  • Report:  #34248

Complaint Review: The M.O.M. Team - Internet

Reported By:
- Centennial, CO,

The M.O.M. Team
www.themomteam.com Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
As a work-at-home mom, I am always looking for new income producing efforts. I came across a job posting for a marketing executive with The M.O.M. Team. Going to their website, I was quickly impressed with their compassion for home-bound moms and for their plan to sell environmentally safe products via the internet (Melaleuca - www.melaleuca.com). Sounded like an e-tailer situation to me so I requested more information.

Two days later I received a call from "Donna" telling me more about the company, the products and inviting me to participate in a conference call the following evening.

Something Amway-ish rang out of the call, but there was absolutely no mention of a down-line or recruiting. I certainly never found anything of the sort on their website.

But after the call, I decided to do more digging and due diligence into The M.O.M. Team.

1. They are an MLM. To be successful you must build a down-line. It took some time, but I found evidence of this.

2. The members spam in a fashion that they call drip.

3. Ads for The M.O.M. Team are smathered across every message board on the internet, fishing for victims.

4. The commission structure is deceptively described.

I have included a copy of a posting from ezboard.com from an ex-M.O.M. team member. She sums it up nicely.

"I'm going to go way out on a limb here because I really need to clear up lots of confusion about MT. I'm an ex-MT. I'm going to state the facts, clear and simple.

MT (sic - The M.O.M. Team) has over 3,000 members now, all of which are being taught to post 10 to 15 ads per day on the internet, preferably on message boards. They are given a list of message boards and free classified ad sites. So, in effect, they are being 'taught' to spam.

After my experience with them, I came out feeling as though I'd left a cult. These gals worship the founder, and will abide by anything she tells them to do.

They have so many rules that it makes it virtually impossible to effectively run an internet marketing campaign without being deceptive.

You cannot mention the name of the company.

You cannot e-mail information to people (I used to break that one).

You cannot take no for an answer. "No just means now's not the right time."

You are to create a drip file for people who say no and send follow up letters.

The latest rule is that if you create your own website, you are no longer allowed to mention MT on it, or link to your MT website from it. So there goes any hope of creating any sort of individual identity.

Your goal on MT is to enroll anyone you can get your hands on. It's a numbers game. They beg people to join. Any warm body will do.

Some of them prey on people who are down on their luck.

Some of them have unkind things to say about people who cannot afford to pay the $29 enrollment fee.

They are misinformed, and because of this, they misinform others.

For instance, what they tell you is that you will earn 7% on your customers' monthly product purchases. Wrong!! What you will earn is 7% on your customers' base points purchased. Big difference!! Mel (sic - Melaleuca) has a minimum monthly base point requirement of 35, which translates to about $55-60 depending on what you buy (they'll tell you $43). You get paid 7% of the 35 base points, or $2.45, NOT 7% of the $55 or 60.

They will also tell you that once you enroll 8 people and reach Director, your commission goes up to 14%. What they DON'T tell you is that your monthly base point requirement goes up too!! Way up to 75 base points!! That's more than double.

They tell you that when you reach senior director you get a $400 car allowance. What they don't tell you is that you have to actually buy a brand new car, and as long as you remain a senior director, Mel will give you $400 a month toward your car payment.

And then there are the phone bills. My phone bill was at least $100 a month. For an internet business?

All in all, I sunk at least 1k in MT. My biggest check was $23.00. I paid for offline advertising because of all of the message board spam and bad reputation they'd established on the internet, and I still couldn't get anyone to join because people would figure out that it was a pyramid. And, although I didn't want to admit it to myself at the time, I guess in a sense it is. After all, the founder(s) of the MT made out like a bandit, and everyone at the bottom is left with nowhere to go. At least not on the internet!"

Be wary of The M.O.M. Team. As a "Teamer" your hard work makes no money.


Centennial, Colorado

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135 Updates & Rebuttals


Royal Oak,
Team's Memberships

#2Consumer Suggestion

Wed, February 06, 2013

Perhaps the Melaleuca company should dissolve all the M.O.M. team's Memberships if their is unethical Marketing going on, That itself would improve their reputation.


United States of America
See that's is so annoying.

#3General Comment

Sun, August 12, 2012

I hate it when people think they are higher than some one else. That was just rude to ask how much checks they have in the mail every month. Why can you own your own business? Why are you still in the business? The only time you ever make money is recruiting people and what happen if people gets tired of it and starts to quit...what would you do? And also DON'T compare an MLM to a job. A job is guranteed that your making that much money. With an MLM you have to REALLY work for it. Also I make more money in my job than you are getting every month. I make 200 a week. Sometimes 400 a week. Like really cut the nonsense. Stop trying to down people all the time.


MLM? Yes. Scam? NO.

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, October 11, 2009

At the time I joined Melaleuca/MOM team I was working elsewhere FT in lovely Corporate America as a peon. I was reeled in by the promise of extra $$ and the possibility to replace my C.A. job with something enjoyable.

When I came across MOM team my mentor explained everything in detail with me. She was upfront about the annual/enrollemt fee and the monthly minimum. At the time I was okay with it. However after a while the budget just didn't allow it anymore and that is why I am no longer a member. Building the downline, as in any other MLM, is a royal headache and had me running in the other direction regarding the business-building aspect. If you're the salesy-type, this is for you. I'm not salesy at all. lol

I was never asked to "spam" any message boards by posting ads.

No Dummy!

Melaleuca is not the problem!

#5UPDATE Employee

Wed, May 06, 2009

I am not personally familiar with "the M.O.M. team; however, I am familiar with the Melaleuca company. Melaleuca and their products have nothing to do with how this "Team" unethically recruits at home marketers. They have a wonderful line of products... if you did decide to work as a Marketing Executive for this company, you would be fully informed of the compensation plan. This is not a "get-rich-quick scheme". It is possible to make money working as a Marketing Executive for this company without making false promises or asking people to invest money in advertising or spamming. I was fully informed by my mentor what would be required of me to make money in this business, I absolutely love the products, and have already begun to see an income in less then two months. I have spent $45 on advertising and am not even sure why someone would spend $1,000 on advertising before they begin making a profit...a bit too anxious I guess...It is "work" at home. It is a business that you have to treat like a business and truly work! There is no such thing as "easy money"!


I have no experience with M O M...

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, May 22, 2008

nor am I likely to. I'm not here to defend anything they have said for or against the group. All I can talk about is Melaleuca products and what they did for my family, growing up. My dad started in Amway and didn't like that he couldn't tell people it was Amway--that and they, at the time, were trying to mix business with religion, trying to control what you wear, and lied to you about the toxins in their products. He switched from Amway (which he was making money on) to Melaleuca (which he made money on and is making money on) and I can still remember him taking his time to sit down and talk to his 10/12 year old daughter, in terms I could understand, exactly what he was doing. When speaking with his former Amway ties (who often were making money) he had no porblem convincing them to switch because he took the time to educate people. What I knew of the products, as a child, and the more recent use: 1. None of the respiratory problems that the whole family had, to a varying degree, exised during the years we used Melaleuca products. Off their products, my middle brother was on medication for both Athsma and Chronic Bronchitis. Unlike many children with these conditions, he had less than 5% body fat, and jogged, in spite of being unable to breathe. 2. My mother's skin stopped peeling off her hands, and her hair quit falling out, while using Melaleuca products. (Alopecia) 3. Never had headlice using their shampoos. In fact, we quit using them for a 2 month period, then went back to using them, so the school's next lice check showed that I had lice eggs attached at places on the hair consistent to the time the growth period occoured. There were no lice found then, nor after I went back to school after my mother combed the nits out my hair. We never used a lice killer. There was no need. 4. We were never sick on their products with head colds, stomach viruses, the flu, staff infections, pink eye...but we've had mroe than our share of all the above not using their products. 5. For various reasons, my dad quit Melaleuca for nearly 10 years (it was paying for itself, at that point) some of them being that we were moving back down south do help take care of my ailing grandmother, and my mother's absolute unwillingness to treat it as a business. (When it comes to making money, she is the epitomy of "lazy housewife".) But my dad has had some serious injuries over the years, due to high contact sports and working in the oil field, as a welder. In this past year or so, I've watched a man who could still outrun me barely make it from work to his bed, out of pain. (Something he calls welding in the flats: where you stand on cement in one place for hours on end, welding a small area, was killing him. You never feel good standing on cement for hours, and to top it off, he had a vertibrate in his neck he could pop in and out of place.) Within the first week of taking their vitamin pack, he could weld on the flats all day, come home, and chase his wife around the house. I don't ever want him to revert back to the man he was off of these products. I just received my first order today, and I've got tons of chemicals to get rid of: 1. Chlorox disinfecting wipes (bleach free, lemon fresh) has Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride and n-Akyl Dimethyl Ethylbenzyl Ammonium Chloride. Ethanol derived chemicals...with Ammonium Chloride. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ammonium_chloride) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlorine) Chlorine and ammonia together makes Chlorine gas. It can kill you. (http://www.jtbaker.com/msds/englishhtml/A5724.htm) 2. The ties and lies around Agent Orange and Lysol: (http://www.whale.to/a/orange.html) 3. Phosphates in dishwashing detergents, and some laundry detergents: (http://www.grist.org/advice/ask/2006/09/20/phosphates/) This chemical causes the dead zone in the gulf of Mexico. Please understand, that this is just the begining of the chemicals found in these products. We're not failing to protect our homes from one chemical, but thousands...and the habit of our society, when it comes to these cleaners is to only ban the ones that have killed people, instead of truely testing these things before they come to market. (Hence why we are recall crazy.) The problem is that they only have to warn you about the known chemical hazards, and they don't put all that is in the product on the container. And many comanies have a habit of lying about what is in their products, so I'm not likely to trust much of anyhting they put on the market, even if they change their ways. (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,318832,00.html) See, for us, it's not that the product works, but that it's the superior product, period. I point out to my friends and family how the products work, and they'll buy it. It won't happen fast, and will be a little work, at the begining, but the overall life improvement, from family member to family member, is only on this side of miraculous, to us. I can't see using a "cheaper"--a.k.a. "inferior" product. I'm not looking to be a multi-millionaire with this company, although it can and has been done. I'm looking for products that work, that do not have all the synthetic chemicals that the companies aren't intersted in letting me know about. Meleluca is the healtiest cleaning company I know of, where the products work. Whether or not I would make money in this company, I would refer friends and use these products--they're that exceptional. But I don't have to worry about whether or not I'm going to make money, beecause my father is going to work at it, and he has to put people somewhere. The people he puts under me will pay for what I buy, and the people I put under them will do the same for them. See, that's the biggest reason right there, and Melaleuca is up-front about that. 95% of the people who buy one month, will buy the next month. The products not only work, but they are consumeables, which means that they're going to run out of laundry soap (eventually), vitamins, and everything else. Once people are introduced, the product sells itself. (You ought to see how many Melaleuca customers are doctors and nurses.) I've got to buy laundry soap. I've got to buy shampoo. Even a depression will not change that. I want stuff that works. And these people go out of their way making sure you keep comeing back for more.


Apparently you joined with your eyes blindfolded to your agreement and didnt want to work!

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, May 07, 2008

Well truly its apparent you only wanted a work at home business that you thought would get you rich quick and had to do nothing to get you there! If you really did your homework you would know that it is your choice how to build your business, You can choose to do it on the internet or by word of mouth. its totaly up to you! and nothing is hidden from you if you read your agreement that you sign and agree to about reaching director it is in black & white and in plain view for you to see. My sister runs this business and as I looked over all her paper work its all laid out in the same size lettering. so no they are not decietful in any way! I think what you need to remember is you get out of anything what you put into it! You cant always get something for doing nothing! Work takes work! and her first check was over 800 dollars and goes up every month! So how can you say its a scam. She works anywhere from 10 to 17 hours a week on this company, gets to stay home with her kids, has no money problems now and is making it totaly on her own, I would say the MOM Team is a God Send and Blessing to many Moms and their families, I have only seen positive outcomes with this company for many families. I am looking forward to actually becoming a part of the Mom Team Myself.


New Mexico,
The MOM Team is a good organization!!

#8UPDATE Employee

Sun, April 20, 2008

I did not like reading about all these "bashing" sites for The MOM Team. We are a group of women and men who just want to help people. We are not a scam! PLEASE STOP!!!


New Mexico,
The MOM Team is a good organization!!

#9UPDATE Employee

Sun, April 20, 2008

I did not like reading about all these "bashing" sites for The MOM Team. We are a group of women and men who just want to help people. We are not a scam! PLEASE STOP!!!


New Mexico,
The MOM Team is a good organization!!

#10UPDATE Employee

Sun, April 20, 2008

I did not like reading about all these "bashing" sites for The MOM Team. We are a group of women and men who just want to help people. We are not a scam! PLEASE STOP!!!


New Mexico,
The MOM Team is a good organization!!

#11UPDATE Employee

Sun, April 20, 2008

I did not like reading about all these "bashing" sites for The MOM Team. We are a group of women and men who just want to help people. We are not a scam! PLEASE STOP!!!


Reps can be abusive if you don't sign up

#12Consumer Comment

Sun, February 17, 2008

I clicked on a banner in 2005 and filled out the info request form. I was looking to make extra money, not replace my full-time job. I received a phone call from a rep that same evening, who asked me some questions about what I was looking for and told me a little about the business. She then said she would be connecting to an "opportunity" conference call where I would be muted but able to listen in. It was very "rah-rah" and had a lot of hype. It didn't take me long to figure out it was a pyramid where all you do is sign other people up and make money off of them. After the call the rep asked me if I was ready to sign up. I said "no thank you" and she immediately turned on me and got nasty. She said "but these products are all-natural, don't you know the cleaning products you are using are toxic?" I said I've been using them for years and nothing ever happened to me. She then snapped, "Well I guess you want to kill your family then" and I snapped back "yup I guess so" and hung up on her. These people also set up tables at "Babies r us" and offer a drawing to win a pack of cleaning products. If you enter the drawing they will contact you and ask you if you want to join the business. I emailed them back and said "oh isn't this that melaleuca scam where you don't sell anything, just sign people up and try to make money off them?" and the lady never responded back. I guess the truth hurts!


Reps can be abusive if you don't sign up

#13Consumer Comment

Sun, February 17, 2008

I clicked on a banner in 2005 and filled out the info request form. I was looking to make extra money, not replace my full-time job. I received a phone call from a rep that same evening, who asked me some questions about what I was looking for and told me a little about the business. She then said she would be connecting to an "opportunity" conference call where I would be muted but able to listen in. It was very "rah-rah" and had a lot of hype. It didn't take me long to figure out it was a pyramid where all you do is sign other people up and make money off of them. After the call the rep asked me if I was ready to sign up. I said "no thank you" and she immediately turned on me and got nasty. She said "but these products are all-natural, don't you know the cleaning products you are using are toxic?" I said I've been using them for years and nothing ever happened to me. She then snapped, "Well I guess you want to kill your family then" and I snapped back "yup I guess so" and hung up on her. These people also set up tables at "Babies r us" and offer a drawing to win a pack of cleaning products. If you enter the drawing they will contact you and ask you if you want to join the business. I emailed them back and said "oh isn't this that melaleuca scam where you don't sell anything, just sign people up and try to make money off them?" and the lady never responded back. I guess the truth hurts!


Reps can be abusive if you don't sign up

#14Consumer Comment

Sun, February 17, 2008

I clicked on a banner in 2005 and filled out the info request form. I was looking to make extra money, not replace my full-time job. I received a phone call from a rep that same evening, who asked me some questions about what I was looking for and told me a little about the business. She then said she would be connecting to an "opportunity" conference call where I would be muted but able to listen in. It was very "rah-rah" and had a lot of hype. It didn't take me long to figure out it was a pyramid where all you do is sign other people up and make money off of them. After the call the rep asked me if I was ready to sign up. I said "no thank you" and she immediately turned on me and got nasty. She said "but these products are all-natural, don't you know the cleaning products you are using are toxic?" I said I've been using them for years and nothing ever happened to me. She then snapped, "Well I guess you want to kill your family then" and I snapped back "yup I guess so" and hung up on her. These people also set up tables at "Babies r us" and offer a drawing to win a pack of cleaning products. If you enter the drawing they will contact you and ask you if you want to join the business. I emailed them back and said "oh isn't this that melaleuca scam where you don't sell anything, just sign people up and try to make money off them?" and the lady never responded back. I guess the truth hurts!


Fort Drum,
New York,
This Information IS FALSE!!!

#15UPDATE Employee

Mon, January 14, 2008

"You cannot mention the name of the company. You cannot e-mail information to people (I used to break that one). You cannot take no for an answer. 'No just means now's not the right time.' You are to create a drip file for people who say no and send follow up letters. The latest rule is that if you create your own website, you are no longer allowed to mention MT on it, or link to your MT website from it. So there goes any hope of creating any sort of individual identity." First of all, you ARE allowed to mention the actal company BECAUSE it's a referal ONLY!!!! You ARENT allowed to give information by e-mail BECAUSE we are a PEOPLE COMPANY! It's easier to explain moe abot The M.O.M Team in person or over the phone rather than by e-mail. wouldn't you think it was a scam if you just kept getting e-mails and never talked to an actual person??? We don't PUSH people to this business!! You don't create a "drip" file, I'm not sure where you're getting your information on. If you were once a part of this business, you had a really crappy enroller, because this is NOT how this company is!! You are allowed to "market" you website anywhere!! Whether it be in a message board, website, forums, whatever. There aren't any limits to what you can do!! We are simply a company educating others on better safer products for their home, or helping them build their own business! We ARE NOT a MLM Company!! There is no Pyramid! No downlines! You've got your inormation all wrong! We refer others to this company, they refer others, and so on... You will NEVER see a PAID advertisment for the company, you'll never see a billoard, ever see a commercial. and that's BECAUSE Melaleuca takes the money other companies normally use for advertising and put it back into the company for research on other better safer products. They also give it right back to the customer!! If you have any questions about this company, any of you are more than WELCOME to give me a call and I will surely give you the CORRECT information!! Brittany Napier (315) 681-6239 P.S. I'm sorry that this business didn't work out for you! It's not for everyone!!


Look harder

#16Consumer Comment

Fri, December 21, 2007

Obviously, according to all of your statements, you didn't take the time to view all of the info in the back office of the website. There is a clear and concise customer agreement as well as yearly stats, downloadable forms, terms of agreement and the list goes on. I just enrolled in the MOM Team, and I'll tell you up front, the conference call with Donna DID cover recruitment. If you didn't hear it, then you weren't paying full attention. Don't slam a company or organization for your failure. If you sunk $1000.00 into your business in the short time you were involved, you have no one to blame but yourself for that. I have yet to pay for advertising, and the only money I have put in is for the products I have purchased for myself and family. Because of health issues we have in our household, the choice to make a change to ecologically friendly products that are safe was a smart one. You obviously got your messages confused as to what the company is all about. Let's get real here and use some common sense: did you really think you were going to hit an annual income of $55,000 a year with a) no recruiting; b) in two months time; and c) without actually doing the work according to the business model? Come on!!! There is a set business model for a reason, and that reason is because it has been proven to work. Get a grip! You weren't scammed. You just failed at what you were doing because you didn't handle the business the right way. You didn't follow the business model. It's easier for you to blame others than for you to accept responsibilty. Everything that you say wasn't told to you I have heard and read, just as everyone else has who has come before me that has actually paid attention. There is a fantastic support system going on here that I wish I had with XanGo. Too bad you'll never be able to really experience it since your inability to see your own shortcomings has made you blind to the truth, not the perceived truth. If you've ever heard the term "duplication", in marketing, it refers to copying a set model to achieve success. Duplication with the MOM Team and Melaleuca is so simple, my 10-year-old has figured it out. If this is something that you can never grasp, then you will never succeed with marketing. Period. Just quit blaming everyone else.


New Brunswick,
Wow. This kind of slander need to be taken with a grain of Salt.

#17Consumer Comment

Thu, November 15, 2007

We all have our opinions of companies. I've complained about some of the same issues with my current employer, a large contractor, but I didn't quit or slander their name on the internet or to friends; I made it work for me. I've been in sales with the same company since 1999 and I can tell you, whatever you want to call it, sales, recruiting...it is a tough job and not much thanks. I've seen other sales reps come and go and they all have someone to blame for their failure but themselves. Low pay, unfair commission setup, high cost of expenses, etc.... If you're smart and motivated you can make it work. I figure that if someone else can make it work and make a few bucks at it then why not me? Not to mention that in Canada, not sure about the USA, most business expenses and loses are tax deductible. Revenue Canada gives you a few years to make it a go before they give you a friendly suggestion to stop your business All I can say is that my wife started her business with Melaleuca a couple months ago and it has given her motivation to work at home, made new friends and I like the products, really they are good. She understands it takes time to build a business and a lot of cold calling. If I thought for one minute that we were going to loose money or jeopardize our health I'd asked her to stop. As far as spamming well those who have chosen to send unsolicited emails are doing it on their own. My wife respects the message boards and doesn't lie about the business. She has more respect for herself then that. If you are interested in this business and the support that goes with it or just help with sales in general drop me an email (((ROR removed because of security purposese))) Of coarse remove the at and replace with an @. I've knock on alot of doors and made alot of cold calls over 8 years. I've gotten pretty good at it. Well that's my 2 cents. CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


New Brunswick,
The perception of one, is not the reality of ALL

#18UPDATE Employee

Thu, August 02, 2007

In terms of the M.O.M team, and the long list of accusations from past enrollees. I have to say, it's unfortunate that people will miss out on this opportunity simply because a few angry non successful people decided to exaggerate about a company based on their own failure. All I have to say is- I recently decided to join the mom team, even after I read this rip off report, simple because it has not been my experience. The people are honest, hard working moms, wanting to stay at home with their kids. NO ONE, AND I MEAN NO ONE, told me to spam or go to message boards. I was told to place ads on the internet for free as a means of spreading the word, so i can referr people to a wonderful wellness company selling good quality products. What is the definition of a scam? Not getting what you paid for? Well, you paid your membership fee, and got your membership right? you also got your website, and the support you needed to go forward and be successful, not to mention a business kit- and you always get the products you buy, with a guarantee that if they dont' meet your standards you have 60 days to get a money back guarantee, even the membership to the company is totally refundable for 120 days (4 months).. try to get your money refunded from the price club after using it for 4 months! Try bringing back a half used bottle of shampoo to your local drug store after 30 days, see what they say to you.. they will laugh, as I am laughing at your description of this group of women. You do not need to put money into your business- but wouldn't make sense to invest in yourself! How many businesses do you know that you can start it for 20-40 dollars? REALITY IS you can make money using the mom team as a support.. it's an ethical wellness company they market for, the products are good and they are good for the environment... MLM's have inventory- we don't MLM's have sales- We don't. we are direct customer marketing, and yes that means you have to WORK for you money.. but you do not "recruit" you tell people the information and they decide for themselves. Every company that markets from home uses the downline, it's like hiring employees for you business, for some reason it's ok for business to advertise their product/opportunity and to hire other people, but if the MOM team does it it's BAD. Honestly, Honesly, Honesly.. I have researched for 7 months before I decided to join.. they were the first people I found... and after 7 months, I found them again and decided after everything I have found, that this was one I could support. Please don't blame your failure on the company, when clearly- it was you. anyone can contact me at [email protected] if they want any more info or have anymore questions. I'm new and learning.. but I know legit when I see it.. and this is the real thing.


West Allis,
I have not encountered these accusations...

#19UPDATE Employee

Sat, July 28, 2007

I'm a new customer and never felt pressured! I've done plenty of research and saw nothing but good. I love their products, also. Both of my grandmothers are members. their point base never went up. It's your own fault if you stick uneccessary money in to it.


West Milford,
New Jersey,
Oh my gosh!

#20UPDATE Employee

Wed, November 22, 2006

Karen in IL - YOU ARE SO RIGHT!! And I, not only wasted more than a half hour reading, but another half hour typing up my thought out response... Ya know what - this site is based on OPINION We've all got one!


West Milford,
New Jersey,
This is a BUSINESS - not a JOB

#21UPDATE Employee

Wed, November 22, 2006

Hello, this is a BUSINESS - not a JOB - no one is handing out $100 bills and no one's paying you to sit on your behind and watch soap operas! If you want to be paid you need to WORK. (This is a generalization, not a direct hit to anyone who may become sensitive by my rebuttal. I'm a stay at home mom, a very PROUD Mom Teamer & customer of Melaleuca - who is a Melaleuca business builder - and this is not a "canned response" it is my own PERSONAL experience. I joined Melaleuca VERY SKEPTICAL because I had also been in Amway in the past (had a bad experience) and did think this sounded Amwayish to me. I bought a Value Pack with the notion in mind that I would get this stuff, try it and send the whole thing back, cancel my account and get my money back. I wasn't sucked in or lied to - I was talked to like a human being and given an option, not pressure. I tried the products & to my surprise LOVED them. The products are very high quality and penny for penny, less expensive than what I had been purchasing. I wanted to give Melaleuca a fair shot, so I took all of my former household cleaning products and put them in a box & in the garage - guess what - within 3 months both my kids were off the nebulizer & my son's nasal allergies cleared up... Not a coincidence! Because of that I decided to pursue the business side of Melaleuca to help other moms and earn a little extra money. Now I remind you this is a BUSINESS - If you're going to decide to open a business you should expect to have expenses. You wouldn't open a Hallmark store and then get annoyed that you need to pay for signs to advertise or cards to display in your store - why would you be angry that you have to pay for your own advertising for your Melaleuca business or for your monthly grocery order?? It's a cost of doing business. I was NEVER "taught to spam". I've been taught how to advertise my business - what good is a business or website if no one knows where to find it?? Emailing an individual who has requested information is not spam. People on the drip list are generally those who we've never been able to speak with directly & hadn't asked to be removed. AGAIN - they REQUESTED the information. Additionally, I will NOT enroll "any warm body" into my business, that remark is ridiculous! I was trained to be sensitive to people's financial situations. If someone NEEDS to shop at the dollar store, I'm not going to tell them they need to spend the money here - this is an ETHICAL company & group! The commission scale quoted is also a bit skewed, but something that should be READ IN THE BUSINESS KIT TO BE UNDERSTOOD. Everyone gets a business kit - Read it, if you don't understand - call your enroller or Melaleuca and ask them to explain it! On the MLM Issue - I do not stocking my shelves, collect orders, money & deliver products - which is typical MLM. I am also unable to "buy my status" (purchasing tons of products to get me to the next advancement level) I also don't have to chase my customers down every month for an order. In an MLM if you're not selling products every month, you're not earning a paycheck. Mentors DO have the benefit of being paid commission on the business of those they've enrolled, but it is at a lesser rate than the actual enroller, which is fair on both ends. It also eliminates the cut throat and gives the enroller incentive to help the individual succeed to the level they are seeking. Not everyone has a positive experiences all the time. Things happen - oh well... One (or many) person's negative experience / opinion does NOT make a company or it's representatives "scammers". And that goes for all of the companies listed within this site. Again, no one's hading out $100 bills - if you're looking to earn, than you need to do the work and you need to be educated. Everyone who enrolls gets a business kit from Melaleuca. Open it up, read it - this way if your enroller becomes unavailable you can help yourself. All the information is there, including the customer service number. YOU need to decide what your business budget is & keep track of your expenses just as with any other business. Be informed, ask questions, be comfortable with who you're working with & take advantage of that guarantee - try it out for yourself. If you aren't interested in doing your own ground work than the possibility does exist that you could become disappointed. There's also a chance that you could do really, really well like so many other representatives in this great organization! As an extra aside - I am not a high level marketing executive. I work a part time business around my family, and I do WORK when I WORK - and I receive fair compensation for my work done. I'm very satisfied that my groceries are paid for and I'm supplementing my income. I do hope to reach Senior Director some day - and when I do, Melaleuca will pay me $400 per month toward my car payment - which is what is promised. Not that they will buy me a car... If you are invited to an overview call, by all means - have a pen and paper handy. Everyone is asked to grab a pen and paper to take notes during the calls & encouraged to ask questions at the end of the call. It's great to get all the facts - not opinions! I hope this is helpful someone.


South Dakota,
Sandy from Genoa SD??

#22Consumer Comment

Sun, November 19, 2006

I live in SD and have NEVER even heard of a Genoa SD. Do these people make up places that people live in for their "canned" responses? There are cities named Genoa in neighboring states, but none in SD. Unless they are not listed on maps. I have also lived here my WHOLE life if that gives me any credibility as to what towns are here. I am 34 years old.


I can't believe...

#23Consumer Comment

Sat, October 28, 2006

I just wasted a half hour of my life reading this nonsense. I am now actually posting regarding this nonsense. That people on both sides have nothing else to do but repeatedly post and argue with each other about who's tea tree oil is better! And besides what has that got to do with the MOM Team or Melaleuca Inc.? That people can just say whatever they want about a company on this site even if it's not true. I guess it's all part of what makes America great. Free Enterprise and Free Speech. God Bless the United States of America. (let's see if they let me post that!)


The products aren't as safe as you think.

#24UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, February 03, 2006

I used to be a customer and "director" of Melaleuca. The products are safer than most of the products you might buy in a grocery store, but they aren't completely safe. They still use things like sodium laurel sulfate, parabens and aluminum. You can buy safe products for cleaning and personal care at health food stores, herb shops and several web sites and not have to buy a certain amount every month! It ends up costing way too much. I still have products I haven't used from 3 years ago. The hype is just too much. Sheesh.


Wow! makes you wonder doesn't it?

#25Consumer Comment

Tue, January 31, 2006

I suppose this is a good place for venting whether positively or negatively. Myself I have tried several home-businesses, mlms, internet... companies in an effort to have an additional income and then a better life in which I am able to help those around me. Working with one of these companies is not any different than trying to find the right company to work for in the traditional sense. Ex. If you are a waitress you may not want to send your resume to a law firm without getting the appropriate training and education. On top of that you should research the firm to be sure they practice law legally and the way you want to. Meaning if they are a prosecuting firm and you turn out to prefer defense law well... Unfortunately, many people believe a home-business is something anyone can do. It takes discipline to work from home. It takes strength to deal with new people every day. You have to have a passion for what you want to do in life or you will not succeed. Myself, I started with Melaleuca over 3 years ago simply for the products. I have tried many "natural non-toxic" products from several companies before and since I started my membership with Melaleuca. I can easily say my family and I are healther and happier having found Melaleuca and have gone back each time we have looked elsewhere. About a year ago I decided I would try making money as a Marketing Executive with Melaleuca. It was hard and scary at first like starting any new venture, but I had a passion for the products and the company. My checks were ridiculously small in the beginning. However, after almost a year my monthly checks have grown to approximately $1600+ monthly. It's nice to know this money comes in each month regardless if I work a regular # of hours, days or at all. I currently make more than the lady that introduced me to Melaleuca over 3 years ago! To me this means I earn based on my efforts and not those below me. hhhhmmmm....... makes you wonder doesn't it? Catherine Killeen, TX


Wow! makes you wonder doesn't it?

#26Consumer Comment

Tue, January 31, 2006

I suppose this is a good place for venting whether positively or negatively. Myself I have tried several home-businesses, mlms, internet... companies in an effort to have an additional income and then a better life in which I am able to help those around me. Working with one of these companies is not any different than trying to find the right company to work for in the traditional sense. Ex. If you are a waitress you may not want to send your resume to a law firm without getting the appropriate training and education. On top of that you should research the firm to be sure they practice law legally and the way you want to. Meaning if they are a prosecuting firm and you turn out to prefer defense law well... Unfortunately, many people believe a home-business is something anyone can do. It takes discipline to work from home. It takes strength to deal with new people every day. You have to have a passion for what you want to do in life or you will not succeed. Myself, I started with Melaleuca over 3 years ago simply for the products. I have tried many "natural non-toxic" products from several companies before and since I started my membership with Melaleuca. I can easily say my family and I are healther and happier having found Melaleuca and have gone back each time we have looked elsewhere. About a year ago I decided I would try making money as a Marketing Executive with Melaleuca. It was hard and scary at first like starting any new venture, but I had a passion for the products and the company. My checks were ridiculously small in the beginning. However, after almost a year my monthly checks have grown to approximately $1600+ monthly. It's nice to know this money comes in each month regardless if I work a regular # of hours, days or at all. I currently make more than the lady that introduced me to Melaleuca over 3 years ago! To me this means I earn based on my efforts and not those below me. hhhhmmmm....... makes you wonder doesn't it? Catherine Killeen, TX


Wow! makes you wonder doesn't it?

#27Consumer Comment

Tue, January 31, 2006

I suppose this is a good place for venting whether positively or negatively. Myself I have tried several home-businesses, mlms, internet... companies in an effort to have an additional income and then a better life in which I am able to help those around me. Working with one of these companies is not any different than trying to find the right company to work for in the traditional sense. Ex. If you are a waitress you may not want to send your resume to a law firm without getting the appropriate training and education. On top of that you should research the firm to be sure they practice law legally and the way you want to. Meaning if they are a prosecuting firm and you turn out to prefer defense law well... Unfortunately, many people believe a home-business is something anyone can do. It takes discipline to work from home. It takes strength to deal with new people every day. You have to have a passion for what you want to do in life or you will not succeed. Myself, I started with Melaleuca over 3 years ago simply for the products. I have tried many "natural non-toxic" products from several companies before and since I started my membership with Melaleuca. I can easily say my family and I are healther and happier having found Melaleuca and have gone back each time we have looked elsewhere. About a year ago I decided I would try making money as a Marketing Executive with Melaleuca. It was hard and scary at first like starting any new venture, but I had a passion for the products and the company. My checks were ridiculously small in the beginning. However, after almost a year my monthly checks have grown to approximately $1600+ monthly. It's nice to know this money comes in each month regardless if I work a regular # of hours, days or at all. I currently make more than the lady that introduced me to Melaleuca over 3 years ago! To me this means I earn based on my efforts and not those below me. hhhhmmmm....... makes you wonder doesn't it? Catherine Killeen, TX


Wow! makes you wonder doesn't it?

#28Consumer Comment

Tue, January 31, 2006

I suppose this is a good place for venting whether positively or negatively. Myself I have tried several home-businesses, mlms, internet... companies in an effort to have an additional income and then a better life in which I am able to help those around me. Working with one of these companies is not any different than trying to find the right company to work for in the traditional sense. Ex. If you are a waitress you may not want to send your resume to a law firm without getting the appropriate training and education. On top of that you should research the firm to be sure they practice law legally and the way you want to. Meaning if they are a prosecuting firm and you turn out to prefer defense law well... Unfortunately, many people believe a home-business is something anyone can do. It takes discipline to work from home. It takes strength to deal with new people every day. You have to have a passion for what you want to do in life or you will not succeed. Myself, I started with Melaleuca over 3 years ago simply for the products. I have tried many "natural non-toxic" products from several companies before and since I started my membership with Melaleuca. I can easily say my family and I are healther and happier having found Melaleuca and have gone back each time we have looked elsewhere. About a year ago I decided I would try making money as a Marketing Executive with Melaleuca. It was hard and scary at first like starting any new venture, but I had a passion for the products and the company. My checks were ridiculously small in the beginning. However, after almost a year my monthly checks have grown to approximately $1600+ monthly. It's nice to know this money comes in each month regardless if I work a regular # of hours, days or at all. I currently make more than the lady that introduced me to Melaleuca over 3 years ago! To me this means I earn based on my efforts and not those below me. hhhhmmmm....... makes you wonder doesn't it? Catherine Killeen, TX


Royal Oak,
How is my diligence Defamatory?

#29Consumer Comment

Fri, May 27, 2005

Brenda said: ___________ That is not even a properly structured sentence and makes no sense. Furthermore, nobody named Jonas has even posted in this thread. It doesn't matter if Jonas posted in this thread or not. You still owe an apology . Brenda said: ___________ MOST reps present the concept properly. A few have not. It is no different with other home based businesses. If the company would bother to police its affiliated organizations. Their would be no negitive posts being reported. Brenda said: ___________ Melaleuca has NO distributors. The products are not sold through distributors. Commissions are not paid on signups...they are paid on products purchased for personal consumption by customers in the marketing executive's customer base. more backwards talk. Brenda said: ___________ Melaleuca does not claim to sell "miracle" products. Melaleuca is the ONLY company I know of that publishes ACTUAL average earnings for the previous year I didn't say that they did. Just making a distintion of doing diligence articles. Brenda said: ___________ William, you continue to make such a fool of yourself. If Melaleuca was illegal, it would not still be in business, and would not have consistently grown every year for 20 years. It DOES NOT fit the description of an illegal pyramid. Weak statement. Their are lot of companies operating illegaly. It's just that they haven't been caught yet. Brenda said: ___________ Read my lips, William. There are NO PESTICIDES IN MELALEUCA PRODUCTS I didn't say that they did. Just making a distintion of doing diligence articles. Brenda said: ___________ What's your point, William? Melaleuca makes NONE of these claims. Did you forget which company you were trying to discredit this time ___________ I didn't say that they did. Just making a distintion of doing diligence articles. Brenda said: ___________ Give it up, William. You have spent a lot of time researching and COPYING from all over the internet. You have proven nothing except that you know how to copy and paste Look, Brenda I didn't say that they did. Just making a distintion of doing diligence articles. Brenda said: ___________ WILLIAM SAID============ And Brenda, Do you also post at scam.com under the same name? ======================== Why do you ask? Maybe I should. Well since you answered the question like a 12 year old kid answers questions. I take it that you post at scam.com under the name of brendakc case closed Brenda said: ___________ I DO NOT claim to be an employee, and ALL of my posts indicate that I am a customer oh well, you make yourself look more foolish. Brenda said: ___________ William, William, William....did you miss me? Where is it written in stone that I MUST reply to all your posts? And by the way, William, this was your first post in THIS thread Well since you answered the question like a 12 year old kid answers questions. Brenda said: ___________ "Defaming you? Defaming? ROFLOL Do you not have any clue how ridiculous your incessant attempts at defamation of Melaleuca all over the internet are?" How is my diligence Defamatory?


William Jaroske, Stop With The DEFAMATION Of Melaleuca!!

