  • Report:  #500234

Complaint Review: The Belly Fat Cure By Jorge Cruise - Internet

Reported By:
Anonymous - panorama, California, USA

The Belly Fat Cure By Jorge Cruise
http://jorgecruise.com/ 92106 Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

The Belly Fat Cure By Jorge Cruise is a rip off! I contacted them by email and made a comment on their web site, which they removed. They didn't want anyone to read my comment. They say the diet is based on keeping blood sugar low, low GI, however they sell products on their web site which do quite the opposite and when I questioned them about it, they did not reply to me at all and then they deleted my questions/comments from their web site's blog, which is supposed to be open to the public!

They sell products with Maltitol, which has a very high GI index. Anyone can find this out by doing their own research on line. They advertise ice cream made with it "Clemmy's" and they even sell it in a syrup form and provide brownie recipes using it.

They also claim their diet to be a healthy way of eating, however they promote making low carb pizza using bacon, bacon is full of nitrates, which have been proven to cause cancer!

They do make bacon without nitrates sold at stores like Whole Foods, however they mention the pre-cooked full of nitrate bacon from Costco. They are in the market of making money from advertisers and sponsors like Costco, which is marketing his new book, they do not care about your health or you losing weight, it is just another scam, a fad diet, that is neither healthy or low GI!!!

In fact it is even a bigger joke if you check out his previous diet, which bashes low carb diets, when all this new diet of his is, a low carb diet!

This guy is no saviour, no guru diet man with the master plan for losing belly fat, he doesn't care about you, he cares about making money!


36 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
The Belly Fat Cure

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, March 19, 2012

With all due respect to those offering differing opinions, I have to report that the belly fat cure DOES work. I believe the original poster's issue is with maltitol, bacon, and the non-responsiveness of the webmasters at Cruise's websites (as well as the motivation behind Jorge Cruise's books). I can only attest that maltitol IS indeed good for diabetics, regardless of the glycemic index, as the individual who sells it is a diabetic (Joseph).
Maltitol has less calories than sugar. It tastes on par with sugar. I have made ice cream with it and due to it's possible side effect on the GI tract, eat less. If you read the book, Jorge suggests using full-fatted cream to counteract the impact on blood sugar levels. Meaning maltitol as a substitute in and of itself is not effective; you have to minimize its impact to the bloodstream.

However, maltitol is only one of the suggested substitutions that Jorge wrote about. He is more enthusiastic about the stevia and xylitol mix which is mentioned throughout the entire book. His diet is specifically designed to target belly fat. It does that. You can also achieve the same effect by not eating bread, pasta, or potatoes at all. I like his way better. Like any "diet" or way of eating, you have to modify it to fit your own lifestyle and use your own judgment. I would not characterize his book or his diet as a ripoff. I feel it is a valuable resource for those seeking to lose weight and eat less sugar. I definitely cut my sugar consumption to below 12g a day. If nothing else, his book points out the source of hidden sugar in the American diet.


United States of America
How about a little common sense?

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, February 19, 2012

I started the Belly Fat Cure diet a little over two years ago. While I only had about 12 lbs. to lose, it has become my lifestyle and I have maintained the weight loss to within 5 lbs. up and down.

It does work but you also have to be aware of what you are eating. Just because you can eat bacon and a lot of high fat foods, doesn't mean you should.  I don't waste carbs or sugars and try to get the most bang for my buck with everything I eat. 

Since I don't use any sweeteners except in baking, the sweeteners he recommends are not relevant to my diet.  When I bake I use sugar but then again, I don't eat many sweets since I have been on this diet. 

Everyone has a diet that works for them.  Nothing is an end-all be-all but I think this one is a great way to get on a healthy track.

And to the original poster, he never recommends this for diabetics. Anyone with health issues should be aware of the diet they are on and not just go blindly into it.


United States of America
3 or 5 meals a day!

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, September 01, 2011

I was on the side of gastric by-pass and the doctor told me, in a group setting consultation and then it was reiterated by a nutritionist, that 5-6 small meals are preferred when trying to loose weight. This is due to the bodies flight or fight chromosome. When the body is starving it decides that it needs to hold onto fat that is introduced into its system. Eating 5-6 small meals a day will prevent the body from storing the fat and let it use what it needs than release the excess. If the body takes in more fat then it uses the body becomes a backed up sewer of fat or other things if you will. For example if you use only enough energy to get up and walk around you only need to replace that energy that was lost, and an intake of more energy (ie: food) than of that used causes the body to expect more. Therefore it holds on to it for future use. The intent of 'The Belly Fat Cure" is to retrain you in realizing that you do not need excess energy if you are not using it. It is...like most diets...a tool to be used to get healthy. i do not believe that it was a way to just get "rich" as stated in the comment. i do however believe that Jorge Cruise states that Maltitol should be used lightly, and you should adjust the useage of this product based on your reaction to it.

On all sugar-free candy it states that excess use may cause an adverse reaction in some. I was told, by my nutritionist, that in moderation some sugar...real sugar is better for you. In fact a diabetic is able to eat up to 3 pieces of hard candy a day, if he/she has been controlling his/her blood sugar. I am sorry to hear about your Dad but maybe he ate too much of the Maltitol or something else, with diabetics it is hard to say what could cause them to get sicker.  Plus "The Belly Fat Cure' States that limiting your carbs is the best alternative to weight loss, and not all carbs just the bad carbs need to be limited.


United States of America
Belly Fat Cure Works - My Excellent Health Proves It

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, August 31, 2011

I have been following the Belly Fat Cure for a few weeks.  I'm a 35 year old female with no significant health issues.

These are the things I eat several times a week:

  • Bacon (not all natural)

  • Malitol in some packaged sweetened items

  • Truvia and xylitol when I need to add sweetener (tea, oatmeal, etc)

  • Full fat cheeses

  • Full fat dairy, such as sour cream, heavy whipping cream, half and half

  • Full fat mayonnaise

  • Full fat butter

Now - these aren't everything I eat.  My meals consist of a 100% whole grain, some veggies, and a protein.  BUT - every meal I eat has one of the above bulleted items included in it.  They add flavor, and also fats help satiate you so you feel full longer.

NOW - here's the facts of my health:

  • I don't exercise except to walk for about 20 minutes a couple of times a week.

  • I've lost 23 lbs in the last 3 months.  This is, on average, 2 lbs. a week - which any doctor will tell you is a very safe amount to lose each week without putting strain on your body. 

  • My blood was checked today, and my cholesterol was outstanding.  The nurse was actually speechless because she hadn't seen numbers this good. My numbers are:

    • HDL (good kind) was >100,  ideal is >50.

    • LDL (bad kind) showed up as N/A, because it was so low it wouldn't register on the machine.  ideal is <100.

    • Triglycerides were 130, ideal is <150.  This would be even lower if I weren't taking birth control pills.

  • I've got more energy than I've ever had in my life.  I never experience the "2 PM" crash while sitting at my desk anymore. 

Jorge's book explains how insulin is what makes us fat - and my cholestrol numbers prove that while I am eating full fat items, my blood  and body is not holding onto that fat because my insulin never increases enough to matter.

The proof's in the malitol-sweetened pudding, my friends.  This diet WORKS, and the rest of my family is currently working on switching their eating habits to mimick mine, including my 12-year-old son.

Thanks for listening.


United States of America

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, August 30, 2011

1) To answer your question on why maltitol is ok on the Belly Fat Cure diet, although maltitol syrup has a GI of 52, solid maltitol has a GI of 36. In comparison, sucrose (table sugar) has a GI of 60. The GI of foods is relative to glucose, which has a GI of 100. Foods with GI less than 55 are considered Low Glycemic Index food (GI < 55).Foods with GI index between 55 and 70 are considered intermediate (55< GI <70). High Glycemic Index foods are with GI index more than 70 (GI >70). The other part of the GI equation is that the comparison is for glycemic response to 50 g of each food. You're not very likely o eat 50 g of maltitol (there are 9 g in 1/4 cup of maltitol syrup), and if you did, you'd most likely spend the day in the bathroom. The Belly Fat Cure diet does not say that you should eat NO-GI foods, it
says low-GI. Maltitol syrup and other sugar alcohols qualify. 2) Sally Fallon is NOT a nutritionist -- she is a self-described "Journalist, chef, nutrition researcher, homemaker and community activist". She has B.A. in English from Stanford University and an M.A. in English from UCLA -- NO nutrition degree. Anyone can call his/herself a "nutrition researcher" if they have ever done any research on nutrition. The term "nutritionist", in most states, is restricted to use by those of us with the Registered Dietitian credential. We are required to complete an accredited 4-year bachelor's degree, followed by one year of internship and a certification exam. We are also required to complete continuing education credits for recertification at least every 5 years (depending on state laws). If more people would consult true nutrition experts on the legitimacy of diet and nutrition claims, this type of confusion could be avoided. 3) As for nitrates in bacon and processed meats, I think you mean nitrites (nitrates reduce to nitrites, which end up being consumed, or perhaps nitrosamines, which are produced by very high temperature cooking. Here's what the evidence from the American Medical Association says:  a literature review of the research into nitrites and cancer and found that epidemiological studies cannot confirm any association between the presence of nitrites (or nitrates) in food and the formation of NOCs and the causation of human cancer. In fact, studies that suggest a link between nitrites in food and cancer have largely been disputed due to these studies inability to exclude confounding factors, such as recall bias.
Moreover, the AMA notes that the level of nitrites in meat fell by 80 percent between 1975 and 1997. So, "nitrates" have not, in fact, been "proven" to cause cancer. That said, no "diet" works for everyone. Every person is different, and has a unique biochemical makeup. I have not tried the Belly Fat Cure diet, but as someone who does weight management research for a living, the basic principle is sound. But then again, so are many other "diets". Just make sure your information is scientifically sound before bashing something as a "rip off". FYI -- I am a longtime vegetarian, and have no affiliation with any corporate, political, or government interests.

Cindy - Texas

Belly Fat Cure Ripoff (Comments #13 & #14)

#7General Comment

Fri, August 19, 2011

I am truly interested in trying out the Belly Fat Cure program as that is where my problem area is.  In looking for information on the book and program I ran across this site.  I am confused by all the negative comments that Author Lisa - Panorama is makng simply because she is just ranting and not even paying attention to what others are actually saying.  Some of you have experienced success as stated by AUTHOR: Lisa Cruz - Yucaipa (United States of America) but Lisa-Panorama jumps on the opportunity to bash Jorge Cruz without even paying attention to what was written.  Lisa - Yucaipa states that Jorge's book pointed out the problem her soy yogurt, etc... was causing.

