  • Report:  #244249

Complaint Review: The Team biz - Kalamazoo Michigan

Reported By:
- Kalamazoo, Michigan,

The Team biz
www.the-team.biz Kalamazoo, 49008 Michigan, U.S.A.
269-599 1941
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I recently gave ear to this new business venture from an acquaintance of mine. Once the name Robert Kiyosaki was dropped during the presentation, I knew what I was in for. This is a "get rich scheme" or "become independently wealthly by selling an exclusive widget" deal.

After an hour and a half of semantics, I realized that this new approach of an "upline" network was just a pyramid drawn in vertical line (with a tangent or branch that looks strikingly similar to a pyramid).

My acquaintance tried to debunk the "get rich" theme by suggesting that it will take hard work and time to achieve this type of independent wealth. No discredit to him, but that goes without saying and is a general constant in all endeavors in all of the galatic universe. I asked more direct informative questions, I received more canned subjective answers.

From what I understood, the aim of this business is to cut out the middle man and buy direct from the manufacturer via the website. I visited the website and I all I saw was a can of cola, and some propaganda with Chris and Orrin smiling. What!? I go to Amazon or any other on-line retailer and I see product.

It is mathematically highly improbable to make the sufficent income needed to supplement my current income now, much less the income needed to retire at 30. This is only because it is designed this way. After 1 and a 1/2 years doing this, my acquaintance has only earned a double digit percentage discount off of products sold via this website.

In all fairness, I recognize that the capitalistic machine works in a way that keeps us, the citizens, perpetually chasing after the dollar. In the pursuit of this dollar, I see it aimless to spend my limited, valuable time and money for negative gain. True, losses are expected when starting a business, but often a real business has real assets, real property and real ownership. This website has failed the test in all four of these dimensions.

It is a very basic formula. Find a human need and exploit it for profit. Write some extremely fundamental books with some pretty obvious conclusions, shroud it with ornamental virtues and morals, pretend it is the New Testament, refute the skeptics with strawman arguements and sell it to the masses.

So I challenge the proponents of this discussion to present an arguement that is not filled with Ad Hominem attacks but supported with empirical evidence.


Kalamazoo, Michigan

8 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
rebuttle to the team scam

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, April 29, 2012

 I don' know how you friend worked his/her business but sofar I have started making 3 figures in mine and have found no problems with the company and the new company  Life there is really no pressure to join if you don't want to .  Also I know multiple people personally that have become job optinal and are doing very well. 
Maybe your friend was new at the business and tried to hard to convince you. 
The business is growing fast and will continue to grow with God's help.
Our group is a Christian group and does not mine to show it.


New Jersey,
I am an Independent Contractor that understands and uses the "system" for fun and PROFIT

