  • Report:  #909615

Complaint Review: TMobile - Internet

Reported By:
briankent37 - Redlands, California, United States of America

Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have been with T-Mobile now for just over one year. My first complaint is that within a few months of signing up for their "unlimited" talk, text, and data plan for $79.99 a month, they dropped it to $59.99 a month. When I called and said I would like to switch to the new, lower-priced plan they refused, saying that there was nothing they could do about it. When I suggested that I might just cancel my service and then re-initiate services a couple weeks later to get the lower rate, they said I would be charged an early termination fee of at least $200.00. Also, their "unlimited" plan is not what it says. If you use too much data in too short of a period of time, they reduce your bandwidth until the following billing cycle, so you still have internet access, just a lot slower than before. It's kinda like an all-you-can-eat buffet saying "you can eat as much as you want, but if we feel like you're eating too much, we're only going to give you access to saltine crackers and peanut butter, but you can still eat as much of that as you want." So three weeks ago my HTC G2 phone started repeatedly crashing and having all kinds of issues. I go to the closest TMobile store and the sales girl says "It's probably the battery. Just call HTC and they'll send you out a new one for free." So I call HTC. They say "we don't send out new batteries free of charge. We have no idea why the sales girl told you that." I go back to the store. The same sales girl says "Well, we can exchange your phone for a HTC MyTouch 4G which is a better phone anyways." I really loved my G2 and didn't want to part with it but she convinces me it's the right move. Fast forward to 3 weeks later (today at 1pm in the afternoon) and my new MyTouch phone crashes and refuses to reboot. I work in the field and rely heavily on my Google calendar and GPS app to tell me where I need to be and how to get to where I need to be so I can meet with clients. My phone won't turn on so I don't know where I need to be or when, and even if I did know, I wouldn't know how to get there because I don't have GPS. I also can't call to cancel or reschedule with my clients. I also can't figure out where the nearest TMobile store is because again, I don't have a working phone. Beyond frustrating. I drive back to my home city and go straight to the TMobile store. The sales associate tells me that the sales girl from 3 weeks ago (she was at a different TMobile store about an hour away) was wrong to convince me to exchange my phone and didn't advise me well. Then the sales associate tells me my only choice is to exchange my non-working phone for the exact same model. I say "I don't want this model again. It's a piece of junk." I get "sorry sir, that's all we are authorized to do." I say "I want to talk to customer care." He puts me on the store phone and walks away.  Never saw him again. The customer care (an oxymoron if ever there was one) center associate informs me that the best he can do is to exchange my non-working phone for the exact same model. I tell him "I don't want this model. It's junk. Just give me something comparable to my old phone." He tells me that the MyTouch is the comparable model and it is the only model he can offer me. I ask to speak with a manager. Manager gets on the phone and repeats the same spiel to me only in a friendlier tone. Wow. Thanks. That really solves my problem. The manager reiterates that I can only exchange my non-working MyTouch for another MyTouch and that I am not eligible for an upgrade or any offers, despite the fact that this is the 2nd time in 3 weeks that I have had to waste my time trying to get them to back up their products and their claims to fantastic service. Long story longer, they are shipping out another MyTouch to my home (they flat out refused to give me any other options) and told me that if this new phone crashes on me, I can call in and report it and they might be able to give me additional options next time. TMobile is a rip-off and does not have a clue as to what customer service is. Apparently it's all about the almighty dollar for them and their customers are just expendable clones. They made zero effort to resolve my problem in a way that would have been fair and appropriate given my circumstances.

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