#30Consumer Comment

Wed, May 25, 2005

William Said======================== That was handled badly Brenda!! ==================================== You are wrong. It was handled with the TRUTH! William Said======================== That is incorrect. Weather you like it or not your still selling. If INDEPENDENT MARKETING EXECUTIVE refers another person to become a marketing executive, it is selling. ==================================== Any reasonable human being takes "selling products" to mean exchanging money for products. I have NEVER touched my customers' products. I have never touched their money. We do not sell the products. We refer new customers to the company. William Said======================== Again that is presenting false and misleading information ==================================== Wrong! William Said======================== People have many different buying habits some single buy $35 a month and some choose to buy more. You owe Jonas an apoligy. ==================================== That is not even a properly structured sentence and makes no sense. Furthermore, nobody named Jonas has even posted in this thread. William Said======================== Well if the reps would take time to walk people through the agreement this would never have happened. ==================================== MOST reps present the concept properly. A few have not. It is no different with other home based businesses. There are greedy reps in all, and there are reps in all home based businesses that attempt building their business without learning the comp plan first. Melaleuca marketing executives lose their account if guidelines are not followed. Bottom line, people need to take responsibility for their own actions. A smart person would read everything before signing, and ask any questions they have BEFORE giving any personal information. WILLIAM COPIED FROM THE CRIMES OF PURSUASION WEBSITE===== Multilevel marketing plans, also known as "network" or "matrix" marketing, are a way of selling goods or services through distributors. These plans typically promise that if you sign up as a distributor, you will receive commissions -- for both your sales of the plan's goods or services and those of other people you recruit to join the distributors. Multilevel marketing plans usually promise to pay commissions through two or more levels of recruits, known as the distributor's "downline ========================================================= Melaleuca has NO distributors. The products are not sold through distributors. Commissions are not paid on signups...they are paid on products purchased for personal consumption by customers in the marketing executive's customer base. WILLIAM COPIED FROM THE ECOMPAL.COM WEBSITE============== If a plan offers to pay commissions for recruiting new distributors, watch out! Most states outlaw this practice, which is known as "pyramiding." State laws against pyramiding say that a multilevel marketing plan should only pay commissions for retail sales of goods or services, not for recruiting new distributors. Why is pyramiding prohibited? Because plans that pay commissions for recruiting new distributors inevitably collapse when no new distributors can be recruited. And when a plan collapses, most people -- except perhaps those at the very top of the pyramid -- lose their money. Avoid any plan that includes commissions for recruiting additional distributors. It may be an illegal pyramid. ========================================================= So? Again...Melaleuca's compensation plan DOES NOT pay commissions for recruiting customers. Commissions are paid on purchases made by customers in the marketing executive's customer base. Melaleuca IS NOT an illegal pyramid. WILLIAM COPIED FROM THE ECOMPAL.COM WEBSITE============== Beware of plans that ask new distributors to purchase expensive inventory. These plans can collapse quickly -- and also may be thinly-disguised pyramids. ========================================================= Melaleuca DOES NOT ask marketing executives to purchase expensive inventory. Melaleuca asks that customers purchase what they will use for their own consumption. PERIOD. WILLIAM COPIED FROM THE ECOMPAL.COM WEBSITE============== Beware of plans that claim to sell miracle products or promise enormous earnings. Just because a promoter of a plan makes a claim doesn't mean it's true! Ask the promoter of the plan to substantiate claims with hard evidence. ========================================================= Melaleuca does not claim to sell "miracle" products. Melaleuca is the ONLY company I know of that publishes ACTUAL average earnings for the previous year. Each person's earnings depend on the time and effort that person is willing to spend building their own business. WILLIAM COPIED FROM THE WEBSUCCESSMAKER WEBSITE============== Don't pay or sign any contracts in an "opportunity meeting" or any other high-pressure situation. Insist on taking your time to think over a decision to join. Talk it over with your spouse, a knowledgeable friend, an accountant or lawyer. ============================================================= Exactly! If these people would take the time to READ WHAT THEY SIGN, there would be no misunderstandings. WILLIAM COPIED FROM AN EZINE ARTICLE BY HELEN PESHKOVA======= Do your homework! Check with your local Better Business Bureau and state Attorney General about any plan you're considering -- especially when the claims about the product or your potential earnings seem too good to be true. ============================================================= Good advice from Helen Peshkova. William Said======================== So basicly you are pyramiding and its illegal. ==================================== William, you continue to make such a fool of yourself. If Melaleuca was illegal, it would not still be in business, and would not have consistently grown every year for 20 years. It DOES NOT fit the description of an illegal pyramid. WILLIAM COPIED FROM THE FTC "ENVIRONMENTAL MARKETING CLAIMS" ARTICLE===== Since the claims would likely convey to consumers that the product does not pose any risk to humans or the environment, if the pesticide in fact poses a significant risk to humans or environment, the claims would be deceptive. ========================================================================= Read my lips, William. There are NO PESTICIDES IN MELALEUCA PRODUCTS! WILLIAM COPIED FROM THE FTC "ENVIRONMENTAL MARKETING CLAIMS" ARTICLE===== It is deceptive to misrepresent, directly or by implication, that a product or package is degradable, biodegradable or photodegradable. An unqualified claim that a product or package is degradable, biodegradable or photo-degradable should be substantiated by competent and reliable scientific evidence that the entire product or package will completely break down and return to nature, that is, decompose into elements found in nature within a reasonable short period of time after customary disposal. ========================================================================= Melaleuca's products are BACKED BY SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH. WILLIAM COPIED FROM THE FTC ARTICLE "WEIGHING THE EVIDENCE IN DIET ADS"======== When it comes to evaluating claims for weight loss products, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recommends a healthy portion of skepticism. Before you spend money on products that promise fast and easy results, weigh the claims carefully. Think twice before wasting your money on products that make any of these false claims: "Lose weight without diet or exercise!" Achieving a healthy weight takes work. Take a pass on any product that promises miraculous results without the effort. Buy one and the only thing you'll lose is money. Lose weight no matter how much you eat of your favorite foods! Beware of any product that claims that you can eat all you want of high-calorie foods and still lose weight. Losing weight requires sensible food choices. Filling up on healthy vegetables and fruits can make it easier to say no to fattening sweets and snacks. Lose weight permanently! Never diet again! Even if you're successful in taking the weight off, permanent weight loss requires permanent lifestyle changes. Don't trust any product that promises once-and-for-all results without ongoing maintenance. Block the absorption of fat, carbs, or calories! Doctors, dieticians, and other experts agree that there's simply no magic non-prescription pill that will allow you to block the absorption of fat, carbs, or calories. The key to curbing your craving for those downfall foods is portion control. Limit yourself to a smaller serving or a slimmer slice. Lose 30 pounds in 30 days! Losing weight at the rate of a pound or two a week is the most effective way to take it off and keep it off. At best, products promising lightning-fast weight loss are false. At worst, they can ruin your health. Everybody will lose weight! Your habits and health concerns are unique. There is simply no one-size-fits-all product guaranteed to work for everyone. Team up with your health care provider to design a personalized nutrition and exercise program suited to your lifestyle and metabolism. Lose weight with our miracle diet patch or cream! You've seen the ads for diet patches or creams that claim to melt away the pounds. Don't believe them. There's nothing you can wear or apply to your skin that will cause you to lose weight. ================================================================================= What's your point, William? Melaleuca makes NONE of these claims. Did you forget which company you were trying to discredit this time? WILLIAM COPIED FROM THE FTC "CONSUMER EDUCATION" ARTICLE=========== Too often consumers do not find consumer protection information until it's too late. Using "teaser" web sites, the FTC is trying to reach consumers before they make a purchase or invest their money. These "teaser" sites are Web pages, accessible by major search engines and indexing services, that mimic fraudulent sites. Internet shoppers looking for vacation deals, for example, may find an innocent-looking site that offers a money-saving, spectacular, luxury, dream vacation.(7) A lovely sunset emerges. Three clicks into the "come-on," the FTC seal appears. The site alerts consumers that they can get scammed, and gives tips on how to distinguish fraudulent pitches from legitimate ones. The site also links the consumer to the Commission's web site for additional information ==================================================================== What does this have to do with Melaleuca, William? WILLIAM COPIED FROM THE FTC "CONSUMER FRAUD ON THE INTERNET" ARTICLE===== Consumers and commercial marketers are not the only groups to see the value and power of the Internet. Con artists also are online, hoping to take advantage of low startup costs; the possibility of "real-time" immediate payments; a nearly infinite number of places to "hide" from law enforcement; unparalleled ability to mimic legitimate business; and instant access to a global customer base. Today's fraud peddlers can confuse consumers more easily through web sites that are as sophisticated and appealing as those of many legitimate businesses. ========================================================================== The FTC is correct, but what does this have to do with Melaleuca, William? WILLIAM COPIED FROM THE FTC "WORK-AT-HOME SCHEMES" ARTICLE===== If you have spent money and time on a work-at-home program and now believe the program may not be legitimate, contact the company and ask for a refund. Let company representatives know that you plan to notify officials about your experience. If you can't resolve the dispute with the company, file a complaint with these organizations: The Federal Trade Commission works for the consumer to prevent fraud and deception. Call 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357) or log on to www.ftc.gov. The Attorney General's office in your state or the state where the company is located. The office will be able to tell you whether you're protected by any state law that may regulate work-at-home programs. Your local consumer protection offices. Your local Better Business Bureau. Your local postmaster. The U.S. Postal Service investigates fraudulent mail practices. The advertising manager of the publication that ran the ad. The manager may be interested to learn about the problems you've had with the company. =============================================================== Good advice from the FTC. However, Melaleuca IS a LEGITIMATE BUSINESS. Give it up, William. You have spent a lot of time researching and COPYING from all over the internet. You have proven nothing except that you know how to copy and paste. Copying bits and pieces of information from different websites and mixing it up does not make it your statements. Put quotes around what you quote. WILLIAM SAID============ And Brenda, Do you also post at scam.com under the same name? ======================== Why do you ask? Maybe I should. WILLIAM SAID============ Why are you misrepresenting the company claiming to be an employee when your not? ======================== I DO NOT claim to be an employee, and ALL of my posts indicate that I am a customer. I have no clue why ONE post shows up that way. These posts are not immediately submitted when posting, but are later screened and submitted by a ripoffreport rep. I suppose someone made a mistake. I have posted here dozens of times, and ALL others show up as "consumer comment". The FIRST thing I do when posting is check "consumer comment". Ask ripoffreport why that one shows up wrong. WILLIAM SAID============= why are you not answering my questions from my last post? ========================= William, William, William....did you miss me? Where is it written in stone that I MUST reply to all your posts? And by the way, William, this was your first post in THIS thread. WILLIAM SAID============= Why are you defaming me with your incorrect assumptions? ========================= Defaming you? Defaming? ROFLOL Do you not have any clue how ridiculous your incessant attempts at defamation of Melaleuca all over the internet are? Definition of defamation: "communication to third parties of false statements about a person that injure the reputation of or deter others from associating with that person" William...you consistently do it to yourself by making DEFAMATORY CLAIMS ABOUT MELALEUCA and other legitimate companies! I have made no incorrect assumptions. I have posted FACTS about a company I have been involved with for several years...one that you have NEVER been involved with, but have included in your collection of companies you love to try to discredit. I responded to your post. Happy now? Get a life, William.


Royal Oak,
again that was handled badly - Melaleuca Marketing Executives are INDEPENDENT

#31Consumer Comment

Tue, May 24, 2005

That was handled badly Brenda!! ' You said "You are such an idiot. Like I said before, Melaleuca Marketing Executives are INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS building their OWN business with Melaleuca. Melaleuca DOES NOT HIRE ANYONE TO SELL PRODUCTS. You obviously have no clue how home businesses are run. Again...I am not being argumentative. If anyone is, it is you." you would know that the INDEPENDENT MARKETING EXECUTIVES do not sell the products either. They refer customers to the company. You know absolutely nothing about the business model. That is incorrect. Weather you like it or not your still selling. If INDEPENDENT MARKETING EXECUTIVE refers another person to become a marketing executive, it is selling. "Melaleuca Does NOT Force Anyone To Consume Mass Quantities of Product! Customers AGREE To Purchase A Certain Minimum By Signing A Customer Agreement!" Again that is presenting false and misleading information "And it will most likely never end, because there will always be people who sign agreements without reading what they are signing, and there will always be people who refuse to take responsibility for their own actions." People have many different buying habits some single buy $35 a month and some choose to buy more. You owe Jonas an apoligy. Well if the reps would take time to walk people through the agreement this would never have happened. "The FTC does not protect people from their own inability to say no. The FTC does not protect people from their own stupidity in signing an agreement without first reading it. The FTC does not protect people from their own laziness or inability to enroll customers, and expectations that someone in their support group will build their business for them" Brenda, Multilevel marketing plans, also known as "network" or "matrix" marketing, are a way of selling goods or services through distributors. These plans typically promise that if you sign up as a distributor, you will receive commissions -- for both your sales of the plan's goods or services and those of other people you recruit to join the distributors. Multilevel marketing plans usually promise to pay commissions through two or more levels of recruits, known as the distributor's "downline If a plan offers to pay commissions for recruiting new distributors, watch out! Most states outlaw this practice, which is known as "pyramiding." State laws against pyramiding say that a multilevel marketing plan should only pay commissions for retail sales of goods or services, not for recruiting new distributors. Why is pyramiding prohibited? Because plans that pay commissions for recruiting new distributors inevitably collapse when no new distributors can be recruited. And when a plan collapses, most people -- except perhaps those at the very top of the pyramid -- lose their money. Avoid any plan that includes commissions for recruiting additional distributors. It may be an illegal pyramid. Beware of plans that ask new distributors to purchase expensive inventory. These plans can collapse quickly -- and also may be thinly-disguised pyramids. Be cautious of plans that claim you will make money through continued growth of your "downline" -- the commissions on sales made by new distributors you recruit -- rather than through sales of products you make yourself. Beware of plans that claim to sell miracle products or promise enormous earnings. Just because a promoter of a plan makes a claim doesn't mean it's true! Ask the promoter of the plan to substantiate claims with hard evidence. Beware of shills -- "decoy" references paid by a plan's promoter to describe their fictional success in earning money through the plan. Don't pay or sign any contracts in an "opportunity meeting" or any other high-pressure situation. Insist on taking your time to think over a decision to join. Talk it over with your spouse, a knowledgeable friend, an accountant or lawyer. Do your homework! Check with your local Better Business Bureau and state Attorney General about any plan you're considering -- especially when the claims about the product or your potential earnings seem too good to be true. So basicly you are pyramiding and its illegal. Lets explain further about misleading promotion and advertising. Institutional consumers also care about buying "green." Indeed, the President of the United States recently issued Executive Orders encouraging federal procurement officers to purchase recycled and environmentally preferable products. But what do green claims really mean? And when are they considered misleading? National guidelines issued by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), with the cooperation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), are available to help companies make sure their green claims don't run afoul of the law. The FTC Act prohibits deceptive acts or practices, including deceptive representations in advertising, labeling, product inserts, catalogs, and sales presentations What are the FTC Guides? The FTC's Guides for the Use of Environmental Marketing Claims explain how the FTC Act is enforced when it comes to environmental claims. An example of a deceptive claim from the Guides A lawn care product is advertised as "essentially non-toxic" and "practically non-toxic." Consumers would likely interpret these claims in the context of such a product as applying not only to human health effects but also to the product's environmental effects. Since the claims would likely convey to consumers that the product does not pose any risk to humans or the environment, if the pesticide in fact poses a significant risk to humans or environment, the claims would be deceptive. It is deceptive to misrepresent, directly or by implication, that a product or package is degradable, biodegradable or photodegradable. An unqualified claim that a product or package is degradable, biodegradable or photo-degradable should be substantiated by competent and reliable scientific evidence that the entire product or package will completely break down and return to nature, that is, decompose into elements found in nature within a reasonable short period of time after customary disposal. When it comes to evaluating claims for weight loss products, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recommends a healthy portion of skepticism. Before you spend money on products that promise fast and easy results, weigh the claims carefully. Think twice before wasting your money on products that make any of these false claims: "Lose weight without diet or exercise!" Achieving a healthy weight takes work. Take a pass on any product that promises miraculous results without the effort. Buy one and the only thing you'll lose is money. Lose weight no matter how much you eat of your favorite foods! Beware of any product that claims that you can eat all you want of high-calorie foods and still lose weight. Losing weight requires sensible food choices. Filling up on healthy vegetables and fruits can make it easier to say no to fattening sweets and snacks. Lose weight permanently! Never diet again! Even if you're successful in taking the weight off, permanent weight loss requires permanent lifestyle changes. Don't trust any product that promises once-and-for-all results without ongoing maintenance. Block the absorption of fat, carbs, or calories! Doctors, dieticians, and other experts agree that there's simply no magic non-prescription pill that will allow you to block the absorption of fat, carbs, or calories. The key to curbing your craving for those downfall foods is portion control. Limit yourself to a smaller serving or a slimmer slice. Lose 30 pounds in 30 days! Losing weight at the rate of a pound or two a week is the most effective way to take it off and keep it off. At best, products promising lightning-fast weight loss are false. At worst, they can ruin your health. Everybody will lose weight! Your habits and health concerns are unique. There is simply no one-size-fits-all product guaranteed to work for everyone. Team up with your health care provider to design a personalized nutrition and exercise program suited to your lifestyle and metabolism. Lose weight with our miracle diet patch or cream! You've seen the ads for diet patches or creams that claim to melt away the pounds. Don't believe them. There's nothing you can wear or apply to your skin that will cause you to lose weight. Too often consumers do not find consumer protection information until it's too late. Using "teaser" web sites, the FTC is trying to reach consumers before they make a purchase or invest their money. These "teaser" sites are Web pages, accessible by major search engines and indexing services, that mimic fraudulent sites. Internet shoppers looking for vacation deals, for example, may find an innocent-looking site that offers a money-saving, spectacular, luxury, dream vacation.(7) A lovely sunset emerges. Three clicks into the "come-on," the FTC seal appears. The site alerts consumers that they can get scammed, and gives tips on how to distinguish fraudulent pitches from legitimate ones. The site also links the consumer to the Commission's web site for additional information Consumers and commercial marketers are not the only groups to see the value and power of the Internet. Con artists also are online, hoping to take advantage of low startup costs; the possibility of "real-time" immediate payments; a nearly infinite number of places to "hide" from law enforcement; unparalleled ability to mimic legitimate business; and instant access to a global customer base. Today's fraud peddlers can confuse consumers more easily through web sites that are as sophisticated and appealing as those of many legitimate businesses. If you have spent money and time on a work-at-home program and now believe the program may not be legitimate, contact the company and ask for a refund. Let company representatives know that you plan to notify officials about your experience. If you can't resolve the dispute with the company, file a complaint with these organizations: The Federal Trade Commission works for the consumer to prevent fraud and deception. Call 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357) or log on to www.ftc.gov. The Attorney General's office in your state or the state where the company is located. The office will be able to tell you whether you're protected by any state law that may regulate work-at-home programs. Your local consumer protection offices. Your local Better Business Bureau. Your local postmaster. The U.S. Postal Service investigates fraudulent mail practices. The advertising manager of the publication that ran the ad. The manager may be interested to learn about the problems you've had with the company. And Brenda, Do you also post at scam.com under the same name? Why are you misrepresenting the company claiming to be an employee when your not? why are you not answering my questions from my last post? Why are you defaming me with your incorrect assumptions?


Earning Potential Is UNLIMITED With Melaleuca! YOU ARE WRONG! Get your facts straight before posting anything about any company!

#32UPDATE Employee

Sat, May 21, 2005

Victoria Said========================= Melalueca uses a matrix, where there is 4x5=20 people is the maximum you can have in your organization. Pros odf this are there is possible spill over and long residual income. The cons are: Earning Potentials are limited. ====================================== Victoria, YOU ARE WRONG! Get your facts straight before posting anything about any company! To begin with, a 4x5 matrix can hold as many as 780 people. But Melaleuca is NOT a 4x5. It is 5x7 matrix, which can hold as many as 97,655!! In addition to that, there is the opportunity to earn additional front line positions. Each new frontline position creates another possible 15,625. Furthermore, EARNING POTENTIAL WITH MELALEUCA IS UNLIMITED. Victoria Said========================= I do believe Tea Tree oil is great in the products, house hold products are great, but the mela vitamins are something to be desired, rating is very low in Lyle Macwilliams ccomparitive guide to Nutritional Supplements...and so I would say stick with the Household products with Melalueca, if you want a High Quality Supplement, Try Usana. ====================================== Wrong again! Lyle MacWilliam's comparative guide skews the data in favor of Usana. The Comparative Guide was not peer-reviewed or edited by a credible scientific researcher, which is the normal practice for this type of publication. When MacWilliam outlines his standard for comparing the quality of various nutritional supplements, he obviously steps beyond his area of expertise. Despite MacWilliam's assertions to the contrary, none of the recommendations are based in science. All of his sources are biased. And it quickly becomes clear that the Comparative Guide is a cleverly disguised marketing brochure for one product, USANA Essentials. An intelligent reader will have little difficulty spotting the problems in The Comparative Guide. None of the "experts" he refers to appear to be recognized as "nutrition experts" by the American Medical Association, the National Academy of Science, or the American Dietetic Association. And none of them are "unbiased" as Mr. MacWilliam would have readers of The Comparative Guide believe. And, interestingly, these four "experts" disagree drastically on which nutrients (and what amounts) belong in a multi-vitamin supplement. MacWilliam begins by attacking the quality control processes of supplement producers. After briefly describing how difficult and expensive it is to follow quality standards, he claims, "few companies adopt these costly and stringent criteria." Of course, he offers no proof to back up this wild accusation. In reality, many, if not most, manufacturers of vitamin supplements in the U.S. and Canada do their best to comply with Good Manufacturing Processes (GMPs) McWilliams's charts are impressive at first glance, but a closer look will show that he skews the data. Both the blend standard and the USANA standard are based on U.S. formulas. Yet, he uses the Melaleuca's CANADIAN formula in the comparison. Because Health Canada places additional restrictions on multi-vitamin formulas, the Canadian formula's nutrient quantities and nutritive values are different from the formulas sold elsewhere. Using this formula skews the data much lower and makes an inaccurate comparison. Comparing Melaleuca's Canadian formula with an American formula of USANA's vitamins is like comparing apples to oranges. The Comparative Guide is clearly biased to give USANA's vitamin products the highest scores, despite the fact that USANA's product DOES NOT always provide the proven therapeutic dose OR the most bioavailable nutrients. MacWilliam has a financial interest in promoting USANA products, even though many USANA distributors claim he has no association with the company other than as a satisfied customer. MacWilliam is a USANA customer, NOT AN UNBIASED SCIENTIST, and has participated in online chat rooms PROMOTING USANA PRODUCTS. He also participates as a featured speaker at USANA meetings.


Red Wing,
Some Research Facts, discovered.

#33Consumer Suggestion

Sat, May 21, 2005

I have had the opportunity to attend a mela seminar. Which a freind of mine joined. Well, I did not like the required member fee to just try a few produts that I wanted to try, and was told that I had to become a member to try any, so I did not trey any. Although I did ask my freind if I could purchase through her, and she said I could, but I decided not to do this either..anyways this was about 3 yrs ago, and in the meantime I was surfing the Forbes websight, when I ran across a copany specializing in nutrition, I found it to be a network marketing company, and it was #16 on the 200 best small companies list, I found this very impressive to make it on the Forbes list, so I researched further and found out a lot more about network marketing, products, pay plans and requirements for different companies to join or become customers. The company I decided to go with was NOT Melalueca, but another company That I wont metion but getting to what I wanted to say is That I called my freind that was with Melaleuca after this to see if she still was , and maybe if not she would come with me in to my company, it takes a certain person who wants to do networkmarketing and/ or likes the high quality products that come with these different companies. Well , she is still a rep with Mela, and makes about 200 dollars a month, after about 3 years. I hope I make more than that , but I came in knowing it is not a get rich quick scheme. I came in only after much research and trying product. I do believe Tea Tree oil is great in the products, house hold products are great, but the mela vitamins are something to be desired, rating is very low in Lyle Macwilliams ccomparitive guide to Nutritional Supplements...and so I would say stick with the Household products with Melalueca, if you want a High Quality Supplement, Try Usana. They are one of the best if Not the best nutritional you can find,(you get what you pay for) and also rated #1 among many other achievements. We compared various requirements with each other s companies and found , that you do have to pay a fee to order from Melalueca still, with mine you don't, it's free to be a preferred customer and actually get 10 % off products doing so on an auto ship of every 4 or 8 weeks, can also suspend and get back on again with no fee. and there is no min. order either. Now for the payout compensation, Melalueca uses a matrix, where there is 4x5=20 people is the maximum you can have in your organization. Pros odf this are there is possible spill over and long residual income. The cons are: Earning Potentials are limited. The best I found of compensation plans is the Binary, which is rated #1 among distributers by a landslide. Binary pros are: Team support, Lucrative and unlimited earning potential. And Big time spillover from upline. Cons are: Must balance legs to maximise your earning. But people who come to know the Binary love it. I hope this helps any misunderstanding if you get involved with any MLM(Network marketing company)... So every company... myself I would not join Melalueca because of the reasons I have mentioned above , although I do believe they have some wonderful products with the tea tree oil, that is.but the compensation and Team support ids what I like with the companies that use Binary compensation..and of course do your research on the products as well, they should sell theirself.


New York,
Disagree it isn't mlm and it is nothing like amway.

#34UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, May 20, 2005

I was on the mom team and it isn't mlm and it is nothing like amway. Yes in order to have a successful business you must have a downline other wise how are you going to make money? Also we don't beg people to join if they aren't interested we ask them if we can put them on our mailing list to keep them updated. So it isn't spamming!!! I never made fun of people who couldn't afford the $29 so I disagree there also. Yeah there are people who can't afford it but then you have to think that if they can't afford the $29 then you really don't want to make them fall deeper into debt. The Mom Team and Melaleuca are not about putting you in debt in fact they want to help you. I don't know why you have to be so negative about them because The Mom Team and Melaleuca are great! You should have worked with them and then you would have seen how great it was. Yes I agree about the commission schedule it is crappy and yes it does take alot of people to reach a certain amount and it does take time. But in order to have any business it all takes time.


Kris Makes Defamatory Statements Against Melaleuca

#35Consumer Comment

Thu, May 19, 2005

Kris Said======================== It was 1976. I don't care if you scanned their website or not. I spoke to the sole Canadian Distributor for TP on the phone today. ================================= I really don't care when it was started. You said I was wrong about the year I stated. The info came right off their site. And what you said was also found on their site. Bottom line...they need to keep their story straight on the site and there would be no confusion. I am not here to discredit them in any way. You are the one that brought the company up in an attempt to discredit Melaleuca. Kris Said======================== Yeah, and they were the first to lease property there, and chose to lease the area where the growing conditions were the most ideal. They knew where it was because the most potent trees were already growing there. Ergo, they have/had priority choice of the purest trees. Please don't make me draw a picture. You're becoming very argumentative, and that usually breeds argument for arguments sake. I'm really not interested in going there. ================================= Never said they didn't. But this does NOT mean that Melaleuca's isn't. You are the one that is being argumentative about a company you know nothing about. You come here to discredit a very creditable company for no other reason than to argue. You have never been a customer of the company, and have had no dealings with the company. Kris Said======================== The actual plantation name is proprietary information. That's convenient. ================================= Why should they release it? It is not released because of competition. Yeah, yeah...I know. Thursday lists theirs. Well...there was NO competition when they got started. Proprietary information is just that...PROPRIETARY. Kris Said======================== Hmmm...Melaleuca's average growth per year is more than Thursday plans to hit this year after 30+ years. Interesting. And? Have you considered that some companies try to focus on quality instead of quantity? Just because Wal-Mart is one of the biggest chains in North America doesn't make them the best. ================================= Melaleuca does focus on QUALITY! You know NOTHING about their standards or the THOUSANDS of quality control tests (I forgot the exact number) done EACH MONTH to insure the HIGHEST QUALITY. Kris Said======================== By Gaylene's own admission she is busy running a Melaleuca business. Therefore she has been HIRED by Melaleuca to RUN an extension of their companies BUSINESS. Sheesh, read between the lines will ya? Or are you going to try and convince me that Gaylene is running a Melaleuca business without the consent, or support of Melaleuca? She runs their business, she sells their product, she has been HIRED as an EMPLOYEE by Melaleuca to perform the JOB of selling their product. Again, you're becoming argumentative. It's getting tiring. If you want to debate with me, then fine. But focus on rational arguments instead of blindly grasping at straws looking for any possible access to get your voice heard. ================================== You are such an idiot. Like I said before, Melaleuca Marketing Executives are INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS building their OWN business with Melaleuca. Melaleuca DOES NOT HIRE ANYONE TO SELL PRODUCTS. You obviously have no clue how home businesses are run. Again...I am not being argumentative. If anyone is, it is you. Melaleuca HAS NEVER and NEVER WILL HIRE EMPLOYEES TO SELL THEIR PRODUCTS. And if you knew ANYTHING AT ALL about the company, you would know that the INDEPENDENT MARKETING EXECUTIVES do not sell the products either. They refer customers to the company. You know absolutely nothing about the business model. Are Herbalife distributors employees of Herbalife? No! Are Shaklee distributors employees of Shaklee? No! Are the distributors for other home businesses employees of the company they represent? No! Neither are Melaleuca INDEPENDENT Marketing Executives. Kris Said========================== Congrats. You caught a typo. I guess that makes you right because my proof reader was on vacation? If this is the basis for your argument then we're going to be done debating pretty soon. =================================== A typo looks something like this: MINAMUM for MINIMUM. Using a word of the opposite meaning (MAXIMUM) is not a typo...it is a HUGE mistake, and would be VERY CONFUSING to anyone who read it that did not know the standards and WHY the standards were set. My purpose was STATING THE TRUTH. Kris Said========================== Thanks for restating what I said. Hooray for redundancy. =================================== No...I did NOT restate what you said. You gave DEFINITIONS of the two. I stated WHY there should be no more than 15% cineole, and WHY there should be at least 30% terpinen-4-ol. Anyone who did not know the properties of the compounds would not know that from reading your definitions. Kris Said========================== Says you. =================================== No! Says Melaleuca! And I will post it again. Again...the ingredients used, and the amount of each that is used, is the result of research showing that this particular formula, combined with their patented plant-based enzyme blends help with digestion and increase absorption of each protein source. Kris Said========================== Brenda has been caught in a lie: Scientists huh? According to this Melaleuca support forum, the Melaleuca product Support team admits that the study in question was actually done by a STUDENT at Ohio State, and held no scientific basis. This is the major study, and ONLY study (that I can find) in support of Fructose compounding claims, and your own people admit that it was bogus. In fact, they are apparently trying to downplay, and disassociate themselves from it. I took you up on your offer, and called your 800 number. I asked them the same question that this fellow on the Melaleuca support forum asked, and guess what? I got the same answer. The operator wanted to make it perfectly clear to me that they did not support that study, and it was not scientifically valid. She did however make sure that I had all the info I needed to look at the patent info validating Fructose Compounding. I'll talk about that in a bit. Kris Said========================== You are the d**n liar. I DID NOT say the Cobb study was done by Melaleuca. I said Melaleuca's research was NOT done by Dr. Cobb. I know about the Ohio University study, and I also know that Ohio University wanted Melaleuca to fund research in order for the results of the study to be released. Melaleuca declined. I never said that the study was not done. It is irrevelant, and has nothing to do with the research done in formulating the products, or the years and years of scientific research done that the products are backed by. The study done by Ohio University claimed that Melaleuca came out on top, with Shaklee in second place. If Melaleuca was so dishonest, they could have publicized the info, but does not. Melaleuca, Inc. told you that they do not support that study, so what is your issue? It had NOTHING to do with Melaleuca's research. Kris Said========================== No, we aren't. Read my original post. I was talking about the multivitamin line. Kris Said========================== Same technology. Kris Said========================== Again, you are reading from some kind of pamphlet, or internet site. Do some research on something OTHER than a site/book/pamphlet supported by Melaleuca. (And even then, don't try to pass this stuff off as your own intellectual property.) I'm sure you will find that no amount of fiber will counter the constipation associated with some forms of iron. In fact, adding fiber can make the constipation worse in some cases. In fact, skip the research. Take some iron fumarate, get constipated, and then take 8 grams of fiber. I'll leave it up to you as to whether you choose soluble or insoluble fiber. Get back to me with what happens. I suggest you have lots of water, and a strong laxative handy. =================================== You are such an expert...why don't you reformulate Melaleuca's products. I've done the research on every ingredient in their products. Again...the products are backed by scientific research. The technology used in formulating a product makes a difference in how they are formulated by others. Otherwise all company's formulations would be the same. Geez........ Kris Said========================== Again, my typo. I wrote that reply at 3:00AM, and I was tired. Please accept my apologies, and accept the proper numbers in my calculations, again using your stats: =================================== It's not a "typo" when you take a figure and then multiply it by 50% to reduce the figure. Again...you change the figures. By the way...ALL my posts are done in the wee hours of the morning. Kris Said========================== You and Melaleuca come up with one source that claims something that flies in the face of years and years, and countless studies to the contrary. I'll stick to the tested and retested studies. =================================== Melaleuca's formulations are backed by years and years of scientific research. Their products are based on what has been found throughout history, AND the benefits of the technology discovered by their own scientists. Kris Said========================== I wonder. Did you know that these Doctors that you're relying on as proof that your product is good is the third leading cause of death in the US? The Journal of the American Medical Association published a study finding that DOCTORS were responsible for more than 250,000 deaths in 2002. The third highest in your country. For interests sake, more than 106,000 of those deaths were attributed to PROPER diagnoses, and treatments. So pardon me if I don't put much stock in Doctors recommending your product. Again, I'll stick to the years of science that flies in the face of your claims. =================================== I know all about the fact that doctors, pharmacists, hospitals, etc. are responsible for a large percentage of deaths each year in the U.S., but that has nothing to do with the fact that so many believe in Melaleuca products. Did you also know that NONE of those deaths were a result of using Melaleuca products? It is irrelevant. Those percentages are a result of misdiagnosing illness, dispensing the wrong medication, or in giving the wrong medication in hospitals, etc. It does not mean that all doctors are wrong. Kris Said========================== Did you know that these Doctors that you're relying on as proof that your product is good is the third leading cause of death in the US? =================================== No...THESE doctors are not. Show me ONE doctor that is a Melaleuca customer that has caused a death. You don't even know WHICH doctors recommend Melaleuca's products. Ok..I assume you meant doctors in general, and if that is the case, I guess you say no doctor can be trusted. Quoting those facts are irrelevant. The doctors that use Melaleuca products and recommend them have seen first hand the benefits. Kris Said========================== Oh, and before I forget. Your patent that seems to be the sole proof of your fructose compounding is hardly conclusive. The patent was granted based on the apparent preliminary creation of a few forms of substitute fructose compounds'. None of these forms were scientifically tested, or even third party tested before the granting of this patent. It's hardly scientific proof that your method works considering that it was all performed by the inventor of the method. =================================== Tell that to Melaleuca. Be sure to give your name when you do. You have made quite a few defamatory statements. Kris Said========================== I am in the process of contacting my University directly, as well as Ohio State University. =================================== Go right ahead. I don't think Ohio University will say that Melaleuca claims their study as the research behind their products. It was merely a study done at the university of over 300 supplements AFTER the supplements were formulated. And what does your university have to do with anything? Kris Said=========================== The burden of proof is on you. Amaze me and prove your claims with something other than an old patent, and anecdotal evidence. ==================================== I do not have access to Melaleuca's proprietary formulas, and you won't get it either. I'm sure that many would love to have it. I doubt that you could get access to other company's proprietary formulas or technology. While you are at it, why not try getting Herbalife's or Shaklee's? I really don't have the time to continue this discussion. The company's credentials are good enough. The thousands and thousands of people whose health has improved as a result of using the products by far overshawdows one little person who is trying to discredit the company. Just as Frank Vandersloot teaches...the truth is good enough. Melaleuca is a 20-year-old company that has grown every year, and will continue to grow and enhance the lives in spite of you, Kris. So knock your lights out trying to discredit them.