Since begining my six day a week exercise program (including cardio, weights, and walking), I have only toned, but was unhappy to find that I had lost no weight after over five months of exercising and healthy eating.  In the past, I have been able to lose weight, very, very slowly, on my old plan.  Not this time.  Since reading Jorge's book, I found that my soy yogurt, and cup of almond breeze (sweetened) with a piece of fruit, every morning before my work outs, was blowing my whole day, because the sugar count for this was much too high

 Lisa - Panorama comes back with:

I'm sorry that Jorge Cruise didn't teach you about SOY and how it harms your thyroid!!!

That is exactly what Lisa Cruz was pointing out that she learned!  Hard to take any of the stuff Lisa Panorama posts seriously when it is obvious she is just ranting.


United States of America
For the very angry girl

#8General Comment

Thu, August 18, 2011

I have read your comments and the comments of the others and must say you seem way too angry and should try to calm down before you post. That being said:

Maltitol is only a suggestion for use as is stevia and the other sweeteners you mention in your comments. It does have a GI almost as high as table sugar but there is a big difference. Maltitol, being a sugar alcohol, is absorbed more slowly into the blood stream and is metabolized at a slower rate than other sugar. This slow absorbtion helps to avoid large spikes in blood sugar levels thus keeping it more level and steady. I am a diabetic and use maltitol and have had absolutely no blood sugar spikes while using it. And yes everyone can find the GI online but not everyone (and apparently you in this case) knows how these sugar alcohols are absorbed into the blood stream and at what rate. 

Now to address your bacon rant. Again, bacon is an item used in the book and you are not forced to use it if you feel that it is bad for you. There are tons of other low carb pizza recipes without the bacon.  Yes Nitrates are very bad but no one, especially Jorge Cruise, says that you must eat it on this diet. Perhaps more people would find you credible if you werent on such an angry rant.

What is beneficial about what the Belly Fat Cure says is limiting sugar and carb servings. You can eat whatever suits you as long as you follow the no more than 15g of sugar and no more than 6 servings of carbs per day. Mr. Cruise made a book of suggestions for people looking for ways to lose weight and become healthier.

I also feel it important to say I am in no way affiliated with the book or its author, I just felt compelled to comment because of your tantrum. If you want people to listen, you should at least appear to be rational. And give the bloggers time to read, research, and write back. Do you really think they sit there all day?? Also, if this is your website, I will use caution due to your combative track record. You say that Mr. Cruise doesnt care about the public, it doesnt seem you do either. It appears you are promoting your self interests on this website as well. My advice to you...........Grow Up!! (and do some research, you sound ignorant)


United States of America
Maltitol: Diabetes

#9Consumer Comment

Fri, July 08, 2011

In reading the comments above, I wanted to add a link from the American Diabetes Association regarding Maltitol.



United States of America
No rip off for me!

#10Consumer Comment

Thu, January 06, 2011

I am a 55 year old woman. I have tried every diet in the history of man. I stumbled acrossMr. Cruise on the Dr. Northrop special on PBS. I thought I would give it a try. Low andbehold it worked! I lost almost 2 sizes and most importantly weight around my middle! For the first time in my life I didnt gain weight at Christmas. I didnt count calories or worry about what I ate with every bite. It is no way like the Atkins diet, which was very painful to follow. If one uses common sense and does some research on ones own, then it can be a healthy diet. Dont eat bacon or soy if you dont think its good for you, instead, use the turkey bacon or the bacon with no nitrates and use almond milketc. I also use xylitol in place of any other sweetener, its made mostly of birch trees (look it up) and is ok for keeping insulin low, fyi, it makes a great cheesecake. I wont point fingers but some of the authors seem very bitter about it working well for some of us. I have told every person I know that has trouble with his or her weight to try his program. I thank Jorge Cruise more than I can say, and I will keep passing out his book


United States of America
Have you even read the book? Or tried it?

#11Consumer Comment

Wed, October 27, 2010

I've been using this diet for several weeks now, along with my entire family.  It works!  We have all lost significant amounts of weight, and feel healthier and better.

If you actually read the book and study the diet, you will notice several glaring problems with the original report.

First, it is not a low-carb diet!  If you think it's a low-carb diet, you might want to look again.  It's actually a fairly high-carb diet, but focusing on healthy carbs -- whole grains with 20-30 grams of fiber per day.  It is however a low sugar diet.

Second, the diet is not about keeping blood sugar low.  It's about regulating and controlling insulin response, carefully balancing the ratio of carbs to sugar so that the gradual insulin release triggered by complex carbohydrates smooths out the sharp peaks and valleys triggered by simple carbohydrates like sucrose and fructose.

Third, yes, Maltitol has a fairly high glycemic index.  But not as high as sugar.  Only a few of the recipes in the book use Maltitol.  Most use other sugar-alcohols like Xylitol or Erythritol, both of which have extremely low glycemic indices, or Stevia, which is also extremely low.  The only times he uses Maltitol in recipes, there are reasons for it, such as the chemical interactions the various alternative sweeteners cause while cooking.

In fact, if you'll look on pages 21-22 of the book, you'll note that Maltitol is the sugar alcohol he least recommends.  He recommends Stevia, Xylitol, and Erythritol for most purposes, and recommends limiting intake of sugar alcohols to less than 100 grams per day.

In addition, the portion sizes still reduce the insulin response in those recipes that do require Maltitol, and with the exception of the recipes that use Clemmy's ice creams, most of the ones that use Maltitol, such as the brownies you specifically mentioned, are not intended for frequent consumption.  Look in the right margin by the recipe.  See where it says "holiday treat", not "daily dessert"?  So yes, that uses Maltitol syrup.  Once or twice a year for a special occasion on a holiday.  Compared to the buckets of sugar most people eat every single day, how can you justify saying things like "they do not care about your health or you losing weight"?

In the case of Clemmy's ice cream, it is simply the best option available.  I challenge the initial author of this comment to find, in any mainstream grocery store, any truly sugar-free ice cream other than Clemmy's.  I've tried, and as far as I've found, there simply are none.  There are plenty of "no sugar added" ice creams, all of which still have a great deal of sugar in them.  And again, you aren't using very much.  Half a cup in most cases, and the rest of the day uses less sugar than usual to compensate.

As for products they sell, in fact they mostly provide links and web addresses to the manufacturers, rather than selling them themselves.  That is a valuable service they offer, because many of the products he recommends are very difficult to find.  The products themselves are recommended for good reasons as well.  If you go through them and do some research, you'll find that time after time, item after item, they are the lowest-sugar, and almost always also the lowest-GI items available on the face of the planet to fill that need in a recipe.

Plus, once you grasp the basic concept of the diet -- which the author of the original report clearly does not, you don't have to use the products he recommends.  If you can't find the exact brand he suggests, if you look at the ratio of sugars to carbs in that brand, you can simply find something close, and substitute it.

Finally, if they are just trying to advertise products made by sponsors, please do try to explain why there are different products from the same manufacturer on both the "Belly Bad" and "Belly Good" sides of the page.  So he's catering to manufacturers who sponsor him by saying some of their products are bad?  Really?

As for the bacon... so what?  This diet is about losing weight, which, if you'll notice, is a bigger killer than cancer on average.  If you look at obese people instead of the total average, that is even more accentuated.  This is a weight-loss diet, not a cancer-preventing diet, and believe me, for me, the weight-loss is vastly more important.

Please don't discourage people who may desperately need the solution this diet offers for weight loss and craving control while eating delicious (fantastic, really) food, just because you poked around on a web site or two and found a couple pieces of contradictory evidence for a couple of recipes.  People need this, and if your report has discouraged a single person from using this diet, whose life literally may have been saved by it, then you will have become the rip-off artist.

So please, if you are reading this, and considering trying this diet, don't listen to the original report.  It is uninformed, under-researched, and full of holes.  The only thing I will say against this diet is that it is a lot of work.  If you're used to eating out, or to cooking quick meals at home, and grocery shopping by just walking through the store and grabbing what looks good, you might be shocked by the 15-20 hours a week of work this diet requires for building the menus and shopping lists, and cooking the meals.  But it does work, the food is unbelievably delicious, and after the first few days of sugar withdrawal, it really does limit or eliminate most cravings.


United States of America
belly cure to lisa p

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, October 15, 2010

 I can not believe you are still going on and on!  The belly fat cure, i admit does have some things I would not eat myself, I do organic, grass fed etc.   but you can make it really healthy and hormones do make people fat(sugar)  insulin.   It does work I am at a normal weight just want to lose a bit and doing the15/6 has dropped over 4 pounds this week not bad.   I can say that you have the choice to pick the foods you choose to eat and take want you want out of the book.   jorge has helped many people and that is his life passion. Bacon, malitol, easy to not do.. You just seem to know everything,  why are you over 200 pounds than????.   I would look into getting your hormones checked you are probably out of balance.  I was and it makes losing any weight really hard and causes water retention.   Good luck to you.  Try to be positive not knock other people for doing well in life, and making a little money while doing it.


Don't drink the maltitol!

#13Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 04, 2010


Jorge Cruise recommends using Maltitol, BUT HE DOESN'T TELL YOU TO DRINK THE STUFF! For chrissakes, you are allowed to use your head - don't eat bacon with nitrates and nitrates - Jorge Cruise does not recommend a specific brand. Lots of people don't eat pork period so have learned to adjust recipes successfully. You are allowed to think, don't be a robot.

I have been following this low-carb no sugar no white foods diet for 2 months and have lost 35 pounds. I have not felt the need to use maltitol as I avoid sweets. Carbs I try to get in the form of veggies, some of which are rather sweet - carrots, squash, etc.

My blood sugar levels prior to the diet have been a little high, it will be interesting to see what they are when I go to see my doc in a couple weeks.



