  • Report:  #918963

Complaint Review: Timeless Treasures - Stroudsburg Pennsylvania

Reported By:
Donna - Wading River Ny, New York, United States of America

Timeless Treasures
1845 West Main Street Stroudsburg, 18360 Pennsylvania, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

Stroudsburg, Monroe County - People in the Poconos say an antique shop owner is a con artist who rips people off. Many, including her own mother, are speaking up to stop what they call "criminal behavior."

Christopher Vicari and Manny Comitini said they brought about $30,000 worth of merchandise to Timeless Treasures to sell. But they believe as items sold owner Donna Delvecchio pocketed the profits and hasn't given them their full share of the money. Vicari said, "We repeatedly asked her for money, inventory. We've never received anything."

They met her in court Wednesday to try to demand answers. But moments before the scheduled hearing, Delvecchio provided a list of items she sold. It brought her some time. A judge gave both parties thirty days to try to take inventory and figure out exactly how much Delvecchio owes the couple. Vicari said, "[I'm] not surprised. Just another stall tactic. The truth shall prevail."

A crowd came to court to support Vicari and Comitini. Shirley Peterson said she used to be friends with Delvecchio. She said,"I would have trusted this woman with an unsigned multi million dollar lottery check. It's probably a good thing I never got one." Peterson now claims Delvecchio used her friendship to scam her out of a $7,000 IRS check. She frowned,"I'm just devastated."

Delvecchio's mother said Delvecchio can't be trusted. Carol Schaefer cried,"It's her nature. I hate to say this about my own child." She added,"She took out credit card fraud. She filed bankruptcy in my name."

Schaefer said it was heart wrenching to come forward but she thinks by speaking she could prevent someone else from getting scammed.

Eyewitness News tried to get Donna's side of the story. Friends and family surrounded her as she left the courthouse. They mugged for the camera and made smart remarks as a reporter asked questions.

Just before Delvecchio rushed into her vehicle she said,"Simple answer is it will all come out in court and if you need to find what - to back up anything my mother said, check on the 96-thousand-dollar law suit that is against her."

The courthosue was just about to close when Delvecchio made that comment. Eyewitness News will look into it on Thursday.
Records show Delvecchio plead guilty to theft by deception in New Jersey in 2009.

Here is a link to the original story on the Timeless Treasures situation.

Stroudsburg, Monroe County - Two men from Stroudsburg say Timeless Treasures Antiques owes them thousands of dollars in cash and merchandise. The owner disputes their claims.

"This is all making me really, really sick because this is thirty years worth of furniture that we worked very hard for," said Christopher Vicari of Stroudsburg. He and Manny Comitini say Timeless Treasures sold their antiques but hasn't paid them in full for their share of the profits.

The pair says store owner Donna Delvecchio agreed to sell about $30,000 worth of merchandise for them and also agreed to keep track of what she sold then pay them once a month. Comitini said,"The very first month was a bounced check from her."
The couple claims Delvecchio made sporadic small payments but never paid them in full. She told them their items weren't selling. So they decided to take their items out of her store and try to sell them elsewhere. But when they arrived they say they discovered many of their antiques were gone. Vicari recalled, "We asked her where is the stuff? She said, 'I sold it.'"
According to Vicari she sold it and never paid them for items. They hired an attorney to get their money and their remaining antiques back. Comitini said,"It's frustrating. We trusted her."

It appears many people are frustrated with Delvecchio's financial problems. In 2011 an auction company accused her of writing a bad check for about $600. She paid the company just before her scheduled court date. This January a gift whop accused her of writing a bad check for more than $100. She plead guilty.

In March another gift shop said she wrote a bad check for more than $600. She was supposed to face her accuser in court Wednesday but failed to show up. She said she was in the hospital. Vicari said,"I believe this is another one of her scams. She is a con artist and this is another one of her scams."

Eyewitness News was supposed to meet Donna Delvecchio for an interview Thursday morning. She claimed she has documents to prove her innocence. She cancelled the meeting at the last minute citing health issues. She has not yet provided any documents.