Kris Makes Defamatory Statements Against Melaleuca

#36Consumer Comment

Thu, May 19, 2005

Kris Said======================== It was 1976. I don't care if you scanned their website or not. I spoke to the sole Canadian Distributor for TP on the phone today. ================================= I really don't care when it was started. You said I was wrong about the year I stated. The info came right off their site. And what you said was also found on their site. Bottom line...they need to keep their story straight on the site and there would be no confusion. I am not here to discredit them in any way. You are the one that brought the company up in an attempt to discredit Melaleuca. Kris Said======================== Yeah, and they were the first to lease property there, and chose to lease the area where the growing conditions were the most ideal. They knew where it was because the most potent trees were already growing there. Ergo, they have/had priority choice of the purest trees. Please don't make me draw a picture. You're becoming very argumentative, and that usually breeds argument for arguments sake. I'm really not interested in going there. ================================= Never said they didn't. But this does NOT mean that Melaleuca's isn't. You are the one that is being argumentative about a company you know nothing about. You come here to discredit a very creditable company for no other reason than to argue. You have never been a customer of the company, and have had no dealings with the company. Kris Said======================== The actual plantation name is proprietary information. That's convenient. ================================= Why should they release it? It is not released because of competition. Yeah, yeah...I know. Thursday lists theirs. Well...there was NO competition when they got started. Proprietary information is just that...PROPRIETARY. Kris Said======================== Hmmm...Melaleuca's average growth per year is more than Thursday plans to hit this year after 30+ years. Interesting. And? Have you considered that some companies try to focus on quality instead of quantity? Just because Wal-Mart is one of the biggest chains in North America doesn't make them the best. ================================= Melaleuca does focus on QUALITY! You know NOTHING about their standards or the THOUSANDS of quality control tests (I forgot the exact number) done EACH MONTH to insure the HIGHEST QUALITY. Kris Said======================== By Gaylene's own admission she is busy running a Melaleuca business. Therefore she has been HIRED by Melaleuca to RUN an extension of their companies BUSINESS. Sheesh, read between the lines will ya? Or are you going to try and convince me that Gaylene is running a Melaleuca business without the consent, or support of Melaleuca? She runs their business, she sells their product, she has been HIRED as an EMPLOYEE by Melaleuca to perform the JOB of selling their product. Again, you're becoming argumentative. It's getting tiring. If you want to debate with me, then fine. But focus on rational arguments instead of blindly grasping at straws looking for any possible access to get your voice heard. ================================== You are such an idiot. Like I said before, Melaleuca Marketing Executives are INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS building their OWN business with Melaleuca. Melaleuca DOES NOT HIRE ANYONE TO SELL PRODUCTS. You obviously have no clue how home businesses are run. Again...I am not being argumentative. If anyone is, it is you. Melaleuca HAS NEVER and NEVER WILL HIRE EMPLOYEES TO SELL THEIR PRODUCTS. And if you knew ANYTHING AT ALL about the company, you would know that the INDEPENDENT MARKETING EXECUTIVES do not sell the products either. They refer customers to the company. You know absolutely nothing about the business model. Are Herbalife distributors employees of Herbalife? No! Are Shaklee distributors employees of Shaklee? No! Are the distributors for other home businesses employees of the company they represent? No! Neither are Melaleuca INDEPENDENT Marketing Executives. Kris Said========================== Congrats. You caught a typo. I guess that makes you right because my proof reader was on vacation? If this is the basis for your argument then we're going to be done debating pretty soon. =================================== A typo looks something like this: MINAMUM for MINIMUM. Using a word of the opposite meaning (MAXIMUM) is not a typo...it is a HUGE mistake, and would be VERY CONFUSING to anyone who read it that did not know the standards and WHY the standards were set. My purpose was STATING THE TRUTH. Kris Said========================== Thanks for restating what I said. Hooray for redundancy. =================================== No...I did NOT restate what you said. You gave DEFINITIONS of the two. I stated WHY there should be no more than 15% cineole, and WHY there should be at least 30% terpinen-4-ol. Anyone who did not know the properties of the compounds would not know that from reading your definitions. Kris Said========================== Says you. =================================== No! Says Melaleuca! And I will post it again. Again...the ingredients used, and the amount of each that is used, is the result of research showing that this particular formula, combined with their patented plant-based enzyme blends help with digestion and increase absorption of each protein source. Kris Said========================== Brenda has been caught in a lie: Scientists huh? According to this Melaleuca support forum, the Melaleuca product Support team admits that the study in question was actually done by a STUDENT at Ohio State, and held no scientific basis. This is the major study, and ONLY study (that I can find) in support of Fructose compounding claims, and your own people admit that it was bogus. In fact, they are apparently trying to downplay, and disassociate themselves from it. I took you up on your offer, and called your 800 number. I asked them the same question that this fellow on the Melaleuca support forum asked, and guess what? I got the same answer. The operator wanted to make it perfectly clear to me that they did not support that study, and it was not scientifically valid. She did however make sure that I had all the info I needed to look at the patent info validating Fructose Compounding. I'll talk about that in a bit. Kris Said========================== You are the d**n liar. I DID NOT say the Cobb study was done by Melaleuca. I said Melaleuca's research was NOT done by Dr. Cobb. I know about the Ohio University study, and I also know that Ohio University wanted Melaleuca to fund research in order for the results of the study to be released. Melaleuca declined. I never said that the study was not done. It is irrevelant, and has nothing to do with the research done in formulating the products, or the years and years of scientific research done that the products are backed by. The study done by Ohio University claimed that Melaleuca came out on top, with Shaklee in second place. If Melaleuca was so dishonest, they could have publicized the info, but does not. Melaleuca, Inc. told you that they do not support that study, so what is your issue? It had NOTHING to do with Melaleuca's research. Kris Said========================== No, we aren't. Read my original post. I was talking about the multivitamin line. Kris Said========================== Same technology. Kris Said========================== Again, you are reading from some kind of pamphlet, or internet site. Do some research on something OTHER than a site/book/pamphlet supported by Melaleuca. (And even then, don't try to pass this stuff off as your own intellectual property.) I'm sure you will find that no amount of fiber will counter the constipation associated with some forms of iron. In fact, adding fiber can make the constipation worse in some cases. In fact, skip the research. Take some iron fumarate, get constipated, and then take 8 grams of fiber. I'll leave it up to you as to whether you choose soluble or insoluble fiber. Get back to me with what happens. I suggest you have lots of water, and a strong laxative handy. =================================== You are such an expert...why don't you reformulate Melaleuca's products. I've done the research on every ingredient in their products. Again...the products are backed by scientific research. The technology used in formulating a product makes a difference in how they are formulated by others. Otherwise all company's formulations would be the same. Geez........ Kris Said========================== Again, my typo. I wrote that reply at 3:00AM, and I was tired. Please accept my apologies, and accept the proper numbers in my calculations, again using your stats: =================================== It's not a "typo" when you take a figure and then multiply it by 50% to reduce the figure. Again...you change the figures. By the way...ALL my posts are done in the wee hours of the morning. Kris Said========================== You and Melaleuca come up with one source that claims something that flies in the face of years and years, and countless studies to the contrary. I'll stick to the tested and retested studies. =================================== Melaleuca's formulations are backed by years and years of scientific research. Their products are based on what has been found throughout history, AND the benefits of the technology discovered by their own scientists. Kris Said========================== I wonder. Did you know that these Doctors that you're relying on as proof that your product is good is the third leading cause of death in the US? The Journal of the American Medical Association published a study finding that DOCTORS were responsible for more than 250,000 deaths in 2002. The third highest in your country. For interests sake, more than 106,000 of those deaths were attributed to PROPER diagnoses, and treatments. So pardon me if I don't put much stock in Doctors recommending your product. Again, I'll stick to the years of science that flies in the face of your claims. =================================== I know all about the fact that doctors, pharmacists, hospitals, etc. are responsible for a large percentage of deaths each year in the U.S., but that has nothing to do with the fact that so many believe in Melaleuca products. Did you also know that NONE of those deaths were a result of using Melaleuca products? It is irrelevant. Those percentages are a result of misdiagnosing illness, dispensing the wrong medication, or in giving the wrong medication in hospitals, etc. It does not mean that all doctors are wrong. Kris Said========================== Did you know that these Doctors that you're relying on as proof that your product is good is the third leading cause of death in the US? =================================== No...THESE doctors are not. Show me ONE doctor that is a Melaleuca customer that has caused a death. You don't even know WHICH doctors recommend Melaleuca's products. Ok..I assume you meant doctors in general, and if that is the case, I guess you say no doctor can be trusted. Quoting those facts are irrelevant. The doctors that use Melaleuca products and recommend them have seen first hand the benefits. Kris Said========================== Oh, and before I forget. Your patent that seems to be the sole proof of your fructose compounding is hardly conclusive. The patent was granted based on the apparent preliminary creation of a few forms of substitute fructose compounds'. None of these forms were scientifically tested, or even third party tested before the granting of this patent. It's hardly scientific proof that your method works considering that it was all performed by the inventor of the method. =================================== Tell that to Melaleuca. Be sure to give your name when you do. You have made quite a few defamatory statements. Kris Said========================== I am in the process of contacting my University directly, as well as Ohio State University. =================================== Go right ahead. I don't think Ohio University will say that Melaleuca claims their study as the research behind their products. It was merely a study done at the university of over 300 supplements AFTER the supplements were formulated. And what does your university have to do with anything? Kris Said=========================== The burden of proof is on you. Amaze me and prove your claims with something other than an old patent, and anecdotal evidence. ==================================== I do not have access to Melaleuca's proprietary formulas, and you won't get it either. I'm sure that many would love to have it. I doubt that you could get access to other company's proprietary formulas or technology. While you are at it, why not try getting Herbalife's or Shaklee's? I really don't have the time to continue this discussion. The company's credentials are good enough. The thousands and thousands of people whose health has improved as a result of using the products by far overshawdows one little person who is trying to discredit the company. Just as Frank Vandersloot teaches...the truth is good enough. Melaleuca is a 20-year-old company that has grown every year, and will continue to grow and enhance the lives in spite of you, Kris. So knock your lights out trying to discredit them.


Kris Makes Defamatory Statements Against Melaleuca

#37Consumer Comment

Thu, May 19, 2005

Kris Said======================== It was 1976. I don't care if you scanned their website or not. I spoke to the sole Canadian Distributor for TP on the phone today. ================================= I really don't care when it was started. You said I was wrong about the year I stated. The info came right off their site. And what you said was also found on their site. Bottom line...they need to keep their story straight on the site and there would be no confusion. I am not here to discredit them in any way. You are the one that brought the company up in an attempt to discredit Melaleuca. Kris Said======================== Yeah, and they were the first to lease property there, and chose to lease the area where the growing conditions were the most ideal. They knew where it was because the most potent trees were already growing there. Ergo, they have/had priority choice of the purest trees. Please don't make me draw a picture. You're becoming very argumentative, and that usually breeds argument for arguments sake. I'm really not interested in going there. ================================= Never said they didn't. But this does NOT mean that Melaleuca's isn't. You are the one that is being argumentative about a company you know nothing about. You come here to discredit a very creditable company for no other reason than to argue. You have never been a customer of the company, and have had no dealings with the company. Kris Said======================== The actual plantation name is proprietary information. That's convenient. ================================= Why should they release it? It is not released because of competition. Yeah, yeah...I know. Thursday lists theirs. Well...there was NO competition when they got started. Proprietary information is just that...PROPRIETARY. Kris Said======================== Hmmm...Melaleuca's average growth per year is more than Thursday plans to hit this year after 30+ years. Interesting. And? Have you considered that some companies try to focus on quality instead of quantity? Just because Wal-Mart is one of the biggest chains in North America doesn't make them the best. ================================= Melaleuca does focus on QUALITY! You know NOTHING about their standards or the THOUSANDS of quality control tests (I forgot the exact number) done EACH MONTH to insure the HIGHEST QUALITY. Kris Said======================== By Gaylene's own admission she is busy running a Melaleuca business. Therefore she has been HIRED by Melaleuca to RUN an extension of their companies BUSINESS. Sheesh, read between the lines will ya? Or are you going to try and convince me that Gaylene is running a Melaleuca business without the consent, or support of Melaleuca? She runs their business, she sells their product, she has been HIRED as an EMPLOYEE by Melaleuca to perform the JOB of selling their product. Again, you're becoming argumentative. It's getting tiring. If you want to debate with me, then fine. But focus on rational arguments instead of blindly grasping at straws looking for any possible access to get your voice heard. ================================== You are such an idiot. Like I said before, Melaleuca Marketing Executives are INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS building their OWN business with Melaleuca. Melaleuca DOES NOT HIRE ANYONE TO SELL PRODUCTS. You obviously have no clue how home businesses are run. Again...I am not being argumentative. If anyone is, it is you. Melaleuca HAS NEVER and NEVER WILL HIRE EMPLOYEES TO SELL THEIR PRODUCTS. And if you knew ANYTHING AT ALL about the company, you would know that the INDEPENDENT MARKETING EXECUTIVES do not sell the products either. They refer customers to the company. You know absolutely nothing about the business model. Are Herbalife distributors employees of Herbalife? No! Are Shaklee distributors employees of Shaklee? No! Are the distributors for other home businesses employees of the company they represent? No! Neither are Melaleuca INDEPENDENT Marketing Executives. Kris Said========================== Congrats. You caught a typo. I guess that makes you right because my proof reader was on vacation? If this is the basis for your argument then we're going to be done debating pretty soon. =================================== A typo looks something like this: MINAMUM for MINIMUM. Using a word of the opposite meaning (MAXIMUM) is not a typo...it is a HUGE mistake, and would be VERY CONFUSING to anyone who read it that did not know the standards and WHY the standards were set. My purpose was STATING THE TRUTH. Kris Said========================== Thanks for restating what I said. Hooray for redundancy. =================================== No...I did NOT restate what you said. You gave DEFINITIONS of the two. I stated WHY there should be no more than 15% cineole, and WHY there should be at least 30% terpinen-4-ol. Anyone who did not know the properties of the compounds would not know that from reading your definitions. Kris Said========================== Says you. =================================== No! Says Melaleuca! And I will post it again. Again...the ingredients used, and the amount of each that is used, is the result of research showing that this particular formula, combined with their patented plant-based enzyme blends help with digestion and increase absorption of each protein source. Kris Said========================== Brenda has been caught in a lie: Scientists huh? According to this Melaleuca support forum, the Melaleuca product Support team admits that the study in question was actually done by a STUDENT at Ohio State, and held no scientific basis. This is the major study, and ONLY study (that I can find) in support of Fructose compounding claims, and your own people admit that it was bogus. In fact, they are apparently trying to downplay, and disassociate themselves from it. I took you up on your offer, and called your 800 number. I asked them the same question that this fellow on the Melaleuca support forum asked, and guess what? I got the same answer. The operator wanted to make it perfectly clear to me that they did not support that study, and it was not scientifically valid. She did however make sure that I had all the info I needed to look at the patent info validating Fructose Compounding. I'll talk about that in a bit. Kris Said========================== You are the d**n liar. I DID NOT say the Cobb study was done by Melaleuca. I said Melaleuca's research was NOT done by Dr. Cobb. I know about the Ohio University study, and I also know that Ohio University wanted Melaleuca to fund research in order for the results of the study to be released. Melaleuca declined. I never said that the study was not done. It is irrevelant, and has nothing to do with the research done in formulating the products, or the years and years of scientific research done that the products are backed by. The study done by Ohio University claimed that Melaleuca came out on top, with Shaklee in second place. If Melaleuca was so dishonest, they could have publicized the info, but does not. Melaleuca, Inc. told you that they do not support that study, so what is your issue? It had NOTHING to do with Melaleuca's research. Kris Said========================== No, we aren't. Read my original post. I was talking about the multivitamin line. Kris Said========================== Same technology. Kris Said========================== Again, you are reading from some kind of pamphlet, or internet site. Do some research on something OTHER than a site/book/pamphlet supported by Melaleuca. (And even then, don't try to pass this stuff off as your own intellectual property.) I'm sure you will find that no amount of fiber will counter the constipation associated with some forms of iron. In fact, adding fiber can make the constipation worse in some cases. In fact, skip the research. Take some iron fumarate, get constipated, and then take 8 grams of fiber. I'll leave it up to you as to whether you choose soluble or insoluble fiber. Get back to me with what happens. I suggest you have lots of water, and a strong laxative handy. =================================== You are such an expert...why don't you reformulate Melaleuca's products. I've done the research on every ingredient in their products. Again...the products are backed by scientific research. The technology used in formulating a product makes a difference in how they are formulated by others. Otherwise all company's formulations would be the same. Geez........ Kris Said========================== Again, my typo. I wrote that reply at 3:00AM, and I was tired. Please accept my apologies, and accept the proper numbers in my calculations, again using your stats: =================================== It's not a "typo" when you take a figure and then multiply it by 50% to reduce the figure. Again...you change the figures. By the way...ALL my posts are done in the wee hours of the morning. Kris Said========================== You and Melaleuca come up with one source that claims something that flies in the face of years and years, and countless studies to the contrary. I'll stick to the tested and retested studies. =================================== Melaleuca's formulations are backed by years and years of scientific research. Their products are based on what has been found throughout history, AND the benefits of the technology discovered by their own scientists. Kris Said========================== I wonder. Did you know that these Doctors that you're relying on as proof that your product is good is the third leading cause of death in the US? The Journal of the American Medical Association published a study finding that DOCTORS were responsible for more than 250,000 deaths in 2002. The third highest in your country. For interests sake, more than 106,000 of those deaths were attributed to PROPER diagnoses, and treatments. So pardon me if I don't put much stock in Doctors recommending your product. Again, I'll stick to the years of science that flies in the face of your claims. =================================== I know all about the fact that doctors, pharmacists, hospitals, etc. are responsible for a large percentage of deaths each year in the U.S., but that has nothing to do with the fact that so many believe in Melaleuca products. Did you also know that NONE of those deaths were a result of using Melaleuca products? It is irrelevant. Those percentages are a result of misdiagnosing illness, dispensing the wrong medication, or in giving the wrong medication in hospitals, etc. It does not mean that all doctors are wrong. Kris Said========================== Did you know that these Doctors that you're relying on as proof that your product is good is the third leading cause of death in the US? =================================== No...THESE doctors are not. Show me ONE doctor that is a Melaleuca customer that has caused a death. You don't even know WHICH doctors recommend Melaleuca's products. Ok..I assume you meant doctors in general, and if that is the case, I guess you say no doctor can be trusted. Quoting those facts are irrelevant. The doctors that use Melaleuca products and recommend them have seen first hand the benefits. Kris Said========================== Oh, and before I forget. Your patent that seems to be the sole proof of your fructose compounding is hardly conclusive. The patent was granted based on the apparent preliminary creation of a few forms of substitute fructose compounds'. None of these forms were scientifically tested, or even third party tested before the granting of this patent. It's hardly scientific proof that your method works considering that it was all performed by the inventor of the method. =================================== Tell that to Melaleuca. Be sure to give your name when you do. You have made quite a few defamatory statements. Kris Said========================== I am in the process of contacting my University directly, as well as Ohio State University. =================================== Go right ahead. I don't think Ohio University will say that Melaleuca claims their study as the research behind their products. It was merely a study done at the university of over 300 supplements AFTER the supplements were formulated. And what does your university have to do with anything? Kris Said=========================== The burden of proof is on you. Amaze me and prove your claims with something other than an old patent, and anecdotal evidence. ==================================== I do not have access to Melaleuca's proprietary formulas, and you won't get it either. I'm sure that many would love to have it. I doubt that you could get access to other company's proprietary formulas or technology. While you are at it, why not try getting Herbalife's or Shaklee's? I really don't have the time to continue this discussion. The company's credentials are good enough. The thousands and thousands of people whose health has improved as a result of using the products by far overshawdows one little person who is trying to discredit the company. Just as Frank Vandersloot teaches...the truth is good enough. Melaleuca is a 20-year-old company that has grown every year, and will continue to grow and enhance the lives in spite of you, Kris. So knock your lights out trying to discredit them.


Kris Makes Defamatory Statements Against Melaleuca

#38Consumer Comment

Thu, May 19, 2005

Kris Said======================== It was 1976. I don't care if you scanned their website or not. I spoke to the sole Canadian Distributor for TP on the phone today. ================================= I really don't care when it was started. You said I was wrong about the year I stated. The info came right off their site. And what you said was also found on their site. Bottom line...they need to keep their story straight on the site and there would be no confusion. I am not here to discredit them in any way. You are the one that brought the company up in an attempt to discredit Melaleuca. Kris Said======================== Yeah, and they were the first to lease property there, and chose to lease the area where the growing conditions were the most ideal. They knew where it was because the most potent trees were already growing there. Ergo, they have/had priority choice of the purest trees. Please don't make me draw a picture. You're becoming very argumentative, and that usually breeds argument for arguments sake. I'm really not interested in going there. ================================= Never said they didn't. But this does NOT mean that Melaleuca's isn't. You are the one that is being argumentative about a company you know nothing about. You come here to discredit a very creditable company for no other reason than to argue. You have never been a customer of the company, and have had no dealings with the company. Kris Said======================== The actual plantation name is proprietary information. That's convenient. ================================= Why should they release it? It is not released because of competition. Yeah, yeah...I know. Thursday lists theirs. Well...there was NO competition when they got started. Proprietary information is just that...PROPRIETARY. Kris Said======================== Hmmm...Melaleuca's average growth per year is more than Thursday plans to hit this year after 30+ years. Interesting. And? Have you considered that some companies try to focus on quality instead of quantity? Just because Wal-Mart is one of the biggest chains in North America doesn't make them the best. ================================= Melaleuca does focus on QUALITY! You know NOTHING about their standards or the THOUSANDS of quality control tests (I forgot the exact number) done EACH MONTH to insure the HIGHEST QUALITY. Kris Said======================== By Gaylene's own admission she is busy running a Melaleuca business. Therefore she has been HIRED by Melaleuca to RUN an extension of their companies BUSINESS. Sheesh, read between the lines will ya? Or are you going to try and convince me that Gaylene is running a Melaleuca business without the consent, or support of Melaleuca? She runs their business, she sells their product, she has been HIRED as an EMPLOYEE by Melaleuca to perform the JOB of selling their product. Again, you're becoming argumentative. It's getting tiring. If you want to debate with me, then fine. But focus on rational arguments instead of blindly grasping at straws looking for any possible access to get your voice heard. ================================== You are such an idiot. Like I said before, Melaleuca Marketing Executives are INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS building their OWN business with Melaleuca. Melaleuca DOES NOT HIRE ANYONE TO SELL PRODUCTS. You obviously have no clue how home businesses are run. Again...I am not being argumentative. If anyone is, it is you. Melaleuca HAS NEVER and NEVER WILL HIRE EMPLOYEES TO SELL THEIR PRODUCTS. And if you knew ANYTHING AT ALL about the company, you would know that the INDEPENDENT MARKETING EXECUTIVES do not sell the products either. They refer customers to the company. You know absolutely nothing about the business model. Are Herbalife distributors employees of Herbalife? No! Are Shaklee distributors employees of Shaklee? No! Are the distributors for other home businesses employees of the company they represent? No! Neither are Melaleuca INDEPENDENT Marketing Executives. Kris Said========================== Congrats. You caught a typo. I guess that makes you right because my proof reader was on vacation? If this is the basis for your argument then we're going to be done debating pretty soon. =================================== A typo looks something like this: MINAMUM for MINIMUM. Using a word of the opposite meaning (MAXIMUM) is not a typo...it is a HUGE mistake, and would be VERY CONFUSING to anyone who read it that did not know the standards and WHY the standards were set. My purpose was STATING THE TRUTH. Kris Said========================== Thanks for restating what I said. Hooray for redundancy. =================================== No...I did NOT restate what you said. You gave DEFINITIONS of the two. I stated WHY there should be no more than 15% cineole, and WHY there should be at least 30% terpinen-4-ol. Anyone who did not know the properties of the compounds would not know that from reading your definitions. Kris Said========================== Says you. =================================== No! Says Melaleuca! And I will post it again. Again...the ingredients used, and the amount of each that is used, is the result of research showing that this particular formula, combined with their patented plant-based enzyme blends help with digestion and increase absorption of each protein source. Kris Said========================== Brenda has been caught in a lie: Scientists huh? According to this Melaleuca support forum, the Melaleuca product Support team admits that the study in question was actually done by a STUDENT at Ohio State, and held no scientific basis. This is the major study, and ONLY study (that I can find) in support of Fructose compounding claims, and your own people admit that it was bogus. In fact, they are apparently trying to downplay, and disassociate themselves from it. I took you up on your offer, and called your 800 number. I asked them the same question that this fellow on the Melaleuca support forum asked, and guess what? I got the same answer. The operator wanted to make it perfectly clear to me that they did not support that study, and it was not scientifically valid. She did however make sure that I had all the info I needed to look at the patent info validating Fructose Compounding. I'll talk about that in a bit. Kris Said========================== You are the d**n liar. I DID NOT say the Cobb study was done by Melaleuca. I said Melaleuca's research was NOT done by Dr. Cobb. I know about the Ohio University study, and I also know that Ohio University wanted Melaleuca to fund research in order for the results of the study to be released. Melaleuca declined. I never said that the study was not done. It is irrevelant, and has nothing to do with the research done in formulating the products, or the years and years of scientific research done that the products are backed by. The study done by Ohio University claimed that Melaleuca came out on top, with Shaklee in second place. If Melaleuca was so dishonest, they could have publicized the info, but does not. Melaleuca, Inc. told you that they do not support that study, so what is your issue? It had NOTHING to do with Melaleuca's research. Kris Said========================== No, we aren't. Read my original post. I was talking about the multivitamin line. Kris Said========================== Same technology. Kris Said========================== Again, you are reading from some kind of pamphlet, or internet site. Do some research on something OTHER than a site/book/pamphlet supported by Melaleuca. (And even then, don't try to pass this stuff off as your own intellectual property.) I'm sure you will find that no amount of fiber will counter the constipation associated with some forms of iron. In fact, adding fiber can make the constipation worse in some cases. In fact, skip the research. Take some iron fumarate, get constipated, and then take 8 grams of fiber. I'll leave it up to you as to whether you choose soluble or insoluble fiber. Get back to me with what happens. I suggest you have lots of water, and a strong laxative handy. =================================== You are such an expert...why don't you reformulate Melaleuca's products. I've done the research on every ingredient in their products. Again...the products are backed by scientific research. The technology used in formulating a product makes a difference in how they are formulated by others. Otherwise all company's formulations would be the same. Geez........ Kris Said========================== Again, my typo. I wrote that reply at 3:00AM, and I was tired. Please accept my apologies, and accept the proper numbers in my calculations, again using your stats: =================================== It's not a "typo" when you take a figure and then multiply it by 50% to reduce the figure. Again...you change the figures. By the way...ALL my posts are done in the wee hours of the morning. Kris Said========================== You and Melaleuca come up with one source that claims something that flies in the face of years and years, and countless studies to the contrary. I'll stick to the tested and retested studies. =================================== Melaleuca's formulations are backed by years and years of scientific research. Their products are based on what has been found throughout history, AND the benefits of the technology discovered by their own scientists. Kris Said========================== I wonder. Did you know that these Doctors that you're relying on as proof that your product is good is the third leading cause of death in the US? The Journal of the American Medical Association published a study finding that DOCTORS were responsible for more than 250,000 deaths in 2002. The third highest in your country. For interests sake, more than 106,000 of those deaths were attributed to PROPER diagnoses, and treatments. So pardon me if I don't put much stock in Doctors recommending your product. Again, I'll stick to the years of science that flies in the face of your claims. =================================== I know all about the fact that doctors, pharmacists, hospitals, etc. are responsible for a large percentage of deaths each year in the U.S., but that has nothing to do with the fact that so many believe in Melaleuca products. Did you also know that NONE of those deaths were a result of using Melaleuca products? It is irrelevant. Those percentages are a result of misdiagnosing illness, dispensing the wrong medication, or in giving the wrong medication in hospitals, etc. It does not mean that all doctors are wrong. Kris Said========================== Did you know that these Doctors that you're relying on as proof that your product is good is the third leading cause of death in the US? =================================== No...THESE doctors are not. Show me ONE doctor that is a Melaleuca customer that has caused a death. You don't even know WHICH doctors recommend Melaleuca's products. Ok..I assume you meant doctors in general, and if that is the case, I guess you say no doctor can be trusted. Quoting those facts are irrelevant. The doctors that use Melaleuca products and recommend them have seen first hand the benefits. Kris Said========================== Oh, and before I forget. Your patent that seems to be the sole proof of your fructose compounding is hardly conclusive. The patent was granted based on the apparent preliminary creation of a few forms of substitute fructose compounds'. None of these forms were scientifically tested, or even third party tested before the granting of this patent. It's hardly scientific proof that your method works considering that it was all performed by the inventor of the method. =================================== Tell that to Melaleuca. Be sure to give your name when you do. You have made quite a few defamatory statements. Kris Said========================== I am in the process of contacting my University directly, as well as Ohio State University. =================================== Go right ahead. I don't think Ohio University will say that Melaleuca claims their study as the research behind their products. It was merely a study done at the university of over 300 supplements AFTER the supplements were formulated. And what does your university have to do with anything? Kris Said=========================== The burden of proof is on you. Amaze me and prove your claims with something other than an old patent, and anecdotal evidence. ==================================== I do not have access to Melaleuca's proprietary formulas, and you won't get it either. I'm sure that many would love to have it. I doubt that you could get access to other company's proprietary formulas or technology. While you are at it, why not try getting Herbalife's or Shaklee's? I really don't have the time to continue this discussion. The company's credentials are good enough. The thousands and thousands of people whose health has improved as a result of using the products by far overshawdows one little person who is trying to discredit the company. Just as Frank Vandersloot teaches...the truth is good enough. Melaleuca is a 20-year-old company that has grown every year, and will continue to grow and enhance the lives in spite of you, Kris. So knock your lights out trying to discredit them.


Your science is flawed, or non existant Brenda

#39Consumer Suggestion

Wed, May 18, 2005

Brenda: =================== So I suppose it could have been 1976, 1977 or 1979. It was 1976. I don't care if you scanned their website or not. I spoke to the sole Canadian Distributor for TP on the phone today. ================== Melaleuca's oil does come from the purest alternifolia trees. Thursday Plantation does NOT have exclusive rights to the most genetically pure Melaleuca alternifolia trees. They only have exclusive rights to the area they lease in the Bungawalbyn Reserve. ================== Yeah, and they were the first to lease property there, and chose to lease the area where the growing conditions were the most ideal. They knew where it was because the most potent trees were already growing there. Ergo, they have/had priority choice of the purest trees. Please don't make me draw a picture. You're becoming very argumentative, and that usually breeds argument for arguments sake. I'm really not interested in going there. Brenda: ================== The actual plantation name is proprietary information. That's convenient. Brenda: ================ Excuse me, but according to a statement on Thursday's site, they have done their share of replanting. ================ There is a difference between RE-planting, and planting. Brenda again: ================ At last we had begun to reverse the previous 200 years of deforestation of the tea trees." ================ See why they're replanting now? At least they're planting in the best growing area, and with the purest NATURALLY growing stock. Brenda: ==================== Hmmm...Melaleuca's average growth per year is more than Thursday plans to hit this year after 30+ years. Interesting. And? Have you considered that some companies try to focus on quality instead of quantity? Just because Wal-Mart is one of the biggest chains in North America doesn't make them the best. Plus, Melaleuca has a larger selection of different products ranging from tea tree products, to vitamins, minerals, and protein shakes that have nothing to do with tea tree. Not to mention their cleaning products. Again, Quality over Quantity. Brenda proves my point for me: ======================= The Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law defines an employee as" A worker who is hired to perform a job" Customers/marketing executives are NOT employees of Melaleuca. All are independent contractors building their own business. ======================= By Gaylene's own admission she is busy running a Melaleuca business. Therefore she has been HIRED by Melaleuca to RUN an extension of their companies BUSINESS. Sheesh, read between the lines will ya? Or are you going to try and convince me that Gaylene is running a Melaleuca business without the consent, or support of Melaleuca? She runs their business, she sells their product, she has been HIRED as an EMPLOYEE by Melaleuca to perform the JOB of selling their product. Again, you're becoming argumentative. It's getting tiring. If you want to debate with me, then fine. But focus on rational arguments instead of blindly grasping at straws looking for any possible access to get your voice heard. Brenda again: ================ I really don't think that Thursday Plantation would appreciate you saying that they GUARANTEE a MINIMUM of 5% cineole! ================ Congrats. You caught a typo. I guess that makes you right because my proof reader was on vacation? If this is the basis for your argument then we're going to be done debating pretty soon. If it makes you happy I'll rephrase to what, you should have been able to figure out, I meant in the first place: Thursday Plantation guarantees a MAXIMUM 5%. (You like reading their website so much, I'm sure it says that somewhere. So who cares what I wrote unless you're trying to be argumentative). Again, I've seen the individual batch tests, and they are usually around 2-3%. Brenda: ===================== The cineole helps the oil.. ===================== Thanks for restating what I said. Hooray for redundancy. In response to Brenda's entire justification of her protein sources: I have come to the realization that you do not understand much about this subject beyond what you have either read in your product brochures/training sessions, or scrounged up on the internet in a hurried attempt to rebut my statements. There is nothing wrong with not knowing the ins and outs of nutrition, and nutritional supplementation. There is something wrong with pretending to know about it when you don't. If you want to make statements, then please, make statements that you know about. There are large portions of your statements that I simply would not have the time to point out the flaws in. You're making blanket statements that are unproven in the majority of the scientific world, and you pass off extremely general knowledge that has obviously been read from either a pamphlet or an internet information site as your own. As an example of what I am talking about I will respond to ONE flaw in what you have said: Brenda: =========== Casein is a good source because it contains 21 different amino acids. =========== That's not what makes casein good'. Beyond the 8 essential (remember? There's only 8) amino acids, who cares how how many there are. If you have the essential 8 it makes little difference if there are 15, 18, or 21. What matters is how much of them there are, and in what ratios. Casein is good' because it is high in glutamine, Tyrosine, and a few other amino acids. Its other claim to good' is because it is slowly absorbed because it is not acid soluble. This is the reason that it is called the night time' protein because it is good' to take at night. The amino acids are broken down slower, and create a naturally occurring time released' effect. The Anabolic effect is slower, and it can prevent muscle breakdown as you sleep. What makes Casein bad' is because it is the protein found in milk that has been linked to the major cause of milk allergies next to lactose. Typically reactions to lactose are due to an inability to break it down. This is called intolerance. Reactions to milk proteins/casein are caused by an allergy, as opposed to intolerance. That being said, casein has its place, and it would be interesting to see how much actual casein (in mg, or g) there actually is per serving in your protein drink. I'd love if you had that information. Ok, I lied. I can't resist pointing out this flaw: Brenda: =============== The small amount of cholesterol is only 3% of the Daily Value for a 2000 calorie diet. =============== According to who? Who cares how much there is, and whether you consider that inconsequential. The point is that there is nothing in the ingredient listing that states that it should exist there. Why is it there in the first place? That's what I want to know. The quantity is irrelevant. Cholesterol is an ANIMAL source nutrient. If there is nothing in there animal source, then there should be no cholesterol. And the animal source products in there should be filtered enough to contain no discernable amounts of cholesterol. Especially in a WEIGHT LOSS shake. (yes, it was the attain shake I was talking about originally. You assumed it was this other one you mentioned) Brenda: =============== Again...the ingredients used, and the amount of each that is used, is the result of research showing that this particular formula, combined with their patented plant-based enzyme blends help with digestion and increase absorption of each protein source. =============== Says you. Brenda has been caught in a lie: ===================== "Supposedly", says who? It certainly wasn't Melaleuca! Melaleuca's research was not done by any Dr. Cobb. It was done by a team of scientists. ===================== Scientists huh? According to this Melaleuca support forum, the Melaleuca product Support team admits that the study in question was actually done by a STUDENT at Ohio State, and held no scientific basis. This is the major study, and ONLY study (that I can find) in support of Fructose compounding claims, and your own people admit that it was bogus. In fact, they are apparently trying to downplay, and disassociate themselves from it. I took you up on your offer, and called your 800 number. I asked them the same question that this fellow on the Melaleuca support forum asked, and guess what? I got the same answer. The operator wanted to make it perfectly clear to me that they did not support that study, and it was not scientifically valid. She did however make sure that I had all the info I needed to look at the patent info validating Fructose Compounding. I'll talk about that in a bit. Brenda: ============= I believe we were discussing ferrous fumarate as used in Melaleuca's Proflex30. ============= No, we aren't. Read my original post. I was talking about the multivitamin line. Brenda: ================== And as I mentioned already, Proflex30 contains 8 grams of fiber to address irregularity that is typical of high protein diets. ================== Again, you are reading from some kind of pamphlet, or internet site. Do some research on something OTHER than a site/book/pamphlet supported by Melaleuca. (And even then, don't try to pass this stuff off as your own intellectual property.) I'm sure you will find that no amount of fiber will counter the constipation associated with some forms of iron. In fact, adding fiber can make the constipation worse in some cases. In fact, skip the research. Take some iron fumarate, get constipated, and then take 8 grams of fiber. I'll leave it up to you as to whether you choose soluble or insoluble fiber. Get back to me with what happens. I suggest you have lots of water, and a strong laxative handy. Brenda: =================== I admit...you threw me for a loop with that one...cutting it in half, so I had to research again to make sure I had not misunderstood all this time. And I did not. Elemental calcium IS the amount available. =================== Again, my typo. I wrote that reply at 3:00AM, and I was tired. Please accept my apologies, and accept the proper numbers in my calculations, again using your stats: Carbonate: 2000 * .4= 800. 800*.1= 80 Gluconate/Lactate blend: 2000 * .09=180. 180 * .8=144 Better? Here, let's lowball the Salus Haus product and give it only 50% (of which it actually has almost double) 2000 * .09= 180. 180 * .5=90 Brenda: ============= According to the Wolfe Clinic: ============= I don't care what a he thinks about Calcium Lactate. It has been published in countless medical journals that Lactate is superior to Carbonate, and Lactate/gluconate blends are superior to both. He is one doctor contradicting countless scientific studies. I'll leave a reference for one of them. I am remembering a Japanese study that found that the presence of lactate actually increased the absorption of calcium after it was disassociated into lactic acid. I'll try to find it again to get you the reference. This seems to be par for the course. You and Melaleuca come up with one source that claims something that flies in the face of years and years, and countless studies to the contrary. I'll stick to the tested and retested studies. Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research, Volume 1, Number 1, pp. 161-168 (2003) =============== It's funny that hundreds and hundreds of doctors use and recommend the products if they are so bad. =============== I wonder. Did you know that these Doctors that you're relying on as proof that your product is good is the third leading cause of death in the US? The Journal of the American Medical Association published a study finding that DOCTORS were responsible for more than 250,000 deaths in 2002. The third highest in your country. For interests sake, more than 106,000 of those deaths were attributed to PROPER diagnoses, and treatments. So pardon me if I don't put much stock in Doctors recommending your product. Again, I'll stick to the years of science that flies in the face of your claims. Oh, and before I forget. Your patent that seems to be the sole proof of your fructose compounding is hardly conclusive. The patent was granted based on the apparent preliminary creation of a few forms of substitute fructose compounds'. None of these forms were scientifically tested, or even third party tested before the granting of this patent. It's hardly scientific proof that your method works considering that it was all performed by the inventor of the method. That's real unbiased research. I'm still doing research however, and as of yet have not found a SINGLE study done to validate Melaleucas claims. If you have one, please let me know. I've searched my journal databases that I have available at my University, I've searched online databases, I've searched government sources, and I've searched my personal archives. The rest of the world seems to consider your revolutionary' method so insignificant that it's not even MENTIONED anywhere other than personal websites of Melaleuca employees touting Melaleuca products. I am in the process of contacting my University directly, as well as Ohio State University. We'll see where I get. Actually, you know what? After I hear back from my University I'm going to stop looking. You claim your product is so great. The burden of proof is on you. Amaze me and prove your claims with something other than an old patent, and anecdotal evidence.