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, August 08, 2007

Those who "lost money" or were "disappointed" (using the term mildly) do not understand the concept. The "Quixtar Concept" is two parts. Quixtar offers items, some manufactured by affiliated (wholly owned) companies and some that are offered by "partner stores" you will recognized the name of the national corporations. Does the products work? I have seen IBO's in their latter years (over 70) that look and move like people 20 years younger. Nutrilite products made by the corporation prove themselves. I want to look and move like that when I am that age. Partner stores that affiliate with Quixtar have teams of attorneys that protect the image and profitability of the business relationship. You would think that the corporation offers a legitimate opportunity to both the corporations that do business with them and the Independent Business Operators, (IBO's), like myself. Both the IBO's and the Corporations have free will and can disassociate from Quixtar at will. How bad can the products be if a customer can just clip the return POST PAID return label and send the items back to Quixtar or the partner store if the customer does not like the products. How stupid can an IBO be to continue doing the same thing over and over again without either asking for help from experienced IBO's that are profitable or disassociating from Quixtar if they feel "ripped off". "Ripped off" is how I feel when my boss after 30 years of working for him, tells me I do not have a job. I am fortunate to have also used the principals I have learned in the Quixtar business in other ventures. I expected to be fired every day for the past 30 years. My 40 60 hour a week job NEVER gave me the income or the joy of going to work as the businesses I originated and operated part time. The other part of the union is the Independent Business Operators (IBO). IBO's have a code of ethics and deal with the aforementioned corporation for the MUTUAL benefit of both. Individually I can not make the business relationships that Quixtar has with the major companies. As a group of IBO's we have buying power that demands respect and high volume pricing considerations. For a small fee I have access to a web site that I would not have the knowledge or the money to assemble. Those who I mentor also have access to that website. Everyone is on the same system but you have the free will to try your own business practices and teach them to the people who follow you. As in any business, you must live with the decisions you make. The system teaches you to be likable and teachable, but you can have any personality you want and see how many people want to follow you. The PRINCIPALS of business have not changed. You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want. If a company sells junk they will be out of business or they would have found their customers among those who do not care about quality. Anyone can make any product cheaper. How can Quixtar survive offering a post paid return label with each order? They not only give quality for the money a customer spends they also reward the IBO for the effort in introducing others to quality products. Nobody forces customers to buy, in fact Quixtar offers a post paid return slip if you do not want to buy. More and more people are looking to the Internet for purchasing the hundreds of thousands of SKU's (products) offered by Quixtar. Many people, especially over 40 and professionals who are driven out of their practices by the insurance companies controlling how much professionals can charge for services and the costs of malpractice insurance that is necessary to practice are looking for opportunities. I have seen doctors who built huge Quixtar businesses (they helped a lot of people become profitable) who do not offer their services to the insurance companies who are not appreciative. They do practice by taking a trip to third world countries at their expense and setting up clinics for people who pay them nothing but the satisfaction of appreciating the life saving services the doctors offer. I have never met a group of people outside Quixtar that are so giving of their time and money to the unfortunate. That is the character of the people. Those who do not want to serve and reap the rewards, for those who serve are rewarded, are not successful in this business. First comes the effort. Many people do not want to make the effort to understand how the PRINCIPAL works. The biggest givers are the biggest business owners. The mentors I follow could have gone to their homes in Florida and other places but they still give their time and their experience to serve those people in their organizations. Younger people who use the computer for everything do not go to the mall if they can get it on the Internet and save the time and the expense of going to the mall. These facts are backed up by government agencies that compile information on such things. IBO's get the training in "people skills" and go out and quit the business and make fantastic entrepreneurs because they know the secret. "You can have everything in life you want if you will help enough other people get what they want" and you are patient enough to let it happen. There will always be those who will blame others when they are not willing to do what is necessary to succeed. There are far too many people who are profiting and are living better because of the products. There a many who are offering their services to others, like the doctors who go to the third world countries just so they can give and the IBO's who do not need the money but support the people in their organizations by being present and available with their support. I would like to sign this with my real name to help those who need it, but I would probably get response from those who would try to say I did not see, with my own eyes, the success this business offers. I am signing this "Anonymous" because I do not want to hear from people who do not have the facts!


It's not something for nothing

#4UPDATE Employee

Fri, July 20, 2007

If one looks at the success rate for people who buy gym memberships, it would be a clear scam. There is no doubt, when a whole industry has nearly a 90% failure rate, it has to be a scam. Right? Or is it that the beneficial effects of diet and exercise are irrefutable and the results lie with the gym members themselves. For the people who do not get results fall along a continuum of those who quit right away and those who don't quit, but follow a regiment that would never lead to success. Those closer to the latter category probably don't seek advice nor follow it. The same is true for the Team business, except that the success rate is substancially higher than gyms. Nevertheless, like the gym, ultimately success is to follow a proven regiment and to seek advice and training from people who have the success. You see, I floundered in the Team business and with the gym for a lot longer that I care to admit to, but on both fronts I am experiencing much better results because I sought after the right advice and training. I am much healthier and have a growing business. I understand those who experience frustration -- I did. What I found that works for me is to take the bull by the horns for I am the only one responsible for my success. And to complain is to no avail. Thanks, I hope this helps anyone seeking information. If you are not likely to work the Team business as hard as you would work a gym to get in great physical shape, you won't get in great financial shape.