42 year old female group has been on plan since February

#14Consumer Comment

Mon, July 26, 2010

A group of us started this plan after I saw the book in Costco. I had been told by my doctor to watch my sugar levels and at my height and weight I knew that only spells future trouble. When I told my friend, who wanted to lose about 40 pounds, she suggested we do this as a group. Well one girl dropped out after the first week. My buddy and I kept at it from end of February to now (July). Our 3rd team member is back on after being off doing her own thing for a few months. I personally have dropped 30 pounds and about 15 inches total. My friend that only had the 40 pounds to lose is at 33 pounds lost and 33 inches. She's gone from a size 12/14 to 8/10. I'm a bit more of the bottom heavy type so my pants have gone down from size 24/26 to 22/24 and this is the regular store not the plus size shop. My shirts have actually gone from size 22 to 16 or 18. We spend the time to plan out and prepare our meals and snacks and package them for the week. We've not only saved calories but become more aware of what a portion of something is and it's been pretty cost effective. We spend anywhere from $25-$40 a week depending on our menus. We have both been on WW and other plans but without any lasting success. I personally wanted to have a good doc visit when I go at the beginning of the year and stop the yo yo effect. We've been able to find lots of products that meet the plan by reading labels, sometimes a store brand will meet our needs rather than a specific product in the book. It's what he says in the book if you can't find all the recommendations. I am eating more vegetables, fresh and frozen, as well as, fruits like berries. This is stuff I would never eat before as I was the banana and apple queen. Now those are a once in a while item when I consider what I'm having for the entire day. I have just started to exercise but my friend that has the 40 pound goal started walking on her treadmill the day after mother's day. I'm not sure about the claims of 4-9 pounds a week but the weight and inches lost has been steady, manageable, and no one has any hanging skin. I think any plan will work once you get past whatever holds you back and you get in touch with making whatever the plan is meet the vision in your head of where you want your health to go. We all turned 42 this year so doing this as a group has been very helpful. I know that without the support I probably would have gone off plan after about 3 weeks. I personally don't care how much money JC makes as long as I am meeting my own health and weight goals. My goal is 60 pounds so I am half way there. I figure that if I stick to the plan and pick up some exercise (I work at a desk for 9-11 hours a day) then I will have met my goal and gotten a real return on my book investment. Get creative, get support, and no matter what plan you choose, see it through.


deer park,
United States of America
it works

#15General Comment

Wed, June 09, 2010

I disagree with all those who complain about this belly fat cure.  Here is what happened to me.  As a diabetic (uncontrolled), my doctor wanted to insert the pump as a last resort.  I said no.  I found the belly fat cure book and followed it.   Within 3 days--yes, 3 days, my blood sugar went from the 200-300s to 110.  I thought my meter was broken.  I tried my back up meter and received approximately the same results (within 5 points).  Within a week my blood sugars were in the 70s and have been there now for months.

For a diabetic, it is a miracle cure.  My doctor cannot believe it.  But the results are documented.  I have not lost the amount of weight the book says I would.  But, in all honesty, I can't fit in all the food suggested as I work and sometimes go without a break for 6 hours.  Being in a classroom does not allow me to run out and eat a snack as I only get a 5 minute break and have students hanging off my ankles every second.

If you are a diabetic, Give it a try.  NOTHING else worked for me.  I was on 100 units of Lantose per day plus 25 units of fast acting insulin and my blood sugars would not go below 200.  I am now completely off the fast acting and am down to 80 units of regular and my blood sugars remain in the 70s.  I feel like a new person, am just 15 pounds lighter, but enjoy the food and thank God I woke up at 3 in the morning to see his infomercial that led me to buy his INEXPENSIVE book.

Thank you Cruise.  You saved my life.


Soy will ruin your thyroid!!!

#16Consumer Comment

Tue, March 23, 2010

I forgot to mention about Jorge's Parker's Old Fashioned pancake recipe, if you have a thyroid problem  that soy flour is really going to mess you up and if you don't have a thyroid problem that soy's going to give you one, this is what I mean about Jorge not teaching you how to be healthy! READ THE WEB SITE I RECOMMENDED IN MY EARLIER POST IT EVEN MENTIONS SOY AND THYROID! Most over weight people have some type of thyroid problem like me. And the syrup he recommends "Josephs", that's going to spike your blood sugar as bad if not worse than sugar, so don't tell me his diet has anything to do with insulin, only an idiot that doesnt know how to Google information on maltitol is going to believe his diet is based on insulin! The web site I mentioned previously talks about maltitol, read it! And...that Almond Breeze almond milk in the recipe, well the container it comes in leaches BPA, Google BPA!!!! If he cared about you he would teach you how to make your own Almond milk like the WAPF does and he would warn you about the dangers of soy, unless it's fermented soy like natto or miso!


Why the belly fat cure diet is a fraud!

#17Consumer Comment

Tue, March 23, 2010

I just have to laugh, because I just checked out some of the meals in Jorge's book on line and they are so low calorie it's not even funny!
This web site will not allow me to put any links in this post, so here it goes the best I can do phlaunt type that word in your address bar and ad the www. and the .com
Anyone who wants to learn the truth about Jorge's diet and low carb diets in general should check out that web site and I must admit I have changed my mind about the GI index after reading that web site.
I have not exadurated my weight loss at all, I started out at 249 and now I am down to 204, the first 30 pounds seemed to just melt away without any effort, but now unfortuanley I am at a plateau.
The belly fat cure does not have anything to do with insulin if your eating pasta and maltitol, it's working because your consuming less calories.
You really need to read the web site I recommended above in it's entirety and guess what it's a free read. You will thank me, it's a very educational web site.
Bottom line is it takes a deficit of 3500 calories to lose 1 pound and an increase of 3500 calories to gain 1 pound, the initial weight you lose on any diet is all water and you'll gain that water weight right back again as soon as you eat normal again.
Low carb diets can work because they cause you to eat less, because you don't feel as hungry, the way they work is you end up consuming less calories.
This goes for Jorge's diet as well, your consuming less calories.
When I switched from eating processed foods to eating how the WAPF teaches I consumed less calories, because I made better food choices. I'm also eating very healthy (grass fed beef, free range chicken, organic veggies, etc), I'm not just consuming less calories, I'm eating in a way as to prevent disease. I'm not eating nitrate bacon pizza like the belly fat cure dieters. The WAPF has taught me about soy, food additives like nitrates, plastics and so much more.
But now that I am at a lower weight, the calories I was eating before are too many calories for me now, so now I am going to have to count calories to lose another 50 pounds and hit my goal weight...bummer. The first 30 pounds seemed to just melt away with no effort.
The problem I have with Jorge's diet, is that it doesn't teach you all the things the WAPF taught me free of charge.
I also feel like Jorge's a fraud, because he just found a way to make a low calorie diet seem like something else, something new, but it's only working because your consuming less calories. He's not the only fraud out there, check out that web site and see how the Atkins diet frauds the public too. They were even sued by the FDA.
I think one or two people that have posted info on this web site work for Jorge, especially SCE. Jorge paid a ton of money to get the rip off reports removed from the first page of Google!
Jorge also mentions the paleo diet in his book, you can check out paleo diets for free on line, why pay Jorge to teach you about it.
I can't keep wasting my time with these posts, my advice is to check out the web site I mention in this post andto  take a peak at Jorge's book on line before you pay money for it.
Also check out the WAPF web site, it's changed my life. I will reach my goal weight by continuing to eat the way the WAPF has taught me to eat, but now I just have to count my calories. I will figure 500 calories less than what it takes to maintain my weight, this information is all free on line on several different web sites. Calorie cycling might work too.
I'm not coming back on here until I reach 150 pounds, so if SCE wants to bash my spelling in the mean time more power to her/him, to me that just shows they work for Jorge!


I don't know--working great for me!

#18Consumer Comment

Wed, March 17, 2010

Sometime between October and December my two older brothers started telling me about this 'diet' though it's not a diet but a change in life style. I thought this was another gimmick.  I didn't pay much attention but I was the heaviest I had ever been and was in early stages of diabetes.

My brothers (one 62, the other 60) had also put on a considerable amount of weight.  Both of them were down to weights (and have been holding very steady) that they have not seen for over 30 years.  I decided to try it.  Since the end of January I have lost 27 pounds and have started fitting into clothes I haven't worn for well over two years.  I still have a fair amount of weight to lose but I'm confident I can do it.  One of the good things about this diet is that I'm rarely hungry like I used to be.  My cravings for carbs like chips and junk food is gone.

Now understand...he is making money, plenty of it. He's not doing all this out of the goodness of his heart. Look at Rachel Ray...she's EVERYWHERE! Food shows on TV, magazines, cookware, own TV show (if it's still out), books...omg....the money she's raking in.  Why should Jorge be any different?

Now this is not a fad diet.  It's a change of lifestyle.  Cut down on bad carbs, eat lots of whole grain and fiber, and considerably lower your sugar intake.  Your comment, "In fact it is even a bigger joke if you check out his previous diet, which bashes low carb diets..."   As someone else had mentioned, times change and so does research.  With your statement, you could go back to the American Heart Association and tell they they are hypocrites for saying that olive oil is a fat and no good for you...then new research came out which said it's actually a heart healthy fat.

And the other issue is that if you're into some other diet on a web site, why not just go with the American Heart Association's plan or Weight Watcher's which is universally known as a very healthy diet?

I'll stick with this.  If I gain all my weight back or get ill, you've got the right to say, "I told you so...."


fort waybe,

#19General Comment

Sun, March 14, 2010

This Author is just Amazing -

I have been following the basic tenants of the 'Belly Fat Cure' - making wise food choices since I mad my initial rebuttal to this author's diatribe - and have lost about 4 inches around my waist. I don't use a scale, I think its defeatist. I judge my weight by how my clothes fit. I don't feel deprived and I have lost the craving for sugar and gained a craving for water (I do use 'zerowater' which takes the chlorine and fluoride out of your drinking water - but that's just me).

I have to admit - I did quite a bit of research into organic foods, some gluten free bread making, making my own butter, yogurt and cheese. But that's me (and It's been fun) and my approach. Now I've learned to make certain items ahead of time and keep them for later use and ease of cooking. You really do have to do a bit more home cooking to make this approach to healthy eating diverse enough to encourage sticking with it, and not thinking of it as a 'diet'.

Overall - what a great success.

This author of this Rip Off Report says she is trying to educate people. However, there are a couple of things I've noticed:

The Belly Fat Cure does not limit you to 80 grams of carbs a day it's a max of 120 (its 5 servings of carbs - on serving is 20 grams of carbs). I don't think she has even read the book.

She also states  on 3/2/10: "The WAPF is a NON PROFIT organization (ps. its spelled organization), the info on their web site is completely free and I have lost almost 50 pounds in just a few months by following their free teachings & eating smaller portions, without having to give up healthy sugars, like raw honey, 100% maple syrup, coconut sugar, sucantant (ps. Its spelled sucanat), cane juice, or milk."

I don't understand why someone cant help people without making any money. It's almost as if it 'has to be wrong' if someone is profiting from sharing their knowledge. Is it just me that finds this utterly ridiculous?

She claims to have lost over 50 pounds in 'just a few months' . . . . . . Well she was at 214, as first reported on 2/6/2010, and now at 204 a month later (3/2/10) - that would mean she would have had to have lost the other 40 pounds in January 2010 - even if you give the benefit of a doubt and give a few weeks into December 2009.

It seems she is just fabricating her weight loss data. If you look at her first posts you will see even more misinformation regarding the amount of weight she has lost and the time it took to loose it.

She is still stuck on people who profit from a job they love.

She still harps and harps on Mailtol and Nitrates. It's so simple . . . . . just don't eat them. It doesn't invalidate anything in this approach to a life long change in eating habits (of course you have to choose it - but it's very easy to do).

Stay healthy people - make wise choices - but this approach to eating, as per 'The Belly Fat Cure', is great. I'm glad the author made money, he deserves it.