The TRUTH About The Tea Tree Oil And Other Ingredients Used In Melaleuca, Inc.'s Products

#40UPDATE Employee

Wed, May 11, 2005

Kris said============================== By the way, the lease was granted in 1976, not '77. ======================================== I guess it depends on what page on the Thursday Plantation site you read. On this page it says: "The year was 1976 and the day the lease was granted was a Thursday, and Thursday Plantation was born." http://www.thursdayplantation.com.au/story/tea_tree_oil.cfm On this page: "And our company has grown from this humble Crown Lease granted in 1977, to now become a major provider..." http://www.thursdayplantation.com.au/news/page.cfm?newsID=35 On this page, it says: "Thursday Plantation was started as a partnership in 1979, Incorporated in October 1984 and today the company is known as TP Health, an unlisted public company which manufactures, markets and distributes a range of natural health care products, originally based on the therapeutic benefits of Tea Tree Oil..." http://www.thursdayplantation.com.au/about/page.cfm?aboutID=10 On this page: "1976: On a special Thursday a new Australian settler is granted a Crown Lease at Bungawalbyn and Eric White establishes the world's first tea tree plantation: Thursday Plantation is born." http://www.thursdayplantation.com.au/story/brief_history.cfm So I suppose it could have been 1976, 1977 or 1979. Kris Said=========================== It was HERE that thursday Plantation was formed. Thursday Plantation did then, and STILL DOES TODAY have EXCLUSIVE rights to the most GENETICALLY PURE Melaleuca Alternifolia trees IN THE WORLD. These 'Mother/Father' trees span about a 200 square mile radius. ==================================== Melaleuca's oil does come from the purest alternifolia trees. Thursday Plantation does NOT have exclusive rights to the most genetically pure melaleuca alternifolia trees. They only have exclusive rights to the area they lease in the Bungawalbyn Reserve. Kris Said=========================== Melaleuca Plantation was founded after 1987, more than a full 10 years after Thursday. Also, the founder Craig Chapman didn't have the luxury of finding the most genetically pure trees. He PLANTED HIS! Some sources of information site that he purchased the seeds from Thursday Plantation, but there is no concrete evidence to support this, and it's largely irrelevant anyway... or is it? I haven't been able to find ANY evidence that the growing conditions in Melaleuca are as ideal as the small area that Thursday has. Obviously (to me anyway) it is NOT as ideal because Maleleuca had to intervene, and their trees are PLANTED by HUMAN INTERVENTION, as opposed to nature growing the best trees in a small area... occupied by Thursday Plantation. But that's just my opinion, and apparantly i'm ignorant. ;) ==================================== So??? What does this particular plantation have to do with anything? You are right about when it was founded though. Just one problem....Melaleuca, Inc. was founded TWO YEARS BEFORE that plantation was founded. So tell me...how do you suppose that you are right when Melaleuca, Inc. was producing tea tree oil TWO YEARS BEFORE that plantation was founded??? The actual plantation name is proprietary information. Kris Said=========================== Obviously (to me anyway) it is NOT as ideal because Maleleuca had to intervene, and their trees are PLANTED by HUMAN INTERVENTION, as opposed to nature growing the best trees in a small area... occupied by Thursday Plantation. But that's just my opinion, and apparantly i'm ignorant. ;) ==================================== Well...just your opinion. Not being rude...just agreeing with you. :) Excuse me, but according to a statement on Thursday's site, they have done their share of replanting. According to the dialogue on their site just above the statement below, this was around 1986. "At the same time tens of millions of trees were now being planted and a magnificent sustainable industry was now underway returning hundreds of millions of trees to the native lands. At last we had begun to reverse the previous 200 years of deforestation of the tea trees." Kris Said:=========================== But you know what they say, 2nd place is the 1st loser. ===================================== I don't believe it has yet been determined who is #1. I have not found the documentation you refer to. So...the only thing I have to go on in determining who is #1 is this: Thursday Plantation 30+ years old 22 Million Dollars expected this year Average growth $733,333 per years based on 30 years Melaleuca, Inc. 20 years old 560 Million Dollar company already Average growth $28,000,000 per year Hmmm...Melaleuca's average growth per year is more than Thursday plans to hit this year after 30+ years. Interesting. Kris Said================================= I'm pretty sure that these words, written BY Gaylene herself, says that she IS an employee of Melaleuca. Unless you don't consider running a Melaleuca business, and being a member of the MOM team as being employed by them. Don't make me pull out the definition of 'employed'. ========================================== The Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law defines an employee as" "a worker who is hired to perform a job" Gaylene is NOT an employee of Melaleuca. Noone who is a member of the M.O.M team is an employee of Melaleuca. The M.O.M. team consists of a Melaleuca Customer/Marketing Executive that took the initiative to provide support for her customers, and for customers enrolled by them, by providing leadership, training and support, M.O.M. websites, and other tools for building their OWN business. Customers they enroll become members of their team. The M.O.M. team is just one of many others who have provided business tools, leadership, training and support for their teams. Customers/marketing executives are NOT employees of Melaleuca. All are independent contractors building their own business. Kris Said================================== Not true. Thursday plantation GUARANTEES a MINIMUM (that's what < this sign means) 5% cineole, and MINIMUM 36% Terpinen-4-ol. =========================================== I really don't think that Thursday Plantation would appreciate you saying that they GUARANTEE a MINIMUM of 5% cineole! A MINIMUM means "AT LEAST THAT MUCH. Thursday Plantation actually guarantees the same as Melaleuca guarantees...LESS THAN 5% cineole. The " < " symbol means "LESS THAN". As I said before, Melaleucas's standards are EVEN HIGHER than the ISO standards, with at least 36% terpinen-4-ol and not more than 5% cineole. I did not post the specifics of terpinen-4-ol and cineole because I have posted it many times before. And yes, I have the quotes you listed in my archives. Those are merely definitons of the compounds. But for those who do not understand the ISO standards, it does not explain why there should be a MAXIMUM amount of cineole and a MINIMUM amount of terpinen-4-ol. Terpinen-4-ol is the compound in melaleuca alternifolia that is linked to the antibacterial properties of the oil, and in HIGHER levels, delivers more antiseptic power. The cineole helps the oil to penetrate, but high levels can reduce the amount of other germ-killing compounds, and it may irritate sensitive skin. Inferior quality oils have a higher content of cineole than the ISO standard. This is why the International Standards Organization designates a MAXIMUM of 15% cineole. Both Thursday Plantation and Melaleuca guarantee a MAXIMUM of only 5% cineole. In addition, Melaleuca produces T40-C3, an even HIGHER standard. Hmmmm....since you want to compare companies... Melaleuca: Almost 20 years old - Half BILLION dollars a year Thursday: 30+ years old...projected 22 MILLION dollars this year Kris Said==================================== The Biological value speaks to general SOURCES of proteins, not the quality of an individual BRAND of protein. ============================================= I can see why you questioned the listing of biological values. I copied and pasted only a portion of what I had written. I should have reread after compiling the post. The biological values were listed to show that Proflex30 contains ingredients with high biological value. Each shake contains 30 grams of protein without the high fat and cholesterol of other protein sources. It also contains two patented plant-based enzyme blends to further help with digestion, and increase absorption of each protein source. And it includes 8 grams of fiber to address irregularity that is typical of high protein diets. I do not know why they used different sources of protein, but I do know that their products are formulated using specific amounts of specific ingredients that work synergistically for better absorption. Whey protein is rich in essential amino acids, and its purest form, whey protein isolate, contains little to no fat, lactose or cholesterol. Egg albumin contains all the essential amio acids needed to build new proteins. Casein is a good source because it contains 21 different amino acids. The small amount of cholesterol is only 3% of the Daily Value for a 2000 calorie diet. Melaleuca has not grown to be a half billion dollar company since 1985 by hiding ingredients in their products. Again...the ingredients used, and the amount of each that is used, is the result of research showing that this particular formula, combined with their patented plant-based enzyme blends help with digestion and increase absorption of each protein source. Kris Said=================================== Sure, Melaleuca patented an UNPROVEN technology called Fructose compounding. The research was 'supposedly' done my a Dr. Marcus Cobb? Funny thing is that you can't find any information on these studies. In fact, I found a source that claimed to have contacted Dr. Cobb at Ohio State University, and he denied having ever being involved in this process. ============================================ "Supposedly", says who? It certainly wasn't Melaleuca! Melaleuca's research was not done by any Dr. Cobb. It was done by a team of scientists. Kris Said:============================ Yeah, it's better than an inorganic ester of iron like Sulfate. But again, i'll refer you to Salus Haus and their Ferrous Gluconate called Floradix. Fumarate can be constipating. Floradix sure isn't. ====================================== To begin with, Floradix is not a protein drink...just a source of iron. I believe we were discussing ferrous fumarate as used in Melaleuca's Proflex30. And as I mentioned already, Proflex30 contains 8 grams of fiber to address irregularity that is typical of high protein diets. Melaleuca did not pick just any ingredient without consideration of other ingredients in the product. They covered all bases. All ingredients were chosen to work synergistically together to formulate a safe and effective product that increases absorption. Kris Said:============================= Although that is (partially) true you are making the same mistake that many people do. You're looking at total amount of elemental calcium instead of AVAILABLE, and ABSORBABLE calcium. Carbonate contains the most elemental calcium, with Lactates, and Gluconates bringing up the rear. However, the general nutritional rule of thumb with calcium is that the more concentrated the source, the less available the source. I'll use your figures. Carbonate may have 40% elemental calcium, but of that 40% only 50% of it is AVAILABLE. That gives us 20%. Of that 20% only 10% is ABSORBABLE. That leaves you with what? 2% usable calcium in the body? Now, i'll use a brand name here so you know that I'm not spouting off. I mentioned them before. Salus Haus makes a Calcium Gluconate/Lactate blend solution. I'll use your numbers again. We'll low ball for arguements sake and start with 9% even though Lactates are slightly higher in Elemental levels than Gluconates. Salus' solution is 99% AVAILABLE. That leaves us with 8.91% Available. Of that 8.91% approximately 80% is ABSORBABLE giving us 7.1% usable calcium. Hell, even if it was only 50% absorbable it's STILL better than your carbonate. ======================================= Not so, Kris. ELEMENTAL calcium IS the amount of calcium that IS AVAILABLE for ABSORPTION! So why do you decrease it by 50%? ELEMENTAL=AVAILABLE FOR ABSORPTION I admit...you threw me for a loop with that one...cutting it in half, so I had to research again to make sure I had not misunderstood all this time. And I did not. Elemental calcium IS the amount available. Quote on the Palo Alto Medical Foundation Site: "If your dietary sources of calcium are insufficient, a supplement taken with meals is needed to ensure adequate intake. Read labels carefully to insure that you obtain adequate elemental calcium. Elemental calcium is the amount of calcium available for absorption from each tablet." http://www.pamf.org/patients/CalciumHandout.html According to the Wolfe Clinic: "Calcium lactate is an example of a typical supplement. A 2,000 mg tablet of calcium lactate will chemically break down to 860 mg of milk sugar or lactose and 140 mg (or 16%) of elemental calcium. The 140 mg of elemental calcium from the calcium lactate must then undergo digestion in order to become ionized calcium. The end result is that only 5% to 10% of the original elemental calcium ingested is ionized and becomes bioavailable to the human body. This means that after the 140 mg of elemental calcium from calcium lactate completes the digestive process, you will end up with 5% to 10% of the 140 mg, or 7mg to14mg of biological ionic calcium available for metabolic use. Different types of calcium provide different percentages of elemental calcium. For example, calcium carbonate provides 40% elemental calcium, while calcium gluconate supplies only 9% elemental calcium." http://www.thewolfeclinic.com/calciumcomparison.html The example above uses a 2,000 mg tablet of calcium lactate (16% elemental). Do the same figures using calcium carbonate's 40% ELEMENTAL. 40% x 2,000 mg = 800 mg elemental calcium from calcium carbonate 800 mg elemental calcium carbonate X 10% = 80 mg bioavailable (usable) Typical Bioavailability Considering The Upper End of 10% After The Digestive Process 14 mg of calcium lactate bioavailable from 2,000 mg tablet 80 mg of calcium carbonate bioavailable from 2,000 mg tablet With Melaleuca's formulation, the bioavailability increases much more... As evidenced above, the body does not readily accept minerals for absorption. Melaleuca's Fructose Compounding is the process of bonding a mineral to a fructose molecule, which the body does readily accept for absorption. Because the mineral is bonded to the fructose molecule, it is absorbed and not passed through the body unused. The higher rate of 40% AVAILABLE is made MORE ABSORBABLE through fructose compounding and MOST of the calcium carbonate is absorbed. So the bioavailability is MUCH higher when processed through fructose compounding. Melaleuca also uses other forms of calcium in other products. Again...the specific ingredient chosen for a specific product is based on other particular ingredients in that product. Particular ingredients in each forumulation are chosen to work synergistically with other ingredients to increase bioavailability. Sorry if I was rude in the previous post. I don't normally lower myself to the level of those who make untrue statements about the company and its products, but I let my guard down in the last couple of posts which, by the way, were rude and defamatory toward the company. I shouldn't have let statements like these get to me: Kris Said================================ "the nutritional products are hack... at best." "either they use a VERY poor Whey Concentrate (with a concentrate the cholesterol should be mostly filtered out of the powder), or they are not listing an animal source product somewhere in the ingredients." "They use cheap, non bioavailable forms of nutrients, and unbalanced amounts of nutrients." "the PRODUCTS are cheap, and bottom line." "the whole image of the company just screams cheap, and rip off." ========================================= All these assumptions were made without investigating the products or the technology behind them. Each of those statements are blatent lies. It's funny that hundreds and hundreds of doctors and nutritionists use and recommend the products if they are so bad. More and more doctors, dentists and chiroprators are becoming Melaleuca customers, and recommended these products every day. And again...research in formulating the products determined the specific ingredients, and the amount of each specific ingredient, to work synergistically and most efficiently for better digestion and absorption. For the truth, anyone can call 1-800-742-8094 to speak to someone in the Product Development Department at Melaleuca.


Brenda, Brenda, Brenda... Wow Brenda. Everyone's an ignorant failure, aren't they? Let those without sin cast the first stone.

#41Consumer Comment

Sun, May 08, 2005

Brenda says: =========================== To begin with, Thursday Plantation has been known as TP Health Ltd. since 2003. If you were such an expert, you would know that they changed their name 2 years ago. They have operated under a New South Wales Crown Land's Lease since 1977 in the Bungawalbyn Reserve. They do NOT have exclusive rights to the Bungawalbyn Reserve, and do not own the land. =========================== TP Health Ltd. was created because THURSDAY PLANTATION bought a few other companies. TP Health was formed as a parent company due to those purchases. The Tea Tree oil is still marketed, sold, and bottled under THURSDAY PLANTATION. In fact, you yourself linked to their website. www.thursdayplantation.com.au. Gee, I guess I do know a thing or two about the company. By the way, the lease was granted in 1976, not '77. It's ok, I won't chastise you like you did me. And I never said they owned the entire reserve. Eric White (who founded the Plantation) found a particularly potent 'patch' of the most genetically pure trees in the Bungawalbyn basin. He called these either 'mother trees', or 'father trees', I can't remember which. It was HERE that thursday Plantation was formed. Thursday Plantation did then, and STILL DOES TODAY have EXCLUSIVE rights to the most GENETICALLY PURE Melaleuca Alternifolia trees IN THE WORLD. These 'Mother/Father' trees span about a 200 square mile radius. Brenda Says: ====================== Melaleuca's tea tree oil also comes from the Bungawalbyn Reserve in New South Wales, Australia and is STEAM DISTILLED WITHOUT USING CHEMICALS OF ANY KIND. ====================== You know, I did a little research of my own, and guess what... You're right. Melalauca Plantation is in the Bungawalbyn basin a few hundred miles from where Thursday Plantation operates(And yes, the plantation is still called THURSDAY. The PARENT is TP Health). Now here's the difference. Melaleuca Plantation was founded after 1987, more than a full 10 years after Thursday. Also, the founder Craig Chapman didn't have the luxury of finding the most genetically pure trees. He PLANTED HIS! Some sources of information site that he purchased the seeds from Thursday Plantation, but there is no concrete evidence to support this, and it's largely irrelevant anyway... or is it? I haven't been able to find ANY evidence that the growing conditions in Melaleuca are as ideal as the small area that Thursday has. Obviously (to me anyway) it is NOT as ideal because Maleleuca had to intervene, and their trees are PLANTED by HUMAN INTERVENTION, as opposed to nature growing the best trees in a small area... occupied by Thursday Plantation. But that's just my opinion, and apparantly i'm ignorant. ;) Brenda Says: ========================== You make a lot of statements, but back it up with nothing. Show me documentation that says TP Health Ltd. (formerly Thursday Plantation) is INTERNATIONALLY recognized as the BEST. ========================== Well, I don't see you backing anything up. I remember just last month reading an article by Dr. Julian Whitaker (an internationally recognized Dr.) speaking about Thursday Plantation, and how it was the first, and to this day is the best Tea Tree oil in the world. I also seem to remember an article by Otto Greither (From Germany of the International company Salus Haus) speaking about GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices), and praising companies like THURSDAY PLANTATION for pioneering, and maintaining the best standards for manufacturing in the world. I'm afraid that you will have to find these sources for yourself however. I read them from information made available to me at my job. I'm sure if you looked yourself though you will find many more international authorities proclaiming their opinions that Thursday Plantation is still the #1 manufacturer of Tea Tree oil. I suppose that it's POSSIBLE that Melaleuca Plantation follows them in 2nd place. But you know what they say, 2nd place is the 1st loser. Brenda Says: =============== You can't. =============== I'm pretty sure I just did. Brenda Says: ===================== The person you quoted who does trainings is not an employee of Melaleuca. She is an independent marketing executive who trains the people she works with in her organization...just as many others do for their teams. It's called leadership. ==================== Another quote, by Gaylene: ====================== I am much too busy working my successful Melaleuca business, as a lifelong member of The M.O.M Team. ====================== I'm pretty sure that these words, written BY Gaylene herself, says that she IS an employee of Melaleuca. Unless you don't consider running a Melaleuca business, and being a member of the MOM team as being employed by them. Don't make me pull out the definition of 'employed'. Brenda, so politlely says: ============================== Again...you show your ignorance. ============================== I know, i'm such a putz. ============================== First you say that T36-C5 is not the best, and even go so far as to say that it is "screwed with" (verbalization of an expert? I think not!) ============================== I never said that t36-c5 was screwed with. I said that many companies nowadays DO screw with their batches to come to an agreeable potency. I ASKED if t36-c5 was screwed with, by asking how it was sourced, and distilled. And it seems, now that I have done the research myself, that t36-c5 is not screwed with(that I could find). It is distilled from manufactured sources of trees, that have been unnaturally (as in how nature had it before man intervened) planted. And I never claimed to be an expert. I said that I was a Registered Nutritional Product Advisor. And I stated it in the context to show that I did not work for Thursday Plantation, or any other product company. The intent was to show no bias, rather than to attempt to procalim expertise. ============================= by using a standardized amount of chemical ingredients. And yet...you say that Thursday Plantation products are far better. Do you even have any idea what the T and C stand for? And do you have any idea what the international stardards are, and WHY there are specific standards for Terpinen-4-ol and Cineole. By the way...that's what the T and C stand for...Terpinen-r-ol and Cineole. ============================= Oh, I know, and knew what they stood for. I'll even do you one better. These are paraphrased for relevant content. Terpinen-4-ol: A flammable, oxygen stable gas, or liquid found as a primary compound in nutmeg, many citrus plants, and some exotic foliage such as the Melaleuca Tea Tree. Used as a flavoring, or active compound. Found to be anti-fungal, antiseptic, and mildy anti-bacterial. Cineole: Also called Eucalyptol due to it's role as a main active molecule found in Eucalyptus oil. Also found in Cajeput oil, and many other aromatic foliage such as Bay leaves, and Tea Trees. Found to be pro-circulatory when applied dermal as a constituent of an oil. Also found to be effective for relieving symptoms of inflammation, and minor pain. You get all sorts of fun texts when you get an education. but I suppose I should tell you something other than what I copied from my texts, so i'll tell you why cineole is found in such low concentrations. cineole, in addition to affecting dermal absorbtion of oils, is itself toxic. Therefore repeated usage, or a high potency of cineole can easily result in a toxic overload. Brenda's still talking: ========================== Now read this very closely...Thursday Plantation's tea tree oil is 36% terpinen-4-ol, and their cineole is 5%. ========================= Not true. Thursday plantation GUARANTEES a MINIMUM (that's what < this sign means) 5% cineole, and MINIMUM 36% Terpinen-4-ol. I've seen indivudual batch testings(perk of my job), and their batches come off at much closer to 38-40% T-4-ol, and 2-3% Cineole. I never was good at math, but that seems superior to t36-c5. See, Melaleuca's oil is a STANDARDZED oil. Thursday's batches must come from more potent sources, so they do not need to standardize every batch. They simply guarantee a minimum, while actually delivering above and beyond that minimum. Brenda again: ==================== Sooo...you try to discredit Melaleuca by saying that T36-C5 is less than standard, yet the company you say has the best also uses the same percentages. Just another clue that you have NO CLUE what you are talking about. ==================== Yeah, i'm clueless. You know me well. It's a tough life. Brenda: ================= Australian product regulations and the International Standards Organization require that tea tree oil must have at least 30 percent terpinen-4-ol and not more than 15 percent cineole. ================= Yup. Standards that were set in COOPERATION with Thursday Plantation. And by the way, they don't REQUIRE anything. The oil just has to meet that criteria in order to claim to be standardized. I can spit in a jar filled with the crappiest tea tree in the world and call it tea tree oil. But I wouldn't be able to call it standardized. Brenda gets personal: =================== Registered by who? LOL Your so-called title is either a joke, or you are incompetent at what you do. =================== Jeez, you're just rude. I've rebutted everything you've said so far effectively, but I would still not be so presumptuous, and rude as to call you ingorant, incompetent, or any other attack that I would have to know you personally to rightly conclude. I'm not about to dignify your personal attack with stating my entire educational history. I'll sum it up for you. Pre-school->grade school->High School->University->Supplement Certification->My job Brenda slips up: ======================= Here again...you show your ignorance. ProFlex's proprietary diverse proteins are "the best, most-bioavailable blend", ======================= What's with the quote? You read that off the label? ======================= which includes all 11 essential branch chain amino acids needed for maintaining and repairing muscle tissue. The proteins in ProFlex's proprietary forumula rank as follows in BV (Biological Value): Whey - 159, Casein - 77, Egg albumin whites - 88, Soy - 74. ======================= Funny, i've only heard of 8 essential amino acids. Maybe I better check my books, and make sure. Hmm, yup, here they are: isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine,tryptophan and valine. I suppose if you consider histidine, which is only essential for children, you get 9. That's still not 11. Also, there are only 3 BRANCHED CHAIN amino acids. Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine. And your Biological Values are the typical values for these protein sources. This isn't anything special. The Biological value speaks to general SOURCES of proteins, not the quality of an individual BRAND of protein. MOST protein from whey Isolate has a BV of 159. That only speaks to it's general absorbability. But if you have a crappy isolate that is only 80%< protein it isn't as good a quality of say a 86% isolate, and the former can have a higher potential for things such as... oh, i dunno, say CHOLESTEROL. And if your meal replacement is so good, then tell me how the animal cholesterol got there, and what source it's from. And why do they need so many bloody sources of protein to begin with? It sounds like you typed this off of a product brochure. I don't think you actually knew what all this meant. Please, prove me wrong... for pitty sake. Brenda slipped up again: =============== Kris continues to show her ignorance. =============== I'm a guy. Mom liked Kris Kristofferson. A fact I was never proud of until I saw Blade. It's allright though, honest mistake. Brenda slips again... AGAIN!? ============================ Chemically, calcium cannot be given by itself, but must be connected to another substance called a salt. ============================ Are you referring to the process of esterifying? I know what it is. And no, it does not have to be esterified. Ever hear of chelation, oxides, or the more rare hydroxides? ============================ These salts are simply carriers of the calcium. A variety of different carriers are commonly used, some being carbonate, citrate, gluconate and glubionate. The carrier is important for several reasons. ============================ Well, I guess in VERY simple terms that's accurate. ============================ Although calcium citrate is more readily absorbed by some people (primarily those over 65 and lacking hydrochloric acid in their stomachs), calcium carbonate contains more ELEMENTAL calcium. For example, calcium supplements using carbonate as the carrier supply 40% ELEMENTAL CALCIUM, while citrate carriers supply 20%-24%. Others supply significantly less, 9% IN THE CASE OF GLUCONATE. ============================ Although that is (partially) true you are making the same mistake that many people do. You're looking at total amount of elemental calcium instead of AVAILABLE, and ABSORBABLE calcium. Carbonate contains the most elemental calcium, with Lactates, and Gluconates bringing up the rear. However, the general nutritional rule of thumb with calcium is that the more concentrated the source, the less available the source. I'll use your figures. Carbonate may have 40% elemental calcium, but of that 40% only 50% of it is AVAILABLE. That gives us 20%. Of that 20% only 10% is ABSORBABLE. That leaves you with what? 2% usable calcium in the body? Now, i'll use a brand name here so you know that I'm not spouting off. I mentioned them before. Salus Haus makes a Calcium Gluconate/Lactate blend solution. I'll use your numbers again. We'll low ball for arguements sake and start with 9% even though Lactates are slightly higher in Elemental levels than Gluconates. Salus' solution is 99% AVAILABLE. That leaves us with 8.91% Available. Of that 8.91% approximately 80% is ABSORBABLE giving us 7.1% usable calcium. Hell, even if it was only 50% absorbable it's STILL better than your carbonate. Brenda, Brenda, Brenda: ======================= Go back to school, Kris. And tell the WHOLE story when making statements about ingredients in products you know nothing about. I do not claim to be an expert, but I HAVE spent THOUSANDS OF HOURS researching the ingredients in MELALEUCA'S PRODUCTS. ======================= There you go being rude again. You won't hear me berating your thousands of hours of research. I commend you for researching your product. It's just unfortunate that the research you did was biased, and misleading. Brenda, again: ================== As for the ferrous fumarate, it is one of the most stable, least toxic and easily assimilable salts of iron. Melaleuca's formulation is the result of years of research by top scientists. ================== Yeah, it's better than an inorganic ester of iron like Sulfate. But again, i'll refer you to Salus Haus and their Ferrous Gluconate called Floradix. Fumarate can be constipating. Floradix sure isn't. Oh Brenda, ========================== I'm not going into the details of Melaleuca's patented process of Fuctose Compounding, which allows nutrients to more easily be absorbed in the bloodstream and delivered to cells, and thus, to tissues, organs, and the rest of the body. And I won't go into Melaleuca's unique timed-release technology that insures that your body gets what it needs WHEN it needs it, which prevents overdosing and underdosing. However, the use of PARTICULAR ingredients in this product are formulated in the safest, most bioavilable way. =========================== Sure, Melaleuca patented an UNPROVEN technology called Fructose compounding. The research was 'supposedly' done my a Dr. Marcus Cobb? Funny thing is that you can't find any information on these studies. In fact, I found a source that claimed to have contacted Dr. Cobb at Ohio State University, and he denied having ever being involved in this process. When you can show me UNBIASED, THIRD PARTY testing, and studies then I will submit to the superiority of your claims. I admit that it's an interesting theory, but until PUBLIC studies, and INDEPENDANT studies come to light on this technology, that's all it is, theory. Right now it's a nice marketing tool for Melaleuca to say, "Hey, look! We have a patented technology that is super absorbable, and no one else has it! Buy our crap instead! Calcium Carbonate and all!" Brenda: ===================== Melaleuca's formulas are the result of years and years of scientific research by top scientists, and provide the most balanced and bioavailable product available. ==================== Years of studies performed, and funded by Melaleuca maybe. Brenda is rude again: ==================== YOUR opinion means nothing. You have repeatedly shown your ignorance in your post. Get the facts before posting in a public forum. ==================== I hope I satisfied your request for facts. Have a good day Brenda. I would never wish you ill will.


Melaleuca IS An Opportunity For A Better Way!!!

#42UPDATE Employee

Sun, May 08, 2005

Jonathan, I state the facts. Period. Melaleuca is NOT a cult. I've been a customer for over 5 years, and am a customer for life. I am not a program hopper running from one program to another looking for a quick buck. Melaleuca IS an opportunity for a better way. But like anything else, it takes committment. It takes work, and it takes persistence. Those who are too lazy to do anything with it will fail. And they will continue to fail as they hop from one program to another. If you were such a successful professional, you would not be spending your time in forums trying to discredit companies that you know NOTHING about. Your real name is probably William...same writing style.


Brenda, never would be a member of your little "cult"

#43Consumer Comment

Sat, May 07, 2005

You're absolutely right, I am and never would be a member of your little "cult" all because of people like you. (I can see it now in her rebuttle, "Jon contunues to show his ignorance, blah, blah, blah") You are nothing but a talking puppet for the Melaleuca Faction. You're always right, everyone else is always ignorant, stupid (insert your favorite word of the day - that your cult has fed you)I am sure you were right up there with the last great fad and when this one fails you will leach yourself onto the next one telling us how "this is the best one, the last one was stupid, etc, etc, etc." Get real and stop trying to feed everyone such a load of crap. You sound like an on-line infomercial. You people make me sick, preying on helpless individuals who are looking for any oportunity to get a better way in life. Oh and as for your comment about "me being a miserable failure" I happen to be in a very respectable profession in the Atlanta area, who would be considered by almost anyone asked "a complete success" before the age of 40. The lease of a private jet, 3 homes in two countries, unlimited cash, etc. So, brainwash someone else, zombie. Anyone with any gray matter can see you and your femi-n**i group are nothing but brainwashed zombies spiting out the company line over and over and over again...just like zombies.


Research PROVES that Melaleuca Products Are Environmentally Sensitive and Safer Than Common Products

#44Consumer Comment

Sat, May 07, 2005

Jonathan, you have accomplished nothing more than a display of your ignorance. I did research for an independent publisher, and many of my reports have been published. In addition to that, I have done research for my own information because I want to know what is in the products I use. I was paid to find out the truth about products, and what I found has shown me that Melaleuca is what they say they are! And it has shown me just how unsafe products manufactured by typical manufacturers are. Your post is indicative of someone who is a miserable failure, and has nothing better to do than discredit others. You made it obvious in your post that you have never been a Melaleuca customer and know nothing about the products or the company. If you had been a customer, you would know that the laundry detergent does not come in a box. You would also know that the COST PER USE is much LESS than typical detergents containing harmful chemicals. You obviously have no clue what a pyramid scheme is. Melaleuca's credentials speak for the credibility and integrity of the company. Nobody is being ripped off. My customers have been customers for as long as over 5 years and love the products and the company. I don't have unhappy cusstomers because I do not enroll people like you. I prequalify my customers...ethical people looking for a value and a way to enhance their lives. Your post is nothing more than a waste of bandwidth. Maybe you should take your own suggestion and get a life! All truth passes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as being self-evident.


Research PROVES that Melaleuca Products Are Environmentally Sensitive and Safer Than Common Products

#45Consumer Comment

Sat, May 07, 2005

Jonathan, you have accomplished nothing more than a display of your ignorance. I did research for an independent publisher, and many of my reports have been published. In addition to that, I have done research for my own information because I want to know what is in the products I use. I was paid to find out the truth about products, and what I found has shown me that Melaleuca is what they say they are! And it has shown me just how unsafe products manufactured by typical manufacturers are. Your post is indicative of someone who is a miserable failure, and has nothing better to do than discredit others. You made it obvious in your post that you have never been a Melaleuca customer and know nothing about the products or the company. If you had been a customer, you would know that the laundry detergent does not come in a box. You would also know that the COST PER USE is much LESS than typical detergents containing harmful chemicals. You obviously have no clue what a pyramid scheme is. Melaleuca's credentials speak for the credibility and integrity of the company. Nobody is being ripped off. My customers have been customers for as long as over 5 years and love the products and the company. I don't have unhappy cusstomers because I do not enroll people like you. I prequalify my customers...ethical people looking for a value and a way to enhance their lives. Your post is nothing more than a waste of bandwidth. Maybe you should take your own suggestion and get a life! All truth passes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as being self-evident.


Research PROVES that Melaleuca Products Are Environmentally Sensitive and Safer Than Common Products

#46Consumer Comment

Sat, May 07, 2005

Jonathan, you have accomplished nothing more than a display of your ignorance. I did research for an independent publisher, and many of my reports have been published. In addition to that, I have done research for my own information because I want to know what is in the products I use. I was paid to find out the truth about products, and what I found has shown me that Melaleuca is what they say they are! And it has shown me just how unsafe products manufactured by typical manufacturers are. Your post is indicative of someone who is a miserable failure, and has nothing better to do than discredit others. You made it obvious in your post that you have never been a Melaleuca customer and know nothing about the products or the company. If you had been a customer, you would know that the laundry detergent does not come in a box. You would also know that the COST PER USE is much LESS than typical detergents containing harmful chemicals. You obviously have no clue what a pyramid scheme is. Melaleuca's credentials speak for the credibility and integrity of the company. Nobody is being ripped off. My customers have been customers for as long as over 5 years and love the products and the company. I don't have unhappy cusstomers because I do not enroll people like you. I prequalify my customers...ethical people looking for a value and a way to enhance their lives. Your post is nothing more than a waste of bandwidth. Maybe you should take your own suggestion and get a life! All truth passes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as being self-evident.


Research PROVES that Melaleuca Products Are Environmentally Sensitive and Safer Than Common Products

#47Consumer Comment

Sat, May 07, 2005

Jonathan, you have accomplished nothing more than a display of your ignorance. I did research for an independent publisher, and many of my reports have been published. In addition to that, I have done research for my own information because I want to know what is in the products I use. I was paid to find out the truth about products, and what I found has shown me that Melaleuca is what they say they are! And it has shown me just how unsafe products manufactured by typical manufacturers are. Your post is indicative of someone who is a miserable failure, and has nothing better to do than discredit others. You made it obvious in your post that you have never been a Melaleuca customer and know nothing about the products or the company. If you had been a customer, you would know that the laundry detergent does not come in a box. You would also know that the COST PER USE is much LESS than typical detergents containing harmful chemicals. You obviously have no clue what a pyramid scheme is. Melaleuca's credentials speak for the credibility and integrity of the company. Nobody is being ripped off. My customers have been customers for as long as over 5 years and love the products and the company. I don't have unhappy cusstomers because I do not enroll people like you. I prequalify my customers...ethical people looking for a value and a way to enhance their lives. Your post is nothing more than a waste of bandwidth. Maybe you should take your own suggestion and get a life! All truth passes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as being self-evident.


Melaleuca's unique timed-release technology !!!

#48Consumer Comment

Fri, May 06, 2005

Brenda of Independence, MO wrote, "And I won't go into Melaleuca's UNIQUE TIME-RELEASED TECHNOLOGY that insures that your body gets what it needs WHEN it needs it, which prevents overdosing and underdosing." Is it because you do not know about it? Is this something that we should alert the media about? According to you, you have, "spent THOUSANDS OF HOURS researching the ingredients in MELALEUCA'S PRODUCTS." Do you have no life at all, that you have to research ingredients on some PYRAMID SCHEME'S products? You people need to get a life, and stop spending it, trying to rip off your friends and neighbors with crappy laundry soap (that probably take half the box per wash) and the like. Get some ethics. How would you like a friend or neighbor to rip you off? Piece Out


Meleleuca's HIGH QUALITY Is The Result of Years and Years Of Scientific Research!

#49Consumer Comment

Thu, May 05, 2005

Kris, you are SO wrong! KRIS SAID========================== That is true. But there is only 1 species that you get get any kind of medicinal Tea Tree oil. Melaleuca Alternifolia. And beyond that, even that species varies in the potency, and efficacy of the oil. There is only a 200 Square Mile radius in the WORLD where the most ideal growing conditions for Tea Trees are. And the T36-C5 tea tree does NOT come from there. ONE company ownes the ENTIRE land area. They were the FIRST company to distill Tea Tree oil in the world, and they SET the standardization for Tea Tree oil along with the Australian Government in the 1970's. they had the first Tea Tree oil, and they are INERNATIONALLY recognized as the BEST. They are called Thursday Plantation, and they operate out of Australia. ==================================== Kris, you are wrong! To begin with, Thursday Plantation has been known as TP Health Ltd. since 2003. If you were such an expert, you would know that they changed their name 2 years ago. They have operated under a New South Wales Crown Land's Lease since 1977 in the Bungawalbyn Reserve. They do NOT have exclusive rights to the Bungawalbyn Reserve, and do not own the land. Melaleuca's tea tree oil also comes from the Bungawalbyn Reserve in New South Wales, Australia and is STEAM DISTILLED WITHOUT USING CHEMICALS OF ANY KIND. You make a lot of statements, but back it up with nothing. Show me documentation that says TP Health Ltd. (formerly Thursday Plantation) is INTERNATIONALLY recognized as the BEST. You can't. KRIS SAID=========================== I do not work for them, and my opinion is unbiased, as opposed to working for Melaleuca INc. and saying their product is the best. END OF QUOTE======================== The person you quoted who does trainings is not an employee of Melaleuca. She is an independent marketing executive who trains the people she works with in her organization...just as many others do for their teams. It's called leadership. KRIS SAID=========================== I'm sorry, but T36-C5 is NOT the best in the world. it's standardized chemical components are not bad, but hardly the best. Plus, what is the source for the oil? How is it distilled? Most all companies that have a standardized amount of chemical ingredients in their Tea Tree oil are from screwing with each batch, and re-distilling it until they arrive at an agreeable potency. they do not start with the most effective sources. I doubt that T36-C5 is any different. To my knowledge ONLY thursday Plantation is able to come to an ideal potency without scrweing with each batch. Because they have the luxury of starting with the PROPER source. NO other company to my knowledge can do that. ==================================== Again...you show your ignorance. First you say that T36-C5 is not the best, and even go so far as to say that it is "screwed with" (verbalization of an expert? I think not!) by using a standardized amount of chemical ingredients. And yet...you say that Thursday Plantation products are far better. Do you even have any idea what the T and C stand for? And do you have any idea what the international stardards are, and WHY there are specific standards for Terpinen-4-ol and Cineole. By the way...that's what the T and C stand for...Terpinen-r-ol and Cineole. Now read this very closely...Thursday Plantation's tea tree oil is 36% terpinen-4-ol, and their cineole is 5%. Sooo...you try to discredit Melaleuca by saying that T36-C5 is less than standard, yet the company you say has the best also uses the same percentages. Just another clue that you have NO CLUE what you are talking about. Read for yourself...right on the TP Health Ltd. (formerly Thursday Plantation) website! http://www.thursdayplantation.com.au/about/page.cfm?aboutID=6 Australian product regulations and the International Standards Organization require that tea tree oil must have at least 30 percent terpinen-4-ol and not more than 15 percent cineole. TOP QUALITY Tea Tree oil should have a maximum cineole content of 5% and a minimum terpinen-4-ol content of 35-40%. Melaleuca, Inc. has set their standards HIGHER the the international standards and produces T36-C5, which contains a higher percentage of terpinen-4-ol (36%), and the lower level of cineole (5%), in a combination that is both effective and safe. Again...TP Health Ltd. (formerly Thursday Plantation) also uses this standard. They do not use a high standard than Melaleuca, Inc. uses. Melaleuca, Inc.'s other tea tree oil product, T40-C3, is even more pure, and is recommended for those who have a sensitivity to the myrtle family of plants. This is a HIGHER standard than Melaleuca's other tea tree oil, and HIGHER than TP Health Ltd.'s tea tree oil. KRIS SAID=========================== Please... I am a Registered Nutritional Product Advisor, and I don't work for ANY product company. And I DISAGREE with your claim. ==================================== Registered by who? LOL Your so-called title is either a joke, or you are incompetent at what you do. KRIS SAID=========================== They use cheap, non bioavailable forms of nutrients, and unbalanced amounts of nutrients. For pete's sake, their WEIGHT LOSS drink contains Cholesterol!!! 3mg per serving! In looking at the ingredients I could only see the Whey Protein powder as having ANY possiblity of containing cholesterol. So either they use a VERY poor Whey Concentrate (with a concentrate the cholesterol should be mostly filtered out of the powder), or they are not listing an animal source product somewhere in the ingredients. ==================================== Here again...you show your ignorance. ProFlex's proprietary diverse proteins are "the best, most-bioavailable blend", which includes all 11 essential branch chain amino acids needed for maintaining and repairing muscle tissue. The proteins in ProFlex's proprietary forumula rank as follows in BV (Biological Value): Whey - 159, Casein - 77, Egg albumin whites - 88, Soy - 74. KRIS SAID=========================== Plus, ALL of their calcium sources are largely, or entirely Calcium Carbonate! Carbonate is only 10% Absorbable, as opposed to up to 80% with other liquid forms (gluconate/Lactate blends). But hey, Carbonate is a very cheap form to produce. Plus, they put Calcium Carbonate in the same pill (their Multivitamin) as Iron (Ferrous fumerate, which isn't a very good source of Iron in the first place). Iron and Calcium compete for absorbability in the body. ==================================== Kris continues to show her ignorance. Chemically, calcium cannot be given by itself, but must be connected to another substance called a salt. These salts are simply carriers of the calcium. A variety of different carriers are commonly used, some being carbonate, citrate, gluconate and glubionate. The carrier is important for several reasons. Although calcium citrate is more readily absorbed by some people (primarily those over 65 and lacking hydrochloric acid in their stomachs), calcium carbonate contains more ELEMENTAL calcium. For example, calcium supplements using carbonate as the carrier supply 40% ELEMENTAL CALCIUM, while citrate carriers supply 20%-24%. Others supply significantly less, 9% IN THE CASE OF GLUCONATE. Go back to school, Kris. And tell the WHOLE story when making statements about ingredients in products you know nothing about. I do not claim to be an expert, but I HAVE spent THOUSANDS OF HOURS researching the ingredients in MELALEUCA'S PRODUCTS. As for the ferrous fumarate, it is one of the most stable, least toxic and easily assimilable salts of iron. Melaleuca's formulation is the result of years of research by top scientists. I'm not going into the details of Melaleuca's patented process of Fuctose Compounding, which allows nutrients to more easily be absorbed in the bloodstream and delivered to cells, and thus, to tissues, organs, and the rest of the body. And I won't go into Melaleuca's unique timed-release technology that insures that your body gets what it needs WHEN it needs it, which prevents overdosing and underdosing. However, the use of PARTICULAR ingredients in this product are formulated in the safest, most bioavilable way. Melaleuca's formulas are the result of years and years of scientific research by top scientists, and provide the most balanced and bioavailable product available. KRIS SAID=========================== My opinion is that the PRODUCTS are cheap, and bottom line. Not worth what you're paying for them. And the whole image of the company just screams cheap, and rip off. About the workings of the company, I can't say. But as a consumer, I would never purchase any of these products. Go to your local Health food Store if you want healthy, non toixic alternatives to what is commonly found everywhere else. ==================================== YOUR opinion means nothing. You have repeatedly shown your ignorance in your post. Get the facts before posting in a public forum.


New Jersey,
Melaleuca is about Wellness. It is not a "Get Rich Quick" Scam.

