree with Terry from Salt Lake City. Why should businesses accept offending, and possibly lose, their "good" customers in order to protect themselves. There are other, more conscientious, companies to choose from than TeleCheck and they'd be wise to start looking elsewhere while they still have customers.


Salt Lake City,
Jack - the epitomy of TeleCheck "Customer Service"

#15Consumer Comment

Mon, February 28, 2005

Jack, You are exactly like the other "customer service" agents that I have had to deal with at TeleCheck. You are rude, obnoxious and lie. Your 800 numbers direct people to either dial a long distance number or to write a letter and send it to a specific address. This was in the middle of a business day, so I guess you are either answering the long distance calls, or, like the rest of your company, just perpetuating a lie. Anyway - I am BEGGING any honest business that uses TeleCheck to switch to another company to handle their bad check collections. Telecheck is involved with consumer fraud. It is not always our fault when a check does not clear our account. In my case, it was a bank error and I have got nothing but extremely rude CSRs and dishonesty from TeleCheck. If you read any more of these reports, you will see what I mean.


Telecheck sucks

#16UPDATE Employee

Sat, January 08, 2005

I'm sorry you had such a bad experience at a MotoMart. Unfortunately many people who intentionally write bad checks target convenience stores. This is where Telecheck comes in. Even if you had gotten a human from the recording, that person would not have spoken a word of English. For a company that values customer service as much as MotoMart does, Telecheck would appear to be a poor choice. However, they do much to alleviate the financial burden imposed by the bad check writers. Like many things occasionally some good check writers will pay the penalty for the small percentage of people who write checks they shouldn't. It is unfortunate that the cashier did not handle this well, that makes a big difference. From my experience a code 3 usually comes back when a lot of checks have been written from that account in a short time period. I think that response from Jack was total bullshit to be frank. I hope that you will continue to shop at MotoMart, if you call the number provided at the store you will have to start with a recording but you will soon get someone that speaks very good english.


San Antonio,
Wake Up Call

#17Consumer Comment

Fri, January 07, 2005

It might not be either parties fault. Yours or Telecheck. My brother, who is worth millions goes into a local grocery store and writes a check for $23 and get declined through Telecheck. Come to find out he was a victim of identity theft, they had fake DL's, his SSN, everything. It took years and a bunch of legal fees to get everything straightened out.



#18UPDATE Employee

Thu, January 06, 2005

a CODE THREE MEANS THAT WE WERE PROTECTING YOUR YOU, IT MEANS THERE WAS NO ID PRESENTED OR THE ID DID NOT MATCH THE CHECK OR THE ID SIGNATURE DID NOT MATCH THE CHECK SIGNATURE IN WHICH CASE ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS BE the owner of that check AND IT WOULD BE APPROVED, Code 4 is what you described going through in which we dont check your balance we check to see if you owe us money if you do its because a check previously bounced and we wont take another check when you havent paid for one in the past. the number you dialed goes directly to a csr unless you were at minimart at 2 am... I know i work in the office reported. Sue us? for what because we wouldn gurantee your check? We didnt deny you ther merchant the store that you have been a valued customer denied you... we just said we wouldnt gurantee funds the merchant still has the right to take you r check we cant tell them no get your s**t straight and pay your f***in bill

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