#20Consumer Comment

Tue, March 02, 2010

Hi SCE, well you keep guessing about me and my finances and my anger issues and I'll continue to try to help people with educational information. I'm sorry that you would rather give credit to a man that has made millions from best sellers that contradict each other, that do not teach you how to be healthy with your diet and that skirt the truth in how his diet plan really works, which is less calories. The WAPF is a NON PROFIT organiztion, the info on their web site is completely free and I have lost almost 50 pounds in just a few months by following their free teachings & eating smaller portions, without having to give up healthy sugars, like raw honey, 100% maple syrup, coconut sugar, sucantant, cane juice, or milk. I wish Jorge Cruise would teach his followers all he knows about nutrtion, because I'm sure he knows as much as I do, and I'm sure he eats like I do or very close to it. But I guess telling you that you eat like crap and that you need to cut portion size/calories isn't what you want to hear and won't sell best sellers! I will say this, choosing lower glycemic index foods is a healthy thing to do, so is eliminating refinded sugar completely, but if you are healthy and are not diabetic and don't have insulin resistence, then you will still lose belly fat eating heathier choices of sugar, like coconut sugar, raw honey, 100% maple syrup, sucantact. Everything must be balanced and in moderation. Obviously you can't pig out all day on sweets and expect to lose weight, but you can have the occasional treat and drink 3 glasses of raw milk a day and still lose belly fat.



Holly from KY Belly fat Cure Rip Off debate...

#21Consumer Comment

Tue, March 02, 2010

Hi, Holly, I thought I would do some research for you, you said bacon hasn't ever killed anyone, well I went to Google and typed in "does bacon kill you" and one of many web sites on the subject came up, one of them listed the TOP 10 worst foods you can eat, bacon was #3 on the list, it stated how the nitrates in bacon cause cancer and how the nitrates in bacon can in fact kill you. Now there is nitrate free bacon, which I am 100% sure Jorge eats that version if he even eats bacon at all, but he failed to inform you about nitrates and nitrate free bacon, because he wanted to promote the precooked bacon at Costco. I'm just wondering how anyone with 1/2 a brain can think that just because they lose weight they will be healthy? There's more to it. I have met a lot of sick thin people.

If you go to the web site ABOUT, I can't put the web site address or rip off reports will delete it, so put a ( .com ) after the word in capitals and that gives you the web site address, anyway go there and type in "Maltitol just say no", the article that will come up tells you all about Maltitol and how it has a GI similar to table sugar and it goes on to give more info, the article is called "Maltitol just say no", that pretty much sums it up right there! You stated this is not a low glycemic diet, nor a diet for diabetics, however the quote you posted from his book does say it is a low glycemic diet for the most part, because it is based on insulin, which is the same concept of a low glycemic diet and also a diet for diabetics, both are focussed on insulin. He is saying that counting calories doesn't work, calories in and calories out, but that insulin is the key to losing belly fat, well then please explain to me how he can recommend Maltitol, which raises insulin like table sugar???

I have summed it up right there with that one question!

Don't you think medical doctors would know about losing belly fat if all you had to do was control insulin??? I can see if you have insulin resistence or are a diabetic, then it would make a difference, but not if your healthy! Have you heard of Byetta, and if not Google it, it is for diabetics and diabetics lose tons of weight taking it, it's for glycemic control, it causes the person to not feel hungry. The key is it causes the person to not feel hungry, so they EAT LESS-hence less calories.

As for all the doctors he metions, they all talk about refined sugar and how refined sugar is bad for you and of course cutting out refined sugar will help you lose weight, because your cutting back calories. But not one of those doctors has said that cutting out refined sugar is the key to losing belly fat, they only agree with Cruise that refined sugar is very bad for you. I would like to hear Dr. Oz state that 100% maple syrup or raw honey is bad for you? Or milk? Or yogurt? Again he knows how to market his book. Lets get a bunch of respected doctors to tell us refined sugar causes health problems, well no duh!

Another thing, I shop at Whole Foods for organic produce and organic grass fed meat and raw dairy, I do not buy processed foods with refined sugar, I make everything from scratch. 1/2 of the stuff at Whole Foods is crap! I shop mainly on the outside isles of the store. It's unfortunate for you, that you need ideas from him on items or his diet would be impossible. I myself have no trouble shopping. I did buy a shopping guide from WAPF for $1, but I never need to use it.

Oh and about his bank account, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know he has become rich off his best selling books! And the vita mix/blender comment was to point out that I know he is eating healthier than he is teaching you to eat, check out the raw family web site and you'll see that same blender for their green smoothies. That blender is a high powered blender for making things like green smoothies and health food, I can pretty much guarantee you that Jorge Cruise does NOT eat bacon pizza or Maltitol! He eats like me I am 99% sure! I use that belnder for green smoothies and frsh veggie soup.






Ellie 05 Belly Fat Cure

#22Consumer Comment

Tue, March 02, 2010

Hi Ellie, you obviously work for Jorge Cruise to have access to his emails or emails of his clients, like the guy who was put in his book, so why don't you answer the question, why didn't your company/Jorge Cruise's company answer the question I put on his web site, he answered other people's questions? Why was my question removed, if it's back on there now or ever, then it was removed and put back on after you saw I went on this web site. Maltitol rasises insulin, I have watched his videos talking about sugar, insulin, etc.., yes it is sugar free, but it still raises blood sugar as much as refined sugar, this can be proven as it's spoken of on the internet. Or ask a doctor that specializes in diabetes. If he has meal plans, then ad up the calories for 1 day of meals, prove it's not a low calorie diet and I'll shut up!





#23Consumer Comment

Tue, March 02, 2010

Holly, yes the WAPF is 100% free, they are a NON PROFIT organization and everything I learned is from searching through articles on their web site-100% free of charge!

I did phone them and order their shopping guide and it was a whopping $1.

I am not angry, I am only trying to help people that really want to change their lives and lose their weight and keep it off.

I'm not a writer, I do not work for any company or have any agenda, or affiliation to anyone, I'm just a house wife, my husband is successful at his business and that gives me the ability to stay home with my children.

I was tired of diets that do not work, that you can not follow for life, so I decided to research NUTRITION & other weight loss options, I even considered gastric bypass, plus I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis Disease and I wanted to find a cure, they say there is none. I also had fibroids that required surgery. I found all these health problems are realted to diet. Which is also related to pesticies, PCB's, PBA, processed foods, refined sugar, soy, to mention a few.

I saw Jorge Cruise on Oprah, I do not normally watch Oprah, my friend actually called me to watch Jorge, because she was looking into weight loss as well. At first I was interested, but as I learned more I saw how flawed his plan was. This was all before his book came out, I went to his web site, I watched his videos and I joined his newsletter/email. His video I watched on his web site said I think you can have like 80 grams of carbs and 15 grams of sugar a day from all food sources. Well that info told me that his diet was really low cal & low carb diet, nothing new to me. I watched his bacon pizza video and was disgusted!

At that same time I was learning from the WAPF's web site. I had purchased some maltitol syrup at a health food store, because it was sugar free, but then started learing about food additives and the such and decided to research maltitol, well it is HIGH on the GI index and it raises insulin!!! YES IT RAISES INSULIN!!! As much or more than sugar, because you need more of it to sweetend something. I asked about this on Jorge Cruises web site, after days I recieved no answer, so I started to get upset and I emailed that other guy that had a web site, assuming his relationship to Jorge Cruise was actually something different than what it actually is, and then I noticed they took my question off the web site all together and to this day they have still never answered my question. So that lack of customer service lead me to voice my opinion on this web site.

If his diet is about not raising insulin, which is the same thing as low GI, then why does he recommend products with maltitol??? I think it is because they pay him to endorse their products. By telling you to cut out sugar, you automatically cut your calorie intake, same goes for the amount of carbs he tells you to have. You end up cutting calories.

Some sugar can be healthy and full of vitamins like coconut sugar, which is also low GI, it does not raise insulin, it's 35 on the GI. I am losing weight as fast as any of you if not faster and I'm eating sugar- coconut sugar, I'm not eating refined sugar. And my belly fat is coming off just fine. I'm losing weight all over.

A diet needs to be balanced so you can stick with it for life, if you cut out all good types of sugar you will not stick to it, you will back slide. 100% maple syrup, raw honey, molasses, coconut sugar, sucantant-evaporated cane juice, these all have vitamins. You need to be able to treat yourself and you can do that and still lose weight and keep the weight off. I make awesome cookies, I use Alton Brown's gluten free chocolate chip cookie recipe and I replace the white sugar with erythritol (sugar free & no GI) & the brown sugar with coconut sugar. I used to use whole grain flour, but since have decided to cut out all gluten from my diet, for personal reasons related to my Hashimoto's disease, I am prone to celiac disease (both are some what realted autoimmune diseases). So I opt to be gluten free and Alton Brown's recipe is awesome! I use organic 70% dark chocolate chips sweetend with cane juice- not refined sugar and raw walnuts (good omega 3's).

I also purchased an ice cream maker and I make healthy ice cream. Yum! And I make chocolate bark, that's what I call it, I use organic raw cacoa powder, raw cacoa butter, raw honey or 100% maple syrup, vanilla and nuts, walnuts & brazil nuts (great sources of selenium or omega 3's). I mix it all & melt it at low heat to keep the enymes in tact and then I pour it in a pan and put it in the freezer and in about 30 minutes I have a choclate bar that I break into chunks, even my kids love it. One time I added dried Goji berries. I make other treats too with coconut and dates and raw cacoa. Everything I make is healthy.

You can still have UNREFINED sugar and lose weight and be healthy and keep it off and love your food! And if you have diabetes you can just use erythritol, xylitol or stevia as your only sugar sources. 

You mentioned times change and that's why Jorge's diets have changed. I do not think his diet's have really changed, I think both of them work because you consume less calories. Hey if you want to make Jorge rich more power to you, I rather save my money for my family. I rather learn about true health and well being and how to lose weight and still eat all the foods I love. I want to be able to eat something sweet! I want to be able to drink healthy milk and have my kids drink milk. The sugar in milk is not refined sugar, it's not bad for you. And if you follow the WAPF you would drink raw milk and you would learn about all the wonderful health benefits of organic grass fed raw milk.

I feel sorry for you. If anyone is angry it's you. I wouldn't be suprised if you didn't work for Jorge Cruise. His diet is a scam, in the fact that he has found a way to make it seem like your losing weight from cutting out sugar, instead of how your really losing it, which is by consuming less calories. He is a shrude business man, he knows how to market his book and sell it.