#50Consumer Comment

Tue, May 03, 2005

First and foremost, this is the wrong company to join if you are looking for a "Get Rich Quick Scheme." You should first have an interest in using products that do not unneccessarily expose you to harmful chemicals that have detrimental long term health consequences. I joined the company because I wanted to make my home safer for my 2 children who suffered from allergies, illness and skin disorders (i.e. seborrhea dermatitis, eczema). Converting my home alleviated these problems and I continued to use the products and fell in love with them. My family, after seeing the health improvements in my home, also started Melaleuca accounts and were pleased with the results. And, as word of mouth referrals resulted in more new enrollees, it only made sense to pursue this as a business to take advantage of the tax benefits and residual income opportunities. I built my business slowly while working full time in the legal profession. My husband and I used the Melaleuca checks to pay off debts and increase college fund deposits into our children's 529 accounts. A year later, I am working my Melaleuca business from home and I am enjoying it. It is hard work but such is life. I do not spend thousands of dollars running my business. I create my own business cards, flyers, etc. from my personal computer and I display them on community billboards, etc. I do not cold call people or harass people who are not interested in these products. When people contact me I simply tell them about the products and why I love them. If they say NO, that is fine. I do not have a problem with No because I do not have a stockpile of inventory that I have to sell in order to get a check. Whether or not someone is interested does not change the fact that I will always be a customer because my family's health comes first. I very seldomly purchase leads because I prefer to interact with people and invite them to in-home presentations where they can see, touch and feel the products. Because I use my personal products at my in-homes and as part of my business, all of my products are tax write-offs. This I can appreciate. I also save money: Most of Melaleuca's products last longer because they are concentrated--one bottle of tub-n-tile makes 3 full size spray bottles. So when we say you Save Money it is because you are paying less on a Cost-Per-Use basis. Some products cost a little more than what you'd find in the grocery store or Walmart but I do not mind the added expense if it saves me a trip to the store and it is safer for my family. What many lose sight of is that this is not a buying decision--you are already purchasing these products at the grocery store, etc.--this is a shopping decision. You are simply switching stores and purchasing your every day household cleaners, cosmetics, bath & body products, OTC medicines/first-aid ointments and nutritional vitamins and supplements from Melaleuca. I purchase only what my family needs--No one is forced to purchase items that they do not need or use. I have never forced Melaleuca on anyone and I thoroughly explain all the agreements, the refund process and the money-back guarantees. I follow up with all of my new enrollees for the first 4 months to assist with any and all questions. I have only had one person to leave the company and I wrote her cancellation letter for her and gave her the letter with specific instructions on how to cancel. She did not have a problem getting her refund. I am most definitely not endorsing that Mela reps should write cancellation letters because it is the enrollee's responsibility to follow the requirements As Written in the Agreement. I do not get caught up in the arguments regarding whether Melaleuca is an MLM because I know that the products are enhancing people's lives and helping families to become financially independent--I focus on the Wellness aspect and I stress being a customer first prior to building a business because you can not build a business or mentor new business builders if you do not have a true appreciation for the products. It is disheartening to know that many people reading these messages will decide not to try the products or the business and miss out on an opportunity that could change their life.


Response to the PRODUCT Quality, Not the COMPANY

#51Consumer Comment

Mon, May 02, 2005

GAYLE SAID in 2003: "there are many different varieties of Tea Tree Oil, and many different varieties of melaleuca (botanical name) trees from which you can get Tea Tree Oil." That is true. But there is only 1 species that you get get any kind of medicinal Tea Tree oil. Melaleuca Alternifolia. And beyond that, even that species varies in the potency, and efficacy of the oil. There is only a 200 Square Mile radius in the WORLD where the most ideal growing conditions for Tea Trees are. And the T36-C5 tea tree does NOT come from there. ONE company ownes the ENTIRE land area. They were the FIRST company to distill Tea Tree oil in the world, and they SET the standardization for Tea Tree oil along with the Australian Government in the 1970's. they had the first Tea Tree oil, and they are INERNATIONALLY recognized as the BEST. They are called Thursday Plantation, and they operate out of Australia. I do not work for them, and my opinion is unbiased, as opposed to working for Melaleuca INc. and saying their product is the best. She said: "Melaleuca Inc.'s tea tree oil is the highest and purest pharmaceutical grade tea tree oil in the world, and has a triple patent on it. Most other companies dilute it heavily with alcohol, etc, and then charge high prices for it. Melaleuca doesn't do that." I'm sorry, but T36-C5 is NOT the best in the world. it's standardized chemical components are not bad, but hardly the best. Plus, what is the source for the oil? How is it distilled? Most all companies that have a standardized amount of chemical ingredients in their Tea Tree oil are from screwing with each batch, and re-distilling it until they arrive at an agreeable potency. they do not start with the most effective sources. I doubt that T36-C5 is any different. To my knowledge ONLY thursday Plantation is able to come to an ideal potency without scrweing with each batch. Because they have the luxury of starting with the PROPER source. NO other company to my knowledge can do that. She Said: "I know what I am talking about because I do one of the Melaleuca product training calls for The MOM Team, and so have done quite a bit of research on the products. I come from a high nutrition family background, and can truthfully say, that Melaleuca's products are the BEST I have ever come across, and are extremely cost effective." You do the training, you're employed by Maleleuca INC, and so you have the best, unbiased view of the product? Please... I am a Registered Nutritional Product Advisor, and I don't work for ANY product company. And I DISAGREE with your claim. For the record: My girlfriends mother just bought into this, and prurchased an ENTIRE box of various product. I cannot rightly speak to the cleansers, and cleaners, because that is not my line of work. but the nutritional products are hack... at best. They use cheap, non bioavailable forms of nutrients, and unbalanced amounts of nutrients. For pete's sake, their WEIGHT LOSS drink contains Cholesterol!!! 3mg per serving! In looking at the ingredients I could only see the Whey Protein powder as having ANY possiblity of containing cholesterol. So either they use a VERY poor Whey Concentrate (with a concentrate the cholesterol should be mostly filtered out of the powder), or they are not listing an animal source product somewhere in the ingredients. Plus, ALL of their calcium sources are largely, or entirely Calcium Carbonate! Carbonate is only 10% Absorbable, as opposed to up to 80% with other liquid forms (gluconate/Lactate blends). But hey, Carbonate is a very cheap form to produce. Plus, they put Calcium Carbonate in the same pill (their Multivitamin) as Iron (Ferrous fumerate, which isn't a very good source of Iron in the first place). Iron and Calcium compete for absorbability in the body. My opinion is that the PRODUCTS are cheap, and bottom line. Not worth what you're paying for them. And the whole image of the company just screams cheap, and rip off. About the workings of the company, I can't say. But as a consumer, I would never purchase any of these products. Go to your local Health food Store if you want healthy, non toixic alternatives to what is commonly found everywhere else.


Melaleuca's Products ARE Safer and ARE Effective!

#52UPDATE Employee

Mon, April 25, 2005

I find it interesting that people who try to discredit Melaleuca's products make generalized statements with nothing to back it up, or post half-truths and/or misinformation. EVON SAID:================= I have fonud the following information online, at the National Librabry Of Medicine, and have decided that this so called "opportunity" is in need of a much needed, in depth, research on the exact effects of Melaleuca. Report#1: A 23-month-old boy became confused and was unable to walk thirty minutes after ingesting less than 10 mL of a product containing 100% melaleuca oil. Report#2: Melaleuca oil (tea tree oil) is the essential oil distilled from the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia Cheel. Tea tree oil is popular for treating various cutaneous maladies. Our purpose was to determine which constituent compounds of Melaleuca oil are responsible for allergic contact eczema in seven patients who became sensitized END OF EVON's STATEMENT===== The 23-month-old boy you listed drank 100% T36-C7, which could NOT have been a Melaleuca, Inc. product. Melaleuca DOES NOT produce T36-C7! And Melaleuca does not say it is ok to drink their SAFER, PURER product T36-C5. The International Standards Organization has determined that oil of Melaleuca alternifolia must contain more than 30% terpinen-4-ol and no more than 15% cineole. Melaleucas's standards are EVEN HIGHER, with at least 36% terpinen-4-ol and not more than 5% cineole. Melaleuca's products are T36-C5 and T40-C3. Melaleuca does NOT make T36-C7. The study Evon referred to is below, along with a link on the PubMed website: PubMed Abstract: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=8057407&dopt=Abstract QUOTE:==================== Melaleuca oil poisoning. Jacobs MR, Hornfeldt CS. Hennepin Regional Poison Center, Hennepin County Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN 55415. A 23-month-old boy became confused and was unable to walk thirty minutes after ingesting less than 10 mL of T36-C7, a commercial product containing 100% melaleuca oil. The child was referred to a nearby hospital. His condition improved and he was asymptomatic within 5 hours of ingestion. He was discharged to home the following day. Melaleuca oil, extracted from the Melaleuca alternifolia, contains 50-60% terpenes and related alcohols. Clinical experience with products containing melaleuca oil is limited. This case report suggests that ingestion of a modest amount of a concentrated form of this oil may produce signs of toxicity. END OF QUOTE=============== Now...let'a take a closer look at the second report Evon listed. The abstract she mentioned can be found at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=8113455 The purpose was to determine which constituent compounds of Melaleuca oil were responsible for allergic contact eczema in SEVEN patients who became sensitized. This was not a study showing a percentage of people adversely affected. They chose SEVEN people who had, in fact gotten contact eczema, and wanted to determine which specific compound in the oil caused it. Anyone who is allergic to the myrtle family of trees is susceptible to being allergic to melaleuca oil. Hundreds of thousands of people use products containing melaleuca oil and ARE NOT allergic. Practically ANY FOOD can trigger a response in SUSCEPTIBLE individuals. Your example, Evon, serves no purpose. I have over a hundred links in my archives that show the benefits of melaleuca oil, a result of thousands of hours of research...too many links to post here. Here is a 2004 study showing that the main compound in melaleuca oil, terpinen-4-ol inhibits the in vitro growth of human melanoma cells: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=15009716 This 2002 study shows that Tea tree oil reduces histamine-induced skin inflammation: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=12452873 This 2003 study shows the benefits when used in oral hygiene products: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=14622345 This 2004 study shows the effectiveness of melaleuca oil in treating head lice: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=15025863 This 2004 study shows that "Melaleuca alternifolia oil (tea tree oil), an essential oil, has demonstrated promising efficacy" in treating antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as staphylococcus aureus: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=15525915 Do your own research to find the truth. Search scientific journals, medical abstracts, etc. There are hundreds of studies and credible articles on this subject.


Melaleuca's Products ARE Safer and ARE Effective!

#53UPDATE Employee

Mon, April 25, 2005

I find it interesting that people who try to discredit Melaleuca's products make generalized statements with nothing to back it up, or post half-truths and/or misinformation. EVON SAID:================= I have fonud the following information online, at the National Librabry Of Medicine, and have decided that this so called "opportunity" is in need of a much needed, in depth, research on the exact effects of Melaleuca. Report#1: A 23-month-old boy became confused and was unable to walk thirty minutes after ingesting less than 10 mL of a product containing 100% melaleuca oil. Report#2: Melaleuca oil (tea tree oil) is the essential oil distilled from the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia Cheel. Tea tree oil is popular for treating various cutaneous maladies. Our purpose was to determine which constituent compounds of Melaleuca oil are responsible for allergic contact eczema in seven patients who became sensitized END OF EVON's STATEMENT===== The 23-month-old boy you listed drank 100% T36-C7, which could NOT have been a Melaleuca, Inc. product. Melaleuca DOES NOT produce T36-C7! And Melaleuca does not say it is ok to drink their SAFER, PURER product T36-C5. The International Standards Organization has determined that oil of Melaleuca alternifolia must contain more than 30% terpinen-4-ol and no more than 15% cineole. Melaleucas's standards are EVEN HIGHER, with at least 36% terpinen-4-ol and not more than 5% cineole. Melaleuca's products are T36-C5 and T40-C3. Melaleuca does NOT make T36-C7. The study Evon referred to is below, along with a link on the PubMed website: PubMed Abstract: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=8057407&dopt=Abstract QUOTE:==================== Melaleuca oil poisoning. Jacobs MR, Hornfeldt CS. Hennepin Regional Poison Center, Hennepin County Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN 55415. A 23-month-old boy became confused and was unable to walk thirty minutes after ingesting less than 10 mL of T36-C7, a commercial product containing 100% melaleuca oil. The child was referred to a nearby hospital. His condition improved and he was asymptomatic within 5 hours of ingestion. He was discharged to home the following day. Melaleuca oil, extracted from the Melaleuca alternifolia, contains 50-60% terpenes and related alcohols. Clinical experience with products containing melaleuca oil is limited. This case report suggests that ingestion of a modest amount of a concentrated form of this oil may produce signs of toxicity. END OF QUOTE=============== Now...let'a take a closer look at the second report Evon listed. The abstract she mentioned can be found at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=8113455 The purpose was to determine which constituent compounds of Melaleuca oil were responsible for allergic contact eczema in SEVEN patients who became sensitized. This was not a study showing a percentage of people adversely affected. They chose SEVEN people who had, in fact gotten contact eczema, and wanted to determine which specific compound in the oil caused it. Anyone who is allergic to the myrtle family of trees is susceptible to being allergic to melaleuca oil. Hundreds of thousands of people use products containing melaleuca oil and ARE NOT allergic. Practically ANY FOOD can trigger a response in SUSCEPTIBLE individuals. Your example, Evon, serves no purpose. I have over a hundred links in my archives that show the benefits of melaleuca oil, a result of thousands of hours of research...too many links to post here. Here is a 2004 study showing that the main compound in melaleuca oil, terpinen-4-ol inhibits the in vitro growth of human melanoma cells: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=15009716 This 2002 study shows that Tea tree oil reduces histamine-induced skin inflammation: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=12452873 This 2003 study shows the benefits when used in oral hygiene products: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=14622345 This 2004 study shows the effectiveness of melaleuca oil in treating head lice: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=15025863 This 2004 study shows that "Melaleuca alternifolia oil (tea tree oil), an essential oil, has demonstrated promising efficacy" in treating antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as staphylococcus aureus: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=15525915 Do your own research to find the truth. Search scientific journals, medical abstracts, etc. There are hundreds of studies and credible articles on this subject.


Melaleuca's Products ARE Safer and ARE Effective!

#54UPDATE Employee

Mon, April 25, 2005

I find it interesting that people who try to discredit Melaleuca's products make generalized statements with nothing to back it up, or post half-truths and/or misinformation. EVON SAID:================= I have fonud the following information online, at the National Librabry Of Medicine, and have decided that this so called "opportunity" is in need of a much needed, in depth, research on the exact effects of Melaleuca. Report#1: A 23-month-old boy became confused and was unable to walk thirty minutes after ingesting less than 10 mL of a product containing 100% melaleuca oil. Report#2: Melaleuca oil (tea tree oil) is the essential oil distilled from the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia Cheel. Tea tree oil is popular for treating various cutaneous maladies. Our purpose was to determine which constituent compounds of Melaleuca oil are responsible for allergic contact eczema in seven patients who became sensitized END OF EVON's STATEMENT===== The 23-month-old boy you listed drank 100% T36-C7, which could NOT have been a Melaleuca, Inc. product. Melaleuca DOES NOT produce T36-C7! And Melaleuca does not say it is ok to drink their SAFER, PURER product T36-C5. The International Standards Organization has determined that oil of Melaleuca alternifolia must contain more than 30% terpinen-4-ol and no more than 15% cineole. Melaleucas's standards are EVEN HIGHER, with at least 36% terpinen-4-ol and not more than 5% cineole. Melaleuca's products are T36-C5 and T40-C3. Melaleuca does NOT make T36-C7. The study Evon referred to is below, along with a link on the PubMed website: PubMed Abstract: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=8057407&dopt=Abstract QUOTE:==================== Melaleuca oil poisoning. Jacobs MR, Hornfeldt CS. Hennepin Regional Poison Center, Hennepin County Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN 55415. A 23-month-old boy became confused and was unable to walk thirty minutes after ingesting less than 10 mL of T36-C7, a commercial product containing 100% melaleuca oil. The child was referred to a nearby hospital. His condition improved and he was asymptomatic within 5 hours of ingestion. He was discharged to home the following day. Melaleuca oil, extracted from the Melaleuca alternifolia, contains 50-60% terpenes and related alcohols. Clinical experience with products containing melaleuca oil is limited. This case report suggests that ingestion of a modest amount of a concentrated form of this oil may produce signs of toxicity. END OF QUOTE=============== Now...let'a take a closer look at the second report Evon listed. The abstract she mentioned can be found at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=8113455 The purpose was to determine which constituent compounds of Melaleuca oil were responsible for allergic contact eczema in SEVEN patients who became sensitized. This was not a study showing a percentage of people adversely affected. They chose SEVEN people who had, in fact gotten contact eczema, and wanted to determine which specific compound in the oil caused it. Anyone who is allergic to the myrtle family of trees is susceptible to being allergic to melaleuca oil. Hundreds of thousands of people use products containing melaleuca oil and ARE NOT allergic. Practically ANY FOOD can trigger a response in SUSCEPTIBLE individuals. Your example, Evon, serves no purpose. I have over a hundred links in my archives that show the benefits of melaleuca oil, a result of thousands of hours of research...too many links to post here. Here is a 2004 study showing that the main compound in melaleuca oil, terpinen-4-ol inhibits the in vitro growth of human melanoma cells: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=15009716 This 2002 study shows that Tea tree oil reduces histamine-induced skin inflammation: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=12452873 This 2003 study shows the benefits when used in oral hygiene products: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=14622345 This 2004 study shows the effectiveness of melaleuca oil in treating head lice: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=15025863 This 2004 study shows that "Melaleuca alternifolia oil (tea tree oil), an essential oil, has demonstrated promising efficacy" in treating antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as staphylococcus aureus: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=15525915 Do your own research to find the truth. Search scientific journals, medical abstracts, etc. There are hundreds of studies and credible articles on this subject.


Amendment to my previous post.

#55Consumer Comment

Wed, February 09, 2005

In my last post here I wrote a line that states: "In fact, I'm pretty sure if Frank Vandersloot, CEO, saw these individuals being honest and deceptive about his company, he'd fire them without hesitation." It should, of course, say 'dishonest' and NOT honest.


For Andy in Ontario.

#56Consumer Suggestion

Tue, February 08, 2005

Sir, your 'report' is blatantly full of errors, and I seriously doubt that you have done any research as you suggest. More like, you're in a mind-set of familiarity that doesn't allow you to alter your views when something honest and true comes along. You mention companies that the whole world is aware of. You don't however, mention the fact that the ones you talk of are in fact, the chief culprits in stealing money from the unaware. Further, you said, and I quote "On a part time basis, I'm earning about $ 900 a month. On an hourly basis that equates to $ 22.50." 1) Congratulations on earning your $900. I look forward to being able to earn the same in my dealings with Melaleuca once I have progressed thus far. 2) It's questionable when you state that you earn $22.50 per hour. That's not a half bad rate for part-time work, in fact, it's very good. It's not good however, that your mind-set (again), views your home business as being an hourly wage. The whole idea of running a home based business is so that you don't have to work for an hourly wage! I've only been with Melaleuca for 9 months, live abroad (which makes it difficult due to language problems, to find referrals), but now, my house is noticeably cleaner/fresher. My son no longer has coughs caused by stale indoor air and fumes given off from brand name products. I have no more headaches which were caused by chemicals in everyday consumables. My wife, who suffered from cancer last year, is no longer in pain thanks to using Melaleuca's products in their Pharmacy range. I don't view the earnings I get from Melaleuca as an hourly salary, in fact, half the time I don't even bother to look how much I make each month. Why? Simply because the service that Melaleuca gives is second to none. I trust them to take care of everything. This is an aspect of their service which has so far been all too apparrent. When I do update the bank book, I am always pleasantly surprised to see that little bit extra. Sure, I hope to make big money with them one day. I know I have to work for it, same as in any other business. Or is it? I have tried other companies, Amway (17 years ago), lost money, had stock I couldn't sell, was told to lie to people to get them to meetings etc. NSA, (16 years ago), lost money and friends thanks to NSA changing their product line. They used to sell Fire Extinguishers, then suddenly changed to Water Filters. My customers didn't want water filters, they wanted fire extinguishers. Needless to say, they all quit. I was in debt for over 17 months thanks to that! Herbalife, (2 years ago), lost money, still have some stock sitting in my shed. No-one wanted it because of the expense. Why would they want it when they can easily buy much cheaper alternatives? Herbalife also stopped contacting me because I didn't want to do cold calls or 'recruit'. So much for support. NSA (1 year ago), yes, NSA again, only, I didn't know it was them. The guy who got me involved told me that the company itself was called 'Juice Plus+'. Lost a LOT of money on them, because like the others, to make any money back, I had to SELL. Their product is undoubtedly very good, but extremely expensive. (Especially here in Japan where people pay almost $40 MORE for the SAME product as their counterparts in the USA!). Once I found out it was NSA, I was gone. Before that however, I was ignored at one of their meetings simply because I did not make their monthly expectations. In everyone of the above businesses, I was 'required' to buy a 'Startup Kit' of some sort or another. What a ripoff! Not a single one of those kits helped me one bit. I worked hard at each business I ventured into, with eyes wide open, but obviously not open enough. Melaleuca has NONE of the above traits, has continuously grown over its 20+ year history, and has absolutely NO RISK to ANYONE - customer or Marketing Executive (there are no distributors with Melaleuca because we don't SELL anything!) - NO expensive kits required to join the business (that's FREE), NO upfront stock to purchase to sell on (see above), NO pressure to perform, etc, etc, etc. Basically, anyone who has a problem with their Melaleuca representative, should NOT be blaming Melaleuca. Why are 99% of these complaints coming from the USA? Melaleuca is honest and fair, and the teams that lie to people to get them to become customers, or to get them into the business, are NOT a reflection of Melaleuca itself. In fact, I'm pretty sure if Frank Vandersloot, CEO, saw these individuals being honest and deceptive about his company, he'd fire them without hesitation. One final question: when people have a problem with any product they buy at their local store, they usually take it back and get a refund or replacement right? That or they stop using it and say something like "I'm not using that again." or "I'll never buy that again." Wouldn't you agree? But they don't launch into some one-person demonstration to stop people shopping at that particular store. So why do it against Melaleuca? Especially when they give you an iron-clad 100% guarantee of a FULL monetary refund for ANY reason if you're not pleased within 2 months of your purchase! What store do you know that does that? They might tell their friends of their particular experience, no harm in that, but people make up their own minds regardless. What may not be good for you, may be exactly what someone else needs. Think of it this way: When you buy a new car, you'll find a million things to love about it, but if just one thing is not to your liking, is that reason enough why your friends shouldn't buy the same car? Ridiculous isn't it? People have the right to express their concerns of course, but let's all do it in such a way to convey maturity, fairness to all and unopinionated. For me, Melaleuca was to be my last ever attempt at a home based business in the Wellness industry, so far, I'm pleased with it and will continue. If along the way I feel I am being treated like I was with the others (hard to imagine though to be honest), I'll simply quit and never do another HBB again.


Challenging Credibility

#57UPDATE Employee

Tue, February 01, 2005

Robin, I have recently found this site and have seen "several" posts by you on a few different Melaleuca threads here. I can only assume that your own experience with Melaleuca was a negative one, without knowing all the particulars. I have also seen you challenge several folks... "Besides, I hope you come back in a year or so and post about how much money you are making, instead of saying "I'm in it for the products" Now, that would be refreshing!" I have seen at least three other folks state here how much their checks are or have been that they have received and you have even questioned that validity on a couple of the posts I saw. And, finally, you stated that Frank VanderSloot basically "set up" the articles for Inc. 500 and Forbes Magazine. Along the way, you have made some very good points and good arguments for why you have felt this way, but when you challenge the credibility of those you do not know, your arguments lose face value in a hurry. I can personally say that I have seen many..as in over a dozen or so...checks in excess of $3000 in a single month..and at least three over $10,000 all from folks that I know. Am I there yet....no. Will I ever get there? I don't know, but I will give it an effort and hopefully, this post will be alive when I do. Will you then tell me that I lied or that I hurt people in order to do get to my dream? I was in the sales world at one point in my life...I was a car salesman. Should the fact that all car salesmen have to put people in overprice autos and trucks put an end to the auto industry? I used to have to put the screws to folks all the time in order to make the rent on a monthly basis...talk about fraudulent!! But the point of my post here...you continue to attack the credibility and good name of people that you do not know and that takes away from the good arguments you do make. Is this cynical way of life the way you approach everything? I wonder...do your children learn the lessons of ruining others reputations because you had a bad experience? How do you deal with the teachers of your children should they fail a test or a class? Does the teacher then become the object of your ire? I have enjoyed reading your posts and "arguments" up to this point. Attacking the character of those you don't know and calling people liars about such things as a check without any proof makes it look more like sour grapes now. Just thoughts from an onlooker...:o)


MLM with success.

#58Consumer Comment

Wed, January 19, 2005

First thing to do before joining any MLM, understand and fully research the MLM and the product/service. 1) Never join any MLM unless you FULLY understand the pay/commission structure. 2) Never join an MLM unless you enjoy the product/service. 3) Never join any MLM where you can't find independent information from a 3rd party source, examples: Forbes, Fortune, NYSE, SEC. 4) Never join any MLM where you have to pay to get information. If they are not willing to share with you information, or only willing to give out a bit at a time, then you will be in shock. 5) Never join any MLM who doesn't tell you up front that if you want to make money, you will have to treat it like a real business. That means that you will need to spend money on websites, brochures, business cards etc. JUST LIKE ANY STORE/WAREHOUSE/OFFICE based business. The one point that the Melaleuca Inc. needs to do is stop their distribution teams to from claiming are the concentrated products. Some might be concentrated, but not all can be concentrated. The line that I love is from many MLM's marketing toothpaste as part of the product selection. Are you aware that toothpaste cannot be concentrated? If you believe that toothpaste can be concentrated, then you are uninformed. Toothpaste is essentially very fine abrassive material(ie.powder, salt byproduct, baking powder, etc. with various additives such as flouride, potassium nitrite, mint, triclosan, etc). For the record, I wish that I was at that meeting where $ 10,000 was offered. There are three MLMs that I'm aware of that have in fact fulfilled those terms. Two of the MLMs you can find a lot of independant research. The other MLM has very little, but is great product as well. For the record I have been involved or done heavy research on many MLMs. However I was never taught the five rules of finding a good MLM until only recently. Some were great at the time, some still are; In no particular order NuSkin, Excel Communications, Avon, Mary Kay, Primerica, Quixtar, Shacklee, ACN. I have now found a very good MLM and treat it like a business. It only makes money when I work the business. On a part time basis, I'm earning about $ 900 a month. On an hourly basis that equates to $ 22.50. Remember that sales is always a part of any business. So you may have better results or poorer results based entirely your skill level.


Melaleuca vs MLM or Pyramid Schemes! What's the Difference?

#59Consumer Comment

Tue, January 18, 2005

Melaleuca vs MLM or Pyramid Schemes What's the Difference? MLM Initial Investment - Many MLM companies require an initial investment of several hundred dollars up front. Companies with Binary Compensation Plans are especially troublesome because they require that you purchase multiple "Business Centers" (USANA, Synergy International, etc...). MELALEUCA: LOW initial investment $29 MLM: Front End Loading - A favorite trick of many MLM's is to Front-End Load their new distributors with an inventory of several hundred to several thousand dollars with the promise that if they sell this inventory at a 40% markup or more they will make X amount of dollars quickly. (Equinox, NSA, Juice Plus, etc...). MELALEUCA: No Front End Loading MLM: Inventory Loading over time! - This is a cardinal sin of almost all MLM's. Monthly purchasing requirements are often too high and therefore all of the product is not being consumed. They get around the law because they tell their distributors "What you don't use, sell!" Many others have advancement volume requirements or a qualification period in which you personally buy more and your group volume increases. In these qualification periods, pressure is applied because if you don't meet the requirements in the allotted time, you must start all over. This makes the distributors operate their business from a "fear of loss" and therefore they will often buy any volume that they fall short on during the qualification period. (NuSkin and others are famous for this!) MELALEUCA: We purchase what our families need and use. No garages full of things we don't use and hope to someday sell. MLM: Order-Taking - If you are a Distributor, you obviously take orders from your retail customers. MELALEUCA: We don't take orders, Melaleuca handles it all for us. They provide a detailed report attached to our check each month. MLM: Delivering Products - In many MLM's people buy through you and it is your responsibility to get the product to your customers. (Morinda, Xango and many others!) MELALEUCA: No delivering products, period. MLM: Collecting Sales Tax - If a Distributor retails products, they must collect the sales tax. MELALEUCA: Because we do not sell, stock, or deliver, we don't have to collect sales tax, etc. MLM: Paying Sales Tax on Retail Sales - If a Distributor retails products, they must collect the sales tax and they pay the sales tax on all of their retail sales. MELALEUCA: As stated above, none of this applies to us. MLM: Billing and Collections - If a Distributor sells products to people they often find themselves chasing checks and collecting money on bad checks. (Virtually every MLM) MELALEUCA: Melaleuca collects all the money for us - takes care of any collections, etc. MLM: Breakoff from another MLM - Virtually every MLM is a break-off of another MLM. Examples: NuSkin from Cambridge Diet, Morinda from Natures Sunshine. Quixtar from Amway. Xango from Morinda, etc... When their credibility becomes jeopardized, they often switch to a different name. Changed Name - Many MLM's when their name and reputation become severely damaged change names in-order to survive. Examples: NuSkin to IDN, Big Planet, Pharmanex. Rexall to Unicity. Amway to Quixtar. Images to Neways. Etc... MELALEUCA: 19 years, same name, same company. In many countries, and all as Melaleuca. MLM: Kicked out of countries. Many MLM's have been kicked out of several countries. Examples: NuSkin out of Korea. NSA out of Australia. Equinox out of every country, etc... MELALEUCA: 19 years, same name, same company. In many countries, expanding frequently. MLM: Publicly or Privately held - Many MLM's and their owners can't wait to go public. This makes them an immediate fortune. When these MLM's go public they lose a measure of control. There are only 2 reasons for a company to go public. 1. They need the money. 2. The owners get greedy. Otherwise, why give up control? MELALEUCA: Privately held, remains privately held. Listed 5 years in a row in INC. 500 -America's fast growing privately held companies. MLM: Competitively Priced Products - Many MLM's have products that are outrageously priced and therefore they have low re-order rates. In fact, many times the only reason why products are being purchased is to collect a check and the products often go unused. Examples: Morinda sells a different tasing juice that retails for as much as $40 to $50 a bottle. Distributors usually buy it buy the case). (NuSkin/Pharmanex - They have become more creative and you can now buy "feed the children" packs that get donated to 3rd world countries. In this way they have avoided loading up their own garages and storage units.) MELALEUCA: 95% month to month reorder rate MLM: Buy line to check Volume at the last moment - Virtually all MLM's have a buy line that their distibutors can either call or check online to see what their volume is on the last day of the month. Although these companies say they are apposed to inventory loading, they constantly allow their Distributors to buy hundreds and even thousands of dollars in product on the last day of the month to make up for volume shortages and ensure bonuses. (NuSkin/Pharmanex, Morinda, Usana, Quixtar, etc...) MELALEUCA: no buy line, does not allow you to "buy" your status. Everyone has equal footing in order to achieve their highest goals in an honest and fair manner. MLM: Compensation Plan Allows you to buy volume - Some MLM's have even included this practice within their published compensation plans. MELALEUCA: does not allow you to buy volume. MLM: Compensation Plan Allow you to load up those in your group - Virtually all MLM's give their Distributors to load up their new recruits with products. This either happens at the time of enrollment or during a qualification period or when buying multiple "Business Centers". (Usana, Synergy International, NuSkin, Morinda, etc...) MELALEUCA: Discourages going into debt to work business. MLM Refund Policy - Many MLM's only offer a 30 day guarantee on their products and many others only offer a 90% or less refund policy. MELALEUCA: 60-90 DAY REFUND POLICY. 100% REFUND EVEN IF PRODUCT IS USED. MLM: Monthly Autoship - Many MLM's, especially 1 or few product companies ship their products on an automatic autoship for a certain price, usually $150 to $200 per month. Therefore, people do not choose their own products. (Morinda, Xango, etc...) MELALEUCA: choose your own products. minimum order is not very high and is still only the stuff you are already using anyway. MLM: MANY DO NOT Get paid from very 1st customer in your business - Many customers do not pay you on your customers (or they pay only a partial commission) unless you "match volume" on your "strong or weak leg" or until you have met a certain group volume requirement. (Usana, Synergy International, etc...) MELALEUCA:Get paid on first customer and from then on. MLM: Pay sales tax on the wholesale price or retail - All Distributors in MLM companies pay sales tax on the retail price, even if they purchase products from the company at wholesale. This is because there is an intent to re-sell at least some of the products. Otherwise, why call them Distributors? MELALEUCA: we aren't distributors, doesn't apply. MLM: Infinity Bonus - Many MLM's tout an "INFINITY BONUS"! Not only is this deceptive, but it is flat out dishonest. No company can pay to infinity! They are taking money from the many to give it to the few. The cream rises to the top. MELALEUCA: No infinity bonuses but great bonuses as you reach each status from Director on up. MLM: Unpaid Bonuses rollup to others - Most MLM's reward those at the top buy paying them money on the unpaid bonuses not achieved by others. This rewards the few for the negative efforts of others. This is a BIG money maker in many MLM's. (NuSkin and many others top this list). MELALEUCA: no unpaid bonus rollup. everyone earns what they worked for. its fair for everyone. MLM: Positive Growth in Every Country?? - Many MLM's tout how many countries they are doing busuness in. Most MLM's mismanage growth and overextend themselves and if the truth be told are only growing in some countries and going backwards in others. Many MLM's go international out of desperation because they either go shut down or sales have dramatically declined and going international or changing their name was their only choice. (NuSkin, Neways, Usana, Morinda, Amway, Herbalife, Enrich, Natures Sunshine, etc...) MELALEUCA: positive growth in all countries. MLM: Necessity Products - Many MLM's offer products that are above and beyond the normal budget of consumers. Their products are not "necessity items". Therefore, people must spend additional money beyond their budget in-order to participate in the company. (Morinda, Xango, Equinox, NSA, etc...) MELALEUCA: only by what you need and already use anyway. no new money from budget. MLM: Profit from marketing & business tools - One of the biggest money makers by top Distributors and Organizations is to sell books, tapes, seminars to their downline and to others in the company. In many cases, the top Distributors make more money holding "rallys" they charge for and selling books and tapes than they make on the products of the company. (Amway, Quixtar, NuSkin, Usana, etc...) MELALEUCA: we do not sell Melaleuca's biz tools. We don't sell anything. MLM: Retail Products - The fact that MLM's teach their people to retail products is a major difference. MELALEUCA: We do not sell or retail. MLM: Low Personal Production Requirement - In many MLM's people are often required to purchase more products each month than they can use or they are required to spend $150 to $250 or more each month and sell what they don't use. MELALEUCA: Getting started with Melaleuca is 35 product points (around $45-$60 of the same money you are already spending anyway, just swapping stores now and getting a tax break on your bubble bath) MLM: Guru and Idol Worship - Many MLM's hire celebrities and top athletes to use and endorse their products and pay them millions. In addition, they tout "Big Check Wavers", Wealth Lifestyles and others ridiculous notions instead of teaching sound principles of developing a solid business based on enrolling real customers who really use the products. MELALEUCA: No idols but has people like TV financial analyst Suze Orman and World Record Holder and Marathon Swimmer Tammy Van Wisse to train and work with their members for the benefit of health and financial wellness. Interesting Note: Financial Analyst, Suze Orman of the Suze Orman Show, agreed only to speak at Melaleuca's 2003 Annual Convention BECAUSE we are not an MLM company. Final Notes of Interest: At a recent meeting of the Direct Selling Association, Melaleuca CEO and President, Frank VanderSloot asked a room full of hundreds of business persons to name one MLM company that had been started in the last 30 years and been successful. Success being defined as having consistent growth of 250 million in sales for three consecutive years. He offered a $10,000 check to one person who could name an MLM that had started in the last 30 years who met that criteria. Frank kept his check. There hasn't been an MLM that has started in the last 30 years that has those stats. P.S. Melaleuca hit the Half a Billion Dollar Mark in December 2003!! Its plain to see that Melaleuca's products are safer, healthier and economically sensible. Likewise, the business opportunity with Melaleuca is safer, healthier for you and definitely economically sensible in terms of financial output. Their mission statement of Enhancing the Lives of Those We Touch by Helping People Reach their Goals does not get more meaningful. In addition, CEO Frank VanderSloot's often stated desire that no one ever get hurt by Melaleuca says quite a bit. It's a safe smart choice.


Melaleuca vs MLM or Pyramid Schemes! What's the Difference?

