  • Report:  #282171

Complaint Review: The Ticket Clinic - Ft Lauderdale Florida

Reported By:
- Columbus, Ohio,

The Ticket Clinic
Ft Lauderdale, 33316 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I'm going to bore everyone with all of the details and quotes so I won't be accused of taking anything out of context or acting misleading in any way.

I got a speeding ticket which was close to making me over the points limit, causing me a possible driving suspension, so I called the Ticket Clinic. They told me there were no guarantees but they were the specialists and almost always produced good results, so I accepted their word in good faith, paid them the $250 fee by CC and emailed them my ticket.

I was dealing with someone named Angie, who was the assigned company representative that would handle my case. Soon after we handled all of the processing I sent her another email specifically asking,

"When will I hear from someone to be sure that it's being taken care of?" The next day the reply was "Your case is being handled by the attorney if you need to speak to someone you can contact my office and speak with Ted Hollander, Esq. or myself. Thank you, Angie" I replied again to her "I just need to know if I will be kept informed, so I would at least know if nothing has taken place. I am trusting that you have it under control, but how will I know if you for some reason would not?"

After that there was no correspondence for about two weeks, when I sent an email two days AFTER my scheduled court date, asking "I believe you told me my court date was on the 14th. Do you know the outcome?" The response I got from Angie was "Michael, your court date has been reset I do not have the next court date as of yet. I will let you know when I receive it.Thank you, Angie" Then a couple of days later I got a call from Angie telling me that the outcome was bad, the courts would not reduce the speed to a no points violation because my driving record was bad.

My reply was "WOW, I knew that before I hired you and I could have gotten that answer myself for free. Why did you think I was hiring you. I would have been happy to just pay the ticket and move on if there weren't additional circumstances of potential point penalties I was attempting to avoid. What happened to you guys being the specialists?" Angie replied "We told you there were no guarantees, and it's not our fault that your driving record is so bad."

I demanded the name of the attorney who was supposedly representing me, and I also demanded my money back. Only after Angie talked to her boss did she call me with the name and phone # of the attorney that was hired by them. Then her boss Ted Hollander, also one of the principles of the company called me.

He disagreed with me that proper services hadn't been provided by his company. Finally after a long heated discussion, he agreed to give me my money back, but that we would part ways and he had no further obligation to me or my situation.

I called the attorney directly to get the whole story, but then all he did was ask me if I had any justifiable defense to take it to trial, which was obiously a no. If not, don't be upset with him, he was only the middle man. Thank you, good bye.

Once I realized I was on my own, I got on the internet to access my court file because I needed to find out when the "rescheduled court date" was, but totally unaware of what I was about to find out.

There was now a warrant out for my arrest for failure to appear. The next day I hustled my a*s straight to that courthouse (which also happened to be about 100 miles from where I live), to get everything straightened out. The prosecutor told me that he only received a call from an attorney asking for a "phone conference pretrial, and was told no. So I was obviously very pissed off now.

After I told the prosecutor the story, he agreed that if I was willing to plead guilty to the speed, pay the warrant filing costs and court costs, he wouldn't cause me any additional problems and would recall the warrant. I quickly agreed and paid about $250 directly to the courts.

I called Ted Hollander for two days and finally got a returned phone call. When I told him that the attorney hired by his company never even went to court, he told me that he wasn't sure why that was, but since he gave me my money back and since I got the warrant resolved and the ticket paid, what was the big deal. He made several excuses for the attorney and wouldn't acknowledge that anyone did anything wrong. Telling me that maybe "once he realized he couldn't do anything for you, he must have figured that you would handle it yourself." "I've used this guy before and never had any problems with him."

If I was going to handle it myself? When was he going to tell me? Before or after I got arrested on the failure to appear warrant. Oh ya, maybe he could have told me the day I called him to get the whole story, which was also four days AFTER my court date that he had supposedly gone to. Hollanders final words right before I hung up on him, "I don't know what else you would expect me to do."