I love how his web site always says we are closing the doors for this or for that, today is your last day to join, you have 1 more day to join, he has losing weight for women over 40 or something now, he sends me those dumb emails & video's all the time. He uses Dr. Weil's opinions to sell his stuff, yah well Dr. Weil isn't anyone I would be following recommendations from, I've checked him out. He's like 1/2 way to knowing about health, but not all the way. Yes refined sugar & flour are both VERY bad for you, ok so that's one good thing he has taught you, but what about all the other stuff. You made fun of me for eating organic, etc, like I said I really feel sorry for you, open your eyes! Look at all the cancer, heart disease, diabetes, immune diseases, what do you think is causing all these diseases besides poor diet, wake up! We are exposed to toxins in our daily lives more than ever before, BPA, pesticides, micotoxins, heavy metals, GMO crops. Don't you want to educate yourself, or would you rather just be in the dark to what is going on all around you and to your body and health because of these things, do you really and truly think that pesticides even in low quantaties over time will not harm you??? Don't you care about the heath of our children! When you get diagnosed with an incurable disease, like I was, you will search for answers, your eyes will open, and my wish for you is that it doesn't take a disease to open your eyes, that you will learn all the things I have before that happens to you and hopefully PREVENT disease! But guess what, you won't do that eating bacon pizza!

Best wishes, Lisa





Belly Fat Cure Rip Off

#24Consumer Comment

Tue, March 02, 2010

I'm sorry that Jorge Cruise didn't teach you about SOY and how it harms your thyroid!!! If you want to lose weight you need a functioning thyroid!!! Check out the thyroid groups on Yahoo (Yahoo Groups), they will all warn you about SOY, because they already have their thyroids messed up from it! The flavones in SOY also cause estrogen problems, take it from someone who had huge fibroids and had to have surgery! I was 249 pounds and now I am 204 pounds in just a few months of eating how the Weston A Price Foundation teaches "completely free of charge".  They are a NON PROFIT organization. Another great healthy thing to help you loose weight is green smoothies. But SOY is only going to put you in an early grave and that almond milk your drinking is coming in packaging that leaches PBA, another estrogen endocrine disrupter and this is why you are better off learning about nutrition and good health "before" starting a diet, especially one like The Belly Fat Cure! There is more to being healthy than being thin, there are VERY sick thin people! Two web sites I recommend you check out are Dr. Mercola's web site, you may have seem him today on the Dr. Oz show about his Krill Oil, and then of course as I have mentioned already many times The Weston A Price Foundation (WAPF). Don't let the SOY companies propaganda try to fool you into thinking SOY is healthy, because it's not, the only healthy SOY is fermented SOY, like Natto and Miso etc..., this is the type of SOY the traditional Japanese eat, they do not gorge themselves on Tofu like American's do. Japanese that take on a western diet get all the cancers & heart disease that us westerners have, verses their healthy Japanese ancestors. If you watch Dr. Oz he had a segment on the worlds healthiest foods and Tofu wasn't on it! Almond milk is great, but you need to make it yourself. The cardboard packaging lined with plastic like milk cartons and the cartons that have things in them like SOY milk, rice milk, almond milk, chicken broth, etc.. and also cans, especially cans with fatty foods in them, they all leach BPA, I think you should Google PBA and you'll see how detrimental it is to your health. Jorge should be teaching you about that, because BPA & flavones are going to hinder your weight loss and ruin your health! Go to the WAPF web site and in their search engine type in the word SOY, do the same on Dr. Mercola's web site. I guarantee you Jorge knows all this stuff and bet he follows it for his own eating habits, I saw his $700 vita mix in his video, because I own one. He is cutting corners with you and I do not see how that is in your best interest. Also you are taught to eat your whole grains, well you should study up more about wheat and gluten, there are many people that have celiac disease and don't know it, or have gluten intolerance, which eats your gut lining up over time. Gluten intolerance, wheat allergy and celiac disease are all related categories of digestive and immune system disorders. Dr. Mercola has a great article on his site about grains and wheat, you can search for it on his site. The WAPF teaching that wheat must be soaked first. I would love to see Jorge Cruise's followers do more for themselves health wise, he has the ability to be teaching you all about these things, like I said there are many sick thin people! Good luck, Lisa-

Lisa Cruz

United States of America
The Belly Fat Cure Really WORKS!!!

#25Consumer Comment

Tue, March 02, 2010

The Belly Fat Cure, by Jorge Cruise is NOT rip off.  It is a well-rounded eating plan that really works.  I am no stranger to exercise, myself.  But I have struggled with my weight since having my first child.  This is the first eating plan I have ever been on that offers such a wide variety of options, and is so simple to follow.  Since begining my six day a week exercise program (including cardio, weights, and walking), I have only toned, but was unhappy to find that I had lost no weight after over five months of exercising and healthy eating.  In the past, I have been able to lose weight, very, very slowly, on my old plan.  Not this time.  Since reading Jorge's book, I found that my soy yogurt, and cup of almond breeze (sweetened) with a piece of fruit, every morning before my work outs, was blowing my whole day, because the sugar count for this was much too high.  It literally stopped me from burning fat.  Since changing a few things, thanks to Jorge's plan, I was shocked and very happy to find that I had lost almost six pounds in the first week on the meal plan.  Jorge does offer you "take out" options, but, if you pay attention, he will tell you that he and his family indulge in take out "on occassion", not every day.  The "take out" options are if you are out, and not able to cook at home.  Many of his homemade meal plans are very healthy.  Of course, eating hamburgers with cheese every day is not ideal, and that is not what he is pushing.  I love that he offers many meal plans with healthy salads.  Jorge recommends you load up on the veggies whenever possible.  Jorge's plan is no gimmick.  It is an easly to follow meal plan that anyone will find easy to stick to.  During the first week on the plan, it did not feel like a diet.  I had almost expected it not to work.  I had changed so many things at home before learning about The Belly Fat Cure, such as only buying 100% whole grain breads and pastas, and have banned anything with high fructose corn syrup.  We drink only soy milk or almond breeze, and lemon water is a staple, sweetened with Stevia.  Organic meats and cage free chicken eggs are all we buy.  Yet, the weight stayed put -- until Jorge opened my eyes to the amount of sugar I was still ingesting every day.  Carb counting was always a factor, but I never made the carb/sugar connection.  When taking on any diet plan, we must all use common sense.  Jorge's plan makes sense. I know that my weight problems are now finally over.  I am free!  Thank you Jorge Cruise.  You are an ispiration.  I have my entire family on your plan, and they are delighted!  Thank you! 


fort waybe,
Are You Kidding Me !!

#26General Comment

Tue, February 16, 2010

I just can't believe that Lisa would spend so much time and energy bashing this author - this PERSON - Unbelievable.  If she could write a great book, invent something, provide a service that people would find of interest and then inspire them to purchase it - Awesome.  She Should Do It!!  There is absolutely nothing wrong with making money.  Go Jorge - Make That Money - Good On You.

Maybe the writer's anger stems from the fact that she isn't making that kind of money or hasn't achieved that kind of success in a field she loves, or any field for that matter.  Maybe, the anger stems from her roller-coaster weight ride.  But, then I would be making the same subjective, uninformed, purposfully hateful statements that she is so prone to.  And, aside from the ridiculous example of her skewed perpective on this web site, I have NO IDEA of who she is and it's unfair of me to assume that I do. 

I must say, to her credit, that it appears that she has gained some nutritional knowledge that seems to be helping her through her dieting escapades - so not all is lost.  However, Her claims are subjective, Excruciatingly (!!) repetitive and down right Mean. 

I've read the book and it's primary focus concerns insulin and it's relationship with fat retention.  It informs the reader on choosing good carbs over bad , encourages healthy fats, lean meats and educates people on sugars and their relationship with the body chemistry.  It's also very full of menu options, recipes and reference materials (not to mention 7 praisworthy comments, from respected and notable persons, as its preface.) 

It also doesn't require one to spend a ton of money buying all new foods.  You don't have to throw the whole kitchen out, you can use what you have and substitute over time.  It allows, for those with limited means, to work the program into their lives without going broke.  And mostly, it's just simple.  It has a very simple tracking system and leaves the individual with a multitude of food choices and helpful suggestions. 

Insofar as counting calories, it does this by default - via keeping track of carbs and sugars.  It will turn into an 'unhealthy fad diet' and a person can loose some weight and then gain it all back if that's how they treat it.  It can also turn into an informative book on how an individual can change their perpective on food, thereby, promoting a healthier 'eating lifestyle'.  It's the reader's choice. 

This approach is not inherently 'unhealthy', as Lisa would have you to believe.  No matter the food items you choose, if you follow it - you will loose weight.  Will that be a healthy approach you can maintain - or will it be one in which you make such contrary choices that you end up feeling deprived, only to return to your bad eating habits.  Well, that's up to the person and their approach - It's definately NOT dependent the basic dietary tenants contained in this book.

And Lisa can skip the Maltitol and the nitrate infused bacon.  She can pull out the microwave, never use plastic, try not to get sprayed with pestisides (oh, and stop brushing her teeth and drinking water laden with flouride - a much more toxic mix than bacon and nitrates.)  However, this will all be in vain -  because you still have to BREATH - and all that gunk is in the air. 

I, honestly, wish her the best on her weight loss.  I wish her the same success, in the search for a healthy way of life, as I do for others, even Jorge. 

But, come on, this tirade over this book and personal attacks !?!!!

The 'non-caloric energy burn' she has spent on this web site boggles the mind.  Through the initial posting of a report on Ripoff - her unsubstantiated 'conspiracy theories' -  subsequent rebuttals to, any and all, person's expressing positive comments or successful outcomes, with vindictive 'novellas' - - is - - Over The Top.  If she spent the time used composing these seething, personal attacks (on a person or persons she has never met and who's motives she has no conception) - on this website - regarding this book - against this individual  - and spent it, instead, taking long brisk walks being gratful for life itself - she'd be at your goal weight already.


Jorge Cruise and The Belly Fat Cure is a rip off! Reda his previous book and you will see for yourself!

#27Consumer Comment

Thu, February 11, 2010

Laura, you'll lose it I have faith in you girl! I am down to 210 now, 10 more to go and I will have lost 49 pounds and with no exercise, not that i recommend no exercise, because it's good for your health in everyway, i'm just lazy LOL. I had my family's vitamin D and A levels checked, our D was all really low, our A was normal, but on the lower end of normal, I started the cod liver oil for A, some D and the EPA, DHA and omega's. I use the one they recommend, be careful and only use the ones they recommend and they explain why, I use 1/2 the dose they recommend, because I also take vitamin code family, by garden of life, which had beta carotene and I do not want to overdose on the A, so i'm taking 1/2 the dose they recommend for the cod liver oil for now until i get my A level checked again in a few months after taking it, then I also use a liquid vitamin D3 supplement, low D has been linked to obeseity amoung many many other things like the autoimmune thyroid disease i have and I had really low D, so maybe that's why i got it, so get your D checked asap. Jorge Cruise doesn't teach to get your D checked, which could be causing you some weight problems. D is now known to be a hormone that regulates other hormones, it does a lot more than they previously thought it did. You know a reason some ppl might do well on low carb diets is that they might have problems with gluten, so ppl should get checked for celiac disease too if they seem to do much better when not having carbs, since most carbs come from wheat, barley and rye.  I'm getting checked, I feel much better not eating gluten and i lose quicker. You know 1-3 tablespoons a day of coconut oil speeds up your metabolisim, the info is all over the internet about it, i do that too, i take like 1-2 a day. Also have your leptin levels checked I have a problem with that too, most overwieght ppl have a leptin problem, I am waiting to see if my doctor gives me something to help with it, i haven't seen him since my test results came back. But if you can get referred to an endocrinologist they have this stuff they give to diabetics and it will make you lose weight it's called Byetta, check it out, he wanted to give me that, but i passed on it for now, because i don't like shots. Check out this web site because you might be hypothyroid, most over weight ppl are it's the Holtorf Medical Group, center for hormone balance, hypothyroidism and fatigue. I went to see them, they talk about Byetta on their web site. Good luck girl, be back on here when I'm down to 150!!! Stared at 249 and now I am 210 in just a few months and without any help of Jorge Cruise!!!