#60Consumer Comment

Tue, January 18, 2005

Melaleuca vs MLM or Pyramid Schemes What's the Difference? MLM Initial Investment - Many MLM companies require an initial investment of several hundred dollars up front. Companies with Binary Compensation Plans are especially troublesome because they require that you purchase multiple "Business Centers" (USANA, Synergy International, etc...). MELALEUCA: LOW initial investment $29 MLM: Front End Loading - A favorite trick of many MLM's is to Front-End Load their new distributors with an inventory of several hundred to several thousand dollars with the promise that if they sell this inventory at a 40% markup or more they will make X amount of dollars quickly. (Equinox, NSA, Juice Plus, etc...). MELALEUCA: No Front End Loading MLM: Inventory Loading over time! - This is a cardinal sin of almost all MLM's. Monthly purchasing requirements are often too high and therefore all of the product is not being consumed. They get around the law because they tell their distributors "What you don't use, sell!" Many others have advancement volume requirements or a qualification period in which you personally buy more and your group volume increases. In these qualification periods, pressure is applied because if you don't meet the requirements in the allotted time, you must start all over. This makes the distributors operate their business from a "fear of loss" and therefore they will often buy any volume that they fall short on during the qualification period. (NuSkin and others are famous for this!) MELALEUCA: We purchase what our families need and use. No garages full of things we don't use and hope to someday sell. MLM: Order-Taking - If you are a Distributor, you obviously take orders from your retail customers. MELALEUCA: We don't take orders, Melaleuca handles it all for us. They provide a detailed report attached to our check each month. MLM: Delivering Products - In many MLM's people buy through you and it is your responsibility to get the product to your customers. (Morinda, Xango and many others!) MELALEUCA: No delivering products, period. MLM: Collecting Sales Tax - If a Distributor retails products, they must collect the sales tax. MELALEUCA: Because we do not sell, stock, or deliver, we don't have to collect sales tax, etc. MLM: Paying Sales Tax on Retail Sales - If a Distributor retails products, they must collect the sales tax and they pay the sales tax on all of their retail sales. MELALEUCA: As stated above, none of this applies to us. MLM: Billing and Collections - If a Distributor sells products to people they often find themselves chasing checks and collecting money on bad checks. (Virtually every MLM) MELALEUCA: Melaleuca collects all the money for us - takes care of any collections, etc. MLM: Breakoff from another MLM - Virtually every MLM is a break-off of another MLM. Examples: NuSkin from Cambridge Diet, Morinda from Natures Sunshine. Quixtar from Amway. Xango from Morinda, etc... When their credibility becomes jeopardized, they often switch to a different name. Changed Name - Many MLM's when their name and reputation become severely damaged change names in-order to survive. Examples: NuSkin to IDN, Big Planet, Pharmanex. Rexall to Unicity. Amway to Quixtar. Images to Neways. Etc... MELALEUCA: 19 years, same name, same company. In many countries, and all as Melaleuca. MLM: Kicked out of countries. Many MLM's have been kicked out of several countries. Examples: NuSkin out of Korea. NSA out of Australia. Equinox out of every country, etc... MELALEUCA: 19 years, same name, same company. In many countries, expanding frequently. MLM: Publicly or Privately held - Many MLM's and their owners can't wait to go public. This makes them an immediate fortune. When these MLM's go public they lose a measure of control. There are only 2 reasons for a company to go public. 1. They need the money. 2. The owners get greedy. Otherwise, why give up control? MELALEUCA: Privately held, remains privately held. Listed 5 years in a row in INC. 500 -America's fast growing privately held companies. MLM: Competitively Priced Products - Many MLM's have products that are outrageously priced and therefore they have low re-order rates. In fact, many times the only reason why products are being purchased is to collect a check and the products often go unused. Examples: Morinda sells a different tasing juice that retails for as much as $40 to $50 a bottle. Distributors usually buy it buy the case). (NuSkin/Pharmanex - They have become more creative and you can now buy "feed the children" packs that get donated to 3rd world countries. In this way they have avoided loading up their own garages and storage units.) MELALEUCA: 95% month to month reorder rate MLM: Buy line to check Volume at the last moment - Virtually all MLM's have a buy line that their distibutors can either call or check online to see what their volume is on the last day of the month. Although these companies say they are apposed to inventory loading, they constantly allow their Distributors to buy hundreds and even thousands of dollars in product on the last day of the month to make up for volume shortages and ensure bonuses. (NuSkin/Pharmanex, Morinda, Usana, Quixtar, etc...) MELALEUCA: no buy line, does not allow you to "buy" your status. Everyone has equal footing in order to achieve their highest goals in an honest and fair manner. MLM: Compensation Plan Allows you to buy volume - Some MLM's have even included this practice within their published compensation plans. MELALEUCA: does not allow you to buy volume. MLM: Compensation Plan Allow you to load up those in your group - Virtually all MLM's give their Distributors to load up their new recruits with products. This either happens at the time of enrollment or during a qualification period or when buying multiple "Business Centers". (Usana, Synergy International, NuSkin, Morinda, etc...) MELALEUCA: Discourages going into debt to work business. MLM Refund Policy - Many MLM's only offer a 30 day guarantee on their products and many others only offer a 90% or less refund policy. MELALEUCA: 60-90 DAY REFUND POLICY. 100% REFUND EVEN IF PRODUCT IS USED. MLM: Monthly Autoship - Many MLM's, especially 1 or few product companies ship their products on an automatic autoship for a certain price, usually $150 to $200 per month. Therefore, people do not choose their own products. (Morinda, Xango, etc...) MELALEUCA: choose your own products. minimum order is not very high and is still only the stuff you are already using anyway. MLM: MANY DO NOT Get paid from very 1st customer in your business - Many customers do not pay you on your customers (or they pay only a partial commission) unless you "match volume" on your "strong or weak leg" or until you have met a certain group volume requirement. (Usana, Synergy International, etc...) MELALEUCA:Get paid on first customer and from then on. MLM: Pay sales tax on the wholesale price or retail - All Distributors in MLM companies pay sales tax on the retail price, even if they purchase products from the company at wholesale. This is because there is an intent to re-sell at least some of the products. Otherwise, why call them Distributors? MELALEUCA: we aren't distributors, doesn't apply. MLM: Infinity Bonus - Many MLM's tout an "INFINITY BONUS"! Not only is this deceptive, but it is flat out dishonest. No company can pay to infinity! They are taking money from the many to give it to the few. The cream rises to the top. MELALEUCA: No infinity bonuses but great bonuses as you reach each status from Director on up. MLM: Unpaid Bonuses rollup to others - Most MLM's reward those at the top buy paying them money on the unpaid bonuses not achieved by others. This rewards the few for the negative efforts of others. This is a BIG money maker in many MLM's. (NuSkin and many others top this list). MELALEUCA: no unpaid bonus rollup. everyone earns what they worked for. its fair for everyone. MLM: Positive Growth in Every Country?? - Many MLM's tout how many countries they are doing busuness in. Most MLM's mismanage growth and overextend themselves and if the truth be told are only growing in some countries and going backwards in others. Many MLM's go international out of desperation because they either go shut down or sales have dramatically declined and going international or changing their name was their only choice. (NuSkin, Neways, Usana, Morinda, Amway, Herbalife, Enrich, Natures Sunshine, etc...) MELALEUCA: positive growth in all countries. MLM: Necessity Products - Many MLM's offer products that are above and beyond the normal budget of consumers. Their products are not "necessity items". Therefore, people must spend additional money beyond their budget in-order to participate in the company. (Morinda, Xango, Equinox, NSA, etc...) MELALEUCA: only by what you need and already use anyway. no new money from budget. MLM: Profit from marketing & business tools - One of the biggest money makers by top Distributors and Organizations is to sell books, tapes, seminars to their downline and to others in the company. In many cases, the top Distributors make more money holding "rallys" they charge for and selling books and tapes than they make on the products of the company. (Amway, Quixtar, NuSkin, Usana, etc...) MELALEUCA: we do not sell Melaleuca's biz tools. We don't sell anything. MLM: Retail Products - The fact that MLM's teach their people to retail products is a major difference. MELALEUCA: We do not sell or retail. MLM: Low Personal Production Requirement - In many MLM's people are often required to purchase more products each month than they can use or they are required to spend $150 to $250 or more each month and sell what they don't use. MELALEUCA: Getting started with Melaleuca is 35 product points (around $45-$60 of the same money you are already spending anyway, just swapping stores now and getting a tax break on your bubble bath) MLM: Guru and Idol Worship - Many MLM's hire celebrities and top athletes to use and endorse their products and pay them millions. In addition, they tout "Big Check Wavers", Wealth Lifestyles and others ridiculous notions instead of teaching sound principles of developing a solid business based on enrolling real customers who really use the products. MELALEUCA: No idols but has people like TV financial analyst Suze Orman and World Record Holder and Marathon Swimmer Tammy Van Wisse to train and work with their members for the benefit of health and financial wellness. Interesting Note: Financial Analyst, Suze Orman of the Suze Orman Show, agreed only to speak at Melaleuca's 2003 Annual Convention BECAUSE we are not an MLM company. Final Notes of Interest: At a recent meeting of the Direct Selling Association, Melaleuca CEO and President, Frank VanderSloot asked a room full of hundreds of business persons to name one MLM company that had been started in the last 30 years and been successful. Success being defined as having consistent growth of 250 million in sales for three consecutive years. He offered a $10,000 check to one person who could name an MLM that had started in the last 30 years who met that criteria. Frank kept his check. There hasn't been an MLM that has started in the last 30 years that has those stats. P.S. Melaleuca hit the Half a Billion Dollar Mark in December 2003!! Its plain to see that Melaleuca's products are safer, healthier and economically sensible. Likewise, the business opportunity with Melaleuca is safer, healthier for you and definitely economically sensible in terms of financial output. Their mission statement of Enhancing the Lives of Those We Touch by Helping People Reach their Goals does not get more meaningful. In addition, CEO Frank VanderSloot's often stated desire that no one ever get hurt by Melaleuca says quite a bit. It's a safe smart choice.


Melaleuca vs MLM or Pyramid Schemes! What's the Difference?

#61Consumer Comment

Tue, January 18, 2005

Melaleuca vs MLM or Pyramid Schemes What's the Difference? MLM Initial Investment - Many MLM companies require an initial investment of several hundred dollars up front. Companies with Binary Compensation Plans are especially troublesome because they require that you purchase multiple "Business Centers" (USANA, Synergy International, etc...). MELALEUCA: LOW initial investment $29 MLM: Front End Loading - A favorite trick of many MLM's is to Front-End Load their new distributors with an inventory of several hundred to several thousand dollars with the promise that if they sell this inventory at a 40% markup or more they will make X amount of dollars quickly. (Equinox, NSA, Juice Plus, etc...). MELALEUCA: No Front End Loading MLM: Inventory Loading over time! - This is a cardinal sin of almost all MLM's. Monthly purchasing requirements are often too high and therefore all of the product is not being consumed. They get around the law because they tell their distributors "What you don't use, sell!" Many others have advancement volume requirements or a qualification period in which you personally buy more and your group volume increases. In these qualification periods, pressure is applied because if you don't meet the requirements in the allotted time, you must start all over. This makes the distributors operate their business from a "fear of loss" and therefore they will often buy any volume that they fall short on during the qualification period. (NuSkin and others are famous for this!) MELALEUCA: We purchase what our families need and use. No garages full of things we don't use and hope to someday sell. MLM: Order-Taking - If you are a Distributor, you obviously take orders from your retail customers. MELALEUCA: We don't take orders, Melaleuca handles it all for us. They provide a detailed report attached to our check each month. MLM: Delivering Products - In many MLM's people buy through you and it is your responsibility to get the product to your customers. (Morinda, Xango and many others!) MELALEUCA: No delivering products, period. MLM: Collecting Sales Tax - If a Distributor retails products, they must collect the sales tax. MELALEUCA: Because we do not sell, stock, or deliver, we don't have to collect sales tax, etc. MLM: Paying Sales Tax on Retail Sales - If a Distributor retails products, they must collect the sales tax and they pay the sales tax on all of their retail sales. MELALEUCA: As stated above, none of this applies to us. MLM: Billing and Collections - If a Distributor sells products to people they often find themselves chasing checks and collecting money on bad checks. (Virtually every MLM) MELALEUCA: Melaleuca collects all the money for us - takes care of any collections, etc. MLM: Breakoff from another MLM - Virtually every MLM is a break-off of another MLM. Examples: NuSkin from Cambridge Diet, Morinda from Natures Sunshine. Quixtar from Amway. Xango from Morinda, etc... When their credibility becomes jeopardized, they often switch to a different name. Changed Name - Many MLM's when their name and reputation become severely damaged change names in-order to survive. Examples: NuSkin to IDN, Big Planet, Pharmanex. Rexall to Unicity. Amway to Quixtar. Images to Neways. Etc... MELALEUCA: 19 years, same name, same company. In many countries, and all as Melaleuca. MLM: Kicked out of countries. Many MLM's have been kicked out of several countries. Examples: NuSkin out of Korea. NSA out of Australia. Equinox out of every country, etc... MELALEUCA: 19 years, same name, same company. In many countries, expanding frequently. MLM: Publicly or Privately held - Many MLM's and their owners can't wait to go public. This makes them an immediate fortune. When these MLM's go public they lose a measure of control. There are only 2 reasons for a company to go public. 1. They need the money. 2. The owners get greedy. Otherwise, why give up control? MELALEUCA: Privately held, remains privately held. Listed 5 years in a row in INC. 500 -America's fast growing privately held companies. MLM: Competitively Priced Products - Many MLM's have products that are outrageously priced and therefore they have low re-order rates. In fact, many times the only reason why products are being purchased is to collect a check and the products often go unused. Examples: Morinda sells a different tasing juice that retails for as much as $40 to $50 a bottle. Distributors usually buy it buy the case). (NuSkin/Pharmanex - They have become more creative and you can now buy "feed the children" packs that get donated to 3rd world countries. In this way they have avoided loading up their own garages and storage units.) MELALEUCA: 95% month to month reorder rate MLM: Buy line to check Volume at the last moment - Virtually all MLM's have a buy line that their distibutors can either call or check online to see what their volume is on the last day of the month. Although these companies say they are apposed to inventory loading, they constantly allow their Distributors to buy hundreds and even thousands of dollars in product on the last day of the month to make up for volume shortages and ensure bonuses. (NuSkin/Pharmanex, Morinda, Usana, Quixtar, etc...) MELALEUCA: no buy line, does not allow you to "buy" your status. Everyone has equal footing in order to achieve their highest goals in an honest and fair manner. MLM: Compensation Plan Allows you to buy volume - Some MLM's have even included this practice within their published compensation plans. MELALEUCA: does not allow you to buy volume. MLM: Compensation Plan Allow you to load up those in your group - Virtually all MLM's give their Distributors to load up their new recruits with products. This either happens at the time of enrollment or during a qualification period or when buying multiple "Business Centers". (Usana, Synergy International, NuSkin, Morinda, etc...) MELALEUCA: Discourages going into debt to work business. MLM Refund Policy - Many MLM's only offer a 30 day guarantee on their products and many others only offer a 90% or less refund policy. MELALEUCA: 60-90 DAY REFUND POLICY. 100% REFUND EVEN IF PRODUCT IS USED. MLM: Monthly Autoship - Many MLM's, especially 1 or few product companies ship their products on an automatic autoship for a certain price, usually $150 to $200 per month. Therefore, people do not choose their own products. (Morinda, Xango, etc...) MELALEUCA: choose your own products. minimum order is not very high and is still only the stuff you are already using anyway. MLM: MANY DO NOT Get paid from very 1st customer in your business - Many customers do not pay you on your customers (or they pay only a partial commission) unless you "match volume" on your "strong or weak leg" or until you have met a certain group volume requirement. (Usana, Synergy International, etc...) MELALEUCA:Get paid on first customer and from then on. MLM: Pay sales tax on the wholesale price or retail - All Distributors in MLM companies pay sales tax on the retail price, even if they purchase products from the company at wholesale. This is because there is an intent to re-sell at least some of the products. Otherwise, why call them Distributors? MELALEUCA: we aren't distributors, doesn't apply. MLM: Infinity Bonus - Many MLM's tout an "INFINITY BONUS"! Not only is this deceptive, but it is flat out dishonest. No company can pay to infinity! They are taking money from the many to give it to the few. The cream rises to the top. MELALEUCA: No infinity bonuses but great bonuses as you reach each status from Director on up. MLM: Unpaid Bonuses rollup to others - Most MLM's reward those at the top buy paying them money on the unpaid bonuses not achieved by others. This rewards the few for the negative efforts of others. This is a BIG money maker in many MLM's. (NuSkin and many others top this list). MELALEUCA: no unpaid bonus rollup. everyone earns what they worked for. its fair for everyone. MLM: Positive Growth in Every Country?? - Many MLM's tout how many countries they are doing busuness in. Most MLM's mismanage growth and overextend themselves and if the truth be told are only growing in some countries and going backwards in others. Many MLM's go international out of desperation because they either go shut down or sales have dramatically declined and going international or changing their name was their only choice. (NuSkin, Neways, Usana, Morinda, Amway, Herbalife, Enrich, Natures Sunshine, etc...) MELALEUCA: positive growth in all countries. MLM: Necessity Products - Many MLM's offer products that are above and beyond the normal budget of consumers. Their products are not "necessity items". Therefore, people must spend additional money beyond their budget in-order to participate in the company. (Morinda, Xango, Equinox, NSA, etc...) MELALEUCA: only by what you need and already use anyway. no new money from budget. MLM: Profit from marketing & business tools - One of the biggest money makers by top Distributors and Organizations is to sell books, tapes, seminars to their downline and to others in the company. In many cases, the top Distributors make more money holding "rallys" they charge for and selling books and tapes than they make on the products of the company. (Amway, Quixtar, NuSkin, Usana, etc...) MELALEUCA: we do not sell Melaleuca's biz tools. We don't sell anything. MLM: Retail Products - The fact that MLM's teach their people to retail products is a major difference. MELALEUCA: We do not sell or retail. MLM: Low Personal Production Requirement - In many MLM's people are often required to purchase more products each month than they can use or they are required to spend $150 to $250 or more each month and sell what they don't use. MELALEUCA: Getting started with Melaleuca is 35 product points (around $45-$60 of the same money you are already spending anyway, just swapping stores now and getting a tax break on your bubble bath) MLM: Guru and Idol Worship - Many MLM's hire celebrities and top athletes to use and endorse their products and pay them millions. In addition, they tout "Big Check Wavers", Wealth Lifestyles and others ridiculous notions instead of teaching sound principles of developing a solid business based on enrolling real customers who really use the products. MELALEUCA: No idols but has people like TV financial analyst Suze Orman and World Record Holder and Marathon Swimmer Tammy Van Wisse to train and work with their members for the benefit of health and financial wellness. Interesting Note: Financial Analyst, Suze Orman of the Suze Orman Show, agreed only to speak at Melaleuca's 2003 Annual Convention BECAUSE we are not an MLM company. Final Notes of Interest: At a recent meeting of the Direct Selling Association, Melaleuca CEO and President, Frank VanderSloot asked a room full of hundreds of business persons to name one MLM company that had been started in the last 30 years and been successful. Success being defined as having consistent growth of 250 million in sales for three consecutive years. He offered a $10,000 check to one person who could name an MLM that had started in the last 30 years who met that criteria. Frank kept his check. There hasn't been an MLM that has started in the last 30 years that has those stats. P.S. Melaleuca hit the Half a Billion Dollar Mark in December 2003!! Its plain to see that Melaleuca's products are safer, healthier and economically sensible. Likewise, the business opportunity with Melaleuca is safer, healthier for you and definitely economically sensible in terms of financial output. Their mission statement of Enhancing the Lives of Those We Touch by Helping People Reach their Goals does not get more meaningful. In addition, CEO Frank VanderSloot's often stated desire that no one ever get hurt by Melaleuca says quite a bit. It's a safe smart choice.


melaleuca is a pyramid program, which I chose to run, not walk away from.

#62Consumer Comment

Sat, January 15, 2005

My sister-in-law was involved with melaleuca in 2001. She invited me to join her and my other sister-in-law out for a nice night out on the town; unbeknownst to me it was to a meeting for melaleuca. I truly enjoyed myself, having a small child under the age of one at the time, it was not often, if ever, that I got out for the evening. However, I stated, during the presentation, that it was clearly a pyramid scheme. They teach the pyramid scheme in eighth grade, along with the food pyramid. The melaleuca name brand may be good, I don't know personally because I did not have the money to join their program. If they did bad mouth my inability to do so, so be it, others do not pay my or my husband's bills, I could really care less what they think I should or should not be able to afford. Bottom line is this: If you're happy with the product, great! However, please call a spade a spade; this is a pyramid scheme, plain and simple. By the way, the end result was my sister-in-law who was not involved in melaleuca joined that evening. Her husband received a horrible rash from their laundry detergent. In some small way I felt vindicated because my sister-in-law's were not pleased with my questions that evening, as I had quite a few, and most went unanswered. I do not know where they stand with this product today, because, for sake of keeping the peace we never touched on the subject of melaleuca again. Ask, ask, and ask some more... if there's no answer, the salesperson should NOT be trusted. Especially with your hard earned money.

Stephen J.

Fat Check, It's a MLM without the usual pitfalls

#63UPDATE Employee

Thu, January 13, 2005

This is for Mark in Sydney, down and out under. There will always be people who think they can short circuit and circumvent proven methods of success by lying, cheating or stealing. Is Melaleuca a MLM? Of course ! It's a MLM without the usual pitfalls (no buying and warehousing of products.) Is it hard work? Very ! It is not a natural thing to talk to strangers out of the blue. Are there setbacks? Name me an example of any work that doesn't have speedbumps. I do this business because helping other people can never be a bad thing. You can think whatever you wish about my naivete'. All I do know is that I cash EVERY month a $3,000+ check from Melaleuca. Is it much? It's comfortable. All I know is that I make half as much as I did burying schmucks like Mark or Rochelle in their investments, the only difference is that now I can look at myself in the mirror and feel a higher degree of integrity.


Cameron Park,
The reason WE post..........

#64Consumer Comment

Mon, December 06, 2004

is so others can "dig up" other points of view. If no one ever posted about their "indiviual" experience, this world would be in trouble. I certainly don't think that people who think Melaleuca is a great company are dumb. If you love what you do, than do it. But don't be surprised when you find out that for "others" this was a terrible experience. Besides, I hope you come back in a year or so and post about how much money you are making, instead of saying "I'm in it for the products" Now, that would be refreshing! Best~


New York,
Melaleuca is a Real Company With Really Great Products

#65UPDATE Employee

Mon, December 06, 2004

Hi Katina: For your information and research, my wife and I "invested" $29.US with Melaleuca 44 months ago. My wife and I are very busy individuals who don't have the time to service accounts. In 44 months, we have NEVER sold a product to anyone, instead, we have referred several customers to Melaleuca who have referred several customers to Melaleuca. We haven't gotten "rich" but we have cleared our former credit card debt. So far, we have received 44 monthly checks from Melaleuca. We love the products and services, and our monthly Melaleuca check has been paying for our Melaleuca products since our very first month! Believe it? Telling the Story,


New York,
Melaleuca is a Real Company With Really Great Products

#66UPDATE Employee

Mon, December 06, 2004

Hi Katina: For your information and research, my wife and I "invested" $29.US with Melaleuca 44 months ago. My wife and I are very busy individuals who don't have the time to service accounts. In 44 months, we have NEVER sold a product to anyone, instead, we have referred several customers to Melaleuca who have referred several customers to Melaleuca. We haven't gotten "rich" but we have cleared our former credit card debt. So far, we have received 44 monthly checks from Melaleuca. We love the products and services, and our monthly Melaleuca check has been paying for our Melaleuca products since our very first month! Believe it? Telling the Story,


New York,
Melaleuca is a Real Company With Really Great Products

#67UPDATE Employee

Mon, December 06, 2004

Hi Katina: For your information and research, my wife and I "invested" $29.US with Melaleuca 44 months ago. My wife and I are very busy individuals who don't have the time to service accounts. In 44 months, we have NEVER sold a product to anyone, instead, we have referred several customers to Melaleuca who have referred several customers to Melaleuca. We haven't gotten "rich" but we have cleared our former credit card debt. So far, we have received 44 monthly checks from Melaleuca. We love the products and services, and our monthly Melaleuca check has been paying for our Melaleuca products since our very first month! Believe it? Telling the Story,


Are we that dumb that we can't figure things out for ourselves!

#68Consumer Comment

Sun, December 05, 2004

I have read various comments from some of the different individuals, however a few facts and opinions remain. Everyone these days would like to have wealth untold and most likely do nothing to get it. And as individuals it is our own responsibility to dig around for the facts or their the lack of. In todays society the information about anything you could possibily imagine is available if you only look! I believe that whatever you do in life or how much you put into something is exactly what you will get out of it. We can go around trying to fix everyone but can't do that until we fix ourselves. I am in the process of looking into Melaleuca and find good and bad. I suppose I need to confer with all those who have opinions! But not today. We can argue about so many things. I was told once that before I start to judge someone else,take a look in the mirror and point. Sometimes I'm not as great as I thought I was!!!!


Comment/ Opinion....

#69Consumer Comment

Wed, November 17, 2004

I don't see what the problem is with the Melaleuca Products are about. My Mother-in-Law and Myself both buy these products and we have NO complaints what so ever. They are great. As for the making money part, well i haven't gotten into it but am in the process of it. I have done plenty of different Home businesses in my life and have had great success with some of them. This is another one i want to get into only because i have many people asking me where i get my products from. So that helps me earn more money IF i decide to go along with this. Which i am not saying i am and i am not saying i won't. BUT everyone who goes into a home business knows that not ALL businesses are for them. Yes, there are TONS of them out there that are not legit to join. BUT this one is a good business to start IF YOU are willing to put TIME and EFFORT into it. IF YOU do NOT put TIME and EFFORT into it then of course your not going to get money coming in. I have read and researched this company before i had bought andything from them. Best thing you can do before getting involved with ANY business out there. TIME and EFFORT is the keyword for this company. YOU MUST HAVE PATIENCE for this company IF you join it. A friend of mine got her first paycheck which was only $23 and some change but that didn't stop her from continuing with the company. I figured i would give it a try to since i already use their products. I'm not slandering anyone nor am i siding with anyone. I am just plainly giving MY opinion/comment to whoever and that is it.


North Carolina,
How, exactly? how is that a crock?

#70UPDATE Employee

Sun, October 31, 2004

Precisely how is that a crock? I've never sold anything, and he did reconstruct melaleuca from a dying company. If you get caught being a distributor, your account is terminated. People have had this happen to them, I'm sure all too many, those who were used to dealing with old business ways, or other companies who allowed it. Unfortunately, Melaleuca cannot monitor every single account/person, but if suspicious activity calls for them to watch someone, I'm quite sure they will. Then again, if you have any problems with INC 500 printing the article, I guess you should take it up with them, they printed it, and Frank Vandersloot said it.. Forbes magazine also recognized them a few months ago, so you might want to call them as well..


Cameron Park,
Interesting article, but filled with untruths..... Please give more info on this person

#71Consumer Comment

Sat, October 30, 2004

Hi, I read the link you posted: http://www.inc.com/magazine/20041015/hidi-vandersloot.html I must say it's the biggest crock of bull I've seen in awhile. He probably knows someone on the writing staff. All the things he says he won't allow....HE DOES ALLOW~! Please give more info on this person and make unfounded claims about Melaleuca. I think I'll write them and suggest it. All in the name of $$$$$$$ you know.


North Carolina,
INC 500 has recognized melaleuca again, and it's available on the news stands !!!

#72UPDATE Employee

Sat, October 30, 2004

Hi all... Sorry to post this as a "rebuttal", but I'm very excited about this. INC 500 has recognized melaleuca again, and it's available on the news stands right now. The article is mainly on Frank Vandersloot, and how he founded melaleuca, and the word straight from the horse's mouth, as he is still CEO of the company, and has been ever since he reconstructed a company that was dying, into Melaleuca, inc. If you don't want to buy the magazine (lol some of us are tight wads), the article is online at http://www.inc.com/magazine/20041015/hidi-vandersloot.html This isn't really a rebuttal, as I stated earlier... I'm just telling everyone LOL!! Have a great day everyone!!!


North Carolina,
INC 500 has recognized melaleuca again, and it's available on the news stands !!!

#73UPDATE Employee

Sat, October 30, 2004

Hi all... Sorry to post this as a "rebuttal", but I'm very excited about this. INC 500 has recognized melaleuca again, and it's available on the news stands right now. The article is mainly on Frank Vandersloot, and how he founded melaleuca, and the word straight from the horse's mouth, as he is still CEO of the company, and has been ever since he reconstructed a company that was dying, into Melaleuca, inc. If you don't want to buy the magazine (lol some of us are tight wads), the article is online at http://www.inc.com/magazine/20041015/hidi-vandersloot.html This isn't really a rebuttal, as I stated earlier... I'm just telling everyone LOL!! Have a great day everyone!!!


North Carolina,
INC 500 has recognized melaleuca again, and it's available on the news stands !!!

#74UPDATE Employee

Sat, October 30, 2004

Hi all... Sorry to post this as a "rebuttal", but I'm very excited about this. INC 500 has recognized melaleuca again, and it's available on the news stands right now. The article is mainly on Frank Vandersloot, and how he founded melaleuca, and the word straight from the horse's mouth, as he is still CEO of the company, and has been ever since he reconstructed a company that was dying, into Melaleuca, inc. If you don't want to buy the magazine (lol some of us are tight wads), the article is online at http://www.inc.com/magazine/20041015/hidi-vandersloot.html This isn't really a rebuttal, as I stated earlier... I'm just telling everyone LOL!! Have a great day everyone!!!


North Carolina,
INC 500 has recognized melaleuca again, and it's available on the news stands !!!

#75UPDATE Employee

Sat, October 30, 2004

Hi all... Sorry to post this as a "rebuttal", but I'm very excited about this. INC 500 has recognized melaleuca again, and it's available on the news stands right now. The article is mainly on Frank Vandersloot, and how he founded melaleuca, and the word straight from the horse's mouth, as he is still CEO of the company, and has been ever since he reconstructed a company that was dying, into Melaleuca, inc. If you don't want to buy the magazine (lol some of us are tight wads), the article is online at http://www.inc.com/magazine/20041015/hidi-vandersloot.html This isn't really a rebuttal, as I stated earlier... I'm just telling everyone LOL!! Have a great day everyone!!!


The MOM Team has Changed my Life!

#76UPDATE Employee

Fri, October 29, 2004

I am shocked at some of the comments made about the MOM Team. They are simply women who live their lives to the fullest and encourage others to do the same. I read that "No means 'Another Time'" What I was told specifically in training was if someone says "no" respect that. As for "uplines" and "dowlines," yeah we have those. They're great! My upline has supported me tremendously! They are now some of my best friends. Always there for me to bounce ideas off and give me suggestions. I also read that they don't tell you in the beginning that when you move to director you have to buy more products. Well, that $29 business kit you payed for (which by the way, I buy for my new enrollees)? If you actually read it the increase is clearly stated and it gives you explicit instructions on how to make enough money to completely cover your products. And honestly, who doesn't spend a set amount of money each month on cleaning products, vitamins, bath and body products and cosmetics anyway? If you don't I certainly don't want to stand next to you or visit your home! To conclude, I just want to say that the MOM Team is an honest and caring organization. MLM, yes. Pyramid, no. Just because you don't wish to participate in an MLM doesn't mean it's a terrible thing. So keep your unfounded and unfair opinions to yourself!


Cameron Park,
Let's separate your "HYPE" from FACT ..those of us who feel we have a valid concern about any company will come to places like this and speak up, get over it.

#77Consumer Comment

Sat, October 09, 2004

Time and time again pro Melaleuca people uses the statements that Mike here has made, to offer explanation about those of us, who have the PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, with dealing with Mela. Lets Look at some of thses remarks: 1)"It is very easy to determine truth or hype. Look for fragmented sentences and name calling. Those who do this are not reporting truth, only personal grudge and emotional response (usually to their own failure)." 2)It is a sad fact of life, most failures look for others to blame. 3)The saddest though are the "me too" people that have absolutely no personal knowledge of a situation but "feel" that whoever or whatever must be wrong or others wouldn't write bad things about them. 4)"In most cases, these people have hurt themselves through laziness or incompetence but have no ability to look into the mirror and see themselves clearly." 5) "There will be several who can't wait to blast this posting, write in what they think is "big words" to tear me down. To intelligent people, these are sad folks indeed." Mike are you some kind os psyshic? I want to know where you get your inside information? 6)An ex-MOM team-er that didn't make it is not unusual. Because the system is NOT duplicatable, and it is set up for failure. 7)The average person on the street wants something for nothing. The MOM team lures women into their group by making it seem as if you are getting something for nothing. 8)One other thing. Watch dog organizations are a very important part of what makes America great. The problem is, they too are open to the public and there are those that want to join and be a star "reporter". I'm sure there are plenty of Private "I LOVE MELALEUCA" boards around where everyone will agree with you, why don't you go post there if you don't want to hear the opinions and experiiences of others? 9) "Most of the negative MOM team posts I have read here are of that type. Emotional out cries followed by robotic me too's. Sad, very very sad. My favorite is the response of well that was interesting but no, you are still wrong." These are the ones that in spite of any information, no matter how well backed up by data respond with, well I just don't believe you. The MOM Team played hard on the emotions of women who are stuck between a rock and a hard place. They want to work and also atsy at home with their families. When you have someone you trust crussh your vision, maybe you'll be able to understand. 12)"Well one thing I know about these people. Trying to convince them of the truth is a complete waste of time." Every single thing you have said here can be turned around and used to make the same arguments against Melaleuca and "The MOM Team" and those that promote it as a great and wonderful opportunity. The only thing that is really absurd, this BBB thing. The BBB is a PAID, PRIVATE membership. If you want the truth go to the FTC. The FTC spells out it's factual information about companies right on it's site www.ftc.gov you are certainly entitled to your opinion, but so are the rest of us. 13) "the company would not have the BBB rating it does." Mike, as long as you post at a "watchdog" board,you'll get responses, good and bad. If you don't like it, I suggst starting your own board, a private one. Until then, those of us who feel we have a valid concern about any company will come to places like this and speak up, get over it. Best,


Corpus Christi,
Personal Grandstanding vs Truth

#78UPDATE Employee

Fri, October 08, 2004

It is very easy to determine truth or hype. Look for fragmented sentences and name calling. Those who do this are not reporting truth, only personal grudge and emotional response (usually to their own failure). It is a sad fact of life, most failures look for others to blame. The saddest though are the "me too" people that have absolutely no personal knowledge of a situation but "feel" that whoever or whatever must be wrong or others wouldn't write bad things about them. As a computer professional for over 35 years and being closely related to the internet for as long as it has been available to the general public, it is common knowledge that most nay sayers a sadly mistaken folks on emotional vendettas to "pay back" the wrong doers that hurt them. In most cases, these people have hurt themselves through laziness or incompetence but have no ability to look into the mirror and see themselves clearly. There will be several who can't wait to blast this posting, write in what they think is "big words" to tear me down. To intelligent people, these are sad folks indeed. The MOM Team is just that, a team of folks working towards a common goal. They are not Melaleuca, they are a subset. These are dedicated people as they say, on a mission. They work with a company with impeccable credentials. A company that enforces rules to be sure that the teams and individuals conform to the same standards. An ex-MOM team-er that didn't make it is not unusual. The average person on the street wants something for nothing. They want money, but few are willing to work for it. Back in the 1960's and 1970's there were a lot of "ex-IBM" employees running around trying to create consulting companies. Those in the know however understood one thing, there was only one type of ex-IBM person, a loser. Those that were worth their salt, had no reason to leave. I suspect that the same principle applies here. One other thing. Watch dog organizations are a very important part of what makes America great. The problem is, they too are open to the public and there are those that want to join and be a star "reporter". They want to be the one that brings down the bad giant even if there is not a bad giant around. They simply invent one. They know that there are enough people in this country willing to blindly tag along and yell foul when they have not got the slightest idea what is going on to carry them to "the top". Most of the negative MOM team posts I have read here are of that type. Emotional out cries followed by robotic me too's. Sad, very very sad. My favorite is the response of well that was interesting but no, you are still wrong. These are the ones that in spite of any information, no matter how well backed up by data respond with, well I just don't believe you. These are the type that think as I said before "if you hadn't done something wrong, nobody would write bad things about you." Smart huh? Well one thing I know about these people. Trying to convince them of the truth is a complete waste of time. Now everybody, sit back and watch all of the "highly intelligent" responses meant to put me in my place. I can't wait for the outraged smart guy, or the emotional response of the deeply wronged person. Remember only this. No person with the brains of a pea and above, with a decent work ethic and above has EVER been deeply wronged by the MOM Team or Melaleuca. If there were any evidence of either of these, the company would not have the BBB rating it does. That is why those ratings are there! Every personal failure is not the result of a rip-off, most of the time it is just a personal failure and nothing else.


Nothing is ever really safe!

#79Consumer Comment

Thu, September 16, 2004

First of all, this "Mom's" network is not the only one of it's kind claiming to "help" others succeed. I agree in full with the person who had said before that the people selling and distributing these products are simlpy misinformed. A person had contacted me from both the "Mom's" network and a different company that does the exact same thing. It is to my understanding after reading the reports posted here, that both the "Mom's" network and this other company have one thing in common. They do not care about the facts, and no matter what the rebuttals are, that they may hev for you, the facts are entirely different! I have fonud the following information online, at the National Librabry Of Medicine, and have decided that this so called "opportunity" is in need of a much needed, in depth, research on the exact effects of Melaleuca. Report#1: A 23-month-old boy became confused and was unable to walk thirty minutes after ingesting less than 10 mL of a product containing 100% melaleuca oil. Report#2: Melaleuca oil (tea tree oil) is the essential oil distilled from the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia Cheel. Tea tree oil is popular for treating various cutaneous maladies. Our purpose was to determine which constituent compounds of Melaleuca oil are responsible for allergic contact eczema in seven patients who became sensitized


North Carolina,
Melaleuca does not represent the individual "teams"

#80UPDATE Employee

Thu, August 05, 2004

Alicia, In your post, titled "they made alot of promises that were never kept", I have some descrepancies (please excuse my spelling, it's 5:49 am, and I've been reading posts for about an hour LOL) not against you, but with your association between MOM team and Melaleuca. The support team I enrolled with, MomsWIN, does things quite differently, and I have no personal experience with MOM team, so I cannot speak about how "good (or bad) they are", for I do not know. MomsWIN instead, opts to purchase "Leads" (people who have requested information on starting a home based business) from Companies who's name I'm not sure if I'm allowed to give the name of, and we contact them via phone, prequalify them (see if melaleuca would be right for them judging on their "WHY" about starting a business, as well as other key factors), and we also inform them over the phone what it is we do and do not do. They have Overview (presentation) calls that we bring every potential customer to, only after prequalifying, and explaining the basics, and we let them know who it is we work for (Melaleuca). MomsWIN prohibits telemarketing, spamming, and although they do train you on how to approach your "warm market", they do not require, or even ask you to do this. MomsWIN is run by (I believe) an Executive Director 9 (for some reason I want to say 12, but I'm pretty sure it's 9), and she knows what she is doing. Anyone who can get that far - I want on my support team, so she can show me how. You Wrote: "Then you would have to make monthly purchase requirements. In essence you are nothing but a customer who has the opportunity to make money. When I first joined I thought I would make money but The Mom Team has saturated the net and has such a bad reputation that it became more trouble than it was worth. Melaluca is right up there with Quixtar, Amway, etc." That is the statement that troubled me the most. I'm not trying to insult or down you in any way, but the actions of one organization should not reflect on the company itself. You SHOULD have been informed of this before enrollment. I'm sorry that you were not. MomsWIN also makes it a point to tell EVERYONE that we are all customers FIRST, and they also inform them of the 35 product point minimum, and that they have to order EVERY month to maintain PC status (we also tell them about the "backup" orders). This way, there are no misconceptions of "get rich quick" with my organization. I joined for the products, as have most MomsWIN associates that I have encountered. I just decided to make a little extra income while enjoying the products (and I really do enjoy them!) That is why Melaleuca has prohibited Independant internet "support groups", such as MOM, and MomsWIN, from using their name on their websites, or in advertising (flyers/car magnets, etc). To protect their company name, because they can't control the content of every website out there. They make sure we personally tell them (via phone.. or chat when information is requested) who it is we work for. Some organizations are in serious violation of melaleuca's rules - some even by not giving ANY info at all before the overview. As for Garth's post: Although very long, it served a good point. I agree with you very much. I, however did not start my melaleuca business solely for money. Melaleuca was the first company that I heard of with products that suit me. I have eczema, and the products I now use have cleared it up completely. Before I joined, I was on Elidel.. Prednocarbate before that, and although it took the redness away, I still used to itch like hell. Now, my skin looks amazing. I've been struggling with eczema (when it got bad) for about 6 years, and have never been able to wear shorts in the summer due to embarrassment of my legs (Both legs were extremely bad, especially behind my knees. Even the dematologist said it was a very severe case). Now I can actually show off my legs. This company has done more for me than I could ever imagine - and I get paid for telling people about it, which OF COURSE I'm going to do - I'm ecstatic about it! Some people may not feel the same, But I truly love melaleuca for the products. The paychecks are just bonus for me Sorry to make this such a large post, but I've been hyped up on coffe.. self explanitory...


New Jersey,
Everyone seems to have missed a major point...