I also found out more yesterday about this attorney. His office is in Toledo, about 230 miles from where I got my ticket. They are definitely the specialists! What a scam. I hope this news travels.


Columbus, Ohio


8 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Please !!!! Ted be honest

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, November 24, 2011

You guys hire people we no even office exp. , I worked x 6 month as " Legal Asst." I learned my script, I saw the dispo letters .. 90% dismissed in your dreams, regular tickets 99.5 end up with fines, school etc. Besides that we have to put up with the nasty emails from Sherry Rich saying that anyday, anytime we can lose our job if we miss a call or what ever she decides.... I never worked for a company that will email those type of threats every single day about losing job with no warnings, if u want to reply to this , I will be more than happy to post pics of those daily emails from her. Dating the main guy doesn't give someone the right to treat people this way , further more Pay up what you owe to ex employees ---- you know. People need jobs but you just can not steal from them. I was amazing with the phones, al Almost 250 sales a month and what I got? Screw in almost $500 of my last pay check. And I'm not the only one, many people left over that. Start putting managers in charge because of their knowledge not because who they know or ......


they are awesome

#3General Comment

Tue, October 20, 2009

I have to say my son and husband both used them with excellent results!
I cant say enought good things about them.

Stephanie O

Not Every Employee is the same

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, March 12, 2009

I worked at the tampa office and I know for a fact that it was part of our speach to inform each and every client the possible outcomes. I and the other 2 girls I worked with informed everyone if there were or weren't any guarantees. I also informed them that there may be a chance that they would receive points, may have to attend driving school, or they may even pay a fine. In addition, I informed them on cases where you were speeding 30 over you may be imposed a fine of up to $500. I've heard that from busier offices they may not be as detailed but I know for a fact that when someone calls in they are informed of the guarantees. Some people just dont want to listen. Also every client signs a retainer. Everything expressed over the phone or in person is on there is also explained in there for every county. Before we take any clients in you have to sign that. There are those that dont read what they sign so that is why the Tampa office takes that extra effort to explain to the client over the phone. Also if we email a client it is in our email that was set up. The most pertinant parts in the email are always bolded. I for one would set them up in red so that people would read. So for everyone who says they were screwed. I can guarantee it that all this was explained in the beginning maybe not in detail but Im sure if you had questions or concerns we would of explained it to you. The ticket clinic is not bad. It's for your conveinence. You dont have to sit for hours in court. You dont have to go to court at all and that could be 2, 3 or more times. They have gotten plenty of cases dismissed and also no points. It was rare that you get points and have to take school too. For those that say you could of just gone to school and not taken the points. Let me explain something on that. When you self elect some insurance companies take that as an admission of guilt. Also you can only take it a certain amount of times in your life time. When it's court ordered it can be as many times as the judge asks and if won't count against your self elections. You always have the option of self electing but I suggest that you contact your insurance carrier. I dont know about the other offices all I can tell you is hear-say but I can account only for the Tampa office that we inform all clients of anything possible that could happen. So for the ex-employee before me that said they dont care you may feel that way but we did care especially us at the tampa office. We went above and beyond to help those with toll violations that were facing suspensions and those who hire us when their ticket was due the next day.


Try to Satisfy every customer? What bs...I will give you the truth from an ex employee perspective

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, March 11, 2009

I can say that most of us who worked here do explain there are no guarantees. I can vouch that some offices not all will explain that there may be court costs involved but so for those who are shocked when they get points, school, and a fine being that have a 3 page driving record I have nothing more to say than that the ticket clinic are not miracle workers it was bound to happen but then there are those who have ok or good driving records that get screwed by their mistakes. I have seen cases where the attorney has to be at the same place at the same time and if they can not get a continuance or covering attorney from another firm that they subcontract they will call the judicial assistants and have make a deal where they will tell them to pay the ticket no point and tag on a subpoena fee. In other instances there were cases I seen that something was filed incorrectly or not filed on time and warrants end up being created and many times the client won't know and it has to be fixed. Many times these clients will have warrants and we would pray that they wouldnt get pulled over again because if they would have they would go straight to jail. These attorneys dont really do anything for citations where i can say they do work are dui's and criminal cases. For tickets all they do is go in there and do case after case and if the cop shows up they plead no contest which you can do yourself and get you the no points maybe no school and you still have to pay the fine. So if you have time to go to court yourself I suggest doing so because you are just waisting your money. The ticket clinic only cares about it's attorneys they dont give a crap about thier clients or employees.