St Marys,
Modified Atkins

#28Consumer Comment

Mon, February 08, 2010

I agree with you. At the time I bought the Belly Fat Cure I also bought the 3hr diet by the same author, Jorge Cruise. Now in the 3hr diet, he says low carb diets dont work and actually cause you to gain weight, but in Belly Fat Cure he is limiting carbs to no more than 120gms per day or 6 servings.  I thought that was funny. I guess in 2 years another book will come out about the how counting carbs is no good, but you should count fiber...lol that would be a hoot. I have been dieting most of my life. I got down to a size 8, 148 lbs. That was from working out, and eating healthly. Well my problem was my heart got broken, so I said forget this and ate whatever I wanted and stopped working out. My workout was mostly walking up to 6 miles a day. I would put my headset on and just go. Since that breakup I became depressed and unmotivated with life. In April 2006 I fell at work at broke my right elbow which has greatly affected my hand ( I am right handed) so I have that issue to deal with now forever as I am permanently partially disabled. We take for granted what our hands do. Anyway, I decided to get over it and get back to healthly. I still stand by counting calories and exercise. I have studied, like you, alot about eating and exercise. So I know what I need to do. Our society as a whole as gotten lazy. When I was a kid, no compter, cell phones, video games. We played outside with sticks for guns and riding our bikes. Meals were family meals and we never worried about calories back then. I went to the website you suggested and I was reading some of the articles. The one that sticks out is the Cod Liver Oil. My father was a chiropractor and use to give his patient that, vitamin E and vitamin C as part of treatment. He helped alot of people with back pain with adjustments. But back to the point. This author Jorge Cruise has totally contridictated himself in his books. I believe he just borrowed bits and pieces of others to make his book. Good luck to you and yes, I believe this was a rip off too. Laura


The Belly Fat Cure Rip Off

#29Consumer Suggestion

Sat, February 06, 2010

Hi Laura, you know whats worked for me not eating out anymore, no processed foods, no sugar, no white flour, organic foods, I came across the Weston A Price Foundation web site when I was looking for the perfect diet (& BTW theres no perfect diet), and after finding out that I have Hashitmoto's disease I wanted to lose weight and get healthy. I have tried Weight Watchers, Atkins, Jenny Craig, you name it, I've tried it. They all work to an extent at first, well not really Atkins, that one didn't work for me and I think it was because I had too many calories and ate their stupid bars with maltitol (which raise your blood sugar worse than sugar coz u need more of it to get things sweet). But I always gained back what I lost. I was 249 pounds at 5 foot 4, now I am 214 pounds and still loosing, I lost the first 30 in like 2-3 months, I lost that weight thanks to the WAPF. I was excited about The Belly Fat Cure at first after seeing him on Oprah, but then after learning more about it and watching Jorge Cruise's videos and learning what I know now from The Weston A Price Foundation (WAPF), I know his diet is like any other fad diet and you will gain the weight back and you can NOT eat that way 4-ever and it's not healthy! This guy Jorge Cruise writes best sellers, he had another BEST SELLER diet book out before this one, this guy is rich and he is getting rich off you and others like you! Okay the sugar thing I will give him credit for that, sugar is VERY bad for you, so in that respect he is teaching a good thing, but not in other aspects of his diet. You must cut calories to lose and eating healthy makes it easier, because healthier things have less calories. I find myself not hungry and so I do not have to count calories, I'm just more concious of what I eat. There are some really great web sites out there that are free, like one with a recipe calculator and one about calorie cycling and then you combine that knowlege with the glycemic index, which is also free, and eat low glycemic foods and you will lose your weight and keep it off and get healthy too! The WAPF web site is the one you should start with. Here is an example of what I eat in a day, I'll have like 2-3 eggs & cheese scrambled, or cottage cheese and fruit for breakfast, I'm not a big breakfast eater. I'll also have some flax oil (2tbl) and some ground flax seeds (2tbl) that I grind myself in my coffee grinder, for my omega 3's and fiber (it's cheaper if you grind yourself and fresher too!) I like to mix that with the cottage cheese, fruit and some cinnimon. Then if I snack before lunch it's on nuts and fresh fruits, 3-4 brazil nuts gives you a days worth of selinium, which prevents cancer. Nuts are high in calories so I don't go over board, like a handful and I love nut butters, I eat that sometimes too right out of the jar, again don't go overboard. For lunch I'll have either a fresh juiced green juice or smoothie, with greens, carrots, and an apple to make it taste better, or if not that then like a sandwich of whole grain bread, mayo, I use the Hains Safflower mayo, because SOY will slow down your metabolisim, the WAPF web site will teach you all about SOY! I'll load it with veggies to fill me up, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, shredded carrots and turkey or ham, sometimes roast beef, but I get the nitrate free stuff either Hormell makes nitrate free uncured lunch meat or Whole Foods Market has it, so does Trader Joes sometimes (nothing at Whole Foods Market has nitrates, nitrites, hormones, or antibiotics), mustard, cheese, and some Bubbies pickles on the side. Again if I snack before dinner it's on veggies, fruits or nuts, and for dinner I'll have some type of meat, brown rice, veggies, or my fav is chicken stir fry and brown rice. I'll make dips for my veggies sometimes like hummus, or avacodo. For dessert I like to make cookies, I use whole grain flour and xylitol for my white sugar and coconut sugar (aka palm sugar) for the brown sugar, I always use real butter, I like grass fed butter like Kerry Gold it's healthier (it's organic, it's just not labeled that way, but I have emailed with the company about it) and I use dark choc chips 65% dark. For less carbs you can use a gluten free flour like Bob's Red Mill's almond flour or garbonzo bean flour, I use those or whole wheat pastry flour. I also love pineapple for dessert, which of course is better than cookies. But cookies a couple of times a week is okay. I haven't counted calories yet. But I do buy what I can organic, the xenoestrogens in pesticides, and the nitrates are really bad for you and keep the fat on you!  Dairy needs to be organic too, because of the hormones, pesticides and antibiotics, you'll find just getting rid of those things will make you lose weight. Do NOT microwave in plastic! I stopped microwaving all together. You know I went to the Jorge Cruise web site with a question, which was about maltitol and that's what started all this, no one wrote back and they removed my question (maybe now after all this they might have put it back up?), they suck in my opinion, they are just out to make a buck! JORGE CRUISE YOU SUCK! I have to say as far as diets go Weight Watchers is a better one, they teach you how to eat and they offer support groups, the bad thing is they allow frozen, prepackaged foods and fast food, which do not help you in preventing heart disease and cancer! Low glycemic diets are better too and healthist. WAPF web site is not a diet, but goes a step further by teaching you even more like about pesticides and soy, xenoestorgens, preservatives, food additives, all those things keep the weight on you! I have not excersised yet, which is bad, every day I say I'm gonna get on the treadmill and maybe tomorrow I will! I do try to park at the end of the parking lot and stuff like that. I know if I excersise I will lose faster. Also building muscle burns fat. My daughter who is 11 has lost 50 pounds, my son like 5-10 lbs, he wasn't over weight maybe just by those few pounds, my husbands lost 40, all thanks to the WAPF and my new way of eating for life! I get notified any time someone makes a rebuttal and I keep coming back on here to help anyone that reads this, I hope I can help you free of charge! My goal is to be 150-160, I'll let you know when I get there. After that first 30 lbs it's gotten harder, I have to be more mindful not to eat too late at night like I normally do and to watch portion size. I will say though I ate like a pig for like 2 months, but still all the healthy stuff, but way too much nuts, cheese and nut butter with apples (yum), I ate a lot of extra food and I did not gain even 1 pound back, but now I am back on track to loose the rest, so I have to cut back on my high calorie food intake, cutting calories is the ONLY way to loose a lot of weight and the other stuff helps a lot too and makes it easier and healthy. PLEASE do not try to lose weight with packaged food like nutri system, or frozen food, or boxed food, those are so bad for you, full of preservatives and additives, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, check out the WAPF web site you will not be sorry! Other web sites to check out are like Candida diet web sites, you'll lose weight on a Candida diet, I know a nurse that lost 85 pounds in 4 months on the Mccombs plan, but again that guy sells products to make money, you don't need his products, just check out his shopping list of foods. People with chronic Candida yeast infections use Candida diets to get rid of their Candida problem, and they also loose tons of weight and it's healthy!


St Marys,
Modified Atkins

#30Consumer Comment

Sat, February 06, 2010

I too bought this book. I liked the visuals and the text, but all in all this is a modified version of Atkins. I did try Atkins a few years ago. Severly cutting carbs not only made me very tired, but constipated as I was not getting any fiber. I believe atkins in the first few weeks only allows like 25gms of carbs. Not much. Now on the on the other hand The Belly Fat Cure by Jorge Cruise is a better way of eating. I am confused by the fact that under carbs, fiber sugar are listed. After much reading, fiber is to be subtracted from carb count for Net Carb intake. Now this plan tells you not to count the fiber only the carb content. Confusing....Some items have 4 or less, and you do not count these, but something that has 5-20 is 1 carb count. But as reported before, if you deduct the fiber that 7gm carb minus 3g fiber becomes a free food? I went to the FAQ which is a blog on FACEBOOK for answers, Mr Cruise explains do not subtract fiber only count carbs. So I am trying this, but a few weeks ago I was only consuming 1800 calories. Lost 10lbs. I was more concerned about protien and fiber content as well as calories. Per this book, you dont count any calories. That is the hard part to swallow. As many doctors, dietician, nutrition experts all agree, consuming more calories than you burn will cause weight gain. Another problem with this book it does not recommend a set amount of exercise. I have tired diets, pills and drinks. Me personally, the only way I  lose is if I count calories and consume less than what I burn off. That is the simplest and only true way to lose weight....Sorry Jorge Cruise, I do like your book and the swaps for some low cal idea but I will count calories. I do thank you for opening my eyes more on sugar, as it is hidden in many LOW CAL/CARB foods. Laura


Belly Fat Cure Rip Off

#31Consumer Comment

Tue, January 26, 2010

How many calories did you consume, because with a reduction in sugar & carbs also comes a reduction in CALORIES!