#81Consumer Comment

Wed, March 03, 2004

Network Marketing is about moving product through CONSUMERS. Melaleuca and many other companies REQUIRE product purchases. I have been in this industry for a long time and product purchases are not a hinderance at all as many people are willing to commit to a monthly purchase. The point that seems to be missed- and I daresay that many of you will NEVER be successful in any NM opportunity until you understand, regardless of company- your *JOB* is NOT to run out and recruit people to build businesses. Your job is to find CUSTOMERS for the company. If you are promoting the products and customer commitments honestly, that will suffice! Your business will grow and attrition will fall. Naturally, some CUSTOMERS will want to earn an extra income and what have you done? You have SHOWN them that to be successful they need to find customers. If you are not building a strong customer base, eventually your business could fall apart. I see all the former Melaleuca reps here complaining...those folks NEVER saw value in being a customer which is FINE. Those people, and others like them, should have been told that being successful hinges on their belief in the products- as with ANY company. Having discovered that they did not like the products, the best course of action would have been to cancel within the 4 months Melaleuca gives you so they could get their start up costs refunded. On one hand I agree with those who have problems because perhaps that did not understand this concept and it should have been better explained. Just recruiting someone and immediately having them run out to recruit others who are desperate to make money does not sit well with me. People need to the information to make INFORMED decisions. Think of it this way, if you were opening a new restaurant and someone wandered in and said they had a little money to invest and wanted to be your partner...would you just say yes with a promise to refund their money in 4 months if it did not work for them? I bet not...you'd interview that person and that person would know EXACTLY what you expect of them and what they could expect! It's a business, treat it like one. However, they also should have known that The MOM Team wasn't their cup of tea. If their problem was with The MOM Team, it is simple to still be a rep for Melaleuca and work independently or with a different team. There are many and some operate quite differently than The MOM Team. If their problem was with Melaleuca, they should have cancelled. Done. No need to litter the internet with more junk and complaining. Nothing is uglier than bitter people who failed at something and then went on to bash it...it's called sour grapes and is something you expect of a 5 yr old. Some people make nothing with Melaleuca, others make a few hundred, others a couple thousand, others replacement incomes, others have financial freedom. It is a good company and opportunity just like any other. It is hard to do, but sometimes people have to stop pointing fingers and look at themselves. The company did not fail, the team did not fail, so who did? You. Accepting failure and taking personal responsibility for it is a major step for personal growth and empowerment.

William Burke

Kansas City,
promote or advance your business rather than to try and make unfitting claims about Melaleuca

#82Consumer Comment

Tue, March 02, 2004

Garth, As much time as I'm sure it took you to post that previous response would probably have been better spent doing something constructive to promote or advance your business rather than to try and make unfitting claims about Melaleuca. One thing that is proudly discussed in most leadership trainings or presentations is to proudly acknowledge the company is Melaleuca - which makes it a curious story, your claim that someone was secretive about the company name. Not saying you're not being honest - I just find it curious knowing what I know about the company and people. Something else you may consider taking from my years of experience in studying the network marketing/MLM industry - Melaleuca broke the mold and continues to do it every year but you have to be willing to get past your prejudices and preconceived notions. Look deeper if you have a desire to know the truth. Is Melaleuca perfect - nah! But they have come as close to it as any company I've become familiar with and most companies don't even come close to having the impact on someones health that I've seen in my own family and acquaintances through this company. Food for thought! President, Outreach 2K, Inc.


Mount Joy,
Thank you Robin taking the time to read it all!

#83Consumer Suggestion

Mon, March 01, 2004

For those that took the time to read my previous, and lengthy post with an open mind, I applaud you for having one, and doing so. Not everyone will do the math required to see exactly how much money is made. The other thing you have to look at is how much money is paid out on single purchase of product as that will tell you how much the product costs the company to either make for themselves or have made for them. It is true that companies that have their own manufacturing facilities are able to keep their cost down, but their manufacturing facilities are in the business of making money too. And it cost a lot of money to run any type of manufacturing facility, regardless of the quality of products being produced. Some companies would prefer to put their money into research and improving their products. I know of one company that has had 2 price increases in 15 years, and most of their products are still at the same price. How many companies can claim to improve the product without raising the price especially if they are adding something expensive to them without taking it out of the distributors products? When it comes to compensation plans, a person should check out http://www.mlmconsultant.com/mlmlibrary_mlm_pay_plans.htm, as it will give you some insight as to what is really needed to suceed in doing any type of MLM or network marketing business. In order to make any kind of MLM or network marketing business work, it does involve work, whether it is working hard or working smart. A lot of companies, including the one being discussed here, use what is called discounting commisionable volume. This is a common practice in Networking. Discounting Commissionable Volume simply means that the commissions for a given product are calculated on a number somewhat lower that the actual wholesale price. This practice can be used correctly to allow a company to bring certain products to the market priced competitively to ensure success in the marketplace. Discounting CV allows a company to charge less for that product, and thus will increase the overall volume of that product through increased sales. Distributors should be aware of this practice, because some companies will publish a very high payout figure and not disclose that this figure is based on Commissionable Value, not Wholesale Volume. For instance, Company A promotes its plan as paying out 75% back to its distributors. If you look closely, you will see that Company A does not pay commissions on the full wholesale value of its products. The 75% looks impressive, but the fine print discloses that it is based on Commissionable Value, not Wholesale Value. If you do the calculation, again you will see that the actual payout is most likely between 40% and 45%.The best thing to look for is a company that pays commissions on the full wholesale value (or better yet, the retail of the product as that can't be manipulated at all) of its primary products as a matter of practice and only discounts commissionable value on certain products to enhance the marketability of those products. A good rule of thumb is to look for a company where over 80% of its total sales are from products earning a 100% commission based on the retail price of the products. I used to be in the delivery business in Washington DC, and had a company apply this same principle to what they paid us. The owneres wanted a raise and they couldn't raise their rates, pay their office staff less money, or lower their rent. They decided that they were going to make the commissionable rate 90% of what the client was charged for the delivery. I used to get paid 50% of 100%, and now I was getting 50% of 90% which was really a 5% paycut with the company getting an extra 10% as they said they needed to reduce the commissionable rate by 10% to cover their over head. Their overhead was supposed to have been built in to the price to the customer to begin with. The same company would give some customers a better price on a delivery, or product, the concept is the same, which lowered what was paid in commissions. It took the same amount of raw materials, gas and time, to accomlish the task. That meant we had to work harder, spend the same to make less money. Some of what is in this post is all mine, and some has been borrowed from other sources as the source was promoting another MLM which was making claims that theirs was better, yet they were paying based on wholesale, instead of retail. Any time you compare a comp plan, check to see what the over rides are paid on. Better to get 2% of the gross of a movie being played than 10% of the net. The smaller percentage is better as the movie company doesn't want to pay anymore in taxes so they reduce their net as much as possible to pay the least amount of taxes on it. For those that have watched "Leave it to Beaver", might want to know that Jerry Matthers is still getting royalties from it as his contract was such that he was to get a small percentage of the gross forever. He only worked for 7 years and is getting paid for the rest of his life. I have met the man personally, and found out his contract was the first one to be signed that way. Yes, there are companies out there that pay their distributors well, at least those that work at it, as well as having advisory boards made up of distributors to recommend changes to the company. When the company listens to it's distributors and follows their lead, the company prospers and so does everyone else. Without the distributors, or what ever you want to call someone actively involved in promoting the company's products, the company won't be around long. That's my 2 cents worth. I am fortunate that I found a company that shall remain nameless as I don't want to get in trouble for promoting one company over another or to have someone think I am recruiting. Something else I have noticed about Melaluca was that until I had the call to the conference call, I didn't have any idea what company it was, as the guy I was talking to online wouldn't tell me at all. If the person won't be up front in telling you the name of the company so you can do independant research, that is a sign to run the other direction! Have a great and Godly day, for what good is a good day if it is not also a Godly day?


Cameron Park,
Garth.......One of the BEST POSTS I've Read! One of the worst experiences of my life.

#84Consumer Comment

Sun, February 29, 2004

Thank You for this valuable information. I wish that I had done all the investigating before joining "THE MOM TEAM" One of the worst experiences of my life. But it taught me a lot about MLM and Selling. You are so dead on about all the "selling" we do daily. And it has always struck me, that not too many people can see that when then have a forced monthly product commitment, THEY ARE CARRYING INVENTORY! I couyld never use all the product I was required to buy, to be part of thei" awesome oncein a lifetime opportunity" I guess it is, if you were lucky enough or should I say "corrupt" enough to be in at the top. Making money off the sweat and misinformed, would never let me have a good nights sleep, regardless how much money I was making. I agree, Do The math and check out what others say. better yet, if you a seriousbusiness builder, do a one year forecast/busines plan. Decide if it's you or the company that will profit. In my opinion, retailing is a MUST for an MLM. Anyone that falls for the: No SELLING NO INVENTORY NO PARTIES NO RISK NO LARGE INVESTMENT NO BOTHERING FRIENDS AND FAMILY( the biggest LIE around) is blind, and not looking to find a business, but a free ride on the skirtails of others! I applaud your post! Well Done!


Mt Joy,
Most people do network marketing every day but never get paid for it.

#85Consumer Suggestion

Sat, February 28, 2004

From what I have seen with this post is that people seem to be blinded by the opportunity to make big bucks because someone else is doing it too. I have a cousin who has never made a dime with Melaluca, and can't afford the products as they are too expensive for him to buy. I have had someone try to recruit me into the company, yet the company and others don't consider it to be recruiting at all, just trying to get you to try the products at a discount by becoming a smart consumer. Oh, and yes, everyone in the country is doing network marketing, multi-level marketing, dual marketing (Mary Kay) consumer direct marketing (Melaluca), every day of their life as long as they are talking to anyone at all about anything, they just aren't getting paid. Network marketing, and all the other forms of it, such as dual marketing as the company markets to the Mary Kay reps and they turn around and market it to their friends, consumer direct marketing like Melaluca where you have your customer order directly from the company, are all about recommending and promoting things you like and enjoy. There is nothing wrong with that at all, as long as you give all the facts and everyone is on an equal and level playing field. After doing the math of how much a person gets of each item, they get their 7% of the 35 points, which they spent $55 to $60 to buy, which really is only 4.4545% of the $55. And if you have to pay all your money up front and then get a rebate, that means you are loaning the company money to make money with as opposed to get your discount up front. Does it make more sense to compare any and all comp plans based on what percentage of the retail are you actually getting paid instead of something called business volume, which is usually less than wholesale, and certainly never more than wholesale? One company pays their maximum override of 26% of 50% of the retail of their products. Another company pays a maximum of 20% of 100% of retail, even though they pay 60% of retail for their products. And if you do the math yourself, you will see that commission is equal to (.26*.50) which is only 13% of the retail. Which would you rather have $13 or $20 as 20% of 100% is always 20%. Most people just don't do the math by themselves. If they did, they would see that what is presented to them can be and sometime is a lot of smoke and mirrors. The other way you can compare is to look at the benefits of the product and compare them to another brand and see which has higher levels of things you want, and the least levels of things you don't want, especially when it comes to nutritional products. I have done exactly that with three companies of which Melaluca was one of them. They were not the best buy for the money, even though they were the least expensive product per usage. There are three things you need to remember about anything sold and what people want. People want to the best quality of product, the best quality of service, and they also want the lowest price. Unfortunately, you can only have two of the three, and most people want the lowest price and are willing to give up the quality of product or the quality of service. That was from Tom Hopkins from a seminar on selling, as he wrote "How to Master the Art of Selling". Oh, for those that are married, when you proposed to your intended, you were actually selling yourself to your soon to be spouse. Every day you must continually sell yourself to your spouse, or they will divorce you, and the same with your job, if you still have one, if you don't sell yourself well to your employer, they will let you go. And it works the other way too. Your spouse has to sell you on the idea of staying with them, otherwise why are you there? MLM has been around for almost 2,000 years. And it's a network marketing organization that have people involved that don't get paid a dime, when done properly, at least not in their life time. The guy that started it, had only a story to tell and had 12 guys share his story. For those that don't know who the guy was, it was Jesus Christ and his twelve disciples that were told to "GO" and spread the news. They recruited others to do exactly the same thing they were doing, and sometimes at great expense to themselves as it cost some of them their lives. So it does not matter which MLM you are in, including Melaluca, even though it is a member of the Direct Selling Association, it is still a network marketing company, as they get paid based on the efforts of other people, regardless of how they order and where they get their products from. I had to make a conference call to find out the name of the company, as the guy that was trying to recruit me, would not tell me the name of the company at all, which had all the earmarks of something Amway did a long time ago. My parents did that and never made a dime. For those that read the whole thing, with an open mind, congratulations. Do the math, without anyone around to influence you, and have them show you the percentages based on retail. Why should you give the company money and have them give it back to you in the form of a rebate? Me, personally, I would rather have a bigger discount, and be able to keep my discount and title no matter what happens. Oh, something else, you have to have in a good company, according to Robert Butwin who wrote "Street Smart Network Marketing". The first thing is leadership with integrity and a vision, for without a vision the people will perish, and without integrity all you have is greed. The second thing, is products a distributor/smart consumer will buy for themselves, even if they never make a dime selling or sharing the products. I talked to one guy that makes tons of money from Melaluca, (according to him as I have never seen his check) and he has never sold a product, yet has a big "downline" of people he has sold on the idea of using products from Melaluca, and on being in the business to some degree. The last thing is a fair and just compensation plan that pays those that work for their money. Someone said that Amway pays out overall not a lot if divided out among all distributors, active or not. If you don't count inactive people, then your percentages would be higher. I almost fell for one of the M.O.M. team bumper stickers in the parking lot of a McDonalds, and I did my homework, and was glad I didn't make the choice they did. Not one single person that has done M.O.M. team or Melaluca or any other MLM has made a bad choice, as they made the best choice they could based on the information they had at that moment. The question is, if they have additional information, will their choice change or remain the same, especially if they realize they might could have made a better one?


Cameron Park,
In Response to JJ, There are far too many companies that are 100% natural and non toxic products to list.

#86Consumer Comment

Fri, February 27, 2004

Melaleuca may have some good products, but they are not made toxin free and natural. If thats the kind of products you enjoy, great. As far as recieving a check from companies offering non toxic and natural products. As far as receiving "compensation" from theses other companies, Think of it as DIRECT DEPOSIT. You have no monthly commitment to buy, no recruiting to advance in the ranks of a company. You can invest the money you save in stocks, bonds, whatever you like. Not everyone wants to spend &60-$120 a month to make $ 30 back from the company. Freedom of choice just makes sense. But if you get a check, and you don't mind the commitment, or toxins, what's the problem?


New York,
Please NAME Those Wonderful Companies

#87Consumer Suggestion

Wed, February 25, 2004

Dear Kara: You wrote: "If you look around you will find other companies that really do offer non-toxic, non-chemical products and most for a lot cheaper. Kara - Prairie City, Iowa U.S.A." ----------------------------------- Kindly name those "non-chemical products" companies. Obviously, I want to check them out too. Also, please let us know how many checks you have received from them every month. Thanks. JJ. NYC


Prairie City,
Again Check Your Lables.. Your home is NOT safer.

#88Consumer Comment

Wed, February 25, 2004

For those that keep saying "my home is safer and my kids too" you need to take a very close look at the lables. Your home is NOT safer. Many of the chemicals found in store brands are found in Mela products. If you look around you will find other companies that really do offer non-toxic, non-chemical products and most for a lot cheaper.


A MOM Team Experience, They are the nicest people I have met in a long time

#89UPDATE Employee

Mon, February 23, 2004

I have been reading all these posts on here and I am totally amazed. I am a member of the MomTeam. I have to say, I am honored to work with these ladies and gents. They are the nicest people I have met in a long time. Not only am I supplimenting my husbands income I am also making my home safer for my children. Those of you that say the products are not worth anything are apparently missing it. As a mother of 6 wonderful children, this home business is right up my alley. I have had nothing but support and incouragement from fellow team mates. How do I make the money? I simply tell others how awesome the products are. It's very simple, but I guess some people just don't get it. My home is healthier my children are healthier.I don't have empoyees, inventory, I don't stock, I don't handle money. I don't go after anyone!!!! I just inform people who "CARE" about their children's health and their own. How in the heck can that be bad???? Oh, yes, and I do work for my money. The amount of effort you put in is what you will recieve, just like in any other business.!!!!!!!


They made a lot of promises that were never kept.

#90Consumer Comment

Sun, February 22, 2004

I didn't get a check more than a buck LOL and it is almost virtually impossible to post on the internet because its so many of them. A lot of sites refused to accept Mom Team posts because they do spam sites that accept their posts. When I was recruited I was given a list of sites to post on. Then I was trained to do this tag team posting thing. Basically the person who recruited me goes to a website and asks about a home business opportunity. I MAGICALLY appear and tell her about The Mom Team opportunity. This method was a way of getting people to learn about the business. Then you would have to make monthly purchase requirements. In essence you are nothing but a customer who has the opportunity to make money. When I first joined I thought I would make money but The Mom Team has saturated the net and has such a bad reputation that it became more trouble than it was worth. Melaluca is right up there with Quixtar, Amway, etc. I will say that they did provide you with as much information as possible to help you develop your business but its ALWAYS easy when you get in early. Anyone joining The Mom Team now is wasting their time. Oh the products! Some of them I liked and they worked but the majority of the cleaning products weren't worth .02 cents. I still use the Mela oil but I haven't bought anything from them since when I left. They hyped me up to think I would make some money but unfortunately I didn't.


Something to ponder

#91UPDATE Employee

Sat, February 21, 2004

I am a Melaleuca customer and I also make a little extra money by telling people about the products and services I have been using for years. Here is a question for you : Have you ever gone to a restarant or a movie, and told your friends or someone you happened to be standing in line next to about your experience? Now if those people went to the same place that you refered would you get anything out of it? No. I think Melaleuca is a great company with wonderful products and services and getting a check, small or large, is much better than a coupon. As for the same poisonous ingredients, call the poison control center, they won't lie to you. Melaleuca's products are safe.


Port Richey,
Remember to include in your comparison...

#92UPDATE Employee

Mon, January 19, 2004

Hi Robin, please remember to include in your comparison the cost-per-use, seeing as Mela products ARE concentrated. So even though, you might pay, say, $4.99 for 16 oz of CONCENTRATED cleaner, you will get FOUR 24 oz bottles of cleaner. Personally, I love the products... and will never go back. Maybe this is not for everyone... Thanks for listening...


Cameron Park,
OK Gaylene, Let's Compare Prices, for 3 years I have found it to be a bunch of BUNK

#93Consumer Suggestion

Mon, January 19, 2004

For 3 years I've been hearing about how much money you can save using Melaleuc, and for 3 years I have found it to be a bunch of BUNK. But in the interest of truth, I suggust doing a price coparison. Now as an ex ME, I still have my Biz Kit, the beautiful "faux leather" school binder. I will compare 6 items: Soap Laundry Soap Toothpaste Shampoo Dishwasher Soap Household Cleaner. I will get camparisons from the following stores: Target Walmart K-Mart Sams Club Any Random Dollar Store. I will also compare Mela products to another MLM, Watkins ( who has been in business for over 135 years in good standing) And I am not a company representative. As a former Melaleuca customer I can only say I was never impressed with the cleaning abilities of these products, but the cost me more and saved me nothing. In fact I had mold in my washing machine and dishwasher until I stopped using those two products, it was gross. I'll post the results as soon as I complete the comparison. I will list number of uses, and price per use and the name of the product used for comparison, as well as ANY questionable ingredients. This is purely for experimental purposes only. Happy 2004


North Carolina,
Clarification on Melaleuca's Products

#94UPDATE Employee

Sun, January 18, 2004

My goodness, such vehemence! First of all, I would like to clarify one thing. The FDA does not approve the products, only the INGREDIENTS in the products. Secondly...the ingredients in Melaleuca's products may be listed as the same ingredients, but let me enlighten you on their origins. The ingredients in Melaleuca's products are derived from on-toxic natural sources, such as cocoanut oil, etc., while the Grocery store brands ingredients are derived from synthetic sources, because they are cheaper, and the companies can make more money from them....because they cost less to manufacture, and these souces can be and are toxic. AND Melaleuca's products are cost effective, because they are concentrated, and less per use. But believe me, I am not trying to convince you of anything. You have already made up your mind, and that is certainly okay. We all make our own choices. The MOM Team and Melaleuca is not about FORCING you to join and use our great products. It is not for everyone. And I am sure, by your comments you would not be a candidate for our preferred customer program. That said, I wish you a wonderful 2004!


Prairie City,
it may be true those products are approved by the FDA, that means nothing about their quality.

#95Consumer Comment

Fri, January 16, 2004

While it may be true those products are approved by the FDA, that means nothing about their quality. Store brand products whith chemicals are also approved - does that make them safe? Also it may be true that they use high quality Tea Tree Oil, but what difference does it make when it's just added to the same ingredients as store brand products? My point still stands that there are other places to purchase truely natural (and safe) products.


Prairie City,
it may be true those products are approved by the FDA, that means nothing about their quality.

#96Consumer Comment

Fri, January 16, 2004

While it may be true those products are approved by the FDA, that means nothing about their quality. Store brand products whith chemicals are also approved - does that make them safe? Also it may be true that they use high quality Tea Tree Oil, but what difference does it make when it's just added to the same ingredients as store brand products? My point still stands that there are other places to purchase truely natural (and safe) products.


Prairie City,
it may be true those products are approved by the FDA, that means nothing about their quality.

#97Consumer Comment

Fri, January 16, 2004

While it may be true those products are approved by the FDA, that means nothing about their quality. Store brand products whith chemicals are also approved - does that make them safe? Also it may be true that they use high quality Tea Tree Oil, but what difference does it make when it's just added to the same ingredients as store brand products? My point still stands that there are other places to purchase truely natural (and safe) products.


Prairie City,
it may be true those products are approved by the FDA, that means nothing about their quality.

#98Consumer Comment

Fri, January 16, 2004

While it may be true those products are approved by the FDA, that means nothing about their quality. Store brand products whith chemicals are also approved - does that make them safe? Also it may be true that they use high quality Tea Tree Oil, but what difference does it make when it's just added to the same ingredients as store brand products? My point still stands that there are other places to purchase truely natural (and safe) products.


Satellite Beach,
I am better for the experience

#99UPDATE Employee

Wed, January 14, 2004

I have been affiliated with Melaleuca for years now. And I might say that I am better for the experience. I have met some wonderful people. I put in maybe 9 months to a year of intense effort, my largest check was over 1200., However, that is not the point. The point is that I have not worked my business in over two years and every month without fail I receive a check right around 200. I know $200. is not a lot of money, but I am being paid for something I did once. Referred people to a company that makes health products. That's it. I don't know how much money I would have to have in the bank to earn $200. a month in interest, but let me assure you, I do not have that much in the bank!


North Carolina,
Misguided Comments on products/teatreeoil and The MOM Team

#100UPDATE Employee

Sat, December 27, 2003

Firstly, I didn't go searching out this ridiculous site, which has a bunch of malcontents who have not done their research very well. Someone in my organization brought this to my attention. Personally, I am much too busy working my successful Melaleuca business, as a lifelong member of The M.O.M Team. Before I joined Melaleuca and The MOM Team, I was a member for 2 years of a very famous MLM, and ended up in Bankruptcy because of their deceptive practices. So I very carefully investigated both Melaleuca and The MOM Team before I joined. I was most impressed, and 2 years later I am still impressed with the integrity in this company and team. Most of the complaints on this page are from malcontents that either are lazy and don't want to work, or refuse to read their business kit information thoroughly and carefully when they join. If they had, they would know that their complaints have little or no substance. In rebuttal to Kara's statement that Melaleuca's products are "most of those products are nothing more than store brand products with tea tree oil" please be advised, that all of the INGREDIENTS in Melaleuca's products are on the FDA's Approved list...AND.....there are many different varieties of Tea Tree Oil, and many different varieties of melaleuca (botanical name) trees from which you can get Tea Tree Oil. Melaleuca Inc.'s tea tree oil is the highest and purest pharmaceutical grade tea tree oil in the world, and has a triple patent on it. Most other companies dilute it heavily with alcohol, etc, and then charge high prices for it. Melaleuca doesn't do that. I know what I am talking about because I do one of the Melaleuca product training calls for The MOM Team, and so have done quite a bit of research on the products. I come from a high nutrition family background, and can truthfully say, that Melaleuca's products are the BEST I have ever come across, and are extremely cost effective. The MOM Team is extremely well-thought of by Melaleuca, and we are very careful to obey ALL the company rules. And our presentation calls are patterned closely after the Melaleuca New Horizon's Presentation. We work very hard to make sure these presentation are done correctly according to Melaleuca's rules. In regard to recruiting...we don't. We only respond to those who have answered an ad, and request information from us regarding working from home. There is NEVER any pressure at all. We simply call them, set up an appointment if they are still interested, and give them the information they have requested (by taking them to a presentation call), and answer any questions they have. If they choose to enroll as a customer, we assist them in that...because it is all about the products, first and foremost. If they choose to build a business, we will assist them in that also. We will not do the business for them, so, ....no lazy people need apply. As I said, the products are the most important thing, and I love that I can help others use Melaleuca's excellent environmentally friendly products,that are less expensive per use than the grocery store brands, and help others to be healthier, and more financially secure if they choose to build a business too. And everything is completely guaranteed. It is also an excellent business (independant contractor)regarding tax deductions. I think if the people on this site that are so intent upon badmouthing Melaleuca and The MOM Team, would spend more time becoming a better person and working on themselves, they wouldn't have time to badmouth anyone. It would help if they got all the facts straight once in awhile too.


Prairie City,
Check again, most of those products are nothing more than store brand products with tea tree oil

#101Consumer Comment

Fri, December 19, 2003

Quote: "The products are free of toxins and caustic ingredients which can literally poison the home environment, unlike the store brands which depend on such ingredients for product performance. Some national store brand cleaning products actually contain ingredients listed as "pesticides" by the US Government, though you won't find it on the labels." You had better check those labels again, because most of those products are nothing more than store brand products with tea tree oil. Ask for a Material Saftey Data Sheet and I bet you will be surprized - that is if they will even give it to you because I've been unable to track one down. All I know is the list of ingredients I've seen on the lables are FAR from "non toxic" and almost exactly the same as what you will see in the stores.


this company has done everything it said it was going to do for me

#102UPDATE Employee

Mon, December 01, 2003

Hi, I have been with Melaluca for two months now. I have not had a ton of results to list here but what I do have is my objective opinion. First of all I would like to say that this company has done everything it said it was going to do for me. The products really are fantastic. Some of them are not for me but the majority of them I wouldn't mind having around. The cleaning products are my favorite because they do not give me a headache like the other brands do. The vitamins and supplements do work and the soaps and lotions are great! I love how my house smells since I have ordered my first box of products. As far as money goes I haven't earned any yet, except 30% of what I have spent on products I got back to spend on more. Which is really great since I really like what they have to offer. Just with any business of any kind there is going to be some work involved and everyone moves at their own pace. I have had a slow start because of other issues in my life(like a very long remodeling project). However I am confident that this is an opportunity for myself and anyone else that would like to join, and give an honest effort. In my team I have some wealthy people helping me get started. One of our members is a millionare because of this company and his efforts. He has written books on the subject and he is just an average joe. If he can you can, Melaluca is equal opportunity employment. You have to make up your mind to succeed. If you really tried and did not succeed maybe you should try a diffrent tactic before you give up. You got discouraged for some reason find out why and revise your plans. If this company is not for you that's fine, but don't let other people's issues stop you from helping yourself. Life is full of people that will try to discourage you. Make sure you do not discourage yourself by setting yourself up for failure. In any business plan you should really spend a lot of time educating yourself before and after you commit. Thanks


Defending Melaleuca

#103UPDATE Employee

Mon, October 20, 2003

I have to, in only a couple of ways, agree with the original post and also agree with Andy, a couple of posts up. Other than that, I think the negativity is out of line. The original post, I believe, is speaking about the MOM team, which is NOT the company. They are a "support group" to help you build your business. It seems that we've gone on to start bashing the actual company. Now I ONLY agree with the fact that the commission statements were misleading in the fact that it was on "points-purchase", which they have changed since then. And I agree with the fact that I was not told about my commitment going up once I hit Director. But that is it! As a couple have mentioned, this is NOT a "get rich quick" scheme, which is what I have told my partners. I have not been really working my biz like I should and guess what? I'm not really getting a whole lot out of it. That is MY fault, not anyone else's! People should own up to their faults, instead of blame others for their downfall. The products themselves have changed my life, as well as my family's life, in so many ways. Even if I decide not to stay in the business, I can guarantee you that I will stay with the products because they are that great! And you know what else? The big kahunas who were making so much money off of me by poisoning my home, are NOT now!! What a GREAT FEELING!! So, quit with the libel, already! Just because it didn't work for you, does not mean it's a scam! If Melaleuca was such a scam, don't you think they would not be around anymore? C'mon, 18 years says they're doing something right, don't you think?


Defending Melaleuca

#104UPDATE Employee

Mon, October 20, 2003

I have to, in only a couple of ways, agree with the original post and also agree with Andy, a couple of posts up. Other than that, I think the negativity is out of line. The original post, I believe, is speaking about the MOM team, which is NOT the company. They are a "support group" to help you build your business. It seems that we've gone on to start bashing the actual company. Now I ONLY agree with the fact that the commission statements were misleading in the fact that it was on "points-purchase", which they have changed since then. And I agree with the fact that I was not told about my commitment going up once I hit Director. But that is it! As a couple have mentioned, this is NOT a "get rich quick" scheme, which is what I have told my partners. I have not been really working my biz like I should and guess what? I'm not really getting a whole lot out of it. That is MY fault, not anyone else's! People should own up to their faults, instead of blame others for their downfall. The products themselves have changed my life, as well as my family's life, in so many ways. Even if I decide not to stay in the business, I can guarantee you that I will stay with the products because they are that great! And you know what else? The big kahunas who were making so much money off of me by poisoning my home, are NOT now!! What a GREAT FEELING!! So, quit with the libel, already! Just because it didn't work for you, does not mean it's a scam! If Melaleuca was such a scam, don't you think they would not be around anymore? C'mon, 18 years says they're doing something right, don't you think?


Defending Melaleuca

#105UPDATE Employee

Mon, October 20, 2003

I have to, in only a couple of ways, agree with the original post and also agree with Andy, a couple of posts up. Other than that, I think the negativity is out of line. The original post, I believe, is speaking about the MOM team, which is NOT the company. They are a "support group" to help you build your business. It seems that we've gone on to start bashing the actual company. Now I ONLY agree with the fact that the commission statements were misleading in the fact that it was on "points-purchase", which they have changed since then. And I agree with the fact that I was not told about my commitment going up once I hit Director. But that is it! As a couple have mentioned, this is NOT a "get rich quick" scheme, which is what I have told my partners. I have not been really working my biz like I should and guess what? I'm not really getting a whole lot out of it. That is MY fault, not anyone else's! People should own up to their faults, instead of blame others for their downfall. The products themselves have changed my life, as well as my family's life, in so many ways. Even if I decide not to stay in the business, I can guarantee you that I will stay with the products because they are that great! And you know what else? The big kahunas who were making so much money off of me by poisoning my home, are NOT now!! What a GREAT FEELING!! So, quit with the libel, already! Just because it didn't work for you, does not mean it's a scam! If Melaleuca was such a scam, don't you think they would not be around anymore? C'mon, 18 years says they're doing something right, don't you think?


Ballston Spa,
New York,
You are sadly mistaken

#106UPDATE Employee

Sun, October 19, 2003

I have been with Melaleuca for 2 1/2 years. I have no problem with the company and their values. You are sadly mistaken aboutthe differences between Melaleuca and Amway. As you you put it "Something Amwayish rang out of the call", apparently you have never been involved or even checked out either company because if you did you would realize there is a huge difference. Before you make a comment about Melaleuca you should sit down and list to a presentation. As for this other woman who was on the MOM Team if you didn't get the concept of Melaleuca then you too are sadly mistaken. I'm not a part of the MOM Team and I don't really no how they work but I do know that before you bad mouth something or someone you need to check out all the information. Again, you are sadly mistaken and misinformed about Melaleuca, their products, and the people who represent them.


Another Take on Melaleuca

#107Consumer Comment

Thu, October 09, 2003

My wife and I enrolled as Melaleuca Preferred Customers in late May of this year. Our experience with the products and the Company has been wonderful. The products are free of toxins and caustic ingredients which can literally poison the home environment, unlike the store brands which depend on such ingredients for product performance. Some national store brand cleaning products actually contain ingredients listed as "pesticides" by the US Government, though you won't find it on the labels. We have found that the Melaleuca products perform as well or better than the national store brands we had been using and trusting for many years. We started with the "Career Pack" which contains 70 of the more than 300 products available from Melaleuca. My wife noticed an immediate difference when we started using the products... she felt better! We liked these products so well that we decided to convert our home totally to Melaleuca products, and threw out all of the store brand cleaning and personal care products containing harmful ingredients. We order our products directly from the company each month and they are delivered to our door via UPS. We did return some products because we received the wrong product. We simply called the company and told them the problem, returned the product we received in error, and were sent the product we wanted... no pain, no strain! To fairly compare prices between Melaleuca products and the store brands it is necessary to compare the price per use, rather than the price per container. When the price is compared in this manner, Melaleuca products are usually less expensive than the store brands. Even if this were not true we would continue using Melaleuca products because they are safer, healthier products. We plan on using these products from now on! Our personal experience belies the "overpriced mediocre products" statement (without any justification included for the statement) in a previous rebuttal. The "revolving door" statement in the same message is false as well, since the company has statistics which show a customer retention rate of 95%. The company has shown steady growth since it's beginning in 1985, even through the recent slump in the economy, to the point that it did over $460,000,000 in business in 2002, and is geared to become a billion dollar company. For us, the products are by far the most important thing about this company, followed closely by the fact that you will not find a company with more integrity or finer ethics than Melaleuca. It's an award winning company with award winning ownership. As far as the business side of Melaleuca for us, we are very happy that 7 different families are given a commission each month when we buy our products. We are getting great products and other customers are receiving benefits from it... everyone wins. We are trying to build a business by referring others as customers to the Company. We genuinely believe we are doing others a favor by introducing them to these products, just as we feel the person who enrolled us as Preferred Customers did us a favor. We do not expect to "get rich quick", but instead are looking forward to a monthly income which is steady (due to the residual commissions) and growing (due to the new enrollees whom we introduce to the company). How can anyone say we are losing money, or can lose money, with this business? We have invested $29 plus shipping for a business kit, and we have agreed to buy products which we use every month from a different store than the supermarket we used to use. All this yapping about only those at the top making money, or this being some kind of scam, or any of the other negatives thrown around in here, is some kind of smokescreen. I'm sorry that some folks have had bad experiences with individual marketing reps, but Melaleuca, the Company, is as sound and as reputable as they get. Hope everyone has a wonderful day and I'm personally wishing that all of you have Wellness and Prosperity!


Front Royal,
Due Diligence is in order...always!

#108Consumer Suggestion

Mon, July 07, 2003

I am a Network Marketer. I have been for years and have been involved in a few companies. I have had some success with some, no success with others. However, each failure and success can be attributed to ME...not my upline, not a support team, not the company. I know many Mela reps and NONE of them deserve to be bashed in this fashion. Like anyone else, they are trying to improve their lives. I think a bit of due diligence is in order here. Why would anyone spend over $1000 if they are not making any money? Due diligence would require that you set a budget when working a home business and stick to it. Earning money from your business and then investing it back into your business is the best plan and one that savvy networkers know how to do. Blaming it on phone bills is silly. There are many unlimited calling plans and low rate plans available. When you dial a number, don't you know that it is long distance and you will be charged for it? A little common sense could have prevented anyone from losing that kind of money. Melaleuca is network marketing. It is WORK. You need to talk to many people. You need to find customers, not just run out and recruit. You can build a very lucrative business with Melaleuca (or any legitimate company) from your customers and their referrals. Reading the negative comments in this post is sickening and disturbing. This type of bashing is childish and, if anything, shows immature people who jumped into a business without any type of realistic plan...spending money doesn't guarantee success. The term "networking" is lost on people such as this. Networking is all about taking the TIME to build relationships...that is what you need to do to be successful in network marketing. Bitter, angry people CANNOT be successful in networking. Not with ANY company. People can sense that type of personality and it doesn't exactly attract others to your cause. I do believe in network marketing and know that Melaleuca is an upstanding company. Wasting time and energy bashing opportunities YOU failed at is not only unprofessional, but a reflection of the type of person you are...and the reflection isn't very attractive. One more suggestion! Here is a great book! The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen Covey. Read it and work on those "character ethics" and on "paradigm shifts".



#109UPDATE Employee

Sun, June 29, 2003

There are so many RED FLGS to watch out for with company, it's a wonder ANYONE would consider it. With the exception of those in the Top positions who are reaping in ALL the profit. THE ONLY reason they "CLAIM" they are NOT MLM is to get you interested. Most people who join an MLM company are fully aware of what MLM is. The Melaleuca tick is....HOW DO WE APPEAR DIFFERENT TO GAIN ENROLLMENTS????? You see, it doesn't matter if you join for 30 days or 300, SOMEONE IS making money. They are a REVOLVING DOOR...people come and go, SO FAST it would make you head spin. While you are still "trying " to follow their "PROVEN" mentoring program and make hundreds. what you are actually doing is: Paying for THEIR ADVERTISING BUYING OVERPRICED MEDIOCRE PRODUCTS HAVING THE WOOL PULLED OVER YOUR EYES OH YES,I forgot, "the money back guarantee" That's the sucker catch. "how can you lose?????" Believe me, YOU WILL READ THE BUSINESS REPORT



#110UPDATE Employee

Sun, June 29, 2003

There are so many RED FLGS to watch out for with company, it's a wonder ANYONE would consider it. With the exception of those in the Top positions who are reaping in ALL the profit. THE ONLY reason they "CLAIM" they are NOT MLM is to get you interested. Most people who join an MLM company are fully aware of what MLM is. The Melaleuca tick is....HOW DO WE APPEAR DIFFERENT TO GAIN ENROLLMENTS????? You see, it doesn't matter if you join for 30 days or 300, SOMEONE IS making money. They are a REVOLVING DOOR...people come and go, SO FAST it would make you head spin. While you are still "trying " to follow their "PROVEN" mentoring program and make hundreds. what you are actually doing is: Paying for THEIR ADVERTISING BUYING OVERPRICED MEDIOCRE PRODUCTS HAVING THE WOOL PULLED OVER YOUR EYES OH YES,I forgot, "the money back guarantee" That's the sucker catch. "how can you lose?????" Believe me, YOU WILL READ THE BUSINESS REPORT



#111UPDATE Employee

Sun, June 29, 2003

There are so many RED FLGS to watch out for with company, it's a wonder ANYONE would consider it. With the exception of those in the Top positions who are reaping in ALL the profit. THE ONLY reason they "CLAIM" they are NOT MLM is to get you interested. Most people who join an MLM company are fully aware of what MLM is. The Melaleuca tick is....HOW DO WE APPEAR DIFFERENT TO GAIN ENROLLMENTS????? You see, it doesn't matter if you join for 30 days or 300, SOMEONE IS making money. They are a REVOLVING DOOR...people come and go, SO FAST it would make you head spin. While you are still "trying " to follow their "PROVEN" mentoring program and make hundreds. what you are actually doing is: Paying for THEIR ADVERTISING BUYING OVERPRICED MEDIOCRE PRODUCTS HAVING THE WOOL PULLED OVER YOUR EYES OH YES,I forgot, "the money back guarantee" That's the sucker catch. "how can you lose?????" Believe me, YOU WILL READ THE BUSINESS REPORT


St. Paul,
Just some facts

#112Consumer Comment

Fri, June 27, 2003

First of all, there is nothing wrong or illegal with MLM. MLM's are not pyramid schemes, which ARE illegal. One of the most successful and wonderful MLM's, in my opinion, is Mary Kay. Mary Kay Ash was a leader in this industry and helped thousands of women to earn a nice income from home. That being said...it is splitting hairs saying Melaleuca is not an MLM. I am with Melaleuca and it has many MLM charecteristics, and a few that are different from the typical MLM. I think the biggest difference is that Melaleuca Reps do not have to sell products directly to anyone. They simply REFER people to the company and help them to SET UP their wholesale account. It is no different that taking a friend over to Sams Club and helping them set up a membership there. Technically, once a person is enrolled as a Preferred Customer of Melaleuca, the enroller never has to do anything ever again. Just like once a friend has become a member of Sams Club, you never have to help them again either. Only, with Melaleuca you continue to make commissions and other bonuses on these people (hint...to have a successful business, it's a good idea to help your team, but it is not required). Depending on who's definition of MLM, Melaleuca may or may not be considered MLM. According to the BBB, Melaleuca is not an MLM. But, they sure are close, if you ask me. My suggestion if you are reading this deciding whether or not to join Melaleuca is this: if you are joining as a customer only, contact the BBB and see if Melaleuca has a clean report. I would trust what the BBB has to say before I would trust any scam website. Then, I would go ahead and try the products. You can cancel and get your money back (membership fee within 4 months, products empty bottle within two months). Just be sure, as with anything, you read the aggreement and take the proper steps (mailing a letter) if you want to cancel. If you want to join Melaleuca as a business builder, then get to know your team, or "upline" very well BEFORE you join. Once you join, you cannot change teams (or, it is very complicated). Be sure your enroller has given you the name, phone number and email of AT LEAST 7 people, because that is how many will make money off of your efforts. This is your support team and you have to have a GOOD one in order to succeed. Also, be sure there is a firm training program in place and be sure it's self paced. You should NEVER have to present info on Melaleuca yourself, so be sure that on your team you will ALWAYS have help presenting the information. If your team does not offer all of this, then look for another team to join. And again, read the forms you are signing because if for some reason you end up not enjoying your team experience or Melaleuca you are always free to leave.