West Palm Bch,
The Ticket Clinic, We try our best to satisfy each and every client.

#6UPDATE Employee

Fri, November 23, 2007

I am an employee of The Ticket Clinic for 2 years who assisted the attorney assigned to Michael's case as well as Ted Hollander, Esq and we tried everything we could to get his ticket reduced but with having a driving record like he did the courts did not want to reduce the ticket. When Mike decided to hire us I explained to him that there are no guarentees for his case and he was well aware of the possible outcomes. Mike was given a full refund for his case and not charged for any work after he decided he did not want to continue with us. We also gave him the option to set for a trial but he disagreed. I kept in full contact with Mike via phone and email regarding his case and his options the whole time he was our client. There was nothing more we could possibly do to satisfy him our hands were tied by the courts decision based on his driving history. There never should have been a warrent issued by the court due to the fact that an attorney was assigned to him, it may have been an error in the court or by someone else, for what ever reason I do apologize for any inconveinience it may have caused but was not our fault. It is a fact that some counties and some states as well as judges are more strict than others.

Ted Hollander

West Palm Beach,
In business 20 years, over 500,000 tickets, over 80 % of our clients are repeat or referred by other clients. Over 90% success rate, cases dismissed,

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, November 21, 2007

In business 20 years, over 500,000 tickets, over 80 % of our clients are repeat or referred by other clients. Over 90% success rate, cases dismissed, not guilty or no points. Some people can't be satisfied no matter what. , Mike called the office and said that his record is atrocious, and if he gets one more conviction he will lose his license. In fact, he had another ticket the same month. Mike admits that the lawyer told him based on his record, There are no guarantees The attorney did in fact attempt to get him no points, but due to his record and the excessive speed, was unable to do so, Mike was immediately contacted by our office and so advised. After all the work performed, pleadings filed, phone conversations with prosecutor, and scheduling court dates, when it was learned that we couldn't get him the results he wanted, he was given a full refund, and not charged for any work. He then told our office that he would hire a different attorney that could get him no points, and that we should do nothing further. After he was unable to get any lawyer to get him no points, he went to court himself and plead guilty. This attorney bent over backwards to satisfy this client, Mike even admits he asked, What else can I do for you He was honestly told originally no guarantees He was always communicated with, always took his phone calls. He was refunded all his money even though significant work was done. We want 100% client satisfaction. Mike, what else can do?


Fair Lawn, NJ 07410,
New Jersey,
Ticket Clinic Reputation

#8Consumer Suggestion

Wed, November 21, 2007

I'm am an attorney in New Jersey and I work closely with the Ticket Clinic on a regular basis. Their attorneys and staff have been consistently professional and courteous. Any time that clients have had issues or problems, the staff at the Ticket Clinic have been quick to assist and solve the problem. My office has never had any problem with the Ticket Clinic and I've worked with their staff and attorneys for well over a year. Angie in particular has always gone out of her way to assist my office or obtain information from clients when needed. There are times when the courts and their employees make errors. That is a fact of life in New Jersey and everywhere else. So, for those reading the initial complaint about the Ticket Clinic, please be aware that I have worked with dozens of clients referred to my office through the Ticket Clinic and we do our best to provide courteous and professional service.



#9Consumer Comment

Wed, November 21, 2007

I have used The Ticket Clinic for years. Case dismissed every time. I cannot say enough good things about them.

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