95% percent Thinking

#5Author of original report

Fri, July 20, 2007

Mary Ann, I find your first paragraph utterly irrelavent to our discussion. From my short essay you have managed to reach absolute conclusions about my attitude, personal finances, and general open-mindedness. It is obviously worthless to debate you on this strawman arguement for the simple reason being that you don't know me. Congrats to your buddy Dan and good luck to all of those who seek independent wealth. My skepticism is within the method and probability of success. My standing arguement is against those who soley profit from an ideology that they promote, while it is irrevocably proven that the vast majority of their followers will and do fail. "Choices to make a difference in my family's lives, choices to decide when and where I'll get up each morning, choices of not rising to the alarm clock, choices of donating more and more to my church and favorite charities, choices of helping friends in need, choices of giving to friends/families just because I can. " Thank you for the insight. But, I would advise that you give credit to the author and text the next time you want to quote something directly from a book to avoid copyright issues. "And it is not about the wealth. It is about growing and learning and leading and continually progressing to be a better person. You could do it if you take that bridge to the right side of the quadrant and open your mind. I challenge you." If you want to have a discussion about trancedentalism we can do that on another blog. But I would prefer if we stuck to issue at hand. Team Biz is a scam.


Newton Falls,
In Pursuit of the Almighty Dollar

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, July 19, 2007

I mentioned the MSNBC site to read about "The-Team" scam, I also found a link to the video that was aired on NBC. Trust me, take the 20+ mins and watch this. http://cpserverp4.com/bo/dateline_quixtar.wmv


Beware! "The Team" is Quixtar.

#7Consumer Suggestion

Thu, July 19, 2007

"The Team" is a motivational organization for the multilevel marketing company Quixtar (formerly Amway). These organizations often use alternate names to avoid the stigma associated with the Amway and Quixtar names. Less than 1% of those who get involved in Quixtar make any money, and most of those that do make less than minimum wage. "5% thinkers" as Mary Ann puts it start their own businesses for real (not as an independent contractor for an MLM company).


Newton Falls,
In pursuit of the almighty dollar

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, July 18, 2007

My wife and I were approached by a coworker of hers about starting "the Business". We decided to walk away, but before making any decisions of your own, I will recomend some reading for you and anyone interesed in the true lies about "The Team" or "Quixtar" formerly, Amway. I personally viewed the dateline NBC one year investigation on these businesses, but if you haven't here is the link to the MSNBC where you can read about it. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4375477/

Mary Ann

West Bend,,
95% Thinking

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, June 18, 2007

Your thinking is in the 95%, left side of the quadrant, controlling 5% of the wealth of this country. This business is not for everyone, and with your attitude you will put in your 45 years of working and slaving, only to retire to have to continue to work and slave to make ends meet. I just witnessed a 29 year old IBO upline, Dan, retire from his job as an auto mechanic at the AGE OF 29 on June 8, 2007. And he is not the exception! It happens all the time in this business. I only wish this business had been around earlier so I could have enjoyed both the time and money aspect that would have given me the choices in life to stay home with my children, as Dan and his wife, are now doing. Choices to make a difference in my family's lives, choices to decide when and where I'll get up each morning, choices of not rising to the alarm clock, choices of donating more and more to my church and favorite charities, choices of helping friends in need, choices of giving to friends/families just because I can. My kids are grown, but also involved in this business. And I thank the Lord that they will be able to have these choices with their children. It's not a dream. It's not a fantasy. It's reality. And it is not about the wealth. It is about growing and learning and leading and continually progressing to be a better person. You could do it if you take that bridge to the right side of the quadrant and open your mind. I challenge you. It's easy to be a naysayer. It's hard work to be successful. Which path are you taking in your life?

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