Kansas City,
Message to the masses

#113Consumer Suggestion

Fri, June 06, 2003

It is clear that there are some in here with absolutely no interest in accepting the truth about Melaleuca or for that matter MLM or Network Marketing. Statements like "they should all be shut down!" "they're all scams!" or any non-distinctive grouping of companies as if they are all from the same mold and run by the same "snakes" should be given about as much respect as the liner for the litter box is by the cat's that use them. There are some people who have decided that their mission in life is to bring others down to their level of disgust with life issues - they says the company is a scam - you say I'm healthy - they get more determined to ignore what you say and throw more mud no matter the level of truth or factual basis - they are simply there to bring down others. This is not intended to upset people - though I've little doubt it will - but this is unfortunately the simple truth. In Nirvana - this would not be the case - in reality we have a different story. I can say that I've been totally satisfied for 10 years as a customer with Melaleuca and someone who knows nothing about the company will quote a disgruntled human beings opinion piece on MLM companies to try to shadow the experience I have and make it seem as if I'm simply misguided and mistaken or even brain-washed - how arrogant and self-absorbed is that logic? To the Melaleuca customers and marketing executives who respond in here - I'd take a step back before you give these individuals exactly what they hunger for - the attention of someone exhibiting their frustration at the attack on Melaleuca contrary to your experience and understanding. The fact is if people weren't taking shots at Melaleuca you'd have to wonder if they were doing something right - that they are being attacked is proof positive that others are worried about the effect Melaleuca will have on our society - health, wellness, understanding of toxic products and alternative health options. Someone once said more people have been harmed by MLM's or companies like Melaleuca than by doctors - REALITY CHECK - every year 250,000 people DIE from the actions and practices of doctors (any doubt visit www.mercola.com and follow the link to a Journal of the American Medical Association piece) - I doubt anyone could conclusively prove that Melaleuca has been responsible for one death or that there have been many deaths from someone believing that they could be succesful in MLM or Network Marketing. In Health and In Truth, William Burke


Forest Lake,
Great products with an income opportunity

#114Consumer Comment

Tue, June 03, 2003

My wife and I were shown some amazing natural products that work better than the ones with toxic chemicals that we were using in our home. We could see the advantage of not hurting our children or the environment. So we decided to change our shopping habits and shop from a catalogue with our products delivered to our door. We have found these products to work out cheaper and better than the ones we used previously. It cost us $49 to join $399 to buy a box of products $392 to purchase 8 kits. Then after using the products we told some people. Eight of those decided to use the products and I received $954 in the first month. We then told a few more people five decided to use the products and I helped one person to introduce eight people.We also spent another $212 because we love the products. My next cheque was $519. Now if I continue to use a GREAT product and get rewarded for showing people thats good, isnt it? What the problem seems to be is some people lose sight of the GREAT products and expect to make a lot of money. Before judging Melaleuca try it, after all they do offer a 60 day empty bottle money back guarantee.


Forest Lake,
Great products with an income opportunity

#115Consumer Comment

Tue, June 03, 2003

My wife and I were shown some amazing natural products that work better than the ones with toxic chemicals that we were using in our home. We could see the advantage of not hurting our children or the environment. So we decided to change our shopping habits and shop from a catalogue with our products delivered to our door. We have found these products to work out cheaper and better than the ones we used previously. It cost us $49 to join $399 to buy a box of products $392 to purchase 8 kits. Then after using the products we told some people. Eight of those decided to use the products and I received $954 in the first month. We then told a few more people five decided to use the products and I helped one person to introduce eight people.We also spent another $212 because we love the products. My next cheque was $519. Now if I continue to use a GREAT product and get rewarded for showing people thats good, isnt it? What the problem seems to be is some people lose sight of the GREAT products and expect to make a lot of money. Before judging Melaleuca try it, after all they do offer a 60 day empty bottle money back guarantee.


Forest Lake,
Great products with an income opportunity

#116Consumer Comment

Tue, June 03, 2003

My wife and I were shown some amazing natural products that work better than the ones with toxic chemicals that we were using in our home. We could see the advantage of not hurting our children or the environment. So we decided to change our shopping habits and shop from a catalogue with our products delivered to our door. We have found these products to work out cheaper and better than the ones we used previously. It cost us $49 to join $399 to buy a box of products $392 to purchase 8 kits. Then after using the products we told some people. Eight of those decided to use the products and I received $954 in the first month. We then told a few more people five decided to use the products and I helped one person to introduce eight people.We also spent another $212 because we love the products. My next cheque was $519. Now if I continue to use a GREAT product and get rewarded for showing people thats good, isnt it? What the problem seems to be is some people lose sight of the GREAT products and expect to make a lot of money. Before judging Melaleuca try it, after all they do offer a 60 day empty bottle money back guarantee.


Melaleuca/M.O.M Team/Stayin' Home and Lovin it' All spin off's are a Rip Off

#117Consumer Comment

Sat, May 31, 2003

Check : http://www.pyramidschemealert.org Take the "Evaluate your Home Business" quiz. Can You Spell..... P.Y.R.A.M.I.D. S.C.A.M?????????? This company needs to be shut down. Talk about Dream Stealers!! All those that agree, keep spreading the word!! I formed my own yahoo group AFTERmoms. We keep the threads going to alert others. And at this point I could care less what any Melaleuca "do gooders" says or thinks about me.Of course they don't want us out there telling the truth it hits them right in their pocket books! I laugh, I have never seen so much blatant lying since The Stores On Line SCAM. The founder of The M.O.M. Team said this herself "the truth is, the truth hurts" And The Melaleuca "Truth" is they are laughing all the way to the bank. Do your selves a favor and shop at the dollar store, you'll even get better quality! Robin


New York,
MLM - what it is not

#118Consumer Comment

Sun, May 25, 2003

After reading this report about Melaleuca and The M.O.M Team, I though it was important to make sure that others know what MLM really is. The following paragraph has been posted 2. Lets break down the phrase Multi-level marketing. It means in its most absic form, that you market to multiple levels. Meaning that you buy somethign and then re-sell it. With Melaleuca you dont buy anything to re-sell. If your customers want to buy something they buy it from the company, not you. Just becasue you get paid because of people below you doesnt meen it is multi-level marketing. This concept is hard for people to understand sometimes. This is incorrect. MLM is a distribution method and also a commission structure. When commissions are paid on multiple levels it's considered MLM. Most of the MLM companies today ship direct to the customer. In addition, most MLM companies pay a retail profit plus a residual income. This was also posted and I'd like to respond to each point. MLM - Most have break-a-ways (Take-a-ways) Breakaways are highly misunderstood. When a person "breaks away" it simply means that person has achieved a higher level of success. The sponsor is still paid a commission on sales. - Low distributor reorder rates 5.45% This is way off the mark. I'd love to see statistics to back this up. Distributors reorder when they make sales. Melaleuca folks are removed from the distributor records when they don't reorder so they are not counted. Let's be fair about this. - People can lose money from investment cost of startup Most MLM companies have inexpensive starter assortments. Heck, Avon's minimum kit is $10.00. This is something that is being told to Melaleuca folks that is not true at all. - Compensation program doesn't disperse the income equitably That is simply not true. The Direct Sales Association has awarded many companies for their compensation plans. Melaleuca belongs to the DSA. - Very few get lifetime residuals This is true because very few are willing to do the work it takes. The same is true of Melaleuca reps. - Only a few who got in early on will succeed That is crazy. If that were true, then after 18 years Melaleuca would no longer be a viable business. The "early in" theory is meaningless. There is one company that has been in business for 135 years. People still make good money in this MLM company. - Volume swings from promotionals Um and the problem with extra sales is? - Most of all income is based on commissions Yes, and the income from Melaleuca is based on commissions of those enrolled. With most MLM's some income comes from the sale of products to customers outside the system plus commission from sales to those enrolled. So most MLM's have a dual income stream while Melaleuca folks must sign people up in order to earn an income. The average Director income is $1,511 per year. Directors must order 75 base points at a cost of approximately $100 per month for a profit before expenses of approximately $311 per year. - High attrition and failure rate The attrition and falure rate is no different in MLM that it is in Melaleuca's. Period - do the research instead of spouting junk. - Business report is average I would highly doubt that the person who wrote this ever saw a business report from another company. Most MLM business reports contain tons of detail and information - Fear of loss is basis of motivation This makes no sense at all. Fear of loss of what? Anyone working an MLM business is working - not worrying about loss. Motivation comes from within. Who would EVER start a business with fear as the motivation. This is just simply not true. I've seen a lot of good comments and bad comments about Melaleuca and the M.O.M team. I personally have no experience with this company except that a friend gave me some hand lotion with the tea tree oil in it and I hated the scent. The bottom line is that Melaleuca is a good company just like Avon, Mary Kay, Tupperware, Discovery Toys, Watkins, etc. People on the mom team, should learn to respect others in their industry instead of just bashing with information that is not correct.


Grand Haven,
No means "not right now?"

#119Consumer Comment

Sat, May 24, 2003

I've been trying to stay away from Melaleuca conversations lately, but I feel the need to make a couple comments to Krysty. First, Melaleuca IS an MLM. CDM is one of many euphamisms for MLM. A few others are direct marketing, person to person marketing and matrix marketing. The upline/downline relationship that is characteristic of CDM et al is the fundamental principle behind MLM. Different companies may use different versions and different structures of MLM, but they are still MLMs. The distributive structure may not be pyramidal in all aspects, but the result is. Next... I, and probably pretty much everyone else, do not agree with your statement that "no usually means not right now." If this statement is a part of your sales ethic, I suggest you say goodbye to all of your friends, and don't expect warm receptions at family gatherings! MLMs deserve the close scrutiny that people like myself give them. The losers far outnumber the winners in the MLM industry, to a degree that cannot be explained away by individual apathy. Melaleuca, from my observations, is probably one of your better options if you want to go MLM. Each Mel report on this site is followed by a string of supporters, which speaks some good about the opportunity. My advice: ignore the hype, ignore everything that sounds like a canned response, and don't accpet the success stories as fact or as representative of the average. Do some independent research before you invest too much money. You may find that Mel is in fact a great opportunity for you. Just keep in mind that for most people it isn't.


Mikey, Mikey, Mikey... you make no sense.

#120Consumer Comment

Sat, May 24, 2003

Mike, Why is Melaleuca so frightened of being called a MLM company? Is it because saying "This is not about Multi level Marketing" is such a great line to prospective recruits? Catchy isn't it? You say, and I quote: "Lets break down the phrase Multi-level marketing. It means in its most absic [I think you mean basic] form, that you market to multiple levels. Meaning that you buy somethign [sic] and then re-sell it." "Multi level means that you market to multiple levels... that you buy something and then re-sell it" ??????? What a pathetic definition, Mike. Could you not come up with something better. I'm sorry, I have to say it again, "... that you buy something and then re-sell it." Oh, my god, you crack me up. I suppose that means all retailers are MLMs??? They all buy stuff and then re-sell it. You moron. MLM is making MONEY from multiple levels. Just like you can in Melaleuca - you know, all those generations you try to recruit and then SELL them on your products and then SELL them on the opportunity. Melaleuca is no different from any MLM; Amway, Herbalife, DS Max etc etc - they are all the same and offer no better or worse opportunity then any other business. You even support this claim yourself Mike. You say, and again I quote: "Dont forget folks just like any business, you have to work at it." Exactly, Just like ANY other business. No work, no money. So, why bother joining; and having your friends and family hate you and be embarrassed at how you constantly SELL SELL SELL your OPPORUNITY to every single person with whom you come in contact. I am happy for you all to succeed, and I sincerely hope you do, but please do not insult my intelligence by saying something is not what it most assuredly is. Wake up and smell the (horrid) tea tree oil.


lets clear something up

#121Consumer Comment

Tue, May 20, 2003

ok i have a couple of short comments for this page. 1. Lets not tarnish all of melaleuca with the sometiems misguided practices of certain "teams" or individuals. The fact of the matter is, meleleuca is a very honest company and is more then willing to give you any information you would like to know. It has a clean BBB record and their customer support is amazing. 2. Lets break down the phrase Multi-level marketing. It means in its most absic form, that you market to multiple levels. Meaning that you buy somethign and then re-sell it. With Melaleuca you dont buy anything to re-sell. If your customers want to buy something they buy it from the company, not you. Just becasue you get paid because of people below you doesnt meen it is multi-level marketing. This concept is hard for people to understand sometimes. 3. Take a look at alot of the people complaining about theses comapnies. If you ask them how much time they spent involved with them, you will often find that it was not very long, udually under 3 months. You will also find that those that were in them longer then 3 months and were still not making any money, werent working very hard. Dont forget folks just like any business, you have to work at it. Melaleuca is by no means a get rich quick scheme, and they tell you that flat out. So dont be fooled by the negative comments of quitters. Find out for your self what the company is all about.


lets clear something up

#122Consumer Comment

Tue, May 20, 2003

ok i have a couple of short comments for this page. 1. Lets not tarnish all of melaleuca with the sometiems misguided practices of certain "teams" or individuals. The fact of the matter is, meleleuca is a very honest company and is more then willing to give you any information you would like to know. It has a clean BBB record and their customer support is amazing. 2. Lets break down the phrase Multi-level marketing. It means in its most absic form, that you market to multiple levels. Meaning that you buy somethign and then re-sell it. With Melaleuca you dont buy anything to re-sell. If your customers want to buy something they buy it from the company, not you. Just becasue you get paid because of people below you doesnt meen it is multi-level marketing. This concept is hard for people to understand sometimes. 3. Take a look at alot of the people complaining about theses comapnies. If you ask them how much time they spent involved with them, you will often find that it was not very long, udually under 3 months. You will also find that those that were in them longer then 3 months and were still not making any money, werent working very hard. Dont forget folks just like any business, you have to work at it. Melaleuca is by no means a get rich quick scheme, and they tell you that flat out. So dont be fooled by the negative comments of quitters. Find out for your self what the company is all about.


lets clear something up

#123Consumer Comment

Tue, May 20, 2003

ok i have a couple of short comments for this page. 1. Lets not tarnish all of melaleuca with the sometiems misguided practices of certain "teams" or individuals. The fact of the matter is, meleleuca is a very honest company and is more then willing to give you any information you would like to know. It has a clean BBB record and their customer support is amazing. 2. Lets break down the phrase Multi-level marketing. It means in its most absic form, that you market to multiple levels. Meaning that you buy somethign and then re-sell it. With Melaleuca you dont buy anything to re-sell. If your customers want to buy something they buy it from the company, not you. Just becasue you get paid because of people below you doesnt meen it is multi-level marketing. This concept is hard for people to understand sometimes. 3. Take a look at alot of the people complaining about theses comapnies. If you ask them how much time they spent involved with them, you will often find that it was not very long, udually under 3 months. You will also find that those that were in them longer then 3 months and were still not making any money, werent working very hard. Dont forget folks just like any business, you have to work at it. Melaleuca is by no means a get rich quick scheme, and they tell you that flat out. So dont be fooled by the negative comments of quitters. Find out for your self what the company is all about.


The M.O.M. Team Rocks.

#124UPDATE Employee

Sat, May 17, 2003

I just joined The M.O.M. Team two weeks ago, and so far I have not seen any kind of scam. It's a low start-up cost, better than any business (including MLM) start-up costs I've ever seen. Melaleuca is a great company with wonderful credentials and products. I love the fact that there is so much support within The M.O.M. Team. and that I get to buy products that are better, cheaper, and safer than the one's that I already use. We are a CDM (Consumer Direct Marketing) not an MLM. Just because you don't understand the company doesn't mean you have to go bashing our Team or Melaleuca. We dont "recruit people". We show them how to save money, make money, and live healthier lives. We love what we're doing and we believe in our cause. If you don't understand that, then that's your problem. And your loss. And as for the ex-MOM Teamer, she didn't understand the company or the team, and she shouldn't have joined if she didn't. We don't "worship" Melaleuca", we believe in Melaleuca and their products, and that's something you have to do if you want a successful business. You have no business if you don't believe that what you are doing will better the world. And, by the way, we can mention the company name, just not in ads, because THAT is scamming. Here, I'll prove it: MELALEUCA MELALEUCA MELAKEUCA MELALEUCA MELALEUCA The reason we don't email people with information is because we believe that phoning people or meeting them in person if they're close enough is more effective than playing tag e-mail with all the questions they are sure to have. The "drip list" is a contact list that we ask people if they would like to be on so that they can receive periodic updates about The MOM Team, and they can cancel that at ANY TIME! We don't put links to our website on personal pages because that is spamming as well. If people do not personally request info, we should never give it to them. Also, "No" usually does mean "Not right now". If it's the right time for someone to do something, they'll do it even if you're marketing a company that sells chicken liver. Third, (or is it fourth) I don't know about the 35 BP percentage thing, but I will ask my sponsor about it. I'm not going to refute something without evidence from a VALID source, unlike some people. AND phone bills are a write-off, ask any other business what their phone bill runs and I bet it's not any less than $100/month. Also, I have never said anyhting bad about anyone who couldn't afford the $29 enrollment fee, because I was one of those people myself. My sponsor offered to pay it for me! And I have never heard any other MOM Teamer say anything bad about me or any other person who couldnt afford the enrollment fee. I have not paid a dime for advertising so far, and I have had two people already sign up through me, and have several others interested in signing up. And another thing, are you mad at us because you THINK we are spamming message boards or because we DON'T spam message boards. I'm not understanding why you keep saying "it's so hard to advertise with The MOM Team, and we spam meassge boards to get more people to sign up, blah blah blah", you oxymoron.


Prejudice of anything close to MLM

#125Consumer Comment

Tue, May 06, 2003

I have been reading the posts and the initial complaint. Personally, I think the original post is borderline slander. It is a shame when a so-called "watch-dog" uses a magnifying glass to find nearly related information to compare with obviously deceptive practices. One thing is clear, there is a difference in how the Melaleuca Co. operates and shares the wealth... they don't require many of the practices that most other MLM's require, nor do they require the intense levels investments. I appreciate any watch-dog consumer protection group, but I will call "foul" when the group (or individual) cries "wolf" when the wolf seen may merely be a sheep... In this case, the crier obviously needs glasses (or is severely paranoid and extremist). This so-called "wolf" called Melaleuca doesn't fit the wolves criteria, except to have four legs (metaphorically speaking, of course)... it is merely a sheep being fitted by the crier for wolves clothing. A closer examination will prove "beyond the shadow of doubt" that this is good company, and great products. It is also a great opportunity for some supplimental income. They don't promise "get rich" ploys, but they do promise results when you apply reasonable efforts of which they attempt to guide you through. This is a company that frowns on deceptive practices, and encourages honesty. I encourage this... if you don't trust the representative, don't blame the company... go directly to the company and find out for yourself. Thank you,


WOW!! I am so sorry to read these comments!

#126UPDATE Employee

Wed, March 05, 2003

I have been a member of The MOM Team for 18mths now and LOVE everything about this Team. We do not have inventory in our homes, and we are not running around having parties and collecting money/delivering products. Rochelle I have read your comments elsewhere~ and I am lead to believe if you put as much effort into building your business as you have "announcing it as a scam" you would have been successful. You certainly have a lot of time on your hands! To this day my family is healthier, both physically and financially. I work with the most amazing group of honest women. I have had so much support I have been able to replace my previous income and we now live as a dual-income family, as I am home with my little girl. I am sorry you feel the need to put "your word out" but with over 8000 members of The MOM Team~~ I guess we see something you didn't. AND I am so glad we do:) Best of luck to you in your further endevours!


It's been preached before

#127Author of original report

Fri, February 14, 2003

I must say the comments in your rebuttal were clear, concise and interesting. More so than any other rebuttal I've received. But, I must remind you that as a former member of Amway, what you tell me is the same stuff I've heard before. We are not an MLM because...."we don't pressure to build downlines or recruit, we use these products ourselves, etc., etc." A referral program does not include an up or downline. It is a one-time fee paid for you bringing another into the organization to enjoy the benefits of the products. Quite simply though, if you are receiving commission from someone else's hard work and sales, it is a downline. A downline constitutes multi-level marketing. Other MLMs also tout that "you don't have to sell our products, but rather, use them for yourself." Amway's products are excellent, not overly priced, biodegradable, etc. Their goal is to get you to love the product so you will tell others to use it and thereby have them join the club. As for your mention of the warehouse club, Costco and Sam's don't have downlines and the requirements of membership are stated in writing with a required signature from you. Everything regarding the club and purchases is upfront and published as public information. A member is paying a yearly fee to buy in bulk for a discounted rate. Nothing more, nothing less. In fact, Sam's sells their products to business owners and individuals. Neither receives a phone call reminding them of membership meetings. You are entitled to your beliefs. If Melaluca and MOM are good for you. Great! Keeping going strong. But for the rest of us, we prefer to keep our eyes wide open and truly perform appropriate due diligence. I don't charge people for the information I have about companies. It is free to everyone. Do what you will with it.


North Carolina,
Scams aren't Free or Money Back Guaranteed, the MOM team is...

#128UPDATE Employee

Fri, February 14, 2003

I like the MOM team! They are a support group, not a business. They do not charge anything for their help and friendship. The buisness they promote is money-back guaranteed. Scams aren't free or money-back guaranteed. Just because someone doesn't like it, doesn't make it a scam!! I haven't been scammed, nor do I scam anyone else. I know many people who totally enjoy the products that are healthy and good for you. Many of these products have US and Canadian patents. They are unique, effective, and affordable. Purchasing toothpaste from them is $2.99 for the big tube. Nothing outrageous as you make it sound like. Many MOM team people do NOT build a business, do not want to build a business, nor do they have to; these people just want to have better products, they are just customers. Customers of Products they can only get if a current customer signs them up to join the shopping club. The MOM team does not require anyone to build a business nor do they promise great riches. They simply introduce people to a new store to shop at; one that does offer referral rewards. (Have you ever listened, first hand, to a MOM team presentation??) If I refer you to a movie I saw and I liked, am I scamming you if you don't like the movie? What if I got free tickets if I told 5 friends about the movie and they went to see it, would it be a scam then? The company the MOM teamers promote is a warehouse club like Costco or Sam's. Further proof that we are not a scam is that the $29 fee to join the shopping club has the company's 120-day money back guarantee! If I joined Costco and thought it was a "scam" because I had to buy everything in case quantity, they would NOT refund my $45 joining fee. If I join this warehouse club for $29 and feel it is a "scam" because I have to purchase one mix-and-match case of products each month, I CAN get my $29 back. A scam does not have a money back guarantee! I also get a 90-day money-back guarantee on the patented vitamins and 60-days on the other items; not to mention 10% of my order total put in an account to buy more products. I really save money shopping here! (NOTE: There is no cost for the MOM team support, the $29 goes to the company and is the joining fee for their warehouse shopping club. The MOM team supports both just customers and customers building a business. All support is free) What the MOM team does is introduce people to environmentally friendly products. What is wrong with that? Have you seen some of the independent sites on household poisons? Do you know whether or not this is a valid problem worthy of addressing?? Please investigate http://www.checnet.org a site by John Travolta's wife and http://www.dienviro.com a site by Deirdre Imus. I do not think that either of these women belong to the MOM team. But, I think they should since we do have affordable alternatives to the toxic stuff you wash yourself with! Because some people don't like the way the MOM team works doesn't mean it is a scam! If I work for a store that gives it's associates commission, when I make a sale, I attach my employee number to the sale so I can get credit for the sale. That is all that is going on here. If I register an new customer, they are "tagged" as my customer so I get commission for all their purchases. As kind of a training bonus, some commission is also paid to the people who helped me get started referring others. Basically for each dollar spent, nearly half of it goes back to the customers. I consider that an awesome thank you for being a loyal customer. Has Dial soap every sent you anything to thank you for your loyalty??? Maybe you got lucky and got a 50 cent coupon. That could be looked at as a scam: Dial soap giving you 50 cents to buy their product... anything can be called a scam, but the MOM team is NOT! I am sorry you do not understand, and I am sorry you don't get it, but not everyone will. Just a note on pyramids: for a pyramid to remain a pyramid the top must be the biggest gainer. If you have someone under you and they start doing better, they have to be removed from your pyramid and start their own pyramid. The one at the top must always be doing better than any underneath. This does not happen with the business we build with the help of the MOM team. A referral is your referral no matter how well they may do or how poorly you may do. What we have is more like a box. There has to be some way of keeping track of who refers whom in order to pay commission. Yes, there are parts of the structure that resemble MLM. The difference is the products, the stable 18 yr old company, and the fact that there are no quotas, no requirements for "recruiting". It is encouraged for someone to be just a customer and never refer anyone! The team idea is just about getting the word out- telling Moms of the dangers in their homes, about offering an alternate place to shop, and if they desire it can be a way to earn extra income. You should try it!


My truth about Melaluca

#129Consumer Comment

Sun, February 09, 2003

Yes, I admit, I joined Melaeuca in order to attempt to earn extra income. Yes it has been hard, yes it takes work but so does every other profession. No one, I repeat NO ONE, will earn an income just by sitting down and waiting for it to happen. Not a Doctor or a lawyer or a waitress. You get out of it what you put into it. I suppose you could look at this as an MLM. In a way it is. However, so are 90% of the businesses in the US today. They are depend of referrals or repeat customers and almost all have some sort of consumable product or service that the public needs. So?? Does that make them bad? Not at all! Even though I have not put much effort into building my "Melaleuca Business" (my biggest check was 423.00 as a director) even if I never made another cent, it was worth it for me and my family to be healthier and to get rid of much of the toxic garbage in our home. And it was well worth it to be able to help other people I care about to do the same. We are much healthier, happier and I really AM saving money every month. I LOVE Melaleuca. Please don't judge the company my the ethics of a few hundred misguided people struggling to make thier lives better. The truth is that the products work, period. I will never go back. I will never join the MOM team, or encourage anyone to do so, but I will never badmouth Melaleuca itself.


South Carolina,
Simple Precautionary Solution

#130Consumer Suggestion

Fri, January 31, 2003

I offer this simple suggestion to determine whether an organization like this is operating fairly and in the best interests of its customers and constituents: Review their finances. If you are invited into a "team," "scheme," or "program" by any representative including the founder, ask to review the representatives' books. Expect to see every incoming (paycheck) and outgoing (expense) transaction. Require that each representative provide supporting data for their success, including receipts, check stubs, etc. Accept nothing at face value - the details hidden in the "money trail" always lead to the truth. This is what businesses and captains of industry mean when they refer to "due diligence." Financial audits are the minimum effort required to determine the value of an investment. And rest assured that your participation in organizations like this do require an investment from you, in the form of your time, membership fees, minimum monthly purchases, etc. Invest wisely!


MOM Team and interesting responses

#131Consumer Comment

Wed, January 08, 2003

I must say the information you have provided as rebuttal is canned information from the MOM Team. I received the indentical diatribe in an email from the Jones. No personal due diligence reported in your rebuttals though. As for the mailing list, I have been on the mailing for almost a year now and although I've requested in writing (email) and by telephone, I am promised to be removed but still haven't. Although I am not "spammed" by MOM Team, I still receive emails that I don't wish to receive any longer. Failure to manage an email database properly can be construed as spamming. But again, we'll let the readers decide for themselves.


South Dakota,
I Am Tired Of All The Untruths Being Spread about the Mom Team

#132UPDATE Employee

Wed, January 08, 2003

I have been with the MOM Team 9 months, and I find it amazing that people can join the MOM Team and come away with the vitrol that is in this misinformed report. It is a fact that there are alot of people out there that join the MOM Team, and don't get "The Big Picture" of what we are about, because they don't plug into the wonderful system we have in place properly. They are also lazy, and when their business doesn't succeed, they blame us, instead of themselves, when a little finetuning on their business by a more experienced member would solve the problem. They play the blame game. All they have to do is ask. We have a support team of over 40 members that are available 24-7 to help anyone on the MOM Team with their business. I know, because I am on this support team. Secondly: Here is the comparison between MLM and Melaleuca, a Consumer Direct Marketing Company, which is what our company is: MLM - Only a handful of companies stay in business - Accounts receivable and accounts payable, retailing is required - High competition with similar products - Company sponsored training costs money, Training done by independent distributors for profit - Lawsuits/class action cases occur and generate bad press/media - Image of company becomes taunted when distributors get burned or lose money - Motel meetings are hype and paint dreams that are unattainable - Cost of doing business is high - Large amounts of paperwork Melaleuca - 4A1 profit rating from Dun and Bradstreet - No accounts payable or receivable - No competition. Melaleuca is the only Consumer Direct Marketing company - Free company training and support - All training is done and/or approved by company and is professional in nature - No class action suits on record - Only positive press/media coverage - Company image stays positive - No one loses money - Business briefings are one on one - Cost of doing business is very low - Little or no paperwork MLM - Inventorying of products is encouraged - Selling quotas in order to get paid - Distributors must service retail customers - Distribution system has middleman so products are marked up and expensive - Perceived saturation occurs quickly - Charge backs on returned products - Products manufactured by outside companies - Buy-ins Melaleuca - No Inventory! - No selling, 35 BP consumption minimum - All customers order themselves on a 1-800 number or via the website. - Products shipped direct from Melaleuca to each customer - No Buy-ins MLM - Most have break-a-ways (Take-a-ways) - Low distributor reorder rates 5.45% - People can lose money from investment cost of startup - Compensation program doesn't disperse the income equitably - Very few get lifetime residuals - Only a few who got in early on will succeed - Volume swings from promotionals - Most of all income is based on commissions - High attrition and failure rate - Business report is average - Fear of loss is basis of motivation Melaleuca - No break-a-ways - High customer reorder rate - 96.4% - No risk - a $29 business - Compensation is very fair with equitable distribution of earnings to all who work at all levels - Many get lifetime residuals - Anyone can succeed - Income based on commissions, car bonus, cash bonuses, revenue sharing and more - Low attrition and low failure rate - Business report is detailed and comprehensive - Anticipation of gain is basis of motivation Next, regarding the MOM Team and spamming.....we are taught very strongly NOT to spam at all. Neither the MOM Team nor Melaleuca allows it. We lose our websites if we do it. So we don't do it. If we see it being done, we stop it. We advertise according to the rules on the internet, if someone responds and goes to our website, and requests information....we give it to them personally by calling them and giving them the information they request. There is absolutely no pressuring. If they decide it isn't for them, I ask them if it is okay if I keep them on my email list...where I send out an email on health issues and motivational sayings once a week. If they say no, they do not go on the list. If they agree they are put on the list. Anyone requesting removal is removed immediately. We are not about bothering or convincing anyone. We simply enroll people into Melaleuca, and the MOM Team assists them with building their business over the internet and phone. Also, we do not sell the products, we are all just customers who have decided to build a business. We are customers first. I am not at the top of the MOM Team, but I work hard, and the MOM team mentors, supports and helps me build my business, and I am doing very well, and my check keeps increasing, because I am coachable, honest and have integrity, which is what the MOM Team is all about.


New York,
Melaleuca: Make Excuses or Make Money

#133UPDATE Employee

Sun, December 29, 2002

20 months ago I looked at the Melaleuca presentation called 'New Horizons' and decided to "invest" $29.US to try their products and money-saving services for 60 days with no risk. I am a diabetic type II. I'm a very busy Court Interpreter and Artist (Painter). But I needed extra money and time-freedom. I have looked at over 150 other MLM and "Work-at-Home" "business" opportunities. I simply switched brands, from the toxics I used to buy, to the Melaleuca products. I used the same monthly budget. I hate chemical prescription drugs. 20 months later: - I enjoy excellent health. - I've helped many relatives, friends and strangers to enjoy better health by sharing my Melaleuca experience with them. - I've never sold a product to anyone. I am not a "distributor." They have no future under Consumer Direct Marketing. - Becasue I have no inventory, I can park my car inside my garage, unlike the MLM distributor. - I've made many new friends and business partners. - I have received 20 checks. - Even if I wasn't making a penny with Melaleuca, I would never go back to Clorox, Bold, Windex, Ajax, Listerine, AT&T and AOL. Why should I enrich the white collar fat cats and the stock holders of those corporate giants with my purchases, when I can share .54 cents on every $1. that I use to purchase these awesome products with seven other Melaleuca families, month after month in 9 different countries?


Groton, Ma,
I am tired of these misconceptions about Melaleuca. Go see a presentation.

#134UPDATE Employee

Tue, December 10, 2002

I'm a bit put off by the idea that many people are so negative about Melaleuca simply because it "sounds like MLM" (it's NOT) and "MLM is BAD." Yes, being a part of Melaleuca myself and knowing the vast differences is has from MLM, I agree that true MLM companies don't have much to offer- and are in many ways corrupt. I'm sorry those companies exist. Melaleuca is not what you seem to think it is. It's the only company of it's kind, designed so that nobody is obligated or pressured to buy anything they don't want or need. We designed the system, and it's called "Consumer Direct Marketing." We are a catalog company- First off, let me re-iterate how it's NOT a Mulit-Level Marketing Company. You can argue 'til the cows come how about 'getting a downline,' and 'it's all about the money, and recruiting warm market.' These statements are chatracteristics of something you won't see in Melaleuca- because it's not about that. In Melaleuca, there is this simple idea that consumer products should be safe- and people should be healthy. The products, in my opinion, are the best thing to happen to my life- they work very well, and my health is phenomenal. This is the company's claim to fame. When i invite someone to find out about the company, in a sense 'introducing them' to it's existence- i do so because i love the products. That is how we do the business- the way it'a supposed to be done. What makes it so non-obligatory- easy to talk about, and pressure-less is the fact te these are consumer products- things we use every day- except ours are natural, non-toxic and there is no need to "convince" anybody they need our products. We just want people to try them. One who does can get all their money back for 4 months after they try them. Even the membership fee, which is a characteristic very unlike MLM. This company is about finding natural alternatives to toxic chemicals, then showing people they don't have to buy dangerous products at Wal-Mart. The alternative is Melaleuca, and it's clear that some people still just don't get it. The main problen is people's pre-disposition to the 'true' mlm companies- yes, I KNOW those companies are annoying, and we get flak for it because our system can seem like it if you don't have the full picture. Another problem is that people join from true MLM companies all the time- because the business can also be inviting- and, they still have the mindset of MLM. i fear these people tarnish the company because they are driven by the aspect of recruiting people and getting money. That is very unfortunate. You can't "mention the name" among other restrictions, because we are trying our damndest to not be like an MLM company. it's exceedingly difficult. This M.O.M. team isn't doing the business the right way- it's very saddening. I'm sorry about them. The base points are there for currency reasons, and if the presentation is done right, there should be no sense of deception. I have trouble NOT purchasing 75 points every month- as these are things I use every day. Melaleuca's mission statement has always been "Enhancing the lives of those we touch by helping others reach their goals." There are no "it's a good thing" mindwashing seminars or anything of that nature. The downline is a pyramid that goes down only seven generations- so there is benefit for anybody who wants to introduce friends. It's not a pyramid in that only the top people get the revenue- the possibility is extended to anyone who wants to spread the gift of wellness to others. Please, go see a presentation- it's worth your time- and this company is not something that should be dismissed because it sounds like MLM. It isn't designed that way.

[email protected]

MLM's can be hard on relationships.

#135Consumer Suggestion

Sun, November 10, 2002

Rochelle, Im sorry the business didnt work out for you. Many people think that MLMs are illegalthey arent, but unfortunately a large percentage of them are. MLMs are often confused with pyramid schemes, which rely on recruitment to bring in money. Legal MLMs rely on the sale of the product or service. The main problem with legal MLMs is that theyre a strain on the family and social group. MLMs push participants to recruit from their warm market, which is family and friends. Friends and family often feel obligated to invest or purchase unnecessary services or products to help out. MLM producers know this and take advantage. Not everyone has spare cash to get involved in MLMs. The allure of making big money is the draw for most people but can be misleading. Its a fact that the majority of individuals who try MLMs fail. Forbes magazine discovered that the average Amway distributor earns $780 a yeara far cry from the thousands a month touted by most MLMs. As a matter of fact, less than 1% of MLM distributors earn above what Americans consider the yearly poverty level $12,000. The bottom line is that the real earners in MLMs are those at the top. Eventually the market becomes saturated and there is no one else to sell to, what do those distributors do? They have no one to sell to. When distributors fail MLM owners often blame them for failing in business. How ironic those MLM businesses that push positive thinking and empowering the individual are the first to attack and demolish a persons sense of self in order to cover their own pathetic asses. I found where 14 distributors sued your particular MLM for misrepresentation and changing its compensation plan. Im sorry to say that the husband of one deceased Melaleuca distributor, Kim Holton, sued on her behalf. Mr. Holton claimed that Kim became deeply depressed at bringing friends and family into an MLM that was not performing and committed suicide. Whether or not this was actually the motivation for the death I think that MLMs should get out of the business of trashing distributors. Good Luck and thanks for the warning,

Beware of their remarks as noted below


Sat, November 09, 2002

taken from an email thread with The M.O.M. Team Director III: "I am not interested in "convincing" you of anything but do however, feel obligated to let you know that although our organization is based on "team success", we are not what we would consider a traditional MLM. The MOM Team's success is based on helping others succeed."

Let's review those keywords and phrases. "we are not what WE would consider a traditional MLM. The MOM Team's success is based on HELPING OTHERS SUCCEED."

As I have been educated about multi-level marketing scams, they are openingly admitting they are an MLM but intentionally trying to confuse the interested party. Beware!

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