The only way to lose weight is to consume less calories than you burn.

Even on a low carb diet like Atkins you will consume less calories, because the diet gets boaring and limits many foods, so you end up eating less. The ones that eat too much on Atkins do not loose, you can verify this from checking out the chat rooms where people doing the Atkins diet are talking.

Anyone reading this do yourself a huge favor and go check out the Weston A Price Foundation web site first before you buy the belly fat cure book, the web site is 100%free, they aren't selling anything! It's not a diet, it is a web site that teaches you how to eat healthy, but it does also have info for loosing weight. You will lose weight and belly fat just by eating healthy... just like I have! Or buy his book and when you gain all the weight back and more then check out the web site I recommended!

I would like to see a list of what you eat in a day and I will tell you all the bad things about what your eating and I will figure out how many calories your having, so come back on here and make a list. I will also list all the viatmins your not getting, and synethic vitamins are pretty much just expensive urine, including fortified foods, which have been fortified with synthetic vitamins, you need your vitamins from FOOD! So don't tell me you took vitamins to make up for your poor unhealthy diet of his recommended bacon pizza!

I also wanted to mention that Maltitol is high on the glycemic index, so it gives you spikes in blood sugar just like sugar does, so here is some news for you, that's not why you lost the weight if you consumed maltitol, then it had nothing to do with cutting out sugar and everything to do with cutting back on calories. Isn't one of his main points low glycemic? Maltitol is not low glycemic! If you ate maltitol you may as well ate sugar!

Yes refined sugar is VERY bad for you in every way, but I am not convinced anyone looses weight or belly fat from cutting out the sugar, it's from cutting back on calories!

Palm sugar/coconut sugar is only 35 on the glycemic index, now if Jorge Cruise wasn't making money from recommending those products with maltitol then maybe he would have told you that!

He's not going to come out with a low calorie diet, there are too many already, he had to come up with a new gimic, a new marketing stradegy, promise the miracle cure where you don't have to count calories, isn't that what everyone wants, he had to come up with something new, something no one has thought of before, so he can sell another book, have you read his previous book teaching to eat a bunch of meals all day long??? So what he did was figure out a way to cut calories but make you believe your just cutting out sugar!

But hey if he helps you never eat refined sugar again then that's a good thing!



Holly, Louisville, KY

United States of America
The Belly Fat Cure by Jorge Cruise Works!

#32General Comment

Sun, January 24, 2010

The Belly Fat Cure program by Jorge Cruise does work - if given a chance to. I find it interesting that Panorama, CA's report was filed four (4) days prior to the launch date of Cruise's book being available.  Granted, he was doing some prior to publication media for the book, so maybe that is where the information was taken up from. To say a program does not work before knowing what that program is seems a bit harsh to me.

After reading Panorama's original report and the rest of the copy included in this section it seems to me that Panorama's issues lie with Maltitol, the glycemic index and a pre-cooked bacon from Costco more than the actual Belly Fat Cure program.

Panorama also mentions negative results of family members and other diet programs and them comes right back to the pre-cooked bacon issue again. Then we are treated to the history of Panorama's personal weight loss journey. Seems to me this person is all over the ball park and searching for an instant cure for an over weight problem (if indeed they are over weight).

In post 4, January 16, 2010 we realize Panorama is actually a woman named Lisa. She asks the question "Why does everyone defending this diet fail to address the question I asked about it not being a low glycemic diet, yet that's what Jorge Cruise claims it is???" Well Lisa, I am not a physician nor am I a qualified medical researcher, but I am a 63-year old woman that reads and I have read The Belly Fat Cure by Jorge Cruise. Your answer is on page 9 of the book.

"There is only one critical key to getting rid of belly fat forever, and that is to lower insulin, the scientifically proven hormone that pushes fat into fat cells.  You see, you can't get fat or stay overweight without insulin. This is a biological fact that was proven in multiple publications as The British Journal of Nutrition and The Journal of the American Medical Association. Unfortunately, this critical idea that insulin is essential for storing fat--and lowering your insulin is essential for releasing that fat - - has been buried under the conventional medical community's message that it's all about calories in, calories out;..."

Odd, I did not see the term "low glycemic diet" anywhere in that quote. What I read was that if I (personally) wanted to lose my belly fat I would need to lower my insulin levels. No where did I read that this was a diet for diabetic.

I have been on lot's of diets throughout my years and each and every one has had their cheer leaders and their "let's tear it apart before we try it" leaders. That is the glory of living in America, everyone can have their own opinion and thoughts. As for Cruise's previous best-selling books, focus changes, times change, research changes and knowledge is gained on a daily basis. I to am a professional writer/speaker and if I wrote or presented the same information over and over, I would not be working in today's world. The fashion program I wrote and presented for several years in the 1980's will still stand up to it's research and words. However, it's time has come and gone and it is no longer applicable in the year 2010.

Lisa goes on in her anger-driven report to attack Cruise because he is a professional author (that is hopefully making money on the book he has written - that is what professionals do), Costco and the pre-cooked bacon (again), Maltitol, another claiming it to be low glycemic statement and yet another reference to making a buck and doing it well.  Im sure Lisa has personally received a copy of Cruises bank statement to prove that statement as fact.

Then comes the true point of this anger and ranting...her agenda! She goes on to say how exceptional and successful  her and her families weight loss was based on nutritionists Sally Fallons book (wonder if that is a free publication?). Whats next...why the organic food push of course. Oh, and lets not over look the following; food wrapped in plastics, BPA, pesticides, herbicides, Rbst in dairy and meat (and she watches Oprah?), fake sugars and processed foods. Im exhausted! I wont even go into the money issue over the blender (a whole assortment of blenders are sold world wide and every person has the right to buy the one they want to use).

As to her comment about the doctor he always references too  and the fact that she feels we should email him direct, I have a few questions;  Have you emailed and received an answer?  Are you going to share that answer with us?  Which one should we email; Dr. Weil, Dr. Grossman, Dr. Dyer, Dr. Oz or any of the other 18 doctors, medical professionals and/or staffs or published authors listed in the Biblography (and that is just for chapter #1)? And most importantly to me, how can you guarantee me  how that guy (very respectful), Cruise or the doctors referenced in the book eat? Have you dinned with them? Do you see them on a daily basis? Have you consulted with their wives?

Had you truly done your research on this program you would have found a lot more than five (5) people that have been on this program since April and October of last year that have loss anywhere from 10 to 70+ pounds (I think asking for 100 pounds is a bit excessive). Their blogs are up and running, most are still on this lifestyle program and I dont think anyone has died from eating bacon of any kind.

If you are sad how ppl try so many diets loose weight and then gain it back again, while making the seller of the diet book rich and you seem to have all the education and answers, where is your book, telling us how to do it correctly? I would love to read it one day.

Im more concerned about your heart and blood pressure than pre-cooked bacon, Maltitol, indexes and money. You have three children and a family. Think about them and work on your anger issues. Then write your diet book and let it stand up to the test of public opinion and time.

I have been following this program since April 2009 and have loss 45 pounds and 15 inches. I am in better health now than I have been in the past 40 years (as per my personal doctor and he does not even know Cruise).

I have no direct knowledge of Cruises consulting or partnership relationships but I can personally tell you that Costco had very few of the items shown in the book. I can also tell you that Whole Foods Market, The Fresh Markets, Krogers and Rainbow Blossom (a local organic health food store) had very few of the products in the book.  I was also totally shocked at how much sugar all those healthy foods  in the whole, fresh and organic named stores contained. This program would have been impossible to follow had Cruise not given individual websites as an option for purchasing.

Cruise does have a partnership with Amazon.com as does just about everyone in the world these days that is promoting a lifestyle/image/health program, book or company. If you think Cruise or anyone else is going to retire on the partnership allowances paid by Amazon, think again. Every company that has such a partnership will benefit ten times over in appreciation from their readers/clients, for making it easy to find.


United States of America
it really DOES work!

#33Consumer Comment

Tue, January 19, 2010

Let me say that I hope that those of you that read this complaint will not pay attention to it.  I saw an article in a women's magazine targeting Belly fat.  I'm am such a skeptic, but bought the magazine anyway because they were other great articles.  After reading what Jorge Cruise said, it made me re-evaluate exactly how much sugar I'm consuming.  It's true, most people don't even realize how much sugar is in everyday foods.  I glass of milk has 12g of sugar!  (ALmost an ENTIRE DAY's worth of recommended sugar!).  That information in itself was quite an eye opener. 

So here's my story: I exercise for 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week and do 100 sit ups everyday.  I'm 44yrs old, 5'4 and weighed 119lbs.  I'm very fit and toned but just couldn't get that flat stomach.  THe past year I was suffering with "muffin top" syndrome everytime I wore a pair of jeans.  My Doctor told me to eat more fibre and maybe I had IBS and the more sit ups I was doing the more muscle was sitting ON TOP of my belly fat. My obliques  had such deep dimples which made my stomach stick out even more.  He told me to eat right, no fat etc.  He never asked me what I actually ate or to count my carbs and sugar intake. I lLOVE sugar in my coffee, cereal, a piece of bakery every day, cookies and lots of potatos and pasta.  I figured since I didn't have a weight problem, these foods didn't affect me.

I had nothing to lose at this point but $10 for The belly Fat cure book on amazon.I started his recommended diet rule of no more than 15 grams of sugar per day and no more than 6 servings of carbs per day ( 1 serving = 5-20g, 2=21-40 g, 3=41-60) on Jan.1, 2011.

The first day was rough, I had cut back to 60 grams of sugar, which was still way too much.  The second day I cut out milk and put a sweetner in my coffe and ended up at 45 grams for that day.  I decided to take Jorge's suggestion and purchase suggested items with less sugar/carb content.  Thank goodness for the pictures in the book and the comparison between good and bad products which made grocery shopping much easier. 

The first 10 days i lost 3 inches from my waist and 4 lbs!  WOW is all I can say.  It took a while to get used to not having that sweet taste in my foods, but I'm used to it now. 

The fact that Jorge Cruise recommends a few products such as Josephs's sugar free cookies and the syrups is a great thing as many stores do not carry these items.  THe cookies were actually $1.00 cheaper on the website than at Whole Foods.

I'm thankful to this book for giving me ideas of substitues meals.  It's like a Carbs for Dummies book and is very user friendly.  Who cares that he's making recommendations!! People NEED to know where to buy these healthy items.

So anyone out there that needs to loose the pouch, this is certainly the easiest was to do it.  This book is a tool to get you aware of cutting out too much sugar and eating too many carbs plain and simple. 







The Belly Fat Cure By Jorge Cruise is a rip off!

