  • Report:  #1194251

Complaint Review: TIME WARNER BUSINESS CLASS - Nationwide

Reported By:
pete20 - MISSION HILLS, California,

Nationwide, USA
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I will try to keep my long story as short as possible. I previously posted about my other recent experience on TW facebook and twitter as well. Nothing came of it from TW but a bunch of sorries. About 4 or 5 months ago I switched to Time Warner Cable. I wanted to watch the Dodgers and receive the gift card offer that was presented. I signed up and watched the Dodgers. After a few months I remembered the gift card. i called to ask why I had not received it. I was told I was not going to receive it due to late payment, apparently this is specified very clearly inthe promotion, if you read the fine print. I am a business owner and didn't put much thought into the cable payment. I was late. I asked for them to honor the refund, since they told me earlier that I should have received an email about two weeks after signing up regarding the gift card. I have over 10 emails I need to check everyday through vaious companies. Never saw that email.

Long story short, I threatened to cancel if the card wasn;t honored and they ASKED ME TO PLEASE PROVIDE THEM A DATE I WOULD LIKFE TO CANCEL MY SERIVCE. i CHOSE 10/5/14. I set uo new service onthe 8th and had to call TW back to change the date, they offered to end me gift card and set up service and sorry , blah blah, etc. etc.. At this point it was almost a comast moment, they sent me to retention and tried to talk me into it, i swear the guy wouldnt stop until I asked if this would be another one of those Comcast calls. He immediately gave up and processed my cancellation, I cancelled 2 houses of service and the business lines I had previously signed for the day before. Time Warner had to install a tower in SanFernansdo in order to provide service there. They needed my order to approve construction,I gave this before I ever had even changed over to personal time warner, It was just coincidental timing that they finished the job around the same time I had my problems with the personal side, Tommy Rollins was the only good rep I spoke to in all of this, and he is the one I cancelled the service with back them. They lost over 400 a month over a gift card. They tried really hard to keep the business after I explained what happened and the two house and the business., it's to bad employee number ud66 answered that first call and was so rude, Time goes by.

Last month a rep from TW,, she sells for more than just them but thats her milk and honey account, I tell her above story and she tells me she will be my rep, my personal service person, the fixer of any and all problems. After a half hour or so of declining , she convinces me to sign, It's cheaper after all and she offered me the gift card as well. I gave her leads and she signed almost everyone in my building up. everyone was so happy. Fast forward to Monday Dec 1st. the day of the INSTALL. TW van shows up I get ready and go out to say hello. He does not come to my office. He goes upstairs, he is installing one of the other offices that signed up. I go back to my office and wait, Upstairs guy van leaves and my guy shows up. He comes to my office and lets me know he will be setting up. After a while he comes back and tells me he cannot do the install, there is no conduit to my suite. I ask if he can go through another of the offices, he said that they are not permitted to do that sort of thing, I say ok, he apologizes and I go back to work. e the job.

It is now Tue dec 7th, on a very slow day at my office as the phones have not rung all morning. I receive an email from a client asking why my phones are disconnected. I check and they are. I go into panic mode. The sales person who was supposed to help, told me she would take care of everything. After not replying to my emails and texts, I called her again, she had a manager on the line Jim. Who said he would take care of it. Wed comes and no phones, no fax. I call, email and text again, no response. I begin calling current carrier to try to get my lines back. They tell me to call TW. I call TW, they tell me IN ORDER FOR ME TO FIX THE PROBLEM THEY MADE, i HAD TO CONTACT CURRENT COMPANY. Back and forth I go, not working on my business, but spending literally all day on the cell phone to where my phone constantly is dying. I continue going back and forth . My current company confirms that TW requested porting of the phones on Dec. 1st and they cancelled me after that and lost access to my phones. I found that out today Friday after being on the phones all day. I call TW back and beg someone to tell me where my lines are at so I can call that company and activate them. I was transferred from customer service to tech, back to customer service , back to tech where someone finally looked up the phone numbers. He was rude and talked back a lot, but at least I found out where the numbers are. I am currently on the phone trying to recover my phone lines. I have lost a weeks worth of business at work in what is my busiest time of the year. The earliest I am hearing I might get my phones back is the 11th. I will have to pay the payoff fee with current company, because TW was supposed to pay the early cancellation and now I am left with the bill. If I cannot get my lines back, I will have lost business, countless faxes I should be receiving and will need to redo my signs, my front office window, business cards, website, all the online listings, call back every one of my current customers with updated contact information( because if the call my office they are getting a message telling them my lines have been disconnected), new flyers, countless things to do but the time and energy that goes into it, Needless to say I need to this as soon as possible because i am losing prospects and clients on a daily basis at this point.

THis story has no happy ending. Not only did they not save me money, I am now going to have to pout money out of picket to fix this, not hundreds, but thousands of dollars due to their mistake, not counting the lost business and over 40 companies that I now have to contact and update my information with as well... Imagine being a salesman who's phone line tells ever caller it is disconnected, That is what I am currently dealing with, Last night, The manager Jim called to tell me TW cannot do anything and that they messed up. They should have verified a line existed before porting the numbers over. I became upset at this news yesterday and told him so, He has not returned my calls since, He admitted their error to me and then told me sorry there;s nothing he can do. I sent a message to the super rep who signed me up . She ignored all of them. After a few calls she answers and last time we spoke, She said hold on, no way, I will fix this, give me a few minutes I will call you right back. That was about 4 hours ago. THis is my story. Hope you enjoyed reading about Me The Fool, Twice. By the way, I've spent over 15 hours on the phone dealing with these issues My minutes on the cell phone will probably go over as well. This was as short as I could make it. update: time warner just called and said they will do nothhing about this. I need to hire a lawyer. 

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