14 Updates & Rebuttals

Proud relative of Donna

United States of America
Justine riches stop harrassing these people

#2Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 07, 2013

This is not the place to post personal information. Legal action will now be taken. You have been reported and legal action will be taken

Report Attachments


United States of America
Concerned and Confused about Donna DelVecchio, Patrick Finn, Bryan Bockhorn, Janet Gallo and Jack Burke

#3General Comment

Wed, March 06, 2013

As someone else who has had a bad experience with Timeless Treasures, I am concerned and confused as to how to proceed.  Therefore I chose this venue.  My experience with Donna DelVecchio is that she preys on those who are down on thier luck, becomes their friend and then sucker punches them.  This may not be true of everyone, but certainly I have seen this happen first hand.  Then there is Donna's husband Patrick Finn. 

Hmmm, why did Donna not take his legal name.  Could it be that Patrick Finn would have to much to lose.  He seems to act like Donna's puppet. Between the 2 of them they have been married how many times? 6,7,8? Maybe they lost count too.  But at least they found each other.  What a surprise.  Then there is her son Bryan Bockhorn.  He stands beside his mother but at what cost. 

I would suggest that Bryan watch his back because she plays him like a fiddle as well and will take him down with her. Such a price to pay for a mother who is obviously a criminal.  Maybe you should ask yourself why you owed your landlord rent money in State College. If you paid your rent you may not have been taken to court. Bryan should get out before its too late.  Then there is Janet Gallo, her huffing sidekick.  Janet has to live with Donna because she is homeless. 

Not even her children would take her in.  Janet obviously is controlled by Donna as well. Does Donna pay you Janet, because if she did you could obviously afford a place of your own. And no, you do not look good for the camera.   Last but certainly not least is her business partner Jack Burke.  Or does she pay rent and is truly his tenant.  I don't know.  I guess the next step is to do as everyone else has done and take her to court.


United States of America

#4General Comment

Sat, February 02, 2013

Yes this woman is guilty of many things.  Criminal and Civil.  You cannot talk to this woman as an adult because she changes the subject and does not address the problem at hand. That is very apparent. As far as helping others, she will only help if she thinks she can make a profit from you.  In her case steal from you.  Look at all the Criminal and Civil complaints against her.  None of which proved in her favor.  That should tell you something.  And her employees, that one in the picture must be the blonde floozie.  Ouch thats pretty scary.  I wouldn't want her following me around. Keep on huffing.  Real nice!!!!! Yes, everyone should call the Chamber of Commerce and report this woman. I certainly will.  Her business should be shut down.   Nobody and I mean nobody should get away with the things this woman does.  How thoughtless, heartless and cruel to steal from innocent people.  Say what you want about others Donna, but you are the one that is bad.  Get that straight. Face the judge when he orders you in court and stop making excuses.  Maybe you thought you would protect your husband by not taking his name but the courts will get you and your store and if you have family involved in the store it will affect them as well.  Your family may stand behind you and not be embarrassed by you but you are an embarrasment to the community and your fellow business partners who you have the distinct reputation of bouncing checks to.  And not just little ones but hundreds of dollars worth of checks. Your world is crumbling around you and its all your fault.  Maybe your health problems would cease if you were a nice person.  As it has been said.  Look in the mirror or are you afraid.  You should be.

Connie and Frank

United States of America
Theft By Deception- Guilty Again!

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, February 01, 2013

Donna conveniently gets sick on the court dates.  Its a darn good thing the Judges arent as ignorant as her family members and employees.  I hope her employees Janet Gallo (hard at work in the picture huffing air cans at Timeless Treasures) and son Bryan Bockhorn have been filing tax returns since working at Timeless Treasures.  The IRS should certainly show an interest in this.   It will be interesting once the DA gets involved. Civil cases will turn into criminal cases if the honorable Judges keep finding her GUILTY! Put her in jail where all criminals belong!  Timeless Treasures should be SHUT DOWN! The Stroudsburg Community needs to know about all these court cases and how she was found GUILTY! According to court records there are even MORE cases on the dockets. If she doesnt come up with the money she owes her victims they should look into putting a lien on her legal husbands' home and assets (Patrick Finn). And if she is married why isnt she using her legal marriage name?  Call the Stroud Chamber of Commerce and file a complaint against Donna and Timless Treasures!