#34Consumer Comment

Sun, January 17, 2010

Why does everyone defending this diet fail to address the question I asked about it not being a low glycemic diet, yet that's what Jorge Cruise claims it is??? Anyone can Google the glycemic index and see for themself that maltitol is not low glycemic! The person with the blog is featured in the magazine and has everything to gain from defending Jorge Cruise so does the lady that works for the company who made her comments about my comments, which like I said were on the web site and then they were removed, maybe they were put back on since, I do not know as I haven't checked, since at this point I really don't care. Either way my question was never answered WHY??? There are hundreds of diets out there and this one is no different than most, it claims to be something that it isn't. Jorge Cruise is making a ton of money, he is rich and I think he is doing an injustice to the public. Telling people to make pizza out of Costco precooked bacon which is full of nitrates and nitrites (which are deadly, even look them up on the FDA web site) and pushing items with maltitol and claiming it to be low glycemic, he is just out to make a buck and that he is doing very well!!! If you want to get healthy and loose weight then follow a program that is for life, read Nouroushing Traditions By the NUTRTIONIST Sally Fallon and you'll loose weight and get healthy at the same time. I have lost 30 pounds, my daughter lost 50 and my husband lost 40, in a matter of just a few months and without dieting! I saw Jorge Cruise on Oprah and I was excited about his diet, until I found out more about it and saw his videos and after reading the Weston A Price Foundation's web site I was learning about healthy eating and so I knew his diet was a scam, a diet like all the others, not healthy and not low glycemic!!! If Jorge Cruise cared about his clients he would teach them about organic foods and to only eat organic, he would teach them about nitrates and nitrites and to avoid them and to avoid all types of fake unhealthy sugars like maltitol and splenda, aspartame, etc.. the only okay one he recommends is stevia, but it should be in it's original unprocessed form of the green powder. I guarantee you he does not eat how he is teaching people to eat, I bet he eats all organic, I can tell by his $700 vita mix blender that I saw in his video, I know what it costs because I own one! Jorge Cruise knows how to market his diet and how to make money from desperate ppl that want to loose weight. If you read this Jorge Cruise then I ask you to dig deep into your concious and do the right thing, teach people what you know is the truth. Tell them about their foods being wrapped in plastics and BPA, about pesticides and herbicides, about Rbst in dairy and meat, about fake sugars, about processed foods, don't promote Costco bacon & maltitol when you know it's not good for ppl just to make money! The Weston A Price Foundation offers info for FREE on their web site, they do not make money from selling anything and you can buy their shopping guide for $1. My family lost weight quick just from learning how to eat healthy, no diet involved and no out of pocket expense, why let ppl like Jorge Cruise get rich off you??? I'm just a regular mom with 3 kids and a family and it upsets me to see people put their trust in someone that does not have their best interest at heart!!! JORGE CRUISE IS GETTING RICH OFF YOU!!! And the doctor he always references too, do you think that guy eats like how Jorge is teaching his clients to eat, no he does not, email him yourself and ask him!!! To the lady that made her comment, I do not work for ripoffreports, I am a mom with nothing to do with rip off reports. Why can't anyone at your comapny answer my question about the maltitol???Are you going to say the glycemic index is wrong and that maltitol is low glycemic, doesn't your boss Jorger Cruise claim the key to loosing weight is low glycemic??? Anyone can see for them self that if he claims things that aren't true, then how is his diet of the truth, it is either the truth or a lie, the key to his diet is low carbs and less calories and his clients didn't seem to loose much, show me 5 people that lost 100 pounds and I might be impressed. It is sad how ppl try so many diet's loose weight and then gain it back again, while making the seller of the diet book rich, very sad indeed.


United States of America
The Belly Fat Cure is AMAZING!!

#35Consumer Comment

Sun, January 10, 2010

I just needed to respond to this report due to a threat I had seen from a women who represented www.ripoffreport.com Her name was Lisa and she had posted a comment questioning a certain sugar found in one of the diet recommendations that the Belly Cure suggests.  It starts off as a harmless question, you could sense a bit of sarcasm kind of as if she was trying to be juvenile to a degree but overall the post was harmless.  The gentleman that operates the blog that Lisa (a supposed employee of this www.ripoffreport.com) left this threat on is very dedicated to answering questions posted in the blog so he has his setting to where each comment needs to be approved prior to posting, just to give him enough time to read and respond to the comment.  I get the owner of the blog didn't respond fast enough for Lisa so she then posted another comment making a threat to post his blog on www.ripoffreport.com if he didn't post her comment. 

In fact here is her first post so you can see what she said at first

  1. Lisa Says:

    I have a very important question, if this diet is based on keeping insulin levels low, then why does he sell maltitol on his web site and use it in his brownie recipe and recommend it (like in Clemmys ice cream)? If you look up the glycemic index for it, it is as high as sugar, considering you need to use more of it to equal sugar in recipes??? Basically just like the Atkins diet bottom line is your going to end up eating less and so in turn consuming less calories, hence and other low cal diet!
    It always goes back to consuming less calories. Keeping insulin levels low is a low glycemic diet which has been around forver, its no new thing! AND like I mentioned maltitol is NOT low glycemic, so whats the deal?

Then she responded with less than 12 hours after posting her first comment.  Surely she can understand that blog owners don't just sit at their computers 24/7.  In her mind it must seem completely unheard of that he wasn't sitting there checking his blog comment inbox every 30 seconds.  Heaven forbid this man have a life. 

  1. Lisa Says:

    So you dont allow any negative comments, only positive?
    Why is my comment still in moderation??? You must be on the payroll? Dont you want ppl to know the truth and not lies, or does your web site propagate lies, I have a web site too and there is a great web site called ripoffreports.com its for consumers so they do not get ripped off by web sites like yours or like diets like the belly fat cure, which is just another low carb diet, I cant say low gylcemic since its not, even though it is made out to me falsely! You have 24 hours to post my comment or I make my own on my web site and on ripoffreports.com, do you know when you go to google and type in belly fat cure rip off reports pops up on the first page, maybe you want that for your web site too!!!

I think it is ridiculous for someone to be able to post a negative report about a company just because they didn't get their way.  Her comments are posted on the blog and have been since they were approved by the blog owner.  I just find it rather ironic that she makes this threat and then an anonymous complaint is filed.  What a fantastic way to make www.ripoffreport.com seem like a website that holds little to no credibility.  Since seeing this on the gentlemans blog, then seeing this post I will question things I read on www.ripoffreport.com.  Sounds like Lisa got a little over zealous with her posting power and took it to an extreme.

By the way the blog owner responded to her, and even stuck up for her when a fellow commenter started to bash Lisa for her immaturity.  Here is the blog to check out for yourself.

Lisa's comments are number 7 and 8.  And a bit more down the page the owner of the blog addresses Lisa's concerns and even stays polite after reading her threats. 


I have personally tried this diet along with my mother, father, and numerous friends of mine and they have all had great success in losing weight and keeping it off.  It has been a godsend to me and has been the only successful diet that I tried that actually worked to shed this weight.  It boils down to being conscience to what you put into your mouth, and limiting your sugar intake and watching your carb intake.  I understand that some people may not have the same feelings as my parents, friends, or even myself, but I think it is a little rude to post negative feedback about something when you haven't even tried it, then to lie and make up negative things about someone and their product to justify immature behavior is just ridiculous.  The credibility of this website will always be questioned by me, there should be administrators that follow up on the claims to ensure that they are legit and to ensure that it isn't just a person seeking revenge for not being replied back to quick enough.

However, if you need to lose weight and need a good diet The Belly Fat Cure is the way to go!!!! I would recommend it to any and everyone!!! It is amazing!!!!


The Belly Fat Cure is a rip off!

#36Author of original report

Sun, November 22, 2009

My source is the GLYCEMIC INDEX. Maltitol is NOT okay for diabetics! My father in law who is a diabetic was admitted into the hospital after eating sugar free candy that was sweetened only with maltitol. The atkins diet is also not safe for diabetics if they eat the Atkins bars and snacks that are sweetened with maltitol. The belly fat cure is not a way of life if you want to be healthy. It does not allow for balanced meals that your body needs. Jorge Cruise telling his clients to eat "precooked bacon" pizza is not providing a "healthy" weight loss plan! Bacon has nitrites and nitrates, at least he could have recommended organic uncured bacon that has no nitrates or nitrites added, you can find it at Whole Foods Market. If you want to give this guy your moeny feel free, anyone can go on line and look up the glycemix index and see what it says about maltitol, it's no secret, the truth is out there for anyone who wants to hear it! If you want to believe a lie, that's your choice. Ask any doctor, diabetics are told to eat low glycemic foods and have no sugar. Plus Jorge Cruise says the basis of his diet is keeping blood sugar levels down, well how is he doing that with maltitol that raises blood sugar as much if not "more" than real sugar, because it takes more of it than sugar to make something sweet, so actually it raises your blood sugar "more" than real sugar! I found some other good articles about maltitol on some web sites that are about different diets as well. The low glycemix diet is great, it is healthy and easy to follow and recommended by actual doctors. I lost 30 pounds myself in just a couple months, how, well I cut out all sugar, which is very bad for you, if I need to sweeten something I use organic stevia, I only buy organic now, because all the hormones and pesticides keep you from losing weight and actually make you gain weight. I eat 3 meals a day, no snacks, contrary to what they say about eating 5 small meals, if you want to lose weight you shouldn't do that, I saw a gastic bypass/lap band doctor when I was considering the lap band and they teach you 3 meals a day and absolutley NO snacks. I do eat dessert occasionly, but I use low carb flour, like organic almond flour and organic coconut flour and stevia to make it sweet, or organic xylitol, which is a sugar alchohol like maltitol, but it is LOW glycemix, I eat pasta, but it is sprouted whole grain and cooked aldente, I do not count calories I just eat healthy and low glycemic and no sugar or fake deadly sugar like splenda or asparatame, and NO soda what so ever, not even diet! Anyone can lose weight if they change to a healthy way of eating and they don't have to pay money to ppl like Jorge Cruise who is getting RICH off you!!!! Jorge Cruise is getting RICH RICH RICH off of YOU!!! Why did the Joge cruise web site erase my commnet from their public blog about maltitol...could it be because he doesn't want the public to learn the truth, don't you think he makes money from the products he recommeds???


United States of America
Maltitol is great for diabetics - check your source!

#37Consumer Comment

Sun, November 22, 2009

The Belly Fat Cure program works! It is not a scam. The maltitol syrup referenced in many of the recipes is made by a company called Joseph's Lite Cookies. The company was created by a diabetic so he could eat the foods that he enjoys and share them with others who could not tolerate excessive sugar. They make awesome products (((Redacted)))

The Belly Fat Cure program is not a low carb diet. It allows for a sensible amount of carbs. You can eat 6 pieces of bread per day if you want to! it is a way of life that more American's should consider : )

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