Report Attachments


United States of America
Address the problem at hand

#6General Comment

Fri, February 01, 2013

It seems to me as if this woman doesn't get it.  This is all about ripping off her customers.  Why does she keep doing that?.  As the other person said.  The law will catch up to her.  She should not be blaming other people for her misdeeds. Or making excuses or changing the subject at hand.  I have checked out the Magistrate dockets and her accusers are right.  How about the news story on WBRE. Did they get it wrong too?  I sincerely doubt it.  Or maybe she should show up for court and stop using doctors appointments as an excuse. 

They can be rescheculed.  I am sure that those who have shown up for court had to rearrange their schedule or take time off of work.  This woman just doesn't realize what a lowlife she is.  If she thinks she isn't than maybe she should prove it.  From what I see here and what I saw at her store, it would be a cold day in hell before she came out of this smelling like a rose.  Maybe she should provide the courts with documents that prove her innocence.  But obviously she cannot.  Because the courts keep finding her guilty.


United States of America
Selfish consumers and consignees

#7UPDATE Employee

Wed, January 30, 2013

If these few people out of the many customers and acquaintances have had this much too say they could have all resolved it like adults and understand that are times are tough and at some point during their relationship with Timeless Treasures they were treated with respect and dedication. 
These people had a choice to consign.....they had ample time to make the right call for themselves, yet they allowed there emotions to guide them into the situation because they were given everything they needed at the time, such as needing furniture removed to to rearrange the house because an injury wouldn't allow them to go up the stairs anymore, there car broke down and were given assistance by chance then assisted to take care of an estate and house repair, or they had no place to live and were given every chance to succeed and failed on there own to make it better, or as apparent in the youtube video smoke while on an oxygen tank, or conduct illegal business and be overall dishonest people themselves.  A bad visit to a store happens, as it does at every store...but these few misguided people have neglected the personal attention they all received at there time of need...all of which was given with no ill intentions but only a desire to help. 
Some things about the situation may be true, but the desire for more then what was owed to the consignors has made timeless treasures need to defend false claims...which takes time and hard work for a small family business.  Nobody in Donnas family is ashamed or embarrassed, they understand what people are truly like and will be defending her every step of the way.

Proud relative of Donna

United States of America

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, January 30, 2013

Justine riches, the court was notified well in advance Donna was not appearing today. She was undergoing heart testing and i took her. I know for a fact not one member of the family is ashamed. Families stick together and i suggest you concentrate on helping your daughter who just got out of prison and try and keep her off drugs. We will pray for her and we have always been there for your family like when we offered free babysitting while you were working or by staying afterhours and doing legal "emergency" notarizing for your mom. Whos is 72 and in a wheelchair. Please cease inbolving anyone else in this matter. I already have an issue with your employee defaulting on a loan i extended to her.


United States of America
Obviously a Coward

#9General Comment

Tue, January 29, 2013

So I read all these reports and realize I am not the only one who thinks this woman is a fraud.  Not only is she a coward and does not show up for her court hearing today, she also doesnt think twice about ripping off a 72 year old woman in a wheelchair who trusted her with selling her items.  How can you sleep at night Donna DelVecchio.  You are truly a disgrace to not only yourself but your family as well. I guess she was to afraid to show her face at court since she has obviously been in front of this judge more than once.  I guess the court system is getting tired of her antics.  It won't be long til the tables turn and she gets the justice that she deserves.  Just ANOTHER judgement against her.  The list keeps getting longer and longer.

Lynda Rhubright

East Stroudsburg,
United States of America
Loud, Obnoxious and Rude

#10General Comment

Sat, December 29, 2012

I have had the DISpleasure of stopping in this store as I love to go antique shopping.  When I entered the store there appeared to be noone there.  As I started to walk around I was approached by the most obnoxious blonde floozie I have ever had the chance to lay my eyes on.  She stalked me around the store like I was going to steal something.  I was very interested in this vintage table lamp and wanted some history on it, but she knew nothing about it. I asked if the owner was in, but she said she was not.  As I was walking around the store I noticed her sitting in her office with her feet up eating her lunch.  I am almost glad she did not come out because she was pretty scary looking.  My overall experience with this store was very disappointing.  Not only were they rude and unaccomodating.  They obviously know nothing about customer service or Antiques.  Perhaps she and the blonde lady should try another profession that includes sitting on their dumb fat butts. DO NOT even bother with this store.  Check out the Mag Dockets and you will see that the other writers know something about her.  It is all a matter of public record.  Just check it out. That will put some verification to the news media who call her a scam artist.  She obviously is.


United States of America

#11General Comment

Wed, December 19, 2012

AS she said. The truth shall prevail..  Why doesn't Donna Delvecchio take a look in the mirror.  Or is she afraid of what she might see.  I liar, thief and all around dumb person. 

Timeless Treasures

United States of America
Chris and Manny should do something with their life

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, December 19, 2012

Wow!  If that is what was interpreted through the court case maybe Chris and Manny should spend more time doing something to better their intelligence.  As with many consignors they believe that everything they have is worth a small fortune. 

Believe it or not it is the ones with money that expect so much for their items.  Such as when Chris and Manny consigned some items, one of them was a very large serving spoon and they insisted I put it in a showcase for $295.00, as a dear friend gave it them and it was solid silver.  Needless to say after a year I asked them to remove their items as they were overpriced, their contract ran out and they would not allow me to lower the prices.  When I took the spoon to be tested as one of my customers wanted proof it was silver, we found out it was worth 50.00 and was plated not solid.

Or another item Chris consigned was a mirror and he demanded it was very expensive and he priced it at 325.00, boy was I shocked when I saw the TJ Max price tag still on the back for 129.00.

If you look at the court papers you will see I had tried to pay the consignor, but two items which were discounted as per our agreement they would not accept, and unless you sign off on the sale I will hold up your payment.  That is what happened in this case and when I testified The consignor lowered the price on the one item and the Judge lowered the price on the other item.

So when all of this is looked at I did not loose or found guilty but let it go to court to be straightened out.  All the consignors items that were not sold were returned to him.  Oh and by the way the consignor forgot a few items on his spreadsheet but that was ok, as I let the Judge know what they were along with a 239.00 credit they gave me by mistake.

I honestly believe the two men who started this post should look in the mirror as I did not run from my bills like Christopher Vicari did and claim bankruptcy and leave all debtors to hang out to dry.

Or maybe the second post in which the couple who had their items on consignment should have claimed their income as they were both collecting unemployment and food stamps without claiming the monies made from their booth or their weekend flea market money which is all by law supposed to be claimed.

Thank you for allowing me to post the truth.  And the newspaper and tv news should have sat through court and not went by the word of Vocari.

Donna B Doris

Wading River Ny,
New York,
United States of America
The Truth Prevails. Delvecchio found GUILTY!

#13Author of original report

Tue, December 18, 2012

On 12/17/12 the Hon. C. Daniel Higgins found Donna Delvecchio GUILTY in the case of Malik-vs-Delvecchio.  Delvecchio was found guilty of not returning items to Owners/Consignees and guilty of not paying money owed to Consigness for items sold by her at her store,Timeless Treasures, Stroudsburg, PA.  According to WBRE News Delvecchio is due back in court this week for another case with similar charges.  Here is the link to the WBRE News segment




United States of America
She is a Liar and a Cheat

#14Consumer Comment

Sat, December 01, 2012

If you need any proof that she is a cheat, look at all the crimimal complaints against her.  Numerous counts of writing bad checks.

I can't even count the amount of civil complaints she has against her.

Not to mention notarizing fraudulent documents.  Maybe someone should look into that.

Timeless Treasures

United States of America

#15REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, August 03, 2012

        The truth shall prevail, we will respond and give you proof and our side of the story after our court date.

        In the meantime, we ask that you keep an open mind and not listen to the lies that are being spoken.

Thank you

Donna DelVecchio

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